@@user-vd6hx5kq9l 为什么乱说? Are you Singaporean? If yes, then u should know what u said is not true. But if u are not a Singaporean, then go read more about Singapore!
@@judytong1513 Singapore's biggest problem 0% international influence on sports, media, popular culture, celebrity through history. For a Asian tiger economy to have such extremely weak. Look at the national team of Singapore football team, for a country with 77% ethnic Chinese all your football players are Malays, Indian. THIS IS SHAMEFUL. Hong Kong rocked international cinema in the world 80's, 90's and Hong Kong pop was popular East/Southeast Asia that time. Hong Kong football/ players 2 Asia champions and 3rd, 4th AFC . MY OPINION Hong Kong and Singapore should learn to be like Japan, South Korea. Japan 27 science nobel prize, 2 world cup football champion , 4 Asia cup champion, 2 world baseball classic champion, J-pop, manga, video games popular in the world. South Korea samsung, K-pop popular in the world, K-drama popular in the world. Korea beat Germany 2-0 in world cup.
李艾薇 Are you Singaporean? We don’t really care how Hong Kong people view Singapore. The doomsday of Hong Kong is evidence. In the name of democracy and liberty atrocious and despicable crimes are committed. Hong Kong has lost it economic power since many years after China entered WTO. Hong Kong will one day become irrelevant to China. The plight in Hong Kong is self afflicted by the so-called democracy championed by the west. The economic model is not able to catch up with the fast changing world and China. The social fabric has become so weak. The government, legislative council, the courts of law are all in opposition to each other. How can a country or a city state progress?
@@wlimfy Yeah, I hate Hong Kong being compared to Singapore, a nation with only good economy and nothing else. China still needs Hong Kong as a international port and to use it's functions that China doesn't have. Hong Kong is the only place that 100% guarantees safety, top quality of imported products, items where as in China fake stuff and dirty business that doesn't guarantees investors interest and benefits. I don't understand why there are so many videos of these Hong Kong vs Singapore like who give a freaking crap. Singapore is only better than Hong Kong in economy and public housing and nothing else worth mentioning. The only Asian countries I respect is Japan, South Korea as these are two Asian countries that are mentally and physically respected. It is also the reason why Taiwan wants to be like them too. You Singapore always talk about economy and education and that is a reason why Singapore will always never be the center of Asia.
Dracul warmz Well we don’t really want to compare either and I don’t really care. Singapore is a state of its own. We chart our own destiny and we are accountable for it. The Hong Kong people can do whatever they want and the history will speak for itself. I lived in Hong Kong for quite a few years. Hong Kong has its attractiveness in the past. Nonetheless, the world is fast changing whether Hong Kong can weather the storm and become better or worst remains to be seen. Japan and Korea have their own problems. The world is ever evolving and changing, we are staying relevant and nimble in order maintain peace, harmony and prosperity! Good luck to Hong Kong.
@@wlimfy Well Hong Kong it's partially a state of it's own. Hong Kong has everything else that requires to be a country except for having a military. Yes, Japan and South Korea have it's own problem but they are still the true rule models of Asian. Japan advancement are above the Chinese in the last 120 years and South Korea are now on the same level as Japan. K-pop conquers the world and it's music is conquering fans all around the world, Samsung is also popular all over the world, and Korean technology innovations is now better than Japan but aside from that they also prove to be athletic, strong, winning Asia cup and world cup, beating the no.1 and no.2 world champion team Germany, Argentina ect win world champion fighting competitions, Southeast Asians can win world champion in fighting too but they are not that smart in my opinion. I wish that Chinese can start winning more world champion titles in boxing, kickboxing on the world.
as a singaporean. The reason why singapore doesnt have very tall building is because very tall building will obstruct the radar coverage . we have few military airbase ard the island so tall building at this moment is not possible.
I believe you mentioned about PMD. The speed of PMD is much much higher than that of bicycle. There are already a few serious accidents due to speeding PMD. The Government has introduced regulations in this area so that the riders will be mindful about speeding. The majority of the people are actually wary of PMD riders for fear of being knocked down by them.
經濟 和公共房屋以外新加坡人 比香港人所有非常垃圾。非常簡單, 為什麼新加坡華人沒有世界名人?新加坡華人沒有人才。新加坡0%影響電影 ,名人,音樂,演員,體育,運動員但是香港有。 新加坡77%的人口中國人但足球隊都是馬來人,印度人。 真可恥的至少香港有4-5名當地足球運動員和65年前的亞洲足球王。 亞洲的榜樣是日本,韓國。 新加坡的中國人是最垃圾的中國人。如果新加坡是好的為什麼新加坡當地華人是垃圾?奧運也需要中國大陸人。新加坡人是什麼漢子? Do not tell me Singapore is better. I've never seen such a weak Chinese race. A country of 77% ethnic Chinese had their entire football team represented by ethnic minority Malays, Indians with not one single ethnic Chinese player. Can you imagine if other Chinese countries are like them than Chinese people are really a weak pathetic gutless race. Also Singapore Chinese has a extremely weak international impact in ,media, movies, celebrities. No wonder in all our alives we always care about going to Japan, South Korea and sometimes even China, Taiwan but nobody freaking cared about Singapore because this is clearly a extremely boring country with low popular culture.
