@@tzaroualexandra6879 shouldve added neji too ngl. his death wasted his potential it wouldve been far better if guy died and neji lived. He literally couldve been one of the strongest ninjas of all time if he got stronger throughout the show.
Idk I just think that to develop them would compromise Naruto's development himself. And I'm honestly not sure how Kishi could develop every single character while still having the time to fully flesh out Naruto.
@@tzaroualexandra6879 they should have been stronger but not demi god . you can't reach that level without power ups or born with some special ability that's why only might guy was able to do that.
Is he though? I mean Sai was never among the Konoha 12 yet he replaced Sasuke for Sai... And put Lee over Choji Lee did not improve in the time skip still only using six Gates while Choji Master the giant mode and butterfly mode and even Master combining the both of them together played a major part in the war while Lee did little to nothing.
I wish Kishimoto would’ve made someone outside of team 7 a legend type Shinobi. Would’ve made the show more interesting, preferably Neji or Lee but I would’ve taken anyone.
To me Shino is a character underrated, because appears little times, but show a big pottential, with some powerfull skills and diferent , he demonstrated leadership skills,great tracking ability, different strategies to face enemies and be the third most smart of Konoha chunins.
Choji butterfly mode was epic in the war arc. It was always alluded throughout the series that Choji was very strong and that it was his own fear that held him back.
Choji was not a surprise whatsoever And tenten shld never be the be the weakest here Everything he said was borderline wrong or overlooked She shld above ino without a doubt in power level and arguably higher actually Same as kiba he got done extremely dirty with his 2 headed wolf he literally pulled a 4 tail naruto bijuu bomb esk feat
The fact that Kishimoto only focus to sasuke and naruto ofc because they're main character, but they forgot about the others, there's a lot potential about the others, especially neji, shino, and sakura i said, neji is genius but they choose to kill him, actually he can be the strongest hyuuga ever, also shino, he's the third smartest people in class after Shikamaru and sakura, but he didn't get so much time to shine, sakura? She's like crazy powerful and strong but they make her dirty with her annoying attitude, i mean she's not from any special clan, but what she achieved at the end is crazy amazing, anyway sakura on her novel is totally different, and it's sad because they didn't animated it
Kishimoto should've given Sakura earth and water jutsu because those are the chakra natures she has, plus she's supposed to be good at genjutsu but Kishimoto didn't give develop that either
@@quentinjones6877 There was a moment in the Shippuden series, which I imagined until Sakura was distantly related to Hashirama, and that the Haruno clan could be a little-known offshoot of the Senju clan, since it's perfectly possible for a member of a clan to bond with a member of another clan, just as Sakura has now become an Uchiha. And it would make perfect sense for her to have the elements of Earth, Water and Tsunade's powers. She could also have Hashirama's powers, that would make her as legendary as Naruto and Sasuke, and the series would be much more interesting and less predictable.
@@quentinjones6877 Another thing that doesn't make sense, was in the classic era of Naruto, when Kakashi talked about the Byakugan being more penetrating than the Sharingan, but in Shippuden, Kishimoto just didn't make other stronger forms of the Byakugan, while the Sharingan had a thousand versions.
High kage? Oh no no no no no no no no characters that level can be hordes of ninja by themself neji would never be able to do that and by hordes I'm almost armies
@@overloadezking2934he say hokage level not high hokage level bruh probably high hokage level is naruto sasuke madara hashirama itachi kakashi like characters
@@nightmareofblindfansandhaters sasuke and Naruto are above high kage level first of all second he said high kage not hogake There is no such thing as hokage level as tsunade and hasirama ate no where close in power
One problem, that is very hard to believe. Other than incredible chakra control, hundred healings and incredible strength, Sakura has nothing when it comes to Naruto and Sasuke. If we take the SO6P hack and Rinnegan hack away, Naruto still has The enitirety of Kurama, KCM2 and Sage Mode while sasuke still has a perfect susanoo and ametarasu. So, no offence to Sakura fans or Kishimoto, but that statement of Sakura being as strong as KCM 2 Naruto with or without Sage mode and EMS Sasuke or EMS+ Rinnegan Sauke is completely BS and hearsay.
@@mustaffah3064 while I would agree with you, it is clearly stated in the guide books and by Kishimoto himself. Personally, I never really cared for Sakura so it surprised me to learn it.
@@nathantanner9433 didnt he also say he killed itachi/madara awkwardly bc he didnt know how to write it well? Yes he's the author but simply taking his word (and ignoring what he actually wrote in the story) isnt correct imo
@@gtr0k if the author says something about their own story, that makes it the truth for their world. Also, we haven't seen Sakura in action since the fight against Madara, both Naruto and Sasuke far eclipsed their power back then, evidenced by a tired Sasuke holding his own against kinshiki (who he said was a Kaguya level threat, so way beyond EMS Sasuke or 6 paths Naruto). So is it reasonable given what is written in the story to assume Sakura did little to no training and couldn't reach levels the old height of power levels in Naruto?
Tbh take most statements with a grain of salt, the book even stated that Hiruzen was hashirama level or Killer Bee is faster than lightspeed. What she meant by catching up to them was that she could fight along side them without being a burden (some people actually she is on thier level, which is not true). Once Naruto got sage mode and Sasuke got Sussano, Sakura was never above them.l (no offense to sakura, she just hasn't got any good solo fights to prove it).
@@richmaxmchalliwchester1984 i think you have watched a different series. lol that what I have seen from sakura, she should not even be kage level. maybe high jonin
Finally! I’ve waited years for this to come out! Thanks for releasing it, oh and most of this was facts but I’d change two things 1) Ten Ten should be at high jonin level with the SO6P tools since she took out one of Kaguzu’s bodies 2) Shikimaru should be above Hinata, he’s much smarter and easily more skilled, I can’t possibly imagine Hinata beating him
Maybe hinata can't beat him but that doesn't make him stronger than hinata . shikamaru can beat a lot of characters stronger than him but its doesn't make him stronger
@@juanluiseltit It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t use it regularly she did have it which means it should be considered when scaling her the same way bee had samehada for a very short period of time and yet in the ninja storm games he can use it and people will scale bee with samehada in consideration
Man, this video just reminds me of the wasted character development on most of the Konoha 12 in Part 2/Shippuden. Some of these people should have been much stronger than they were by the War arc. The Hyuga were one of the 4 Noble clans of Konoha (alongside Uchiha, Aburame, and Akimichi) and were called the strongest of the 4 Noble clans in Part 1, with Byakugan being called one of the 3 great Dojutsu alongside Sharingan and Rinnegan, and yet in part 2 we see that the Uchiha are significantly more powerful than even the strongest of the Hyuga, while Sharingan and Rinnegan are also shown to be infinitely more powerful than Byakugan, so both Neji and Hinata ended up looking quite weak in Part 2/Shippuden. TenTen, Kiba, Ino, and Shino all got very little development in Part 2/Shippuden, and most of the development they did get were in non-canon anime exclusive filler, because even the anime writers knew that Kishimoto pretty much abandoned them all and felt they had to rectify that.
Rock lee should have been a lot higher because he has the 8 inner gates but didn't include the possibility of him opening the 8th gate since gais 8th gate almost killed madara soo he is a lot stronger then he looks
just how she litteraly didnt show anything what is even worth more than 200 000. she destroyed some clones like kiba and broke kaguyas horn because of plot. i really dont get why people rate her so high. in boruto it might be, but in the war arc i doubt it.
@@thedarkknight8225 kishimoto's data book 4 confirmed that sakura at the war was just as strong as EMS sasuke and Naruto but they became stronger when the god of shinobi gave them a boost
@@deathlike13 Neji had one of the greatest potentials and if we see rock lee in the 7 gates than he is in the legend level too. Neji, Lee and Sakura all 3 had potential to be Legend level.
@@Haszimosman123 I have to disagree with Sakura. Kishimoto literally did everything to try improve her charecter. But it was too late, if he made her good from the beggining then we would have never had Sakura haters.
Kudos to you for not making fun of Sakura. It's the most teenage boy shit ever and it's embarrassing as hell. It's good to see that you stay neutral and just rank by actual facts
Yh tenten got underrated here she was easily dodging the lightning from kakazus mask which team asuma and even kakashi to a small degree were struggling with back then and took down so many white zetsu and like 2 kakaxu masks She shld be higher
An idea for a future video is Luffy vs Zoro. I think putting the two main characters of One piece up against each other will make a GREAT vid! I personally love all of your previous one piece scalings and I reckon that this one would be no different!
