"Ha Ha Ha Incredible.... Run!" - KC's Crazy Chase "Is this a wreck tangle? WRONG DO IT AGAIN!" - Nimble Numbers Ned Canned phrases, Mispronunciations, And the ability to make the system say naughty words using Type and Tell... everything needed to make for a memorable piece of electronics.
I don't remember seeing any Odyssey² commercials like this one. Its Football! and Baseball! were better than Atari's Football and Home Run in 1978, but that's it. I heard one guy did half their games, so he didn't have much incentive to push the envelope. It wasn't until Imagic and Parker Bros. made games for the system in 1983 that we saw some improvement. Too bad.
I've owned my PS3 for 8 years and it still works. I don't know how much longer that will last though. Probably just another month or two before it craps out. But if it makes it to the 10 year mark I'll be shocked. I'm not counting on it though.
We had the voice on our system too. Really it was the stupidest thing Magnavox ever came up with and it was a rip off for what it cost. (think it was around $70) We only had one game it ever worked on a it just became annoying as hell. We did love our Odyssey 2 though.
"Ha Ha Ha Incredible.... Run!" - KC's Crazy Chase
"Is this a wreck tangle? WRONG DO IT AGAIN!" - Nimble Numbers Ned
Canned phrases, Mispronunciations, And the ability to make the system say naughty words using Type and Tell... everything needed to make for a memorable piece of electronics.
I used to have the Odyssey and voice.
Funny to see, I use some OLD O2 sound fx in my music.
Hey Doc?...Whatcha working on?.....
"THE VOiCE Marty!...The Voice!!!"
> Greetings, Professor Falken.
> Shall we play a game?
@johnnypocketrocket Have you had your 360 for 30 years?
I don't remember seeing any Odyssey² commercials like this one. Its Football! and Baseball! were better than Atari's Football and Home Run in 1978, but that's it. I heard one guy did half their games, so he didn't have much incentive to push the envelope. It wasn't until Imagic and Parker Bros. made games for the system in 1983 that we saw some improvement. Too bad.
That wizard looks like the villain from Battlestar Galactica and acts like Dr. Brown from Back to the Future.
Whats older, Intellivoice, or The Voice?
@adioboard7 So have I. It's 30 years old and it still works, beat that XBOX 360.
@johnnypocketrocket my longest record in 8 months... bin thu 9 xboxs and 1 odyssey 2 that lasted 30 years and still works great
@bozwell1232 thats the first game i got for my intellivision.
@RussSternglassMusic I've never had a XBOX 360 that lasted longer then 18 months..
I've owned my PS3 for 8 years and it still works. I don't know how much longer that will last though. Probably just another month or two before it craps out. But if it makes it to the 10 year mark I'll be shocked. I'm not counting on it though.
ehm... Different console. Have you been watching some AVGN maby? :D
We had the voice on our system too. Really it was the stupidest thing Magnavox ever came up with and it was a rip off for what it cost. (think it was around $70) We only had one game it ever worked on a it just became annoying as hell. We did love our Odyssey 2 though.
No need to rape the caps lock-button dude. I didnt mean to be rude. I love avgn too. lol.