BLACKPINK - BOOMBAYAH (붐바야) (Color Coded Han|Rom|Eng Lyrics) | by Yankat

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 9 тис.

  • @taeeunforever9074
    @taeeunforever9074 5 років тому +7542

    *the iconic "blackpink in your area" will never get old.*

    • @Gubhjfhvrg
      @Gubhjfhvrg 5 років тому +44

      It did for me

    • @beater.6673
      @beater.6673 5 років тому +66

      BlackPink in your Area
      Been a bad girl,i know i am!
      And i‘m so hot!i need a fam!
      I don’t want a boy,i need a man....

    • @aureliedenini2401
      @aureliedenini2401 5 років тому +11

      @@Gubhjfhvrg same

    • @r0meo
      @r0meo 5 років тому +8

      Yes, I wove it :3

    • @karlaespino1241
      @karlaespino1241 5 років тому +6


  • @LillyAnnAura
    @LillyAnnAura 8 років тому +434

    Jennie and Lisa slay my existence!
    Rose and Jisoo is killing me with her voice!
    Bias: Jennie and Lisa
    Bias wrecker: Rose

    • @kirstenhee8695
      @kirstenhee8695 8 років тому +2

      OMO same thoughts. Jennie and Lisa

    • @LillyAnnAura
      @LillyAnnAura 8 років тому

      🙌🙆💪👏 Yes! Omfg! It took me forever thought to think about it! ❤👍 It was originally Jennie and Lisa for me when I heard about them. 💅 💋They are the prettiest to me. 😱😲 Though I never expected Rose to have such and beautiful and unique voice. 🔥👌Though Jennie and Lisa rapping skills are what ended me. They are so good! Catrine JaCey​

    • @irenenatasya5989
      @irenenatasya5989 8 років тому +2

      i cant pick a freaking bias😴😴😴

    • @christinaj9365
      @christinaj9365 8 років тому +11

      Bias-Jennie & Lisa
      Bias Wrecker-Rose
      Killing-Jisoo Voice

    • @kayleeniskpoptrash3618
      @kayleeniskpoptrash3618 8 років тому +3

      Rosé is my bias ❤️

  • @seomii2929
    @seomii2929 8 років тому +1808

    Everyone's talking about how good Lisa's rap was but like Jennie okay-
    Can we just appreciate her for a second because she is amazing
    Also not seeing enough love for Jisoo bc she slayed jfc
    All four of them did

  • @ahmedkunali
    @ahmedkunali 4 роки тому +1954

    *I don't know why but this song gives me so much energy.*

  • @luqdmi
    @luqdmi 6 років тому +796

    Jisoo and Rose are like twins omg.

  • @maferpsob
    @maferpsob 8 років тому +521

    I'm a girl but I get excited when they say "oppa!" 😂💕

  • @mandmmom68
    @mandmmom68 5 років тому +1998

    *the twins have entered the chat*
    Twice:what is love?
    Bts:love is fake
    Bp: then lets kill it
    Exo: with a shot
    Big bang: BANG BANG BANG!
    Also Bp: BOOMBAYAH
    *We just killed this love :)*

    • @jiminiemochii2402
      @jiminiemochii2402 4 роки тому +20

      I think u did copied this from other video

    • @nosubscribers8363
      @nosubscribers8363 4 роки тому +15

      Best comment till now....!!!! 😂😂😂😁😁😁😁

    • @---jg5gk
      @---jg5gk 4 роки тому +14

      all of them are a legends

    • @ShmoopyMochi
      @ShmoopyMochi 4 роки тому +2


    • @naomi_dances2281
      @naomi_dances2281 4 роки тому +21

      Also bp: How you like that?
      ALSO bp: Lovesick girls

  • @anushkagaur7378
    @anushkagaur7378 5 років тому +5936

    *Did someone noticed that Jisoo and Rose's face expressions are exactly the same*

  • @LovelyLilyAnimeLover
    @LovelyLilyAnimeLover 8 років тому +376

    Jennie and Rosé 😍😍

  • @itzpotato5101
    @itzpotato5101 6 років тому +1923

    Jisoo: Gorgeous 💗
    Jennie: Legend 💖
    Rosé: Princess 💟
    Lisa: Queen 💝

    • @adelina1247
      @adelina1247 5 років тому +49

      Nah,they ain't queens yet
      [Edit]:Oof triggered blinks...
      Didn't you hear about 2ne1?

    • @liblibliberal
      @liblibliberal 5 років тому +1

      Agreed, itz potato.

    • @littlebody38
      @littlebody38 5 років тому +6

      Disagree, the name of this member exclude

    • @nyctouae
      @nyctouae 5 років тому +2

      @@adelina1247 they are.

    • @bithikahasan8505
      @bithikahasan8505 5 років тому +3

      I am your 666th like

  • @creamcheese268
    @creamcheese268 4 роки тому +1584

    "Blackpink in your area"
    International Blinks: 🤨😐
    I honestly forgot about this comment and then came back to listen to this song while scrolling through the comments and I found mine. Really shocked it got so many likes. It was kinda just a mindless joke. Thank you.