Hinata? Pretty much close enough to Neji? As you said, 'Hinata was able to perform 64 palms technique during war' while Neji mastered 125 palms when he was a Genin💀
I don't still know how she can be possibly stronger than Tsunade, because Tsunade is fron the Senju clan, and genes do matter Unless sakura is from a different side of the otususki, I don't understand
No not even close lol, she's just super strong and with strength of hundreds seal can regenerate really fast, but any legend level character would blitz her and cut off her head, bc I seriously doubt she can regenerate her head
I feel like Hinata should be ranked lower to Shikamaru, Neji was clearly much stronger than her and I don’t think Hinata would have been able to take down Hidan by herself the way Shikamaru did.
@Ryn Harkian bruh what's there to hype in the pain arc. she literally got bodied badly nd within minutes too. if not for nagato's health she wld not hv even landed single hit on him. the reason that scene is hyped is bocz she jumped in to save naruto
@Ryn Harkian nah that's not the case bro. she was needed there for fueling his rage to unleash kyubi. she gave him enough motivation to carry on, without her i highly doubt he wld hv won that fight at all plot wise her role was necessary, tho it cld hv been anyone from konoha 12 nd naruto wld hv had same reaction.
he is talking about "very very peak of each person during shippuden". Neji's peak during shippuden is definitely at more or less the same level as Hinata's peak since she experienced so much development, and Neji's skill just stopped during his genin level. Yes, if we talk about all around strength, talent, power, and skills, Neji will be far beyond Hinata. But if we talk during the peak of their power? Heck, even after Neji's death, Hinata is still developing, so of course their peak will be different. And for Shikamaru, he is a really weird case because he uses his IQ and strategizing skill most of the time. But the title of this video is "Power Rank". Even when he defeated Hidan, he doesn't use much "power" like this video intended to rank, so I think the ranking is quite reasonable.
neji was such wasted potential, I expected neji to be at best mid kage level since in og naruto him and lee were suppose to be on par with base garaa, naruto, and sasuke, and his rotation could have been better used imagine he could make a huge tornado out of wind and chakra
Sasuke was only a member of team seven for about 3 months. Sai was part of the team as of the end of the war arc for over 6. Sasuke will always be a important part of that teams origin. But until Naruto returned the team seven was not in action as Sakura was the only member left at that point. Even then, the team seven that was created for Shippuden never included Sasuke as he is not a Leaf Shinobi anymore. Ignoring all of that this individual chose to explore the 4 teams at their peak and for Sasuke his peak as a member of team seven was at the end of part one when he left the village behind to seek his revenge. Truth is Sasuke isn't even a main character in Shippuden. Almost every other member on this list has more screen time than he does. In any case if you want to rank him as of the end of the show he sits between Sakura and Naruto. Almost no one would place him anywhere else. I found the placement of the 11 who aren't Naruto more interesting. My list would be slightly different, but not by much.
Neji didn't actually get a chance to use Kurama's chakra. He and Hiashi worked together to deflect a Juubi hand without the amp. Also, Sakura's contributions to the fight with Sasori were with her diverting the bulk of her chakra to the Byakugo.
1 Bunshin from KCM *(half kurama)* was enough to beat 2 Kage *(3rd raikage and 2nd Tsucikage)* Sooo, 1 Bunshin from KCM naruto *(half kurama)* could beat Most of them with ease
I feel it so much differently this time. I think that rough strenght is not enough, I think that Sai and Shikamaru would outsmart Choji. And both Hyuga would smash him so hard. But its just how I see it.
Choji and shikamaru no each other well so im pretty sure choji could predict what shikamaru would do to on top of that shikamaru cant just rely on his brain for everything it ain’t enough to defeat choji, all sai will do is just spam those weak paintings
If I wrote Konoha I would probably do this in my AU: Hinata- A master of Taijutsu with exceptional discipline and firestyle trained harshly by her father and cousin, learing every Hyuga technique and mastering some firestyle jutsu, although mediocre at chakra she has high IQ (~125) so she knows when to attack-Mid Kage level. Shino: A smart little bugger (pun intended) with alot of insect types most notably being able to create swarms of bugs to create weapons, shields, and attack each having some types, Posion type supposed to bite or spit venom and fatigue them, attack types, meant to attack or to distract, defensive types, meant to defend and protect, low chakra high IQ (~130)---higher end anbu to low kage level. Kiba, a man with his best friend Akamaru a dog with a fierce fighting spirit and high energy, knows 3 jutsus, Man beast clone, Fang over fang,and his other attack, average chakra, normal IQ (90) he is a sensory unit meant to sniff out enemy bases and let the others do the damage ie, Naruto, Neji, Rocklee, while he supports--- anbu-high jonin level. Ino, a good intel gathering unit with her subtle mind transfer jutsu she can read enemy intel without them ever knowing and relay it back too everyone, with good Taijutsu and decent ninjustu she can utilise water release to make large walls nullifying fire attacks, good IQ (95-105) a little under average chakra--- Anbu-High Jonin level but is very crucial with mind transfer. Choji, a potato chip lover who is very tanky with expansion jutsu fighting many juubi minions and having butterfly mode amping his strength and durability--- normal IQ (90) above average chakra--- Low Kage level. Rock Lee, fierce master of Taijutsu truly the pinnacle of it, (besides might guy) he trains hard and with the power of youth he fights and defeats his enemys with the 8 Inner gated unlocking all of them (this is my AU and also in 8th gates it only takes alot of chakra and stamina not your legs or life but its weaker than in the anime) and using it with might guy against The Ghost Of The Uchiha none other than Madara Uchiha himself, granted he lost but still impressive indeed, ??? chakra, under average IQ (~75)--- Low Demigod level. Shikamaru, the famous Nara of Team 10 he is versatile with shadow possesion justu taking down an immortal S rank Ninja and when High IQ, Shadow possesion and Firestyle with good chakra, you my friend have destruction, Good chakra, Very very very high IQ (200+)--- ~Kage level. Neji, the famous Hyuga of the 4 noble clans of the hidden leaf housing the byakugan one of the 3 great dojutsu's he is pretty strong already while also being a prodigy trained by one of the strictest clans, alongside mastering all Hyuga techniques and harboring air style and having near 360° vision like all hyuga's he is incredibly strong not to mention he is a genius, good chakra(above Shikimaru) high IQ (~140)--- mid-high kage level. Tenten, a weapon masters with good IQ of weapons and generally, paired along with S06P weapons and helping defeat an otherwise immortal S rank shinobi/bounty hunter, and defeating mini juubi clones and white zetsu she is quite strong albeit with very low screentime, low chakra, good IQ (110)--- ~anbu black ops (S06P weapons amp=kage level). Sai, a former member of the root an anbu black ops sent personally sent by dan-shitting asshole to kill Sasuke, although failing miserabally he still put up a fight and was entrusted by dan-shitting asshole meaning he is very strong and versatile with those beast scrolls of his, high chakra, high IQ (135)--- mid kage level. Sakura, a strong kunoichi although being an absoloute trashcan in part 1 after the time skip, she trained and fought S rank nin Sasori and Kakashi tough her some air justu (my AU) and so after gaining Byakugou seal, hundred healings, and strength of a thousand, she is a mobile regenerative tank platform which is capable of destroying mountains casually and can heal with good IQ and High amounts of chakra, good IQ (~105) very high chakra,--- high kage-~ low legend level. Naruto, do I have to explain? Easy High Demigod level- Low God level.
