Thank you! I haven’t made this project out of 5mm cord. If you want to make a bag in the same size, you should definitely reduce the number of cords as for their length, I think the same. Cords in order: Single: 2.5m 1.25m; double: 2.5m 3.6m 30×3m 3.6m 2.5m; single: 1.25m 2.5m Instead of 19 rows of double square knots I would make 13 rows, i.e. in the order of 4, 5, 4 (instead of 6, 7, 6) Handle: instead of 16 knots, I would make 11 square knots. This is of course a theoretical calculation. I cannot guarantee that you will get the same size perfectly, because it depends on the actual thickness and quality of the cord you will use. After making the first 2 rows of double square knots I would measure the width and possibly add more cords to the middle part (3 m cords) if it is less than 56 cm. Good luck and be sure to let me know how it goes!
@@EWAMacrameCRETE thanks a lot for your answer. Ich think ich will try both, it’s okay for me if the bag is bigger than yours. And if i don’t like it, I kann still buy 3 mm cord and do it again. Thank a lot 🙏
Thank you for explaining each step ....i hv already started it and is right now on 2nd line knot .. .will update you about my final product...lots of love from India ❤
Thank you for tutorial. I made my first laptop bag and came out very nice. Everyone loved it. I used same measurements but mine bag size is little shorter than yours don't know why...but still my laptop fit in it 😊. Thank you
I am glad it was helpful ! The difference in the final size of the bag might cause usage of a different cord ( another brand) and tightening knots ( spaces between knots). It’s completely normal! 🤗
I was browsing Zara, and found a nice natural coloured bag with fringe. After adding it to my cart and was about to pay, then I recalled this video. And yes, I pressed cancel, and I’m here now. 😆
Hi Ewa please could you tell me what length / how many cords I would need to make this with 5mm braided? I have 5mm braided and 3mm twist! Thank you 😊 it’s a beautiful pattern ❤
Thank you! I haven’t made this project out of 5mm cord. If you want to make a bag in the same size, you should definitely reduce the number of cords as for their length, I think the same. Cords in order: Single: 2.5m 1.25m; double: 2.5m 3.6m 30×3m 3.6m 2.5m; single: 1.25m 2.5m Instead of 19 rows of double square knots I would make 13 rows, i.e. in the order of 4, 5, 4 (instead of 6, 7, 6) Handle: instead of 16 knots, I would make 11 square knots. This is of course a theoretical calculation. I cannot guarantee that you will get the same size perfectly, because it depends on the actual thickness and quality of the cord you will use. After making the first 2 rows of double square knots I would measure the width and possibly add more cords to the middle part (3 m cords) if it is less than 56 cm. Good luck and be sure to let me know how it goes!
Hi it is difficult to answer you question. You could use 5 mm cord instead of 3 mm and the same length. If you want to use 3 mm (based on the cord 3 mm from Lovely Cottons ) I cannot guarantee that the size will be exactly 45 x 38 cm, but you can try! It is a theoretical calculation. 😁 2 × 5 m 72 × 4.20 m 4 × 3.50 m 2 × 1.75 m Cords in order: single: 3.50m 1.75m; folded in half: 3,50m 5 m 72 x 4.20m 5m 3.5m; single: 1.75m 3.50m For single cords 3.5 and 1.75 m you need to tie them to the rod in 70 cm not in 50 cm from the ends Good luck and let me know how it went!
Hello, thank you for the tutorial. I have a problem with the right side. The 2.5 m will be at the very right side right? When it is like that its impossible to connect with others. Could you please help. Thank you 🙏🏻
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo ! Ce sac est vraiment une belle œuvre ! Magnifique ! Cependant j’ai un petit problème, de je débute dans le macramé, j’ai tout bien commenté mais je me retrouve avec des cordes beaucoup trop courtes 😩, y’a t’il une technique particulière pour mesurer les cordes ? J’ai peut-être raté quelques choses, merci
It might be few reasons: 1. thicker cord, 2. bigger spaces between knots or knotted too loose 3. while measuring the cord was stretched out. ( to avoid stretching, you can lie it flat on the floor and measure) We always learn with our mistakes! Don’t worry we all make them 🤗
Hi Ewa I follow you on here and Insta, love your work. I would like to create this bag but using 4mm cord. Can you advise me what lengths I should cut & how many to keep a similar size. Thank you 🐰💕😊
Hi there ! Thank You so much :) I would keep the same measurements and adjusted if after first row It’s too big. Each cord is different! The same size you can only make with the same cord, I used braided cord from Lovely cottons 3 mm. Good luck ☺️
Hi! If I wanted to do single square knots to make the holes smaller, would I need to adjust the cord length? I know I would need to double the amount of rows. Thanks!
