Wow. I'm dazed. Def. NOT confused. I know the "real" story told by the Bible, but I've never heard ANYONE tell it in such an awesome way. I'm actually very touched by this man. God Bless Him, and thank you sir for helping me greatly in this journey called life. I've been near the point of giving up, even as close as yesterday, but I didn't. Now I've come across this. YOU DON'T KNOW WHO you might reach by putting this on the internet. I can't thank you enough.
Where in the bible it says angel are immortal beings, only God is and his son our Lord Jesus Christ. Angels are messengers of GOD, they do not procreate only humans do because we wre created in the image of God. God does not lie, He is TRUTH and in Him is light. We can not put our own interpretation to scriptures and say it is the truth, no it does not work that way. All the scriptures he read and interpretation is his own not scriptures. Christ Jesus warned us even the apostles and prophets saying if they do not preach the gospel of which is Christ do not listen to them. I agree we know more than tjose that were before us. If people wants to be fool and be satisfied by false teaching of the bible then that their choice. What we need is to get back to the truth which was preach by the apostles and the prophets and studying of bible with the understanding from GOD. The reason satan was not destroy because he accused GOD of not being a just God and that he government was not fair. GOD in his infinite wisdom has to let the universe to see what disobedient to his Law meant, the universe never knew what was sin (sin is the transgression of the law )if God had destroyed the devil from then the other angelic being would have fear God and serve Him in fear, but God is such a loving GOD He let the devil to show his truth nature by killing the son of GOD. He (satan) was the one behind the scene pushing the people to crucify Christ. The devil and his angels will be destroyed in the lake of f ire(🔥) forever. What kind of God you think we have to see you burn for eternity God forbade, sin is a disease and Christ to save us from it He alone can do that His blood wash us and cleans so He bring us to the Father as pure saints. Beware of false teaching, love one another and take care of fatherless and the widow. Give thanks and praises to GOD ALMIGHTY WITH all your heart.
Yes amen , how about a teaching on flat earth scriptures, there is many , I dont mean flat like a pancake but not a ball. Look at the serpents tongue in NASA . And their astro - nots .
also I have posted this sermon and others at various on the internet for others to hear. its good to hear biblical teaching of these subjects opposed to non believers trying to explain God's word.
I agree 100% with this interpretation, the angels are powerful living beings that do NOT need oxygen like us mortal humans they can fly at the speed of light, someone said it perfectly angels are like a 100 watt lightbulb and we human mortals are like a 1 watt lightbulb, forget STAR WARS movie , the real STAR WARS was the battle with 1,000,000's of Angels all over this galaxy and solar system !!!!
I like this man. I believe most of what he say. I differ on a couple of his statements. Such as when he mentioned telescopes trying to see into the heavens. I believe before Adam fell they could just look into heaven. He also said Yahew left is might in heaven and couldn’t use even if he wanted. I believe he had his powers always chose to prove he didn’t need them to beat Satan. All praise and honor to the most high and his son. Yahew shalom
The Scriptures don't provide answers to your questions. They merely indicate that there was a civilization and Lucifer did not treat them well. That is all we know.
EAEC Videos Thank you for your answer. I kind of wondered could it have been angels that set up the civilizations? It is interesting anyway. I appreciate the pastors sermons and insight. This topic of what happened in pre Adamic time between Genesis 1:1 &1:2 intrigues me. any more sermons on the topic would be great. I'd like to visit the church one day, but at the moment I'm far away. GOD Bless you all.
Here are a couple of videos on that topic. The World before Adam Pre-Adamic History Be sure to check out our website, it has links to all our videos, along with articles which should be of interest to you.
Same or similar to the civilization living in the land of Nod, east of Eden (Genesis 4:11-17). Who was Cain's wife? Where did she come from? Some teach she was of the Nephilim or Rephaim hybrid races. He had to be in a desertous region were their was no vegetation... The face of God was not there!
Ezekiel 1 verse 16 describes a spaceship work of angels in vision Ezekiel had with wheel in a wheel and eyes all around in a ring, a rushing waters sound. So we know from this verse angels have technology which is far beyond current human technology.
It’s remarkable how much the canonized bible has been edited down, leaving us with small pieces of the pre-adamic era, thus removing the perspective the book of enoch provides. The book of Job has always stood out to me as odd and disturbing. Turns out this oldest book with no author is the breadcrumbs the Lord left us for the reason of our creation. Seems to me the rest of the bible is case law and the revelation of Christ Jesus. Blessings to you pastor for revealing the glory of God. He who endures until the end, the same shall be saved.