    • @calidoniacody2383
      @calidoniacody2383 4 роки тому +22

      Why this has little likes? I don't know. But this is so so true.

    • @yaliaaaa.
      @yaliaaaa. 4 роки тому +5

      Dude yessss

    • @lostar781
      @lostar781 4 роки тому +1


    • @loveliixme5781
      @loveliixme5781 4 роки тому +15

      Stop nobody knows my country exists

    • @pwarkjisung3877
      @pwarkjisung3877 4 роки тому +7

      Blackpink has been at my county before and also Rosé is from Australia and so am I so they have but in Sydney Australia they came

  • @irenerana3370
    @irenerana3370 5 років тому +3662

    70% of the comments: *jungkook has left the chat*
    20% of the comments: rose and jisoo has the same face expression
    10% of the comments: Blackpink in your area will never get old

  • @ashleyastoria
    @ashleyastoria 5 років тому +3136

    Boombayah jennie:
    when i kick open the door.
    Kill this love Lisa:
    here i come kick in the door

  • @skynikan
    @skynikan 8 років тому +2179

    They follow their seniors, Bambaratatatta (2NE1), Boomshakalaka (BigBang) and now 'Boombayah!' ^^

    • @dovelacey6162
      @dovelacey6162 8 років тому +36

      Awww I wanted to comment that :(

    • @aleleonidepark3149
      @aleleonidepark3149 8 років тому +8

      and ikon too

    • @kpopstantm
      @kpopstantm 8 років тому +1


    • @ezrak3941
      @ezrak3941 8 років тому +10

      Otakugirlz world A lot of people are saying they're trying to replace 2NE1 😥

    • @skynikan
      @skynikan 8 років тому +63

      They won't replace 2NE1 ^^ Don't worry, they just want to represent YG as good as 2NE1, not be exactly like them. They'll be a YG girl group in their own way ^^

  • @ananyabasak8006
    @ananyabasak8006 4 роки тому +222

    0:09 BlackPink in your area
    0:23 Click-clack badda Bing badda boom
    0:30 pang pang pang
    0:31 pang pang pararara pang pnag pang
    0:34 jjan jhan jjan
    0:42 Black to the Pink
    0:54 Joha
    1:19 boombayah
    1:23 yah yah yah boombayah
    1:28 boombayah yah yah yah yah yah yah
    1:33 boom boom ba boom boom ba
    1:43 oppa
    2:03 middle finger up
    2:07 dallyeobwa dallyeobwa oppaya lambo
    2:14 brrrr Rambo
    2:26 touch touch touch touch
    3:39 let's go let's go
    All these words and lines are just rolling in my head :D

    • @ananyabasak8006
      @ananyabasak8006 3 роки тому +14

      @@aadrikamukherjee1942 Don't you stupid know that "joha" and "black to the pink" are Jisoo's lines?!?!

    • @drishti8822
      @drishti8822 3 роки тому +3

      @@aadrikamukherjee1942 so what. The person just wrote the lines that are catchy. It could be of anyone

    • @ChiChi-gq6xu
      @ChiChi-gq6xu 3 роки тому

      @@aadrikamukherjee1942 over🥴

  • @yankat
    @yankat  8 років тому +5187

    Rosé ♥♥

    • @linhttm58
      @linhttm58 8 років тому +76

      Yes Rosé 🌹

    • @reginadpanda9425
      @reginadpanda9425 8 років тому +19

      :) will you do Blackpink's whistle... THANKS.

    • @ion_nikit
      @ion_nikit 8 років тому +62

      She is my bias too 😍😍😍

    • @nites4283
      @nites4283 8 років тому +33

      Yes she's my bias for right now too!

    • @emicals.
      @emicals. 8 років тому +28

      YASS! I love her singing and her dancing!

  • @SuperRanaway
    @SuperRanaway 5 років тому +4431

    LOL it will never get old 😂😂😂😂

  • @asdsasdadasass9488
    @asdsasdadasass9488 5 років тому +5749

    Blackpink: *lets all put our hair down and not tell Jennie*
    Blackpink: *Lets all stand up and not tell Lisa*

  • @iidrippzybiaii7542
    @iidrippzybiaii7542 3 роки тому +86

    I can’t believe that I’m back here listening to this song after 5 years.. they’ve improved a lot.

