The exhaust/muffler says it all! Authorities are not considering motorcycles are smaller capacity than so many cars yet are still required to meet the same overreaching omission requirements this is a bureaucrats spots bike.
People are hating on R9 for no reason. Everyone hated on mt-09 for its looks but then it started selling so well and instantly became one of the best steets bikes in the market. And tbh R9 looks really good. Maybe not as good as R6 but that's okay. It runs really well as seen from MT09, it has got great torque, great sound as well. Personally im really impressed by Yamaha for actually committing and building this Machine.
I think the R9 is awesome. Power and torque and electronics, suspension and good looking too. If I were younger I'd buy one! I just wish Yamaha would bring the xsrGP to North America. That bike's riding position isn't too extreme, and the styling is also very nice ....
Exactly! So much hate in regards to looks and power for no reason. People act like this is supposed to be a liter bike or something and haven’t even taken a moment to study what it’s bringing to the table.
They nailed the aesthetics in my opinion. Great looking bike. No matter what they did, people would hate on it. It's essentially a 600 w/ torque in the lower RPM. It's a perfect replacement for a 600 on the street!
....on the street, in a street fighter application. If you want to bring up 'the street', then by your logic, supersports have no place there, as you can never get them fast enough. Otherwise, an I4/V4 is a more suitable platform. If you understood how different types of reciprocating internal combustion engines worked, we might not be having this conversation and Yami would have known better. Even the 400cc Ninja and CBR bikes are 4 cylinders.
@@VBMichael_D but by that logic, the 600cc class supersports wouldn't be practical as well. as a matter of fact, every liter bike doesn't have a place in the street based on your logic. Yet people still buy and use them.This dude is just saying that the horspower on the R9 is similar, if not, identical to most of the 600 class, but has a lot more torque which means, it's going to be better at acceleration and stop-go situations. Not looking to argue any further. Just wanted to let you know that everyone can have an opinion. And if that's your opinion, i respect it.
@@yammahaaadude the better acceleration or the faster 0-60mph is a myth. In the end, it all comes down to horsepower. If a 600cc with 119 HP and only 65 NM torque runs a 0-60mph in 3,5 seconds, then a R9 with 119 HP and 94 NM will run the 0-60mph also in 3,5s. The only difference is, that the R9 will accelerate faster in an earlier rpm range while the 600cc will accelerate later but for a longer time and thus will reach the same pace at right around the same time. To put it differently: A R9 will win a 200m race, but if they race for 400m the will both reach the finish line right about the same time.
I'll definitely be taking it out for a test ride. I have no interest in a 200bhp superbike. I think this will be a blast on the Scottish Highland roads.
@@szaesz8190 you're another ret ard thinking the R9 replaces the R1. Poor novice. R9 is a brand new middle class supersport. R1 will come back around 2027 with a V4 respecting emissions regulations
@@szaesz8190 On the track, I guarantee you that a GSXS1000 won't kick it up and down. Grow up and stop making dumb squid post. There's more to riding than in a straight line.
I remember when Ducati launched 916SP with 120hp over 30years ago and that amount of power was enormous. My R1200GS has 126hp and 260kg and is crazy quick!!! So this R9 is more than enough,probably faster than 95% bikes on road especially in hands somebody skillful!
You have grown way more confident presenting overtime, and much more fluent. I have come to enjoy your videos as much as Neeves's :) Well done passing the torch MCN and keeping awesome videos!
Two small things that none of the reviewing channels has mentioned so far. 1. 90 degree valves on the rims at last! 2. It looks like the shifter is made for an easy switch between street and race shift. Thoughts on this?
Hating this thing is just a trend, people are hating just because other people are hating this is exactly what people asked for.. an mt09 drive train in a fully faired bike.. Yamaha listened and absolutely smashed it!! Makes me wanna sell my tracer 900!!
I rode a 2010 R6 on street and track until it was stolen just over a year ago. Loved that bike. This has a slightly more street friendly position, up/down 3rd gen quick shifter, modern lean sensitive electronics, 50% more torque and the best braking system a Yamaha of this class has ever had. I’ll definitely be checking it out as soon as it’s available.
@@KapitanPisoar1 need? Maybe not, but sometimes it’s nice having them in the background for the street. Like IMU ABS. Haven’t had electronics for most of my riding life until my Multi 1200s. Rarely do they kick in with the settings I have, but they did help out a couple of times with wet, sketchy roads or an oddball, downhill off-cambered turn.
A pioneer in the middleweight sport bike segment. Yamaha listened, studied well on customers' demands and as well as foreseeable motorcycle industry requirements of emission. No reason to hate R9.
I’ve owned numerous R1s and other SBKs but, now in my mid 50s, these lower HP sports bikes are winking at me, the last BB R1 I had was became too much for me… I’m a Yamaha guy (currently an FJR, still a great bike) thinking one of these along side it might be the ticket for those for the Sunday morning coffee runs… I like it😎
Looks like it's a convenient place for your lunchbox and sarnies... There's no way you can put a 20 pack of Marlboro Menthols on modern sportsbikes (at least not under the seat), so could be that. Or vape storage.
Love this new R9 and I’m definitely a Yamaha fanboy have owned several but with the news of that new CB1000 hornet I can’t justify this one for road use. But thanks so much Yamaha you gave us all what we wanted
Yamaha is the most diverse japanese bike. When all japanese bikes using inline 4 cylinders flatplane in most of their bikes, Yamaha is using 1cyl, 2 cyl flatplane, 2cyl Crossplane, 3 cylinders Crossplane, 4 cylinders flatplane, and 4 cyl Crossplane in their sports bike.
When I had a 2015 FJ-09, I felt strongly that this engine would be near perfect in a street-oriented sportbike. Now that this bike is (finally) here, it’s MUCH cooler than I imagined. It makes me want a sport bike. And I don’t want a sport bike!
I'm honestly excited for this bike. A triple with the brakes and suspension you really want, at $12k or $13k is a steal. The R7 to me was a soft let down, this looks to fill that gap to an R1 really well. I like the underbody exhaust and look forward to what exhausts are developed for it. Might be the next track bike😮
@lawrencequinn5497 huh, he might have! I missed that. But even still the base cbr I personally have no interest in. The v2 is only 2k over the R9, I'm interested in the motor as well.
The R7 is the natural step between the R3 and this R9. Many people belived that the R7 was going to be the "new R6", hence the let down you say. But, thinking of it now, the R7 is also a fantastic bike at its segment. Im going for the R7 and then, after a few years, will be getting this beauty right here...
