What Rick Tells Us About Being Alive | Rick And Morty



  • @staying_silent
    @staying_silent Рік тому +57

    Every Rick is academically brilliant but lacks emotional intelligence. Being the "Rickest Rick" might make him the smartest man in the multiverse, but also makes him the most emotionally stunted. He is both the most and least clever version of himself. No wonder he sees no point in anything.

    • @epicenterbasshd9636
      @epicenterbasshd9636 Рік тому

      If youre that smart im pretty sure using emotional intelligence would serve you no purpose. So Its not that he doesn’t have it, its that he sees it as dumb and pointless ironically

  • @gearhead743
    @gearhead743 Рік тому +10

    Yeah, "nothing matters" is like, babies first philosophy. Its the kind of thing I hear people say, and want to respond with "yes, and?". Nothing matters by default, yes, which is why we choose what matters, it's why we *can* choose what matters.

  • @Treasure_hunter_21
    @Treasure_hunter_21 Рік тому +30

    Now im both depressed and inspired at the same time.

  • @Guntherson220
    @Guntherson220 Рік тому +8

    I think Rick is just stuck at the 4th Stage of Grief and is unable or unwilling to move to acceptance, it's easier to just say nothing matters and drink himself unconscious then to accept that his wife and daughter are dead and continue on.

  • @Scrittus
    @Scrittus Рік тому +14

    Dan Harmon's quote puts it best. When I write about my stories, I will sometimes write stories which happened in the history of my world. And sometimes I will think about how pointless those stories are. Or I will think about the fact that 'these characters are long dead and only the consquences of their actions are going to affect the current characters.
    And then I write about future characters, and think 'the characters of the present don't matter now because this new cast is here.'
    And the question I always ask when I think this is, 'Was this story fun? Did I worry and feel for these characters despite knowing- on a grand scale- that if they failed here, the world would still turn without them?'
    The answer is usually yes. Even if I know the world won't end when the characters fail, I still find myself caring about their journey rather than their goal. Even if I know they all die in the end, it doesn't make me any less sad to see one of them die tragically while the others live on and die of old age. That's life.
    And on the grand scale, the stories I write don't matter to me, but neither do any of the other stories I read and enjoy. They matter to me, and that's what counts.

  • @everest5718
    @everest5718 Рік тому +3

    When I think of the cosmic scale of everything, I end up thinking about Adventure time’s finale. It’s a show about a big and complex and wacky fantasy world, and in its final episode of the show all of it is gone and only remnants remain because it was just a small era of a larger history of Ooo. The song Time Adventure in the episode is about remembering the good moments of something which has passed, and how even if something is gone what matters is that it happened.
    I still listen to that song when I’m sad, about how the good moments in our lives are what really matter BECAUSE they are so fleeting and short.

  • @AndaraBledin
    @AndaraBledin Рік тому +2

    None of us were built against a set of blueprints.
    You a work of improvisation, birthed in a sea of chaos and order intertwined.
    Each of us is a unique creation, never seen before and never to be repeated.
    We are our own meaning, and living well is the truest form of success.

  • @puffpastrykitckitty792
    @puffpastrykitckitty792 Рік тому +4

    This. This is what I’ve been thinking for the longest time but was never able to express. I have a stutter and often speak faster than my brain can keep up with so when I’ve been put in positions in conversations with people who can’t see past the pain of the present I try my best to say to them that those feelings are temporary and those people who hurt them are insignificant in the vastness of the universe or even in the future of their life, I end up coming out with something generic like “they don’t matter” or “it will pass”. Always missing the mark and making them feel like what they feel is insignificant when it’s the exact opposite, what they feel is significant bc it come from them and they are the centre of their own universe so to speak. What they feel matters matters because they’re feeling it and it comes from them, it matters to me and it matters to them because it’s theirs. The point is that their life is also theirs and everyday there are billions of people each doing their own things and thinking different things, those feelings will pass not because they didn’t mean anything but because they meant something to us and through them we can learn and grow and think new ideas that can lead to us meeting new people. And eventually you will accept what hurt, move one, and forget about it. You will adapt and grow because that is the nature of people and why I love them. Anyway thanks for reading whoever takes the time to pay attention to a dumb 16 year olds existential ramblings.

    • @epicenterbasshd9636
      @epicenterbasshd9636 Рік тому

      Damn bro you smart for being 16, I didn’t feel ponder about existentialism until i was 20

  • @a-garden-of-worlds
    @a-garden-of-worlds Рік тому +3

    These are my favorite kinds of videos

  • @Bacon-lover101
    @Bacon-lover101 Рік тому +3

    After this, I think “Dumb Doritos” will be people’s new favorite insult to use on oblivious folk.

