Vedik Wedding at Satyadhara Yogalife Ashram of Ajit & Tarini of Brazil.

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Hindu marriage harmonizes two individuals (mostly male and female) for ultimate eternity, so that they can pursue dharma (responsibility/duties), arth (meaning), and kama. It is a union of two individuals as spouses, and is recognized by liveable continuity. In Hinduism, marriage is not followed by traditional rituals for consummation. In fact, marriage is considered complete or valid even without consummation because the marriage is between two souls and it is beyond the body. It also joins two families together. Favorable colours are normally red and gold for this occasion.
    Meaning of vivah (Marriage) is taking the bride from her father’s home to one’s own home is termed as ‘vivaha’ or ‘udvah’. Vivaha means Panigrahan, meaning the groom holding the hand of the bride to make her his wife. Since the man holds the hand of the woman, after marriage the woman should go and stay with the man.
    Importance of marriage sanskar - A spiritual perspective.
    Hindu Dharma has prescribed four Purusarthas (Four basic pursuits of life), that is Dharma , Artha (Wealth), Kama (Pleasure) and Moksha (Liberation). The purpose of the marriage sanskar is to fulfill the Purushartha of ‘Kama’ and then gradually advance towards ‘Moksha’.
    Several important things in the life of a man and woman are associated with marriage; for example, love between man and woman, their relationship, progeny, various happy events in their lives, social status and prosperity.
    In Hindu Society a married woman is viewed with utmost respect.
    This was a the first Vedik Wedding at our Ashram of our two Yoga Sadhakas from Brazil - Ajit and Tarini. They met with each other in India during their separate trip and decided to be with each other forever.
    The rituals were performed by a scholar Hindu priest Dr Bhupendra Pandey and Folk dance and singing was performed by Krishna Verma and her group.
    The Ashram is open for such wedding where we give importance to our ancient Vedik tradition and not like the show off which people of India have adopted in last 3 decades.


  • @alancerqueira5889
    @alancerqueira5889 2 роки тому

    Um sonho realizado com muito amor e dedicação!!! Obrigado Guru ji por ter transformado este sonho em realidade de maneira tão primorosa!!!
    Obrigado Yogalife!!!!