Yeaah sorry!I missed that ,I was quite too excited apparently 😅 It will be great if you can make a video covers both middle eastern and north African Arabs at the same time though 😁
I'm from Libya and exited to see Oman featured. They have such great culture! Lovely cuisine and interesting mannerisms. Unlike other popular Arab countries such as Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt.. Etc not many people know anything about it so it would be fun to explore
Iraqis - honest and good people with good character Egyptians- humorous with soft hearts Palestinians- Smart and ambitious Lebanese- Charming and Sophisticated Jordanian- welcoming and respectful Saudis - Go with the flow, good vibes, chill Syrians - Slick and outspoken
@@marwaqoura7804 I had an Egyptian friend. She seemed to make fun of my personality, body, working ability etc. I just didn't like to be this much close to a person. Other than that, I love Egyptian culture.
@@nergisy.6965 probably he/she didn't mean to offend you, it's just in our culture that we make fun of everything literally everything and if you felt sad about it you would be seen as rude and boring
@@djehuti5571 Thank you very much for your explanation. I understood the situation now. I was grown up in the Mediterranean culture, in Turkey. I like making jokes on general topics as well but being criticized in front of others and on personal topics was too much for me. Thanks.
LOVE THIS! I think we can agree that there is never a dull moment with any Arab in the room. Respect to all of my Arab brothers and sisters. hugs from a Palestinian ;)
Much love and Respect from Mexico to all the Arab countries 🇲🇽 💛 🇵🇸 🇮🇶 🇱🇧 🇸🇦 🇾🇪 🇶🇦 🇰🇼 🇪🇬 🇧🇭 🇴🇲 🇩🇿 🇦🇪 🇱🇾 🇸🇾 🇸🇩 🇹🇳 🇩🇯 🇲🇦 🇸🇴 🇲🇷 🇰🇲 We really admire you culture and support you, Blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@Oussama-nf2zi You have Arab blood in you, whether you like it or not mate. All the world nowadays is mixed, no one is 100% Arab (not even the Gulf) or 100% Amazigh. Appreciate and be proud of your Amazigh blood, but don’t fall into France’s plan to divide the Arabs among themselves. People call North Africans Arabs because they are culturally Arab. We are indeed culturally Arab and Amazigh.
Hi! In my opinion you are the most charming arabic guy apearing in this channel. 👏👏👏 (English is not my 1st language so: 1) I am not being flirtatious and 2) I am being respectful)
The last Egyptian song that appeared in this video is indeed very popular in Brazil. It was a theme song in the Brazilian telenovela O Clone (The Clon) from the 2001.
We are unique in our own country. that's what make the Arabs Countries beautiful. Peace to all from Lebanon. I also think the Egyptians are funny. Love Egypt.
@@aag3752 Lebanon is an official Arab country, the national language of Lebanon is Arabic the national anthem is Arabic, it's ruled by Arabs political, it's borders Syria and Palestine (Arabic countries), there is more and more, but let's end here. وكنصيحة مني اضرب راسك باقرب حايط على امل تستيقض من غيبوبتك، وكفى تعميم يا متلون..
@@bumingokturk7870 Just go to sleep, our ancestors married into eachother even before the age of writing, prophet Mohammad spoke of the Berber people (of north Africa/Morocco) even before he conquered Arabia, and that place got under Islamic rule decades later... so we have been in contact for too long that our genes were mixed, each Saudi has Berber, Aramaic, Egyptian, and even Persian DNA, and these people have Arabic DNA, so it doesn't matter that we all spoke the same language eventually.... so just go to sleep.
Can we just appreciate how the Middle East is one of the most beautiful places with most amount of civilizations and history. No matter how we're described, we've been through so much and we as Arabs as still standing. I'm also so happy that you encompassed all Arabs and not only Lebanese and Egyptians.
I'm Tunisian, you have no idea how much I love u all , MY DEAR BROTHER AND SISTERS ; I'm very attached to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region) and its people in terms of culture, attitude, and feelings . I wish one day we can overcome all these problems and tragedies and we will live together in harmony and we will defeat terrorism , wars , dictatorship, oppression ,tyranny, and occupation all together (Assyrian , Syriac, Kurds, Turkmen, Circassien, Yazidi, Kushi, Coptic, Amazigh, Touaregs and Arabs) within our beautiful religions of the area (Judaism, Christianity, Islam , Druze and Baha'i ...etc ). Big love ❤ to all of u : Syria 🇸🇾, Iraq 🇮🇶, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Palestine 🇵🇸, Jordan 🇯🇴, Kuwait 🇰🇼, Saudi 🇸🇦, Qatar 🇶🇦, Bahrain 🇧🇭, UAE 🇦🇪 , Oman 🇴🇲, Yemen 🇾🇪, Egypt 🇪🇬, Sudan 🇸🇩, Libya 🇱🇾, Tunisia 🇹🇳, Algeria 🇩🇿, Morocco 🇲🇦, Mauritania 🇲🇷 And Comoros 🇰🇲, Djibouti 🇩🇯, Somalia 🇸🇴 (if they want to join ) Just no matter how "they" treat /beat or intimidate us or describe us like ("terrorist", "cave men", "retarded"," retrograde" ," filthy Arab" , "filthy Eastern" , "tête de bougnoule " , "la roue de la 37 éme charette" and many other Islamphobic and Antisemitic curses ) My love to u all and our love to each other should be illimited . MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS.
If there was respect for all native languages , like tamazight should be taught in Tunisia, then we will live in harmony but sadly as u can see most tunisian leaders don't want to even tho the majority is geneticly amazigh 🥲, am Tunisian too btw
@@AsgatinDortexus الأمازيغية مازالت موجودة في بعض التجمعات السكنية في تونس (شنني، مطماطة، سودويكش جربة ) لكنها على مر التاريخ عمرها ما كانت لغة "البلاد كاملة" بالمفهوم الحضاري للبلاد فقط لغة لبعض الرحل و القبائل و التجمعات في بعض المناطق . الإسلام و العربية جاؤوا لتونس في ستمائة و ثمانين ميلادي ، قبل ذلك ، تونس تحت الحكم البيزنطي كانت تحكي بالإغريقية ، قبل الحكم البيزنطي و تحت حكم الوندال و الرومان كانت تونس تحكي اللغة البونيقية , قبل الرومان تحت الحكم القرطاجي تونس كانت تتكلم اللغة القرطاجية أي البونيقية القديمة (الغير مرومنة) ، و قبلها تحت الحكم الفينيقي كانت تحكي اللغة الفينيقية (إندثرت) ، صحيح كانوا بعض القبائل يتكلموا بالأمازيغية لكن ك"وحدة حضارية" كاملة كانت اللغة الرسمية كانت لغة أخرى . (يمكنك التثبت عبر الإنترنت و المراجع التاريخية) . تونس هي أقل دولة بربرية أو أمازيغية مقارنة يالجزائر أو المغرب موش كيفما نوميديا قبل و القبائل في الجزائر و الريف في المغرب . بالنسبة للتحاليل الجينية اللي تشوف فيهم في الأنترنت كيفما "My heritage " و غيرو هذيكة تحاليل تجارية بحتة ، لو كان تبدل الشركة تو تلقا نتائج مختلفة و زيد الشركة هذيكة إسرائيلية فيها برشا تسييس و بروباغندا : اليهود مقسمينهم أشكيناز و سفاراديم و مزراحيم و يهود اليمن ، في حين غرب آسيا الكل جامعينهم الكل مع بعض ! و زيد التصنيف أكثر منو جغرافي من "عرقي " خاتر ما فماش عرق إسمو "عرب" أو "أمازيغ" ؛ شمال إفريقيا موش معناها حصريا "أمازيغ" و الشرق الأوسط موش معناها حصريا "عرب" بالرغم التقارب الوراثي متاع المجموعات اللي عايشة في نفس المنطقة (حاجة طبيعية). و زيد التحاليل هذيكة تعطيك فقط فكرة عامة على 200 سنة التالي فقط و زيد ما تاخوش بعين الاعتبار الكروموزومات الأوتوزومالية (chromosomes autosomales) و هي فقط مجرد "صورة تقريبية" : كل شركة عندها قاعدة بيانات خاصة بيها (palette de base de données ) : معناها بش تعطي شخص كيفك تقريبا قداش نسب من بلايص متفرقة يلزمك تلمد حسب التقريب موش العكس . صدقني أنا مهندس بيولوجي و قريت "علم الوراثة" في الجامعة و "وراثة المجموعات و الأعراق" و صدقني تقشقيش حناك ، تحاليل تجارية بحتة و تفشليم. موش نقصد بكلامي هذا أنو ما عندناش أصول شمال إفريقية و من المنطقة أما ياسر مغالطات في التحاليل هذيكة و فيها برشا تسييس و أجندات سياسية أكثر منها علمية، نعرفك مش تسبني و مش تكذبني أما شوف المراجع العلمية و الأنترنت تو تلقا اللي الشعوب اللي عايشة فرد جغرافيا تتشابه (أمر طبيعي)لكن ما تجمش تختصرها في "عرق" نقي كيفما برشا تعاليق في الأنترنت يقولوا "شمال إفريقيا = أمازيغ و الشرق الأوسط= عرب" صدقني هذا تخلويض في تخلويض !!!