  • @izzypanda9517
    @izzypanda9517 Рік тому +3

    THANK YOU for making this everyone's problem, I'm so happy to just listen to you rant.

  • @arctic129
    @arctic129 Рік тому +1

    This got kinda depressing at parts but great work!

  • @starrycharacter
    @starrycharacter Рік тому +2

    I came here to listen to an analyzation not to be given a mental breakdown (all jokes aside great video but also frick you for being so smart/hj)

  • @kimberlybogert7031
    @kimberlybogert7031 Рік тому +1

    Hello it's me I wasn't expecting you to mention me in the live stream I left already so wasn't on yt 😅Just wanta say this was something I didn't know I needed only cause I kinda question alot about my life and my existences..my life and how I came to be may not be perfect but I'm doing the best and just enjoying the simple things in life is I can and I'll say on that.Also idk what you meant by mocha unless you're talking about coffee but I got like a frozen s'mores hot chocolate where I work at it was pretty good:)

  • @henryheavy8044
    @henryheavy8044 Рік тому +1

    Why are you like this ? Why is it that you like to induce anxiety into my mind ? I’m not joking here I’m serious

  • @Merdragoon
    @Merdragoon Рік тому +2

    I have noticed that a lot of the people who Say "Oh you need an Higher IQ to understand the humor of Rick and Morty" complain about the more emotinal bits that they've been going into because it hits too close to home for them and they don't want to realize that they are the actual disfuntional Rick and just see themselves as the "Genius" when the show itself is actually commenting that IQ isnt everything like you're pointing out. I don't like Rick and Morty myself, it's not my sense of humor, and I get so annoyed with Rick at times being a dick to Morty, but then I get fustrated with Morty because he's treating people just as bad at times, due to my own emotional state of how I was treated by certian people who were like my "Ricks" but I don't want to become "Morty."
    But emotionally that's the point. They are showing flawed charaters, They're showing the reality of what depression, Emotional abuse, and also really good points of how the show intrestry in their quipy humor is kinda shitty to their creators. That part I can apperciate even when I don't like how it's exicuted personally. It's not a bad show, It's just not for me on exicusion. (I'm more Berserk (the Manga and anime), Pandora Hearts (Manga, the anime series kinda got rid some of the more important story telling elements), Deerskin (book), Final Fantasy 14 (Game), Owl House, and Probably enjoy Gravity Falls... if I can finally watch it, type of person when it comes to enjoying stories. Could not get into Star Vs the Forces of Evil, and I enjoyed Steven Universe up to a point, but they kiiiinnda dropped the ball on some rather important handling of topics... so maybe I'm just extreamly picky?)

  • @Tuna-mayo-sushi
    @Tuna-mayo-sushi Рік тому +3

    Mal stop simping over gravity falls lmao- Sez

  • @VicMeep
    @VicMeep Рік тому +1

    No. I started crying after watching this.
    This is one of the many things I struggle with often, and it makes it so much worse when I hear people confirm it and are just...okay with it.
    I don't want to believe nothing truly matters despite me "knowing" that's the truth. I hate that so many people outside of me believe that and it brings me misery. It's such a horrible thing to say. This isn't an insult to you at all, I'm sorry.
    I hate nihilism. I hate that i think it's the truth, that this is the reality we live. Where victims of abuse get no justice, people who are murdered just don't matter, while the ones who did it are the ones that get to live.
    That children die, animals dying, With no afterlife. I wish there was more evidence with religion because maybe then this wouldn't affect me so badly.

    • @epicenterbasshd9636
      @epicenterbasshd9636 Рік тому +2

      Nothing matters but the beauty of that is that you can create your own values and tailor your life to those values. Hope this gives you some light to follow at the end of the tunnel

  • @KiyoshiArts
    @KiyoshiArts Рік тому +3

    Things got way too realistic for me.

  • @norab5020
    @norab5020 Рік тому

    Well that good time

  • @AshValentine.
    @AshValentine. 6 місяців тому

    I've never liked nihilism as a philosophy. Its such a pointless thing

  • @stanimirvelinov2472
    @stanimirvelinov2472 8 місяців тому

    all i learnet is copium in dis video is strong :)

  • @epicenterbasshd9636
    @epicenterbasshd9636 Рік тому

    Look I’ll admit that im smart and that I wish i was even smarter. But just as people who rub their iq in your face are annoying, people saying that IQ isn’t everything and that there are different kinds of intelligence are just as annoying smart ones know the human hierarchy highly values IQ on average