Hey there! I just stumbled across your channel, and I’m really enjoying these Divine Cross box openings. I’m thinking about grabbing a couple of boxes for myself. Where do you usually buy your boxes? Also, what are some of the most NSFW sets?
www.1999.co.jp/eng/search?typ1_c=121&cat=&state=&sold=0&sortid=6&searchkey=divine+cross I buy all of them here. for NSFW I would go with Last Origin sets. You can also check all art at official site divinecross.jp/card-gallery/
Hey there! I just stumbled across your channel, and I’m really enjoying these Divine Cross box openings. I’m thinking about grabbing a couple of boxes for myself. Where do you usually buy your boxes? Also, what are some of the most NSFW sets?
I buy all of them here.
for NSFW I would go with Last Origin sets.
You can also check all art at official site divinecross.jp/card-gallery/
@TheYomichan Awesome! Thanks so much!
Hey bro. Do you know where you can get divine cross singles?
@@HanSDevX suruguya has them