@@Hassenfeki ok 9rit eli ktebtou el kol wow fa9ra kbira ya m3alem hhhhhh, behi haw chniya bch njawbek : el 7okem ta3 tounes bien sur bch ye7kiw loughethom , par exemple françaoui jé yo7kem fi tounes bch yessta3mel loughtou ou i9arieha lel bled eli mossta3marha donc mouch ma3netha eli e twensa loughethom el assliya howa el Français, theni 7aja el 3arab eli jey par rapport el amazigh eli mawjoudin fi chamal efri9ya chwaya yesser mahomch bch inajmou ya3mlou omma kemla ou zeda puisque t5altou m3a el amazigh eli houma akther menhom byesser 3abra al sinin donc logiquement genetiquement ma3adech 3arab cuz be3dou , theleth 7aja n7eb n9olek rahou el amazigh forcewhom bch ye7kiw 3arbi ou yanssew loughethom na3tik exemple : bourguiba ken ra2iss behi yaatih e sa7a s7i7 ama tansech eli wa9t ha aghlab e cha3b ken ye7ki tamazight ou eli rahou bourguiba howa eli rad hom yansew loughet hom wala yo9telhom , mela 3lech enti ta5sseyeb 3ma3 9anoun 7ata we7ed 3andou 7a9 ye7ki amazighi hhhh , ou el 7aja hedhi saretch men bourguiba bark, bdet tssir meli je el isslem (mouch ma3neha 7aja 5ayba ama 3andou 7ata dakhl bi loughet we7ed ) ou houma i3arbou fi loughetna, ken mekch mssada9 bara chouf internet, ou zeda n7ebek t5amem bel logique i3aych khouya , chwaya 3arab jew par rapport chammal ifri9ya mouch ma3neha a7na kol 3rab bel 3akss logiquement el 3arab a9aliya genetiquement ou zid ha fel tests ADN i7otlek eli el gene mahouch kif kif bel 3arab , rahom des specialistes ye5dhou el ginet men chammal ifri9ya el kol mouch men blassa bark ou ya3mlou ta7alil bel ayamet to93ed mahomch ifadelkou, 7ata ken enti 9ari el biologie normalement ta3ref e chay hedha... 🙂
@@AsgatinDortexus كلامك فيه الصحيح ، لكن راهو "العروبة" اليوم هي مجرد إنتساب "شبه ثقافي" و "جيوسياسي" أكثر منو "جيني أو وراثي بحت" كيف يقولوا" عرب" يقصدوا بيها واحد يتكلم عربي و عندو تقارب ثقافي ، سياسي ، إجتماعي مع بلدان شمال إفريقيا و الشرق الأوسط لا أكثر لا أقل هذاكة علاش ولاو يقولوا "الشرق الأوسط و شمال إفريقيا" في التسميات الرسمية ، على خاطر حتى العرب الأقحاح (شبه الجزيرة العربية) اليمن مختلف برشا جينيا على الكويت مثلا و حتى العرب أنواع عديدة (وراثيا) . هو مجرد تجميع لعباد عندها تقارب ثقافي و إجتماعي و سياسي ، كيفما في أوروبا يقولو العالم الرومانو-كاثوليك (يقصدو بيه إنسجام ثقافي و إجتماعي لا أكثر لا أقل) خاطر رومانيا ، إسبانيا ، فرنسا و إيطاليا و البرتغال جينيا مختلفين لكن عندهم نفس "الصبغة الثقافية ، الإجتماعية و الجيوسياسية" نفس الشيء يقولوه للمنطقة Le monde Arabo-musulman بالرغم اللي برشا موش مسلمين و برشا موش عرب !!!
@@Hassenfeki ok behi cho 5ouya, oumour tha9afa deja a7na manech kif kif bel 3arab jemla, chma3neha tha9afa? ma3neha ( labssa, mekla, ta9alid,etc...) , ma3ana ken el lougha kif kif eli houma fardhoha 3lina. theni 7aja fazet eli el 3arab hiya moujarad tha9afa rahi ghalta 5ater ken jet 7keyet tha9afa bark rahou genetiquement mafamech ADN issmou ADN 3arbi. a mela winek, ta5sseyeb fama gene ta3 3arab zina 3amlinou ? ah ey enti 9olt mayhemech nabdew mouch fard gene ou 3titini exemple eli howa el europe, s7i7 eli l'europe fe tha9afa yechbhou b3adh hom chwaya 5ater tansech eli kol bled ou labsset ha ou maklet ha zeda kif kif ou tansech 5asstan eli el europe mouch el kol fard lougha!!! , kol bled europiya ou loughet ha ama kolhom massi7 (laghlabiya) a7na zeda nafss le7keya mouch lezem el kol ne7kiw 3arbi ou nanssew el loughat el om ta3na ama hana musslimin ou el hmdlh.
dude, he mentioned (Mumbar) as a food recipe to be proud of, and that's the issue. everyone loves Molokhia, but if you openly show mumbar and think no one will feel icky about it, then your cuisine won't catch on. I am Palestinian, we have a similar dish to that, but we keep it to ourselves, a tourist can come and live here for months or even few years, and never hears of it, while locals will know of it, some (incuding me) actually enjoy eating it, but won't claim it's something to be proud of lol
in my life experience, yes, Egyptians are humble..... but in this video, they had fake ego or something, because being funny is more Egyptian than being humble lol
@@benyaminfiko I'm Lebanese. We ain't Arabs. We're Mediterranean people. Different ancestry. Different culture too. Half of us is Christian also, none of us follow no Arab culture. even Lebanese Muslims are very different. So yeah we're about as Arab as we are Eskimo. You can ask most Lebanese people, they'll tell you the same thing. The few Lebanese who say they're Arabs are just talking about language. Not ethnicity or race.
@@freepaganall being arab means is your first language is a dialect of arabic. Since lebanese people speaking lebanese arabic, they're arabs. This also means that if a person with Japanese parents was born in saudi arabia and learned arabic first they would be arab. Genes don't matter. Its just language.
@@drfudgecookie5800 Are you mëntã l? How are you going to tell other people what they are? What position do you think you're in to be able to say that? I am Lebanese. And I can tell you that speaking Arabic 100% does NOT make you an Arab. That's a silly idea and we don't go by that. We go by reality, our identity is not Arab never has been. Learn it and move on.
A very big dislike you have literally ignored one of the most important countries in the Middle East and that is Syria. This country is full of culture and history. It has influenced the whole region with it’s rich cuisine, popular classic singers and poets. Not to mention, Syrian drama which’s is one of only two very popular dramas in the whole Arab world (the other one would be the Egyptian drama). I understand the flag thing but you have only mentioned Syria’s bad humanitarian crisis perpetuating that Syria has nothing to show but it’s war! Lebanon and Iraq have been living in a crisis for as long as I can remember but they weren’t ignored so don’t take war as an excuse you could have told the people involved to stay away from politics. I liked your channel but as a Syrian I can’t express how disappointed I am. what a shame!
Why would you be offended, don’t be offended at someone for being an ignorant it’s not their fault. That’s why I’m not offended, the channel owner is simply an ignorant.
@@DiamondsRexpensive umm yeah they had a guest thanks god but you don’t realize how sad it is for us Syrians to be perceived just as a country that’s dealing with political conflicts and all. mind you Damascus and Aleppo in Syria are one of the most if not THE oldest countries in the world but they mentioned nothing about that.
I loved it. Egyptians are so cool and high. I love your soul 😍😂💚 Of course, Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Iraqis, and Tunisians are so beautiful and all other countries too. Food. I love food from Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan, but I have not tried other countries’ food yet. I'm Jordanian and love all other countries, especially Palestine 🇵🇸 it is in my heart 💘 Free Palestine 🇵🇸 💚💯🌸
I'm just happy that this is a video about the Middle East where things such as war, terrorism and Israel (respectively the conflicts) are hardly mentioned.
As an Israeli, I wish some day in the future Israel could actually be a part of a video like this. Politics aside, culturally we share a lot of similarities with the countries and peoples surrounding us. Also 20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs and Arabic is an official language (which unfortunately most Jews do not speak).
