Lou Reed's Berlin - Caroline says II

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jamesdavid2192
    @jamesdavid2192 Рік тому +3

    Une de ses plus belles chansons avec BERLIN bien sûr !!!!! Quel plaisir de réécouter Lou Reed !!!!!

  • @LauriePoetry
    @LauriePoetry 5 місяців тому +2

    You changed my life, Lou ❤ I miss you

  • @danmoss2080
    @danmoss2080 3 місяці тому +1

    One of the best songs ever written and recorded

  • @mikesabota2570
    @mikesabota2570 4 місяці тому +1

    The material off Berlin is some of the best he ever recorded👍👍

  • @キミキミーJC
    @キミキミーJC Рік тому +2


  • @annenouveau1308
    @annenouveau1308 4 роки тому +7

    "Berlin" and "caroline says II" are the sadest songs in R&R I've ever heard. And LR is an icone.

    • @oilyshoes9969
      @oilyshoes9969 4 місяці тому

      Sad Song is pretty friggin' sad

    • @mikesabota2570
      @mikesabota2570 4 місяці тому +1

      The Kids from the same LP..damn!!😢😢

  • @terencemartinohare3631
    @terencemartinohare3631 2 роки тому +2

    Yes what a very emotional song I seen him live in Glasgow ,Manchester,and new york.yes he's sadly missed,r.i.p. lou.

  • @robertguatelli9178
    @robertguatelli9178 6 років тому +7

    Amazing how This song needed time to mature. Lou's delivery is so much more heartfelt vs the original studio recording. Lou, thank you. So much.

    • @scottdelong1
      @scottdelong1 Рік тому +1

      The raw emotion exhibited by Lou brought me to tears. It isn't feigned- real and heartfelt. RIP Lou.

  • @precisionb
    @precisionb 12 років тому +4

    Great stuff! Berlin was one of his BEST!

  • @philveness8154
    @philveness8154 11 місяців тому

    This is such a great song- this version just tears your heart out!

  • @giftzwerg8551
    @giftzwerg8551 10 років тому +2

    never seen him so emotional...miss you lou..RIP

  • @lynchy5050
    @lynchy5050 14 днів тому

    My late sisters favourite artiste

  • @fredfat1606
    @fredfat1606 5 років тому +1

    one of the saddest songs

  • @heinodobberstein9042
    @heinodobberstein9042 6 років тому +1

    Hear it und bemember the wild years of my youth. Looking back i feel it isn`t too cold in Alaska

  • @enricamartinengo2070
    @enricamartinengo2070 2 роки тому +1

    How wonderful, thanks a lot for sharing 🙏🌞💌☮️

  • @elisabettacomero649
    @elisabettacomero649 8 років тому +1


  • @Alessandro-hk8ei
    @Alessandro-hk8ei 8 років тому +1

    genio, ............ geniale ...

  • @federicobentancourt
    @federicobentancourt 5 років тому +1

    lou te amo

  • @alessandro6034
    @alessandro6034 8 років тому +1

    Il migliore...

  • @liusssss
    @liusssss 12 років тому

    can't stop listening to this and getting sad...

  • @jaysonwilliams371
    @jaysonwilliams371 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Dearest Everlyn Mcdonald

  • @TheMarcosvalenga
    @TheMarcosvalenga 12 років тому

    Lou looks so fabulous in this song. How much emotion in his words

  • @markusbans1680
    @markusbans1680 5 років тому +1


  • @timide4645
    @timide4645 Рік тому

    I miss Lou.

  • @fonspark1
    @fonspark1 13 років тому

    old lou aint the only one tearing up...

  • @precisionb
    @precisionb 12 років тому

    Every Lou Lou wrote is GREAT!

  • @SleaterKinney
    @SleaterKinney 10 років тому +6


  • @bissenses
    @bissenses 3 роки тому +1

    Jag säger bara, Lou Reed !

  • @roxanagoyeneche5764
    @roxanagoyeneche5764 10 років тому +2


  • @elijahgiter9559
    @elijahgiter9559 Рік тому +7

    For those wondering why lou is on the verge of tears the supposed story is his mom was in the audience that night and for whatever reason the emotions got the best of him... or so the story goes, while I don't the song is about her I'm assuming there's something there, I almost think the song is metaphorically about him in some way but he normally didn't write songs about himself in that sense, I also read in the comments the song is about Nico... I had never heard that before but perhaps, if anyone knows the truth please respond I'd love to hear it.

    • @sumana333
      @sumana333 3 місяці тому

      All you wanted to do when meeting was to hug him and tell all the mfers who hurt him to just fuck off . Love you Lou ✊😎🥰🥰😘

  • @AbuCihan
    @AbuCihan 15 років тому

    This version made me cry . . . .