Love this AU ranking and scalings 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ima give u my take End of Shippuden Naruto: Low God/ High DemiGod lvl Lee: Mid Kage level to Legend/ Low DemiGod lvl Tiny gap Neji: Mid Kage lvl to Legend lvl Sakura : Mid Kage lvl to Legend lvl Shikamaru: Low to High Kage lvl Hinata: Low to High Kage lvl Small gap Sai: Low to Mid Kage lvl Choji: Low to Mid Kage lvl Shino: Low to Mid Kage lvl Huge gap Kiba: Elite Jonin to low Kage lvl Ino: Elite Jonin to low Kage lvl TenTen: Elite Jonin to low Kage lvl
@@fezij483 I heard that, but we've never really seen her use her brain, have we? (Kinda sad. If she had used her brain or just had a less shitty personality, she would've been liked too...)
kishimoto's data book 4 confirmed that sakura at the war was just as strong as sasuke and Naruto but they became stronger when the god of shinobi gave them a boost
I believe that Sakura is strong a shit, but I think Kishimoto should stop with the "she is just as strong as naruto and sasuke" crap because it's just impossible to reach them. It's like saying Sakura is stronger than Hashirama which is very questionable. Sakura doesn't have to be on the same level as Naruto or Sasuke to be called strong. She is already really strong the way she is, but Kishimoto trying to call her as strong as Naruto during every chance he got kinda makes me angry
thinking of how under utilized the Hyuugas has been makes me wish they went down the Byakugan- Tenseigan route with Boruto I would of enjoyed seeing them raise the Hyuuga dojutsu up to the broken heights of the Uchiha as they teased early on
Sakura is really under appreciated..she’s second on this list of 12 where only 3 of them don’t have any kekkei genkai or genetic hax..ppl say she’s useless for the trend and it’s really annoying…one of the most inspiring characters in naruto
I agree! but what icks me is the fact that Kishimoto keeps telling us that she is just as strong as Naruto Sasuke which is impossible. Sakura is strong as shit just the way she is, the author forcing us to believe that she is just as strong as Naruto Sasuke is what annoys me the most
@@eeveetrainer8783 Naruto from last was relative to toneri while Naruto is a bit stronger and toneri is just planetary while kaguya destroyed a dimmension containing multiple stars and the proof of this dimmension containing stars is in one of the novels when sasuke travelled to kaguya's dimmension there where stars so if kaguya can destroy all of it implied by black zetsu So kaguya is solar system level while Naruto struggled against a planetary so by that logic kaguya is superior to someone who is equal to Sakura according to you so Kaguya >>>> Sakura
@@kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mid to high kage ?? U good ? I can agree with lee if he masters up to the 7th gate but neji? ah hell nah... he aint even the strongest in his clan and even them( Hizashi and Hiashi) are barely low kage level. Pure blood hyugas are weak thanks to kishimoto d riding the uchihas during all of shippuden. At the start of shippuden we've seen a proper high kage character against neji.... and there is no way in hell Neji could have reached this level. Im talking about the 30% powered clone of Kisame who absolutely demolished neji along with lee, tenten and guy ( until he opened the 6th gate ). neji would have been in the low end of low kage level just like his father and uncle.
@Ryn Harkian skill and strength are 2 different things completly. For example, Neji is more skillful but rock lee is more powerful and would win in a 1 v1
Finally someone actually scales sakura instead of "pink trash lmao weak" also i dont think ino should be that low,she succeeded in possessing obito after all
I like your ranking but I disagree with Hinatas/Shikamarus ranking. Shikamaru bodies Hinata. His intellect is enough to outsmart her. As Neji is highly intelligent it might be enough with his taijutsu to overpower Shikamaru. I would put them on a tie in terms of winning chances. Could go either way. The rest of the list works for me
@@overloadezking2934bro, what does power mean to you? He compares characters in his own video in terms of the ability to beat each other - so saying it's not about beating each other is invalidating the logic of the entire video. I quote "sure when it comes to a 1 on 1 she'd lose to most of the Konoha 12..." when he's scaling Ino for example. Shikamaru has proven on multiple occasions to overpowere opponents that have more deadly offensive power capabilities compared to him. He has his intelligence as a deadly power to overcome brute force or anything else. My point stands bro. Listen to how he justifies Shinos rank in the list. He literally says if it were to be about raw power only Shino would be lower in the list. But since it's not, he's higher, adding to my point that it's about intelligence and how that would play out in a 1 to 1/fight. Hinata is nowhere close to Shikamaru when it comes to battle intelligence. How would she win if she cannot even get close to him which is crucial for her fighting style? He would play around with her.
@@milchkaffeeable tsk tsk tsk you have valid points but like I said I don't see how he will be able to beat her lets take the hidan battle for example He outsmarted him easily good but hidan can not use anything else besides taijustu kenjustu and his curse Hinata is far faster than him so she will be able to dodge the shadow we seen it before With the temari fight it has been confirmed There was no reason for her to win anyway since it was a invasion now she was trying but she couldn't exactly destroy the arena like she did the Forest it been stated she didn't get any stronger after the chunin exams so she already had her summon and could of easily destroyed the arena she was holding back Hidan is just weak and really had no reason to hold back If he even tries to get close he done she far to fast for him to catch her with his shadow and on top of that she the Bakugan so she can also see it coming he not winning
@@overloadezking2934 agreed. this is about power level. Strenght, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Stamina. Looking at those, I think the placement is quite reasonable. Because If we want to include special power, mind power, number of missions completed, intelligence, and personality, then Ino also should be way above, and Hinata should be last, since there is no way she has the heart to punch anyone from the Konoha 12. But this video wants to simplify it into power ranking, so just be it. Also it's true that K12's powers should not be ranked like this, since it's often about case per case, so of course it won't be 100% accurate
I agree with most of this but Sakura is at the legend stage already hehe and Ten-Ten with the SO6P tools is much much stronger (low-level to mid-level Kage). Again, these are IMHO but still a great video 😀🙌👏
She can easily clap Shino because of her Byakugan If you watched all the fillers in the Naruto series, we see her go god mode against a bunch of killer Hornets, probably the same level as shino's bugs
Yea. Shino is also kinda smart. I think shino can defend himself against hinata with his wall of insects jutsu. He could also manipulate insect clones.
I feel like Ino deserves higher. Her strength relies on her support type abilities and she's the best at it. Linking the Allied Forces shows that she has great power and strength given that her dad struggled doing it. This is ranking/rating their power not their attack potency or how will they win against the other members of k12. You also put Shikamaru so high but Ino so low lol. He's just smart so it's much like Ino's. He relies pretty much on his wits despite not being that strong when it comes to attacks and the likes Also Sai>Shikamaru. My ranking would've been Tenten Kiba Shino Shikamaru Ino Sai Hinata Neji Choji Lee Sakura Naruto Lee and Sakura are pretty interchangeable but Sakura has feats so🤷♂️
Yea Rocklee only feat was his speed, we didn't actually see him fight except against Shira using 3rd gate's in the chunin exams, 2 years before the war And even in Boruto he cant even look at the camera for more than 2 seconds
@omggg ❤ again, the ranking is not for attack potencies or who beats who. Plus Ino has sensory, telepathy for communication, and medical ninjutsu, she's an overall better support. She has much more to offer than Shikamaru. All Shikamaru can do is restrain his targets while Ino can immobilize enemies, relay informations, sense for chakras, and heal shinobis. Shikamaru's brains already brought him higher than Shino and Kiba so there's that lol. And don't say that this ranking is not for utility whatsoever, Ino's usefulness is way too good because of how skilled and strong she is when comes to her own field.
@@Sar--Pandey--00 because this kind of thing is supposed to be objective. Objectively speaking, Ino would scale higher than Shino, Tenten, Kiba, and Shikamaru because of her feats. Give me a feat from them that would equate to Ino linking the Allied Forces lol(except Shikamaru because he has his Hidan feat although that's a team effort so lol) My only point is, just because someone is not combat type it doesn't mean they're weak. Ino linking the Allied Forces and even controlling Obito is enough to give her more than 50000 but she didn't even made it to half of that lol
Man , Sikamaru deserved better. In boruto he has also created a shadow circle. And can defeat hand to hand fighters with ease plus he can make best use of his surroundings ,do quick strategy and tactics.
He is a lot stronger than most give him credit for. Based on what we see from both Lee and Choji in canon I would actually rank him above Lee. Only because Lee doesn't really get to show us what the boost from 5 gates to 6 gates really means for him. We also never see guy do anything at 5 gates to inform us on how much of a boost it could be. That being said we did see Guy vs 30% Kisame at 6 and win easily. Then with 7 gates still won just as easily with Kisameeither at full strength or close to. That's a huge difference for one gate. Then again 7 gates vs Madara did pretty much nothing will his final 8 gate move had Madara not had Hashirama's healing ability would have died and even with almost did. So Lee's jump may honestly put him above Sakura and in the realm of being closer to Naruto and Sasuke than he would be to Sakura. But all he does is throw a kunai. Before that fight he did not have a single canon fight in the whole series... that wasn't off screen. He might beat Choji but in either case both those 2 boys are far above the rest that aren't Naruto and Sasuke.
@@wi2c730 nah sakura would def be on the list , tsunade as well , same goes for sage jirirya and kashin koji . tobrama aint underated he just has no feats his only feat is losing to darui level fodder .
Sakura went from literally the least impressive kunoichi in the history of her village and possibly general history to a kage-level shinobi with the help of Tsunade 😂😂😂
So...Hinata finally overdid herself and unlocked the 64 palms...the ultimate Hyuga attack...just to take out ONE Juubi mini clone. High Jonin my ass. Shino defeats her in pretty much any circumstance. Deflecting a Juubi hand could have been done by pretty much anyone with a decent range attack, provided Naruto's buff. Neji's level is a bit too high as well. Other than that, the rest looks pretty accurate to me.