@@ploomich Stop shit and leave middle east, palastine stop stealing for our culture, heritage and even our food and ho back to Germany that's how peace will exist in the area😊
@@nadaehab263 I can’t go back to a place I was never a part of… but you suggesting Germany knowing what terrible things happened to Jews over there is honestly so hateful and disrespectful. It’s a shame in your close mind peace isn’t achievable unless some people are basically gone.
@@ploomich You are the oppressor and yet play the victim and act peaceful That's social media only In reality your military is killing and kick people of there homes Your nice comment will not change the deeds your government do
@@Nashmi-JO I never said I was a victim, and obviously I’m well aware of the occupation as I’ve been living here my whole life. Still I’m not a representative of my government, and if that’s all you can see in me just because I’m Israeli thats fine, but it won’t change my views or my honest hope for peace in the Middle East. 💕
they're!! I met a tourist that I've been mistaken a Latin and then he greet me in arabic after I greet him in spanish lol and he got a pretty greyish green eyes too! he's from Palestine's neighbor(Lebanon)
I like having watched this. Specifically as an American we don't often hear good coming from the middle east, and it's good hearing them as just people, in this light hearted context, speaking well of one another.
As an Iraqi I am confused as to why everyone is all "Lebanese woman are the most gorgeous arab girls". Am I the only one who says Egyptian women are the prettiest? I know so many Coptic girls and ya'll just present yourselves and speak so elegant but not like in an arrogant way. I don't know maybe it is just me but I love Copts. As for the men, bro go into an Iraqi barbershop and tell me we are not deserving of some recognition (I am maybe 5/10 but most Iraqi men are better looking than me lol)
انت جيت تكحلها بس عميتها، ببدال ما تنتقد تصرف العراقي بالتكلم عن النساء و مدح سويت نفس الشي العراقي وصل رسالة بان العراقيين مهوسيين بالنساء و ما شايفين! بس العراقي بيناتهم يتلوگ و بقيه العرب حتى كلمة عن يجابية عن العراق ما كالوها بس انتقدوا العراقيين و عاداتهم
No, this is the truth, Egyptian women are among the most beautiful ladies in the world. They are just not interested in proving that to the world Or marketing themselves in beauty pageants , like other women. They are very vary down to earth.
Media props up the Lebanese women. They are in more beauty pageants and are heavy on the aesthetic procedures (cosmetic and plastic surgery). Don't get me wrong they are beautiful but I think that all arab countries have beautiful people.
the Arab gulf i felt like you left them out, and they didn't even say their opinion about Saudi Arabia, Yeman , Oman , Qatar. you should say this is Sham and Egypt countries.
@@suleyman8696 no not really, idk if you´re syrian but you should look into the arameans and how most syrians are arabized arameans. Our history is very rich and doesn´t start with the arabs
@@johnmalik2631 I know, but since it was arabized, the capital of the Umayyad empire was Damascus. It’s the same as Iraq, it was not arabic before but Baghdad was a capital, also don’t forget the Syrian Palmyran empire (biggest Arab empire before Islam) and Philipp the Arab (the only Arab emperor of Rome, who was from Syria)
A beautiful video! I wish there was more about Syria.. it's really a beautiful country and it's not just war (fact: Damascus is the oldest capital in the world)
I am Egyptian and I want to say that we Egyptians are among the most humorous and laughing people in the world. We are very lucky, even if in bad times and the most famous series in the Arab world are comic Egyptian. Also, our dialect is funny and different from the rest of the dialects 🤣🤣
The same for us syrians, we're literally just known for the civil war eventhow we have like a history that spans thousands of years. I honestly fell with my iraqi brothers and sisters ❤
@@johnmalik2631 Especially Syria don't deserve that because it's like the Mother of Lebanon actually nowadays Lebanese are taking your position at the Arab world! Unfortunately I don't see a bright future for Syria at least at the next 20 years because in Iraq it takes us a lot from 2003 and only at 2019 things are going to be good in a way but very very slowly!
You’re right. I’m North African, but I didn’t knew a lot of things about Iraq. When they talk about Iraqis is always about war and I know that there is more like the beautiful country and people
@@pitaandhummus7643 nope, the hunter gatherers were the first people to move to Europe from the middle east ( Syria, Iraq, Anatolia) 12,000 years ago and they had features like : blue eyes, dark blond hair..etc
I got a bad impression on Kuwait as it has the worst cases of abuses towards Filipino domestic helpers (maids). The worst thing is that even some locals and Kuwaiti celebrities supports it. Even after the diplomatic relations between Philippines and Kuwait restored in mid-2018, 3 Filipino maids were still killed by their employers in Kuwait. I'm just pointing at Kuwait because the people in the vid said that they are nice people. Other gulf countries are also very nasty towards domestic helpers and also to many foreigners from third world countries but I think Kuwait has the worst cases
Its a serious problem there... apparently they abuse alot of immigrants and even expats... we've had problems with them and their 'better than thou' attitude plenty of times... egyptian btw
@Pineapple Pizza ofcourse i know its not all people in kuwait... but its a prevalent problem and its happening increasingly as well or its becoming more revealed due to social media whatever it is... its a serious problem
@@seifelbagoury7182 You have to realize that bad things get a lot of media attention, so it LOOKS like it happens a lot, but it's not true. If you think about how many crimes are reported, its such a small portion of the population, same as any other country with a crime like theft, murder, etc, it's literally SO small but the shock of it makes it have BIG news. There's so many stereotypes of Kuwaitis actually think about it what it's like to be us. Imagine being a Kuwaiti that's not filthy rich. That's most of us by the way. We get by paycheck to paycheck, we will never own a house, if anything crashes in the economy we're completely screwed. But people always assume we're rich and arrogant because of the elites they see. They don't represent all of us at all.
I completely agree, I was the one that made the comment, but I was replying to the comments that were made about our accent prior which was not included in this video - but I agree I should’ve reworded it because I’m not a big fan of those stereotypes we create amongst one another
@@hadilel-baba8200 hi hadil ! you did a great job ❤️you addressed (even by just mentioning ) the stereotype because it's very common and we all get it from non - Lebanese Arabs . I just thought Nabil's facial expression was hilarious and sums up my reaction to the stereotype 😂 well done that was a great video and you both represented us so well ❤️
Although its a stereotype... you've got to admit that out of all arab countries yours is the most feminine... I'm speaking accent not generalizing the population per say. But thats what comes with being a romantic country with generally posh people🤣🤣... joking ofcourse love Lebanon. Egyptian btw
All beautiful people but some of the MOST beautiful people I have ever met in my life are from Palestine and Egypt. By the way, that Egyptian guy had me in stitches with laughter.
Iraqis are more than just aggressive cologne hording grumps, theyre so generous and passionate, they pride themselves with traditions and loyalty to their land faiths etc.
As a syrian I don’t support this channel and this video. These people call themselves "arab" but they don’t know anything about their brothercountry Syria and it’s culture, but only the war, what a shame. Syria has the oldest civilisation/culture in the entire world (Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the entire world) and Syria is also known for its series and movies. Don’t forget the food.
My thoughts exactly...Syria never received the recognition it deserves, and this is not playing the victim mode, its the truth. Not only that, but its always other countries getting credit for all that is Syrian. I want to see our flag 🇸🇾
At least you got mentioned and represented. Look at Saudi, they brought “sajjad” (not a single Saudi has that name) and never mentioned Saudi in the video.
Why was there no Syria impression segment? The other countries each got one, but not Syria, not even in the accent segment. Despite having Syrian repsentation in the video.
There were too many countries to feature for these two parts. That and the major association with Syria is the war, which would have made for a very sad segment.
@@DatingBeyondBorders it’s not the major association your such an uneducated, Syria is the main Arab country, the capital of Arabs. Damascus especially. Palmyran and Umayyad empire. The food, series, culture, cities etc...
Love these videos 👏🏼 We Iraqis are more than “aggressive” (it’s passion lol) people tho. I think most people don’t know us that well, especially our history.
Great history that you have! The cradle of civilization, and the country of Ziryab the founder of Arabian Andalusian music. Also, the country where most of the tales of the Arabian Nights took place. Iraq is fascinating. Greetings from France ❤
I never realized how diverse the east can be I mean I knew they're many countries customs etc but what impressed me from this video is how down to earth and personable they all are. We as americans could learn a lot from the middle east if we would just set aside our opinions self-importance and intolerance.
their are alot too know brother but western Europe and North America is so self centric and materialistic (specially media) that they couldn't see human expect of different countries their food their culture all the things sum up by 1 we are powerful nation saviour of earth 2 how can we make profit from that country or use is it in our favour ofcourse always fency words used like democracy, freedom, devolopment etc sorry for my bad English ❤️ from 🇮🇳
@@28Justchecking Egyptians and people of the levant are Arabs by Islamic conquest. But that's about it. They got the "honour" to be Arabs as a compensation. So, while they aren't Arabs, they can't say they aren't Arabs or say they are their ancestors, because they are also not that. Cue an identity crisis.
