Hi there, with much love and humility, is there an error at the end of the video regarding the days mentioned in Daniel 12:12? Should the video say 1335 days?
There are more than a few errors. King Nebuchadnezzar wasn't the "heart of gold" in the image in his dream, but the head of gold. And all the prophetic imagery aside from the image of Daniel 2 barely related to the pyrotechnics or what was being described
Only Daniel and the prophets can interpret this. One thing I understand for sure is that in the later days towards the end times, St. Michael will defend the chosen people and the children of God around the four corners of the world. He will open the Book of Life and all those whose names were not written in the Book of Life will perish in the pit of eternal fire. The rest is hard to understand and only Daniel the beloved prophet of God understood this.
Antichrist was a belief system, not a person. Don’t believe the modern false teachings of men on the rapture and antichrist. Jesus in Matt. 24 explains that old covenant system crumbled in that 40 year generation AD70.
*To the one reading these words, my heartfelt prayer is this: May the burdens you carry grow lighter, and the anxieties that haunt you fade away. May darkness and doubt be banished from your mind, replaced by the clear light of understanding. May peace settle upon your soul, and may calmness weave its way into the fabric of your life.*
So beautiful ❤️ thank you I needed that. Thank you my Blessed Lord Jesus for saving us. Thank you Abba Father for all my brothers and sisters in Christ may your perfect peace joy and boldness fill us all in Jesus name 🙏
No worries for those washed in the blood of Jesus. Jesus clearly said, "Do not be afraid for such things must happen. The lost do not have a clue what's ahead.
You are not Christ, u are born of this world from a woman, u will die in this world, so make the best of it, Christ is from heaven and was and is, u are not. Dont blaspheme
I am currently in the ancient land of Shinar, modern day Iraq. I haven’t been here for many years but somehow, here I am again. But this time it’s different. This time, God is my refuge. This time, Jesus is my Lord and Savior. All praise to YHWH forever and ever.
Beautiful God with us Congratulations! Hallowed be The Name of Our Father in heaven here on earth, through His Son Yeshua - for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙏🏽🌎 🙌🏽
@@LovingYAH “For God, so loved the world that He gave his only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, SHALL not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16
Lord, I desire to understand and comprehend all Your teachings. Please give me wisdom and intelligence to deeply understand the meaning of Your Word as I listen and read it. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Lord God, its my greatest desire, as I read & listen to your Word, give me the understanding & wisdom to comprehend all that is imparted to me. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Praise God in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Dear sibling, we are to keep our prayers in secret just between God, but it is correct that we are to pray to Him and ask Him for understanding and wisdom. Much love to you and yours!
Lord Jesus, we are so grateful, that you have open our hearts, eyes, and doors of opportunities that change our life forever.. Amen .. In Jesus’ name..
To whoever is reading this, I pray that your heart feels lighter with every passing moment, and the weight of worry is lifted from your shoulders. May uncertainty and fear give way to clarity and hope. May the peace of God fill every corner of your soul, bringing rest and comfort into your life.
Lord Jesus, open up our hearts, minds, eyesight to see, understand and appreciate your presence and love in our hearts as we grow stronger, clearer, closer to thee, for you are our strength, light and Lord of the Universe.. Amen.. In Jesus’ name..
Whoever believes in the Hebrew Bible cannot believe in Jesus, because Jesus was a false prophet according to what is written in the Torah, Jesus said things against the commands of the God of Israel, he commanded his disciples to break the Sabbath, and the Sabbath is a covenant between the children of Israel and the God of Israel. According to the Talmud He did the most serious things against the God of Israel and against his Torah. The book of Daniel is a book that no one (including the sages of Israel) could discover the secrets inside the book. And whoever tells you that he knows, then he does not know, and whoever is silent, maybe he does.
Thank you❤️❤️❤️ please pray for me I’ve backslid into drugs and lust recently. God revealed his light and love to me 15 yrs ago and I thought I could balance the world and his kingdom. My ego has destroyed me. I didn’t know any better at the time.
When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.”And Jesus said to her, “NEITHER DO I CONDEMN YOU; go and SIN NO MORE” John.8.10,John.8.11NKJV “If you love Me, keep My commandments. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. John.14.15,John.14.21,John.14.23,John.14.24NKJV Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Rev.14.12NKJV Faith and obedience go hand-in-hand; you can’t have one and not the other. Obedience is the evidence of true faith. We must love Jesus more than ourselves
*To whoever is reading these words, I offer my heartfelt prayer: May your burdens grow lighter, and the anxieties that trouble you fade away. May darkness and doubt leave your mind, replaced by the clear light of understanding. May peace rest upon your soul, and may calmness become a steady presence in your life*
Thank you, Father, for saving me and my family . I praise your Holy Name, I praise you for your forgiveness and your mercy. We are waiting for you ❤️ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lord Jesus Christ and King of Kings let your Will be done in all things Father strengthen your children in their weakness and bless us with the indwelling Holy Spirit to please you and your Will God bless all who read this prayer ❤❤❤
Daniel's humility and dependence on God Jehovah is remarkable that he was always addressed as most beloved just as Jesus was addressed. Oh Lord give us broken and repentant hearts and courage to do what pleases only you.
O YHWH. How perfect is your word. Forgive all your children for their sins. May we affirm that your death on the cross, completely paid for our sins. In Jesus' name. Amen
I was named after Azariah on the Bible, It took me years to love my nsme completely because its very rare. Has a beautiful meaning that has empowered me all my life. Known/helped by God. My middle name is Camille which means the priest helper. Praise God!💗
I hope everyone reading this comment enjoys a joyful and serene day. Wishing you good health, peace, and a positive mindset. May your day be filled with happiness, blessings, and wonderful opportunities for personal growth. 🙏✨
Thank you so much!!! I was able to watch half, but I will return and watch the rest. In fact, I'm sure I will watch it several times, as I am studying Daniel now. ALSO, I will be sending this link to my friends and family. May God bless your in serving Him!