  • @amywooz6548
    @amywooz6548 8 років тому +16419

    Jisoo and rosè looks like they are twins here

    • @madison1214
      @madison1214 8 років тому +142


    • @brigitaskerbaite7043
      @brigitaskerbaite7043 8 років тому +113

      yeah, same:D

    • @deathpearl360
      @deathpearl360 8 років тому +126

      i know its going to be hard to decipher them two

    • @swueezy
      @swueezy 8 років тому +71

      I just noticed lol

    • @amywooz6548
      @amywooz6548 8 років тому +119

      Lol wow people usually disagree with me but this time a lot of people agree with me ^_^

  • @rit2445
    @rit2445 8 років тому +3616

    *_My ears have been blessed after listening to their rap_*
    _EDIT: Oml can't believe it's been already more than 2 years since it released 😭💕 Thank you for the likes!_

  • @soha7617
    @soha7617 8 років тому +270

    When Jennie says, 'Black Pink in your area,' for some reason I felt like she sounded like she was from New Zealand (where I live)? Idk why...then it turns out she was an exchange student here? Wow!

    • @soha7617
      @soha7617 8 років тому +3

      ***** That's awesome! I've never seen a kpop idol from here before 😊

    • @abyvo
      @abyvo 8 років тому +14

      +Mary Hartley She was born in South Korea and raised in New Zealand!

    • @soha7617
      @soha7617 8 років тому +2

      *****​ Ah see that's what had confused me - I saw people saying that she came here as an exchange student, but some people made it sound like she grew up here, y'know? Good to have clarification on that. 😊 I agree with you, going by her accent she sounds like she was her for a decent amount of time!

    • @NOAH-vg4ee
      @NOAH-vg4ee 8 років тому +1

      +Angie Oh jennie is from the Netherlands

    • @cc-co3gk
      @cc-co3gk 8 років тому

      she sounded South African to me

  • @completexidiot7742
    @completexidiot7742 4 роки тому +73

    Jisoo: Cute asf
    Jennie: I'm your typical bad girl
    Rose: who yah staring at
    Lisa: Leave me alone, I'm depressed and I cry

  • @aria2624
    @aria2624 8 років тому +3355

    Jisoo and Rose are literally making the same facial expression lol

  • @AbbyWinChen
    @AbbyWinChen 8 років тому +5719

    Click-clack badda bing badda boom
    pangpang parapara pangpangpang
    taradardanttan ttaradaradanttan...
    yah yah yah boombayah
    ....😂YG's language

    • @TheSharingan09
      @TheSharingan09 8 років тому +143

      lol exactly 😂😂

    • @borntomakehistori
      @borntomakehistori 7 років тому +57


    • @TAS745
      @TAS745 7 років тому +176

      Boomshakalaka -Bigbang

    • @batiasegal3117
      @batiasegal3117 7 років тому +125

      Bow wow yipie yo yipie yay - Gdragon

    • @TAS745
      @TAS745 7 років тому +145

      Bamratatata tatatatatata - 2NE1

  • @sunshine_hobi982
    @sunshine_hobi982 5 років тому +3346

    Jungkook : OMG that's so pretty song!
    BP: OPPA!
    Jungkook: *nEvErmiNd*

    • @Evute02
      @Evute02 5 років тому +175

      No, he accepts oppa now. Baby’s all grown up...

    • @hi_carebear_hi
      @hi_carebear_hi 5 років тому +42

      @@Evute02 when?

    • @shiningforhitomi9762
      @shiningforhitomi9762 5 років тому +118

      being called oppa by older girls is what he doesnt like lol

    • @keziaarihta2846
      @keziaarihta2846 5 років тому +13


    • @bubble4897
      @bubble4897 5 років тому +16

      @@shiningforhitomi9762 this girls are older.

  • @betadeshkumbar4985
    @betadeshkumbar4985 4 роки тому +646

    Jungkook: "the song's pretty nice"
    Blackpink: "OPPA"
    Jungkook: "shit I'm done.

    • @marthaguerrero1924
      @marthaguerrero1924 4 роки тому +37

      The "shit i'm done" part killed me 😂😂💀💀

    • @svqmei
      @svqmei 4 роки тому +42

      "oh man holy shiteu"

    • @svqmei
      @svqmei 4 роки тому +6

      @Anasua Chandra ty uwu

    • @yasminewells8045
      @yasminewells8045 3 роки тому +3

      Haha!! I love it 😂

    • @mei7927
      @mei7927 3 роки тому +4

      Shut up

  • @idleheart8600
    @idleheart8600 5 років тому +663

    Me: I only listen to songs with deep and meaningful lyrics
    Also me: *_mIdDlE fInGeR uP, f U pAy Me, 9o'S bAbY i PuMp uP tHe JaM_*

    • @kirtisangtani3662
      @kirtisangtani3662 4 роки тому +23


    • @sollyrose
      @sollyrose 3 роки тому +55

      I seriously think I loose some braincells when I read BP's lyrics. I really want YG to change their lyricists. 😑
      I won't stand another "badabim badaboom". I overdosed with HYLT 😂

    • @aditi8613
      @aditi8613 3 роки тому +27

      I don't want a boy I need a man, Bish I am a star but not patrick

    • @yn262
      @yn262 3 роки тому +7

      I read that as soon as the lyrics said that-

    • @aditi8613
      @aditi8613 3 роки тому +2

      @Jimmy Fell on covid bro ;-(

  • @BTSARMY-ed3fx
    @BTSARMY-ed3fx 8 років тому +3540

    me: *is a girl*
    blackpink: "oppa!"

