The work you are doing is really great. So many people get connected to their inner self by listening to such sweet and great songs given by our rishis. It feels so good that you are exploring the great gifts which our saints gave us. You are taking a lot of people in the right direction and making them understand the true purpose of life. God will always be by your side. Hope you keep doing such wonderful work and take people forward!
Dear Kuldeep Paiji, when our so called 'Indian' schools are mindlessly teaching our kids to recite culturally inappropriate rhymes like 'Ba ba black sheep' and 'Twinkle twinkle little star', you are doing a great service to our culture and tradition by training little kids like Niranjana, Rahul Vellal and Suryagayathri sing priceless gems like this by Saint Kabir. Little Niranjana's voice and rendition are as sweet as the bhakti songs, poems, hymns and dohe of Kabir. My salutations to our lineage of gurus and the guru parampara. Om Nama Shivaya Om Guru Dakshinamurthaye namah
baby from the south learns and sings beautifully in language of sant kabir..hindi awadhi brij mixture...politicians should watch this... and people dividing India between north ad south also should watch this
all ministers and government employees should make them to hear this song before going to the office and before commencing their duties so that our country will prosper
बेबी नीरांजना, बहुत बहुत आशीर्वाद 🙌 आप भाग्यवान हो बिटिया ,जो तुम्हे परखनेवाले कुलदीपजी जैसे गुरूजी मिले। संतश्रेष्ठ कबीरजी की रचना में जो अनुस्यूत अभिधा व्यंजना और लक्षणा है वे सब बारी बारी श्रोता के अंतरात्मा के पास जाकर ध्वनित होते है! इस रचना की ताकत है -- इसमें शब्दोंकी सादगी ।और तो और हमे अपनी आत्मा की शुद्धता बरकरार रखने के हेतु वास्तव में किसी मु खवटे या नकाब की जरूरत तो नही है,पर क्या करे ; शायद यह हमारी अन्तः प्रेरणा (instinct) होगी शायद के हमे हमारे वजूद के लिया जंगल जीवनशैली से सभ्य जीवन शैली अपनाने के बावजूद बेचारी हरकते करनी पड़ती है। जीवन के आपाधापी में हम इतने इतने आत्म मुग्ध हो गए की हम हमे ही पहचान नेमे खुदको असमर्थ महसूस करते है। यह विवशता या पारिस्थितिक दबाव हमे अंदरसे खोकला किये जा रहा ये,यह अहसास होते हुए भी हम नकाब चढानेसे बाज आते ही नही!उत्क्रांति के करोड़ो सालो ने हमारा पशूत्व खत्म होने के बजाय दुसरेके हातो खेल जाते है --अपना स्वयं का खिलौना बनाके। इस मायावी मनुष्य जीवन हम अंत में सच में ठगा महसूस करते है। हमारे आत्म परीक्षण से हम क्या पाते है? जो भी निर्णायक क्षण हमारे विरूद्ध विपरीत खड़े हुए हमने अपने आत्मा को निर्दयता से ठोस पहुचाई। किसकी होड़ में? मनुष्य को न्यूनतम स्तर पर किसी वर्ग ,वर्ण,जाती,धर्म विशेष ने अपनी दाम्भीकता अहंता को सहेजने हेतु अपने जैसे सामनेवाले मनुष्य को जीवन जीने योग्य न समझते उससे अपनी अधुरी आकांक्षाओं की पुर्ती की !शाश्वत मूल्यों को ताक पर रखः कर। मनसे ही बैर करते,खुद्दारी को नकारते झूठ के सहारे हम सोने जैसे आत्मा से प्रतारणा करते जिंदगी गवाते है। सोने पर झूठ की परत चढ़ाके हम झूठ को सच मान बाजार में अपने आप को बिक रहे है। कबीर के सच्चे बोल नीरांजना के मुखर स्वर में हमे झगझोड़ते है।बस कर निर्दयी, इंतहा हो गयी। अभी भी देर नही हुई है। सच का सामना कर घर के अंदर बाहर जो अव्डम्बर हमने फैलाया है वह निरर्थक है। उससे कुछभी सधेगा नही। सत्य की ही अंत में जय होती है । यह तो हमारे देश का भी ब्रीद वाक्य है।" सत्यमेव जयते" शायद उपनिषद का। मुझे सन्देह है।वेद या उपनिषद ? परन्तु उसका सार तो यही है ना। मनुष्य जीवन दुर्लभ है,इसे झूठ के सहारे मत गवाईएगा।🙏 इस गीत को सुनने के लिए मैं अधीर रहती हूँ। दिनमे दो चार बार सुनती जरूर हूँ। मन असीम शांती से भर जाता हैं। कबीरजी को शत शत नमन🙏 और कुलदीप जी और निरंजना को धन्यवाद 😊
Heart touching comment and an analysis of a human's journey in this present day materialistic India . Each one of us know the path we are treading is wrong but still in the process of day to day survival in this selfish , materialistic world our mental space was and is encroached n occupied however hard we try to free ourselves from Hunter Gatherer psychology . As this country moved from Agrarian to Manufacturing and now service n trading oriented economy this encroachment n occupation of our Thought and Mental space is still more aggressively being occupied by the narratives of Sociapolitcall and Religious leaders stealing our Freedom n Independence.
Priti Gopalarajan Truth, Wisdom and Innocence - combination that melts your heart. Niranjana's voice so full of innocence and warmth. It's a blessing that every music composition gets the right voice. Let all the Pearls and Ratnas of Vande Guru Paramparam pursue the path of spirituality and wisdom right from their innocent childhood and stay blessed through all the nama sankeertans🙏 5 Kuldeep M Pai😂🐇🐰🏵🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌱 🎈🎉🎊🎋🎄
जितने बार इन्हे सुनो उतने बार , जीवन के बारे में अपने आप सोचने लगता हूं । कबीर जी साहित्य के रूप में बहुत ही बहुमूल्य संपत्ति संपत्ति छोड़ कर गए है ।🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Such a beautiful composition. Baby Niranjana has sung this soulfully. Kudos to you Kuldeepji, you bring out such soulful renditions and make it even more divine by making the little one sings these songs.
O my god!! Another prodigy discovered. What a voice!! My salute to Kuldeep ji. Aap jhoothe nahi ho, dhundh dhundh Kar Moti nikalte rehte ho. Stay blessed!!!