La historia de Daniel muestra claramente que si ponemos nuestra vida en Sus manos , asi , ciegamente, sin dudas, él mandará a los ángeles para que nos rodeen y pasaremos por donde otros mas fuertes y capaces cayeron. Escribi mucho , disculpen Saludos
This is wonderful ' my prayers are more of Jesus and less of me ' The Lord ' who can know Him' by faith we must walk in His way and give ear to His word l love Jesus and His words ' just awesome
Eternal HOLY FATHER, our GOD of gods, LORD of mercy, I worship, love,surrender my heart and all to THE LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and saviour. Accept my prayer and supplication through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and saviour 🙏
Just trust in the word of. Jesus, an all promise’s. He has given u , a the strength. That. God has promised you to fight any temptation that we’ll come up against you ,, I was hooked for 30 years, Yes at times I didn’t think I would make it , sometimes u have to fight everyday….. every minute!! Blessings over you
The Most High Powerful God!!!You are Holy,in Christ Jesus our Saviour!! You are King of kings!!Mighty Warrior!!Great in battle,all the glory belongs to You🙏❤️
Love this… Daniel is one of my favorite books! The illustrations really help bring it to life while seeing and hearing it. I absolutely appreciate and recognize all the hard work put into this. THANK YOU🤍
Absolutely incredible. Thank you for taking the time and resources to produce this prophetic work. You may never receive what this is worth this side of eternity, but God knows all that will surrender to Him through your faithfulness. May God bless you exponentially, in Jesus name, Amen!
To the one with this word my heart felt prayer easy smell the bad days you cry you like that and the accident that hurt you failed away my Darkness and about business from your mind a place replace place by the clear night of understanding my peace tilled upon your soul and my comes with either way it the Fabric of your life
I need a brother prayer of Witcraft and evil temptation, my nights has been with battles, may Almighty GOD through his son Lord Jesus rescue all saints
Look up Derek Princes video on Prayer and fasting and watch it a couple of times. Prayer alone is not enough for somethings to be dealt with. Jesus said that when casting the demon out of the boy. Jesus fasted without food for 40 days. If he needed to fast, then we need to fast as well. Jesus, just like he said "when you pray" also said "when you fast". Just as we are expected to pray, we are also expected to fast. When the bible says we are to humble ourselves often it is meaning that we should fast. Fasting with the right attitude is humbling ourselves before our Father in Heaven. Like I said earlier, find Derek Princes videos on Fasting and watch them. If you do and apply what he says, I can guarantee that your life will never be the same again.
I pray that I can be as faithful & strong as Daniel while in the midst of extreme adversity. I've always admired Daniel because of his unwavering faith. He knew who his true King was. To Grace Digital, your visuals are some of the best that I've seen. They bring the story to life. Hope & pray that many come to your channel that do not know the King that we know. They will then make the critical eternal life decision to follow the one & only true King of the Universe! Edit - The 4 In the Furnace = Recall seeing a movie about Daniel. In the statue scene, one of the 3 says "I'm not bowing down to that". I smile every time! It's his reaction & how he says it because he knows who the true King is.
Dear God, Please grant peace, health and happiness to everyone. May God enlighten our hearts, help us to always love and support each other in all circumstances. May God accompany, guide and protect us every day. Amen.
It might have taken months to finish this video.. Thank you Grace digital Network for your time. God bless you abundantly. I pray more grace and blessings upon you for visualizing the Bible for us to understand. Pls fellow brethren, let's support them spiritually and monetarily.
Believed in God Almighty Jesus and He will keep you save only feast and pray 3 times a day with lots of faith of you heart and God always be with you and fight against evilone in you be in the arm of God Almighty Jesus never be afraid.
My favourite book of the Scriptures... Anyone who understands this book will understand how this world is a mess already and will know how it will end. Glory to God in the highest 🤲🏾
Dear Heavenly Father, Take my family, those I love, your church and me to the places we need to go, Make great crowds follow us, Help us heal the sick, Help us unite in marriage and never want to separate, Help us not to divorce, not to commit adultery, not to be unfaithful, Give us your blessing, Help us keep the commandments, Help us not to commit murder, adultery, not to steal, not to bear false witness, to honor our father and mother, to love our neighbor as ourselves, Reward us for all we give up for you, Help us inherit eternal life, I ask, declare and decree all of the above in the inspiring name of Jesus Christ. Inspired by Matthew 19 & Matthew 7:7-8. Ask the God of Israel what, how, when, where, why, with whom, and for what, of each verse in your Bible, and you will be surprised.
Love the video. Chuckled when I saw the saxophone for “worship of all instruments” which was invented in Belgium in the 1800s. No biggie. I’m going to share this with friends. Thank you for such a labor of love. You’ll be blessed!
Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” 🙏
And hopefully they won’t portray Jewish Israelites as gentiles as is done consistently. Replacement theology is deeply rooted in Greco Roman Christianity.
From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now.