You need to send this to Trey Smith, L.A Marzulli , Tim Alberino, Steve Quayle and Tom Horn . They will absolutely love this. THis is what they have been talking about for years.
Except that those fellows take an hour to tell you a very small amount and never touch the basis of their heading or title to the video, very frustrating.
All this scriptures that are applied to the gap theory can also be applied to the world in the time of Noah, Jeremiah 4: 23-27 Isaia 14:12-17 Is 45:18 2nd Peter 3:5
Please look into the teachings of Chuck Missler . Koiania house,a great man of God and the best scholar and interesting speaker on the Bible I have ever studied with.You will be hooked. Everything he teaches is backed up by scripture.
Great Great Sermon. Tons of great info, and homework now to do. I have a question... How does one reconcile if God/Jesus/Holy spirit are 1 and of the Same, who does Jesus Christ cry out on the cross asking "father Why have you forsaken me?" if this was the same person?
God is one. We see His plurality in beginning and later He is revealed as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26; 1 John 5:7) The Godhead separated itself. Evidence of this can be found when Jesus was baptized in water, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, and God the Father spoke from heaven. (Matthew 3:16-17) The plan of salvation is made possible by the fact that God the Father reconciled humanity to Himself through the death of God the Son. (2 Corinthians 5:17-19) When Jesus hung on the cross, the connection He had enjoyed up to this point with God the Father was cut when Jesus became sinful. (John 10:30; Matthew 27:46) The Godhead will reunite in the future. (Revelation 21)
I'd just found out this channel by chance and I'm amazed w/ all the information pastor John exposes! Dear pastor John, may I ask a question? Did you ever meet pastor João Carlos Marques from Brazil? He is a 85 years old Brazilian pastor who went many times to preach in Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc. He says virtually the same things you say on this video about angels and the universe, I'm so amazed! Praise God! Love from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. God bless you and renew your health and strenght every single day.
There is no man that can be right about everything, but he has lots of knowledge and quotes the KJV bible. If you dont agree with all his other statements thats OK . If I had 100s of videos , Im sure you could pick something apart. He is only a man. Flesh and blood. Amen
He will inhabit a man, the antiChrist. He's trying to copy Jesus, the son of man, who took on flesh. As Adam sinned in the flesh, Jesus took on flesh to kill sin in the flesh, and destroy the works of Satan.
Ok... There was a lot mentioned about the Pre-Ademic era in this sermon that is not in the Bible at all, YET, is completely true... every word he spoke and every description he gave was 100% accurate. Now, I know how I know about these specific details, but I'm extremely confused as to where he could have possibly obtained this information. Yes he is absolutely correct as it pertains to the Armada Lucifer oversaw the creation of... It is very true that most of the planets had civilizations on them at the time.. and the cities beneath the oceans... I could show you where each city is. Some are as big as entire states and much much more, but how could he possibly know such specific details... I know because this is what I do and have the advantage of certain technology plus the back story... I'm astounded at his knowledge and how he could know these things.
I stopped watching at 11:40 because of a false statement: Angels do not have children. First, the Hebrew word that has been translated into English as Angels is mal'ak and it means "messenger" and can refer to a prophet, a priest, or a teacher. The word does not mean deity or spirit being. When translated into English from the Greek word aggelos, it also means messenger. In either case, in the Hebrew or the Greek, the word does not mean deity or spirit being. If we are going to label the son of the gods that left heaven and came to earth as angels, then they DO have children. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them." [Genesis 6:4] If the premise is wrong, everything after it is wrong.
Its very difficult to interpret all the word, there are many videos about this, some bibles said bare other mate, etc. even a programa explain that Angels cant have sex but it doesnt mean have advance knowledge of genetics to inseminate a woman with their dna to have giagants, also with animals so that is a big Sin, Hybrids, etc. The important thing here is not the technical details but the principals of actions, it whort you hear the whole story and the message of the end that is be with Jesus and God now until We die to earn the eternal life with them after our earth death. Tks, God Bless You.
+ witness, he did not say that, he said , angels are called the sons of GOD, pay attention , you are very slopy and a liar if you stand behind your statement. false witness.
I also have pointed out errors regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and EAEC flat out rejects it. Difference is I can prove my point but they can't prove theirs.
