One: Lord

  • Опубліковано 8 жов 2024
  • In this episode of the Real Life Ministries Overtime Podcast, we’re diving deep into our "One" series. Hosts Jim Putman, Gabe Cleave, and Christian Putman discuss the foundational theme of unity within the church, especially through understanding the doctrine of the Trinity. They explore how biblical oneness reflects God’s nature and impacts our mission as disciples of Jesus. The conversation highlights key doctrinal truths and their practical implications for personal growth and church unity.
    Key Themes:
    1. Unity as a Witness:
    - Paul and Peter emphasize the importance of unity in their letters, reminding believers of their call to be one body, part of a holy nation built on the foundation of Christ.
    - Unity among believers is essential to reflecting Christ to the world. As Gabe says, "Our unity is our witness."
    2. The Trinity: A Complex Yet Foundational Doctrine:
    - The Trinity is both a deep and essential Christian truth. While hard to fully grasp, it’s crucial to understand that God is one being in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    - Misunderstandings like modalism, partialism, and Arianism are common but dangerous, as they distort the true nature of God.
    - The Trinity is foundational to the gospel: Jesus’ divinity is key to the atonement. Without Jesus being fully God, the forgiveness of sins would not be possible.
    3. Biblical Foundations of the Trinity:
    - The deity of Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit is clearly supported by Scripture, from Genesis through the New Testament. For example, Acts 5 affirms the Holy Spirit as God, and Philippians 2 speaks of Jesus’ divine nature.
    - The podcast emphasizes Jesus' prayer in John 17, where He prays for believers to be one, just as He and the Father are one-a unity that reflects the nature of the Trinity.
    4. The Role of the Trinity in Our Lives:
    - The Holy Spirit works in believers today, convicting, sanctifying, and unifying the church. The relationship among the Father, Son, and Spirit models how we are to relate to each other as the body of Christ.
    - Gabe and Christian encourage listeners to live in step with God's revealed truth, to embrace humility, and to bear with one another in love and truth.
    Discussion Questions:
    1. Why is unity among believers so important, and how does it serve as a witness to the world?
    2. How does understanding the Trinity deepen our appreciation of the gospel?
    3. What are some common misconceptions about the Trinity, and why is it crucial to correct them?
    4. Reflect on Jesus' prayer in John 17. How does His desire for unity among believers challenge you in your relationships within the church?
    5. In what ways can we practically live out the balance between truth and love, as modeled by the Trinity?
    Action Steps:
    Study the Doctrine of the Trinity: Explore key Scriptures like Ephesians 4, Philippians 2, and John 17 to deepen your understanding of the Trinity.
    Prioritize Unity in Your Group: Encourage your life group to practice unity, both in belief and in love. Discuss areas where disagreement might exist and how to approach them with humility and grace.
    Reflect on Your Witness: Consider how your relationships within the church demonstrate Christ to the world. What changes might you need to make to better reflect Jesus’ prayer for oneness?
    Closing Thoughts:
    Unity and truth are inseparable in the Christian life, just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are unified in one divine essence. As we grow in our understanding of the Trinity, we must let this truth shape not only what we believe but how we live in relationship with one another. Join us as we continue this "One" series, growing together in Christ for the sake of the gospel.
    Scripture References:
    Ephesians 4:1-6
    John 17:20-23
    Philippians 2:5-11
    Acts 5:1-5
    2 Peter 1:1-2