@Unknown User A technique is also scaled by the user's skill. Both those techniques are very powerful...if they can land. And in order to land them, Hinata can only rely on her Taijutsu, as she has no notable diversionary techniques, nor does she have a strong Genjutsu to help her. And her Taijutsu isn't that impressive either. Just look at how the Tendo Pain toyed with her like it was kids play...and Taijutsu is really not among Pain's main attributes. Pretty much any High Jonin would have the skills and tools to avoid getting hit by Hinata's techniques. When it comes to Shino, though, I'd ask you where do you rank the technique with bugs that suddenly grow massive (also displayed against Juubi mini clones). Getting such a bug inside the opponent would also be a one shot. However, Shino has what Hinata completely lacks: the ways to distract his opponent and ensure his technique actually hits. And he has a lot of them. Sure...if you sum it up to a contest of "who can destroy that static wall faster", Hinata wins. She has more destructive power. When it comes to actual shinobi combat though, Shino would win it.
@Unknown User doesnt matter cause by your logic sakura broke a rank techniques so she is stronger than the rasengan and hence kid sakura is high jounin level .😂😂😀😀so either kid sakura high jounin level or ur logic about a rank jutsu >means u beat other people is trash .
Sakura should at minimum be in mid legend level. Inflicting damage to fucking kaguya by not only bruising her cheek but breaking her horn is a feat that almost nobody can do when not even sasuke could damage her. Naruto did a point blank punch on kaguya will she was off guard and it did absolutely no damage.Not only that she is really fast too being able to dodge a kaguya hand is also impressive. Definitely low balled in this video.
I’m pretty sure every naruto fan universally agrees everyone outside of team 7 (and maybe sakura) had most if not all their potential wasted.
definitely, rock lee, gaara, shikamaru, sakura. All done very dirty by the end of the series they should’ve been atleast Demi god level if not legend
@@tzaroualexandra6879 shouldve added neji too ngl. his death wasted his potential it wouldve been far better if guy died and neji lived. He literally couldve been one of the strongest ninjas of all time if he got stronger throughout the show.
Idk I just think that to develop them would compromise Naruto's development himself.
And I'm honestly not sure how Kishi could develop every single character while still having the time to fully flesh out Naruto.
@@itachiuchiha_8628 gaara and plenty others had potential to be demi god level kishimoto was just d riding Naruto
@@tzaroualexandra6879 they should have been stronger but not demi god . you can't reach that level without power ups or born with some special ability that's why only might guy was able to do that.
I wish there was more scalers like this guy, He’s pretty accurate and explains in’s power scaling.
Is he though? I mean Sai was never among the Konoha 12 yet he replaced Sasuke for Sai... And put Lee over Choji Lee did not improve in the time skip still only using six Gates while Choji Master the giant mode and butterfly mode and even Master combining the both of them together played a major part in the war while Lee did little to nothing.
@@SasukeY2JItachi I thought the same too he used that logic for neji then buffed lee🥴🥴
@@SasukeY2JItachi but I think 6 gates lee is stronger than choji
@@puffyUwU I don't think so giant butterfly mode choji took out azuma neji's father and kakuzu
@@SasukeY2JItachi and six gates lee would do the same.
"he preferred to die rather than be a fodder character" rough but completely true 😭🤣
Cough cough * rock lee
@@Rukia_uchiha exactly
So accurate, Neji should have been way more stronger than that 😂😂....they didn't give him enough screen time either😂.....death was better for him
Man I thought he said "father character" as in boruto everybody gets kids ahahahahah
„Neji is the biggest wasted potential of all Naruto”
Neji was my favourite character in og Naruto and it hurts how Kishi treated him 😢
I feel you… also rip Neji 💔
Behind rock lee
@@maze3652 if he needed to be killed off it should have been in a better way
I wish Kishimoto would’ve made someone outside of team 7 a legend type Shinobi. Would’ve made the show more interesting, preferably Neji or Lee but I would’ve taken anyone.
Might guy
@@36-chiragbhoyar9e4 might guy is literally a sensei, im speaking of the Konoha 12
They should have kept the hyugga clan going then Neji would be a legend
agreed neji and lee were suppose to be on par with garaa
Tbf Lee technically can go Legend level with his Gates. Possibly even Demigod level with the 8th gate, but that's a temporary boost so yeah
Feel like the Konoha twelve should've ended up as a legendary group of ninja kind of like the sanin
@@BleyDrim would've been nice to see them become pain or obito level :((((
@@mmud5523 obito is too much and same goes for pain I will say mid kage level should have been better
@@puffyUwU agreed
@@puffyUwU Agreed except maybe ino because she’s always been a support character
To me Shino is a character underrated, because appears little times, but show a big pottential, with some powerfull skills and diferent , he demonstrated leadership skills,great tracking ability, different strategies to face enemies and be the third most smart of Konoha chunins.
Facts I said the same thing he is 4-5 on this list in shipd
too late now we’re in boruto 😂
Let’s be honest we all knew tenten was going to going to be the weakest but choji was a surprise
Choji butterfly mode was epic in the war arc. It was always alluded throughout the series that Choji was very strong and that it was his own fear that held him back.
Choji was not a surprise whatsoever
And tenten shld never be the be the weakest here
Everything he said was borderline wrong or overlooked
She shld above ino without a doubt in power level and arguably higher actually
Same as kiba he got done extremely dirty with his 2 headed wolf he literally pulled a 4 tail naruto bijuu bomb esk feat
Choji butterfly mode isn't even bad I mean he deserves to be higher than hinata or neji
@croma 136 maybe, if ino could avoid a couple hits, it might drain ten tens chakra enough for ino to take advantage
The fact that Kishimoto only focus to sasuke and naruto ofc because they're main character, but they forgot about the others, there's a lot potential about the others, especially neji, shino, and sakura i said, neji is genius but they choose to kill him, actually he can be the strongest hyuuga ever, also shino, he's the third smartest people in class after Shikamaru and sakura, but he didn't get so much time to shine, sakura? She's like crazy powerful and strong but they make her dirty with her annoying attitude, i mean she's not from any special clan, but what she achieved at the end is crazy amazing, anyway sakura on her novel is totally different, and it's sad because they didn't animated it
Kishimoto should've given Sakura earth and water jutsu because those are the chakra natures she has, plus she's supposed to be good at genjutsu but Kishimoto didn't give develop that either
@@quentinjones6877 There was a moment in the Shippuden series, which I imagined until Sakura was distantly related to Hashirama, and that the Haruno clan could be a little-known offshoot of the Senju clan, since it's perfectly possible for a member of a clan to bond with a member of another clan, just as Sakura has now become an Uchiha. And it would make perfect sense for her to have the elements of Earth, Water and Tsunade's powers. She could also have Hashirama's powers, that would make her as legendary as Naruto and Sasuke, and the series would be much more interesting and less predictable.
@@quentinjones6877 Another thing that doesn't make sense, was in the classic era of Naruto, when Kakashi talked about the Byakugan being more penetrating than the Sharingan, but in Shippuden, Kishimoto just didn't make other stronger forms of the Byakugan, while the Sharingan had a thousand versions.
@@lucasguimaraes9811 yeah Byakugan not getting more development was disappointing
Byakugan had a lot of potential.
If only Kishimoto gave more credit to byakugan like he gave to sharingan....Neji would atleast be highkage level :')
A bit below Gaara to be precise
High kage? Oh no no no no no no no no characters that level can be hordes of ninja by themself neji would never be able to do that and by hordes I'm almost armies
@@overloadezking2934he say hokage level not high hokage level bruh probably high hokage level is naruto sasuke madara hashirama itachi kakashi like characters
@@nightmareofblindfansandhaters sasuke and Naruto are above high kage level first of all second he said high kage not hogake
There is no such thing as hokage level as tsunade and hasirama ate no where close in power
Maybe Neji would be high kage level or even higher if he had the Tenseigan 😅
According to a source book Sakura did reach the power of EMS Sasuke and Nine Tails Chakra Mode Naruto in shippuden, that was from Kishimoto himself.
One problem, that is very hard to believe. Other than incredible chakra control, hundred healings and incredible strength, Sakura has nothing when it comes to Naruto and Sasuke.
If we take the SO6P hack and Rinnegan hack away, Naruto still has The enitirety of Kurama, KCM2 and Sage Mode while sasuke still has a perfect susanoo and ametarasu.
So, no offence to Sakura fans or Kishimoto, but that statement of Sakura being as strong as KCM 2 Naruto with or without Sage mode and EMS Sasuke or EMS+ Rinnegan Sauke is completely BS and hearsay.