Ive seen all the other press releases on the R9 but this by far the best, seeing the bike in the flesh and your flawless presentation really sold it to me, and the icing on the cake, the start up, the only issue i see is the pricing, usa $12500 versus uk £12500 ! £3000 difference , but i'm probably wrong, it will be nice to see all tha available extras, you only mentioned the screen, but i can see an after market belly pan comming to hide the horrible bare metal silencer ,.The dash is brilliant and the aero wings actually look good, i just wish red and white colour was a uk option as it is in the states,. Yamaha have got a brilliant range now,.
Check how much your government is charging you extra for VAT tax which is hidden inside the retail price. I'm amazed how many people from EU and the UK compare prices with things (not just bikes) with the price of things in the US and fail to take into consideration the VAT you guys pay. It's like your gov. is trying to hide it from you guys or something, or you forget about it. It's a massive tax on everything you buy over there.
@@gavinmurrell3415 Nope just an observation from over the past decade. Believe me, I'm in the US and we're taxed like crazy over here too. But we do not have a VAT which is a hidden tax. My comment was in response to this: "the only issue i see is the pricing, usa $12500 versus uk £12500 ! £3000 difference". That's not Yamaha charging more for the bike in those territories, it's mostly extra VAT taxes included in that price in the UK and EU. But it's not Yamaha's fault. It's the government adding VAT into the retail price. But it seems like a lot of people from the EU and UK don't understand that or take that into consideration when discussing prices of bikes over there. It's just a pattern I've noticed over the past several years. It makes me wonder if the UK and EU governments are trying to hide it, or what's going on. So yeah I could argue about politics all day but that's not what I'm doing.
@@GTP786 I dunno man. I feel like a smaller displacement bike is only more fun on a track. This new Yamaha makes like 20 pounds more torque, which is easily used at street speeds.
@@CurtisBrandt then just buy a cruiser so you can at least be comfortable on the street. Today's generation just complains about the ergos of a super sport anyway
@@GTP786 Who is talking about cruisers? One of the biggest problems on the internet is that we often don't know who we are talking with. I have been riding for 45 years, I grew up on sport bikes, and I'm a huge fan of this bike. I happen to ride a super naked which will put the hurt on just about every sport bike at street speeds (but won't keep up on the track, and I know that). This bike is one of the most intriguing sport bikes to come out in a long time, and it makes me want a sport bike again.
How you manage to fill the gap on the engine side. Looked very visible on the official presentation and now I can barely see it😮 . Looks like some accessories/parts are in the field of view. Just wondering
44 teeth mentioned this,the first pics and vids of the R9 didn't have the licence plate holder and other parts that power the front lights etc so the big space everyone complained about isn't actually there on the road bike.👍
Nicely done. Great looking bike with everything you need for the street and possible track days. Trying to get one at cost will be the biggest challenge. That and finding one, here in the states. The MT 09 standard and SP are really hard to find and do not stay on the floor for long. This will have plenty of pre orders starting next year. I think Yamaha hit it out of the park with this one.
Hey I just noticed something, the "hole" above the engine is not there in this vid. Did Yamaha put something there just for this video or is this the production motorcycle and it doesn't have the hole like in the press pics? Very strange.
@@qwertyme8338 It looks like there’s an extra piece of plastic there in this video, the gap is much larger in the pics with some stray wires hanging down. Go look at pics again. 🤷♂️
I’ve been wondering, lately, if any of these guys on the internet so dismissive of every motorcycle not making (at least) 200 hp, have ever ridden a motorcycle or been anywhere near one. I think not.
I have two bikes with over 200hp. Does that mean I can have an opinion? 🤪 Not interested in riding them on the road though and you don’t need anywhere near that for the road (my road bike has about 85hp and it’s plenty of fun).
Came off as a sales pitch… relentlessly positive about everything. The gap above the engine seems to have miraculously disappeared as well. It’s sad that this bike is going to be their top of the range sports bike (can’t call it a Superbike). This is never going to be a poster bike. 🙄
It’s also entirely possible that it’s just an angle thing. Some angles you can see right through the gap, other angles you cant. Unless your crouched next to your bike, you’re looking down at it anyway and wont notice.
Love that these bikes are coming back and i think it looks like a quality unit. I like to think that the engine is unstressed at that power and clearly makes a lovely sound. Great looking, minus those awful wings.
I was ehh on the front at launch but the more I see it the more it’s actually pretty nice. I’ll have to see one and each color in person before I make my decision but I’ve been waiting years for this bike.
This is on my list, i haven’t owned rode a liter bike in over 10 years and think the new ones are too much to start with. This looks perfect to get back in the game and not be bored after 3 months
Apart from the pricing I feel it’s a really good bike. Usable torque, road usable power (you’re not gonna take it to the track too much cause if you did you’d have a track bike), and fun . Yes its doesn’t scream like the r6 or r1 but it sounds well enough. It might sell as much as the MT 09 if not more.
This video illustrates what's wrong with today's journalism. Everything done under manufacturer guidelines, not one ounce of criticism, everything is perfect and in fact we should kiss the manufacturer's feet and give them our first-born child because its so hard to make bikes. Boo-freaking-hoo.
@musguelha14 I like to refer to it as ( mindless cheerleading ). If the journos do not fawn over the latest offering they wont get invited to the next plush junkit.
@@P.DuncanMonk are maybe objectively he likes it this will be a very popular bike next year 100% . What's not to like 119hp 77 ft lb , riders moods , cruise control. A real key not some dumb ass key fob , kyb adjustable folk front and rear ,quick SHIFT ER , ABS all for 12k guys just like to hate just for the sake of it
I probably won't buy it myself because I enjoy the ergonomics of bikes with handlebars, but I am truly excited about this bike and hope to see many on them on track.
@@GCTO239 It is a clone. Exactly the same engine with the same out put, exactly the same frame. Yeah they put different suspension and handlebars, but not much effort went into this thing...
@@KapitanPisoar1 BS! Completely new frame. Lightest frame ever on a Yamaha sports bike. Lots of other differences as well. Sorry, but obviously you post stuff without any knowledge.
@@GCTO239 That means it is ligther than the old R6 and R1 frame, but it is the same frame the MT09 uses... Obviously you are the one lacking the knowledge here. Tell me more about the "lots of differences" you talking about, educate me.
This may be the first Yamaha I own. Not a liter bike (got enough of those), but more than mid-range+ (check). Triple engine (check). 90-degree valve stems (check). Cruise control (check). Weird looking, in a good way (check). Comes in blue (check).