Yes, he clearly stated at 11:04 that angels do not have children, which is true. (Luke 20:33-36; Matthew 22:28-30) Jesus said that those of the resurrection "neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels of God in heaven." Not as the fallen disobedient angels who corrupted creation. In Genesis 4:1, sex was marriage; man & woman coming together to procreate & becoming one flesh. However, the advanced technology used by the fallen sons of God enabled those angels to procreate via DNA insemination with the daughters of men, creating the hybrid Nephilim of Genesis 6, . Satan was hoping to contaminate the bloodline Jesus would come through, but God flipped the script and had His only begotten Son proceed forth out of Him born of the Holy Spirit via a virgin. ☺ Jesus did not have man's DNA in His blood!
Why do I get the feeling he’s talking about Jehovah......In the book it says Jehovah is Satan and it seems like that’s always talking about can I get a feed back on that please
Pastor, the false paradigm of a universe that we as humans can be actors in has your whole understanding off. This is a stand alone realm placed on an immovable foundation under a firmament. Angels are physical; they had giant off_spring. It happened here. I agree angels may still be with us, but multidimensional is a maybe - a physically interactive existence with man at one time? Absolutely.
It's been my experience that truth can come to an individual in two ways, the first is by you finding it & the second is by it finding you. The first way is a process which most are familiar with, it involves logic, reason, evidence, hard work & while the truths one finds maybe deeply disturbing the same cannot be said of the process of discovery itself. The second way involves no process, involves skant logic & little to no reason & requires no effort on the part of the individual but can leave them deeply disturbed & traumatised. As most everyone are familiar with the first way, regardless of the depth of dedication, no more needs be said but the second way, well, that's a whole different kettle of fish & that is by revelation...i don't mean the kind of revelation those false prophets have every week about how god revealed that they need a new mansion....i mean, the kind that have you hanging on to the chair arms for dear life, sweating buckets, feeling terrified, confused & not understanding what's happening as one's consciousness is hijacked & experiences a massive download of information via multiple streams into one's unconscious mind, meanwhile somewhere else, somewhere detached, a thought tinged with sadness & regret, occurred to me "Oh so this is what it feels like to go mad" some point the initial panic had subsided & a part of my mind seemed to be adjusting to something phenomal was happening & on another level...oh did i mention my mind was operating muliple levels at this point, well it was...i was still aware of a massive download please bear with me as it gets kinda wild from here + i find it difficult to on some level i started to understand the truths being imparted, i suddenly became hyper-aware truth could set people free & suddenly something expanded & i was carried through the walls of my house, up over the park next to where i live & into the air until i was surveying Brighouse from what felt like 600 feet in the air & realising in this form i had total freedom i used it...all the while being fully conscious i was sat in the chair in my front was like having two bodies existing in two realities with one consciousness. Anyway enough, it was a revelatory & i was shown a lot of truths though i'll tell ya this once was enough. The biblical prophets must have been made of stronger stuff than me.
It's very interesting how God used mankind to pronounce His judgment on the devil and his fallen angels (Isaiah, Enoch). The Book of Enoch is very interesting and I think it's sad that it's gotten such a bad rap in evangelical circles and is not considered part of the cannon nor worthy of study. True, it has no doctrinal revelations, but it has historical value in terms of how the spirit realm operates and explains some things that cannot be found anywhere else in the Bible. I think that the reason God took Enoch before his body died was a reward for the terrible and awesome duty he was given in speaking to Satan and pronouncing God's judgment upon him. Thank you for this interesting and informative teaching.
Ok so you dont believe the earth is flat. But do you honestly believe man went to the moon? That whole thing was a hoax. Have you ever looked at the planets or "wandering stars" as Enoch calls them? Get a Nikkon 900 px and zoom in on the planets and tell me what you see.
Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua is called :" The Angel of the Lord' MANY times in the bible. The original scriptures say:" The SON of Yahweh." EVERY reference to " THE Angel of the Lord" in the old covenant scriptures is ALWAY describing Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua. Yahweh put His SON Yahshua in this earth with His incorruptible flesh and blood body on day one of creation and Yahshua walked this earth from day one of creation to Malachi preaching the gospel of the coming Kingdom of Yahweh to ALL nations except Israel.. Gen. 1: 3. Yahshua walked with and spoke to Noah. Gen. 6: 3. Yahshua told Noah the YEAR of the second coming. Yahshua walked with and spoke to Abraham. Gen. 18: 25. Yahshua walked and spoke to Jacob. Gen. 32: 28. Yahshua walked with and spoke to Isaiah, Jeremiah , Ezekiel, Daniel and ALL the prophets up to Malachi. After Malachi Yahshua was taken back to the 3RD heaven and waited until the time written in the scripture when He would come to this earth according to Moses law. Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua was born on the 14TH day of Tishri at 3PM in the YEAR 4,000. According to Moses law and the prophets. Yahshua left his incorruptible flesh and blood body in heaven and came to this corruptible earth in His corruptible flesh and blood body and walked with men for 33 and a half years and received the wages of sin. The wages of sin is the second death. Rev. 20: 14- 15. The second death is SOUL out of existence. Eze. 18: 4 and 20. According to Moses law Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua was SOUL DEAD for 39 hours exactly. To say otherwise is to be " Antichrist." 1 John 4: 2- 3. According to Moses Law and the scriptures Yahweh RAISED His literal genetic SON Yahshua from the second death and gave Him back His incorruptible flesh and blood body and Yahshua was taken back to the 3RD heaven to literally sit beside His FATHER. Rom. 10: 9. Acts 1: 22. Yahshua MUST remain in the 3RD heaven until according to the scriptures it is time for Yahweh to RESTORE all things for His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Acts 3: 21. Rev. 20: 4 and 6. 2 Peter 3: 10- 13. Verse 10. The second coming. Verses 11 and 12. Yahweh burns the UNIVERSE out of existence. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heavenS and the NEW earth for His literal genetic Son Yahshua to sit on David's throne in the NEW Jerusalem as rule the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for THE thousand years. Perfect scripture. So says Yahweh. It is a FEARFUL thing to say:" So says Yahweh." May Yahweh give you all the understanding He knows you need to stand before His literal genetic SON Yahshua in all HOLINESS on that great day of Yahweh Almighty GLORIFIED for all the world to see. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
Of course we went to the moon... and with better technology today we haven't returned! Truth is we never did. Van Allen belt radiation would not let us even if we tried.
I hate to correct you but one of NASA's top computer scientist told me that the belt is no longer a problem since they found a way to protect the outer surface of the ship. He said we absolutely made it to the moon.
Lu Martin Actually is a big hoax. All rockets descends to the ocean before reaching into space. . Even NASA has confirmed that we can ONLY fly on earths lower orbit. They knew this in the late 60’s when they were conducting nuclear test explosions in the sky in which they discovered they were hitting the earths firmament.
So much of what this individual says is TOTAL nonsense.......I don't know how he is getting away with this..........Its a very dangerous thing to 'imagine' things into the Bible.............I beg you wake up and find yourselves an orthodox Pastor.....somewhere in this there'll be a book to be sold..............
EAEC Videos Oh yeah , we Christians hold the Bible in high regard. Is the planetary WARS , space and the other things mentioned in this video that’s unbiblical. Show us where in the Bible that mentions such things.
Are the Stars in The Firmamnet to "Fall to the Earth" as stated in Revelations? Look for yourself...they're not "galaxies" they're a type of "angelic" order called The Luminaries. You are basing your statement on The Holy Bible.
Wow. I'm dazed. Def. NOT confused. I know the "real" story told by the Bible, but I've never heard ANYONE tell it in such an awesome way. I'm actually very touched by this man. God Bless Him, and thank you sir for helping me greatly in this journey called life. I've been near the point of giving up, even as close as yesterday, but I didn't. Now I've come across this. YOU DON'T KNOW WHO you might reach by putting this on the internet. I can't thank you enough.
You're more than welcome. We're glad you were helped by this sermon message. That's why we post them online.
Satan is also a master deceiver as well. He knows the Bible very well and mixes truth with lies.
The earth is FLAT and with a enclosed FIRMAMENT
Where in the bible it says angel are immortal beings, only God is and his son our Lord Jesus Christ. Angels are messengers of GOD, they do not procreate only humans do because we wre created in the image of God. God does not lie, He is TRUTH and in Him is light. We can not put our own interpretation to scriptures and say it is the truth, no it does not work that way. All the scriptures he read and interpretation is his own not scriptures. Christ Jesus warned us even the apostles and prophets saying if they do not preach the gospel of which is Christ do not listen to them. I agree we know more than tjose that were before us. If people wants to be fool and be satisfied by false teaching of the bible then that their choice. What we need is to get back to the truth which was preach by the apostles and the prophets and studying of bible with the understanding from GOD. The reason satan was not destroy because he accused GOD of not being a just God and that he government was not fair. GOD in his infinite wisdom has to let the universe to see what disobedient to his Law meant, the universe never knew what was sin (sin is the transgression of the law )if God had destroyed the devil from then the other angelic being would have fear God and serve Him in fear, but God is such a loving GOD He let the devil to show his truth nature by killing the son of GOD. He (satan) was the one behind the scene pushing the people to crucify Christ. The devil and his angels will be destroyed in the lake of f ire(🔥) forever. What kind of God you think we have to see you burn for eternity God forbade, sin is a disease and Christ to save us from it He alone can do that His blood wash us and cleans so He bring us to the Father as pure saints. Beware of false teaching, love one another and take care of fatherless and the widow. Give thanks and praises to GOD ALMIGHTY WITH all your heart.