Hello thank You ☺️ If you want to follow the pattern using 4 mm cord the bag will be 33% bigger. If you want that, yes add extra 33 % to the cords length. For example instead of 3 m you would need 4 m cord. If you want the same size of the bag using 4 mm cord you would have to make less rows of knots. Good luck 🤗
Hi, thanks for the tutorial!! Was waiting for it:) If I want to make a bag for 15.6" laptop, what would the measurements be in your opinion? Many thanks!
Hello Maria, thanks for the comment ! Unfortunately the answer is not very easy in this case :) But I did some maths and I will try to explain it. So for thin laptop 15.6" using the same 3 mm braided cord I would suggest using 230.5 m only for the bag: 2 x 4.4m 54 x 3.8m 4 x 3.3m 2 x 1.65m Cords in order: single: 3.3m 1.65m; double: 3.3m 4.4m (54 x 3.8m) 4.4m 3.3m; single: 1.65m 3.3m As the size of the bag is bigger (approx. 29x42 cm) more cords are needed, it means more rows of square knots, in total instead of 19 rows I would make 25, divided in 3 sections (instead of 6,7,6) 8, 9, 8 and the handle instead of 16 square knots I would make 20. If you make it let me know please if the measurements worked for you and what cord have you used! Thanks and good luck :)
Hi! You just need to use longer cords where the handles are ( first 6 single cords and the last 6 ) check how much longer you want the strap to be and then add this ( for the 4 core cords) and for the 2 working cords (1. and 6.) add the number x 4. Let me know how it went ! 🤗
Так хочнтся сплести такую сумку,но я новичок и не очень понимаю какой длины должны быть шнуры в начале и конце. В любом случае,спасибо за прекрасный урок!Вы большая молодец!
Hello, I have a small problem with the handles. At 9.27 mn, you say that the first 2 strings are supposed to be the 2 longest of the 6. In my case, it's the 1st and the 5th 🙁. I don't really know what to do, especially since then I'm supposed to make a square knot with the 1st and 4th and I don't know how I have to "invert" the ropes to correct the problem. Thanks for your help.
I say 1. and 2. cord have to be longer than the next 3 cords. I didn't say they are the longest. :) As you will use them later for the core of the side. The 6. cord will be longer too, don't worry about it, this is fine! good luck !
Hello. I would suggest follow the tutorial and then for the next project you would be able to calculate for the smaller size. If you make your square knots tighter it will be smaller size than mine. Let me know how it went !
Hii... I love your pattern. I have the problem. The knots 125 and 200 are the first and second knots and the ends. And its must be longer than other. But why, they are be the smaller than other knots ?
Hello and thank You 😊 Cord I used is braided cotton cords 3 mm from Lovely cottons. I bought from here
Dzień Dobry, nie korzystałam nigdy z tych sznurków. Sznurek sznurkowi nie równy. Tutaj wymiar będzie zależał też od tego jak mocno będziesz zaciskać węzły. Ja moją torebkę robiłam z Lovely cottons 3 mm i nie zaciskałam mocno. Dopóki nie spróbujesz wykonać torebki, nie przekonasz się jaki będzie miała wymiar. Pozdrawiam! Ewa
Witam, zrobiłam tą torebkę z Łowiczanki plecionej 3 mm, użyłam takiej samej ilości sznurka, ale efekt końcowy jest mniejszy. Ilość spotów jest taka sama, ale torebka przed złożeniem ma wielkość 26*42 cm. Jaka może być przyczyna? Inny producent sznurka? Za mocno zaciągałam węzły? Mimo wszystko wyszła urocza ;) Malutka, ale słodka ;) Dziękuję za ten film ;)
Dzięki za komentarz ! Myśle, że wszystko co wymieniałaś ma wpływ. Ja używałam sznurka od Lovely Cottons 3 mm ( niestety nie używałam nigdy sznurków z Łowiczanki, aby móc się wypowiedzieć na ich temat) Pozdrawiam 🤗
Hej! Jaka jest długość max końcowa paska? Jeśli będę go robić ze sznurka 4mm to powinnam użyć sznurków dłuższych? Chodzi o sam pasek, chce wykonać taki do innej torebki :-)
Hej! Długość paska to 110 cm. Co do długości sznurków to można dodać lekki zapas albo taką samą długość. Tutaj podobny pasek, ale sznurki są złożone na pół.
