For the Avenging Wrath play at 1:07:13, Trump's napkin math estimate of 60% to kill both minions is amazingly accurate if the missiles won't target minions they have already killed (59% chance to kill both in that case). But the panda is clearly hit 3 times, so dead minions can apparently be targeted, bringing the chance down to 38% to kill both.
This can't be right true. The enemy starts at 28 health, and goes down to 24, so he got hit 4 times, the Knife Juggler starts at 2 health + Divine Shield and ends upt at 1 health, meaning he got hit 2 times. Thus 2 hits remain, which kill the Panda. Although the animation really looks like hitting him 3 times. It could also be that I missed something, but I'm quite sure that Avenging Wrath doesn't target minions it already killed.
Only slightly bad luck :P If he meant bad luck not killing the Knife Juggler specifically, that was 68.2%, so a bit worse luck there :) Edit: I always comment before I let him finish his thought haha.
assuming no other minions aside from the 2 health on their side, and you placing a mad bomber, there's a 2/9 chance of it killing, while a 7/36 chance of it killing then hitting one of you two. trying to kill a 3 health minion with a bomber drop is then 1/36. yay math
Great unintentional play.
11:00 accidental great opening
720p = 480p :/
good to know, i was already thinking something is wrong with youtube again^^
I love how you always click on the animal hide on the tent until you get the zebra, easily the best part of your videos
Never thought I'd see a situation where Repentance is the right pick.
For the Avenging Wrath play at 1:07:13, Trump's napkin math estimate of 60% to kill both minions is amazingly accurate if the missiles won't target minions they have already killed (59% chance to kill both in that case). But the panda is clearly hit 3 times, so dead minions can apparently be targeted, bringing the chance down to 38% to kill both.
This can't be right true. The enemy starts at 28 health, and goes down to 24, so he got hit 4 times, the Knife Juggler starts at 2 health + Divine Shield and ends upt at 1 health, meaning he got hit 2 times. Thus 2 hits remain, which kill the Panda. Although the animation really looks like hitting him 3 times. It could also be that I missed something, but I'm quite sure that Avenging Wrath doesn't target minions it already killed.
it's would YOU rather fight horse size duck or TEN duck size horse
these vidoes are fcking great, they are definetly the best ones out there IMO.
Keep em coming Trump!
The Thrallmar Farseer + 2xBlessing of Kings. I died after seeing that.
That paladin on the 8-1 game was so powerful :P
Haha how that opening at 11:00 totally threw the priest out of his concept. :D
What is that tool he is using to the left of the screen, that shows what cards he has?
It's done by the editor
A horse-sized duck's legs would collapse under its weight, I'd back the duck-sized horse.
In his 4:th game, didn't his opponent miss leathal with shadow madness?
nope, you can't shadow madness a 8/3
I've never seen an option for showing the deck and draws of an arena deck before :O Is it a mod or something?
Nope, just some work in the video editor after the games are done
Okey, thanks ;)
What program/script did you use to edit this? It seems like it detected dead air time and edited it out, which is pretty interesting.
what does qq mean? Probably a stupid question.
in caps QQ kind of looks like 2 eyes + tears. so it's just a goofy saying for when someone complains like "why you crying?" :P not a stupid question.
Thanks for enlightening me. :P
it's from warcraft hot keys q then q again to rage quite a game.
Well met! Kappa
Opponent names disabled?
I know this is old, but good guesstimation on the avenging wrath in the last game. It is 58.26%
Only slightly bad luck :P
If he meant bad luck not killing the Knife Juggler specifically, that was 68.2%, so a bit worse luck there :)
Edit: I always comment before I let him finish his thought haha.
Why not explain why you're going to berlin!?!?
He posted a video of why he is going on twitch.
43min mad bomber's probability to kill knife juggler is around 23%
this is a really old arena run, sun of cleric is still 3/3 . wow just wow.
qq is how you used to close a old game "I think it was Warcraft 2". when people rage quit they would "qq" and close the game.
i like the paladin secrets
a horse-sized duck would stomp a duck-sized horse. ducks are strong. their bill bite (or whatever they do) hurts.
assuming no other minions aside from the 2 health on their side, and you placing a mad bomber, there's a 2/9 chance of it killing, while a 7/36 chance of it killing then hitting one of you two. trying to kill a 3 health minion with a bomber drop is then 1/36. yay math
Actually a 25.9% chance at 43 :p
Darn this super low quality.
aaaaaaaaaaand big game hunter
Sips' son watches Trump too?
Its funny seeing how many people fail at the mad bomber math in these comments.
Hearthstone > girls
Bad video quality!!!