@@mustaffah3064 while I would agree with you, it is clearly stated in the guide books and by Kishimoto himself. Personally, I never really cared for Sakura so it surprised me to learn it.
@@nathantanner9433 didnt he also say he killed itachi/madara awkwardly bc he didnt know how to write it well? Yes he's the author but simply taking his word (and ignoring what he actually wrote in the story) isnt correct imo
@@gtr0k if the author says something about their own story, that makes it the truth for their world. Also, we haven't seen Sakura in action since the fight against Madara, both Naruto and Sasuke far eclipsed their power back then, evidenced by a tired Sasuke holding his own against kinshiki (who he said was a Kaguya level threat, so way beyond EMS Sasuke or 6 paths Naruto). So is it reasonable given what is written in the story to assume Sakura did little to no training and couldn't reach levels the old height of power levels in Naruto?
Tbh take most statements with a grain of salt, the book even stated that Hiruzen was hashirama level or Killer Bee is faster than lightspeed. What she meant by catching up to them was that she could fight along side them without being a burden (some people actually she is on thier level, which is not true). Once Naruto got sage mode and Sasuke got Sussano, Sakura was never above them.l (no offense to sakura, she just hasn't got any good solo fights to prove it).
"Looks like the loser squad gets the loser sensei"
Kiba Inuzuka
We all thought kiba was strong
@@muhanad5227he is but the others overpowered hin
Your power levels are always accurate!
Tell me something new 🙃
@@viplovegupta839 wow It's fu*king accurate... 😂😅
@sh!t crap she made her own jutsu and knows gentle fist
i call cap
@@phenioxsin6941 and I call an ageeement with you
Sakura has made me so proud. From being one of the weakest to being the most powerful female character with no power ups whatsoever or special clan.
nah she was low balled in this vid .
she's still useless what are you talking about?
@@UnityUprisingHQ so the best female taijutsu user and doctor in all nations is useless?
@@UnityUprisingHQ being the strongest female character except Kayuga is useless? Sakura would defeat whole Konoha
13 (except Sasuke and Naruto)
@@richmaxmchalliwchester1984 i think you have watched a different series. lol that what I have seen from sakura, she should not even be kage level. maybe high jonin
Finally! I’ve waited years for this to come out! Thanks for releasing it, oh and most of this was facts but I’d change two things
1) Ten Ten should be at high jonin level with the SO6P tools since she took out one of Kaguzu’s bodies
2) Shikimaru should be above Hinata, he’s much smarter and easily more skilled, I can’t possibly imagine Hinata beating him
Power and skill come in win%. In power levels, hinata is higher.
But in a fight, he would win easily
Maybe hinata can't beat him but that doesn't make him stronger than hinata . shikamaru can beat a lot of characters stronger than him but its doesn't make him stronger
@@puffyUwU i was about to say that
@@puffyUwU yes. If shikamaru face some enemies. I don't think he can more sustain than hinata.
@@puffyUwU but IQ is part of strength. If you are super smart that is part of your fighting abilities and should be ranked as such.
So proud of Sakura 😩❤
Me too
Same here!
She isn’t stronger than Lee, let’s be honest that was only him at 6 gates. In the leaf she’s stronger than everyone except naruto, sasuke and rock lee
@@jv.league she's stronger than rock lee
@@aryansrivastava5709 how will she touch him tho😭
I think Tenten with Bashosen is stronger than Ino and Kiba
Tenten does not have it
@@juanluiseltit but when she did she is more powerful than kiba and ino
@@unreal4good367 That does not matter is not part of their repertoire, tempt with rinnegan, it would be very powerful, but it does not have it
@@juanluiseltit It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t use it regularly she did have it which means it should be considered when scaling her the same way bee had samehada for a very short period of time and yet in the ninja storm games he can use it and people will scale bee with samehada in consideration
@@Promethazin3 is the weapon of killer bee…
Sai getting angry:I'm showing you my real power! *draws the 10tails*
That would be crazy 😂
Man, this video just reminds me of the wasted character development on most of the Konoha 12 in Part 2/Shippuden. Some of these people should have been much stronger than they were by the War arc. The Hyuga were one of the 4 Noble clans of Konoha (alongside Uchiha, Aburame, and Akimichi) and were called the strongest of the 4 Noble clans in Part 1, with Byakugan being called one of the 3 great Dojutsu alongside Sharingan and Rinnegan, and yet in part 2 we see that the Uchiha are significantly more powerful than even the strongest of the Hyuga, while Sharingan and Rinnegan are also shown to be infinitely more powerful than Byakugan, so both Neji and Hinata ended up looking quite weak in Part 2/Shippuden. TenTen, Kiba, Ino, and Shino all got very little development in Part 2/Shippuden, and most of the development they did get were in non-canon anime exclusive filler, because even the anime writers knew that Kishimoto pretty much abandoned them all and felt they had to rectify that.
Sakura supremacy! I always think Sakura is higher than 800,000 though. I think Ino is really underrated also especially in War Arc.
i think sakura is 550k with mitotic regen
aint no way this sakura is in kage summit sasuke / sage mode level
Rock lee should have been a lot higher because he has the 8 inner gates but didn't include the possibility of him opening the 8th gate since gais 8th gate almost killed madara soo he is a lot stronger then he looks
just how she litteraly didnt show anything what is even worth more than 200 000. she destroyed some clones like kiba and broke kaguyas horn because of plot. i really dont get why people rate her so high. in boruto it might be, but in the war arc i doubt it.
@@LordOrochimaru_ everyone call her useless but when she does something useful or remarkable ppl complain about plot
Sakura haters are pretty annoying
@@thedarkknight8225 kishimoto's data book 4 confirmed that sakura at the war was just as strong as EMS sasuke and Naruto but they became stronger when the god of shinobi gave them a boost
I think shino should be a bit higher in terms of power levels. He has strategies.
Neji could have honestly been legend level in boruto.... He had so much potential.
I dont think so everyone is weak from the old series
@@deathlike13 Neji had one of the greatest potentials and if we see rock lee in the 7 gates than he is in the legend level too. Neji, Lee and Sakura all 3 had potential to be Legend level.
Nah. Max he could've achieve is kage level.
Yeah, I agree. At worst, he could be at Mid Kage Level.
@@Haszimosman123 I have to disagree with Sakura. Kishimoto literally did everything to try improve her charecter. But it was too late, if he made her good from the beggining then we would have never had Sakura haters.
I was going to ask u to make this video
But I want top20 strongest shinobi in konoha since hashirama and madara
Until now
I agree, too
Respect for giving Rock Lee the respect he deserves
they disrespect him how sakura was stronger than him
(it was a joke)rock lee just doesnt have enough screentime
Kudos to you for not making fun of Sakura. It's the most teenage boy shit ever and it's embarrassing as hell. It's good to see that you stay neutral and just rank by actual facts
That’s the ranking I was waiting for! Nice job!
Kiba became irrelevant so fast that even hearing Fang over Fang makes me feel nostalgic af about Part One 🤣🤣🤣
Fr. They did him dirty
Shikamaru Is at a different level🔥
Man I feel bad for Kiba, there was potential there and his showing in the Sasuke Retrieval Arc and they fumbled him hard.
kiba est mort contre sakon. fin du discours
ino is definitely one of the best support types when it comes to her area of expertise but so is tenten and in 1 on 1 fight tenten would stomp ino
Yh tenten got underrated here she was easily dodging the lightning from kakazus mask which team asuma and even kakashi to a small degree were struggling with back then and took down so many white zetsu and like 2 kakaxu masks
She shld be higher
@@onizukasensei5321 I personally would only put her above ino
An idea for a future video is Luffy vs Zoro. I think putting the two main characters of One piece up against each other will make a GREAT vid! I personally love all of your previous one piece scalings and I reckon that this one would be no different!
Your narration style is amazing. Keep up the good work
Hinata? Pretty much close enough to Neji? As you said, 'Hinata was able to perform 64 palms technique during war' while Neji mastered 125 palms when he was a Genin💀
She can't even perform Rotation🤧
@@swxdiq fr
@Unknown User that was a filler too
@Unknown User she was never shown to use 64 palms in twin lion fist so that could be easily debunked
@@swxdiq Shippuden Hinata was still doing 32😭🤧 And kid Neji was doing 64😹
I feel like Sai should be higher in my opinion.
Despite everyone saying sakura being useless look how strong she became
Useless ≠ weak
I don't still know how she can be possibly stronger than Tsunade, because Tsunade is fron the Senju clan, and genes do matter
Unless sakura is from a different side of the otususki, I don't understand
@@forgemaster4936 maybe she’s just talented?