Dziękuję! Nie robiłam tej torebki ze sznurka 5 mm. Jeśli chcesz wykonać torebkę w tym samym rozmiarze to na pewno należy zmniejszyć ilość sznurków, co do ich długości myślę ze taka sama. Sznurki po kolei: Pojedyncze: 2,5m 1.25m; podwójne: 2.5m 3.6m 30×3m 3.6m 2.5m; pojedyncze: 1.25m 2.5m Zamiast 19 rzędów podwójnych węzłów płaskich, zrobiłabym 13 rzędów, czyli w kolejności 4, 5, 4 (zamiast 6, 7, 6) Rączka zamiast 16 węzłów zrobiłabym 11 węzłów płaskich. To jest oczywiście teoretyczna kalkulacja. Nie mogę zagwarantować ze idealnie wyjdzie Ci ten sam rozmiar, bo to zależy od faktycznej grubości i jakości sznurka którego użyjesz. Po zrobieniu pierwszych 2 rzędów podwójnych węzłów płaskich zmierzyłabym szerokość i ewentualnie dodałabym więcej sznurków do częściej środkowej ( sznurki o długości 3 m) jeśli będzie mniej niż 56 cm. Powodzenia i koniecznie daj znać jak poszło ! 🤗
Hola!! Me encanta y estoy haciéndolo ñ, pero tengo un problema y es que no sé si me pierda algún paso del vídeo, pones las 46 cuerdas de 3 metros luego las de 3,6 en cada extremo luego las de 2,5 metros pero me pierdo totalmente con las de 1,25 no veo en que momento las añades. Cuento 46+2 de 3,6+2 de 2,5+2 de 2,5=52 cuerdas en total, son las que veo en el vídeo pero salen 54 si sumas las de 1,25 metros. No sé si entiendes mi explicación…
Timestamps from the video: 02:58 - adding 2,5 and 1,25 m cords; 03:26 -adding 2,5 and 1,25 m cords on the other side I hope this will help, sorry for late reply !
Witaj mam problem, zaczelam robic uszy i zabraklo mi sznurka tego 1.25 bo wyszedl mi jako pierwszy do węzła. Czy moglabys podpowiedziec jak to naprawic
Hej! jeśli dobrze rozumiem, możesz zamienić kolejność sznurków (jeśli chodzi Ci o te 4 z rdzenia rączki) albo doszyć jak zabrakło. Pozdrawiam i powodzenia!
Looks great! Do u think, I could use 5 mm cord? Ich don’t have 3 mm at home
Thank you! I haven’t made this project out of 5mm cord. If you want to make a bag in the same size, you should definitely reduce the number of cords as for their length, I think the same.
Cords in order:
Single: 2.5m 1.25m;
double: 2.5m 3.6m 30×3m 3.6m 2.5m; single: 1.25m 2.5m
Instead of 19 rows of double square knots I would make 13 rows, i.e. in the order of 4, 5, 4 (instead of 6, 7, 6)
Handle: instead of 16 knots, I would make 11 square knots.
This is of course a theoretical calculation. I cannot guarantee that you will get the same size perfectly, because it depends on the actual thickness and quality of the cord you will use.
After making the first 2 rows of double square knots I would measure the width and possibly add more cords to the middle part (3 m cords) if it is less than 56 cm.
Good luck and be sure to let me know how it goes!