Yes amen , how about a teaching on flat earth scriptures, there is many , I dont mean flat like a pancake but not a ball. Look at the serpents tongue in NASA . And their astro - nots .
I thank God for this message
Thank u for preaching the truth! Most important thing is salvation and obedience to God.
I love your teachings, u remind me of the late Great Dr. Chuck Missler. God Bless u, trying to watch all your UA-cam videos.
God bless you , I don't follow many pastors but you are now one of the pastors I am going to follow.
Excellent we should spread this message. Thank you. Thank you Jesus.... Love you..
The greatest every story untold, excellent sermon.
The Lord bless you.
EAEC Videos you are of Satan
How so?
also I have posted this sermon and others at various on the internet for others to hear. its good to hear biblical teaching of these subjects opposed to non believers trying to explain God's word.
I agree 100% with this interpretation, the angels are powerful living beings that do NOT need oxygen like us mortal humans they can fly at the speed of light, someone said it perfectly angels are like a 100 watt lightbulb and we human mortals are like a 1 watt lightbulb, forget STAR WARS movie , the real STAR WARS was the battle with 1,000,000's of Angels all over this galaxy and solar system !!!!
Yes Amen Godspeed Jesus is coming!
I like this man. I believe most of what he say. I differ on a couple of his statements. Such as when he mentioned telescopes trying to see into the heavens. I believe before Adam fell they could just look into heaven. He also said Yahew left is might in heaven and couldn’t use even if he wanted. I believe he had his powers always chose to prove he didn’t need them to beat Satan. All praise and honor to the most high and his son. Yahew shalom
At 26:32 It is said there were people. I'd like explained how people were brought about and the eternal state of their being? How they came to be?
The Scriptures don't provide answers to your questions. They merely indicate that there was a civilization and Lucifer did not treat them well. That is all we know.
EAEC Videos
Thank you for your answer. I kind of wondered could it have been angels that set up the civilizations? It is interesting anyway. I appreciate the pastors sermons and insight. This topic of what happened in pre Adamic time between Genesis 1:1 &1:2 intrigues me. any more sermons on the topic would be great. I'd like to visit the church one day, but at the moment I'm far away.
GOD Bless you all.
Here are a couple of videos on that topic.
The World before Adam
Pre-Adamic History
Be sure to check out our website, it has links to all our videos, along with articles which should be of interest to you.
He is okay I do agree with him though we know only a bit about God's wisdom.
Same or similar to the civilization living in the land of Nod, east of Eden (Genesis 4:11-17). Who was Cain's wife? Where did she come from? Some teach she was of the Nephilim or Rephaim hybrid races. He had to be in a desertous region were their was no vegetation... The face of God was not there!
Ezekiel 1 verse 16 describes a spaceship work of angels in vision Ezekiel had with wheel in a wheel and eyes all around in a ring, a rushing waters sound. So we know from this verse angels have technology which is far beyond current human technology.
It’s remarkable how much the canonized bible has been edited down, leaving us with small pieces of the pre-adamic era, thus removing the perspective the book of enoch provides. The book of Job has always stood out to me as odd and disturbing. Turns out this oldest book with no author is the breadcrumbs the Lord left us for the reason of our creation. Seems to me the rest of the bible is case law and the revelation of Christ Jesus. Blessings to you pastor for revealing the glory of God. He who endures until the end, the same shall be saved.
You need to send this to Trey Smith, L.A Marzulli , Tim Alberino, Steve Quayle and Tom Horn . They will absolutely love this. THis is what they have been talking about for years.
Except that those fellows take an hour to tell you a very small amount and never touch the basis of their heading or title to the video, very frustrating.
Absolutely fascinating! Halaluya praise God
All this scriptures that are applied to the gap theory can also be applied to the world in the time of Noah,
Jeremiah 4: 23-27
Isaia 14:12-17
Is 45:18
2nd Peter 3:5
Scriptures please!!!!
Please look into the teachings of Chuck Missler . Koiania house,a great man of God and the best scholar and interesting speaker on the Bible I have ever studied with.You will be hooked. Everything he teaches is backed up by scripture.
