well yeah only allowed mods on the leaderboards of l4d2 extended categories which allow the mutation "Fortnight Challanges" made by Daroot Leafstorm. Part of this mod there is a mutation called Jumpman which allows you to double jump. www.speedrun.com/l4d2_ce?h=Dark_Carnival-Jumpman&rules=category&x=l_69zz0ex9-wdm8nn52 There is a link straight to the rules of the category called Jumpman
It is on the left 4 dead 2 speedrun.com leaderboards It hasnt been yet verified but it is submitted and waiting for moderator/verifier to verify the run. www.speedrun.com/l4d2_ce/runs/zg8l1kjy here is the run on speedrun.com under pending
Nice man
Ur using mods bro
well yeah only allowed mods on the leaderboards of l4d2 extended categories which allow the mutation "Fortnight Challanges" made by Daroot Leafstorm. Part of this mod there is a mutation called Jumpman which allows you to double jump.
There is a link straight to the rules of the category called Jumpman
is this the real world record?
It is on the left 4 dead 2 speedrun.com leaderboards
It hasnt been yet verified but it is submitted and waiting for moderator/verifier to verify the run.
here is the run on speedrun.com under pending
Bro that’s not world record
Noa1mbot did it better
Bruh I hope this is a joke