Dear Kuldeep ji, I have only one soul. How many times would you steal it away! In this untrue and noisey youtube, once again you are pouring amrutah of soulful peace and serene depth onto all of us, through the voice of this sweet little dev-kanya. This master stroke of ageless kabir once again made me realize 'self-nothingness'. This is the first time, I observed, true down-to-earth simplicity in the unique smile of the sweet baby. Her innocent yet mature persona along with her voice carried the depth of spirituality of this bhajan in extreme SAHAJ way. What a gift of god! And as you keep mining such jewels, I don't know from where and how, your true and spiritual nationalism is getting enriched for the best day by day. May God bless us all peace and happiness, and most importantly the clarity in our paths. Thanks to you and entire team . Loving pranam, Sincerely Yours, Harendra.
Dream of parents: Earlier: Educating kids in the best school in city (Western education) Now: Wish my kids join VGP family and grow under the tutelage of Shree Kuldeep Mahodaya! (Real education)
श्रीमान आपकी संस्कृत में टिप्पणी देखकर मन प्रफुल्लित हो गया...मुझे संस्कृत भाषा पर गर्व है और उससे बेहद लगाव है...विद्यालय के समय में संस्कृत का विषय लिया था पर आगे सुविधा न मिलने के कारण वो विषय छूट गया...अब भी संस्कृत को सीखने की बहुत उत्कंठा है मन में.. क्या आप कोई ऐसी वेबसाइट आदि बता सकते हैं जहाँ संस्कृत की मूल जानकारी ली जा सके और संस्कृत सीखी जा सके। गूगल ट्रांसलेशन टूल में भी संस्कृत का विकल्प नही है नही तो वहाँ से थोड़ी बहुत संस्कृत में मदद ले सकते थे। क्या आप अन्य कोई उपाय बता सकते हैं कि जिससे संस्कृत में भले पारंगत न हो पाये पर ठीक-ठाक संस्कृत तो ठीक सकें। धन्यवाद
Pranam Kuldeepji... Small mouth big words... She would have been singing nursery rhymes if she weren't blessed by mahaprabhu to come under your guidance... A wonderful gem in the making... May almighty shower upon Niranjana his choicest blessings....
I was waiting for somebody to say this! 'Small mouth big words'! Indeed.... indeed.. I deliberately wanted this 7 year old to sing this! And to give a tight slap thus, on all of us who are immersed in materialistic journey! And Niranjana's smile is like an extra slap!! ha ha... Pranams Jyotish ji! Wishes to you.
@@kuldeepmpai best wishes to you. and your team of divinely blessed singers....this composition and Baby Niranajana's rendition always has me in tears...!
Thank you for your love , welcome Bharat ,India ,plan your visit with family and frei nds , experience the most richest spritual heritage of human civilization...
Over the past few months I've been growing materialistic and selfish, listening to this song yesterday suddenly pulled me to my senses and showed me how wrong I was. Thank you Kuldeep M pai and niranjana.If a music has changed even one soul then the efforts are a success but I'm sure your music has changed and touched a million souls.
Baby Niranjana! You are right ... we all NAR are liars, full of deceit ... But today we are not lying ... we are speaking the truth now ... and that is you Won the heart of us ... 🌺 You are a very adorable girl BETA ... You have sung the DOHAS of Kabir with innocence and shook the string of hearts .., you keep moving forward always like this ... 👍 bless you, with heart ..✋ And NAMAN to your guru Kuldeep ji .... 🙏🙏🙏 बिटिया निरंजना ! तुम ठीक कहती हो...हम नर सब झूठे हैं, छल और कपट से भरे हुये...पर बिटिया आज हम झूठ नही बोल रहे हैं...आज एकदम सच बोल रहे हैं...और वो ये है कि तुमने हमसब का दिल जीत लिया...🌺 तुम बहुत प्यारी बच्ची हो बेटा... तुमने कबीर के इन दोहों को एकदम मासूमियत से गाकर हदय के तारों को झंकृत कर दिया..👌 बेटा तुम यूं आगे बढ़ती रहो...👍 तुम्हे हृदय से आशीर्वाद..✋ एवम् तुम्हारे गुरु कुलदीप जी को पुनः नमन....🙏🙏🙏
Was looking forward to this after ur announcement Kuldeep ji. Everyday i would look for it of course after i get time from my work. Yes today rather tonight( at 10.00 p.m.)was the auspicious time when I got to see the fone and I found little Niranjana speaking out utter truth in her rendition. Tears running non-stop from my eyes, my voice choking, i heard this beautiful repeat beautiful rendition by the little angel. It was choti moo badi bath really!!!! Such a little one telling us the universal truth each word, each line each verse. The repetition made it lay more emphasis and at the end of it couldn't stop hearing again and again and again. Must have heard it some 10 times before starting to write. I am not able to put in what and how I felt after hearing this rendition...... Too many facts said in lucid language and also meanings with it made it more & more emphatic. My respectful bow to u Kuldeep Sir and love and blessings in abundance to Niranjana..🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌 💞💞💞❣️ 11th time B e a u t i f u l !!!!!
GANDHARVA GANAMRUTHAM Human voice can ever be so sweet! This little girl might be a Gandharva Kanya came to this planet earth to bless us with divine music. When I listen this song I am feeling like something like Amrutham is being poured into my ears. Kuldeep ji ‘s efforts in discovering such angels and making such divine music are remarkable. He shall ever be remembered by music lovers.
Dear Kuldeep ji. Dearest Niranjana... i bow to you all. This song brought me tears and goosebumps, because it suddenly shook within me the ultimate truth of a illusory life that comes from the hart of the great mystic poet Kabir Das ji, to whom i bow in reverence. This connects to the soul in purity because it is sung by a divine little child and Kuldeep ji, you made the best choice of choosing this little one for this particular song because Kabir Das ji's pure words, came out very purely through this pure soul, of course, fully justified by your divine music. Thank you so much for such divine gifts. Keep going, you and your children! Love and blessings.
निरंजना ...... शायद आप भी नहीं जानती है, कि आप हमें जीवन के जिस सच को गाकर हमें समझा रहीं है, वो हम ठोकरें खाकर भी नहीं सीखें । पर आपके निर्मल, निश्चल और दैवीय स्वरों ने कार्य कर दिया । ...... सादर प्रणाम कुलदीप जी और समूह
Respected Kuldeep bhai , I'm overwhelmed listening this beautiful song sung by Devi Niranjana . The divinity of her singing has lifted me to the celestial level !! May all- pervading Ishwar bless you both forever.