@@EWAMacrameCRETE thanks a lot for your answer. Ich think ich will try both, it’s okay for me if the bag is bigger than yours. And if i don’t like it, I kann still buy 3 mm cord and do it again. Thank a lot 🙏
Great ! Let me know how it went ! 🤗
Thank you for explaining each step ....i hv already started it and is right now on 2nd line knot .. .will update you about my final product...lots of love from India ❤
Veĺmi praktická,decentná aj elegantna farba.Jednoducha práca,rukovet sa viaze súcastne jedného kusa šnúry.Pekná praca,nádherná...❤❤❤
Какая вы молодец, всё есть и в описании и видео понятное и отвечаете на вопросы. Умница!
Dziękuję !!!Zrobiłam !!! Moja pierwsza w życiu torebka zrobiona własnoręcznie !!! Jesteś wielka ❤️
Gratulacje, bardzo mi miło! Pozdrawiam i ostrzegam makrama uzależnia :)
Maravilloso! Trabajo! Gracias! Por su tiempo y dedicación para enseñarnos un abrazo inmenso desde Colombia
Здравствуйте , умничка Вы !!! Сейчас на работе , на вахте , приеду домой обязательно буду учится , спасибо Вам за ваш труд !!! Наталья
Bonjour Madame je vous tire un grand chapeau🎩 pour le modèle.un grand bravo👏 pour la bonne démonstration et bonne continuation 💝
Thank you for tutorial. I made my first laptop bag and came out very nice. Everyone loved it. I used same measurements but mine bag size is little shorter than yours don't know why...but still my laptop fit in it 😊. Thank you
I am glad it was helpful ! The difference in the final size of the bag might cause usage of a different cord ( another brand) and tightening knots ( spaces between knots). It’s completely normal! 🤗
Ótimo trabalho!!! Muito obrigada por compartilhar. Amei esse modelo . A alça é linda.
Maravilhosa! Obrigada pelo vídeo!! ❤
Linda bolsa!
Excelente explicação! 👌
Obrigada por compartilhar trabalho maravilhoso! 🙏❤👏👏👏😍😚
Linda demais sua bolsa, parabéns.Voce arrasou.Amei.Beijos.
Merci beaucoup de partager avec vous votre savoir-faire. Ce modèle est magnifique, votre travail est incroyable. Bravo et merci encore.
Дякую. Спасибо. תודה. Благодарю за ваше видео. Вы замечательный мастер и щедрый. Удачи вам.
I was browsing Zara, and found a nice natural coloured bag with fringe. After adding it to my cart and was about to pay, then I recalled this video. And yes, I pressed cancel, and I’m here now. 😆
Welcome 😁 DIY is always better than buying 🤗
Dios Bendiga esas manos gracias por compartir tu conocimiento bendiciones,
Linda! Gratidão por compartilhar! Sucesso!🎉
So beautiful! I just loved it 🥰 thank you 🙏
Thank You 💙💙💙
Браво !!!❤❤❤❤
Really great! I am gonna try this..hope it turns out great..Thanks for the tutorial ❤️
Happy to hear that. Good luck! 🤗
Linda demais ❤️❤️❤️👋, obrigada por colocar o tutorial em português 😘🥰🌻
Hi Ewa please could you tell me what length / how many cords I would need to make this with 5mm braided? I have 5mm braided and 3mm twist! Thank you 😊 it’s a beautiful pattern ❤
Thank you! I haven’t made this project out of 5mm cord. If you want to make a bag in the same size, you should definitely reduce the number of cords as for their length, I think the same.
Cords in order:
Single: 2.5m 1.25m;
double: 2.5m 3.6m 30×3m 3.6m 2.5m; single: 1.25m 2.5m
Instead of 19 rows of double square knots I would make 13 rows, i.e. in the order of 4, 5, 4 (instead of 6, 7, 6)
Handle: instead of 16 knots, I would make 11 square knots.
This is of course a theoretical calculation. I cannot guarantee that you will get the same size perfectly, because it depends on the actual thickness and quality of the cord you will use.
After making the first 2 rows of double square knots I would measure the width and possibly add more cords to the middle part (3 m cords) if it is less than 56 cm.
Good luck and be sure to let me know how it goes!