What is the next part called
Part 1: Angel Civilizations
Part 2: Angels in the Old Testament
Part 3: Angels in the New Testament
this was extremely interesting.....
A story like no other...
God bless you much
The Scroll has been opened
Great Great Sermon. Tons of great info, and homework now to do. I have a question... How does one reconcile if God/Jesus/Holy spirit are 1 and of the Same, who does Jesus Christ cry out on the cross asking "father Why have you forsaken me?" if this was the same person?
God can not be part of sin
God is one. We see His plurality in beginning and later He is revealed as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26; 1 John 5:7)
The Godhead separated itself. Evidence of this can be found when Jesus was baptized in water, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, and God the Father spoke from heaven. (Matthew 3:16-17)
The plan of salvation is made possible by the fact that God the Father reconciled humanity to Himself through the death of God the Son. (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
When Jesus hung on the cross, the connection He had enjoyed up to this point with God the Father was cut when Jesus became sinful. (John 10:30; Matthew 27:46)
The Godhead will reunite in the future. (Revelation 21)
Same being, three separate persons
I'd just found out this channel by chance and I'm amazed w/ all the information pastor John exposes! Dear pastor John, may I ask a question? Did you ever meet pastor João Carlos Marques from Brazil? He is a 85 years old Brazilian pastor who went many times to preach in Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc. He says virtually the same things you say on this video about angels and the universe, I'm so amazed! Praise God!
Love from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. God bless you and renew your health and strenght every single day.
I thought angels were spiritual beings - how would their be so much destruction, like craters on planets? Or destruction in Heaven?
Great explanations to many biblical and ancient events.
The Lord bless you.
Really what have you learned?
I've found#1,2,3. where is 4? haven't even started looking for#5 until i hear 4
It is only a three part series.
lol ok then it would be extremely difficult to find #4
A nice story but still just a congecture, his flaw is quoting the Bible and filling up the rest with his opinion as to what happened after creation.
There is no man that can be right about everything, but he has lots of knowledge and quotes the KJV bible. If you dont agree with all his other statements thats OK . If I had 100s of videos , Im sure you could pick something apart. He is only a man. Flesh and blood. Amen
He said angles dont eat..... But wat about the manna... Fell from heaven
why is satan called a man in Ezekiel 28:2????
He will inhabit a man, the antiChrist. He's trying to copy Jesus, the son of man, who took on flesh. As Adam sinned in the flesh, Jesus took on flesh to kill sin in the flesh, and destroy the works of Satan.
Ok... There was a lot mentioned about the Pre-Ademic era in this sermon that is not in the Bible at all, YET, is completely true... every word he spoke and every description he gave was 100% accurate. Now, I know how I know about these specific details, but I'm extremely confused as to where he could have possibly obtained this information. Yes he is absolutely correct as it pertains to the Armada Lucifer oversaw the creation of... It is very true that most of the planets had civilizations on them at the time.. and the cities beneath the oceans... I could show you where each city is. Some are as big as entire states and much much more, but how could he possibly know such specific details... I know because this is what I do and have the advantage of certain technology plus the back story... I'm astounded at his knowledge and how he could know these things.
Drop us a line if you're interested.
I stopped watching at 11:40 because of a false statement: Angels do not have children. First, the Hebrew word that has been translated into English as Angels is mal'ak and it means "messenger" and can refer to a prophet, a priest, or a teacher. The word does not mean deity or spirit being. When translated into English from the Greek word aggelos, it also means messenger. In either case, in the Hebrew or the Greek, the word does not mean deity or spirit being. If we are going to label the son of the gods that left heaven and came to earth as angels, then they DO have children. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them." [Genesis 6:4]
If the premise is wrong, everything after it is wrong.
Its very difficult to interpret all the word, there are many videos about this, some bibles said bare other mate, etc. even a programa explain that Angels cant have sex but it doesnt mean have advance knowledge of genetics to inseminate a woman with their dna to have giagants, also with animals so that is a big Sin, Hybrids, etc. The important thing here is not the technical details but the principals of actions, it whort you hear the whole story and the message of the end that is be with Jesus and God now until We die to earn the eternal life with them after our earth death. Tks, God Bless You.
+ witness, he did not say that, he said , angels are called the sons of GOD, pay attention , you are very slopy and a liar if you stand behind your statement. false witness.
Witness I feel like you were looking for a mistake in this video from the start, you found it. 😁🙃👏🏽 yaayee you buddy!