@@draculwarmz96 We have Lee Kuan Yew. His contribution beats everyone in your HK famous list. You have tons of famous people in Hong Kong but how many really contributed to help Hong Kong?? See what happened to your Hong Kong now. In a mess, so diverted and everyone is living in fear & unhappy.
@@Wendy-jt1ln Not really, Lee Kuan Yew didn't make his citizens into nobel prize winners, creative, world champ in sports, fighting, he made his Singaporean Chinese physically weak and gutless, even the football team is all entirely represented by Malays, Indian despite Chinese making 76% of the population today. Singaporean Chinese focuses way too much on academics and lack physical ability. You only need to take a look at the size of Singaporeans men's forearms, which is so thin and bony. Hong Kong is in a mess because of the Hong Kong corrupted puppet leader. However Hong Kong kids are brave, they could suffer 10 years in prison but still show fearless and resilient behavior despite being beaten the crap by police and end up being tortured they still fight forward, this is something you Singaporeans will never do. Hong Kong faces pressure from China and is at war with China and the people defy China's interference.
In HK hospital surgery leg operation charges HK 100,000- for government hospital . It charges HKD 300,000 in HK private hospital . In Australia / Canada, for the same private hospital , charges only HKD 50,000- . DamHK .................
Hong Kong is a heaven for the rich not the poor. Majority of the Hong Kongers are staying in a matchbox size house. So what you if have freedom of speech but limited livable space. You drag yourself to go back to a tiny house everyday that you don't own it. Having the fear everyday that you might lose a place to stay because you don't even own that property.
sc5252 National service is 22mths. Our young man even our uncles like to talk about their national service life. Is always before enter NS they thought of waste time as compare with the girls but the funny thing is they are proud when they completed. Can only said that this training make them more mature, responsibility, stronger, ah boy to man you can really see their change. The disadvantage is when yr same age girl start to work you still in Uni year 2
I am wondering between the two of us, who is the pink IC holder? I didn't knew I chose you to represent me, Mr 毛。 Which batch and unit did you serve in your NS, Mr 毛? MR yet?
政府唔識保護你個女就要自己諗下辦法先得㗎! Margaret 仲有好多年要坐 car seat,真係唔怕一萬,最怕萬一。 你都識講要洗好多錢養大佢,有架車就多咗好多珍貴嘅 family time。你架法國滑板車咁貴,唔通淨係拎落樓下轉兩個圈?梗係要出去大尾篤威返下。坐 uber 係冇問題,但第一冇 car seat,第二回程嗰時你嗌唔到車就超級頭痕(或者要等超耐)。
Viewing from your clips, seems like you like Singapore a lot. I think it's totally different when you live and work here. Unless you are rich and living some sort of high life, life in Singapore is almost same like in HK
@@NC000C I am living in Singapore, no point I prejudice with this place. I just trying to highlight that traveling to a place and living in a place is totally two different experience
Singapore is definitely a much much better place, for one, singaporeans can speak much better English and Mandarin (let alone other languages) than all Hongkong people, hk people should feel ashamed of their incapability to master both English and Mandarin
是由我祖父那一代开始建立的, 我们很努力的把国家建立得更好,更有竞争力。
男孩要当兵也是很无可奈何,我们小,不做些防备, 难道坐以待毙吗?
很多新加坡人都是看港剧长大的,感觉好像香港也是我们的家。看到最近的事,我们也会为了你们的困境伤心。 可是为什么你们老是骂我们呢? 我们各自是独立的国家,无论跟那一国比较合得来,也不管你们的事吧。
@@NC000C 我挺你
@@debbieong3566 香港是中国的领土而不是个主杈国家而新加坡却是个主杈国家,你连这个基本的问题都搞不淸还要耒这里现丑?
@@KINGKONG-pd2rz 香港的政治问题管我屁事? 新加坡有民主? 去看看李光耀先生说过的话再来这里吠。
早幾年有條學生仔 批評下李光耀政府 咁就無啦啦畀人拉咗去坐監 移民去星加坡 咪搞囉
@@skychan5318 我都有睇過新聞,香港人習慣咗口沒遮攔,講嘢當食生菜,一開口就刁人老母,見到人地星加坡繁華熱鬧就想去黐人油水,人地生活有規有矩,吾日三省吾身,行為檢點,香港人咁嘅性格,唔住一個禮拜就頂唔順。
@@shuho3695 人家是在新加坡住了两年,可能是工作或者是学习,看不清楚不要乱吠!
