Marvellous! Cry with emotion and let your soul fly away. There are no words to describe what this song and its fantastic interpretation do to us. Thank you so much!
Maravilhoso! Chorar de emoção e deixar a alma voar longe. Sem palavras para descrever o que esta musica e sua fantastica interpretação faz com a gente. Muito obrigado!
If Palestrina, Castello, Monteverdi and others could see how the cornetto or the trombone have been used in a kind of music wich is very different from their music... I think they would be amazed
@@adamwoolf9993 That's good to know! Another thing I learned after making the above comment is that A at 415 Hz is a convenient half step down or so from A at 440 Hz on keyboard instruments (aka G#). So in this case, the orchestra plays in their "baroque" key of F minor at something like 330 Hz, and the valved bugle joins them in the modern key of concert E minor, also around 330 Hz (often notated as F# minor for Bb trumpets). All in all, not so strange. I really enjoy this anachronistic mashup!
Hemels mooi met ongekende zuivere passie , beter is er niet ! Eric een trompettist die de wereld verstaat en verwoord met als instrument zijn trompet !
The purpose of "fluff tone" is to give the otherwise very bright and bold instrument a fragile vocal quality. Eric Vloeimans is playing (I assume improvising) lyrically right on the bottom edge of the tone where the note breaks up and all you get is air. The practice room exercise is called ghost tones. The technique is most famously used by Miles Davis. It is really an approach to the instrument on its own, far removed from the ultra high screaming techniques of Arturo Sandoval or (god forbid) Maynard Ferguson (seriously Maynard is the Malmsteen of "jazz"). It is also quite separate from the solid core and even blowing approach of classical trumpet (note almost every classical trumpet player sounds basically the same). As an experienced trumpet player I assure you this guy is among the best in the world at this particular style of playing. Miles is by far my personal strongest musical influence. This guy is not only doing this "airy" sound on purpose but he has likely spent the bulk of his life learning to make a fanfare instrument cry quietly. They don't teach this in school.
Marvellous! Cry with emotion and let your soul fly away. There are no words to describe what this song and its fantastic interpretation do to us. Thank you so much!
Maravilhoso! Chorar de emoção e deixar a alma voar longe. Sem palavras para descrever o que esta musica e sua fantastica interpretação faz com a gente. Muito obrigado!
Bellissimo, commovente. Ti fa volare su di un tappeto di nuvole verso l'ignoto, sempre più in alto. È difficile trattenere la commozione. Bravo Eric.
Some of the most beautiful tears I have ever seen...
Wat ontzettend mooi, met grote betrokkenheid en vakmanschap. Dank je/jullie wel. Ontroerend goed.
Zo mooi, elke keer weer.
OMG, this is SOOOOOOOOO good....
Wat zou het leven zijn zonder muziek, échte muziek
Prachtig tranen in mijn ogen, godverdomme wat goed zeg.
real masterpiece...
mind blowing...DANKE....
Ongelooflijk wat een muziek, let ook op de luisterende musici en hoe zij tot tranens toe geraakt worden, ik ook trouwens.....
godverdomme wat mooi ........................................
I think it souded very beautiful and powerfull!
If Palestrina, Castello, Monteverdi and others could see how the cornetto or the trombone have been used in a kind of music wich is very different from their music... I think they would be amazed
Wow, primeshit, very good shot, very great music, chapeu bas!
Adembenemend mooi!
wonderlijk ♥♥♥♥♥
tranen zo mooi
Perhaps they should get a slightly larger audience 🙄
Prachtig. Iets anders: de violiste in reflectie filmen is een ding; erna ook haar tranen is te dichtbij, naar mijn idee.
Mee eens.
Gezeur, eerlijke emotie tonen, wat is daar mis mee?
Who composed?
Eric Vloeimans, who plays the trumpet
Did they tune up to A440 just for this? Baroque ensembles often tune to A415.
Many ensembles with cornetto and trombone play at 440 as that was also historical pitch for parts of 16/17 century Europe
@@adamwoolf9993 That's good to know! Another thing I learned after making the above comment is that A at 415 Hz is a convenient half step down or so from A at 440 Hz on keyboard instruments (aka G#).
So in this case, the orchestra plays in their "baroque" key of F minor at something like 330 Hz, and the valved bugle joins them in the modern key of concert E minor, also around 330 Hz (often notated as F# minor for Bb trumpets).
All in all, not so strange.
I really enjoy this anachronistic mashup!
Hemels mooi met ongekende zuivere passie , beter is er niet ! Eric een trompettist die de wereld verstaat en verwoord met als instrument zijn trompet !
'm. ' VVD-minister
The trumpet sounds is way too airy.I don't know whether he is doing so on purpose
yes he is
Brilliant technique!
Too airy?? On purpose? I bet you! This pure brilliant. Not many players do master this technique
channelclassics v
The purpose of "fluff tone" is to give the otherwise very bright and bold instrument a fragile vocal quality. Eric Vloeimans is playing (I assume improvising) lyrically right on the bottom edge of the tone where the note breaks up and all you get is air. The practice room exercise is called ghost tones. The technique is most famously used by Miles Davis. It is really an approach to the instrument on its own, far removed from the ultra high screaming techniques of Arturo Sandoval or (god forbid) Maynard Ferguson (seriously Maynard is the Malmsteen of "jazz"). It is also quite separate from the solid core and even blowing approach of classical trumpet (note almost every classical trumpet player sounds basically the same). As an experienced trumpet player I assure you this guy is among the best in the world at this particular style of playing. Miles is by far my personal strongest musical influence. This guy is not only doing this "airy" sound on purpose but he has likely spent the bulk of his life learning to make a fanfare instrument cry quietly. They don't teach this in school.