I agree. Yamaha has really been slacking in the design department the last couple of years. The MT09 and MT10 used to look really cool but they make them uglier and uglier. Really weird.
@@alexhoffam4170the motorbikes are selling a lot in general, youngsters are buying bikes for the first time and that's awesome. But they are influenced by youtubers a lot. And Yamaha knows this so they don't mind to make bikes that can pull power wheelies, and that are cheapely made, an amateur rider won't notice it. But when they try an Honda, they can argue with anything but they can't say it hasn't better quality.
I already own an RS660 otherwise I’d consider it. I like the new high-tech bikes, give me all the abs and tcs and cruise control and displays. I don’t push my bike super hard, but it always knows exactly what I want.
They're not remotely in the same class. The cp3 engine makes 20 more hp and 30 ft lbs of torque over the rs660, a higher power to weight ratio, more electronics, better brakes and suspension, significantly faster acceleration. The rs660 is arguably the best beginner twin on the market, but it isn't the same as a 900cc triple.
@@iamcxd9782 awesome thanks for the feedback, really tempted to sell my 660 to get this R9 as long as I can see a noticeable improvement without to upgrade to a liter bike.
@@juanesteban8938 it's a huge jump. 0-60 is half a second quicker, 0-100 is a full second, 60-130 is 2 seconds, and the quarter mile is almost a full second. Electronics, way more torque. The rs660 is a great bike, but even compared to the mt09 it gets floored.
I upgraded to the 2024 MT-09 SP just a month ago, and now i am contemplating whether 🤔 to change to the R9. I like what Yamaha has done with the design. The way the lines flow with the wings 🪽 is elegant, and the led lights are a nice touch.
I rode my 2022 XSR900 around a track and while it doesn't feel like it accelerates quickly, it does stomp on anything that doesn't have TC out of slower corners. I don't think people realize what a game changer TC is, and how wicked quick the CP3 engines are with their fancy electronics.
Though I'm not looking for a new bike, this is one hell of an exciting and successful announcement! Those horsepower figures really raised an eyebrow, until I made a quick spec comparison against my '97 Honda Blackbird... Peak horsepower to kerb weight (kg) ratio: -R9: 0.601 -'97 BB: 0.645 Peak torgue (nm) to kerb weight (kg) ratio: -R9: 0.476 -'97 BB: 0.488 I think R9 will be more than just fine for the streets.
Get a full system on it, get a tail tidy, forget the front headlight, and this bike, with that torque in a small chassis, is gonna be amazing on the road for starters. The only people probably hating on this bike are late model 1000cc owners that like to think that they can use all of their bikes power and handling on the road already.
Always hilarious to read this kind of comment where a random dude tries hard to bash 1000cc owners while not even owning a bike himself. You can't use all the power on public roads with 900cc/125hp bike either so what is your point? For the people who are wondering wich way to go: just get the 1000cc bike - by buying these low power potatoes you just regret it later.
@@mortaljorma69 you are assuming i dont own a bike, which is incorrect. The point i was making is that anyone that buys an R9 will be able to use more of the bike, more of the time on the road than the new crop of 1000's without risking their bike being crushed or going to jail. Is that clear enough for you now?
I love how the same people asking the r9 to yamaha are now complaining because it isn’t the magic discount r1 they wanted 😂. If it’s possible to put over the clamp clip one on one, I’m getting one no doubt.
I honestly LOVE the look of the R9, call me childish but I think the winglets look really cool. The only thing I wish they’d done better was remove the circle headlight because I’ve never liked them but it honestly isn’t too bad. Also having ridden my mates MT-09, it was such a blast to zip thru the roads on, an absolute torque monster. I’m honestly very keen to get my hands on an R9 I think it would be an amazing street and weekend bike
I think they should have a belly pan to cover the exhaust on the sides and have it meet the tips but I still LOVE that it doesn't come up the side. I always like he ducati exhaust for being 'built in' to the bottom of the body work and this is the yamaha equivalent.
Its actually disapointing i find the motor in the mt09 boring i was hoping this would be a revvier more powerful engine dont know why ppl rave on about it so much my mates zx6 absolutely destroys my mt09 sp even the triumph 765 pulls buses on the mt09
Only on the very top will a Ninja 6 pull a mt09 . Stop light to stop light the mt09 smokes all high reving 600 . The r9 will be geared for more top end they didn't just put plastic on a mt09 ....duh
@@phillippugh2161The ZX636 is actually really fast from a standing start, or from a traffic light and with a decent rider would leave someone on an MT-09 behind almost immediately, surprising for a 600 I know, it also does a 10.36 @ 136mph in the 1/4.
Fantastic, it has to be one of the most comprehensive, close up review of the bike . Dan sitting on it was a neat touch as it shows the economics , highlight was him firing it up 😂
I think it’s great! Would have been even better without the wings and with a key fob. I love the guys effort to turn a negative into a positive with the gas station.
Everyone's reaction and knocking this bike is mind blowing. It's been said since day one, this engine will be built around the cp3 in the MT09.. Now everyone is in shock and awe that it doesn't have 400hp. Show me an MT09 with over 130hp.. I'll wait. No matter what changes they made, this is not a 150hp motor. Get over it. Everyone praises the cp3 motor in every single aspect because it is a FANTASTIC motor. You should probably be more disappointed in yourself for thinking this is going to be something it never once claimed to be.
That would be great if it had the same gearing as the MT09 but it doesn't. Yamaha have lengthened the gearing on this yet kept the power the same so it will lose some of it's torquey feeling. So potentially 0-100 it's slower than an MT09.
I’m buying one🔥I think it’s a fantastic bike & a future classic (like the GSRX 750). Then people who’re hating it now will be moaning why they discontinued it
@@rusipathan It is in that family according to Yamaha. It is interesting regarding expectations over time. Years ago when the Fireblade or SRAD GSXR came out people were amazed at the performance and this thing (with its electronics) would likely eat both of them for lunch.
If they come out with an R9M/SP/factory version it'll be cool but in all honesty, I don't think i'll even need it for the street. This has mostly everything i'd want as an upgrade bike for the street with occasional track days. Take for example the MT09 where the SP upgrades are well worth it (for me), or the STR 765 R vs the RS upgrades also being worth it. But this base model seems like it has everything one could want for the street with some track days. Now just looking forward for the reviews you guys do with someone actually riding it. I just hope those reviews come out before March
bought a triumph speed triple 1200rr for £12999 NEW...177bhp, top of the range ohlins electronic suspension, amazing stylemo? brembo brakes, single sided swingarm and amazing build quality, top of the range electonics package......where did it o so so sad.