Okay Syria’s flag wasn’t used cuz of the conflict But why have they ditched all the questions that couldn’t go political about Syria? Why did y’all bring the Syrian girl in the first place. by not asking about her country you’re offending her, and why have anything about the Levantine cuisine been mostly claimed by the Lebanese even though Syria is the biggest Levantine country by both size and demography and so it has its fingerprints on its neighbors historically and in every other sense? My fellow Syrian brothers just dislike the video It is offensive and shameful to you. Rather you are a red flag 🇸🇾 or a green one
You're totally right!! The fact that we know so much about them and they don't even give a shit about us, even in a stupid random video on yt makes me so damn pissed. what's the point of having that Syrian girl in the video anyway ? jeez man.. 'ignorant asseholes"..this is what this Arab thinks of other arabas.
What’s wrong with this episode you brought a Saudi guy and yet you asked about everyone’ countries except Saudi and didn’t even mention the country despite the fact that some of the questions could be about Saudi Why did you bring the guy then?
Happy New Year everyone! Our newest is on ARABS. Tell me - what country are you most excited to see featured? Are you from one of these countries?👇
What about Algeria arnt we arabs too ? 🙃🤔🤣
@@marylivesong357 The disclaimer is right at the beginning. Impossible to miss.
Yeaah sorry!I missed that ,I was quite too excited apparently 😅
It will be great if you can make a video covers both middle eastern and north African Arabs at the same time though 😁
I'm from Libya and exited to see Oman featured. They have such great culture! Lovely cuisine and interesting mannerisms. Unlike other popular Arab countries such as Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt.. Etc not many people know anything about it so it would be fun to explore
@@marylivesong357 That would be a HUGE video 😊 Wayy too many countries, unless many get left out and even then..
Iraqis - honest and good people with good character
Egyptians- humorous with soft hearts
Palestinians- Smart and ambitious
Lebanese- Charming and Sophisticated
Jordanian- welcoming and respectful
Saudis - Go with the flow, good vibes, chill
Syrians - Slick and outspoken
Perfect description
@@Jivris haha thank u!
no persian? 😅
@@nino96able persians are not arab And I was reffering to the video 🙂
@@rahky2799 as a Palestinian I agree with this message ;)
I just love the energy from Egyptians in every video so far. They never seem to disappoint 😎
All are ethnically accurate to their countries,
except Ironically only the Saudi guy is originally indian (Sajjad)
theyre so epic tbh
@@irdsqrgitro Still raised in Saudi Arabia, with Saudi culture :)
@@caiojardim2280 That's unarguable but Saudis are really getting ethnically hideous with no unified identity
Egyptians really seem so cool and chill.
One of the most interesting countries for sure.🇪🇬
They're even too chill sometimes! Hahaha in some cases where you need them to be serious they become too chill lol
They were funny AF.
@@linanafie8571 yes we are👁👄👁
Syria is the capital of arabs
كلنا واحد مفيش حاجة اسمها كدا🖒☺
The Egyptian guy is hilarious. 🤣
All Egyptians are funny and hilarious even at the darkest times ,humour here is like a shield &weapon
@@marwaqoura7804 I had an Egyptian friend. She seemed to make fun of my personality, body, working ability etc. I just didn't like to be this much close to a person. Other than that, I love Egyptian culture.
@@nergisy.6965 probably he/she didn't mean to offend you, it's just in our culture that we make fun of everything literally everything and if you felt sad about it you would be seen as rude and boring
@@djehuti5571 Thank you very much for your explanation. I understood the situation now. I was grown up in the Mediterranean culture, in Turkey. I like making jokes on general topics as well but being criticized in front of others and on personal topics was too much for me. Thanks.
Umm .. NO
I’m still waiting for a “What Central Asians think of each other” video eagerly!!!!
Yes! That region needs more exposure, so much to offer!
What Turkic countries think about each other would be more cool.
We love each other and get along well.
They probable argue who's a better archer on horseback.
@@gurcuball6193 what are the turkik countries!
LOVE THIS! I think we can agree that there is never a dull moment with any Arab in the room. Respect to all of my Arab brothers and sisters. hugs from a Palestinian ;)
Much love and Respect from Mexico to all the Arab countries 🇲🇽 💛 🇵🇸 🇮🇶 🇱🇧 🇸🇦 🇾🇪 🇶🇦 🇰🇼 🇪🇬 🇧🇭 🇴🇲 🇩🇿 🇦🇪 🇱🇾 🇸🇾 🇸🇩 🇹🇳 🇩🇯 🇲🇦 🇸🇴 🇲🇷 🇰🇲
We really admire you culture and support you, Blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻
🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳 we are not Arabs
@@Oussama-nf2zi You have Arab blood in you, whether you like it or not mate.
All the world nowadays is mixed, no one is 100% Arab (not even the Gulf) or 100% Amazigh. Appreciate and be proud of your Amazigh blood, but don’t fall into France’s plan to divide the Arabs among themselves.
People call North Africans Arabs because they are culturally Arab.
We are indeed culturally Arab and Amazigh.
@@Oussama-nf2zi stop irritating us !
@@Oussama-nf2zi talk for yourself
@@elunicorn695 how do you know what's in someone blood, did you take any North African blood sample when they were asleep and tested it?
Everybody was so great. The Egyptians are so energetic and engaging. Lebanese so reserved and confident. Loved it.
I love that Egyptian dude, seriously. Such a great energy and so funny. That guy's gold!
the egyptian girls were way better and prettier
Malak or Heba?
As an Iranian I think Egypt is the most beautiful country and has the most beautiful accent ❤ and the most friendly people 💕
love to iran from Egypt
And their music too is a banger 🎶🎶🔥🔥🔥
Sarah Braham
Thanks hun. 💙
Nah you just hate original Arabs that’s why you pick Egypt lol
Not to u
it was such a great experiance working with you all 💗😃
Hi! In my opinion you are the most charming arabic guy apearing in this channel. 👏👏👏
(English is not my 1st language so: 1) I am not being flirtatious and 2) I am being respectful)
@@helomt thank you for the kind comment 🙏🏻🌺
@@FadiYounes, you are welcome! 🌻
I think you're the most respectful person in this video. Great 🙌
@@eowyahsan3938 awww thank you so much for the lovely comment 🌺🌺🙏🏻🙏🏻
The last Egyptian song that appeared in this video is indeed very popular in Brazil. It was a theme song in the Brazilian telenovela O Clone (The Clon) from the 2001.
Here it is buddy,..
we are weird fucking people arent we
It's Habibi ya Nour el Ein (Darling, you're the light of my eyes) by Amr Diab :)
Dude Egyptians energy is sick 😂they are hilarious and i love it 😍
Love these videos! Can I suggest, “What do South Asians (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal etc.) think of each other?
That would really be great!!!
I agree
Especially what India and Pakistan think of each other
I was about to comment that.
Great Idea! I'm South Asian Myself (From India)
We are unique in our own country. that's what make the Arabs Countries beautiful. Peace to all from Lebanon. I also think the Egyptians are funny. Love Egypt.
Love Lebanon and the whole Arab world from Iraq 🇮🇶 ❤️
@@sumerianking4942 Love Iraq from Lebanon
Thank you, we also love lebanon
Love Lebanon from Egypt,
I'm Egyptian who used to live abroad, and my 2 best friends are Lebanese, lovely people!
@@Amghannam 🇱🇧❤️🇪🇬
I laughed so hard...
Greetings from Lebanon 🇱🇧
No lol
We only don't like the America's government 🤭
That does not mean we don't like the American people.
@Juan Sánchez Not as far as I know
@@justaguy2533Lebanon is non-Arab. I'm from there too. It's just politically a part of the Arab world. Not racially, not by culture.
Lebanon is an official Arab country, the national language of Lebanon is Arabic the national anthem is Arabic, it's ruled by Arabs political, it's borders Syria and Palestine (Arabic countries), there is more and more, but let's end here.
وكنصيحة مني اضرب راسك باقرب حايط على امل تستيقض من غيبوبتك، وكفى تعميم يا متلون..
The Egyptian guy and the Iraqi guy are on another level 😆😆 I really enjoyed watching them 👏🏻👏🏻🤎
are not really arab countries just arabized
the origin arabs are yemens
Just go to sleep, our ancestors married into eachother even before the age of writing, prophet Mohammad spoke of the Berber people (of north Africa/Morocco) even before he conquered Arabia, and that place got under Islamic rule decades later...
so we have been in contact for too long that our genes were mixed, each Saudi has Berber, Aramaic, Egyptian, and even Persian DNA, and these people have Arabic DNA, so it doesn't matter that we all spoke the same language eventually....
so just go to sleep.