@@Drink8250 Yes, he’s a God, but he isn’t the almighty God Jehovah! If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am - John 14:28
For sure ! I honor 50 years jehovah. He is the biggest living God in heaven. Soon al shall know : iam Jehovah...and my wil shall be in there mind apocalyps 17 : 16. And babylon the great afther 40 years a lie of peace assisi 1986 VN 77 false religions prayed for peace in agreement not use any name of God. 40 years in 2026 they walked in desserts of lies . 1 thessalonicenzen 5 verse 3. Wars afther 1986 ,libie , syrie , afganistan,yemen,russia ,oekraine ,europe navo , iran israel ,libanon. The God of Daniel shall make them "naked " all shall see theyre idoletery s and worship of satan.
1 John 5:20 KJV And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.
@DFUTURE2121 there is only one god my friend. Who is the first and the last? Read your Bible with the understanding that there is one creator. So many scriptures make it clear Jesus is THE I AM of exodus. Read Isaiah 9:6 jesus is the mighty God, and eternal Father buddy. Immanuel God with us. The son of God in the flesh. God is one there are no gods formed before me or after me says the Lord in the scripture. What does that tell you about jesus?
Daniel and his companions - ate healthy food, received wisdom and knowledge Me - eating unhealthy food, sleeping at 12am, waking up at 5am, no excercise. - can't even answer the simplest algebra, brain is always foggy. Always tired. Then, praying to God to help me pass the exam. Bible - Faith without work is dead. Our body is the temple of God. Me - 🤧
I was thinking the same about myself. I need to do better, not just for my physical body, but to keep the temple of the Holy Spirit healthy for God's purposes and God's glory.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” The first true scientific test is Daniel & his companions food & drink as God designed for our bodies compared to the worldly kingdom foods. Aim & pray for strength as Christ brings you through. You will eventually feel so great you will not be tempted to go back into sludge brain thinking & body aches. Sprouts give nutritional boosts to help, lots of veggies & starchy plant roots like yams ( brain needs it) & lowers desires tto fill up with boxed foods & deserts, etc..
Much of the foods we have been told to eat are full of poison. If you want to be healthy so that your mind and body, you can be healed. Learn what is in God's garden and what we are made to consume and our body's process and need. I have much knowledge from studying what the wild edible and medicinal plants that grow, even in city yards. We are made to eat meat and the fat of them. To hunt and gather is to eat healthy foods...as good as we can get on this polluted world. Do your best. Reach out to me if I can help you find teachers on youtube on foods that are good/bad and why. How the body uses food and what it needs. How to survive without grocery stores. I've lived it in my early years when my parents and family abandoned me. I had to learn early on and the hard way...now I have real books with the plants identified and explained...get real books to study. You may not always have all this tech...look at NC right now. I pray you find Jesus if you aren't saved yet and look to him for guidance. Blessings~
I sleep at 12 am but that's because I wait for that midnight hour for my prayers . I wake up very peacefully . Nothing like that . I eat once a day atimes and most times real good .. sleeping mate depends what you be doing at that time .
Thank you for sharing this. It is amazing! I am studying the Book of Daniel, at present, with Thru the Bible (Dr. J. Vernon McGee) and this is ever so helpful. Also, that it is in the King James which is the translation used by the program.
Please share more scripture based videos like this....... I have been speaking in tongues uncontrollably from the beginning of the movie..... I watch, pause, pray, watch, pause, and pray...... #Holyghost
If there is an even earlier English Bible Version from 1000 years ago, it will surely be almost impossible if not totally impossible to understand by people who learned modern day English, actually even this English Bible Version from King James time half a Millennia ago is hard for me to understand, sometimes I understand the opposite of what it says, that's why I prefer New Living Translation Bible and other translation Versions. The only reason why I fully understand how this video shows the Story, is because I'm very familiar with the Story of Daniel.
For those who may not know…Daniel had his visions at the end were of the tribulation yet to come. It was very close to what John wrote that Christ told him too in the Revelation of Christ Jesus. Jerusalem being the epicenter of all the tribulation. Israel is given 6 chances to repent and come to Christ. Edom Moab and Ammon will not be attack, but will be a safe haven for the Jews and Israel gentiles to hide and be given shelter. God has not given up on them. Same thing that John says in Revelation.
@@TipeneIti maybe there are multiple different times this is discussed but when you have 150,000+ people seeing “Jesus” and it’s actually shows an image and God the Father Ai it can distort peoples minds & who/what they think about during prayer.
@@TipeneIti the Bible also says you can’t see the face of God & live but it/they will outright show the ‘face’ of God the Father. Clearly AI god is not God & I don’t believe based on Scripture they should show images that are supposed to be ‘God’
This is really sad when people don't pursue the LORD in the volume of the Book. But rather are moved by the graphics and eye color and embleshments of scripture. I thank Adonai that there are still those today who still practice Biblical exegesis. The Book of Daniel has nothing to do with this image that has caught peoples eye on this channel.
It’s not sad. It’s another way for beginners/babies in the word to learn about Daniel and his story. Yes forming a intimate relationship with the Lord is number one! Getting into His word is top priority BUT it’s still good to see latest technology showcased in a biblical Godly way through storytelling/truth telling. Displaying these graphics does not take away from what God wants us to understand, this can spark an interest & speak to the many others especially those of this generation who only watch Avengers & all the “man-made-up stories” to realise God Our Father! YHWH! King of Kings Lord of Lord Alpha and Omega HAS BLESSED HIS PEOPLE TO PRODUCE SUCH AMAZING GRAPHICS FOR HIS GLORY🤩🥳🥰 WHAT SATAN HAS INTENDED FOR BAD GOD HAS USED FOR HIS GOOD. It may not be your cuppa tea and that’s ok but I’m telling you this is going to help others understand the power of the Lord & start so many on their journey/walk with Our Father & that is not in any way sad! I am overjoyed by the thought!!! God bless you & i pray for anyone who watches this video to be blessed in Jesus Might Name!!!! AMEN!!!
