Ac mejmeriyaw low Frequency new maletem 50_60Hz kezan wede High Frequency Ac yekeyeral mekenyatum current step up adregen variable yehone voltage lemagegnete ...yehe degmo ke 20,000_50000 Hz frequency new 1 video seralew detailed
transformer is used to step up or step down ac voltage but the input of chopper transformer is DC b/c it is found after rectify by four diode so how it work?
u are amazing teacher tanks a lot for gives leacture
Mirxinaw wandimee
yoni bertalen wendeme
ስለ AC እና DC current ልዩነት በግልጽ ብታሳየን ለምንድን ነው ACtoDC DCtoAc መቀየር የሚያስፈልገው
Ac mejmeriyaw low Frequency new maletem 50_60Hz kezan wede High Frequency Ac yekeyeral mekenyatum current step up adregen variable yehone voltage lemagegnete ...yehe degmo ke 20,000_50000 Hz frequency new 1 video seralew detailed
can u reply t6he purpose of inductor?
used for filter ac frequency for the circuit
ቶሎ ቶሎ ለመልቀቅ ምክር ብሮ ወደ ጥገናም ብትገባ የተሻለ ይመስለኛል introduction በቂ ነው
transformer is used to step up or step down ac voltage but the input of chopper transformer is DC b/c it is found after rectify by four diode so how it work?
when dc is switched by high frequency it genwrate Emf in primary winding of choper so we can get Ac high frequency
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er part5,6,7,8,9........... atakuart enji
አሁን እንቀጥላለን ወንድሜ
መልቲ ሜትር ዋጋው ስንት ነው????
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ok i will bro
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