Bless you dear Niranjana. Kuldeep ji... Your gurus both physical and spiritual must be showering you with their abundant blessings. This is pure bliss, pure gold. Makes one rise to another realm. Tears flow unabashed.
संत कवीरजी का सरल शब्दों मे बहोत ही अर्थपूर्ण रचना.. (यहाँ वितरागता दर्शाती है.. आत्मा के कल्याण हेतू शरीर के भौतिक त्याग को भी दर्शाती है.. शरीर और आत्मा दोनों मे भेद भी बताती है ) आत्म कल्याण के मार्ग को दर्शाती है.. कर्मकांड से उठकर वितरागता का जीवन मे महत्व सिखाती है..
Truth, Wisdom and Innocence - combination that melts your heart. Niranjana's voice so full of innocence and warmth. It's a blessing that every music composition gets the right voice. Let all the Pearls and Ratnas of Vande Guru Paramparam pursue the path of spirituality and wisdom right from their innocent childhood and stay blessed through all the nama sankeertans🙏
Dear pai, Your contribution to music is incredible. The hidden divinity is excavted rather unearthed by your devotional work and presented through little children voice. There are many music promoting channels like super singer, paadutaa teeyagaa, indian idol and many more. They are sponsored and promoted commercially, whereas you are self oriented with no sponsorship, commercial aids. You are touching the hearts of many through your classical melodies presented by little hearts. No words to describe, probably ancient poets like potana, srinadhudu, kaludas have to reincarnate. My heartful happiest appreciations to you and to your little hearts.
The voice.... Feels like a devi disguised herself as a small girl. Kuldeep ji, god bless you and the children for the great work done by you and them I want to meet you kuldeep 😩😊😘👍
Just feel like hugging tight to this cute lil beautiful god's kid..her healing meditating u bachcha..your innocent smile made this bhajan so pure and divine❤ And kuldeep ji.. no words for you.. touching your feet..May god bless u..pranaam🙏🙏
Sweet Niranjana बिटिया your voice is so मीठी। man karta hai video se bahar nikaler apne samne बिठाकर tumri awaaz सुनू। 😘😘 Aur kuldeep g ko bohat bohat naman.
I like this song so much , kid’s expression is so beautiful 😍, 🍫🍫 such deep philosophical message she singing with innocent and cute smile 🙏🏻 Pai gAru shatakoti vandanAlu for your efforts 🙏🏻
बहुत बहुत सुंदर भजेन और सभी बाते सत्य कही है मेरी छोटी बहन ने ये सुंदर भजन सुन कर अश्रु आगए आखो से🥺🥺😥😥😥 हरे कृष्णा🙏 कुलदीप जी आप ही ऐसे अनमोल रतनो की परख कर सकते है
When I got disturbed I just sit back and just listen this sweet voice and find the real peace within ,it shows me the true face of this world Thank you dear
Is there an option to give a 1000 likes at a time??? This little girl stole my heart ❤! Plus kuldeep sir u also inculcate sanskaar in these innocent souls at the perfect age through this song or the other and ur teachings...Ur contribution to the world is mammoth! 👏
Beautiful your voice is like honey🍯🍯Love you baby Niranjana ......... Your Devine smiles and devotion is pure hearted and clear😘😘😘💜💜💜💜💟💟💟💟💟 May god bless you with all happiness and beautiful voice. 💚💚 ....................... Your parents are blessed to have u as their daughter 💟💟💟💟💟 All the best
vande guru parampara kids are none other than incarnations of God.🙏 I always experience some unknown, undescribable divine bliss whenever I listen to these kids's songs..
Such innocence and sweet voice for such a deep song. It directly touches the soul . Thank you ever smiling lovely baby niranjana and kuldeep sir for this precious gem 🙏😊
We are lost in our unreal selves, chasing unreal stuff. How far we move away from our true selves. This soulful rendition jolted me out ... Can't thank enough...Her voice is so divine.. thank you Sir for filling us with such grace. NAMASKAR TO YOU. SIR.
Guru gobind dou Kha. De Kake Lagoon pai balihari guru aap ne gobind Diyo dikhay Such true words of kabir das ji. Kuldeepji you are a great guru shat Koti. Vadanams god bless you sir.
Oh my God , such a wonderful voice. She sings with such a vigour and vitality all you can do is just stand there stupefied engrossed in her magic. Love this little one. Her smiling is divine.
Jai Jai Shree Radhe.🙏 May Hari bless you bchha and your entire team for presenting such soulful bhajans in the service of Lord Hari and His devotees. May he bless you all to present more such divine bhajans. Radhe Radhe.🙏 Om
The song was sang soulfully, so pure and innocent. It is a wonderful experience. Thanks to all the Blessed and Noble souls who have worked on this and shared with all.
A notification from this page ..will make me happy unconditionally irrespective of my mood and tired...Thank you so much kuldeep ji for boosting my confidence.
Why i cry again and again to listen this song something wrong with me i don't know may be its inner voice which are i never listen and this song telling me what are you doing in your life only wasting your life thanks for wake up me When ever i come south then 100% i met with you sir and my hometown 90 km away from sant kabir das ji birthplace......🙏🙏🙏
Kuldee p ji, saadar pranaam to ishwara within you and my little guru Niranjana. I have read Kabir a lot but your composition and Niranjana's pure voice brought out the real meaning with impact . Salutations to both of you. Lucknow, U.P.
Sir please more such bhajans from Kabir and Nanak , I am from North India, even then I watch your compositions, it would be so kind of you if you may please make more such compositions in hindi
Namaskar Kuldeepji! Your channel is an ocean of bliss...and you keep adding new hues of goodness everytime in the form of melodies and surrendering. Stay blessed.