@@tenierslai5876 我有朋友是新加坡人,97年前已移居香港。
@@draculwarmz96 攞運動員比真係笑死,咁仲有咁多項目你又知冇中國人?按你個理論08年大陸奧運玩嗮咁大陸係咪世界第一人种?on9
@@hihorld3720 ON9 大陸08年大陸奧運..有作弊,
和中國人口世界最多,自己的國家自己的規則肯定贏。 好好亞洲人有日本人,韓國人。所有亞洲國家需要日本人,韓國人學習。他們證明亞洲人可以是智能,先進的,發明,創造力,創新,多著名人也是身體強壯力文化權力,也能夠贏得世界杯和亞洲杯,也是多拳擊世界冠軍,跆拳道冠軍。如果所有的亞洲人就好像新加坡中國人,世界人民會說亞洲人很弱。東南亞人有500世界拳擊冠軍跆拳道冠軍但不聰明。新加坡經濟雖然好,但沒有人才,沒有著名人,沒有國際知名人士,文化權力就是垃圾。為什麼您可以比印度人馬來人代表新加坡足球(中國人口的77%)。 在香港,印度人在火車上比香港打低香港人也打馬來人。但新加坡華人比印度人,馬來人更弱。
香港輸是因为一班只听命於中央的廢官, 庸人上台管治
@@user-vd6hx5kq9l 这些都是外人诋毁,其实现在的总理在90年代就已经是金融部长了,早就带领新加坡了。如果没有作为,人民不可能会选他的。
@@user-vd6hx5kq9l 为什么乱说? Are you Singaporean? If yes, then u should know what u said is not true. But if u are not a Singaporean, then go read more about Singapore!
@@judytong1513 Singapore's biggest problem 0% international influence on sports, media, popular culture, celebrity through history. For a Asian tiger economy to have such extremely weak. Look at the national team of Singapore football team, for a country with 77% ethnic Chinese all your football players are Malays, Indian. THIS IS SHAMEFUL. Hong Kong rocked international cinema in the world 80's, 90's and Hong Kong pop was popular East/Southeast Asia that time. Hong Kong football/ players 2 Asia champions and 3rd, 4th AFC . MY OPINION Hong Kong and Singapore should learn to be like Japan, South Korea. Japan 27 science nobel prize, 2 world cup football champion , 4 Asia cup champion, 2 world baseball classic champion, J-pop, manga, video games popular in the world. South Korea samsung, K-pop popular in the world, K-drama popular in the world. Korea beat Germany 2-0 in world cup.
@@edm1234 可是听说新加坡第一大党通过合法手段垄断政权, 几乎是一党执政, 其他党派都没执政过
Hong Kong use to be nice but last year I went, very stressful place, too crowded n everything so expensive. Sad
人權 環 保 , 其 實 地 產 商 背 后 沅 弄 的 把 戲
Zeis Siez...是的。
现在的香港只要民主自由, 人权..没有底线的放在第一位。😨😱😈
无论谁做政府或特首, 都不会成功, 不会有进步, 也没办法改善环境和社会安宁。更不要说国家繁荣, 因为哪只是天方夜谭。😲😁😂🤣✌👍
其實,只要不介意: 住在新加坡,你的示威集會結社出版等自由,都受到限制。
香港Vs 新加坡 肯定是新加坡。。。
@@willlordlee 這麽説, 小心被黄絲鬧, 黄絲話: 世上没有被民選政府更好。議員制度好重要, 用嚟監管政唔好做錯事。
結果政府推行所有嘢都有人挑骨頭出來。結果政府乜都做唔到, 反而被人鬧香港政府不及無民主的新加坡政府好。
@@dotmerah6713 新加坡冇民主哦,你香港人点会接受到
Dracul warmz 新加坡华人得罪你吗?说到垃圾这样,那请问你这高尚的人又是哪国人呢?
李艾薇 Are you Singaporean? We don’t really care how Hong Kong people view Singapore. The doomsday of Hong Kong is evidence. In the name of democracy and liberty atrocious and despicable crimes are committed. Hong Kong has lost it economic power since many years after China entered WTO. Hong Kong will one day become irrelevant to China. The plight in Hong Kong is self afflicted by the so-called democracy championed by the west. The economic model is not able to catch up with the fast changing world and China. The social fabric has become so weak. The government, legislative council, the courts of law are all in opposition to each other. How can a country or a city state progress?
@@draculwarmz96 新加坡人的中国人 不懂你这堆垃圾要表达什么??
@@wlimfy Yeah, I hate Hong Kong being compared to Singapore, a nation with only good economy and nothing else. China still needs Hong Kong as a international port and to use it's functions that China doesn't have. Hong Kong is the only place that 100% guarantees safety, top quality of imported products, items where as in China fake stuff and dirty business that doesn't guarantees investors interest and benefits. I don't understand why there are so many videos of these Hong Kong vs Singapore like who give a freaking crap. Singapore is only better than Hong Kong in economy and public housing and nothing else worth mentioning. The only Asian countries I respect is Japan, South Korea as these are two Asian countries that are mentally and physically respected. It is also the reason why Taiwan wants to be like them too. You Singapore always talk about economy and education and that is a reason why Singapore will always never be the center of Asia.