Am I the only one disappointed with the R9? I was hoping for an R1 replacement, instead we got a R6 replacement with a boring engine. 10k revs feels like a diesel.
Bobeyes : what a novice you are. The CP3 is a lot stronger than the 600cc of the R6. Big torque difference between the 2 engines. 600cc is weak at low and mid revs. The diesel comparison just shows you have zero knowledge about engines.
"Uh it isnt a supersport" well wtf is it then? What is a Ducati V2 then? It has a 955 cc, so what is it if not a supersport? Stop this stupid narrative that a Supersport has to be a 600cc I4, times have changed and we have a new supersport class, one which isnt defined by those metrics. It is a supersport just like the V2 is a supersport
It's definitely a new-age supersport model, hence the comparisons to the Honda CBR600RR and Ducati Panigale V2 in the video. We're looking forward to seeing which one comes out on top. Thanks for watching, Dan MCN.
People constantly associating the R9 with R1, or saying it's replacing or competing with a superbike class, or saying it's replacing or competing with the supersport class...... Get your noggin' out of the comparisons and look at this machine in isolation for a second. No one is taking your Xbox away from you, no one is stealing your dog, no one is evicting you from your apartment. Get over it.
Do you think the R9 has what it takes to be top of the supersport sales chart? How do you think it compares to its closest rivals? Tell us below 👇
I would go for a GSX-R 750 and get 20+ more HP for that price. MK2 MT09 owner here.
I just want it to win on the track🏁
@@ilusv For sure, & would get the R7 for that v-twin power curve and feel, plus, it's lighter
The exhaust/muffler says it all! Authorities are not considering motorcycles are smaller capacity than so many cars yet are still required to meet the same overreaching omission requirements this is a bureaucrats spots bike.
Only to be smoked by a zx6r 😂😂😂
People are hating on R9 for no reason. Everyone hated on mt-09 for its looks but then it started selling so well and instantly became one of the best steets bikes in the market. And tbh R9 looks really good. Maybe not as good as R6 but that's okay. It runs really well as seen from MT09, it has got great torque, great sound as well. Personally im really impressed by Yamaha for actually committing and building this Machine.
It just seems like low horsepower for that many CCs. Besides the styling, everything else is good.
I think the R9 is awesome. Power and torque and electronics, suspension and good looking too. If I were younger I'd buy one! I just wish Yamaha would bring the xsrGP to North America. That bike's riding position isn't too extreme, and the styling is also very nice ....
Exactly! So much hate in regards to looks and power for no reason. People act like this is supposed to be a liter bike or something and haven’t even taken a moment to study what it’s bringing to the table.
@@Fernando-t8gso how much horsepower should a triple make?
Yea exactly. The triumph 765 has like 120hp lol @Fernando-t8g
They nailed the aesthetics in my opinion. Great looking bike. No matter what they did, people would hate on it. It's essentially a 600 w/ torque in the lower RPM. It's a perfect replacement for a 600 on the street!
....on the street, in a street fighter application. If you want to bring up 'the street', then by your logic, supersports have no place there, as you can never get them fast enough. Otherwise, an I4/V4 is a more suitable platform. If you understood how different types of reciprocating internal combustion engines worked, we might not be having this conversation and Yami would have known better.
Even the 400cc Ninja and CBR bikes are 4 cylinders.
@@VBMichael_D but by that logic, the 600cc class supersports wouldn't be practical as well. as a matter of fact, every liter bike doesn't have a place in the street based on your logic. Yet people still buy and use them.This dude is just saying that the horspower on the R9 is similar, if not, identical to most of the 600 class, but has a lot more torque which means, it's going to be better at acceleration and stop-go situations. Not looking to argue any further. Just wanted to let you know that everyone can have an opinion. And if that's your opinion, i respect it.
@@yammahaaadude the better acceleration or the faster 0-60mph is a myth. In the end, it all comes down to horsepower. If a 600cc with 119 HP and only 65 NM torque runs a 0-60mph in 3,5 seconds, then a R9 with 119 HP and 94 NM will run the 0-60mph also in 3,5s. The only difference is, that the R9 will accelerate faster in an earlier rpm range while the 600cc will accelerate later but for a longer time and thus will reach the same pace at right around the same time. To put it differently: A R9 will win a 200m race, but if they race for 400m the will both reach the finish line right about the same time.
I’m buying one.
I'll definitely be taking it out for a test ride. I have no interest in a 200bhp superbike. I think this will be a blast on the Scottish Highland roads.
Im with yo6 I've been waiting for this bike for 3 yrs since everyone was chatting about it being a thing
@@fullhogindeed 120 hp and 93 Nm are enough for serious fun on the open road.
@@fullhogif it’s for road riding why wouldn’t you just get the MT09 SP?
Sick bike! Yamaha thought of everything and priced it right. 👍
Just hoping that the ABS module of the R9 is programmed with a race profile, and not the same gentle road profile of the MT-09.
The Gsxs1000 naked kicks this up and down the road for a lot less. This will never EVER take the place of the R1.
@@szaesz8190 you're another ret ard thinking the R9 replaces the R1. Poor novice. R9 is a brand new middle class supersport. R1 will come back around 2027 with a V4 respecting emissions regulations
@@szaesz8190 On the track, I guarantee you that a GSXS1000 won't kick it up and down. Grow up and stop making dumb squid post. There's more to riding than in a straight line.
except the diving board wings!!!!!!
I remember when Ducati launched 916SP with 120hp over 30years ago and that amount of power was enormous. My R1200GS has 126hp and 260kg and is crazy quick!!! So this R9 is more than enough,probably faster than 95% bikes on road especially in hands somebody skillful!
Yes, and I still have mine.... 916SP.
My problem with this bike is that I thought that it would compete with Ducati V2. But with this specs it doesn`t even come close
@@ruiferreira3651it's simply a more torquey 600 4 cylinder
You have grown way more confident presenting overtime, and much more fluent. I have come to enjoy your videos as much as Neeves's :)
Well done passing the torch MCN and keeping awesome videos!
Wow, thank you!
Sound as of 18:20 min. I love this CP3 sound. After market exhaust makes it even better.
sounds like a daytona
It's the same engine as MT09, Basically the full fairing of MT09, the best thing is it might be cheaper than R1 with powerfull tuning.
