excellent.. bilib q ky sir ernie a... mtyag q dpat kninio gd man ang champion nga natawag, biskan s buay2 q nag saot py tan aw q inio nami gd man, sori, nami gd gli, eheheheh... aus gd sir a....
What a splendid performance... For me? this is the real winner!!! congratulations!!! YOU HAVE MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN PINTADOS 2011!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD PERFORMANCE AND THE TOTALITY... BRAVO!!!
excellent.. bilib q ky sir ernie a... mtyag q dpat kninio gd man ang champion nga natawag, biskan s buay2 q nag saot py tan aw q inio nami gd man, sori, nami gd gli, eheheheh... aus gd sir a....
What a splendid performance... For me? this is the real winner!!! congratulations!!! YOU HAVE MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN PINTADOS 2011!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD PERFORMANCE AND THE TOTALITY... BRAVO!!!
They are excellent. The dancers are very snappy and the dance has a brilliant story. Keep up the good work tribu Pulakan. :)
tnx gd ahh...
try 2 lookl at the champions video....