Dude, this was when I was like, “Yeah, they’re totally getting together at the end of the campaign!” Percy is hands down my favorite character of Vox Machina.
This moment was what made me LOVE Percy. I liked him before this, easily my favorite character in CR, but this moment of stone cold badassery in support of his friend? Absolutely hit different
This is so beautiful!!!💕 I literally can't stop rewatching it. I love the poses and expression! Everything is so smooth even though those are "just" sketches.
THE POWER! Damn dude the power in this! Yeah T.J. has a great part but the body language on Percy and the baffled look on Vex just sells the performance 1000%. Great job
@@lillianconstencedoodles he didn't literally say it, but here he was telling Vex that just as much as he was telling her father to check his snobbery.
THIS IS AMAZING!! Ok, but seriously, in just your sketches, you've captured the essence of Percival when he is contradicting Syldor, and vex's confusion and surprise in a few seconds. This is exceptionally good!
Can't stop rewatching, you did such a good job!! It looks so cool;; I love your style n the consistency of it, it really looks like the animation is straight out of a cartoon
I haven’t listened to more than 3 episodes or so of the first campaign- but holy frick this gave me such good vibes. Immediately smiled. The animation is superb- absolutely wonderful. Well done. :)
I haven't seen season 1 so I don't know what's going on in this scene here, but this animation is INCREDIBLE. It's so smoothhh and the body movement and facial expressions are so on point!! It reminded me immediately of Treasure Planet, literally so professional and clean.
waaah now that's an extremely good percy as expected 💕 his movements are soooooo fluid and have a nice weight to them. amazing job for this amazing moment 💖
Having just finished Ep.60 of Campaign 1, all I can say is; you have my attention AND my compliments. Cant wait to see this all done up down the road if you are working on a proper animation of that scene.
Sometimes I forget what an absolute, stone cold, badass Percy is.
We called him no mercy Percy for a reason
the expression work here in just body language alone is incredible wow!!!!!
For real reminds me a bit of how Milo was animated in Atlantis
@@WaxierWarrior YES for some reason right from the start this animation reminded me of Atlantis. Maybe it's just Percy's big round glasses
I agree this is awe inspiring. I'm subbing
this is like early disney princess movie tier bodily expression and i’m here for it
No Mercy Percy
Crits with Charisma
Lord and Sophist of Whitestone
Firearms Innovator
Mr. Indifference
"Cause I'm weird" is a Mollymauk quote
@@stardustartist i think he tried to make a statement how Taliesin can played two characters that was really different each
@@wildankautsar7148 If that is the case then cool. I just wasn't entirely sure if they had misquoted something by mistake
Me, watching this for the first time: "Vex, I think you just got married."
SAME, I legit thought they had gotten married off screen and just didn’t tell anyone, until I saw Laura’s face
I love the hard eye glare Percy gives the father at 6sec. And the way he pushes himself up from the table, all suave and lethal ... sooo good
Dude, this was when I was like, “Yeah, they’re totally getting together at the end of the campaign!” Percy is hands down my favorite character of Vox Machina.
Terrion Derrington for me.
Feels kinda awkward though, there characters possibly getting together with her irl husband at the same table
@@DoctorBright Nobody ships Percy and vex more than Travis, buddy
Favorite quote:
Your secret is safe with my indifference
@@saylamander6365 agreed
I'm going to watch this hundreds of times, literally just for the body movement. It looks professional as fuck
All right, if THIS is what Vex saw during this scene, its 3000% understandable why she put a ring on it. Amazing work!
The body language in this is INCREDIBLE. And the mouth flaps are like....professional grade.
I love the subtle animation in this! It's amazing!
I'm also really fond of this moment in and on itself.
The way Vex drops the tea cup just makes it.
This moment was what made me LOVE Percy. I liked him before this, easily my favorite character in CR, but this moment of stone cold badassery in support of his friend? Absolutely hit different
“Friend” lmao
This is so beautiful!!!💕 I literally can't stop rewatching it. I love the poses and expression! Everything is so smooth even though those are "just" sketches.
THE POWER! Damn dude the power in this! Yeah T.J. has a great part but the body language on Percy and the baffled look on Vex just sells the performance 1000%. Great job
Damn, that was awesome! Looking forward to your big project. Your Whitestone Arc PMV has given me high hopes for the future.
never forget when percival said no one is going to make my girlfriend feel less than ever again not in my watch
When did he say that!? I’m still on episode 95 so still got a little bit but when?
@@lillianconstencedoodles he didn't literally say it, but here he was telling Vex that just as much as he was telling her father to check his snobbery.
@@aliciacordero8399 got it! Thanks
I'm blown away. The way he moves reminds me of the golden age of disney.
This is amazing!! Percy loves her so much and the expresion in his face says it so good. Also Vex just stunned but keeping her compousure. Thank you!!