Glad we still have the R1 in the states
Should be glad you still have the Gixer 1000,still the best road use sportsbike
And GSX-R 750 which is much faster, likely as good or better handling and just as comfortable and same price
Like who the hell is cross shopping a 19k bike an a 12k ...dude really
@@jpslaym0936very outdated now though, they are unchanged since 2011. Great bike though, I’ve had plenty of GSXR’s.
@@jpslaym0936gsxr is way cheaper here in Australia. 24k ride away for r9 is a total rip off
Two small things that none of the reviewing channels has mentioned so far. 1. 90 degree valves on the rims at last! 2. It looks like the shifter is made for an easy switch between street and race shift. Thoughts on this?
Yes! Yamaha took bull by the horns! Not only 90 degree valves, but even braided brake hoses! I can't even believe that its Yamaha :-D
Why 90° valves aren’t standard in ALL bikes is beyond me……
90 degree valves. BIG. 😎
Good catch! I never noticed it.
@@Ramot.o 🤣
Hating this thing is just a trend, people are hating just because other people are hating this is exactly what people asked for.. an mt09 drive train in a fully faired bike.. Yamaha listened and absolutely smashed it!! Makes me wanna sell my tracer 900!!
This is all the power you’re gonna need for the street.
I'm definitely getting one. Right now I'm saving for it
I love it. I think I am going to trade my xsr900 for one because I have been waiting for the R9 for YEARS
I rode a 2010 R6 on street and track until it was stolen just over a year ago. Loved that bike. This has a slightly more street friendly position, up/down 3rd gen quick shifter, modern lean sensitive electronics, 50% more torque and the best braking system a Yamaha of this class has ever had. I’ll definitely be checking it out as soon as it’s available.
You don't need any electronics on this kind of bike...
@@KapitanPisoar1 need? Maybe not, but sometimes it’s nice having them in the background for the street. Like IMU ABS. Haven’t had electronics for most of my riding life until my Multi 1200s. Rarely do they kick in with the settings I have, but they did help out a couple of times with wet, sketchy roads or an oddball, downhill off-cambered turn.
That's actually quite nice. Sounds very nice as well. Colour Dash looks great as well
A pioneer in the middleweight sport bike segment. Yamaha listened, studied well on customers' demands and as well as foreseeable motorcycle industry requirements of emission.
No reason to hate R9.
I’ve owned numerous R1s and other SBKs but, now in my mid 50s, these lower HP sports bikes are winking at me, the last BB R1 I had was became too much for me…
I’m a Yamaha guy (currently an FJR, still a great bike) thinking one of these along side it might be the ticket for those for the Sunday morning coffee runs…
I like it😎
Has something been placed in the background to fill the gaping hole between the back of the engine and the frame?...
They need to fill that gap
Looks like it's a convenient place for your lunchbox and sarnies... There's no way you can put a 20 pack of Marlboro Menthols on modern sportsbikes (at least not under the seat), so could be that. Or vape storage.
They covered the hole with something!!! 🤣🤣🤣
No, that's where your purse goes. One of the exciting features for today's beta males.
that gap ruins the entire bike
Been waiting on this bike for a decade excited for it
Me too and I am disappointed...
Back to good times, a sportbike as supose to be.
Love this new R9 and I’m definitely a Yamaha fanboy have owned several but with the news of that new CB1000 hornet I can’t justify this one for road use. But thanks so much Yamaha you gave us all what we wanted
I’m so glad we get the r1 in usa street legal thank god. I just hope we get an r6 back here in usa that’s my favorite bike
not gonna happen with an R6 on the street. Thats why this bike came out
I'm ordering one. Thanks for the walk round Dan.
Yamaha is the most diverse japanese bike.
When all japanese bikes using inline 4 cylinders flatplane in most of their bikes,
Yamaha is using 1cyl, 2 cyl flatplane, 2cyl Crossplane, 3 cylinders Crossplane, 4 cylinders flatplane, and 4 cyl Crossplane in their sports bike.
When I had a 2015 FJ-09, I felt strongly that this engine would be near perfect in a street-oriented sportbike. Now that this bike is (finally) here, it’s MUCH cooler than I imagined. It makes me want a sport bike. And I don’t want a sport bike!
I'm honestly excited for this bike. A triple with the brakes and suspension you really want, at $12k or $13k is a steal. The R7 to me was a soft let down, this looks to fill that gap to an R1 really well. I like the underbody exhaust and look forward to what exhausts are developed for it. Might be the next track bike😮
Didn’t he say 12-13k pounds so that’s $15K why not just save up a bit more for a Cbr 1000rr at that point for $16K
@lawrencequinn5497 huh, he might have! I missed that. But even still the base cbr I personally have no interest in. The v2 is only 2k over the R9, I'm interested in the motor as well.
@oneonlyxram why would a UK publisher give prices in $$$? 🤦🏾♂️ as expected, the price was quite clearly given in £££
The R7 is the natural step between the R3 and this R9. Many people belived that the R7 was going to be the "new R6", hence the let down you say. But, thinking of it now, the R7 is also a fantastic bike at its segment. Im going for the R7 and then, after a few years, will be getting this beauty right here...
@250ignacio actually my let down was how it rode. It felt gutless, the brakes are weak and the suspension is soft. It is a "meh" bike.
Ive seen all the other press releases on the R9 but this by far the best, seeing the bike in the flesh and your flawless presentation really sold it to me, and the icing on the cake, the start up, the only issue i see is the pricing, usa $12500 versus uk £12500 ! £3000 difference , but i'm probably wrong, it will be nice to see all tha available extras, you only mentioned the screen, but i can see an after market belly pan comming to hide the horrible bare metal silencer ,.The dash is brilliant and the aero wings actually look good, i just wish red and white colour was a uk option as it is in the states,. Yamaha have got a brilliant range now,.
22,000 dollars in Australia what a joke
$1 has the buying power of £1 right across the board,houses,cars,trucks etc...remember to add taxes and freight, never quoted!
Check how much your government is charging you extra for VAT tax which is hidden inside the retail price. I'm amazed how many people from EU and the UK compare prices with things (not just bikes) with the price of things in the US and fail to take into consideration the VAT you guys pay. It's like your gov. is trying to hide it from you guys or something, or you forget about it. It's a massive tax on everything you buy over there.
@@bwxmoto Armchair politico?
@@gavinmurrell3415 Nope just an observation from over the past decade. Believe me, I'm in the US and we're taxed like crazy over here too. But we do not have a VAT which is a hidden tax.
My comment was in response to this: "the only issue i see is the pricing, usa $12500 versus uk £12500 ! £3000 difference".