Dracul warmz Well we don’t really want to compare either and I don’t really care. Singapore is a state of its own. We chart our own destiny and we are accountable for it. The Hong Kong people can do whatever they want and the history will speak for itself. I lived in Hong Kong for quite a few years. Hong Kong has its attractiveness in the past. Nonetheless, the world is fast changing whether Hong Kong can weather the storm and become better or worst remains to be seen. Japan and Korea have their own problems. The world is ever evolving and changing, we are staying relevant and nimble in order maintain peace, harmony and prosperity! Good luck to Hong Kong.
@@wlimfy Well Hong Kong it's partially a state of it's own. Hong Kong has everything else that requires to be a country except for having a military. Yes, Japan and South Korea have it's own problem but they are still the true rule models of Asian. Japan advancement are above the Chinese in the last 120 years and South Korea are now on the same level as Japan. K-pop conquers the world and it's music is conquering fans all around the world, Samsung is also popular all over the world, and Korean technology innovations is now better than Japan but aside from that they also prove to be athletic, strong, winning Asia cup and world cup, beating the no.1 and no.2 world champion team Germany, Argentina ect win world champion fighting competitions, Southeast Asians can win world champion in fighting too but they are not that smart in my opinion. I wish that Chinese can start winning more world champion titles in boxing, kickboxing on the world.
@@tsaoa 可以说没个地方都没有完美。呵呵。看自己想那就那最重要放慢脚步过生活才是对。
@@tsaoa 对,去泰国,然后你要找舍麽工作?每天看海的日子?嗮太阳?
新加坡 有今天 ; 自主 !英明領導 ! 遠見 ! 有魄力的政治決心 !教育 ! 和勤勞的人民 !🤔💚❤️💙
遠見是真的,較大部分亞洲国家計劃好,英明领导背後總有一点点私心,很多大企业是国家占股.....總有好壞處……勤勞嗎? 看很多senior做M記,做清洁工,是用勞力维持生活,還有去多了解政府部门是如何勤勞,看看社區疹療所......公立医院...為人民服务可以有多”勤勞”, 有多真
因爲新加坡政府每五年要參加全國大選,選民投票的的票率就是給政府的成績單。有一次政府移民政策太寬鬆,接下來的大選的票就掉到五十多 percent,有三個反對黨議員被選入國會,一個部長被選民用選票送出出國會。但是,香港人沒得選。
1..新加坡是一个独立, 自主的国家。😀
2..政治稳定, 国家安宁, 社会繁荣。😉
3..公民, 永久居民都买得起房屋住 。👍
4..人民所居住的组屋房子面积, 基本在7百尺到一千8百尺之间, 在于每个家庭的需求。😲
5..新加坡无论海滩, 商业区, 购物区, 体闲区, 组屋区..都非常清洁。💕
6..每个组屋区年龄到了五年, 政府会派人去粉刷内和外墙壁。😍
这就是为什么新加坡整体组屋区是如此的新, 干净, 清洁。💕💖
8..新加坡每五年就有大选, 公民只要21岁以上, 每人一票, 就可以去投选。👍
9..新加坡基本上没有黑社会, 也不会有人敢去商店或超市收保护费。✌️
10..安全..基本上子女就算半夜两三点, 都能安全回到家。😉
11..交通方面, 巴士和地铁服务都很方便。💕💖
13..人民相信政府, 99%人民都反对上街游行, 示威和抗议。👍
政府准许人民通过写信, Email或会见议员, 提出您的意见和看法。但决对不可以骂或者挑战政府。😀
15..生活在新加坡, 只要不去做伪法, 犯法的事, 公民, 永久居民和外籍人士是决对过着自由, 快乐, 安逸, 和谐的生活。😄😉😍💖👍👏
1. 十分強勢+獨裁民主政府
2. 接受大部分野要按政府安排黎做
3. 80%國民都係親建制
4. 所謂反對黨,其實都係與建制派有得傾計
P.S. 曾經起新加坡住過八年,整個中學和理工階段都係起新加坡渡過
thats right. i cant understand those HKers who emphasize the loosing "freedom&democracy" in HK meanwhile jealous abt the high efficiency in SG.
@Kin Kin 贊成! 因為星加坡人實事求是,不像香港人失常,身在福中不知福,天天反乜反物,反到自己變白痴。
@@shuho3695 新加坡的环境和香港不同,两国都有优缺点,最主要是以大马人的观点来看新加坡,选哪边各位看倌自己决定了。
@@gslee442 👍
@@shuho3695 不过一生人有机会还是想要去香港旅游的,毕竟东方之珠的美誉绝非浪得虚名。
@@user-vd6hx5kq9l r u a Singaporean? Don't think u are. U know nothing about Singapore. Pls go google and read more about Singapore history.