Re=subbed, thank you for this most excellent product to glorify our Lord in Heaven. the wings on the messengers is non-scriptural, but still a great production
So many commercials, all here to manipulate the mind and get money. I have to wonder, are you hear to share Gods word or just here to profit? No need to answer; the truth is shown in your actions.
Or you could pay for UA-cam premium like the rest of us and not worry about commercials. They don’t have control over how frequent commercials. Don’t be one of those people; A complaining Christian
@@Goldenswayzee I'll be who I am, your problem with this is just that; your problem. Call me what you like, I'm ok with me; just a sinner hoping to improve themselves and this world through Gods love
Certain dyes and colors were used on clothing for the royal, the rich, and the powerful. It was a status symbol in the past, especially purple, which was hard to create. Haven’t you ever heard of Joseph’s coat of many colors? I don’t think this has anything to do with the rainbow flag or the LGBT agenda.
@@MasterJediDude Plausible Denial , Indeed . However, to me .. . it's just Subliminal Propaganda I can feel the stinking manipulation.. . from miles afar
Decoding Daniels Vision: The Men That Will Introduce The Antichrist To The World ua-cam.com/video/FoPbsbl7Ing/v-deo.html
Hi there, with much love and humility, is there an error at the end of the video regarding the days mentioned in Daniel 12:12? Should the video say 1335 days?
There are more than a few errors. King Nebuchadnezzar wasn't the "heart of gold" in the image in his dream, but the head of gold. And all the prophetic imagery aside from the image of Daniel 2 barely related to the pyrotechnics or what was being described
Only Daniel and the prophets can interpret this. One thing I understand for sure is that in the later days towards the end times, St. Michael will defend the chosen people and the children of God around the four corners of the world. He will open the Book of Life and all those whose names were not written in the Book of Life will perish in the pit of eternal fire. The rest is hard to understand and only Daniel the beloved prophet of God understood this.
Antichrist was a belief system, not a person. Don’t believe the modern false teachings of men on the rapture and antichrist.
Jesus in Matt. 24 explains that old covenant system crumbled in that 40 year generation AD70.
*To the one reading these words, my heartfelt prayer is this: May the burdens you carry grow lighter, and the anxieties that haunt you fade away. May darkness and doubt be banished from your mind, replaced by the clear light of understanding. May peace settle upon your soul, and may calmness weave its way into the fabric of your life.*
@@BeyondDeath868 Thank you, I needed to read that. God Bless
So beautiful ❤️ thank you I needed that. Thank you my Blessed Lord Jesus for saving us. Thank you Abba Father for all my brothers and sisters in Christ may your perfect peace joy and boldness fill us all in Jesus name 🙏
Thank You, We appreciate people giving prayers on this platform.
I am not of this world, this is all temporary till I reach His Kingdom In Heaven. where all things are Beautiful. I will see my Saviour Jesus Christ!
What A Glorious Day It Will Be.
No worries for those washed in the blood of Jesus. Jesus clearly said, "Do not be afraid for such things must happen. The lost do not have a clue what's ahead.
You are not Christ, u are born of this world from a woman, u will die in this world, so make the best of it, Christ is from heaven and was and is, u are not. Dont blaspheme
The millennium kingdom is coming here do you not read your word?
I am currently in the ancient land of Shinar, modern day Iraq. I haven’t been here for many years but somehow, here I am again. But this time it’s different. This time, God is my refuge. This time, Jesus is my Lord and Savior. All praise to YHWH forever and ever.
Hallelujah! Welcome to the kingdom
Beautiful God with us Congratulations! Hallowed be The Name of Our Father in heaven here on earth, through His Son Yeshua - for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙏🏽🌎 🙌🏽
Hallelujah to the Most High God Ancient of days Rock of Ages Lion of the tribe of Judah
@@LovingYAH “For God, so loved the world that He gave his only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, SHALL not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16
Amen Amen
Lord, I desire to understand and comprehend all Your teachings. Please give me wisdom and intelligence to deeply understand the meaning of Your Word as I listen and read it. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Lord God, its my greatest desire, as I read & listen to your Word, give me the understanding & wisdom to comprehend all that is imparted to me. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Praise God in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Dear sibling, we are to keep our prayers in secret just between God, but it is correct that we are to pray to Him and ask Him for understanding and wisdom. Much love to you and yours!
Lord Jesus, we are so grateful, that you have open our hearts, eyes, and doors of opportunities that change our life forever.. Amen .. In Jesus’ name..
Amen And Amen, Thank You Adolph
To whoever is reading this, I pray that your heart feels lighter with every passing moment, and the weight of worry is lifted from your shoulders. May uncertainty and fear give way to clarity and hope. May the peace of God fill every corner of your soul, bringing rest and comfort into your life.
Amen 🔥🔥🕊️🕊️
these are soooo cool!!!! using scripture with these graphics is the best thing in 2024!!! make MORE PLEASE!!!
Is this AI…?
It's done by Grace digital network. They do not use AI @@jazzi3740
Oh of course
Lord Jesus, open up our hearts, minds, eyesight to see, understand and appreciate your presence and love in our hearts as we grow stronger, clearer, closer to thee, for you are our strength, light and Lord of the Universe.. Amen..
In Jesus’ name..
Amen, Thank You For The Prayer.