That's not Yamaha charging more for the bike in those territories, it's mostly extra VAT taxes included in that price in the UK and EU. But it's not Yamaha's fault. It's the government adding VAT into the retail price.
But it seems like a lot of people from the EU and UK don't understand that or take that into consideration when discussing prices of bikes over there. It's just a pattern I've noticed over the past several years. It makes me wonder if the UK and EU governments are trying to hide it, or what's going on. So yeah I could argue about politics all day but that's not what I'm doing.
Gracias Yamaha por traer de vuelta la Daytona que tanto esperé, definitivamente mi proxima moto
I honestly can see this being my next bike. Love it. Test ride of street triple, R9, and zx6r in my future as it stands for now
These larger triples are so much better than a 600 on the street. No contest. Enjoy!
You will fall asleep riding on a triple. The Zx6R is a great choice.
@@GTP786 I dunno man. I feel like a smaller displacement bike is only more fun on a track. This new Yamaha makes like 20 pounds more torque, which is easily used at street speeds.
@@CurtisBrandt then just buy a cruiser so you can at least be comfortable on the street. Today's generation just complains about the ergos of a super sport anyway
@@GTP786 Who is talking about cruisers? One of the biggest problems on the internet is that we often don't know who we are talking with. I have been riding for 45 years, I grew up on sport bikes, and I'm a huge fan of this bike. I happen to ride a super naked which will put the hurt on just about every sport bike at street speeds (but won't keep up on the track, and I know that). This bike is one of the most intriguing sport bikes to come out in a long time, and it makes me want a sport bike again.
I always loved Yamahas :) And this R9 sportbike for only £12500 is terrific :)
How you manage to fill the gap on the engine side. Looked very visible on the official presentation and now I can barely see it😮 . Looks like some accessories/parts are in the field of view. Just wondering
44 teeth mentioned this,the first pics and vids of the R9 didn't have the licence plate holder and other parts that power the front lights etc so the big space everyone complained about isn't actually there on the road bike.👍
Nicely done. Great looking bike with everything you need for the street and possible track days. Trying to get one at cost will be the biggest challenge. That and finding one, here in the states. The MT 09 standard and SP are really hard to find and do not stay on the floor for long. This will have plenty of pre orders starting next year. I think Yamaha hit it out of the park with this one.
Depends where you live, no shortage of new bikes where i’m at. Hoping to snag one of these next summer myself.
Solid review. Great looking bike !!
Can you review a bike without riding it?
Beautiful bike and engineering.
Hey I just noticed something, the "hole" above the engine is not there in this vid. Did Yamaha put something there just for this video or is this the production motorcycle and it doesn't have the hole like in the press pics? Very strange.
Looks like the put something there 😅
Probably the lighting and darker background is disguising it.
1:49 as he's about to get on the motorcycle the gap becomes prominent....hence proving itz still there as seen in official pics
@@qwertyme8338 It looks like there’s an extra piece of plastic there in this video, the gap is much larger in the pics with some stray wires hanging down. Go look at pics again. 🤷♂️
This bike will gap 600’s on the street with ease🤙🏼 So epic, its in a league of its own🥹
Don’t be so sure bout that
I’ve been wondering, lately, if any of these guys on the internet so dismissive of every motorcycle not making (at least) 200 hp, have ever ridden a motorcycle or been anywhere near one.
I think not.
Most of the kiddies complaining about the R9’s power output don’t even ride. The worst people in the motorcycle community are those who don’t ride.
117hp is more than enough for the road.
I have two bikes with over 200hp. Does that mean I can have an opinion? 🤪 Not interested in riding them on the road though and you don’t need anywhere near that for the road (my road bike has about 85hp and it’s plenty of fun).
@@sp00ky1969 you sure can have an opinion, but if your opinion is fundamentally wrong you may receive some criticism, simple as that.
Americans and their highway brains, and spec sheet queens.
They did actually really good job like it😊❤
HP and weight, a good combination ! You, realistically, don't need more for the road.
This bike is amazing! I want one 😍
Came off as a sales pitch… relentlessly positive about everything. The gap above the engine seems to have miraculously disappeared as well. It’s sad that this bike is going to be their top of the range sports bike (can’t call it a Superbike). This is never going to be a poster bike. 🙄
No where in yamaha press did they call this a superbike . It's a sporty bike that's 10k cheaper the a bmw RR, Ducati v4r,those are super bikes
@@phillippugh2161 Agree. If the people want a superbike or even supersport, get the track only R6 or an R1
@@tranquilmind8487 exactly this bike is loaded with ever feature of the r1 for 7k less do you really need 200 hp on the streets
It’s also entirely possible that it’s just an angle thing. Some angles you can see right through the gap, other angles you cant. Unless your crouched next to your bike, you’re looking down at it anyway and wont notice.
Love that these bikes are coming back and i think it looks like a quality unit. I like to think that the engine is unstressed at that power and clearly makes a lovely sound.
Great looking, minus those awful wings.
I was ehh on the front at launch but the more I see it the more it’s actually pretty nice. I’ll have to see one and each color in person before I make my decision but I’ve been waiting years for this bike.
Stock shift lever pre drilled for gp shift!
Thx, I didn't realized that
This is on my list, i haven’t owned rode a liter bike in over 10 years and think the new ones are too much to start with. This looks perfect to get back in the game and not be bored after 3 months
18:20 for engine start up
Or just go and listen to an MT-09.
Apart from the pricing I feel it’s a really good bike. Usable torque, road usable power (you’re not gonna take it to the track too much cause if you did you’d have a track bike), and fun . Yes its doesn’t scream like the r6 or r1 but it sounds well enough. It might sell as much as the MT 09 if not more.
This video illustrates what's wrong with today's journalism.
Everything done under manufacturer guidelines, not one ounce of criticism, everything is perfect and in fact we should kiss the manufacturer's feet and give them our first-born child because its so hard to make bikes.
He's just giving you the fact . It's not his job to hate on the bike if you don't want why the hell are you even on this cite ..........
@musguelha14 I like to refer to it as ( mindless cheerleading ). If the journos do not fawn over the latest offering they wont get invited to the next plush junkit.
So how do you decide if you do or don’t want ?
@@P.DuncanMonk are maybe objectively he likes it this will be a very popular bike next year 100% . What's not to like 119hp 77 ft lb , riders moods , cruise control. A real key not some dumb ass key fob , kyb adjustable folk front and rear ,quick SHIFT ER , ABS all for 12k guys just like to hate just for the sake of it
Yep, entire video was basically an ad.