@@bumingokturk7870 They're Levant Arabs
@@bumingokturk7870 we arabs acknowledge they are the original but we still consider ourselves arab
As the Lebanese person I'm really considering starting ASMR just to put people to sleep thank you for that very very precious advice
Can we just appreciate how the Middle East is one of the most beautiful places with most amount of civilizations and history.
No matter how we're described, we've been through so much and we as Arabs as still standing.
I'm also so happy that you encompassed all Arabs and not only Lebanese and Egyptians.
Imagine thinking the history and civilizations of Lebanon and Egypt were Arab. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
@Big Foodie Not just the language, it's the shared culture and heritage.
@@John-pk9rw Damn true lol , but hey it doesnt matter ,be proud you'ew Lebanese
Beautiful history, but sadly backwards and oppresive nowadays
@@lowroar5127 I love how ignorant, prejudicial and rude you all can be while acting so nice and progressive.
I'm Tunisian, you have no idea how much I love u all , MY DEAR BROTHER AND SISTERS ; I'm very attached to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region) and its people in terms of culture, attitude, and feelings . I wish one day we can overcome all these problems and tragedies and we will live together in harmony and we will defeat terrorism , wars , dictatorship, oppression ,tyranny, and occupation all together (Assyrian , Syriac, Kurds, Turkmen, Circassien, Yazidi, Kushi, Coptic, Amazigh, Touaregs and Arabs) within our beautiful religions of the area (Judaism, Christianity, Islam , Druze and Baha'i ...etc ). Big love ❤ to all of u : Syria 🇸🇾, Iraq 🇮🇶, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Palestine 🇵🇸, Jordan 🇯🇴, Kuwait 🇰🇼, Saudi 🇸🇦, Qatar 🇶🇦, Bahrain 🇧🇭, UAE 🇦🇪 , Oman 🇴🇲, Yemen 🇾🇪, Egypt 🇪🇬, Sudan 🇸🇩, Libya 🇱🇾, Tunisia 🇹🇳, Algeria 🇩🇿, Morocco 🇲🇦, Mauritania 🇲🇷
And Comoros 🇰🇲, Djibouti 🇩🇯, Somalia 🇸🇴 (if they want to join )
Just no matter how "they" treat /beat or intimidate us or describe us like ("terrorist", "cave men", "retarded"," retrograde" ," filthy Arab" , "filthy Eastern" , "tête de bougnoule " , "la roue de la 37 éme charette" and many other Islamphobic and Antisemitic curses ) My love to u all and our love to each other should be illimited . MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS.
If there was respect for all native languages , like tamazight should be taught in Tunisia, then we will live in harmony but sadly as u can see most tunisian leaders don't want to even tho the majority is geneticly amazigh 🥲, am Tunisian too btw
@@AsgatinDortexus الأمازيغية مازالت موجودة في بعض التجمعات السكنية في تونس (شنني، مطماطة، سودويكش جربة ) لكنها على مر التاريخ عمرها ما كانت لغة "البلاد كاملة" بالمفهوم الحضاري للبلاد فقط لغة لبعض الرحل و القبائل و التجمعات في بعض المناطق . الإسلام و العربية جاؤوا لتونس في ستمائة و ثمانين ميلادي ، قبل ذلك ، تونس تحت الحكم البيزنطي كانت تحكي بالإغريقية ، قبل الحكم البيزنطي و تحت حكم الوندال و الرومان كانت تونس تحكي اللغة البونيقية , قبل الرومان تحت الحكم القرطاجي تونس كانت تتكلم اللغة القرطاجية أي البونيقية القديمة (الغير مرومنة) ، و قبلها تحت الحكم الفينيقي كانت تحكي اللغة الفينيقية (إندثرت) ، صحيح كانوا بعض القبائل يتكلموا بالأمازيغية لكن ك"وحدة حضارية" كاملة كانت اللغة الرسمية كانت لغة أخرى . (يمكنك التثبت عبر الإنترنت و المراجع التاريخية) . تونس هي أقل دولة بربرية أو أمازيغية مقارنة يالجزائر أو المغرب موش كيفما نوميديا قبل و القبائل في الجزائر و الريف في المغرب .
بالنسبة للتحاليل الجينية اللي تشوف فيهم في الأنترنت كيفما "My heritage " و غيرو هذيكة تحاليل تجارية بحتة ، لو كان تبدل الشركة تو تلقا نتائج مختلفة و زيد الشركة هذيكة إسرائيلية فيها برشا تسييس و بروباغندا : اليهود مقسمينهم أشكيناز و سفاراديم و مزراحيم و يهود اليمن ، في حين غرب آسيا الكل جامعينهم الكل مع بعض ! و زيد التصنيف أكثر منو جغرافي من "عرقي " خاتر ما فماش عرق إسمو "عرب" أو "أمازيغ" ؛ شمال إفريقيا موش معناها حصريا "أمازيغ" و الشرق الأوسط موش معناها حصريا "عرب" بالرغم التقارب الوراثي متاع المجموعات اللي عايشة في نفس المنطقة (حاجة طبيعية). و زيد التحاليل هذيكة تعطيك فقط فكرة عامة على 200 سنة التالي فقط و زيد ما تاخوش بعين الاعتبار الكروموزومات الأوتوزومالية (chromosomes autosomales) و هي فقط مجرد "صورة تقريبية" : كل شركة عندها قاعدة بيانات خاصة بيها (palette de base de données ) : معناها بش تعطي شخص كيفك تقريبا قداش نسب من بلايص متفرقة يلزمك تلمد حسب التقريب موش العكس . صدقني أنا مهندس بيولوجي و قريت "علم الوراثة" في الجامعة و "وراثة المجموعات و الأعراق" و صدقني تقشقيش حناك ، تحاليل تجارية بحتة و تفشليم. موش نقصد بكلامي هذا أنو ما عندناش أصول شمال إفريقية و من المنطقة أما ياسر مغالطات في التحاليل هذيكة و فيها برشا تسييس و أجندات سياسية أكثر منها علمية، نعرفك مش تسبني و مش تكذبني أما شوف المراجع العلمية و الأنترنت تو تلقا اللي الشعوب اللي عايشة فرد جغرافيا تتشابه (أمر طبيعي)لكن ما تجمش تختصرها في "عرق" نقي كيفما برشا تعاليق في الأنترنت يقولوا "شمال إفريقيا = أمازيغ و الشرق الأوسط= عرب" صدقني هذا تخلويض في تخلويض !!!
@@Hassenfeki ok 9rit eli ktebtou el kol wow fa9ra kbira ya m3alem hhhhhh, behi haw chniya bch njawbek : el 7okem ta3 tounes bien sur bch ye7kiw loughethom , par exemple françaoui jé yo7kem fi tounes bch yessta3mel loughtou ou i9arieha lel bled eli mossta3marha donc mouch ma3netha eli e twensa loughethom el assliya howa el Français, theni 7aja el 3arab eli jey par rapport el amazigh eli mawjoudin fi chamal efri9ya chwaya yesser mahomch bch inajmou ya3mlou omma kemla ou zeda puisque t5altou m3a el amazigh eli houma akther menhom byesser 3abra al sinin donc logiquement genetiquement ma3adech 3arab cuz be3dou , theleth 7aja n7eb n9olek rahou el amazigh forcewhom bch ye7kiw 3arbi ou yanssew loughethom na3tik exemple : bourguiba ken ra2iss behi yaatih e sa7a s7i7 ama tansech eli wa9t ha aghlab e cha3b ken ye7ki tamazight ou eli rahou bourguiba howa eli rad hom yansew loughet hom wala yo9telhom , mela 3lech enti ta5sseyeb 3ma3 9anoun 7ata we7ed 3andou 7a9 ye7ki amazighi hhhh , ou el 7aja hedhi saretch men bourguiba bark, bdet tssir meli je el isslem (mouch ma3neha 7aja 5ayba ama 3andou 7ata dakhl bi loughet we7ed ) ou houma i3arbou fi loughetna, ken mekch mssada9 bara chouf internet, ou zeda n7ebek t5amem bel logique i3aych khouya , chwaya 3arab jew par rapport chammal ifri9ya mouch ma3neha a7na kol 3rab bel 3akss logiquement el 3arab a9aliya genetiquement ou zid ha fel tests ADN i7otlek eli el gene mahouch kif kif bel 3arab , rahom des specialistes ye5dhou el ginet men chammal ifri9ya el kol mouch men blassa bark ou ya3mlou ta7alil bel ayamet to93ed mahomch ifadelkou, 7ata ken enti 9ari el biologie normalement ta3ref e chay hedha... 🙂
@@AsgatinDortexus كلامك فيه الصحيح ، لكن راهو "العروبة" اليوم هي مجرد إنتساب "شبه ثقافي" و "جيوسياسي" أكثر منو "جيني أو وراثي بحت" كيف يقولوا" عرب" يقصدوا بيها واحد يتكلم عربي و عندو تقارب ثقافي ، سياسي ، إجتماعي مع بلدان شمال إفريقيا و الشرق الأوسط لا أكثر لا أقل هذاكة علاش ولاو يقولوا "الشرق الأوسط و شمال إفريقيا" في التسميات الرسمية ، على خاطر حتى العرب الأقحاح (شبه الجزيرة العربية) اليمن مختلف برشا جينيا على الكويت مثلا و حتى العرب أنواع عديدة (وراثيا) . هو مجرد تجميع لعباد عندها تقارب ثقافي و إجتماعي و سياسي ، كيفما في أوروبا يقولو العالم الرومانو-كاثوليك (يقصدو بيه إنسجام ثقافي و إجتماعي لا أكثر لا أقل) خاطر رومانيا ، إسبانيا ، فرنسا و إيطاليا و البرتغال جينيا مختلفين لكن عندهم نفس "الصبغة الثقافية ، الإجتماعية و الجيوسياسية" نفس الشيء يقولوه للمنطقة
Le monde Arabo-musulman
بالرغم اللي برشا موش مسلمين و برشا موش عرب !!!