I wish present day parents teach our sanskar and about shlokas, pujas etc... This girl is lucky she has good parents who have inculcated devotional singing deep rooted in our sanskars. Credit also goes to Shri Kuldeep Pai who has show cased devotional songs enjoyed by masses.🙏
Wherever we go your songs follows us😍.whether in drive or at home or at hospital waiting where ever u name it ur songs should be there Kuldeep sir. We live in USA. My 1 1/2 year boy won’t stay calm until he listens any of your songs. Believe me whole day I’ll play ur songs on tv and he listens without boring. OMG Kuldeep sir , you got magnet power from got and making little ones sticks to your songs. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Swarnaji... Elated to hear how your little one does not get bored watching these treasures all day. I wouldn't be surprised though. Young children are equal to God and they are easily attracted to that which is pure and spiritual in this age. You are showing him the right path. What I sincerely wish and pray for you is that he stays that way throughout his growing up years no matter what and how his peers are. In fact, I pray that he gets an excellent set of friends who are exactly like this. That way all of them will have no peer pressure and their childhood would be awesome. Prayers and wishes galore for you and your little one.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for your prayers vijayalakshmi ji . My desire is he should grow with these Amrutha(songs) and automatically they show him right path in life. And teaches good values . Not only for my kids , all kids . Credit goes to kuldeep sir....pranamam sir for showing good path to all kids and elders. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you punith ji for the concern 🙏🏼. He will roam around the house while listening these songs. Whenever I change to any channel he come to tv and starts cry 😊. I keep on playing these but he won’t see full day but will be listening while playing .
I am not sure how you do it.. how you get these blessed, young children to bring out the true soul of songs with lofty philosophical truths in soul stirring melody!! But please keep doing whatever magic you do. It soothes our souls. How lovely her rendering is !? Thank you for bringing yet another gem 🙏🙏
A few years I remember seeing Sooryagayathri's Bhagyada lakshmi baaramma on someone's facebook page, which received a tremendous response. A week ago I stumbled upon your channel and saw that many more kids have made amazing albums and since then your videos have been continuously been playing in my home while I'm studying. Kuldeepji and all the kids have been doing an amazing job by bringing our heritage and philosophy closer to the present generation. A small request from my side, I would love to hear Madalasa's poem in markandeya purana from these amazing young musicians.
Namaste Srinidhi ji, Thank you for your kind words of appreciation. Our team has been working diligently in curbing audios/videos of 'Vande Guru Paramparaam' series that have been illegally used and uploaded in Facebook, UA-cam and across all other social media platforms. These songs are exclusively available only in this channel in UA-cam. Therefore, request you to bring such illegal uploads to our attention, so we can get that removed asap. Thank you - VGP Team
@@chithfoundation It was over three years ago, so I'm sorry I woudn't be able to find it. It would have probably taken down by now. If I come across any other such videos, I'll definitely let you now.
The work you are doing is really great. So many people get connected to their inner self by listening to such sweet and great songs given by our rishis. It feels so good that you are exploring the great gifts which our saints gave us. You are taking a lot of people in the right direction and making them understand the true purpose of life. God will always be by your side. Hope you keep doing such wonderful work and take people forward!
So sweet ❤️❤️
So true!!!
God job 😃😀😁😄🙏👍
Diabetic patients , don't worry that you can't eat sweets. You can listen and feel these sweets and these songs are obviously best treats... 😀
Yaa... U said truth
Very well said. What a wonderful voice. We are so blessed to hear and enjoy. Thank you so much Kuldeep ji. God bless you and your team.
blood sugar level also will stabilize
Diabetes is untrue, sweets are untrue..why care?
She is so cute with her toothless smile..and her voice is so sweet..
Dear Kuldeep Paiji, when our so called 'Indian' schools are mindlessly teaching our kids to recite culturally inappropriate rhymes like 'Ba ba black sheep' and 'Twinkle twinkle little star', you are doing a great service to our culture and tradition by training little kids like Niranjana, Rahul Vellal and Suryagayathri sing priceless gems like this by Saint Kabir.
Little Niranjana's voice and rendition are as sweet as the bhakti songs, poems, hymns and dohe of Kabir. My salutations to our lineage of gurus and the guru parampara.
Om Nama Shivaya
Om Guru Dakshinamurthaye namah
What u say is true. But parents are also going after those schools mindlessly and expecting peace of mind and good life. How ironic is this. Isn't it?
I feel so junk when my kid is singing meaningless baba blackship
@@amaresh6620 Great realization
@@amaresh6620 9nhj
%. QZwsselal”sureR fdttrzsszszsssae Mohammed of our normalsioiu
Omg !!! Her voice ...seems like the goddess herself is speaking to us...
Enchanting just enchanting
Ye nirdosh bachchi ki kanth me Kabir Das ji ka yeh bhajan apurva mehsoos hua. Thank you. 🙏❤️🇧🇩
baby from the south learns and sings beautifully in language of sant kabir..hindi awadhi brij mixture...politicians should watch this... and people dividing India between north ad south also should watch this
How lovely bhajan.bless you both.
Music, effortlessly flowing down thru a kids voice has no language barriers! No regional barricades can hold thus unification down!