@@user-vd6hx5kq9l u are referring to urself?
李艾薇 你是不是有病?到处看到你在唱新加坡的不好,这么讨厌就不要看,不要在那边酸葡萄!有病看医生啦?UA-cam治不好神经病吖
我說個 經歷給你們聽! 我是馬來西亞人!會説-點廣東話! 我在自小 看港劇長大 !新加坡工作了12年,
也和香港人同事過! 粗口每天講, 人其實不錯! 去香港看-看就是我的承諾! 第一次去香港! 聽說那裡的人沒禮貌! 但放在我的身上是1個異數! 因為我收到很好的待遇! 在旺角的茶餐室! 餐館的服務員叫我不用急,慢慢點, 很有禮貌! 牛雜店 阿姨,幫我買菠蘿油! 我們還聊得很輕鬆! 隔壁台的姐姐說我來自馬來西亞因為我的口音, 那天很開心, 地鐵工作人員帶我去找廁所, 我有點事寵若驚! 而且 很有禮貌! 旅館的阿姨, 很有耐心的教導我們怎麼樣跑香港 什样坐巴士, 回程時候海關人員 禮貌的問我需要有什麼幫忙嗎! 那時我回了一句! 謝謝香港的服務!I am appreciate,
as a singaporean. The reason why singapore doesnt have very tall building is because very tall building will obstruct the radar coverage . we have few military airbase ard the island so tall building at this moment is not possible.
I believe you mentioned about PMD. The speed of PMD is much much higher than that of bicycle. There are already a few serious accidents due to speeding PMD. The Government has introduced regulations in this area so that the riders will be mindful about speeding. The majority of the people are actually wary of PMD riders for fear of being knocked down by them.
新加坡好好 ! 比香港好多啦
為什麼新加坡華人沒有世界名人?新加坡華人沒有人才。新加坡0%影響電影 ,名人,音樂,演員,體育,運動員但是香港有。 新加坡77%的人口中國人但足球隊都是馬來人,印度人。 真可恥的至少香港有4-5名當地足球運動員和65年前的亞洲足球王。 亞洲的榜樣是日本,韓國。 新加坡的中國人是最垃圾的中國人。如果新加坡是好的為什麼新加坡當地華人是垃圾?奧運也需要中國大陸人。新加坡人是什麼漢子? Do not tell me Singapore is better. I've never seen such a weak Chinese race. A country of 77% ethnic Chinese had their entire football team represented by ethnic minority Malays, Indians with not one single ethnic Chinese player. Can you imagine if other Chinese countries are like them than Chinese people are really a weak pathetic gutless race. Also Singapore Chinese has a extremely weak international impact in ,media, movies, celebrities. No wonder in all our alives we always care about going to Japan, South Korea and sometimes even China, Taiwan but nobody freaking cared about Singapore because this is clearly a extremely boring country with low popular culture.
@UCosz_guj_ACB0UkjUnSmBpg 你老母新加坡人女
人是比您新加坡男人強 ?至少
@@sktdllm9492 只有韓國
@@draculwarmz96 We have Lee Kuan Yew. His contribution beats everyone in your HK famous list. You have tons of famous people in Hong Kong but how many really contributed to help Hong Kong?? See what happened to your Hong Kong now. In a mess, so diverted and everyone is living in fear & unhappy.
@@Wendy-jt1ln Not really, Lee Kuan Yew didn't make his citizens into nobel prize winners, creative, world champ in sports, fighting, he made his Singaporean Chinese physically weak and gutless, even the football team is all entirely represented by Malays, Indian despite Chinese making 76% of the population today. Singaporean Chinese focuses way too much on academics and lack physical ability. You only need to take a look at the size of Singaporeans men's forearms, which is so thin and bony. Hong Kong is in a mess because of the Hong Kong corrupted puppet leader. However Hong Kong kids are brave, they could suffer 10 years in prison but still show fearless and resilient behavior despite being beaten the crap by police and end up being tortured they still fight forward, this is something you Singaporeans will never do. Hong Kong faces pressure from China and is at war with China and the people defy China's interference.
@@yoyoyeung1703 别傻了,示威不会被鞕。。。
我肯定大部份香港人移民第一位肯定不會選擇一年365 日全夏天熱死的小國星加坡。(因為SG天氣比香港更熱,縂面積比香港更细,制度比香港更專制)
咁不如用電動巴士 一來低成本 二來又環保 三嚟又載得多客, 四嚟畀電動滑板快, 5來大眾化, 搭巴士咁平, 同埋你要考慮到唔係個個人都識踩電動滑板, 六嚟有得坐, 7嚟你買一部電動巴士係服務新加坡 公民, 但你一部電動滑板只係服務你自己, 8來 有冷氣 9嚟方便傷殘人士
新加坡不适合香港人无民主 香港人都系留系香港吾好好乱人地新加坡!