  • @k8ira
    @k8ira 6 років тому +472

    Me: **hears the first note of Boombayah**
    **Loud, extra inhale**
    *bLaCkPiNk iN yOur ArEa*

    • @veronicarangel7833
      @veronicarangel7833 5 років тому +2

      M o o d

    • @4tz496
      @4tz496 5 років тому +1

      I have to go back and forth between the two of the year and I have a good day out for you and the surrounding area including a good day out for a week or two, but the only thing

    • @mimicat462
      @mimicat462 5 років тому +1


  • @justalonelygal6281
    @justalonelygal6281 4 роки тому +99


  • @quirklesshero5009
    @quirklesshero5009 8 років тому +500


  • @miryuki8576
    @miryuki8576 7 років тому +3275

    I kept looking at Jisoo and Rose face.. they look alike o-o

    • @xiu5174
      @xiu5174 6 років тому +165

      i think if ther eyes were the same theyd be twins tbh

    • @hallexo
      @hallexo 6 років тому +32


    • @yeet6046
      @yeet6046 6 років тому +104

      Their eyes and their facial structure.

    • @rahimeyuksel5365
      @rahimeyuksel5365 6 років тому +4

      Nightcore Productions lol XD

    • @rottenkiwi5414
      @rottenkiwi5414 6 років тому +2


  • @wiktoriamaciejewicz6850
    @wiktoriamaciejewicz6850 5 років тому +1657

    Everyone: Let’s all wear hair down and not tell Jennie
    Jennie: What?

  • @rahmankhalid4395
    @rahmankhalid4395 4 роки тому +159

    Lisa-being a bad girl i know i am
    And i am so hot i need a fan
    *I don’t want a boy i need a man*
    Me:Girl you slayin it

  • @pyronei
    @pyronei 6 років тому +2648


    • @fangirlinneverland6335
      @fangirlinneverland6335 6 років тому +1

      Melonie Cat ik

    • @jungkookie1600
      @jungkookie1600 6 років тому +88

      Im not ur oppa lololol

    • @alexandra_1457
      @alexandra_1457 6 років тому +5

      Oppa is for men 😅😂

    • @pyronei
      @pyronei 6 років тому +58

      Yes. I know. It's in the song. I was shouting along with it. Why the fuck are yall so boring. Bye.

    • @fangirlinneverland6335
      @fangirlinneverland6335 6 років тому +25

      BLACK 18 oppa is older brother in Korean which _only_ womans use to call older mans from her.

  • @uroojfatima8708
    @uroojfatima8708 6 років тому +5259

    Rose and jisoo looks like sisters

  • @woo3524
    @woo3524 8 років тому +2339

    When you off guard for a second and they snatch yo edges so fast with one word: OPPA
    Well damn.

  • @st4rztacos
    @st4rztacos 4 роки тому +1270

    BTS : young forever
    BLAƆKPINK : Forever Young
    BTS : Fire
    BLAƆKPINK : Playing with fire
    BTS : fake love
    BLAƆKPINK : kill this love
    BTS : Stay Gold
    BLAƆKPINK : Stay
    Me: confused 😂
    edit: thanks for many likes! 💛
    edit 2 (para os BR) : Manheeeeee to famosa!! ✨

  • @kosmanowa
    @kosmanowa 5 років тому +312

    CLICK-CLANCK BADA-BING BADA-BOOM Jennie is giving me life...

  • @booimscary9039
    @booimscary9039 7 років тому +376

    so uh
    this is my first time listening to some *girl* kpop and,,

    • @jay_phoria
      @jay_phoria 6 років тому +1

      Boo Im Scary me toooo and I totally agreee
      Lisa is queen

    • @alexwilliams2276
      @alexwilliams2276 6 років тому +3

      And they aren't bands they're groups

    • @Hi-kl4cl
      @Hi-kl4cl 6 років тому +1

      Boo Im Scary welcome to this neverending hole of perfection and amazement!

    • @cyberbxarb
      @cyberbxarb 6 років тому +1

      Shook I think she meant that a band is the ones that play instruments like The Rose or Day6

  • @雨昕-z4w
    @雨昕-z4w 8 років тому +726

    idk why some of you guys hate the lyrics but for me i actually like it because they're telling us to feel special and just have fun in your life cause you're still young.The lyrics were so inspiring for me because it was like telling you that you shouldn't give a single sht of what everyone thinks about you.
    "Dont you dare stop me, even if someone tries."
    "Black to the pink Wherever I am,I'm special, oh yes."
    "Dont care if you look or not, I wanna dance."

  • @honessy4142
    @honessy4142 4 роки тому +137

    •Even if i dont try hard,all guys get nosebleed
    •the gitl that you've always heard, that's me, jennie

  • @claremccurdy
    @claremccurdy 5 років тому +674

    Lisa: *a model*
    Rosé: *a model*
    Jennie: *a model*
    Jisoo: *A bAbY mOdEl!*

  • @fandomaddict201
    @fandomaddict201 8 років тому +433

    Why is Jisoo so underrated? She deserves to be appreciated too!