  • @LarryUnderw00d
    @LarryUnderw00d 11 років тому +3

    come back LOU !

  • @naturphilosophie1
    @naturphilosophie1 9 років тому +2

    i'm sad that hes gone

  • @darrengovier
    @darrengovier 15 років тому


  • @punkrocker1974
    @punkrocker1974 15 років тому

    Really GOOD ART !!!

  • @herbertjansen1808
    @herbertjansen1808 4 роки тому +1

    ... it'sSÓcold...

  • @TheETHOM
    @TheETHOM 11 років тому

    Berlin is a great great album !!!

  • @darrengovier
    @darrengovier 15 років тому

    i so love this x

  • @malitodavide
    @malitodavide 14 років тому

    molto emozionante...

  • @panchitojuan
    @panchitojuan 16 років тому


  • @guilleblanco3753
    @guilleblanco3753 7 років тому +1


  • @amparobermejo4413
    @amparobermejo4413 8 років тому

    este lp me parece genial y nada depresivo...ahora.con veinticinco años no podia escucharlo entero.my names wild mick riot

  • @rustylegiron
    @rustylegiron 14 років тому

    Sometimes there's no words

  • @jacktheripper45ds
    @jacktheripper45ds 15 років тому

    Love It

  • @bartholomew313
    @bartholomew313 14 років тому +3

    The man from the dark side has a heart as big as the rotting Big Apple... BTW, this song was written for Nico.

  • @indigo964
    @indigo964 9 років тому

    Julián,eres la hostia!!Un abrazo d un vasco d donosti k te conoce bién....

  • @robertobenini-zf4ou
    @robertobenini-zf4ou 7 місяців тому

  • @markhanlon7742
    @markhanlon7742 9 років тому +1

    Yeh its such a cool track and really melancholy + jayson williams) a track that can make you think of some one dear to you who's no longer hear for you Peace out

  • @jjwilliamsoconnor1329
    @jjwilliamsoconnor1329 10 років тому


  • @draped_in_black
    @draped_in_black 11 років тому

    R.I.P. Lou Reed.

  • @JSurm
    @JSurm 15 років тому

    ol lou even looks like he's guna tear up during this song

  • @scottdelong1
    @scottdelong1 7 років тому +11

    Am I imagining this or is Lou really getting emotional here?

  • @precisionb
    @precisionb 12 років тому

    Prakish John is a great Bassist! From one to another.

  • @jjwilliamsoconnor1329
    @jjwilliamsoconnor1329 10 років тому

    this is dedicated to sweet peaches geldoff....your with your mummy now sweethart!....peaches geldoff rip 1989-2014

  • @flvnow
    @flvnow 5 років тому +1

    With Laurie Anderson?

  • @edenorion
    @edenorion 11 років тому

    Tears in my eyes. RIP Lou

  • @martinmilligan4521
    @martinmilligan4521 Рік тому

    I think the Berlin album is where Lou left his soul

  • @liusssss
    @liusssss 13 років тому

    Love the woman at the beginning looking for something and looking desperate and sad... where's that from?

  • @skithekey
    @skithekey 11 років тому

    I'm looking for the version of Rock Minuet from this show....? Anyone know where I can find it???

  • @boosawtiwix3837
    @boosawtiwix3837 11 років тому

    caroline says: today - 2013/10/27 is a blue day.
    by, by lou.

  • @nicorigo
    @nicorigo 12 років тому

    @liusssss French woman Emmanuelle Seigner.
    Emmanuelle Seigner+Lou Reed=win

  • @Greggorious123
    @Greggorious123 12 років тому +1

    Did Lou almost cry?

    • @fhergonzalezt
      @fhergonzalezt 8 років тому

      Greg Williams yes vato his mother was con the audience i think

  • @precisionb
    @precisionb 12 років тому

    How can anyone dislike Lou?? The Velvet Underground??? I don't get it?

  • @mattjreid
    @mattjreid 9 років тому

    I fail to appreciate what Antony Hegarty brings to this beautiful song - he's completely off-key.

  • @16metres
    @16metres 13 років тому

    damn, a song this beautiful
    too bad lou went on and made "Lulu"

  • @SunshineInWoods
    @SunshineInWoods 10 років тому

    I'm wondering why in the late period he thought it was a good idea to speak his songs out instead of singing them.

    • @naturphilosophie1
      @naturphilosophie1 9 років тому +1

      SunshineInWoods Lou had been doing that for a long time before, it was his style. If you notice he wasn't very good at playing guitar and singing at the same time either. You can see that in a lot of his live recordings.

  • @はたはたニャンコ
    @はたはたニャンコ Рік тому


  • @robertobenini-zf4ou
    @robertobenini-zf4ou 7 місяців тому