all ministers and government employees should make them to hear this song before going to the office and before commencing their duties so that our country will prosper
जय श्री महाँकाल
This is not true anymore. All Indians are uniting and kicking ass 🇮🇳 🇮🇳
बेबी नीरांजना, बहुत बहुत आशीर्वाद 🙌
आप भाग्यवान हो बिटिया ,जो तुम्हे परखनेवाले कुलदीपजी जैसे गुरूजी मिले।
संतश्रेष्ठ कबीरजी की रचना में जो अनुस्यूत अभिधा व्यंजना और लक्षणा है वे सब बारी बारी श्रोता के अंतरात्मा के पास जाकर ध्वनित होते है! इस रचना की ताकत है -- इसमें शब्दोंकी सादगी ।और तो और हमे अपनी आत्मा की शुद्धता बरकरार रखने के हेतु वास्तव में किसी मु खवटे या नकाब की जरूरत तो नही है,पर क्या करे ; शायद यह हमारी अन्तः प्रेरणा (instinct)
होगी शायद के हमे हमारे वजूद के लिया जंगल जीवनशैली से सभ्य जीवन शैली अपनाने के बावजूद बेचारी हरकते करनी पड़ती है। जीवन के आपाधापी में हम इतने इतने आत्म मुग्ध हो गए की हम हमे ही पहचान नेमे खुदको असमर्थ महसूस करते है। यह विवशता या पारिस्थितिक दबाव हमे अंदरसे खोकला किये जा रहा ये,यह अहसास होते हुए भी हम नकाब चढानेसे बाज आते ही नही!उत्क्रांति के करोड़ो सालो ने हमारा पशूत्व खत्म होने के बजाय दुसरेके हातो खेल जाते है --अपना स्वयं का खिलौना बनाके।
इस मायावी मनुष्य जीवन हम अंत में सच में ठगा महसूस करते है। हमारे आत्म परीक्षण से हम क्या पाते है? जो भी निर्णायक क्षण हमारे विरूद्ध विपरीत खड़े हुए हमने अपने आत्मा को निर्दयता से ठोस पहुचाई। किसकी होड़ में? मनुष्य को न्यूनतम स्तर पर किसी वर्ग ,वर्ण,जाती,धर्म विशेष ने अपनी दाम्भीकता अहंता को सहेजने हेतु अपने जैसे सामनेवाले मनुष्य को जीवन जीने योग्य न समझते उससे अपनी अधुरी आकांक्षाओं की पुर्ती की !शाश्वत मूल्यों को ताक पर रखः कर।
मनसे ही बैर करते,खुद्दारी को नकारते झूठ के सहारे हम सोने जैसे आत्मा से प्रतारणा करते
जिंदगी गवाते है। सोने पर झूठ की परत चढ़ाके हम झूठ को सच मान बाजार में अपने आप को बिक रहे है।
कबीर के सच्चे बोल नीरांजना के मुखर स्वर में हमे झगझोड़ते है।बस कर निर्दयी, इंतहा हो गयी। अभी भी देर नही हुई है। सच का सामना कर घर के अंदर बाहर जो अव्डम्बर हमने फैलाया है वह निरर्थक है। उससे कुछभी सधेगा नही। सत्य की ही अंत में जय होती है । यह तो हमारे देश का भी ब्रीद वाक्य है।" सत्यमेव जयते" शायद उपनिषद का।
मुझे सन्देह है।वेद या उपनिषद ?
परन्तु उसका सार तो यही है ना। मनुष्य जीवन दुर्लभ है,इसे झूठ के सहारे मत गवाईएगा।🙏 इस गीत को सुनने के लिए मैं अधीर रहती हूँ। दिनमे दो चार बार सुनती जरूर हूँ। मन असीम शांती से भर जाता हैं।
कबीरजी को शत शत नमन🙏 और कुलदीप जी और निरंजना को धन्यवाद 😊
आप वेदांत जरूर पढो, आचार्य शंकर की पुस्तके
Heart touching comment and an analysis of a human's journey in this present day materialistic India .
Each one of us know the path we are treading is wrong but still in the process of day to day survival in this selfish , materialistic world our mental space was and is encroached n occupied however hard we try to free ourselves from Hunter Gatherer psychology .
As this country moved from Agrarian to Manufacturing and now service n trading oriented economy this encroachment n occupation of our Thought and Mental space is still more aggressively being occupied by the narratives of Sociapolitcall and Religious leaders stealing our Freedom n Independence.
Such a honey dipped voice... So innocent, so divine... God bless you Niranjana ...
True the best voice ever
My 1 year baby anjana listening only niranjana song she is inspired voice I
Like very dear
Yes. Really a honey dipped voice
Priti Gopalarajan
Truth, Wisdom and Innocence - combination that melts your heart. Niranjana's voice so full of innocence and warmth. It's a blessing that every music composition gets the right voice.
Let all the Pearls and Ratnas of Vande Guru Paramparam pursue the path of spirituality and wisdom right from their innocent childhood and stay blessed through all the nama sankeertans🙏
Kuldeep M Pai😂🐇🐰🏵🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌱
जितने बार इन्हे सुनो उतने बार , जीवन के बारे में अपने आप सोचने लगता हूं ।
कबीर जी साहित्य के रूप में बहुत ही बहुमूल्य संपत्ति संपत्ति छोड़ कर गए है ।🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Kuldeep sir U deserves to Bharat ratan. Becoz. Your efforts towards protecting and prospering aur rich culture is really admirable 🙏🙏
I too really agree sir
Apt. very apt
Absolutely correct yadav ji...he deserves all the accolades there are....
This is purest of voice one can listen uncounted times
कुलदीप जी आपके नाम की तरह सार्थक आपका काम,आप जो चुन चुन कर नन्हे हीरे तराश रहे है उनकी चमक हमारी भारतीय संस्कृति ,परंपरा, का मान बढ़ा रही है।🙏🙏🙏
Except God, everything is untruth...
Such a beautiful composition. Baby Niranjana has sung this soulfully. Kudos to you Kuldeepji, you bring out such soulful renditions and make it even more divine by making the little one sings these songs.
O my god!! Another prodigy discovered. What a voice!! My salute to Kuldeep ji.
Aap jhoothe nahi ho, dhundh dhundh Kar Moti nikalte rehte ho. Stay blessed!!!
Sahi bole. Divine voice. Pure devotion. How do you manage to select such pure raw dilko choo lenewale voice
Yes very true 👍
Dear Kuldeep ji,
I have only one soul. How many times would you steal it away!
In this untrue and noisey youtube, once again you are pouring amrutah of soulful peace and serene depth onto all of us, through the voice of this sweet little dev-kanya.
This master stroke of ageless kabir once again made me realize 'self-nothingness'.
This is the first time, I observed, true down-to-earth simplicity in the unique smile of the sweet baby. Her innocent yet mature persona along with her voice carried the depth of spirituality of this bhajan in extreme SAHAJ way. What a gift of god!
And as you keep mining such jewels, I don't know from where and how, your true and spiritual nationalism is getting enriched for the best day by day.
May God bless us all peace and happiness, and most importantly the clarity in our paths.
Thanks to you and entire team .
Loving pranam,
Sincerely Yours,
Harendra Kumar true
You have scripted my feelings exactly and beautifully through your words .
Yes sir mantra mugdha ho gaya
किं कथयामि। शब्दाः न सन्ति। मधुरं ध्वनि मधुरं भजनं। बहुधन्यवादाः। प्रणमामि तव चरणौ कुलदीप महाभागः।
तव वाक्यनि अपि मधुरानि सन्ति।
Dream of parents:
Earlier: Educating kids in the best school in city (Western education)
Now: Wish my kids join VGP family and grow under the tutelage of Shree Kuldeep Mahodaya! (Real education)
Jhoot bhi sachchi ustad ki awaz mein kitni miti lagti hein... awaz bhi KYA KEHNA. Uper se: choooo cute... love your hair beta. Khosh raho.