I also have pointed out errors regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and EAEC flat out rejects it. Difference is I can prove my point but they can't prove theirs.
Yes, he clearly stated at 11:04 that angels do not have children, which is true.
(Luke 20:33-36; Matthew 22:28-30) Jesus said that those of the resurrection "neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels of God in heaven." Not as the fallen disobedient angels who corrupted creation. In Genesis 4:1, sex was marriage; man & woman coming together to procreate & becoming one flesh. However, the advanced technology used by the fallen sons of God enabled those angels to procreate via DNA insemination with the daughters of men, creating the hybrid Nephilim of Genesis 6, . Satan was hoping to contaminate the bloodline Jesus would come through, but God flipped the script and had His only begotten Son proceed forth out of Him born of the Holy Spirit via a virgin. ☺ Jesus did not have man's DNA in His blood!
Nada had been lying for one had ever been to the's not possible..the ship would burn up from the radiation..
Why do I get the feeling he’s talking about Jehovah......In the book it says Jehovah is Satan and it seems like that’s always talking about can I get a feed back on that please
What book are you referencing?
Pastor, the false paradigm of a universe that we as humans can be actors in has your whole understanding off. This is a stand alone realm placed on an immovable foundation under a firmament. Angels are physical; they had giant off_spring. It happened here. I agree angels may still be with us, but multidimensional is a maybe - a physically interactive existence with man at one time? Absolutely.
It's been my experience that truth can come to an individual in two ways, the first is by you finding it & the second is by it finding you.
The first way is a process which most are familiar with, it involves logic, reason, evidence, hard work & while the truths one finds maybe deeply disturbing the same cannot be said of the process of discovery itself.
The second way involves no process, involves skant logic & little to no reason & requires no effort on the part of the individual but can leave them deeply disturbed & traumatised.
As most everyone are familiar with the first way, regardless of the depth of dedication, no more needs be said but the second way, well, that's a whole different kettle of fish & that is by revelation...i don't mean the kind of revelation those false prophets have every week about how god revealed that they need a new mansion....i mean, the kind that have you hanging on to the chair arms for dear life, sweating buckets, feeling terrified, confused & not understanding what's happening as one's consciousness is hijacked & experiences a massive download of information via multiple streams into one's unconscious mind, meanwhile somewhere else, somewhere detached, a thought tinged with sadness & regret, occurred to me "Oh so this is what it feels like to go mad" some point the initial panic had subsided & a part of my mind seemed to be adjusting to something phenomal was happening & on another level...oh did i mention my mind was operating muliple levels at this point, well it was...i was still aware of a massive download please bear with me as it gets kinda wild from here + i find it difficult to on some level i started to understand the truths being imparted, i suddenly became hyper-aware truth could set people free & suddenly something expanded & i was carried through the walls of my house, up over the park next to where i live & into the air until i was surveying Brighouse from what felt like 600 feet in the air & realising in this form i had total freedom i used it...all the while being fully conscious i was sat in the chair in my front was like having two bodies existing in two realities with one consciousness.
Anyway enough, it was a revelatory & i was shown a lot of truths though i'll tell ya this once was enough.
The biblical prophets must have been made of stronger stuff than me.
It's very interesting how God used mankind to pronounce His judgment on the devil and his fallen angels (Isaiah, Enoch). The Book of Enoch is very interesting and I think it's sad that it's gotten such a bad rap in evangelical circles and is not considered part of the cannon nor worthy of study. True, it has no doctrinal revelations, but it has historical value in terms of how the spirit realm operates and explains some things that cannot be found anywhere else in the Bible. I think that the reason God took Enoch before his body died was a reward for the terrible and awesome duty he was given in speaking to Satan and pronouncing God's judgment upon him. Thank you for this interesting and informative teaching.
Research flat earth like you researched the kabbalah....
You think men has been to the Moon? I stopped watching after that
S Morgan Is all deceptive. Don’t believe this 💩
Ok so you dont believe the earth is flat. But do you honestly believe man went to the moon? That whole thing was a hoax. Have you ever looked at the planets or "wandering stars" as Enoch calls them? Get a Nikkon 900 px and zoom in on the planets and tell me what you see.
I think the war would happen the future because the devil still has access to heaven.
Seven really good until you start talking about spaceships
Daniel DeThouars Is all deceptive. Don’t believe this 💩
Daniel DeThouars That’s because is all part of the Great Deception coming our way. Because Satan knows he’s running out of time
Angels travel thru dif dimensions, not solar systems. The earth is flat. Planets are but wandering stars.
