a show case in the future would have been nice. So how did you do with the texture of the ground? did you put an extra layer on top of the celsium layer?
May I ask for the tree density settings and how to edit them? I made a mistake and used highly detailed trees that my GPU unplugged itself and said "nah man, Fuck it, am outa here"
Hi, Aiden.Your product is really amazing, I downloaded your project on github, but when I put it to the ue4.27 plugin, it mentioned me that the engine version is different, I cannot figure out what is going on, can I connect to you?
Hi, I’ve written an in-depth tutorial here: cesium.com/learn/unreal/unreal-procedural-foliage/ I’m basically just capturing the tileset onto a render target, then reprojecting the pixels above a threshold into UE space to spawn the foliage instances. Greener pixels are assumed to be trees
Hi aiden. I tried the github project of this but the foliage spawner is not as smooth as i see in this video. It flickers everytime it calculates the terrain placement and cannot achieve proper lighting and shadows like this. can you please share this project file is possible and help me through email personally if i can contact you somehow?
Cool, hopefully they'll add more features where you can really manipulate the Cesium stream,and make it look like it's from another world.
a show case in the future would have been nice. So how did you do with the texture of the ground? did you put an extra layer on top of the celsium layer?
How do you populate foliage on the landmass. I tried drag and dropping on my land mass and I could not figure it out?!
Amazing!!! For the LODs of trees in bird eye view try using imposter Baker. It will give a good FPS.
May I ask for the tree density settings and how to edit them? I made a mistake and used highly detailed trees that my GPU unplugged itself and said "nah man, Fuck it, am outa here"
Heyy, can you upload a example version of this? I am new with unreal engine. It looks really cool!!
you distribute them based on the map or random?
Hi, Aiden.Your product is really amazing, I downloaded your project on github, but when I put it to the ue4.27 plugin, it mentioned me that the engine version is different, I cannot figure out what is going on, can I connect to you?
Hello. How you find position for trees in Cesium?
Hi, I’ve written an in-depth tutorial here:
I’m basically just capturing the tileset onto a render target, then reprojecting the pixels above a threshold into UE space to spawn the foliage instances. Greener pixels are assumed to be trees
Hi aiden. I tried the github project of this but the foliage spawner is not as smooth as i see in this video. It flickers everytime it calculates the terrain placement and cannot achieve proper lighting and shadows like this. can you please share this project file is possible and help me through email personally if i can contact you somehow?
Looks really good, are you using niagara to spawn the foliage?
Hey, that is some amazing work man! I would like to hear more about your technique if you are okay with it. Can we connect on discord or something?