अद्भुत पुत्री, तव ध्वनि बहुधा वाङ्मय अस्ति। तव कोटी कोटी धन्यवादम।
श्रीमान आपकी संस्कृत में टिप्पणी देखकर मन प्रफुल्लित हो गया...मुझे संस्कृत भाषा पर गर्व है और उससे बेहद लगाव है...विद्यालय के समय में संस्कृत का विषय लिया था पर आगे सुविधा न मिलने के कारण वो विषय छूट गया...अब भी संस्कृत को सीखने की बहुत उत्कंठा है मन में.. क्या आप कोई ऐसी वेबसाइट आदि बता सकते हैं जहाँ संस्कृत की मूल जानकारी ली जा सके और संस्कृत सीखी जा सके।
गूगल ट्रांसलेशन टूल में भी संस्कृत का विकल्प नही है नही तो वहाँ से थोड़ी बहुत संस्कृत में मदद ले सकते थे।
क्या आप अन्य कोई उपाय बता सकते हैं कि जिससे संस्कृत में भले पारंगत न हो पाये पर ठीक-ठाक संस्कृत तो ठीक सकें।
यवधेश सांचीहर 'संस्कृत' hmmm
Pranam Kuldeepji... Small mouth big words... She would have been singing nursery rhymes if she weren't blessed by mahaprabhu to come under your guidance... A wonderful gem in the making... May almighty shower upon Niranjana his choicest blessings....
I was waiting for somebody to say this! 'Small mouth big words'! Indeed.... indeed.. I deliberately wanted this 7 year old to sing this! And to give a tight slap thus, on all of us who are immersed in materialistic journey! And Niranjana's smile is like an extra slap!! ha ha... Pranams Jyotish ji! Wishes to you.
@@kuldeepmpai best wishes to you. and your team of divinely blessed singers....this composition and Baby Niranajana's rendition always has me in tears...!
प्रणाम चिरंजीवी निरांजना बेटी और श्री कुलदीप जी। गुरु और शिष्य दोनों धन्य हैं। आप दोनों को नमन करती हूं।
😢😢best eye opening bhajan...हरि ॐ तत्सत। राधे राधे कृष्ण। जय संत कबीर जी। जय सनातन धर्म परंपरा। 🎉🎉थैंक यू बेबी निरंजना। आभार कुलदीप गुरुजी। 🎉🎉😊
Thank you sweet beautifull Bharat for this marvellous gift. Love from Mexico🌺💜🌺
Thank you for your love , welcome Bharat ,India ,plan your visit with family and frei nds , experience the most richest spritual heritage of human civilization...
What a wonderful devotional song and way of singing.
Pritty baby God bless you .
Really india is a great country
നിരഞ്ചന കുട്ടിക്ക് ആയിരം ലൈക്ക് കൊടുത്താലും എനിക്ക് മതിവരില്ല സർ ഈ പാട്ടിന്
Over the past few months I've been growing materialistic and selfish, listening to this song yesterday suddenly pulled me to my senses and showed me how wrong I was. Thank you Kuldeep M pai and niranjana.If a music has changed even one soul then the efforts are a success but I'm sure your music has changed and touched a million souls.
U r Correct.
Your comment is beautiful
I can proudly say that I'm one of those millions🧡
I'd go I won end I'd ignore it issues tick grand hd
This is the sweetest way of saying the hardest truth...loved it.
Nagelly Arunkumar nenu cheppana Kuldeep Ji respond avtadu ani 😁
More than the song, I love your understanding & comment.thanks
Baby Niranjana! You are right ... we all NAR are liars, full of deceit ... But today we are not lying ... we are speaking the truth now ... and that is you Won the heart of us ... 🌺 You are a very adorable girl BETA ... You have sung the DOHAS of Kabir with innocence and shook the string of hearts .., you keep moving forward always like this ... 👍 bless you, with heart ..✋ And NAMAN to your guru Kuldeep ji .... 🙏🙏🙏
बिटिया निरंजना ! तुम ठीक कहती हो...हम नर सब झूठे हैं, छल और कपट से भरे हुये...पर बिटिया आज हम झूठ नही बोल रहे हैं...आज एकदम सच बोल रहे हैं...और वो ये है कि तुमने हमसब का दिल जीत लिया...🌺 तुम बहुत प्यारी बच्ची हो बेटा... तुमने कबीर के इन दोहों को एकदम मासूमियत से गाकर हदय के तारों को झंकृत कर दिया..👌 बेटा तुम यूं आगे बढ़ती रहो...👍 तुम्हे हृदय से आशीर्वाद..✋ एवम् तुम्हारे गुरु कुलदीप जी को पुनः नमन....🙏🙏🙏
I can listen this "kabir's Doha" thousands of times ... What a sweet voice ,god bless you beta.
Was looking forward to this after ur announcement Kuldeep ji. Everyday i would look for it of course after i get time from my work. Yes today rather tonight( at 10.00 p.m.)was the auspicious time when I got to see the fone and I found little Niranjana speaking out utter truth in her rendition. Tears running non-stop from my eyes, my voice choking, i heard this beautiful repeat beautiful rendition by the little angel. It was choti moo badi bath really!!!! Such a little one telling us the universal truth each word, each line each verse. The repetition made it lay more emphasis and at the end of it couldn't stop hearing again and again and again. Must have heard it some 10 times before starting to write. I am not able to put in what and how I felt after hearing this rendition...... Too many facts said in lucid language and also meanings with it made it more & more emphatic. My respectful bow to u Kuldeep Sir and love and blessings in abundance to Niranjana..🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌 💞💞💞❣️
11th time
B e a u t i f u l !!!!!
Beautiful voice, this is the best I have ever heard
Bhagwan Ram ne Sabrri Maata Ka Jhootha Bair khaya tha Aur sabse bara Sach yehi hai CV
My son's favorite singer, God bless her always.
Human voice can ever be so sweet! This little girl might be a Gandharva Kanya came to this planet earth to bless us with divine music.
When I listen this song I am feeling like something like Amrutham is being poured into my ears.
Kuldeep ji ‘s efforts in discovering such angels and making such divine music are remarkable. He shall ever be remembered by music lovers.