@@forgemaster4936 sakura was born with precise chakra control so that’s somewhere in her genetics
@@eugeneivory970 *too talented its suspicious
Sakura should have a power level of legnd level but besides that this list is perfect
No not even close lol, she's just super strong and with strength of hundreds seal can regenerate really fast, but any legend level character would blitz her and cut off her head, bc I seriously doubt she can regenerate her head
Boruto sakura can clap edo itachi and he even put ems sasuke stronger then her 💀
@@Charmaz82 nice bait
@@UnityUprisingHQ “nice bait” -🤓
Finally my girl Sakura getting the respect she deserves
Yea ❤️
I been waiting for this one thank youuu🙏🏾🙏🏾
I feel like Hinata should be ranked lower to Shikamaru, Neji was clearly much stronger than her and I don’t think Hinata would have been able to take down Hidan by herself the way Shikamaru did.
@Ryn Harkian it's really boring when people bring “pain vs hinata” all the time just to prove she's so strong 😭
@Ryn Harkian bruh what's there to hype in the pain arc. she literally got bodied badly nd within minutes too. if not for nagato's health she wld not hv even landed single hit on him.
the reason that scene is hyped is bocz she jumped in to save naruto
@Ryn Harkian nah that's not the case bro. she was needed there for fueling his rage to unleash kyubi. she gave him enough motivation to carry on, without her i highly doubt he wld hv won that fight at all
plot wise her role was necessary, tho it cld hv been anyone from konoha 12 nd naruto wld hv had same reaction.
he is talking about "very very peak of each person during shippuden". Neji's peak during shippuden is definitely at more or less the same level as Hinata's peak since she experienced so much development, and Neji's skill just stopped during his genin level. Yes, if we talk about all around strength, talent, power, and skills, Neji will be far beyond Hinata. But if we talk during the peak of their power? Heck, even after Neji's death, Hinata is still developing, so of course their peak will be different. And for Shikamaru, he is a really weird case because he uses his IQ and strategizing skill most of the time. But the title of this video is "Power Rank". Even when he defeated Hidan, he doesn't use much "power" like this video intended to rank, so I think the ranking is quite reasonable.
neji was such wasted potential, I expected neji to be at best mid kage level since in og naruto him and lee were suppose to be on par with base garaa, naruto, and sasuke, and his rotation could have been better used imagine he could make a huge tornado out of wind and chakra
*Shino underrated*
That's just my opinion tho so 🤷♂️
Hell yeah he is🔥🔥too damn underrated 💯
I think everyone in the community agrees with u
Great video as always
I want a scale of kabuto's reanimated shinobi
Madara, Nagato, Itachi, 2nd Tsuchikage, 2nd Mizukage, 3rd Raikage...
@@dulegyurkov4711 3rd raikage was the strongest reanimated kage except all hokage
@@anshulanand02 2 mizukage ~ will of the stone amp onoki that took METEROS TO THE FACE .
@@vaibhavmadan7125 who is 2 mizukage?
@@dratterratter gengetsu hozuki the kage who summoned a giant clam during the war and was beaten by gaara and ohnoki
Great topic vid! Let's go
But Sasuke is part of the Konoha 12 you cannot exclude him besides Sai is just a replacement for Sasuke its not like he join the Konoha 12 permanently
Sasuke was only a member of team seven for about 3 months. Sai was part of the team as of the end of the war arc for over 6. Sasuke will always be a important part of that teams origin. But until Naruto returned the team seven was not in action as Sakura was the only member left at that point. Even then, the team seven that was created for Shippuden never included Sasuke as he is not a Leaf Shinobi anymore. Ignoring all of that this individual chose to explore the 4 teams at their peak and for Sasuke his peak as a member of team seven was at the end of part one when he left the village behind to seek his revenge. Truth is Sasuke isn't even a main character in Shippuden. Almost every other member on this list has more screen time than he does. In any case if you want to rank him as of the end of the show he sits between Sakura and Naruto. Almost no one would place him anywhere else. I found the placement of the 11 who aren't Naruto more interesting. My list would be slightly different, but not by much.
@@BlastimalBruh Sasuke had 3rd most screentime after Naruto and Sakura in Shippuden. What are you saying?
Great list bro, can u do a boruto version of this next
Animescale is the best scaling on UA-cam
Neji rock lee hinata are underrated they are being underestimated
Neji didn't actually get a chance to use Kurama's chakra. He and Hiashi worked together to deflect a Juubi hand without the amp.
Also, Sakura's contributions to the fight with Sasori were with her diverting the bulk of her chakra to the Byakugo.
Facts that’s an underrated and overlooked fact one of the reasons I disliked the vid
1 Bunshin from KCM *(half kurama)* was enough to beat 2 Kage *(3rd raikage and 2nd Tsucikage)*
Sooo, 1 Bunshin from KCM naruto *(half kurama)* could beat Most of them with ease
6:30 I think that title should go to Shisui
I been asking for this for so long. You never disappoint!
I feel it so much differently this time. I think that rough strenght is not enough, I think that Sai and Shikamaru would outsmart Choji. And both Hyuga would smash him so hard. But its just how I see it.
Lmaoo u cant outsmart everything lmao some people shikamaru just cant beat
Choji and shikamaru no each other well so im pretty sure choji could predict what shikamaru would do to on top of that shikamaru cant just rely on his brain for everything it ain’t enough to defeat choji, all sai will do is just spam those weak paintings
Its a difference between actually being able to beat someone then being stronger than them choji definitely deserved his spot on the list
@@dontegalloway8911 Shikamaru can beat Choji lol u trippin
Choji would beat the shit out of Hinata😂
Sasuke raw. Shino and the Crystal style user those bugs were the key
If I wrote Konoha I would probably do this in my AU: Hinata- A master of Taijutsu with exceptional discipline and firestyle trained harshly by her father and cousin, learing every Hyuga technique and mastering some firestyle jutsu, although mediocre at chakra she has high IQ (~125) so she knows when to attack-Mid Kage level. Shino: A smart little bugger (pun intended) with alot of insect types most notably being able to create swarms of bugs to create weapons, shields, and attack each having some types, Posion type supposed to bite or spit venom and fatigue them, attack types, meant to attack or to distract, defensive types, meant to defend and protect, low chakra high IQ (~130)---higher end anbu to low kage level. Kiba, a man with his best friend Akamaru a dog with a fierce fighting spirit and high energy, knows 3 jutsus, Man beast clone, Fang over fang,and his other attack, average chakra, normal IQ (90) he is a sensory unit meant to sniff out enemy bases and let the others do the damage ie, Naruto, Neji, Rocklee, while he supports--- anbu-high jonin level. Ino, a good intel gathering unit with her subtle mind transfer jutsu she can read enemy intel without them ever knowing and relay it back too everyone, with good Taijutsu and decent ninjustu she can utilise water release to make large walls nullifying fire attacks, good IQ (95-105) a little under average chakra--- Anbu-High Jonin level but is very crucial with mind transfer. Choji, a potato chip lover who is very tanky with expansion jutsu fighting many juubi minions and having butterfly mode amping his strength and durability--- normal IQ (90) above average chakra--- Low Kage level. Rock Lee, fierce master of Taijutsu truly the pinnacle of it, (besides might guy) he trains hard and with the power of youth he fights and defeats his enemys with the 8 Inner gated unlocking all of them (this is my AU and also in 8th gates it only takes alot of chakra and stamina not your legs or life but its weaker than in the anime) and using it with might guy against The Ghost Of The Uchiha none other than Madara Uchiha himself, granted he lost but still impressive indeed, ??? chakra, under average IQ (~75)--- Low Demigod level. Shikamaru, the famous Nara of Team 10 he is versatile with shadow possesion justu taking down an immortal S rank Ninja and when High IQ, Shadow possesion and Firestyle with good chakra, you my friend have destruction, Good chakra, Very very very high IQ (200+)--- ~Kage level. Neji, the famous Hyuga of the 4 noble clans of the hidden leaf housing the byakugan one of the 3 great dojutsu's he is pretty strong already while also being a prodigy trained by one of the strictest clans, alongside mastering all Hyuga techniques and harboring air style and having near 360° vision like all hyuga's he is incredibly strong not to mention he is a genius, good chakra(above Shikimaru) high IQ (~140)--- mid-high kage level.
Tenten, a weapon masters with good IQ of weapons and generally, paired along with S06P weapons and helping defeat an otherwise immortal S rank shinobi/bounty hunter, and defeating mini juubi clones and white zetsu she is quite strong albeit with very low screentime, low chakra, good IQ (110)--- ~anbu black ops (S06P weapons amp=kage level).