Angels do travel through different dimensions correct.
I’ve seen them manifest then after a while just ( puufff) gone in to the spiritual dimension
Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua is called :" The Angel of the Lord' MANY times in the bible.
The original scriptures say:" The SON of Yahweh."
EVERY reference to " THE Angel of the Lord" in the old covenant scriptures is ALWAY describing Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua.
Yahweh put His SON Yahshua in this earth with His incorruptible flesh and blood body on day one of creation and Yahshua walked this earth from day one of creation to Malachi preaching the gospel of the coming Kingdom of Yahweh to ALL nations except Israel.. Gen. 1: 3.
Yahshua walked with and spoke to Noah. Gen. 6: 3. Yahshua told Noah the YEAR of the second coming.
Yahshua walked with and spoke to Abraham. Gen. 18: 25.
Yahshua walked and spoke to Jacob. Gen. 32: 28.
Yahshua walked with and spoke to Isaiah, Jeremiah , Ezekiel, Daniel and ALL the prophets up to Malachi.
After Malachi Yahshua was taken back to the 3RD heaven and waited until the time written in the scripture when He would come to this earth according to Moses law.
Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua was born on the 14TH day of Tishri at 3PM in the YEAR 4,000. According to Moses law and the prophets.
Yahshua left his incorruptible flesh and blood body in heaven and came to this corruptible earth in His corruptible flesh and blood body and walked with men for 33 and a half years and received the wages of sin.
The wages of sin is the second death. Rev. 20: 14- 15. The second death is SOUL out of existence. Eze. 18: 4 and 20.
According to Moses law Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua was SOUL DEAD for 39 hours exactly. To say otherwise is to be " Antichrist." 1 John 4: 2- 3.
According to Moses Law and the scriptures Yahweh RAISED His literal genetic SON Yahshua from the second death and gave Him back His incorruptible flesh and blood body and Yahshua was taken back to the 3RD heaven to literally sit beside His FATHER.
Rom. 10: 9. Acts 1: 22. Yahshua MUST remain in the 3RD heaven until according to the scriptures it is time for Yahweh to RESTORE all things for His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Acts 3: 21. Rev. 20: 4 and 6.
2 Peter 3: 10- 13. Verse 10. The second coming. Verses 11 and 12. Yahweh burns the UNIVERSE out of existence. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heavenS and the NEW earth for His literal genetic Son Yahshua to sit on David's throne in the NEW Jerusalem as rule the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for THE thousand years.
Perfect scripture.
So says Yahweh. It is a FEARFUL thing to say:" So says Yahweh."
May Yahweh give you all the understanding He knows you need to stand before His literal genetic SON Yahshua in all HOLINESS on that great day of Yahweh Almighty GLORIFIED for all the world to see.
Heb. 12: 14.
Bless you
what is this guy talking about, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is truly gone!!!!!!!!!
TOP #1 Is all part of the Great Deception coming our way. Because Satan knows he’s running out of time
Of course we went to the moon... and with better technology today we haven't returned! Truth is we never did. Van Allen belt radiation would not let us even if we tried.
I hate to correct you but one of NASA's top computer scientist told me that the belt is no longer a problem since they found a way to protect the outer surface of the ship. He said we absolutely made it to the moon.
Lu Martin Actually is a big hoax. All rockets descends to the ocean before reaching into space. .
Even NASA has confirmed that we can ONLY fly on earths lower orbit.
They knew this in the late 60’s when they were conducting nuclear test explosions in the sky in which they discovered they were hitting the earths firmament.
This guy is remedial at best.
So much of what this individual says is TOTAL nonsense.......I don't know how he is getting away with this..........Its a very dangerous thing to 'imagine' things into the Bible.............I beg you wake up and find yourselves an orthodox Pastor.....somewhere in this there'll be a book to be sold..............
stuart west Is all part of the Great Deception coming our way. Because Satan knows he’s running out of time
Fairy tales at its finest
Absolutely... if you don't hold the Bible in high regard and discount the words found therein.
Sounds like not enough oxygen der in Louisiana
EAEC Videos Oh yeah , we Christians hold the Bible in high regard. Is the planetary WARS , space and the other things mentioned in this video that’s unbiblical.
Show us where in the Bible that mentions such things.
Peter 1barra good. Luck
le munde plat selon la Bible
outerspace lies
Are the Stars in The Firmamnet to "Fall to the Earth" as stated in Revelations? Look for yourself...they're not "galaxies" they're a type of "angelic" order called The Luminaries. You are basing your statement on The Holy Bible.