Dear Kuldeep ji. Dearest Niranjana... i bow to you all. This song brought me tears and goosebumps, because it suddenly shook within me the ultimate truth of a illusory life that comes from the hart of the great mystic poet Kabir Das ji, to whom i bow in reverence. This connects to the soul in purity because it is sung by a divine little child and Kuldeep ji, you made the best choice of choosing this little one for this particular song because Kabir Das ji's pure words, came out very purely through this pure soul, of course, fully justified by your divine music. Thank you so much for such divine gifts. Keep going, you and your children! Love and blessings.
मां सरस्वती की अपार कृपा बनी रहे आप पर बेटा जी, जुग जुग जियो 🙏
बड़ी प्यारी बिटिया, प्यारी आवाज़, प्यारी नसीहत
शायद आप भी नहीं जानती है, कि आप हमें जीवन के जिस सच को गाकर हमें समझा रहीं है, वो हम ठोकरें खाकर भी नहीं सीखें ।
पर आपके निर्मल, निश्चल और दैवीय स्वरों ने कार्य कर दिया ।
सादर प्रणाम कुलदीप जी और समूह
Respected Kuldeep bhai , I'm overwhelmed listening this beautiful song sung by Devi Niranjana . The divinity of her singing has lifted me to the celestial level !!
May all- pervading Ishwar bless you both forever.
With melodious voice singing Kabir's verses, she has touched my heart. I love you child. Keep singing and fill the hearts of the humanity with love.
Love you bro, not only you but also your team . Really your work outstanding ,wonderful n amazing.
Bless you dear Niranjana. Kuldeep ji... Your gurus both physical and spiritual must be showering you with their abundant blessings. This is pure bliss, pure gold. Makes one rise to another realm. Tears flow unabashed.
संत कवीरजी का सरल शब्दों मे बहोत ही अर्थपूर्ण रचना..
(यहाँ वितरागता दर्शाती है.. आत्मा के कल्याण हेतू शरीर के भौतिक त्याग को भी दर्शाती है.. शरीर और आत्मा दोनों मे भेद भी बताती है )
आत्म कल्याण के मार्ग को दर्शाती है.. कर्मकांड से उठकर वितरागता का जीवन मे महत्व सिखाती है..
Saakshaat sarawati kanya swaroop👏👏👏 pranaam guru kuldeepji
Truth, Wisdom and Innocence - combination that melts your heart. Niranjana's voice so full of innocence and warmth. It's a blessing that every music composition gets the right voice.
Let all the Pearls and Ratnas of Vande Guru Paramparam pursue the path of spirituality and wisdom right from their innocent childhood and stay blessed through all the nama sankeertans🙏
Suddenly My eyes are blurred looking at the video then I realised I was tearing hearing the beautiful voice ,🙏🙏🙏
Kuldeep sir hats off to your work. Keep blessing us through your devotional songs
Really sweet baby this world is jhootha....but your sweet voice and heart can't be jhootha❤ who fill sweeness in every moment of life
If man is unreal, then life is unreal as well. So how can an unreal life be wasted? (Nar tum jhoote, janam gavaya)
Dear pai,
Your contribution to music is incredible.
The hidden divinity is excavted rather unearthed by your devotional work and presented through little children voice.
There are many music promoting channels like super singer, paadutaa teeyagaa, indian idol and many more.
They are sponsored and promoted commercially, whereas you are self oriented with no sponsorship, commercial aids.
You are touching the hearts of many through your classical melodies presented by little hearts.
No words to describe, probably ancient poets like potana, srinadhudu, kaludas have to reincarnate.
My heartful happiest appreciations to you and to your little hearts.
The voice....
Feels like a devi disguised herself as a small girl. Kuldeep ji, god bless you and the children for the great work done by you and them I want to meet you kuldeep 😩😊😘👍
Just feel like hugging tight to this cute lil beautiful god's kid..her healing meditating u bachcha..your innocent smile made this bhajan so pure and divine❤
And kuldeep ji.. no words for you.. touching your feet..May god bless u..pranaam🙏🙏
Sweet Niranjana बिटिया your voice is so मीठी। man karta hai video se bahar nikaler apne samne बिठाकर tumri awaaz सुनू। 😘😘
Aur kuldeep g ko bohat bohat naman.
I like this song so much , kid’s expression is so beautiful 😍, 🍫🍫 such deep philosophical message she singing with innocent and cute smile 🙏🏻 Pai gAru shatakoti vandanAlu for your efforts 🙏🏻
When she says koyi.. in jhute ka koyi, my heart flies...
Felt like listening to this angel whole day and everyday. Bless her. Thank you so much Guruji Pai ji. You are a blessing for this world.
बहुत ही प्यारी आवाज है छोटी बहन की💕🤗👏
बहुत बहुत सुंदर भजेन और सभी बाते सत्य कही है मेरी छोटी बहन ने ये सुंदर भजन सुन कर अश्रु आगए आखो से🥺🥺😥😥😥
हरे कृष्णा🙏 कुलदीप जी आप ही ऐसे अनमोल रतनो की परख कर सकते है
👍👌👌 Me har roj meri beti he 4 salki use subah aapke sare gane sunati hu
When I got disturbed I just sit back and just listen this sweet voice and find the real peace within ,it shows me the true face of this world
Thank you dear
Such a beautiful voice! Love from Pakistan.
Is there an option to give a 1000 likes at a time???
This little girl stole my heart ❤!
Plus kuldeep sir u also inculcate sanskaar in these innocent souls at the perfect age through this song or the other and ur teachings...Ur contribution to the world is mammoth! 👏
Beautiful your voice is like honey🍯🍯Love you baby Niranjana
Your Devine smiles and devotion is pure hearted and clear😘😘😘💜💜💜💜💟💟💟💟💟
May god bless you with all happiness and beautiful voice. 💚💚
Your parents are blessed to have u as their daughter 💟💟💟💟💟
All the best
बनफूल है निरांजना एकदम मन मोहिनी है ❤❤❤
vande guru parampara kids are none other than incarnations of God.🙏 I always experience some unknown, undescribable divine bliss whenever I listen to these kids's songs..
Her Cutnesss nd Her Smile ❤ Ohh..!! superb...!! God Bless her😊😇
This little girl is my Guru!Life has taken a faster,deeper turn in my spritual journey🙏
Same with me ☺
If you could briefly describe your spiritual journey, it would inspire many and benefit seekers like us...