Thank you for such a lovely in-depth reply. I have bobbiny 5mm which I will try with. I’ll tag you as soon as I’ve done it! And if I get stuck…….😂! X
@@abiholmes-kg1yj I'm buying Bobbiny 5mm for this as well. Did you make it?
I love this bag. I just want this same style without the fringe. Any tips?
You can cut the fringe, leave 1-2 cm and turn it to the other side! Use fabric glue or hand sew the ends of the cords.
Браво, Мастер!!!! Спасибо!!
I have made in the same way but only the size difference of width issue was there otherwise very nice bag made
Shoooooooooooooowwwwwww Shoooooooooooooowwwwwww Shoooooooooooooowwwwwww magnifica❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks ♥️♥️♥️
Hello, how many cords and how much length of cords do i need if i want to make bigger bag (around 45 × 38 cm)
Hi it is difficult to answer you question. You could use 5 mm cord instead of 3 mm and the same length. If you want to use 3 mm (based on the cord 3 mm from Lovely Cottons ) I cannot guarantee that the size will be exactly 45 x 38 cm, but you can try! It is a theoretical calculation. 😁
2 × 5 m
72 × 4.20 m
4 × 3.50 m
2 × 1.75 m
Cords in order:
single: 3.50m 1.75m; folded in half: 3,50m 5 m 72 x 4.20m 5m 3.5m; single: 1.75m 3.50m
For single cords 3.5 and 1.75 m you need to tie them to the rod in 70 cm not in 50 cm from the ends
Good luck and let me know how it went!
Hello, thank you for the tutorial. I have a problem with the right side. The 2.5 m will be at the very right side right? When it is like that its impossible to connect with others. Could you please help. Thank you 🙏🏻
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo ! Ce sac est vraiment une belle œuvre ! Magnifique ! Cependant j’ai un petit problème, de je débute dans le macramé, j’ai tout bien commenté mais je me retrouve avec des cordes beaucoup trop courtes 😩, y’a t’il une technique particulière pour mesurer les cordes ? J’ai peut-être raté quelques choses, merci
It might be few reasons: 1. thicker cord, 2. bigger spaces between knots or knotted too loose 3. while measuring the cord was stretched out. ( to avoid stretching, you can lie it flat on the floor and measure) We always learn with our mistakes! Don’t worry we all make them 🤗
Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse !! Je ne ferait pas les mêmes erreurs la prochaine fois ! Thank you Ewa 🥰🙏🏾
Hi Ewa I follow you on here and Insta, love your work.
I would like to create this bag but using 4mm cord. Can you advise me what lengths I should cut & how many to keep a similar size.
Thank you 🐰💕😊
Hi there ! Thank You so much :) I would keep the same measurements and adjusted if after first row It’s too big. Each cord is different! The same size you can only make with the same cord, I used braided cord from Lovely cottons 3 mm. Good luck ☺️
Hermosa gracias por enseñar❤😊
Thank you for sharing. I follow your instruction but i don’t know why my finish product its not the same size from yours
Hello, size of the bag may be different, because it depends on the used cord and the clamping force of the knots and the spacing between them.
Hermoso …Hermoso como se llama el hilo ? Cuantos metros debo comprar para uña bolso así ? 🙏🏻🥰
3 mm braided cotton cord Lovely Cottons ( Polish ) You need 180 m of 3 mm cord.
you are awesome! wow, thanks
Parabéns. Amei❤
Thank You 🥰
Hi! If I wanted to do single square knots to make the holes smaller, would I need to adjust the cord length? I know I would need to double the amount of rows. Thanks!
I think it should be enough as it is. You need to try to be sure 🤗 and let me know!
جميييييل جدا جدا....أسال الله لك التوفيق في كل مجالات الحياة.
Very goog!!! So beautifilul!!!
Thank You 😍
Hello, if I want to use 4mm cord would I increase it by 1 meter? (3 m cord-from 9.84 ft to 13.32 ft). Thank you for you time and beautiful work.
Hello thank You ☺️ If you want to follow the pattern using 4 mm cord the bag will be 33% bigger. If you want that, yes add extra 33 % to the cords length. For example instead of 3 m you would need 4 m cord. If you want the same size of the bag using 4 mm cord you would have to make less rows of knots. Good luck 🤗
@@EWAMacrameCRETEso if I want to follow the pattern with 5mm cord, I'd add 60% more cord so 288m instead of 180m, correct?