@@user-vd6hx5kq9l 為什麼
新加坡足球隊是馬來人/印度人,沒有當地的中國人 ? 為什麼
Dracul warmz 不知道孙燕姿?JJ?
@@毛逸人 孙燕姿 JJ?? 真實世界聞名人
@@draculwarmz96 新加坡名人有:李光耀、李显龙、曾秋坤、韩劳达、水铭漳、曾渊沧、邱德拔、李光前、李成伟、黄祖耀、黄志祥、林文庆、陈六使、蔡健雅、孙燕姿、许美静、陈洁仪、林俊杰、阿杜、、蔡淳佳、泳儿、、林湘萍、范文芳、立威廉、吴岱融、蔡澜、蔡和平等
@@annlaims1508 就係很多香港人吾知囉,剩係睇表面,真無知!!如果知道稅又高, 物價高,法律又嚴,要香港人去住Singapore, 成日去遊行,批評政府,一定即刻被找!!知不知道呀... 想去移民去星加坡的香港人!
Ann Lai Ms 对不起,你误解了。那不是税而是公积金。雇员扣20%的薪水再加上雇主補上17%。公积金可以用来买房屋,医疗与及作为部分的退休金。
@@annlaims1508 哈,没搞错吧?你说的那个不是税,是我们的公积金,属于自己的养老钱。
@@alexida 新加坡其实非常冷,除非你天天在外嗮太阳。游客才会热😃
李艾薇 不必太敏感啦
In HK hospital surgery leg operation charges HK 100,000- for government hospital . It charges HKD 300,000 in HK private hospital . In Australia / Canada, for the same private hospital , charges only HKD 50,000- . DamHK .................
The HK have more freedom than the Sing
Hahaha. Wat a joke. Enjoy ur freedom in HK 😉👍
Freedom to fight the police.
會唔會生多個?我個仔八個月大竟然鐘意睇Margaret, 聽到Margaret叫會笑😂
我2016年第一次去新加坡睇航展欣賞新加坡人排隊同香港人好大分別 之後每年都去新加坡睇國慶
Nice video!
我覺得無論去邊一個國家,各有各的Pros & Cons, 最重要係睇個人適唔適應環境啫. 如唔適合可以搵到適合為止...Nothing is perfect~ 知足就好啦~ *Peace*
That sauce you are dipping in might be Sambal Belacan paste, made from raw chilli and shrimp. Lime might be squeezed into it too
個人意見: 現時公務員人工過高(相對私人市場完全脫軌),政府唔見得有做考核有效去瘀血, 再加上社會傾向由媒體去批判。
政府搶咗市場大部分叻仔叻女,但又唔使佢地點出力做嘢。 完全係富二代嘅表現。
香港做基建, 真係利民民要既, 應係所有的車路旁加返條單車路. 不開始做永遠都唔會有. 有了單車路, 好多路程可人自己踩返車便得. 唔駛被迫坐 出廢氣的各類機器.
做運動之餘又減出廢氣. 配套係要做埋有監視的收錢的泊單車系統. 辦工地方要加浴室設備. 都係唔做, 地球會死得快D.
開放俾電動的單車, 板車行, 搞搞下咪又人車行埋同一條路囉. 中國裡有電動的單車板車啦, 行路的人自己執生.
唔好太懶少少路都要自己動的車, 到有日身 邊度出事, 原來真係動得太少, 那時才動已太遲.
香港人唔會讓單車,會死好多人。邊似歐洲D 單車友咁霸道。
李艾薇 李光耀当年去香港的时候香港人也是喊打倒李光耀解放新加坡
a very good comparison. may i ask the hotel u stayed. i want to check in this hotel for my next trip to singapore. thx
may i have the name of the hotel u stayed in this video. thx
香港政府保護既得利益者 唔敢得罪有的士牌 有地既人 新加坡為大眾服務 地有法例強制收 又俾Uber 行
好簡單嚟講呢啲就係有城市規劃同冇城市規劃嘅分別 呢個世界邊度會由人張 住宅區商業區全部放在一起 香港就會. 再加上香港政府係一個弱勢政府好多嘢都要聽北京嘅指示 所以係完全冇得比香港完全學唔到
一定係㨂新加坡🇸🇬!政府係嚴謹 不過見到有希望 有憧憬 有承擔!BTW已移民新加坡
陳國傑 乜嘢叫做承擔? 乜嘢叫做憧憬? 有眼前唔睇,望左去睇唔到嘅嘢,你患咗遠視症。你讀書方法唔正確,讀壞咗個腦。
Welcome to Singapore. 新加坡男儿是必须服兵役的。在我的年代是两年半,现在减少到两年。新加坡人努力工作,就像所有香港人一样;新加坡无论是政府部门或私人机构整体的办事效率都挺高;政府对人民的照顾算是不错的。
shu ho 眼前香港冇希望
shu ho 教育同生活環境 香港無得比
新加坡好, check out my channel pls. need more view time. pls. lol
我是香港人, 確實有些香港人不了解新加坡:
台灣, 没法治但有自由民主
香港, 有法治有自由但没民主(好可惜法治和自由很快没了)
新加坡, 有法治沒自由没民主
Ken Ng 新加坡有法制,每4-5年公民在自己的选区有一次选举投票权,也算是有民主体系。我个人认为可以进步的是新闻和言论自由的松绑。比起30年前的新加坡,现在是比较民主自由了,不过还可以进步。
@@Underdog9898 我说的是法治, 现在新加坡人都不明白香港人争取什么, 法治完全娈成內斗贪腐权贵统治.