I probably won't buy it myself because I enjoy the ergonomics of bikes with handlebars, but I am truly excited about this bike and hope to see many on them on track.
Will be a hit! 🎉 Fantastic bike and NOT just an MT-09 with a fairing. Proper sports bike by a proper manufacturer.
It is MT09 clone with fairings...
@@KapitanPisoar1 nope. It is clearly not a clone. Do your research or watch the videos.
@@GCTO239 It is a clone. Exactly the same engine with the same out put, exactly the same frame. Yeah they put different suspension and handlebars, but not much effort went into this thing...
@@KapitanPisoar1 BS! Completely new frame. Lightest frame ever on a Yamaha sports bike. Lots of other differences as well. Sorry, but obviously you post stuff without any knowledge.
@@GCTO239 That means it is ligther than the old R6 and R1 frame, but it is the same frame the MT09 uses... Obviously you are the one lacking the knowledge here. Tell me more about the "lots of differences" you talking about, educate me.
This one, I'm definitely buying!
I wish all bike reviews were as brilliant as this. Absolutely fantastic
This may be the first Yamaha I own. Not a liter bike (got enough of those), but more than mid-range+ (check). Triple engine (check). 90-degree valve stems (check). Cruise control (check). Weird looking, in a good way (check). Comes in blue (check).
The design is a bit of a disappointment considering the time it took them to come out with this bike. I'd prefer the CBR600RR over this.
Well get a cbr600 then and stop boring people with your personal opinion.
The CBR600RR is prettier and faster
I agree. Yamaha has really been slacking in the design department the last couple of years. The MT09 and MT10 used to look really cool but they make them uglier and uglier. Really weird.
@@juliusjacob1416 but yamaha still sell sh1t loads of them, that's weird init.
@@alexhoffam4170the motorbikes are selling a lot in general, youngsters are buying bikes for the first time and that's awesome. But they are influenced by youtubers a lot. And Yamaha knows this so they don't mind to make bikes that can pull power wheelies, and that are cheapely made, an amateur rider won't notice it. But when they try an Honda, they can argue with anything but they can't say it hasn't better quality.
Great intro Dan Sutherland absolutely nailed it. Imagine a dealership company owns this guy man all of their motorcycles will be sold out in no time.
no-one mentions Rake and Trail anymore.
I already own an RS660 otherwise I’d consider it. I like the new high-tech bikes, give me all the abs and tcs and cruise control and displays. I don’t push my bike super hard, but it always knows exactly what I want.
How would you compare it against an Aprilia RS660?
Personally, I would expect the R9 to be more track-focused. I wonder if the ergos are also more aggressive to match.
They're not remotely in the same class.
The cp3 engine makes 20 more hp and 30 ft lbs of torque over the rs660, a higher power to weight ratio, more electronics, better brakes and suspension, significantly faster acceleration.
The rs660 is arguably the best beginner twin on the market, but it isn't the same as a 900cc triple.
@@iamcxd9782 awesome thanks for the feedback, really tempted to sell my 660 to get this R9 as long as I can see a noticeable improvement without to upgrade to a liter bike.
@@juanesteban8938 it's a huge jump.
0-60 is half a second quicker, 0-100 is a full second, 60-130 is 2 seconds, and the quarter mile is almost a full second.
Electronics, way more torque.
The rs660 is a great bike, but even compared to the mt09 it gets floored.
I upgraded to the 2024 MT-09 SP just a month ago, and now i am contemplating whether 🤔 to change to the R9. I like what Yamaha has done with the design. The way the lines flow with the wings 🪽 is elegant, and the led lights are a nice touch.
Anyone who’s ridden any variation of the Yamaha 900cc triple in the MT09, Tracer 900 etc know that this R9 is the Business 👌🏽
I rode my 2022 XSR900 around a track and while it doesn't feel like it accelerates quickly, it does stomp on anything that doesn't have TC out of slower corners. I don't think people realize what a game changer TC is, and how wicked quick the CP3 engines are with their fancy electronics.
Though I'm not looking for a new bike, this is one hell of an exciting and successful announcement! Those horsepower figures really raised an eyebrow, until I made a quick spec comparison against my '97 Honda Blackbird...
Peak horsepower to kerb weight (kg) ratio:
-R9: 0.601
-'97 BB: 0.645
Peak torgue (nm) to kerb weight (kg) ratio:
-R9: 0.476
-'97 BB: 0.488
I think R9 will be more than just fine for the streets.
Get a full system on it, get a tail tidy, forget the front headlight, and this bike, with that torque in a small chassis, is gonna be amazing on the road for starters. The only people probably hating on this bike are late model 1000cc owners that like to think that they can use all of their bikes power and handling on the road already.
Or those who prefer lighter bikes with smoother power delivery? 🤷♂️
@@saifaldin_ just go ninja400
Always hilarious to read this kind of comment where a random dude tries hard to bash 1000cc owners while not even owning a bike himself. You can't use all the power on public roads with 900cc/125hp bike either so what is your point? For the people who are wondering wich way to go: just get the 1000cc bike - by buying these low power potatoes you just regret it later.
@@mortaljorma69 you are assuming i dont own a bike, which is incorrect. The point i was making is that anyone that buys an R9 will be able to use more of the bike, more of the time on the road than the new crop of 1000's without risking their bike being crushed or going to jail. Is that clear enough for you now?
fantastic detailed review mate ride safe 🤙
I love how the same people asking the r9 to yamaha are now complaining because it isn’t the magic discount r1 they wanted 😂.
If it’s possible to put over the clamp clip one on one, I’m getting one no doubt.
Haters gonna hate they think you can get a 19k r1 for 12k ......😅😅
and them will nerver to be buy new R1
@@アシン-i6w ikr
Good job Yamaha 👍
That Yamaha designer is a living god, especially for the front end 😍
I honestly LOVE the look of the R9, call me childish but I think the winglets look really cool. The only thing I wish they’d done better was remove the circle headlight because I’ve never liked them but it honestly isn’t too bad. Also having ridden my mates MT-09, it was such a blast to zip thru the roads on, an absolute torque monster. I’m honestly very keen to get my hands on an R9 I think it would be an amazing street and weekend bike
At least it’s not electric 🎉🎉
I think they should have a belly pan to cover the exhaust on the sides and have it meet the tips but I still LOVE that it doesn't come up the side. I always like he ducati exhaust for being 'built in' to the bottom of the body work and this is the yamaha equivalent.