Such a beautiful voice and attention to intrinsic notes by this beautiful girl..❤
So innocent so divine so melodius
Such innocence and sweet voice for such a deep song. It directly touches the soul . Thank you ever smiling lovely baby niranjana and kuldeep sir for this precious gem 🙏😊
Radhe Radhe 🙏
Such innocently beautiful voice, drives the bhajan straight to the heart
great awesome revival of words thoughts emotions through the innocent clarity of voice of Baby Niranjana. Thanks to You, sir and all with you.
चरणस्पर्श बिटिया रानी🙏
So pure...Niranjana Ur voice is cure for so many things...Bless u..
We are lost in our unreal selves, chasing unreal stuff. How far we move away from our true selves. This soulful rendition jolted me out ... Can't thank enough...Her voice is so divine.. thank you Sir for filling us with such grace. NAMASKAR TO YOU. SIR.
This child has a super divine voice. Such expression, she’s born to sing - very rare melodic quality. Mr Pai is grooming some rare gems ... kudos.
So little kid listen this song daily and enjoy.....thank you so much kuldeepji and lots of love to little sister
Guru gobind dou Kha. De Kake Lagoon pai balihari guru aap ne gobind Diyo dikhay Such true words of kabir das ji. Kuldeepji you are a great guru shat Koti. Vadanams god bless you sir.
What a incredible and innocent voice she has! She is blessed by Ma Saraswati and a Guru like you Kuldeep Sir! God bless both of you. 👍👍
Oh my God , such a wonderful voice. She sings with such a vigour and vitality all you can do is just stand there stupefied engrossed in her magic. Love this little one. Her smiling is divine.
🙏🙏 sweet song Niranjana and Kuldeep uncle
Jai Jai Shree Radhe.🙏
May Hari bless you bchha and your entire team for presenting such soulful bhajans in the service of Lord Hari and His devotees. May he bless you all to present more such divine bhajans.
Radhe Radhe.🙏 Om
So divine so innocent mesmerising
The song was sang soulfully, so pure and innocent. It is a wonderful experience. Thanks to all the Blessed and Noble souls who have worked on this and shared with all.
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..will make me happy unconditionally irrespective of my mood and tired...Thank you so much kuldeep ji for boosting my confidence.
Why i cry again and again to listen this song something wrong with me i don't know may be its inner voice which are i never listen and this song telling me what are you doing in your life only wasting your life thanks for wake up me
When ever i come south then 100% i met with you sir and my hometown 90 km away from sant kabir das ji birthplace......🙏🙏🙏
Kuldee p ji, saadar pranaam to ishwara within you and my little guru Niranjana. I have read Kabir a lot but your composition and Niranjana's pure voice brought out the real meaning with impact . Salutations to both of you.
Lucknow, U.P.
Sir please more such bhajans from Kabir and Nanak , I am from North India, even then I watch your compositions, it would be so kind of you if you may please make more such compositions in hindi
Namaskar Kuldeepji!
Your channel is an ocean of bliss...and you keep adding new hues of goodness everytime in the form of melodies and surrendering. Stay blessed.
the purity in her voice is an epitome of divinity...
I am a fan of Niranjana... what a sweet voice and what a sweet face and smile.. God Bless you baby !
मैं आपका नाम नहीं जानता लेकिन मुझे आपका प्रदर्शन पसंद आया।
I wish present day parents teach our sanskar and about shlokas, pujas etc... This girl is lucky she has good parents who have inculcated devotional singing deep rooted in our sanskars.
Credit also goes to Shri Kuldeep Pai who has show cased devotional songs enjoyed by masses.🙏
Wherever we go your songs follows us😍.whether in drive or at home or at hospital waiting where ever u name it ur songs should be there Kuldeep sir. We live in USA. My 1 1/2 year boy won’t stay calm until he listens any of your songs. Believe me whole day I’ll play ur songs on tv and he listens without boring. OMG Kuldeep sir , you got magnet power from got and making little ones sticks to your songs. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
swarna lyrics
Swarnaji... Elated to hear how your little one does not get bored watching these treasures all day. I wouldn't be surprised though. Young children are equal to God and they are easily attracted to that which is pure and spiritual in this age. You are showing him the right path.
What I sincerely wish and pray for you is that he stays that way throughout his growing up years no matter what and how his peers are. In fact, I pray that he gets an excellent set of friends who are exactly like this. That way all of them will have no peer pressure and their childhood would be awesome.
Prayers and wishes galore for you and your little one.🙏🙏🙏
Make him listen songs but don't use TV please, he may get effected as his eyes are still in development stage
Thank you for your prayers vijayalakshmi ji . My desire is he should grow with these Amrutha(songs) and automatically they show him right path in life. And teaches good values . Not only for my kids , all kids . Credit goes to kuldeep sir....pranamam sir for showing good path to all kids and elders. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you punith ji for the concern 🙏🏼. He will roam around the house while listening these songs. Whenever I change to any channel he come to tv and starts cry 😊. I keep on playing these but he won’t see full day but will be listening while playing .
शब्द भी कभि मन कि अंतकार में उजाला लाते है। धन्य है भगवान तुमारा सृष्टि।।
I am not sure how you do it.. how you get these blessed, young children to bring out the true soul of songs with lofty philosophical truths in soul stirring melody!! But please keep doing whatever magic you do. It soothes our souls. How lovely her rendering is !? Thank you for bringing yet another gem 🙏🙏
A few years I remember seeing Sooryagayathri's Bhagyada lakshmi baaramma on someone's facebook page, which received a tremendous response. A week ago I stumbled upon your channel and saw that many more kids have made amazing albums and since then your videos have been continuously been playing in my home while I'm studying.
Kuldeepji and all the kids have been doing an amazing job by bringing our heritage and philosophy closer to the present generation.
A small request from my side, I would love to hear Madalasa's poem in markandeya purana from these amazing young musicians.
Namaste Srinidhi ji, Thank you for your kind words of appreciation.
Our team has been working diligently in curbing audios/videos of 'Vande Guru Paramparaam' series that have been illegally used and uploaded in Facebook, UA-cam and across all other social media platforms. These songs are exclusively available only in this channel in UA-cam. Therefore, request you to bring such illegal uploads to our attention, so we can get that removed asap. Thank you - VGP Team
@@chithfoundation It was over three years ago, so I'm sorry I woudn't be able to find it. It would have probably taken down by now. If I come across any other such videos, I'll definitely let you now.
You people are keeping me alive ....god bless you entire team... world need more people like you....who value our values 😍