If using 5 mm it would be 66% more for each length ( theoretically speaking) so instead of 3 m piece it would be 5 m long.
Hi, thanks for the tutorial!! Was waiting for it:)
If I want to make a bag for 15.6" laptop, what would the measurements be in your opinion?
Many thanks!
Hello Maria, thanks for the comment ! Unfortunately the answer is not very easy in this case :) But I did some maths and I will try to explain it.
So for thin laptop 15.6" using the same 3 mm braided cord I would suggest using 230.5 m only for the bag:
2 x 4.4m
54 x 3.8m
4 x 3.3m
2 x 1.65m
Cords in order:
single: 3.3m 1.65m; double: 3.3m 4.4m (54 x 3.8m) 4.4m 3.3m; single: 1.65m 3.3m
As the size of the bag is bigger (approx. 29x42 cm) more cords are needed, it means more rows of square knots, in total instead of 19 rows I would make 25, divided in 3 sections (instead of 6,7,6) 8, 9, 8 and the handle instead of 16 square knots I would make 20.
If you make it let me know please if the measurements worked for you and what cord have you used!
Thanks and good luck :)
@@EWAMacrameCRETE wow I didn't expect such a great answer! Thank you very very much!!!! Will tag you once mine is done❤️
Hermoso!!! Y muy bien explicado!!! Muchas gracias!!!💕💕🤗🥰
Can you please suggest what to do to make the handle like a shoulder bag?
Hi! You just need to use longer cords where the handles are ( first 6 single cords and the last 6 ) check how much longer you want the strap to be and then add this ( for the 4 core cords) and for the 2 working cords (1. and 6.) add the number x 4. Let me know how it went ! 🤗
@@EWAMacrameCRETE thank you!
Так хочнтся сплести такую сумку,но я новичок и не очень понимаю какой длины должны быть шнуры в начале и конце.
В любом случае,спасибо за прекрасный урок!Вы большая молодец!
Very nice. Just one question: does the glue dry clear or does it look wet(stained) on the tip of the fringe?
Thanks! Well it depends on the fabric glue you will use. Mine dried up completely, no stains. But it needs some time to dry!
@@EWAMacrameCRETE thank you so much for the swift reply. I just ordered your glue just now, was waiting for your answer. You're amazing!
Gracias mil!!!!😍💕🥰💝
Thank You !
Hello, I made this bag exactly yours direct. It became great but smaller 10 cm than yours. Can you think of a reason?
Hi, thanks for your feedback. First what comes to my mind is using different cord and making square knots tighter.
Thanks for your answer. You write Maybe I made it to tight
Hello, I have a small problem with the handles. At 9.27 mn, you say that the first 2 strings are supposed to be the 2 longest of the 6. In my case, it's the 1st and the 5th 🙁. I don't really know what to do, especially since then I'm supposed to make a square knot with the 1st and 4th and I don't know how I have to "invert" the ropes to correct the problem. Thanks for your help.
I say 1. and 2. cord have to be longer than the next 3 cords. I didn't say they are the longest. :) As you will use them later for the core of the side. The 6. cord will be longer too, don't worry about it, this is fine! good luck !
Thank you very much!!
What if i want to change the size of the bag?I want it 20cm*15cm with the fringes .
How many cords should i use and whats the length of each cord?
Hello. I would suggest follow the tutorial and then for the next project you would be able to calculate for the smaller size. If you make your square knots tighter it will be smaller size than mine. Let me know how it went !
Hii... I love your pattern. I have the problem. The knots 125 and 200 are the first and second knots and the ends. And its must be longer than other. But why, they are be the smaller than other knots ?
hello, do you have link to buy this cord ? Your work is amazing i just discovered your channel , i'm in heaven :D
Hello and thank You 😊 Cord I used is braided cotton cords 3 mm from Lovely cottons. I bought from here
hello beautifull bag!! where can i find the thread ???
Hi, I ordered cord from Poland.
Any idea as to how to make it dual coloured?
