HW Sequencer Kawai Q80ex Midi Clock sync file

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BassFunMusic
    @BassFunMusic Рік тому +1

    The music here is so good! The sound quality is also great! Cordiali saluti e buona giornata! 💞

  • @drauglurdarkambient
    @drauglurdarkambient 2 роки тому

    What a treat to wake up to
    These videos are SO incredibly high quality and they just keep improving somehow,
    keep em coming
    hails from drauglur from germany

  • @SouthShoreSonics
    @SouthShoreSonics 3 роки тому

    Yep, take MIDI clock signal into MIDI SOLUTIONS EVENT PROCESSOR. Filter ALL MIDI DATA. Then Map Timing Clock to Timing Clock. Makes for rock solid arps! Thanks @Elektronoiser!

  • @GhaniSahar
    @GhaniSahar 2 роки тому +1

    What a wonderful and fantastic video!👏👏👏
    Have a Fascinating Day
    Stay connected Dear friend!🥰

  • @bankporters
    @bankporters 2 роки тому

    hope lifes good m8, great videos as usual!

    • @ElektroNoiser
      @ElektroNoiser  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Simmon! Thanks for your words, This last time I have had many personal changes, all positive. In return I have lost time for music. I still have many ideas that I want to finish, and find the time to do it.
      I hope you find yourself very well. I send you a big hug!

    • @bankporters
      @bankporters 2 роки тому

      @@ElektroNoiser i understand , we all go through changes, including myself, time becomes more valuable when we have lots happening , take care mate, all best

  • @bexiexz
    @bexiexz 6 місяців тому

    love the quality

  • @Digithalis
    @Digithalis 4 роки тому +1

    very interesting master! :-)

  • @asdifasi
    @asdifasi 4 роки тому

    Hello bro I'm happy to see that somebody still use the q80 like me . I have the first edition.do you replaced the floppy drive with emulator ? What type of emulator did d you use?

  • @SouthShoreSonics
    @SouthShoreSonics 4 роки тому +1


  • @germaneduardo2058
    @germaneduardo2058 3 роки тому +1

    Lo voy a probar en mí sy77, yo lo estaba haciendo mal .. lo hacía como sysex y cuando lo cargaba al sy tiraba error. Ahora entiendo que es vía midi. Estoy cansado de perder temas por qué me dice nada disk en la disquetera.