Hearthstone: Trump Cards 4 - Paladin full arena

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Lord_of_Bones
    @Lord_of_Bones 11 років тому +3

    Great unintentional play.

  • @Schobbob
    @Schobbob 11 років тому +7

    11:00 accidental great opening

  • @RaamirezOscar
    @RaamirezOscar 11 років тому +32

    720p = 480p :/

    • @meiiow6284
      @meiiow6284 11 років тому

      good to know, i was already thinking something is wrong with youtube again^^

  • @SuperQualifyed
    @SuperQualifyed 10 років тому +2

    I love how you always click on the animal hide on the tent until you get the zebra, easily the best part of your videos

  • @ArchaicStigma
    @ArchaicStigma 11 років тому +1

    Never thought I'd see a situation where Repentance is the right pick.

  • @hadrianmyers
    @hadrianmyers 11 років тому

    For the Avenging Wrath play at 1:07:13, Trump's napkin math estimate of 60% to kill both minions is amazingly accurate if the missiles won't target minions they have already killed (59% chance to kill both in that case). But the panda is clearly hit 3 times, so dead minions can apparently be targeted, bringing the chance down to 38% to kill both.

    • @SyckestBlah
      @SyckestBlah 11 років тому +2

      This can't be right true. The enemy starts at 28 health, and goes down to 24, so he got hit 4 times, the Knife Juggler starts at 2 health + Divine Shield and ends upt at 1 health, meaning he got hit 2 times. Thus 2 hits remain, which kill the Panda. Although the animation really looks like hitting him 3 times. It could also be that I missed something, but I'm quite sure that Avenging Wrath doesn't target minions it already killed.

  • @tubejtthomps
    @tubejtthomps 11 років тому +1

    it's would YOU rather fight horse size duck or TEN duck size horse

  • @TheRainfield
    @TheRainfield 11 років тому +1

    these vidoes are fcking great, they are definetly the best ones out there IMO.
    Keep em coming Trump!

  • @MajorHuggles
    @MajorHuggles 10 років тому +1

    The Thrallmar Farseer + 2xBlessing of Kings. I died after seeing that.

  • @NorthernBro
    @NorthernBro 11 років тому

    That paladin on the 8-1 game was so powerful :P

  • @Sunthaz
    @Sunthaz 11 років тому

    Haha how that opening at 11:00 totally threw the priest out of his concept. :D

  • @olivebates
    @olivebates 10 років тому

    What is that tool he is using to the left of the screen, that shows what cards he has?

  • @JonnoGreenway31
    @JonnoGreenway31 11 років тому

    A horse-sized duck's legs would collapse under its weight, I'd back the duck-sized horse.

  • @lingon24
    @lingon24 11 років тому +1

    In his 4:th game, didn't his opponent miss leathal with shadow madness?

  • @Zirhax
    @Zirhax 11 років тому

    I've never seen an option for showing the deck and draws of an arena deck before :O Is it a mod or something?

    • @TrumpSC
      @TrumpSC  11 років тому +1

      Nope, just some work in the video editor after the games are done

    • @Zirhax
      @Zirhax 11 років тому

      Okey, thanks ;)

  • @deadtwinsen
    @deadtwinsen 11 років тому

    What program/script did you use to edit this? It seems like it detected dead air time and edited it out, which is pretty interesting.

  • @5H4D0WCL4W
    @5H4D0WCL4W 11 років тому +1

    what does qq mean? Probably a stupid question.

    • @FlaggWoW
      @FlaggWoW 11 років тому +2

      in caps QQ kind of looks like 2 eyes + tears. so it's just a goofy saying for when someone complains like "why you crying?" :P not a stupid question.

    • @5H4D0WCL4W
      @5H4D0WCL4W 11 років тому

      Thanks for enlightening me. :P

    • @mjstap
      @mjstap 11 років тому +1

      it's from warcraft hot keys q then q again to rage quite a game.

  • @MrOrcinator
    @MrOrcinator 11 років тому +6

    Well met! Kappa

  • @AndreevGM
    @AndreevGM 11 років тому

    Opponent names disabled?

  • @msolec2000
    @msolec2000 10 років тому

    I know this is old, but good guesstimation on the avenging wrath in the last game. It is 58.26%

    • @antourte1
      @antourte1 10 років тому

      Only slightly bad luck :P
      If he meant bad luck not killing the Knife Juggler specifically, that was 68.2%, so a bit worse luck there :)
      Edit: I always comment before I let him finish his thought haha.

  • @SooperBeez
    @SooperBeez 11 років тому

    Why not explain why you're going to berlin!?!?

    • @Onepiecefan609
      @Onepiecefan609 11 років тому

      He posted a video of why he is going on twitch.

  • @GodenTingYao
    @GodenTingYao 11 років тому +1

    43min mad bomber's probability to kill knife juggler is around 23%

  • @vincentwong5267
    @vincentwong5267 11 років тому

    this is a really old arena run, sun of cleric is still 3/3 . wow just wow.

  • @langa77777
    @langa77777 11 років тому

    qq is how you used to close a old game "I think it was Warcraft 2". when people rage quit they would "qq" and close the game.

  • @animedude6166
    @animedude6166 10 років тому

    i like the paladin secrets

  • @dereksomers960
    @dereksomers960 9 років тому

    a horse-sized duck would stomp a duck-sized horse. ducks are strong. their bill bite (or whatever they do) hurts.

  • @FFore772
    @FFore772 11 років тому

    assuming no other minions aside from the 2 health on their side, and you placing a mad bomber, there's a 2/9 chance of it killing, while a 7/36 chance of it killing then hitting one of you two. trying to kill a 3 health minion with a bomber drop is then 1/36. yay math

  • @DevHao
    @DevHao 11 років тому +1

    Actually a 25.9% chance at 43 :p

  • @x00Warhawk00x
    @x00Warhawk00x 11 років тому +1

    Darn this super low quality.

  • @sjorsborsoborsobors
    @sjorsborsoborsobors 11 років тому

    aaaaaaaaaaand big game hunter

  • @CommonJ676
    @CommonJ676 11 років тому


  • @Jostlei
    @Jostlei 11 років тому

    Sips' son watches Trump too?

  • @ColdMetalz
    @ColdMetalz 11 років тому

    Its funny seeing how many people fail at the mad bomber math in these comments.

  • @austinbeck4102
    @austinbeck4102 11 років тому +1

    Hearthstone > girls

  • @Eston1a43
    @Eston1a43 11 років тому

    Bad video quality!!!