Not sure what result you want to achieve with 2 colours. In my opinion it’s easier to style one colour bags 😉
Подскажите, а получится ли такая сумочка из полиэфирного шнура?
I think it can, but I prefer cotton 🤗
Amazing thanks
Piękna, a czy można zrobić ją bez frędzli
dziękuję, tak, po przewróceniu na lewą stronę możesz przyciąć sznurki krócej i wszyć podszewkę, aby nie było widać końców sznurków.
Works great in theory😢 mine is too loose, doesnt hold shape at all. Used cotton cord. Probably yours is a bit different.
The cord I use is braided cotton cord 3 mm Lovely Cottons. Maybe the knots were too loose? if you make them tighter the bag would be stiffer for sure.
Hey, can you please tell me where did you added 1.25 m cord. You didn’t showed that
Witam. Czy jestes w stanie podac mi dlugosci, jesli mam sznurek 5 mm z łowiczanka? Wiem, ze torba wyjdzie duza, ale taka ma właśnie byc.
Pozdrawiam 😁
Dzień Dobry, nie korzystałam nigdy z tych sznurków. Sznurek sznurkowi nie równy. Tutaj wymiar będzie zależał też od tego jak mocno będziesz zaciskać węzły. Ja moją torebkę robiłam z Lovely cottons 3 mm i nie zaciskałam mocno. Dopóki nie spróbujesz wykonać torebki, nie przekonasz się jaki będzie miała wymiar. Pozdrawiam! Ewa
Can you make one with a longer centre strap please.
Очень красивая сумочка А круглое панно есть схема ? Очень хочется связать такое же
Excelente, parabéns 🙏
Que guapo💖
Witaj droga Ewo. Czy pamietasz moze co to za kolor sznurka?
Kolor beżowy ☺️
Muhteşem olmuş ellerinize emeğinize sağlık çok güzel fakat Türkçe altyazılı olsa idi on numara olacaktı! Lütfen bu güzelliklerin devamı olsun🙏🌹🇹🇷
Witam, zrobiłam tą torebkę z Łowiczanki plecionej 3 mm, użyłam takiej samej ilości sznurka, ale efekt końcowy jest mniejszy. Ilość spotów jest taka sama, ale torebka przed złożeniem ma wielkość 26*42 cm. Jaka może być przyczyna? Inny producent sznurka? Za mocno zaciągałam węzły? Mimo wszystko wyszła urocza ;) Malutka, ale słodka ;) Dziękuję za ten film ;)
Dzięki za komentarz ! Myśle, że wszystko co wymieniałaś ma wpływ. Ja używałam sznurka od Lovely Cottons 3 mm ( niestety nie używałam nigdy sznurków z Łowiczanki, aby móc się wypowiedzieć na ich temat) Pozdrawiam 🤗
Hej! Jaka jest długość max końcowa paska? Jeśli będę go robić ze sznurka 4mm to powinnam użyć sznurków dłuższych? Chodzi o sam pasek, chce wykonać taki do innej torebki :-)
Hej! Długość paska to 110 cm. Co do długości sznurków to można dodać lekki zapas albo taką samą długość.
Tutaj podobny pasek, ale sznurki są złożone na pół.
Piękna torebka❤️ gdybym chciała użyć sznurka o grubości 5 mm to jak zmienią się długości sznurków oraz ich ilość? Pozdrawiam
Dziękuję! Nie robiłam tej torebki ze sznurka 5 mm. Jeśli chcesz wykonać torebkę w tym samym rozmiarze to na pewno należy zmniejszyć ilość sznurków, co do ich długości myślę ze taka sama.
Sznurki po kolei:
Pojedyncze: 2,5m 1.25m;
podwójne: 2.5m 3.6m 30×3m 3.6m 2.5m;
pojedyncze: 1.25m 2.5m
Zamiast 19 rzędów podwójnych węzłów płaskich, zrobiłabym 13 rzędów, czyli w kolejności 4, 5, 4 (zamiast 6, 7, 6)
Rączka zamiast 16 węzłów zrobiłabym 11 węzłów płaskich.