Whoever believes in the Hebrew Bible cannot believe in Jesus, because Jesus was a false prophet according to what is written in the Torah, Jesus said things against the commands of the God of Israel, he commanded his disciples to break the Sabbath, and the Sabbath is a covenant between the children of Israel and the God of Israel. According to the Talmud He did the most serious things against the God of Israel and against his Torah. The book of Daniel is a book that no one (including the sages of Israel) could discover the secrets inside the book. And whoever tells you that he knows, then he does not know, and whoever is silent, maybe he does.
@@adolphluna4728 Amen, amen and amen!
Amen I pray my children and grandchildren nieces and nephews accept the free gift of eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Almighty
AMEN !!!!!!
Thank you❤️❤️❤️ please pray for me I’ve backslid into drugs and lust recently. God revealed his light and love to me 15 yrs ago and I thought I could balance the world and his kingdom. My ego has destroyed me. I didn’t know any better at the time.
Now you know. Ur past is forgotten, forgiven; . . . so get crackin' and move forward?! Amen.
When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.”And Jesus said to her, “NEITHER DO I CONDEMN YOU; go and SIN NO MORE”
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.
He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Faith and obedience go hand-in-hand; you can’t have one and not the other. Obedience is the evidence of true faith. We must love Jesus more than ourselves
Brother May the Lord lead you to the rock that is higher than you in Jesus name. Amen❤🙏
the Lord even our rock of ages who is Jesus shall graft us back into his folds again, in Jesus name, Amen.
Repent daily & come back to his laws, statues, & commandments. Ask him to reveal his truth to you.
This is awesome more please! 🙏 God bless Christ is king!
We are working on more, this is the playlist of all our present Movies. ua-cam.com/video/Nd9nZM3_Bbs/v-deo.html
*To whoever is reading these words, I offer my heartfelt prayer: May your burdens grow lighter, and the anxieties that trouble you fade away. May darkness and doubt leave your mind, replaced by the clear light of understanding. May peace rest upon your soul, and may calmness become a steady presence in your life*
All Praise, Honor, And Glory To God The Father, Who Knows All Things.❤🙏🙌
Amen And Amen.
Thank you, Father, for saving me and my family . I praise your Holy Name, I praise you for your forgiveness and your mercy. We are waiting for you ❤️ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
What A Great Prayer.
Lord Jesus, open my mind, my heart, and my understanding to appreciate your presence in every situation in my life ..
Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏✝️Amen
Amen, In Jesus Name
Goodness! The graphics alone is amazing! GOD really makes some talented individuals whose creativity intuitively details the biblical history. Whoo!
Lord Jesus Christ and King of Kings let your Will be done in all things Father strengthen your children in their weakness and bless us with the indwelling Holy Spirit to please you and your Will God bless all who read this prayer ❤❤❤
John 3:16 For God so love the world 🌎 that He give his only begotten Son who so ever believed in him not perish but have everlasting life.
Daniel's humility and dependence on God Jehovah is remarkable that he was always addressed as most beloved just as Jesus was addressed. Oh Lord give us broken and repentant hearts and courage to do what pleases only you.
Glued to this! Great Job on the book of Daniel. Praise God the Father,the son,and the Holy Spirit.
What a mighty God we serve we have Jesus you are full mercy grace and love. Thank u almighty God for there no other God like you 🙏 🙌 ✨️
I'm looking forward to watching this. God bless everyone 🙏 ❤️
God Bless you as well.
God Bless You.
My daily routine listening to and learning from the word of Our Lord saviour and salvation amen 🙏
GLORY Be to our God .thank you for this Blessings Message. Praise and honor to Him AMEN 🙏 🙌 ❤️ 🎉
Thank you for reading NKV! I am reading mine along with you ❤ All glory to The LORD of Glory Jesus Christ Amen.
O YHWH. How perfect is your word. Forgive all your children for their sins. May we affirm that your death on the cross, completely paid for our sins. In Jesus' name. Amen
Praying for God's love to touch every viewer of this video. May you always walk in His blessings and live with a peaceful heart.
Yeshua is Lord 🙏🏾
amazing movie
Thank you so much for watching
I was named after Azariah on the Bible, It took me years to love my nsme completely because its very rare. Has a beautiful meaning that has empowered me all my life. Known/helped by God. My middle name is Camille which means the priest helper. Praise God!💗
God bless you for this audio-visual. Thanks for touching lives with the truth.Jesus is Lord forever. Amen
salmos 103salm115 João14.6 João 3.16 João 10.9 1timotio 2.5 amém breve Jesus Cristo voltará amém ❤❤❤
I hope everyone reading this comment enjoys a joyful and serene day. Wishing you good health, peace, and a positive mindset. May your day be filled with happiness, blessings, and wonderful opportunities for personal growth. 🙏✨
Thank you so much!!! I was able to watch half, but I will return and watch the rest. In fact, I'm sure I will watch it several times, as I am studying Daniel now. ALSO, I will be sending this link to my friends and family. May God bless your in serving Him!
Praise God for the faithful in him , in Jesus Christ work on the cross and his resurrection! That we be made right with the father who is in heaven!
La historia de Daniel muestra claramente que si ponemos nuestra vida en Sus manos , asi , ciegamente, sin dudas, él mandará a los ángeles para que nos rodeen y pasaremos por donde otros mas fuertes y capaces cayeron.
Escribi mucho , disculpen
This is wonderful ' my prayers are more of Jesus and less of me ' The Lord ' who can know Him' by faith we must walk in His way and give ear to His word l love Jesus and His words ' just awesome
This is awesome! Thanks for this.