Sai, a former member of the root an anbu black ops sent personally sent by dan-shitting asshole to kill Sasuke, although failing miserabally he still put up a fight and was entrusted by dan-shitting asshole meaning he is very strong and versatile with those beast scrolls of his, high chakra, high IQ (135)--- mid kage level. Sakura, a strong kunoichi although being an absoloute trashcan in part 1 after the time skip, she trained and fought S rank nin Sasori and Kakashi tough her some air justu (my AU) and so after gaining Byakugou seal, hundred healings, and strength of a thousand, she is a mobile regenerative tank platform which is capable of destroying mountains casually and can heal with good IQ and High amounts of chakra, good IQ (~105) very high chakra,--- high kage-~ low legend level.
Naruto, do I have to explain? Easy High Demigod level- Low God level.
Love this AU ranking and scalings 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ima give u my take End of Shippuden
Naruto: Low God/ High DemiGod lvl
Lee: Mid Kage level to Legend/ Low DemiGod lvl
Tiny gap
Neji: Mid Kage lvl to Legend lvl
Sakura : Mid Kage lvl to Legend lvl
Shikamaru: Low to High Kage lvl
Hinata: Low to High Kage lvl
Small gap
Sai: Low to Mid Kage lvl
Choji: Low to Mid Kage lvl
Shino: Low to Mid Kage lvl
Huge gap
Kiba: Elite Jonin to low Kage lvl
Ino: Elite Jonin to low Kage lvl
TenTen: Elite Jonin to low Kage lvl
Sakura needs to have way higher IQ since she's the second smartest in konoha 12 after Shikamaru
Sakura IQ is around 160-170
lmao Sakura has a very high IQ with a total of 175 only second to Shikamaru with 210
@@fezij483 I heard that, but we've never really seen her use her brain, have we? (Kinda sad. If she had used her brain or just had a less shitty personality, she would've been liked too...)
Been waiting for this one
kishimoto's data book 4 confirmed that sakura at the war was just as strong as sasuke and Naruto but they became stronger when the god of shinobi gave them a boost
I can't believe u believe that shit💀
I believe that Sakura is strong a shit, but I think Kishimoto should stop with the "she is just as strong as naruto and sasuke" crap because it's just impossible to reach them. It's like saying Sakura is stronger than Hashirama which is very questionable.
Sakura doesn't have to be on the same level as Naruto or Sasuke to be called strong. She is already really strong the way she is, but Kishimoto trying to call her as strong as Naruto during every chance he got kinda makes me angry
We’ve all been waiting for this
Shino is easily one of the strongest ninja in the entire group he had mastery over every-bug in his clan he could truly go to to toe with everyone
Bro, you think bugs can beat someone who can move as fast as light
@@conquer953 yes, shino is smart he would figure it out
@@ktwaters696sage mode naruto slaps
Shino is like Gaara with bugs
I love this guys video he deserves more subs in my opinion
Nah, he says Sakura killed Sasori which is not true
@@Joriszx thats the same as saying naruto killed kakuzu . but who actually killedhim oh yeah kakashi .
@@vaibhavmadan7125 exactly
thinking of how under utilized the Hyuugas has been makes me wish they went down the Byakugan- Tenseigan route with Boruto I would of enjoyed seeing them raise the Hyuuga dojutsu up to the broken heights of the Uchiha as they teased early on
Good video 👍
Sakura is really under appreciated..she’s second on this list of 12 where only 3 of them don’t have any kekkei genkai or genetic hax..ppl say she’s useless for the trend and it’s really annoying…one of the most inspiring characters in naruto
Excluding her obssesion with Sasuke(and she even cared more for Naruto than Sasuke in Shippuden) I totally agree with you
She is the female Rock Lee
I agree! but what icks me is the fact that Kishimoto keeps telling us that she is just as strong as Naruto Sasuke which is impossible. Sakura is strong as shit just the way she is, the author forcing us to believe that she is just as strong as Naruto Sasuke is what annoys me the most
I love these videos❤❤
8:51 sakura did catch up to naruto and sasuke as stated in the databooks, war arc byakugo sakura~ems sasuke~kcm 2 naruto
@Blesson Franklin sakura the last~naruto the last (databooks), sakura>kaguya, sakura>shippuden, debate on disc
@@eeveetrainer8783 Naruto from last was relative to toneri while Naruto is a bit stronger and toneri is just planetary while kaguya destroyed a dimmension containing multiple stars and the proof of this dimmension containing stars is in one of the novels when sasuke travelled to kaguya's dimmension there where stars so if kaguya can destroy all of it implied by black zetsu
So kaguya is solar system level while Naruto struggled against a planetary so by that logic kaguya is superior to someone who is equal to Sakura according to you so
Kaguya >>>> Sakura
@@izmeman6265 theres proof why toneri>kaguya ill debate on disc
@@eeveetrainer8783 ik what the proof is that v jump scan saying toneri is the strongest enemy right
@@eeveetrainer8783 ?
You never miss
Shino should've become Akatsuki level.
no he shouldn't have he isn't that great neji and and lee should've been mid to high kage tho
@@kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mid to high kage ?? U good ? I can agree with lee if he masters up to the 7th gate but neji? ah hell nah... he aint even the strongest in his clan and even them( Hizashi and Hiashi) are barely low kage level. Pure blood hyugas are weak thanks to kishimoto d riding the uchihas during all of shippuden. At the start of shippuden we've seen a proper high kage character against neji.... and there is no way in hell Neji could have reached this level. Im talking about the 30% powered clone of Kisame who absolutely demolished neji along with lee, tenten and guy ( until he opened the 6th gate ). neji would have been in the low end of low kage level just like his father and uncle.
@Ryn Harkian skill and strength are 2 different things completly. For example, Neji is more skillful but rock lee is more powerful and would win in a 1 v1
@@frxtheraptor8671 He is the strongest Hyuga. It was clearly stated by the writer. I don't remember where(one of the chapters during the war arc.
Finally someone actually scales sakura instead of "pink trash lmao weak"
also i dont think ino should be that low,she succeeded in possessing obito after all
A stronger Version of Neji and 7 gate lee fighting Sasuke before the 5 kage summit would have been the coolest thing.
You should do the 7 warlords against the Akatsik
Hinata-Neji-Rock Lee-Sakura
Good work👍🤦♂️
I like your ranking but I disagree with Hinatas/Shikamarus ranking. Shikamaru bodies Hinata. His intellect is enough to outsmart her. As Neji is highly intelligent it might be enough with his taijutsu to overpower Shikamaru. I would put them on a tie in terms of winning chances. Could go either way. The rest of the list works for me
Bro it's ranked by power not by who beats who and I honestly don't see how he'll be able to beat her anyway
@@overloadezking2934bro, what does power mean to you? He compares characters in his own video in terms of the ability to beat each other - so saying it's not about beating each other is invalidating the logic of the entire video. I quote "sure when it comes to a 1 on 1 she'd lose to most of the Konoha 12..." when he's scaling Ino for example. Shikamaru has proven on multiple occasions to overpowere opponents that have more deadly offensive power capabilities compared to him. He has his intelligence as a deadly power to overcome brute force or anything else. My point stands bro. Listen to how he justifies Shinos rank in the list. He literally says if it were to be about raw power only Shino would be lower in the list. But since it's not, he's higher, adding to my point that it's about intelligence and how that would play out in a 1 to 1/fight. Hinata is nowhere close to Shikamaru when it comes to battle intelligence. How would she win if she cannot even get close to him which is crucial for her fighting style? He would play around with her.
@@milchkaffeeable tsk tsk tsk you have valid points but like I said I don't see how he will be able to beat her
lets take the hidan battle for example
He outsmarted him easily good but hidan can not use anything else besides taijustu kenjustu and his curse
Hinata is far faster than him so she will be able to dodge the shadow we seen it before
With the temari fight it has been confirmed
There was no reason for her to win anyway since it was a invasion now she was trying but she couldn't exactly destroy the arena like she did the Forest it been stated she didn't get any stronger after the chunin exams so she already had her summon and could of easily destroyed the arena she was holding back
Hidan is just weak and really had no reason to hold back
If he even tries to get close he done she far to fast for him to catch her with his shadow and on top of that she the Bakugan so she can also see it coming he not winning
@@overloadezking2934 agreed. this is about power level. Strenght, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Stamina. Looking at those, I think the placement is quite reasonable. Because If we want to include special power, mind power, number of missions completed, intelligence, and personality, then Ino also should be way above, and Hinata should be last, since there is no way she has the heart to punch anyone from the Konoha 12. But this video wants to simplify it into power ranking, so just be it. Also it's true that K12's powers should not be ranked like this, since it's often about case per case, so of course it won't be 100% accurate
Right dude had beaten Hidan. While Hinata was struggling against White Zetsu
Do edo tensei power levels 🔥
Tenten is happy for having screentime here :D
Ten ten really needs some justice by now
No one:
Anime scale: kuhnoah twelve
Love the vids
I agree with most of this but Sakura is at the legend stage already hehe and Ten-Ten with the SO6P tools is much much stronger (low-level to mid-level Kage). Again, these are IMHO but still a great video 😀🙌👏
Sai started off so cool and was so hyped. But he ended up being pushed aside and forgotten the moment Sasuke appeared again.