The way he moves is so smooth and enchanting
THIS IS AMAZING!! Ok, but seriously, in just your sketches, you've captured the essence of Percival when he is contradicting Syldor, and vex's confusion and surprise in a few seconds. This is exceptionally good!
The amount of pure sass that was conveyed in that one scene is absolutely perfect.
The flow, the fluidness of the body lenguage + the distinction . This is SO GOOD.
Ugh I could watch this a million times it’s so smooth
YES UA-cam algorithm I ABSOLUTELY wanted to experience this moment again. This is gorgeous work
This animation is AMAZING the fluency of it ✨✨✨✨✨✨100/10 love this moment, you tell him Percy
Your animation is so smooth, it's really fun to watch! Nice job!
That is fluid as a gentle and calculated creek
Hnngggg Percival
Yooo this is beautiful work! The lip sync is fantastic, the body language is so perfect, great work!!!!
No Mercy Percy just executed this man's image
Absolutely stunning work! It's so smooth and the movement matches his personality so well
I haven’t even seen Campaign 1 and I can’t stop watching this the animation is just so good
This is really good. Got the pompous attitude perfect
this is awesome. I love Percy and this was such a good moment. So awesome to see it animated!
Holy hell that is some GORGEOUS work-
The body language and silhouettes are so clear! If this won’t go viral idk what will-
Can't stop rewatching, you did such a good job!! It looks so cool;; I love your style n the consistency of it, it really looks like the animation is straight out of a cartoon
Damn this is so fuckin smooth. Both animation and Percy basically proposing
I haven’t listened to more than 3 episodes or so of the first campaign- but holy frick this gave me such good vibes. Immediately smiled. The animation is superb- absolutely wonderful. Well done. :)
I LIVE for your critical role art and animations please please please keep them coming they are amazing!!!!!
Well done!! Just wow :) animators always make me smile. You’re the best.
I can watch this a billion times and still squeak like a fan girl. I love Percy so much. And he and vex *chefs kiss*
Bruh, this animation was SOOO SMOOTH! Great job!! (Also, what an great moment of the campaign)
Omg this is BEAUTIFUL
You really captured so much expression in his movement! And it's so smooth *-*
The movement is so fluid! This is wonderful!
I haven't seen season 1 so I don't know what's going on in this scene here, but this animation is INCREDIBLE. It's so smoothhh and the body movement and facial expressions are so on point!! It reminded me immediately of Treasure Planet, literally so professional and clean.
This is so good! I love to see people working on VM content!!!
The body language and the flow of movement is just- so great. I keep replaying.
ooh this is some delightful animation. The fluidity...damn.
The animation is gorgeous!
Such an amazing moment and an absolutely wonderful animation. Well done.
Beautiful animation!! It looks so smooth!
Absolutely FANTASTIC animation!!
waaah now that's an extremely good percy as expected 💕 his movements are soooooo fluid and have a nice weight to them. amazing job for this amazing moment 💖
man, this is making me more excited than ever for the animated series!
Beautifully animated! The body language is perfect!!
I haven’t been watching this on repeat for the last hour what are you talking about
Ugh the body language is animated so well
this animation looks really good and i love your style!! good job (also this was such a good moment)
This is both a very good moment story-wise and character-wise, and a beautiful and fluid animation. Well done!
Having just finished Ep.60 of Campaign 1, all I can say is; you have my attention AND my compliments.
Cant wait to see this all done up down the road if you are working on a proper animation of that scene.
“It’s the gift of smugness, it never stops giving.”
This is the smoothest CR animation I've ever seen.
The body movement is amazing
Just so fantastic.
I love the body movement and expression in this! Awesome!
It’s so smooth! Amazing work!!
This is an absolute masterpiece 👏🏻
Amazing, so much is expressed in this. You did an amazing job!
Absolutely dazzling
Percy is beautiful. Excellent work.
the animation is so smooth! excellent job
The amount of times I've watched this already are ridiculous
Vex: "Excuss?!"
that was amazingly done.
Omg this is so smooth! the TALENT😍😍
you captured this moment perfectly!!
That movement is so smooth and those lines... it's like Disney watercolor motion. My applause.
God I remember this moment. It made me nearly jump in my seat
this is so good!!!!!! i always ADORE how you draw percy
The way he stands!!!
god I love this so so sososo so muchhhh
Vex’s face is just like: you wot mate?
You're gonna make me cry again this was such an epic move
Uggggggggh the animation is so smooth I could die!
The most under-rated fuck you of campaign 1
Truly exceptional!
Vex was like “I am going to DESTROY him tonight 😘”
What the actual fuckaronni
This is absolutely amazing
🙌🙌 love it
thank you!
“Tea Spit Take!”
And it was at this moment Vex knew; she was going to have Percy's babies.
hes so sassy!