  • @СпелаяВишенка-х9д
    @СпелаяВишенка-х9д 6 років тому +286

    Jisoo and Lisa💓😻

  • @watchsaikikrightnow6439
    @watchsaikikrightnow6439 4 роки тому +86

    aw i miss blackpink’s debut days ngl :((

  • @heljaa750
    @heljaa750 6 років тому +67

    Jisoo and Lisa💕💕🔥🔥

  • @danieladc5778
    @danieladc5778 5 років тому +84

    Lisa, rosé , jennie, jisoo BLACKPINK 💞😘💝🏵

  • @yui4472
    @yui4472 7 років тому +210

    I love blackpink💖💖💖

  • @Rabia_LuvsU
    @Rabia_LuvsU 4 роки тому +125

    1:09 has anyone else heard the “tonight”?

    • @anjalimishra6528
      @anjalimishra6528 4 роки тому

      I also thought that

    • @rishika5322
      @rishika5322 4 роки тому +2

      bc.. she said "tonight"....

    • @Rabia_LuvsU
      @Rabia_LuvsU 4 роки тому

      Rishika Reddy actually, she said “tonight” right after that

    • @fawkiouuugg
      @fawkiouuugg 3 роки тому +1

      She said jeongmal, but if y’all noticed teddy loves tricking us like this. For example aiiyl I thought rosé said tonight won’t you set me free but it was actually so tuna won’t u set me free

    • @istanwhenicomment7325
      @istanwhenicomment7325 3 роки тому

      whut- im confused HAHAHA

  • @emvuena3043
    @emvuena3043 6 років тому +839

    Rose and jisoo look so alike how omg so cute jirose

    • @randomhandle7
      @randomhandle7 5 років тому +9


    • @maylouise3718
      @maylouise3718 5 років тому +26

      Chaesoo! 💓

    • @aliight
      @aliight 5 років тому +2

      kawaii jelly toast
      jiyoung! 😊

    • @garzzum
      @garzzum 5 років тому +3

      @@randomhandle7 JOSE

    • @XinHui-we7db
      @XinHui-we7db 5 років тому +1

      Rosoo jiro jise jise

  • @yoora641
    @yoora641 6 років тому +427

    Jisoo 😍💞
    My Favorit 0:39 & 2:14 💕

  • @yeoubi.9766
    @yeoubi.9766 5 років тому +969

    *55%* *Of The* *Comments Are* *Talking About* *Jungkook Being* *Offended Because* *Of The* *'Oppa' Thingy*
    *15% Are* *Talking About* *Rosé And Jisoo's* *Picture Because* *It Has* *The Same* *Face Expression*
    *10% Are* *Talking About* *The* *'Blackpink In* *your Area!'* *Line*
    *8% Are* *Talking About* *How Great* *The Song* *Is*
    *6%* *Are Talking* *About How* *Cute Members* *Are In* *The Picture*
    *3%* *Are Talking* *About How* *Great The* *Video Is*
    *2%* *Are* *talking About* *Percentages Just* *Like this* *Comment*
    *1%* *Are Others..*

    • @anhnguyen-jv7oo
      @anhnguyen-jv7oo 5 років тому +7


    • @lilbeanie8007
      @lilbeanie8007 4 роки тому +18

      I still cant understand why would Kookie be offended with oppa thang??

    • @unseasoned3629
      @unseasoned3629 4 роки тому +6


    • @lilbeanie8007
      @lilbeanie8007 4 роки тому +10

      Kim Taehyung wohaaaa I see. Ps- I'm actually excited that I'm replying to Kim Taehyung 😂😂

    • @ryujinsshoulders5662
      @ryujinsshoulders5662 4 роки тому +5

      Me : *Is SaNa gay?* 😂

  • @Sophia-ij4vh
    @Sophia-ij4vh 4 роки тому +166

    I jus remember...

    • @chikafujiwara3474
      @chikafujiwara3474 4 роки тому

      Oooooooo brunnn

    • @Imvai007
      @Imvai007 4 роки тому

      Whatt oppa mean pwes

    • @Sophia-ij4vh
      @Sophia-ij4vh 4 роки тому +10

      @@Imvai007 older brother to girls, and korean girls sometimes call her bf "oppa" understand??

    • @Imvai007
      @Imvai007 4 роки тому +5

      Bangtan, you're my hope ohhh okayy thx :>

    • @armishazam1425
      @armishazam1425 4 роки тому


  • @nyx4481
    @nyx4481 7 років тому +275

    The song that got me into kpop!!

