Awesome pickups, I want to get into puzzle as well but I spent the money on a visual Acid this season so I'll have to wait a while to get into the puzzle project. Both Ultramel and Puzzle are amazing morphs, looking forward to seeing what you do with them.
Nice new additions.. not gonna lie, Mojave is like my favorite gene added into the puzzle project.. absolutely awesome.. I know it probably woulnt be super crazy look wise but I’d like to make a super Mojave puzzle so everything I put to it will be a Mojave puzzle and Mojave puzzle combo lol ..
Beautiful snakes 🔥🔥
Really glad you are continuing to grow! It’s hard starting a channel and a business! Great job keep creating!
Awesome video and animals 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thanks :)
I just got a beautiful Male from him. His name is Sterling and I absolutely adore him. He’s my first ball python. Chris was amazing with everything.
Awesome pickups, I want to get into puzzle as well but I spent the money on a visual Acid this season so I'll have to wait a while to get into the puzzle project. Both Ultramel and Puzzle are amazing morphs, looking forward to seeing what you do with them.
I had got a male ultramel from chris cool people I actually live in Florida so I drove down to get him
He has some very beautiful ball pythons. I just put a hold on one of his het puzzles. I wish I saw more puzzles. They’re so cool.
Update I bought 3 het puzzles from him ha ha. I can’t wait to see what you do with yours!!
Nice pickups
Great video
Beautiful new addition Courtney so excited for you
Nice new additions.. not gonna lie, Mojave is like my favorite gene added into the puzzle project.. absolutely awesome.. I know it probably woulnt be super crazy look wise but I’d like to make a super Mojave puzzle so everything I put to it will be a Mojave puzzle and Mojave puzzle combo lol ..