MashaAllah Alhamdulilah So Sweet To Listen To This Amazing Heart Touching Voices Alhamdulilah A Beautifully GREAT GOLD Voices SubhanAllah My Best Reciter The Voices Is A GIFT From Allah Alhamdulilah May Allah Bless Him And His Families Alhamdulilah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah Alhamdulilah
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Brother this recitation is good but you know he recitate very beautifull than this ,is this from fajr recitation
Hush . Every recitation which is sincere is thus beautiful and sufficient. You sound like you are one who takes his deen in a way people take a sport or other entertainment. That is deserving of concern for your self. If you've any sense.
So many translations are just works of blatant carelessness. Who in their sound mind would go ahead and think that writing "message" instead of reminder when Allah says it is We who send down the dhikra. And the amount of brackets they put are nothing but projection of the translators own poor reception of the text he's decided to translate. It's funny and it's sad . Wa inna Allahu yahdi man yasha
" message" is the more apt word in that context. You'd be doing a literal translation of the word if you use " reminder " . The Quran is Allah's literal word to us thus it is his message to us that includes reminders/ warnings/ promise of hell and heaven etc
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له لهُ الملك و لهُ الحمد وهو على كل شيٍ قدير
اللهم صلِ وسلم وبارك على نبينا مُحمد
MashaAllah Alhamdulilah So Sweet To Listen To This Amazing Heart Touching Voices Alhamdulilah A Beautifully GREAT GOLD Voices SubhanAllah My Best Reciter The Voices Is A GIFT From Allah Alhamdulilah May Allah Bless Him And His Families Alhamdulilah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah Alhamdulilah
May Allah bless the sheikh and the people who upload the recitations. Amin
Allahu Akbar
Allahuma batik
Brother can you add arabic subtitle too. Jazakallahu khayran
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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Brother this recitation is good but you know he recitate very beautifull than this ,is this from fajr recitation
Hush . Every recitation which is sincere is thus beautiful and sufficient. You sound like you are one who takes his deen in a way people take a sport or other entertainment. That is deserving of concern for your self. If you've any sense.
So many translations are just works of blatant carelessness. Who in their sound mind would go ahead and think that writing "message" instead of reminder when Allah says it is We who send down the dhikra. And the amount of brackets they put are nothing but projection of the translators own poor reception of the text he's decided to translate. It's funny and it's sad . Wa inna Allahu yahdi man yasha
" message" is the more apt word in that context. You'd be doing a literal translation of the word if you use " reminder " . The Quran is Allah's literal word to us thus it is his message to us that includes reminders/ warnings/ promise of hell and heaven etc