  • @fknjyanna5692
    @fknjyanna5692 8 років тому +324

    yo jisoo and rose look so similar in those pics

  • @jaemins_pet_rat1249
    @jaemins_pet_rat1249 5 років тому +3913

    *jungkook has left the chat*

  • @Usmavie4030
    @Usmavie4030 4 роки тому +33

    Lisa killed that brrr rambo..she gives me goosbumps everytime i listen to boombayah

  • @jasminfrenzel6492
    @jasminfrenzel6492 5 років тому +556

    Jennie to Lisa: let‘s do something different and not tell Jisoo and Rosé!
    Jisoo to Rosé: let‘s do exactly the same and not tell Jennie and Lisa!
    Sorry for my English❤️

  • @JesusChrist-fh1ur
    @JesusChrist-fh1ur 6 років тому +52

    2013 Jungkook: Call me oppa-
    Jungkook: ...
    2017 Jungkook: Let me see your ID cards

  • @lalisam6307
    @lalisam6307 7 років тому +191


    • @tejashwi8563
      @tejashwi8563 6 років тому

      I DO TOOOOOOO :3 fdywfdsgd

  • @geniusbang6985
    @geniusbang6985 4 роки тому +50

    0:38 it sounds like shes saying "jump to the moon"

  • @katieramirez5081
    @katieramirez5081 5 років тому +428

    I went to their concert in Chicago last night and they really had everyone go off for this

    • @ushagairola8949
      @ushagairola8949 5 років тому +31

      Oh my God you are so lucky

    • @anyiahscott5919
      @anyiahscott5919 5 років тому +4

      Usha Gairola not really anyone really could go...

    • @twicepinkinyoureorbitp3544
      @twicepinkinyoureorbitp3544 5 років тому +25

      Anyiah Scott well they are lucky because one ticket costs almost a hundred dollars

    • @premmohan283
      @premmohan283 5 років тому +1

      So lucky,👍

    • @xxdarkwolfsxx7017
      @xxdarkwolfsxx7017 5 років тому +9

      @@twicepinkinyoureorbitp3544 Honestly a hundred dollars isn't too much... I've bought ordinary and normal sneakers that are 105$ and and outfit that was 70$... So its nit too much if you buy a ticket for 100$ for the biggest girl group. (Where I live, everything is expensive

  • @catboymiles7224
    @catboymiles7224 7 років тому +1277

    Jennie's rap gives me life

  • @reaganb6013
    @reaganb6013 6 років тому +730

    But look at Rosé and Jisoo's noses, they're literally identical

    • @mariaexodusbosconovitch
      @mariaexodusbosconovitch 5 років тому +32

      It's like they're twin sisters or something....

    • @mt9963
      @mt9963 5 років тому +8

      @@mariaexodusbosconovitch It's like they got plastic surgery or something....

    • @kiyoT_T
      @kiyoT_T 5 років тому +2

      @@mt9963 i-

    • @armando9158
      @armando9158 5 років тому +18

      @@mt9963 This is YG Entertainment we're talking about. He doesn't let his idols do surgery. He banned it.

    • @hauhoangthi1458
      @hauhoangthi1458 5 років тому +5

      Their beauty's natural. Damn you

  • @erammak4735
    @erammak4735 4 роки тому +82

    Jungkook: pretty nice song
    Blackpink: OPPA
    Jungkook: *throws the phone away in frustration*

    • @farin9695
      @farin9695 3 роки тому +2

      NO! I T should be throws the phone away in trusfration

    • @user-ix5wf2mn7d
      @user-ix5wf2mn7d 3 роки тому +1

      @@farin9695 😂😂

    • @inneedoftherapy8153
      @inneedoftherapy8153 3 роки тому +1

      Sorry,I do not understand. Can someone explain to me?

    • @user-ix5wf2mn7d
      @user-ix5wf2mn7d 3 роки тому +3

      @@inneedoftherapy8153 Once at a fan meeting a fan calles jungkook oppa and he didn't like it and said i am not your oppa!(ofc in a jokingly way) And here the joke is blackpink says oppa in the song and jungkook doesn't like it so he throws his phone

    • @inneedoftherapy8153
      @inneedoftherapy8153 3 роки тому +1

      @@user-ix5wf2mn7d Oooh. Thank you for explaining - ☺️

  • @Kyumune
    @Kyumune 7 років тому +1463

    Blink in the area!

    • @dreamqueen1014
      @dreamqueen1014 7 років тому +9

      Anime Life it’s black pink in your area

    • @kannakamui4666
      @kannakamui4666 7 років тому +15

      Dream Queen Blink = Black+ Pink = Blinko

    • @Kyumune
      @Kyumune 7 років тому +29

      Dream Queen I know but we're blinks and we are also in the area because BlackPink is in the area.