We are at the time of the end. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Maranatha 🎉
Eternal HOLY FATHER, our GOD of gods, LORD of mercy, I worship, love,surrender my heart and all to THE LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and saviour. Accept my prayer and supplication through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and saviour 🙏
Just trust in the word of. Jesus, an all promise’s. He has given u , a the strength. That. God has promised you to fight any temptation that we’ll come up against you ,, I was hooked for 30 years, Yes at times I didn’t think I would make it , sometimes u have to fight everyday….. every minute!! Blessings over you
Great video prayers for you and yours for supernatural protection peace and joy beyond understanding I humbly pray in the only way Jesus
Thank you for narrating this wonderful story. May God Bless you.
May God Bless You Too.
The Most High Powerful God!!!You are Holy,in Christ Jesus our Saviour!! You are King of kings!!Mighty Warrior!!Great in battle,all the glory belongs to You🙏❤️
I pray all at war. My heart is broken that it is happening 💔
♥️ Grace digital network 👑thank you very much 🌟🙌🏻👏🏻🤷🏻♥️
Thank You For Watching And Supporting Us. Olivia.
Love this… Daniel is one of my favorite books! The illustrations really help bring it to life while seeing and hearing it. I absolutely appreciate and recognize all the hard work put into this. THANK YOU🤍
Absolutely incredible. Thank you for taking the time and resources to produce this prophetic work. You may never receive what this is worth this side of eternity, but God knows all that will surrender to Him through your faithfulness. May God bless you exponentially, in Jesus name, Amen!
God Bless You Abundantly
To the one with this word my heart felt prayer easy smell the bad days you cry you like that and the accident that hurt you failed away my Darkness and about business from your mind a place replace place by the clear night of understanding my peace tilled upon your soul and my comes with either way it the Fabric of your life
I do not like sleeping
Force me to sleep
And his dwelling was with the wildest
And his body was wet with the dough of Heaven
Thank You, We are happy that people appreciate the effort.
Great work but it's more comforting that you stuck to the scriptures and quoting directly from it. Thank you.
I need a brother prayer of Witcraft and evil temptation, my nights has been with battles, may Almighty GOD through his son Lord Jesus rescue all saints
Look up Derek Princes video on Prayer and fasting and watch it a couple of times. Prayer alone is not enough for somethings to be dealt with. Jesus said that when casting the demon out of the boy. Jesus fasted without food for 40 days. If he needed to fast, then we need to fast as well. Jesus, just like he said "when you pray" also said "when you fast". Just as we are expected to pray, we are also expected to fast. When the bible says we are to humble ourselves often it is meaning that we should fast. Fasting with the right attitude is humbling ourselves before our Father in Heaven. Like I said earlier, find Derek Princes videos on Fasting and watch them. If you do and apply what he says, I can guarantee that your life will never be the same again.
“Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”
Luke 6:28 (KJV)
I pray that I can be as faithful & strong as Daniel while in the midst of extreme adversity. I've always admired Daniel because of his unwavering faith. He knew who his true King was. To Grace Digital, your visuals are some of the best that I've seen. They bring the story to life. Hope & pray that many come to your channel that do not know the King that we know. They will then make the critical eternal life decision to follow the one & only true King of the Universe! Edit - The 4 In the Furnace = Recall seeing a movie about Daniel. In the statue scene, one of the 3 says "I'm not bowing down to that". I smile every time! It's his reaction & how he says it because he knows who the true King is.
Wow, thank you so much, This is a priority comment, What book will you like to see next.
Dear God,
Please grant peace, health and happiness to everyone.
May God enlighten our hearts, help us to always love and support each other in all circumstances.
May God accompany, guide and protect us every day.
It might have taken months to finish this video..
Thank you Grace digital Network for your time. God bless you abundantly. I pray more grace and blessings upon you for visualizing the Bible for us to understand.
Pls fellow brethren, let's support them spiritually and monetarily.
Wow, few people noted the length of time. Are you a youtuber?
This is such a fantastic rendition of the holy scriptures. Thank you so much for a fantastic job. Well done 👏👏👏⭐️
Thank you for this amazing video. May God bless you for your hard work to help others understand Gods word thru it. ❤
Thank You, Comments like yours makes It worth It.
Done with AI
Believed in God Almighty Jesus and He will keep you save only feast and pray 3 times a day with lots of faith of you heart and God always be with you and fight against evilone in you be in the arm of God Almighty Jesus never be afraid.
This is fantastic!!! Love to see more. Appreciate you making this. God bless 🙏🙌
Watch More Here ua-cam.com/video/Nd9nZM3_Bbs/v-deo.html
My favourite book of the Scriptures... Anyone who understands this book will understand how this world is a mess already and will know how it will end.
Glory to God in the highest 🤲🏾
Why won't you state the favorite book of scriptures??
They say Daniel is connected to Revelation
@@elainecorrow3494 yes, the visions of revelations is a continuation of some of Daniel's vision and Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the golden head statue.
@ayinlaoriyomi2517Importantly, avoid arrogance and greed. For GOD will literally "break you down." Ooo Wee!
@@elainecorrow3494 It is.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Take my family, those I love, your church and me to the places we need to go,
Make great crowds follow us,
Help us heal the sick,
Help us unite in marriage and never want to separate,
Help us not to divorce, not to commit adultery, not to be unfaithful,
Give us your blessing,
Help us keep the commandments,
Help us not to commit murder, adultery, not to steal, not to bear false witness, to honor our father and mother, to love our neighbor as ourselves,
Reward us for all we give up for you,
Help us inherit eternal life,
I ask, declare and decree all of the above in the inspiring name of Jesus Christ.
Inspired by Matthew 19 & Matthew 7:7-8.