Its actually disapointing i find the motor in the mt09 boring i was hoping this would be a revvier more powerful engine dont know why ppl rave on about it so much my mates zx6 absolutely destroys my mt09 sp even the triumph 765 pulls buses on the mt09
Only on the very top will a Ninja 6 pull a mt09 . Stop light to stop light the mt09 smokes all high reving 600 . The r9 will be geared for more top end they didn't just put plastic on a mt09 ....duh
@@phillippugh2161The ZX636 is actually really fast from a standing start, or from a traffic light and with a decent rider would leave someone on an MT-09 behind almost immediately, surprising for a 600 I know, it also does a 10.36 @ 136mph in the 1/4.
Fantastic, it has to be one of the most comprehensive, close up review of the bike . Dan sitting on it was a neat touch as it shows the economics , highlight was him firing it up 😂
It's a travesty that we arnt getting the R1 after it finally got some well needed upgrades
@flippy66Just won BSB...again
@flippy66 I wanted to get to get the new 2025 one 😅
I think it’s great! Would have been even better without the wings and with a key fob. I love the guys effort to turn a negative into a positive with the gas station.
Everyone's reaction and knocking this bike is mind blowing. It's been said since day one, this engine will be built around the cp3 in the MT09.. Now everyone is in shock and awe that it doesn't have 400hp. Show me an MT09 with over 130hp.. I'll wait. No matter what changes they made, this is not a 150hp motor. Get over it. Everyone praises the cp3 motor in every single aspect because it is a FANTASTIC motor. You should probably be more disappointed in yourself for thinking this is going to be something it never once claimed to be.
Yamaha made this nuggett of a bike to compete in wsbk which its gonna get absolutely destroyed
That would be great if it had the same gearing as the MT09 but it doesn't. Yamaha have lengthened the gearing on this yet kept the power the same so it will lose some of it's torquey feeling. So potentially 0-100 it's slower than an MT09.
I will buy this beauty in black and only race it on track, I am super hyped about the R9
Sorry to burst your bubble chief but that's going to be a Tiger Sport.
@@Rotormc yeah, i saw that yesterday when looking closer 😭
I’m buying one🔥I think it’s a fantastic bike & a future classic (like the GSRX 750). Then people who’re hating it now will be moaning why they discontinued it
I'm surprised there's no hole to see through like we saw on the official presentation ! If it has actually become a thing, i might consider buying it
R9 will become the best-selling bike in Yamaha's supersport family, if not the best-selling sportbike over 750cc period.
R9 is not supersport and there's no top end either.
@@rusipathan ...and it will probably be more expensive than the outgoing R6.
@@redshiftit8303its 12.5k, deffos not
@@rusipathan It is in that family according to Yamaha. It is interesting regarding expectations over time. Years ago when the Fireblade or SRAD GSXR came out people were amazed at the performance and this thing (with its electronics) would likely eat both of them for lunch.
@@redshiftit8303to my calculations this is cheaper than the R6 was some years ago.
If they come out with an R9M/SP/factory version it'll be cool but in all honesty, I don't think i'll even need it for the street. This has mostly everything i'd want as an upgrade bike for the street with occasional track days. Take for example the MT09 where the SP upgrades are well worth it (for me), or the STR 765 R vs the RS upgrades also being worth it. But this base model seems like it has everything one could want for the street with some track days. Now just looking forward for the reviews you guys do with someone actually riding it. I just hope those reviews come out before March
bought a triumph speed triple 1200rr for £12999 NEW...177bhp, top of the range ohlins electronic suspension, amazing stylemo? brembo brakes, single sided swingarm and amazing build quality, top of the range electonics package......where did it o so so sad.
Looks great. Love a triple. CBR600rr is more my thing.
Those wings are awful.
Glad you don't like that means your one less person I don't have to put my order behind
I love❤ the design of the gas tank
Am I the only one disappointed with the R9? I was hoping for an R1 replacement, instead we got a R6 replacement with a boring engine. 10k revs feels like a diesel.
It’s safe to say you’re one of the very few who don’t understand the market and emissions norms
Obvious you have zero clue what you’re babbling about. Move along.
It was never going to be an r1 replacement so don’t know where you got that from. And you clearly never experienced the cp3 before
Give it a ride, the cp3 engine is divine
Bobeyes : what a novice you are. The CP3 is a lot stronger than the 600cc of the R6. Big torque difference between the 2 engines. 600cc is weak at low and mid revs. The diesel comparison just shows you have zero knowledge about engines.
Awesome video! Beautiful bike for sure! Well presented and well done. Best!
"Uh it isnt a supersport" well wtf is it then?
What is a Ducati V2 then? It has a 955 cc, so what is it if not a supersport?
Stop this stupid narrative that a Supersport has to be a 600cc I4, times have changed and we have a new supersport class, one which isnt defined by those metrics.
It is a supersport just like the V2 is a supersport
It's definitely a new-age supersport model, hence the comparisons to the Honda CBR600RR and Ducati Panigale V2 in the video. We're looking forward to seeing which one comes out on top. Thanks for watching, Dan MCN.
@@motorcyclenewsdotcomDoes Europe get the new or revised Kawasaki ZX-6R or 636?
It's not a supersport. Create a new class, call it whatever you'd like, but it won't be supersport.
@@auntjanet2346 not sure "Aunt Janet" is someone who even knows what a motorbike is but anyway
I’ve wanted one of these since it was a rumour 😂 hopefully pick one up next year
R9 and now CB HORNET 1000 SP, i can say we are feasting !
Dropped a deposit today. I can’t wait to “give it the berries”, as you describe. Love from the USA
I'm aiming for this bike next year! Nice upgrade over my R15M
The muffler is gorgeous. I always prefer underslung muffler than a standard or underseat one.
Yamaha, take my $$$$$!!! Bravo.
119 hp 70 ft lb of torque....a real key.. an Cruise the same rider moods of the r1 all for 12k .....hell yeah ....ether blue are black
I would buy one. I like the looks, except for the tail end. Would be fun to ride with that motor
People constantly associating the R9 with R1, or saying it's replacing or competing with a superbike class, or saying it's replacing or competing with the supersport class......
Get your noggin' out of the comparisons and look at this machine in isolation for a second. No one is taking your Xbox away from you, no one is stealing your dog, no one is evicting you from your apartment. Get over it.
Cool futures of dash board/data. Interesting to see how many tracks are in the database and how easy or if possible to load new tracks in.
What is Filling the big weird Hole in the middle of the bike?
Looking forward to maybe buying this bike. Inline 4’s are cool but I’m a fan of midrange torque for sure.
Dammit! I bought an R7 about 5 months ago and now I’m foaming at the mouth watching this.