    • @dreamqueen1014
      @dreamqueen1014 7 років тому +2

      Anime Life oh idk bc really I’m not a fan I just like there music and Ik them and stuff but not a huge huge fan so my mistake

    • @Kyumune
      @Kyumune 7 років тому +5

      Dream Queen That's ok ^-^

  • @smygstan3253
    @smygstan3253 7 років тому +308

    Blackpink in your area 😍👑

  • @melis3142
    @melis3142 7 років тому +489

    Lisa's rap is great i mean amazing shes like rude

    • @namitasharma9201
      @namitasharma9201 7 років тому +5

      Melisa Kılıçaslan
      You are right

    • @lea7nna
      @lea7nna 7 років тому +1


    • @mikelive8214
      @mikelive8214 7 років тому +4

      Melisa Kılıçaslan she could be the newer Iggy. Just sayin

    • @dtgive
      @dtgive 6 років тому

      Melisa Kılıçaslan Türk

    • @mary_jane7
      @mary_jane7 6 років тому +1

      Melisa Kılıçaslan what about Jennie?

  • @farjanailmasidra3546
    @farjanailmasidra3546 4 роки тому +17

    JENNIE: K-POP QUEEN!!!😍😍😍😍

  • @flowerelanie2305
    @flowerelanie2305 8 років тому +3413

    Does anyone else agree that rose and jisoo look very very alike

  • @thefluffyunicorn2164
    @thefluffyunicorn2164 6 років тому +400

    nobody ever bothers about Jisoo or Rose (i cant add the flick) espicially jisoo. Everybody loves Jennie and Lisa. I like them too, but nobody gives any attention to Jisoo and Rose. I also think they should have more parts. Im not trying to offend anybody, its just my opinion (also my favourite is Jennie

    • @pizza3178
      @pizza3178 6 років тому +6

      Yeah you are right

    • @manoplays5562
      @manoplays5562 6 років тому +5

      They would obviously talk about their bias

    • @norhizwanmohamadsaid5924
      @norhizwanmohamadsaid5924 6 років тому +3

      I agree👏

    • @christysolomon2264
      @christysolomon2264 6 років тому +8

      Well....ppl do give attention to rose too but jisso hardly gets any!

    • @beachmotif
      @beachmotif 6 років тому

      Rosé does get attention, not by a lot of people. And Jisoo is my bias, and some others. But I think Jennie and Lisa are the favorites because they're pretty, and then people will think some are prettier than the others. This is just my opinion though.

  • @Kyoshimimi
    @Kyoshimimi 7 років тому +329

    BLACKPINK in your area
    BLACKPINK in your area
    Been a bad girl, I know I am
    And I'm so hot, I need a fan
    I don't want a boy, I need a man

  • @bellagrant2963
    @bellagrant2963 4 роки тому +515

    lisa's rap is faster than my internet

  • @joonsthong7686
    @joonsthong7686 5 років тому +919

    Jungkook : OFFENDED
    *let's try and find jisoo's lines*

  • @xxbreebee97xx86
    @xxbreebee97xx86 5 років тому +1415

    Jungshook has left the chat

    • @whydoweexist9841
      @whydoweexist9841 5 років тому +9

      he called himself a hyung once-

    • @whydoweexist9841
      @whydoweexist9841 5 років тому +4

      @Sound Off
      Ohhhh sorry ;-; But like, dont they both mean a person's older?

    • @khoban-mj9ty
      @khoban-mj9ty 5 років тому

      @@whydoweexist9841 oppa means love I think

    • @whydoweexist9841
      @whydoweexist9841 5 років тому

      Oooh ok thanks

    • @MissMari511
      @MissMari511 5 років тому +15

      @@khoban-mj9ty actually oppa is a term that girls use to refer to men older than them

  • @justwatching7090
    @justwatching7090 7 років тому +87

    Honestly, one of the best songs in Kpop history👍👍

  • @ItsKrisAoki
    @ItsKrisAoki 2 роки тому +17

    I love Jisoo's solo parts, they sounded angelic but give me chills

  • @jiminsjams3452
    @jiminsjams3452 8 років тому +258

    I love Black Pink so much!!!!!!💕

  • @marielaorozcogalvez3185
    @marielaorozcogalvez3185 7 років тому +73

    Lisa and jisoo as 😍😍😍 i'm a girl and this is my K-pop favorite song by girl group.

  • @adminsite2008
    @adminsite2008 7 років тому +65

    Looks at jisoo: this must be stay
    Looks at rose: this must be playing with fire
    Looks at lisa: this must be whistle
    Looks at jennie: NVM

  • @hiitsme9151
    @hiitsme9151 4 роки тому +27

    Jennie in boombayah:
    Bada bing bada boom
    Lisa in how you you like that:
    Bada bing bada boom

  • @btsa.r.m.y707
    @btsa.r.m.y707 6 років тому +155

    Jisoo y Rosé son muy parecidas

    • @halimariri796
      @halimariri796 6 років тому +3

      • BTS A.R.M.Y • Demás! Jaja yo me confundía con los 2 mucho!

  • @floresliseth40
    @floresliseth40 5 років тому +253

    The Zumba instructor at my gym played this song and right when the song said BOOMBAYAH, I started doing the damn dance on my own, idgaf if people stared, you cannot listen to this song and NOT swing that arm!! 😂

    • @ikik30
      @ikik30 5 років тому +22

      this is funny. I almost had the same experience in our office.