@@Hassenfeki ok behi cho 5ouya, oumour tha9afa deja a7na manech kif kif bel 3arab jemla, chma3neha tha9afa? ma3neha ( labssa, mekla, ta9alid,etc...) , ma3ana ken el lougha kif kif eli houma fardhoha 3lina. theni 7aja fazet eli el 3arab hiya moujarad tha9afa rahi ghalta 5ater ken jet 7keyet tha9afa bark rahou genetiquement mafamech ADN issmou ADN 3arbi. a mela winek, ta5sseyeb fama gene ta3 3arab zina 3amlinou ? ah ey enti 9olt mayhemech nabdew mouch fard gene ou 3titini exemple eli howa el europe, s7i7 eli l'europe fe tha9afa yechbhou b3adh hom chwaya 5ater tansech eli kol bled ou labsset ha ou maklet ha zeda kif kif ou tansech 5asstan eli el europe mouch el kol fard lougha!!! , kol bled europiya ou loughet ha ama kolhom massi7 (laghlabiya) a7na zeda nafss le7keya mouch lezem el kol ne7kiw 3arbi ou nanssew el loughat el om ta3na ama hana musslimin ou el hmdlh.
As an Iraqi with Egyptian relatives, can confirm that Egyptian cuisine is so freaking good and is definitely slept on.
dude, he mentioned (Mumbar) as a food recipe to be proud of, and that's the issue.
everyone loves Molokhia, but if you openly show mumbar and think no one will feel icky about it, then your cuisine won't catch on.
I am Palestinian, we have a similar dish to that, but we keep it to ourselves, a tourist can come and live here for months or even few years, and never hears of it, while locals will know of it, some (incuding me) actually enjoy eating it, but won't claim it's something to be proud of lol
I love the Egyptian guy's energy 😂
This is truly heartwarming. Thanks for making and sharing this video!
The egyptians were freakin hilarious lol!!!! 😄😄😄
Is it only me or Egypt stands out in all videos… best looking, most humorous and humble too
@notyourmom you seem to confuse out spokeness with arrogance , we really are not arrogant at all
@notyourmom ikr 😂😂
in my life experience, yes, Egyptians are humble.....
but in this video, they had fake ego or something, because being funny is more Egyptian than being humble lol
I fell in love with the Egyptian girl. Greetings from Argentina.
I am Persian but love my Arab brothers all the same 💗
I adore persian people , politics segregated us
Love u too, most of the most influential Islamic scholars in history are actually persians.. that's why I like persians.
Kiram tu eslam
@Alicia Brady Less than 2% of the population
for me as a Lebanese, I find egyptians so funny and the Egyptian comedy is one of the best comedy.
Lebanese aren't Arab. Mind it.
@@freepaganhow you mean not arab they are arab
@@benyaminfiko I'm Lebanese. We ain't Arabs. We're Mediterranean people. Different ancestry. Different culture too. Half of us is Christian also, none of us follow no Arab culture. even Lebanese Muslims are very different. So yeah we're about as Arab as we are Eskimo. You can ask most Lebanese people, they'll tell you the same thing. The few Lebanese who say they're Arabs are just talking about language. Not ethnicity or race.
@@freepaganall being arab means is your first language is a dialect of arabic. Since lebanese people speaking lebanese arabic, they're arabs.
This also means that if a person with Japanese parents was born in saudi arabia and learned arabic first they would be arab. Genes don't matter. Its just language.
@@drfudgecookie5800 Are you mëntã l? How are you going to tell other people what they are? What position do you think you're in to be able to say that? I am Lebanese. And I can tell you that speaking Arabic 100% does NOT make you an Arab. That's a silly idea and we don't go by that. We go by reality, our identity is not Arab never has been. Learn it and move on.
A very big dislike you have literally ignored one of the most important countries in the Middle East and that is Syria. This country is full of culture and history. It has influenced the whole region with it’s rich cuisine, popular classic singers and poets. Not to mention, Syrian drama which’s is one of only two very popular dramas in the whole Arab world (the other one would be the Egyptian drama). I understand the flag thing but you have only mentioned Syria’s bad humanitarian crisis perpetuating that Syria has nothing to show but it’s war! Lebanon and Iraq have been living in a crisis for as long as I can remember but they weren’t ignored so don’t take war as an excuse you could have told the people involved to stay away from politics. I liked your channel but as a Syrian I can’t express how disappointed I am. what a shame!
Why would you be offended, don’t be offended at someone for being an ignorant it’s not their fault. That’s why I’m not offended, the channel owner is simply an ignorant.
I totally agree with you.
They literally had a guest from Syria in this episode 🙄 and idk why you're offended.
@@DiamondsRexpensive umm yeah they had a guest thanks god but you don’t realize how sad it is for us Syrians to be perceived just as a country that’s dealing with political conflicts and all. mind you Damascus and Aleppo in Syria are one of the most if not THE oldest countries in the world but they mentioned nothing about that.
totally! same with Yemen!
The Egyptians definitely stood out here 🤣🤣🤣 they seem like the cool and funny types
I know half of these foods and I'm 0% Arab, maybe because there is more Lebanese in Brazil than in Lebanon. Lol
You got that one correct there's actually more Lebanese people outside of the office.
thats 100% true and in the best way ever
The Egyptians and the iraqi guy we’re giving me life ❤️😂❤️❤️
As a lebanese girl , i’m flattered
I loved it. Egyptians are so cool and high. I love your soul 😍😂💚
Of course, Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Iraqis, and Tunisians are so beautiful and all other countries too.
Food. I love food from Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan, but I have not tried other countries’ food yet.
I'm Jordanian and love all other countries, especially Palestine 🇵🇸 it is in my heart 💘
Free Palestine 🇵🇸 💚💯🌸
So in short, Lebanon is like the popular kid in school!?
No that’s more like Egypt
@@neemzo8518no need to be jealous eygeptian😂❤
Idk about that they are more like the beautiful one
egypt is. Lebanon is the 2nd.
From a Palestinian this was a great video and very fun to watch haha, keep up the cool content
I’m Yemeni and I liked Egyptian the most 😅
I'm just happy that this is a video about the Middle East where things such as war, terrorism and Israel (respectively the conflicts) are hardly mentioned.
As an Israeli, I wish some day in the future Israel could actually be a part of a video like this. Politics aside, culturally we share a lot of similarities with the countries and peoples surrounding us. Also 20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs and Arabic is an official language (which unfortunately most Jews do not speak).
Stop shit and leave middle east, palastine stop stealing for our culture, heritage and even our food and ho back to Germany that's how peace will exist in the area😊
@@nadaehab263 I can’t go back to a place I was never a part of… but you suggesting Germany knowing what terrible things happened to Jews over there is honestly so hateful and disrespectful. It’s a shame in your close mind peace isn’t achievable unless some people are basically gone.
You are the oppressor and yet play the victim and act peaceful
That's social media only
In reality your military is killing and kick people of there homes
Your nice comment will not change the deeds your government do
@@Nashmi-JO I never said I was a victim, and obviously I’m well aware of the occupation as I’ve been living here my whole life. Still I’m not a representative of my government, and if that’s all you can see in me just because I’m Israeli thats fine, but it won’t change my views or my honest hope for peace in the Middle East. 💕
Dude us lebanese are so praised in this video 😂 i love it!💁🏻♀️
Right, I am Palestinian/Lebanese (Haifa and Beirut) and feel so appreciated wallah
La7azte 3am faker addim Mr. Universe🤣
So true, I'm from Baalbek/Lebanon and us Lebanese get so little attention!