This video is overall quite accurate, but I don’t see a reason of how hinata’s power level is the double amount of shino’s. Shino is honestly decent.
She can easily clap Shino because of her Byakugan
If you watched all the fillers in the Naruto series, we see her go god mode against a bunch of killer Hornets, probably the same level as shino's bugs
@@forgemaster4936 nah his bugs are stronger
Yea. Shino is also kinda smart. I think shino can defend himself against hinata with his wall of insects jutsu. He could also manipulate insect clones.
@@forgemaster4936 fillers aren't cannon
@@anti-you8580 who cares about cannon, it’s still a thing she did.
Kiba: you arent the only one who learned a new jutsu
*Adds a clone to create an extra head on his transformation jutsu*
Finally some respect for Choji
Thank u so much for not putting Sakura and Hinata super low on the list just because of Haters
I feel like Ino deserves higher. Her strength relies on her support type abilities and she's the best at it. Linking the Allied Forces shows that she has great power and strength given that her dad struggled doing it. This is ranking/rating their power not their attack potency or how will they win against the other members of k12.
You also put Shikamaru so high but Ino so low lol. He's just smart so it's much like Ino's. He relies pretty much on his wits despite not being that strong when it comes to attacks and the likes
Also Sai>Shikamaru.
My ranking would've been
Lee and Sakura are pretty interchangeable but Sakura has feats so🤷♂️
Yea Rocklee only feat was his speed, we didn't actually see him fight except against Shira using 3rd gate's in the chunin exams, 2 years before the war
And even in Boruto he cant even look at the camera for more than 2 seconds
@omggg ❤ again, the ranking is not for attack potencies or who beats who. Plus Ino has sensory, telepathy for communication, and medical ninjutsu, she's an overall better support. She has much more to offer than Shikamaru. All Shikamaru can do is restrain his targets while Ino can immobilize enemies, relay informations, sense for chakras, and heal shinobis. Shikamaru's brains already brought him higher than Shino and Kiba so there's that lol.
And don't say that this ranking is not for utility whatsoever, Ino's usefulness is way too good because of how skilled and strong she is when comes to her own field.
@@ajsjsoaisidid5297 well this is his list not yours how do you know this list is for.
@@Sar--Pandey--00 because this kind of thing is supposed to be objective. Objectively speaking, Ino would scale higher than Shino, Tenten, Kiba, and Shikamaru because of her feats. Give me a feat from them that would equate to Ino linking the Allied Forces lol(except Shikamaru because he has his Hidan feat although that's a team effort so lol)
My only point is, just because someone is not combat type it doesn't mean they're weak. Ino linking the Allied Forces and even controlling Obito is enough to give her more than 50000 but she didn't even made it to half of that lol
@@ajsjsoaisidid5297 how tf are you gonna put ino above shikamaru and shino?!? 💀you and the ppl that liked your comment are trippin
Man , Sikamaru deserved better.
In boruto he has also created a shadow circle. And can defeat hand to hand fighters with ease plus he can make best use of his surroundings ,do quick strategy and tactics.
Sasuke should be on this list and sakura had a good showing of her fight with shin when she was in base in the boruto anime
well a this is war arc and b anime scale and people who make naruto powerlevels in general hate sakura so they practically low ball her .
Next idea top 10 fastest shinobi or top 10 stupidest shinobi they can be at the level of gods but rank by stupidity👍😀
Finally some respect on my boy Choji. 🙏
He is a lot stronger than most give him credit for. Based on what we see from both Lee and Choji in canon I would actually rank him above Lee. Only because Lee doesn't really get to show us what the boost from 5 gates to 6 gates really means for him. We also never see guy do anything at 5 gates to inform us on how much of a boost it could be. That being said we did see Guy vs 30% Kisame at 6 and win easily. Then with 7 gates still won just as easily with Kisameeither at full strength or close to. That's a huge difference for one gate. Then again 7 gates vs Madara did pretty much nothing will his final 8 gate move had Madara not had Hashirama's healing ability would have died and even with almost did. So Lee's jump may honestly put him above Sakura and in the realm of being closer to Naruto and Sasuke than he would be to Sakura. But all he does is throw a kunai. Before that fight he did not have a single canon fight in the whole series... that wasn't off screen. He might beat Choji but in either case both those 2 boys are far above the rest that aren't Naruto and Sasuke.
@@Blastimal nah kiba is so underrated to the point its not even funny
His attack potency and dc is absurdly underrated
@@onizukasensei5321 no he just isnt that good
@@dontegalloway8911 but he is
Some of the feat he's pulled are immense but because it's kiba no one cares
@@dontegalloway8911 he's pulled kage level ap/dc feats with just his 2 headed wolf as a teen💀
Best anime power scaler
Sakura did catch up to them during the war thats why it was called the deadlock😭
Can you make an Video about the parents of the konoha 12?
Pls make top 10 underrated characters in Naruto
Tobirama would def be on the list
If the anime scale makes a video of your idea, I'm sure he'll put Sakura on that list
@@wi2c730 nah sakura would def be on the list , tsunade as well , same goes for sage jirirya and kashin koji . tobrama aint underated he just has no feats his only feat is losing to darui level fodder .
@@愛-v3w1r tenten and ino too
@@愛-v3w1r don't forget abt shino he's so underrated and genma
Love how these people are already saying great video without even watching it 🙄
Sakura went from literally the least impressive kunoichi in the history of her village and possibly general history to a kage-level shinobi with the help of Tsunade 😂😂😂
Naruto vs Ichigo next ?
Neji and lee got no love in shippuden lol. Remember the days when neji was the strongest lol.
Well said well done 👍
So...Hinata finally overdid herself and unlocked the 64 palms...the ultimate Hyuga attack...just to take out ONE Juubi mini clone. High Jonin my ass. Shino defeats her in pretty much any circumstance. Deflecting a Juubi hand could have been done by pretty much anyone with a decent range attack, provided Naruto's buff. Neji's level is a bit too high as well.
Other than that, the rest looks pretty accurate to me.
@Unknown User A technique is also scaled by the user's skill. Both those techniques are very powerful...if they can land. And in order to land them, Hinata can only rely on her Taijutsu, as she has no notable diversionary techniques, nor does she have a strong Genjutsu to help her. And her Taijutsu isn't that impressive either. Just look at how the Tendo Pain toyed with her like it was kids play...and Taijutsu is really not among Pain's main attributes. Pretty much any High Jonin would have the skills and tools to avoid getting hit by Hinata's techniques.
When it comes to Shino, though, I'd ask you where do you rank the technique with bugs that suddenly grow massive (also displayed against Juubi mini clones). Getting such a bug inside the opponent would also be a one shot. However, Shino has what Hinata completely lacks: the ways to distract his opponent and ensure his technique actually hits. And he has a lot of them.
Sure...if you sum it up to a contest of "who can destroy that static wall faster", Hinata wins. She has more destructive power. When it comes to actual shinobi combat though, Shino would win it.
I thought neji mastered the 128 palms
@Unknown User oh yeah thats right... Been so long ago
@Unknown User doesnt matter cause by your logic sakura broke a rank techniques so she is stronger than the rasengan and hence kid sakura is high jounin level .😂😂😀😀so either kid sakura high jounin level or ur logic about a rank jutsu >means u beat other people is trash .
Love This Video 📹 ❤
Sakura should at minimum be in mid legend level. Inflicting damage to fucking kaguya by not only bruising her cheek but breaking her horn is a feat that almost nobody can do when not even sasuke could damage her. Naruto did a point blank punch on kaguya will she was off guard and it did absolutely no damage.Not only that she is really fast too being able to dodge a kaguya hand is also impressive. Definitely low balled in this video.
Ikr! She is planetary level 💯🌸
@@ranzudezuLRTC i dont think she is that high
Try to make video on smarted person of Naruto.