    • @mandygouw2745
      @mandygouw2745 4 роки тому +2

      I can. Easy. Bc blackpink is awful :)

    • @wwhhasenteredthechat9444
      @wwhhasenteredthechat9444 4 роки тому +6

      Mandy Gouw Then why're you here??? If you don't like BLACKPINK then shoo we don't need people like you.

    • @mandygouw2745
      @mandygouw2745 4 роки тому +1

      @@wwhhasenteredthechat9444 bc I can. :) and no. I won't leave :)

    • @bananajin7159
      @bananajin7159 4 роки тому +2

      Bro I swear though

  • @namjoongivemesomeheight8583
    @namjoongivemesomeheight8583 7 років тому +101

    They rap so good

  • @namirazaman3766
    @namirazaman3766 3 роки тому +17

    *Lisa looks so freaking adorable here!*

  • @yeri1934
    @yeri1934 6 років тому +718

    Before stanning blackpink I always thought rosé and jisoo were the same person

  • @chaenaein5791
    @chaenaein5791 6 років тому +237

    lisa is cute😜
    jisoo is beautyfull 😉
    rose is pretty 😍
    jennie is wonderfull😎

  • @thatsagoalie
    @thatsagoalie 8 років тому +893

    can jennie just marry me already thanks

  • @nguyenanhkimkhanh3936
    @nguyenanhkimkhanh3936 4 роки тому +8

    No one:
    ~Boombayah: sounds like a rap line's song but it's a vocal line's song
    ~Whistle: sounds like a vocal line's song but it's a rap line's song

  • @juliecalabro2441
    @juliecalabro2441 5 років тому +123

    Does anyone else hear jisoo’s really high ‘oh yes’ in the background at 00:46? You need headphones to hear it.

    • @bozenkamartinovic3642
      @bozenkamartinovic3642 4 роки тому +8

      I agree and if some people don't hear it they are deaf

    • @FugaziSE
      @FugaziSE 4 роки тому +17

      It’s not even in the background, it has its own time in the song. So everyone should notice it.

    • @rohan-mf4ve
      @rohan-mf4ve 4 роки тому +2

      Zimpa there’s a backing vocal in the background

    • @egrayce069
      @egrayce069 4 роки тому +3

      I heard it the first time I listened to it without headphones :/ I thought it was Jennie tho

    • @chailornesubs8145
      @chailornesubs8145 4 роки тому +2

      I’m pretty sure that’s Jennie

  • @NIGHTMARE-hv2vu
    @NIGHTMARE-hv2vu 5 років тому +553

    Blackpink : i don't need a boy i need man
    Little Mix : i don't need a man if loving you cause i can

    • @shawtyimapartytillthesundo5751
      @shawtyimapartytillthesundo5751 5 років тому +5

      Joscel Mendoza that thing you call a little mix just sucks tbh
      No hate just putting my opinion

    • @moqtada5370
      @moqtada5370 5 років тому +16

      @@shawtyimapartytillthesundo5751 I dont hate either groups but i think they can atleast sing whereas blackpink only Jisoo can sing. I still prefer BP songs.

    • @sallyenki4440
      @sallyenki4440 5 років тому +4

      @@moqtada5370 they cant sing? Watch

    • @sallyenki4440
      @sallyenki4440 5 років тому +12

      @@moqtada5370 but yeah LM have much better vocals.

    • @leroimatthiascheshire7332
      @leroimatthiascheshire7332 5 років тому +9


  • @edithmarat5980
    @edithmarat5980 6 років тому +761

    2:04 lisa's got your jams jimin😂

  • @queenjenniesfan4333
    @queenjenniesfan4333 2 роки тому +5

    Jennie's picture - adorable
    Lisa's picture - awesome
    Jisoo's picture - beautiful
    Rosè's picture - amazing

  • @uhpnerul2
    @uhpnerul2 6 років тому +33

    Jennie looks like a badass
    Lisa slaying my whole existence

  • @quack6149
    @quack6149 6 років тому +92

    Jennie’s confidence gives me life

  • @ddbbrito
    @ddbbrito 7 років тому +181

    Rosé my bias

  • @Iar_Ellenied
    @Iar_Ellenied Рік тому +6

    I used to sing this song with my bestfriend in the hot weather of the Philippines, I remember us shouting out the lyrics so loud we got scolded by my Grandpa lol. It's kind of sad to think that it's already been 4years since that moment.
    I'm not her friend anymore now whenever we see each other the only thing that would happen is saying hi to each other then leave..I wonder will I ever get to sing with her again? will I get to ever laugh crazily with her again? will we ever get to make fun of each other like we always did?...
    ..Though...There's probably no chance for us anymore..
    Edit: My comment doesn't really match the vibes of the song huh? haha

  • @웃옷-x7r
    @웃옷-x7r 5 років тому +107

    Song lyrics:”Blackpink in your area”
    Me: I wish