I have a soft spot in my heart for this part of the world.
after seeing this video i really wanna go party in egypt. I feel like id have more fun there lmao
Weddings there are lit😂
It's awesome they included Palestine.
Of course Palestinians are arabs and they have thier arab accent and they are the kings of falafel and olive trees in the arab world
Falafel originally is from palestine
@@greenknight907 no they're originally from egypt.
Im Egyptian and I love Syrians and Lebanese.
ليس ماحطوا علم سوريا ولا تكلموا عن سوريا؟!
syrians are not arabs
@@bumingokturk7870 culturally there Arab but yes your kinda right there ancestors are Arameans not arabs.
@@peace2033 This is a Turkish person, not a Syrian, who is always present in every video of Arabs
@@armajhkc609 I know it's a Turkish person.
I feel really appreciated from this video as a Palestinian/Lebanese lol
I am Lebanese and I love all my Arab brothers but the Palestinians have a special place in my heart. 🇱🇧❤🇵🇸
a special place after they masscred us????
Seems to me Arab people have a very familiar vibe to me. Reminds me a lot of Latin Americans. I'm Salvadoran by the way. 🇸🇻
they're!! I met a tourist that I've been mistaken a Latin and then he greet me in arabic after I greet him in spanish lol and he got a pretty greyish green eyes too! he's from Palestine's neighbor(Lebanon)
I like having watched this. Specifically as an American we don't often hear good coming from the middle east, and it's good hearing them as just people, in this light hearted context, speaking well of one another.
Thanks again for bring your wonderful guests to share there experiences and allowing us to see the world through their eyes.
My god the two Egyptian ladies are gorgeous.
the egyptians get to be featured twice. once in north africa and another in the middle east. cool
Egypt is a culture bridge, a connector and mediator.
As an Iraqi I am confused as to why everyone is all "Lebanese woman are the most gorgeous arab girls". Am I the only one who says Egyptian women are the prettiest? I know so many Coptic girls and ya'll just present yourselves and speak so elegant but not like in an arrogant way. I don't know maybe it is just me but I love Copts.
As for the men, bro go into an Iraqi barbershop and tell me we are not deserving of some recognition (I am maybe 5/10 but most Iraqi men are better looking than me lol)
انت جيت تكحلها بس عميتها، ببدال ما تنتقد تصرف العراقي بالتكلم عن النساء و مدح سويت نفس الشي
العراقي وصل رسالة بان العراقيين مهوسيين بالنساء و ما شايفين!
بس العراقي بيناتهم يتلوگ و بقيه العرب حتى كلمة عن يجابية عن العراق ما كالوها بس انتقدوا العراقيين و عاداتهم
I have meat beautiful iraqi amd coptic girls. It is just tgat the lebanese women all have plastic surgery.
I think bc they dress more western and get surgeries. Their morals are also looser a bit.
No, this is the truth, Egyptian women are among the most beautiful ladies in the world. They are just not interested in proving that to the world Or marketing themselves in beauty pageants , like other women. They are very vary down to earth.
Media props up the Lebanese women. They are in more beauty pageants and are heavy on the aesthetic procedures (cosmetic and plastic surgery). Don't get me wrong they are beautiful but I think that all arab countries have beautiful people.
the Arab gulf i felt like you left them out, and they didn't even say their opinion about Saudi Arabia, Yeman , Oman , Qatar. you should say this is Sham and Egypt countries.
They said nothing about Syria and Yemen apart from being humanitarian disasters lol
the fact that The population of that two countries combined can be a population in one city in Saudi Arabia or Yemen! that’s way I’m shocked.
@@sibylle1927 thank God they are acknowledging that lol
Great video ( as usual)....what Syria had to endure in the past few years is very unfortunate.
Syria is the capital of Arabs
@@suleyman8696 no not really, idk if you´re syrian but you should look into the arameans and how most syrians are arabized arameans. Our history is very rich and doesn´t start with the arabs
@@johnmalik2631 I know, but since it was arabized, the capital of the Umayyad empire was Damascus. It’s the same as Iraq, it was not arabic before but Baghdad was a capital, also don’t forget the Syrian Palmyran empire (biggest Arab empire before Islam) and Philipp the Arab (the only Arab emperor of Rome, who was from Syria)
John malik by your statement, the only arab country is yemen.
@@greenknight907 no. only countries in the arabian peninsula have always been and will always be arab. its that simple.
A beautiful video! I wish there was more about Syria.. it's really a beautiful country and it's not just war (fact: Damascus is the oldest capital in the world)
Egyptian guy is hilarious! 😂😂
I am Egyptian and I want to say that we Egyptians are among the most humorous and laughing people in the world. We are very lucky, even if in bad times and the most famous series in the Arab world are comic Egyptian. Also, our dialect is funny and different from the rest of the dialects 🤣🤣
its like every egyptian is a stand up comedian xD
Egyptian girls are gorgeous Mashallah 🇪🇬
I’m half Italian half syrian and I love my culture!!
We reached 2k likes !!🤞💪
Love from Lebanon ♥️🇱🇧
Wish we Iraqis had more media presence, our history is so glorious yet all people know about us is war and weird hairstyles
يخوي احنه العراقيين مكرودين xD ... بس هيه شويه شويه راح يصير النه حضور ما راح نبقه هيجي
The same for us syrians, we're literally just known for the civil war eventhow we have like a history that spans thousands of years. I honestly fell with my iraqi brothers and sisters ❤
@@johnmalik2631 Especially Syria don't deserve that because it's like the Mother of Lebanon actually nowadays Lebanese are taking your position at the Arab world! Unfortunately I don't see a bright future for Syria at least at the next 20 years because in Iraq it takes us a lot from 2003 and only at 2019 things are going to be good in a way but very very slowly!
I'm from the UAE and you had me dying at the hairstyle comment.
Wish all the best to our Iraqi brethren
You’re right. I’m North African, but I didn’t knew a lot of things about Iraq. When they talk about Iraqis is always about war and I know that there is more like the beautiful country and people
Palastinians are absolutely passionate.
Everything said is damn true, peace to all arabic countries 🇱🇧🇱🇧
No it's not
It's mostly personal opinions based on wrong informations
Hello Nassif, where are you from??⛱
@@margaritatorres4587 lebanon maybe
I am Jordanian from Italy, i love Egyptians, Yemeni and of course Jordanians. Kindest people ever❤
So basically, Lebanon is the Colombia of the Arab world
What do you mean?
The Italian “
I get it and they even have there own cartel... shocking similarities
Colombia ??? Lol
I would say Lebanese is the Venezuela. Venezuela have the most beautiful women and men and their way of speaking is hot!
Each country is beautiful in their own way 💕
When I arrived in Aleppo I was like 'Why do people here look more European here than Damascus & Beirut?' 😄
Those crusader DNA still active 😂
@@johnmalik2631 it got nothing to do with crusaders, try again "john"
@@m7mo0o Aleppo was ran by Romans Greeks Turks French British Persians And the Silk Road and had a huge trade market...
Just another ignorant comment
@@pitaandhummus7643 nope, the hunter gatherers were the first people to move to Europe from the middle east ( Syria, Iraq, Anatolia) 12,000 years ago and they had features like : blue eyes, dark blond hair..etc
I love what Hadeel is wearing.
I got a bad impression on Kuwait as it has the worst cases of abuses towards Filipino domestic helpers (maids). The worst thing is that even some locals and Kuwaiti celebrities supports it. Even after the diplomatic relations between Philippines and Kuwait restored in mid-2018, 3 Filipino maids were still killed by their employers in Kuwait.
I'm just pointing at Kuwait because the people in the vid said that they are nice people. Other gulf countries are also very nasty towards domestic helpers and also to many foreigners from third world countries but I think Kuwait has the worst cases
Its a serious problem there... apparently they abuse alot of immigrants and even expats... we've had problems with them and their 'better than thou' attitude plenty of times... egyptian btw
@Pineapple Pizza ofcourse i know its not all people in kuwait... but its a prevalent problem and its happening increasingly as well or its becoming more revealed due to social media whatever it is... its a serious problem
It also happens in Emirates and Saudi Arabia with black and south Asians
I once worked with a Jordanian/American doctor as a supervisor and he used to treat me like garbage. Horrible people come in all nationalities.
@@seifelbagoury7182 You have to realize that bad things get a lot of media attention, so it LOOKS like it happens a lot, but it's not true. If you think about how many crimes are reported, its such a small portion of the population, same as any other country with a crime like theft, murder, etc, it's literally SO small but the shock of it makes it have BIG news. There's so many stereotypes of Kuwaitis actually think about it what it's like to be us. Imagine being a Kuwaiti that's not filthy rich. That's most of us by the way. We get by paycheck to paycheck, we will never own a house, if anything crashes in the economy we're completely screwed. But people always assume we're rich and arrogant because of the elites they see. They don't represent all of us at all.