COCO 哥 常常笑笑口 比個like 你 !!!
不会选择新加坡 没有天然环境的国家 危机四伏 周边环境也危险 当然新加坡政府是代表精英团队 ,必须依靠大国才可以发展.有没有人想知道1年有多少个新加坡r人离开新加坡 看你需要什么环境决定你的未来 这里不是你想象中都是机会
傻逼 能问一年几多人离开新国呀?
Hong Kong is a heaven for the rich not the poor. Majority of the Hong Kongers are staying in a matchbox size house. So what you if have freedom of speech but limited livable space. You drag yourself to go back to a tiny house everyday that you don't own it. Having the fear everyday that you might lose a place to stay because you don't even own that property.
environment is better ge..
I love Singapore
Coco哥, 滑板車喺新加坡已經禁止喺行人道路上使用喇。其實好多新加坡人都認為電動滑板車喺行人道路上使用會危害他人。最近亦都有傷害到老人家死亡。同時亦都有好多關於充滑板車類嘅電以引起著火事件。所以即使電動個人交通工具係環保,但係不能排除佢帶來嘅危險性。而且就好似你話齊新加坡咁細又方便行路到車站就得喇。
Margaret 係咪就快入n班?報左國際班定主流班?等緊睇你條片😋
我幫我囡睇幼稚園先知依家咁多要求,想入Happy School 都唔易😂😂
Sentosa to Airport is going from South to East. Anyhow, $30 gets you from West (Jurong) to Changi (East)
sing of course, better environment, but bear in mind that these are competitive countries and therefore people are relatively toxic:)
If you are a young man. Ask yourself are you willing to sacrifice 26 months for national services in Singapore. Compulsory!
sc5252 National service is 22mths. Our young man even our uncles like to talk about their national service life. Is always before enter NS they thought of waste time as compare with the girls but the funny thing is they are proud when they completed. Can only said that this training make them more mature, responsibility, stronger, ah boy to man you can really see their change.
The disadvantage is when yr same age girl start to work you still in Uni year 2
@@connieeulianhiang3020 . thanks for correcting me. So 22 months. I was wrong
香港都唔知似乜樣 係9咁起樓痴線
香港亞熱帶氣候呀, 新加坡係熱帶氣候, 香港的濕度比新加坡高 , 當然乾熱會比較好受啦, 如果濕熱嘅話出街唔夠十分鐘就流曬汗, 好辛苦㗎, 新加坡都好潮濕, 不過相比起香港嚟講冇咁潮濕, 感覺上未好似新加坡嘅 熱比香港舒服囉
@匿名者Anonymous 關仇富屁事,你懂個鳥。
@@schwarzl4227 那是因為香港禁止了投資移民,否則鬼才去星加坡。
@@SEOHongKongSEO 噗哈哈 随你开心就好
SEO HongKong 有钱人都往欧美跑吧
@@user-tj1pj8xd8z 大多回流了。歐美稅收太高了,而且華人不好混。
好嘢! 又唔駛餵奶! Coco哥又去武吉士? 定係紅燈區? 哈哈!
你真係好自然流露,想講就講! 👍
当然是香港了。新加坡没自由,没民主,没人权。新加坡只有大部份人家住在所谓的政府组屋,没其它的了。最不能忍受的是新加坡是不准大规模示威的。政府规定了,你想发表不同政见,可以到一个小角落,站在肥皂箱自我发表了。那是明显没自由,没民主,没人权 !新加坡更规定外国人不可以在新加坡参加任何示威集会。这与香港大不相同,示威还可以带上英国美国国旗。更加不能忍受的是,新加坡不能像香港一样创新,建立一个新的观光景点 - 示威大游行 !!!!
