Baruch Atah Adonay ELOHEINU ha melech ha olam, in h*s name, Baruch HaShem the mericiful. By h*s name(Baruch HaShem) the prophecy will be fulfilled Bezrat HaShem. With the message of our teacher (peace unto him) and by the mercy of the LORD. Baruch HaShem, Am Yisrael Chai.
השם יברך את ישראל אמן
Please pray for health to get better, my finances to break through, I want 5 kids and a loving,God fearing husband
Have your prayers been answered?
Why 5? Do you also want 2 set of twins plus 1?
Baruj HaShem
Baruch Atah Adonay ELOHEINU.
Baruch Atah Adonay ELOHEINU ha melech ha olam, in h*s name, Baruch HaShem the mericiful. By h*s name(Baruch HaShem) the prophecy will be fulfilled Bezrat HaShem. With the message of our teacher (peace unto him) and by the mercy of the LORD. Baruch HaShem, Am Yisrael Chai.