Ask the God of Israel what, how, when, where, why, with whom, and for what, of each verse in your Bible, and you will be surprised.
Love the video.
Chuckled when I saw the saxophone for “worship of all instruments” which was invented in Belgium in the 1800s. No biggie.
I’m going to share this with friends. Thank you for such a labor of love. You’ll be blessed!
Wahoo this is awesome. Totally my favorite book. What a treat. Thank you
We Are So Glad To Hear That.
@@GraceDigitalnetwork better than anything on TV!!!
@@GingerBear22 beautiful ♥️
Thank you for making this… truly enjoyed every moment!
Wow, you just sat through an entire book of the bible. That is so awesome.
Thank you, I found this to be easier to understand with the illustrations! God bless!
Glad it was helpful!
Love this, being able to hear, read and watch helps me to keep focus.
I’d like to see more NT - the book of John, Acts & Romans.
Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” 🙏
This is my flesh and blood, whoever eats and drinks of it shall not die but have everlasting life.
@@lifeisagift5627 are you special needs?
@@lifeisagift5627 are you special needs?
@@lifeisagift5627 did you need something or are you just here to be annoying??
To who is reading this I hope you understand what was said the last 1/2 hour because at 60 yo I still don’t understand a word. God Bless.
Praise the lord everyone 🎉
Praise the Lord, I love your attitude.
❤ this!! Excellent - all should pass this video on to friends & family - even work companions! #TheKingIsComing #GotJesus ☑️
God bless us 2 and u
God bless you.
Choose ye this day whom you shall serve.
Wow… this is epic ..!!! Thank you soooo much for this ..Godbless ..shalom 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Thanks for using their God given names and not the pagan names. Amen. ❤🕊🤍🙏💯
Yaayyy, That’s exactly what I was going to post👏👏👏
And hopefully they won’t portray Jewish Israelites as gentiles as is done consistently. Replacement theology is deeply rooted in Greco Roman Christianity.
From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now.
Jehovah is the TRUE GOD, Psalms 83:18 (King James) and Daniel was a faithful servant of Jehovah. DANIEL 9:23 "You are highly precious",
Jesus is God
@@Drink8250 Yes, he’s a God, but he isn’t the almighty God Jehovah! If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am - John 14:28
For sure ! I honor 50 years jehovah. He is the biggest living God in heaven.
Soon al shall know : iam Jehovah...and my wil shall be in there mind apocalyps 17 : 16.
And babylon the great afther 40 years a lie of peace assisi 1986 VN 77 false religions prayed for peace in agreement not use any name of God.
40 years in 2026 they walked in desserts of lies . 1 thessalonicenzen 5 verse 3. Wars afther 1986 ,libie , syrie , afganistan,yemen,russia ,oekraine ,europe navo , iran israel ,libanon.
The God of Daniel shall make them "naked " all shall see theyre idoletery s and worship of satan.
1 John 5:20 KJV
And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.
@DFUTURE2121 there is only one god my friend. Who is the first and the last? Read your Bible with the understanding that there is one creator. So many scriptures make it clear Jesus is THE I AM of exodus. Read Isaiah 9:6 jesus is the mighty God, and eternal Father buddy. Immanuel God with us. The son of God in the flesh. God is one there are no gods formed before me or after me says the Lord in the scripture. What does that tell you about jesus?
sharing the LOVE of Father God Jehovah Jira amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️
Daniel and his companions - ate healthy food, received wisdom and knowledge
Me - eating unhealthy food, sleeping at 12am, waking up at 5am, no excercise. - can't even answer the simplest algebra, brain is always foggy. Always tired. Then, praying to God to help me pass the exam.
Bible - Faith without work is dead. Our body is the temple of God.
Me - 🤧
I was thinking the same about myself. I need to do better, not just for my physical body, but to keep the temple of the Holy Spirit healthy for God's purposes and God's glory.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
The first true scientific test is Daniel & his companions food & drink as God designed for our bodies compared to the worldly kingdom foods. Aim & pray for strength as Christ brings you through. You will eventually feel so great you will not be tempted to go back into sludge brain thinking & body aches. Sprouts give nutritional boosts to help, lots of veggies & starchy plant roots like yams ( brain needs it) & lowers desires tto fill up with boxed foods & deserts, etc..
Much of the foods we have been told to eat are full of poison. If you want to be healthy so that your mind and body, you can be healed. Learn what is in God's garden and what we are made to consume and our body's process and need. I have much knowledge from studying what the wild edible and medicinal plants that grow, even in city yards. We are made to eat meat and the fat of them. To hunt and gather is to eat healthy foods...as good as we can get on this polluted world. Do your best. Reach out to me if I can help you find teachers on youtube on foods that are good/bad and why. How the body uses food and what it needs. How to survive without grocery stores. I've lived it in my early years when my parents and family abandoned me. I had to learn early on and the hard way...now I have real books with the plants identified and explained...get real books to study. You may not always have all this tech...look at NC right now. I pray you find Jesus if you aren't saved yet and look to him for guidance. Blessings~
I sleep at 12 am but that's because I wait for that midnight hour for my prayers . I wake up very peacefully . Nothing like that . I eat once a day atimes and most times real good .. sleeping mate depends what you be doing at that time .
What Book Are You Looking Forward To Next?
Oh easy.. has to be Judges and both Kings. Book of Tobit is a great book as well and may be really fun visually.
@@GingerBear22 Kings Will Be Coming Within The Next 4 Months.
@jillmiller1705 Wow, Many People Do Not Know About That One. Good Choice.
@@GraceDigitalnetwork exciting
The Book of Enoch please.