宜家個政府咪又係驚多做多錯,少做少錯。 有時其實可能唔係國家唔比攪,但我地政府又去揣測D領導既旨意,然後乜春都唔做,瀨晒屎咁
要睇你考咩學校,可否由n直上k1,之前你地有提過心儀的學校,但它n班不能直上k1,如果你想出片要等考到入k1先好出。當然你可以只講名校好處個d,唔好只講關於你個女in個間學校。至於車暫時唔好買,就算每次出街call taxi uber既錢,都平過養車一個月
你喺天台食既脆脆既薄饼,系印度人既 papadum,食印度人既黄姜饭 (Nasi Brayani ),佢地会俾你送贩。果 D 辣辣甜甜的辣椒酱系马来人的椰浆饭的配酱,里边有江鱼仔
我是看港剧 听广东歌长大的 每年都会去香港买东西 吃东西 对香港有一定的情感。可是最近平平发生示威抗义 行动 难免痛心 希望港人 能以和为贵 早日恢复太平。Amen!
Terence Ng 港汕注意素质,不要否认事实!
@@毛逸人 神经病
I am wondering between the two of us, who is the pink IC holder? I didn't knew I chose you to represent me, Mr 毛。
Which batch and unit did you serve in your NS, Mr 毛? MR yet?
政府唔識保護你個女就要自己諗下辦法先得㗎! Margaret 仲有好多年要坐 car seat,真係唔怕一萬,最怕萬一。 你都識講要洗好多錢養大佢,有架車就多咗好多珍貴嘅 family time。你架法國滑板車咁貴,唔通淨係拎落樓下轉兩個圈?梗係要出去大尾篤威返下。坐 uber 係冇問題,但第一冇 car seat,第二回程嗰時你嗌唔到車就超級頭痕(或者要等超耐)。
Singapore welcome you
@@kidtsui don't worry "Singapore not much politics. Only 5year's once. Come to elections 😂
@Coco哥 What is your profession that you need to go to Singapore regularly?
Singapore seems good ! More spacious living area !
yes, but need to live up to stricter law
Well, you won't feel anything if you behave well. You feel safe even you are alone in the street at night
@@hkmachi 係呀! 點解D人吾知Singapore D law 很嚴呀,食 香口膠也要罰呀 !
@@reginashum5444 可以吃口香糖,不会被罚的,新加坡只是不能卖口香糖。没有你说的很严,因为法律是用来对付坏人,保护好人的。
@@edm1234 賣香口膠是壞人嗎? 也沒自由,這是法津對D 壞人嗎?😣😤
Nobody prefer to live in a colony with a 'one country two system' bluff.
Lee kuan yew
那你为何不说中共把上海,北京,深圳,重庆,搞的都比香港好。 法律绝对不是跟香港而是从英国那改的。你可要知道LKY是在英国的Cambridge读法律,还拿双荣誉的。
香港比新加坡大, 但真正可以起樓, 善用空間比新加坡小, 所以就算新加坡國土面積細個香港, 但因為佢可以用嘅地方多啲 ,所以感覺上未係新加坡好似大過香港囉
Viewing from your clips, seems like you like Singapore a lot. I think it's totally different when you live and work here. Unless you are rich and living some sort of high life, life in Singapore is almost same like in HK
It's not that he likes the place, it's just your prejudice with the place. Do you any hidden agenda?
@@NC000C I am living in Singapore, no point I prejudice with this place. I just trying to highlight that traveling to a place and living in a place is totally two different experience
@@待明歌 you know best what you are trying to do.
@@NC000C trying to do what? Influencing the world with my own opinion? 🤣
@@待明歌 😝
700winwin 今天潮流興中文啊!特朗普外孫女都學中文啦!你仲懷舊學英文?
@@sc5252 香港人驕生慣養,把口最牙刷,若要服兵役,馬上縮沙,由其是民煮派。你請佢吃飯就精神百倍。
@李晓峰 講得正好!香港青年大多是無乜腦,比人洗腦就快 !
Singapore is definitely a much much better place, for one, singaporeans can speak much better English and Mandarin (let alone other languages) than all Hongkong people, hk people should feel ashamed of their incapability to master both English and Mandarin
Why hotel did you stay in ?
Country (with sovereignty) vs City (without sovereignty) …
Sadly, Mainlandization since the handover !!
Final cut pro
呢集第一次睇你,訂閲了,我是住在香港的大馬人,在廿幾年前來香港前在新加坡住了兩年,我老公是香港人,我而家是一個英文老師,教幼稚園的,不過只是屋邨幼稚園,我三個月前開始做UA-cam channel, 有很多片是學生配音的嗯, 不要小看他們,遅些我都會講多些幼稚園的事,例如,很多英文老師其實是冇牌的,大埔的香港教育大學是我母校, 我是有牌的老師:
Singapore for sure!!
Hong Kongers !!! 😱😱Pls stay at your airport; don’t come to Singapore to mess things up
我見過好多不學習共產黨思想的香港人,他們都買不起新加坡的樓。只有我們天天學習一周第一的強國思想,才會有錢在新加坡買得起樓,才會吃的起 美國的牛 日本的魚 澳洲的蔬果 歐洲的芝士!...