6:50 hahaha Nabil I agree with your facial expression! I am Lebanese and I honestly think that our accent is not feminine it's just a stereotype !
I completely agree, I was the one that made the comment, but I was replying to the comments that were made about our accent prior which was not included in this video - but I agree I should’ve reworded it because I’m not a big fan of those stereotypes we create amongst one another
@@hadilel-baba8200 hi hadil ! you did a great job ❤️you addressed (even by just mentioning ) the stereotype because it's very common and we all get it from non - Lebanese Arabs . I just thought Nabil's facial expression was hilarious and sums up my reaction to the stereotype 😂 well done that was a great video and you both represented us so well ❤️
Although its a stereotype... you've got to admit that out of all arab countries yours is the most feminine... I'm speaking accent not generalizing the population per say. But thats what comes with being a romantic country with generally posh people🤣🤣... joking ofcourse love Lebanon.
Egyptian btw
@ابن بعلبك🇱🇧 we re talking mainstream here
Lebanese accents likes French it's sophisticated, soft, seductive and make us want to hear more.
All beautiful people but some of the MOST beautiful people I have ever met in my life are from Palestine and Egypt. By the way, that Egyptian guy had me in stitches with laughter.
I love all my arabic brothers and sisters and i am proud to be an arab 😍
Love all my arabs brothers , salam from a lebanese korean girl
هههه من متى صرتي كورية هههه النفاق وتأثير ثقافه الكيبوب
@@armajhkc609 ?!
My mom is hakf koren too
@@hola-rl1wj My grandmother is also korean
@@armajhkc609 nice
Iraqis are more than just aggressive cologne hording grumps, theyre so generous and passionate, they pride themselves with traditions and loyalty to their land faiths etc.
As a syrian I don’t support this channel and this video. These people call themselves "arab" but they don’t know anything about their brothercountry Syria and it’s culture, but only the war, what a shame. Syria has the oldest civilisation/culture in the entire world (Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the entire world) and Syria is also known for its series and movies. Don’t forget the food.
My thoughts exactly...Syria never received the recognition it deserves, and this is not playing the victim mode, its the truth. Not only that, but its always other countries getting credit for all that is Syrian. I want to see our flag 🇸🇾
At least you got mentioned and represented. Look at Saudi, they brought “sajjad” (not a single Saudi has that name) and never mentioned Saudi in the video.
Why was there no Syria impression segment? The other countries each got one, but not Syria, not even in the accent segment. Despite having Syrian repsentation in the video.
There were too many countries to feature for these two parts. That and the major association with Syria is the war, which would have made for a very sad segment.
@@DatingBeyondBorders Thats so racist s not the major association ...many beautifu things in this country
@@DatingBeyondBorders it’s not the major association your such an uneducated, Syria is the main Arab country, the capital of Arabs. Damascus especially. Palmyran and Umayyad empire. The food, series, culture, cities etc...
@@learnlanguages1916 he’s an ignorant no worries
@@DatingBeyondBorders You don’t know anything about Syria, big sham of you
The dude from Egypt is seriously funny!
Love these videos 👏🏼 We Iraqis are more than “aggressive” (it’s passion lol) people tho. I think most people don’t know us that well, especially our history.
Great history that you have! The cradle of civilization, and the country of Ziryab the founder of Arabian Andalusian music.
Also, the country where most of the tales of the Arabian Nights took place. Iraq is fascinating. Greetings from France ❤
Iraq is modern day Babylon! The seat of the Mesopotamia sumerian civilization!
I met Omani they are very peaceful in school. Omani potatoe chips are pretty good.
I never realized how diverse the east can be I mean I knew they're many countries customs etc but what impressed me from this video is how down to earth and personable they all are. We as americans could learn a lot from the middle east if we would just set aside our opinions self-importance and intolerance.
A smart American is a rare American
@@DiamondsRexpensive 🤣🤣🤣🤣
their are alot too know brother but western Europe and North America is so self centric and materialistic (specially media) that they couldn't see human expect of different countries their food their culture all the things sum up by
1 we are powerful nation saviour of earth
2 how can we make profit from that country or use is it in our favour
ofcourse always fency words used like democracy, freedom, devolopment etc
sorry for my bad English
❤️ from 🇮🇳
Finally a wholesome video involving the region. For 13 minutes straight I forgot we all have beef with each other, some of it pretty bloody.
Why would you not show the syrian flag? The red-white-black is the official one, there is no doubt about it.
Yeah but how many stars?
@@tamanawilson9265 2
@@LuckStroN I think so too but some people say three
@@tamanawilson9265 three stars is a terrorist flag
Egyptians are a Vibe!
egyptians are not arabs dont put us in this comparison
Egypt is one of the most panarabic country cry about it bozo
بطل كدب والعشاير والعوايل العربية يلي في مصر مثل الشريف والفهمي و البلوي والعطوي و الحويطات والرشايدة ماذا؟!
إنت اسمك ايه ياسطة؟ 😂 أكيد اسمك اسم عربي مثل محمد
Calm down if u wanna follow ifnexistance of arabs most all then Levants are not arabs
Move on hahah
@@28Justchecking Egyptians and people of the levant are Arabs by Islamic conquest. But that's about it. They got the "honour" to be Arabs as a compensation.
So, while they aren't Arabs, they can't say they aren't Arabs or say they are their ancestors, because they are also not that. Cue an identity crisis.
"When it rains, my lips? Dry" Hilarious
The reasons for mustache from the egyption guy makes me want to have my own 😂
The message of peace from an Iranian to all people
actually, we Iranians have a lot in common with Arab people and culture.
Love dear. We are very close in many ways.
Much love from Lebanon 🇱🇧🇮🇷💚
peace to iran. True arabs will always support our persian brothers.
ما اتوقعت ابدا انه ثاني اكثر بلد بالعالم يعاني من الجوع حتكون بلدي اليمن مرا وجعني قلبي يارب تلطف فيها وفي سائر بلاد المسلمين😢
The Yemeni lady looks extremely gorgeous. She has a mix of Arab and Latin features. She looks smart and reserved.
That's because most people are familiar with Arabs from the Levant and Egypt but the Yemini lady looks extremely Arabian.
@@ygobah1915 من وين من اليمن؟ اغلب اليمنيات بيضات.
وحتى لو كانت سمراء مو معناته مو حلوة
Just ate a falafel sandwich half a hour before watching this video hahaha
If I don’t eat falafel and Turkish kebab one a week I’m not happy lmao. It’s like a drug
Okay Syria’s flag wasn’t used cuz of the conflict
But why have they ditched all the questions that couldn’t go political about Syria?
Why did y’all bring the Syrian girl in the first place. by not asking about her country you’re offending her, and why have anything about the Levantine cuisine been mostly claimed by the Lebanese even though Syria is the biggest Levantine country by both size and demography and so it has its fingerprints on its neighbors historically and in every other sense?
My fellow Syrian brothers just dislike the video
It is offensive and shameful to you.
Rather you are a red flag 🇸🇾 or a green one
Ur right but I’m not offended tbh, Idc of ignorant ppl, so its all good
The syrian girl was the smarest one I think, the rest were just arrogant and the the iraqi guy gave bad impression of iraqis overall lol
No hate to Lebanese, but they love to claim Syrian things as "lebanese" lol.
@@aramskaef6955 FRFRR they always do that
You're totally right!!
The fact that we know so much about them and they don't even give a shit about us, even in a stupid random video on yt makes me so damn pissed.
what's the point of having that Syrian girl in the video anyway ?
jeez man.. 'ignorant asseholes"..this is what this Arab thinks of other arabas.
Why didn't you ask about Syria? What do they think of Syria?? Accent?
Read the disclaimer
''They have those European features'' wow girl
Girl is saying the quiet part out loud. Some arabs need help. I personally find arab features more attractive.
Looks like everyone love Lebanon
Happy Thursday Marina! I hope you have a great 2022 with lots of love, prosperity, and success. Sending love from Miami, Florida 😘🥂
Love from Lebanon ♥️
It’s funny how they say lebanese are beautiful but the beauty in this video are definitely the Egyptian ladies 😂
Yes 😂♥️♥️♥️
Egytian girl on the right is most beautiful.
What’s wrong with this episode you brought a Saudi guy and yet you asked about everyone’ countries except Saudi and didn’t even mention the country despite the fact that some of the questions could be about Saudi
Why did you bring the guy then?
لانهم يكذبون واضح مب سعودي من وجهه
Same for Syria 🇸🇾?
موب سعود 😂