Thanx for the reaction my brother ur reaction are real nd awesome that's what I love nd yes kr$na is so dope with his pen game nd flow references Wordplay next react on khauf hai by kr$na this is reame ad track but kr$na doing his thing killing the ad track with his pen lots of love from India my homie I appreciate you 🙏❤️
Bro Indians are going brazy in this hip hop sh!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
$ sign🐐💯🔥
👑💲 KRSNA💲👑
Kr dollar sign 🔥🇮🇳🛐
When kr$na writes The paper is on fire 🔥🗿
Facts!!😁 nice analogy
Keep reacting on krsna tracks
Love from India ❤
Just for your genuine Reaction, bro I have no choice but to sub to your channel 🔥
Krsna 🔥❤️❤️🔥❤️
Lyrical king 👑 #awaam
Reaction on
No cap and overdrive
Kr$na ❤❤❤
Kr$na has destroyed many rappers 💯💥
Thanx for the reaction my brother ur reaction are real nd awesome that's what I love nd yes kr$na is so dope with his pen game nd flow references Wordplay next react on khauf hai by kr$na this is reame ad track but kr$na doing his thing killing the ad track with his pen lots of love from India my homie I appreciate you 🙏❤️
He’s next level!
React on i guess by kr$na!
React to Freeverse feast by Krsna.
Emiway vs krisna react please.... BTW love your reaction ❤ lots of love from india ❤️🇮🇳
Bro you should react to Brodha V. He is on different level in English.
React krsna - maakasam
react to drip by hrjxt
Oou my got😂