Thank you for sharing this. It is amazing! I am studying the Book of Daniel, at present, with Thru the Bible (Dr. J. Vernon McGee) and this is ever so helpful. Also, that it is in the King James which is the translation used by the program.
An excellent presentation. Thank you and may all see and understand the book of Revelation reminiscent of this book of Daniel.
Thank you kindly!
Wow 💛 Amazing 👑 the 📖book of Daniyal 🙏🏻 hallelujah🫒
Glad That You Are Excited
@@GraceDigitalnetwork thank you very much 🙏🏻🙌🏻💐💐📖♥️♥️♥️♥️
Please share more scripture based videos like this....... I have been speaking in tongues uncontrollably from the beginning of the movie..... I watch, pause, pray, watch, pause, and pray...... #Holyghost
If there is an even earlier English Bible Version from 1000 years ago, it will surely be almost impossible if not totally impossible to understand by people who learned modern day English, actually even this English Bible Version from King James time half a Millennia ago is hard for me to understand, sometimes I understand the opposite of what it says, that's why I prefer New Living Translation Bible and other translation Versions. The only reason why I fully understand how this video shows the Story, is because I'm very familiar with the Story of Daniel.
We are also working on a modern version, will return to this comment to give you an update as soon as we are done.
Yes, try to read Beowulf.
@@GraceDigitalnetworkDaniel with glasses takes me out of the story
You are loved ❤️
For those who may not know…Daniel had his visions at the end were of the tribulation yet to come. It was very close to what John wrote that Christ told him too in the Revelation of Christ Jesus. Jerusalem being the epicenter of all the tribulation. Israel is given 6 chances to repent and come to Christ. Edom Moab and Ammon will not be attack, but will be a safe haven for the Jews and Israel gentiles to hide and be given shelter. God has not given up on them. Same thing that John says in Revelation.
Great video, I really appreciate it. I really wish you wouldn’t use AI pictures of Jesus/God.
@@GraceDigitalnetwork Scripture says we are not to make any image of anything in heaven (specifically/especially God)
@@me-myself-n-i7356this is forbidden in the context of making the images for the purpose of bowing down to worship them is it not?
@@TipeneIti maybe there are multiple different times this is discussed but when you have 150,000+ people seeing “Jesus” and it’s actually shows an image and God the Father Ai it can distort peoples minds & who/what they think about during prayer.
@@TipeneIti the Bible also says you can’t see the face of God & live but it/they will outright show the ‘face’ of God the Father. Clearly AI god is not God & I don’t believe based on Scripture they should show images that are supposed to be ‘God’
With all the authority. god has givin me.
I say in the name. of jesuschrist. let my husband juan. be here. next to me amen.......❤😢
Really cool. But the word in the middle of the screen is not a good idea can u put them on the bottom
Oooo.... do the book of Juidith next, please. Do as many books as you can get your hands on. This is wonderful.
This is really sad when people don't pursue the LORD in the volume of the Book. But rather are moved by the graphics and eye color and embleshments of scripture. I thank Adonai that there are still those today who still practice Biblical exegesis. The Book of Daniel has nothing to do with this image that has caught peoples eye on this channel.
It’s not sad. It’s another way for beginners/babies in the word to learn about Daniel and his story. Yes forming a intimate relationship with the Lord is number one! Getting into His word is top priority BUT it’s still good to see latest technology showcased in a biblical Godly way through storytelling/truth telling. Displaying these graphics does not take away from what God wants us to understand, this can spark an interest & speak to the many others especially those of this generation who only watch Avengers & all the “man-made-up stories” to realise God Our Father! YHWH! King of Kings Lord of Lord Alpha and Omega HAS BLESSED HIS PEOPLE TO PRODUCE SUCH AMAZING GRAPHICS FOR HIS GLORY🤩🥳🥰 WHAT SATAN HAS INTENDED FOR BAD GOD HAS USED FOR HIS GOOD. It may not be your cuppa tea and that’s ok but I’m telling you this is going to help others understand the power of the Lord & start so many on their journey/walk with Our Father & that is not in any way sad! I am overjoyed by the thought!!!
God bless you & i pray for anyone who watches this video to be blessed in Jesus Might Name!!!! AMEN!!!
Re=subbed, thank you for this most excellent product to glorify our Lord in Heaven. the wings on the messengers is non-scriptural, but still a great production
So many commercials, all here to manipulate the mind and get money. I have to wonder, are you hear to share Gods word or just here to profit? No need to answer; the truth is shown in your actions.
Or you could pay for UA-cam premium like the rest of us and not worry about commercials. They don’t have control over how frequent commercials. Don’t be one of those people; A complaining Christian
Who are you to judge, do you think the content was created for free. Be appreciative of the effort the author put in or go ahead and make yours
@@Goldenswayzee I'll be who I am, your problem with this is just that; your problem. Call me what you like, I'm ok with me; just a sinner hoping to improve themselves and this world through Gods love
Praise God 👏 🙌 This really blessed me. Thanx for sharing. GBU
We are so pleased that you enjoyed this.
*AI is clearly manipulative = that Rainbow Gay Flag at 6:58 is Completely UNCALLED FOR"
Certain dyes and colors were used on clothing for the royal, the rich, and the powerful. It was a status symbol in the past, especially purple, which was hard to create. Haven’t you ever heard of Joseph’s coat of many colors? I don’t think this has anything to do with the rainbow flag or the LGBT agenda.
Plausible Denial , Indeed . However, to me .. . it's just Subliminal Propaganda
I can feel the stinking manipulation.. . from miles afar
Tell that to Joseph's coat