To jest oczywiście teoretyczna kalkulacja. Nie mogę zagwarantować ze idealnie wyjdzie Ci ten sam rozmiar, bo to zależy od faktycznej grubości i jakości sznurka którego użyjesz.
Po zrobieniu pierwszych 2 rzędów podwójnych węzłów płaskich zmierzyłabym szerokość i ewentualnie dodałabym więcej sznurków do częściej środkowej ( sznurki o długości 3 m) jeśli będzie mniej niż 56 cm.
Powodzenia i koniecznie daj znać jak poszło ! 🤗
Одна верёвка сложенная пополам 3.6 м ???
3,6 m is total length of the cord before folding in half.
@@EWAMacrameCRETE Спасибо,но я не понимаю ваш язык.
Piękna torebka :)
Dzięki, wymiary podałam w opisie pod filmem. 25 x 32 cm
@@EWAMacrameCRETE gapa ze mnie ;) dziękuję
Hola!! Me encanta y estoy haciéndolo ñ, pero tengo un problema y es que no sé si me pierda algún paso del vídeo, pones las 46 cuerdas de 3 metros luego las de 3,6 en cada extremo luego las de 2,5 metros pero me pierdo totalmente con las de 1,25 no veo en que momento las añades. Cuento 46+2 de 3,6+2 de 2,5+2 de 2,5=52 cuerdas en total, son las que veo en el vídeo pero salen 54 si sumas las de 1,25 metros. No sé si entiendes mi explicación…
Timestamps from the video: 02:58 - adding 2,5 and 1,25 m cords;
03:26 -adding 2,5 and 1,25 m cords on the other side
I hope this will help, sorry for late reply !
Witam serdecznie, mam pytanie odnośnie sznurków, 46x 3m, czyli po przywiązaniu sznurka ma być 3m, czy po przywiązaniu będzie 1,5?
Witam, Długość sznurków 3 m czyli po złożeniu na pół są 2 po 1,5m 😊
@@EWAMacrameCRETE dziękuję 🌹, troszkę się zamotałam, 🤣
Witaj mam problem, zaczelam robic uszy i zabraklo mi sznurka tego 1.25 bo wyszedl mi jako pierwszy do węzła. Czy moglabys podpowiedziec jak to naprawic
Hej! jeśli dobrze rozumiem, możesz zamienić kolejność sznurków (jeśli chodzi Ci o te 4 z rdzenia rączki) albo doszyć jak zabrakło. Pozdrawiam i powodzenia!
Proszę o pomoc 🌹🌹🌹jak się zrobi uszy to potem po 1 sznurku zostawiać?? trochę mi nie wychodzi
Nie bardzo rozumiem😁
W minucie 8:40
@@EWAMacrameCRETE znalazłam u siebie błąd 😁😁
Lucia Pena - Otimo , amei .
Hi what are the dimensions of this bag,,, I appreciate your answer and thanks for the tutorial 🙏🥰
Read the description please 😁
Can I make it with 100m cord
No :) you need 180m
13:11 fechamento argola
Хотелось бы такую только маленького размера, как у прада 😉
I don’t know which bag do you mean :)
Olá!! Qual seria a medida em Português/ Brasil??
A bolsa é linda!!! Mas não consigo entender as medidas dos cordões
Olá, acabei de adicionar legendas no seu idioma Português (Brasil)
Piękna 😍
Dzięki 😍 właśnie dodałam Polskie napisy do filmu 🤓
Cho mình hỏi cái trụ 2 bên và trụ để treo gọi là gì vậy mình đang cần cảm ơn bạn
😍where do you buy the cord🤔
This one is from Poland. Lovely Cottons.
Amei esse trabalho mas eu não estou entendendo muito bm a receita prq não é em português.😕
Hi! Can you please tell where is the tutorial? Thanks
It’s here ! 😄
Почему такие длинные нити по 3 м 46 шнуров? Очень длинно. Я отрезала более 50 см. 46 шнуров по 2,2 м хватает.
Maybe your cord was thinner and you make knots tighter? Did you end up with the same size of the bag ? 😉
@@EWAMacrameCRETE Наверное, я действительно вяжу туже. Я добавила 10 шнуров для нужной глубины для макбука. Я еще довазываю.
Total 3m cord