We are the daughters

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • During Sukkot 5780/2019, Cantor Sarah Myerson and the Kane Street Shvesterhood collaboratively wrote this song about famous Jewish women throughout history.
    We are the daughters of Miriam the Prophet
    She played the timbrel and she led the women
    Singing by the Sea
    We are the daughters of Deborah the Judge
    She gave good counsel in war and in peace
    Chanting a hymn of victory
    We are the daughters of Hannah the Prophet
    Quietly praying with words and with tears
    Giving thanks for fertility
    We are the daughters of biblical women
    Who sang and who danced and who played tambourine
    Madama de Rossi, with hair dark and flowy,
    Sang for the opera, then for the Duke
    Played on the lute with a dulcimer tone
    but never on shabbes when she stayed at home
    Admired by Monteverdi and Fellino
    She was the real thing, never a phony
    Her voice soft and tender with madrigals sweet
    Europa’s performances were hailed as a treat.
    We are the daughters of biblical women
    Who sang and who danced and who played tambourine
    We are the daughters of Leonora Duarte
    Baroque composer and violist
    She hid her Converso identity
    We are the daughters of Fanny Mendelssohn
    Romantic composer and pianist
    Career stifled by misogyny
    We are the daughters of biblical women
    Who sang and who danced and who played tambourine
    We are the daughters of Fania Borach
    she’s also known as Baby Snooks and Fanny Brice
    Comedienne, singer, theater and film actress,
    Barbara Streisand played her real nice
    We are the daughters of Bracha Zefira
    In Jewish music a true pioneer-a
    Temani-Western a new ethnic fusion
    Our musicial mother, it’s no illusion
    We are the daughters of biblical women
    Who sang and who danced and who played tambourine.