Looks like a great space. One thing you should add is a laundry room with a washer/dryer. That way you can wash your work clothes at work and always wear clean clothes back home
I can’t tell you how excited the prospect of all these videos makes me. You explain things very well, and your video editing skills are great. Good luck with the build and give yourself a break if things are more complex than you thought… it always is!
Congrats! I always wondered what something like this would cost. Please keep the figures coming, as it's such a hard thing to find out otherwise. Looking forward to the progress!
Danke für die Gelegenheit, sich ein solcher Prozess anschauen zu können. Ich finde so was super cool und bin gespannt, wie sich das Projekt entwickeln wird. Alles Gute und viel Erfolg
very excited for you! Don't forget about fall protection on the roof for maintenance (of the solar panels etc) Easy to instal right away, but trickier afterwards.
Would be fun to include covered e-bike parking, I have a nice Bosch ebike and dreamed of how nice it would be to have covered & charging spot for it. Mainly a comment for the algorithm and excited for your building this year! I’m also working on a large building project as a construction worker in Canada.
Thats one of my favourite aspects as well. I think the radiant heating is the best solution. It doesn’t take up any space and is very efficient. Plus in summer it can cool it down!
What do you make? How many people are you expecting to work there? Is it single occupancy just for your company, or are you leasing some of the space out? Why do you need two full bathrooms and showers, can you not just have one unisex one of each?
I make drawer slides for the caravan industry in Germany which pays the bills. But this workshop is so big that I need to expand my business to new products. Something that I wanted to do for some time, but I lack the facility. I plan to have at least 3 employees, but if one turns out to be a lady, I want her to have her own changing room. Its not required by law if you have less that 10 employees, but having it will make everything more comfortable. And if I ever sell the place it will be nice to have. I am not leasing anything. If I wanted to split the building, I would need fireproof walls in between as well. I don’t want to deal with those regulations. But the absurd thing is that my hometown is almost 100% preserved historic buildings. They don’t follow any regulations. Because they look cute…. But no wheelchair can enter the shops.
Sehr cool, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Tipp: Da du viel Fläche versiegeln wirst, und besonders wenn die "Beseitigung" des Regenwassers auf dem eigenen Grundstück stattfinden soll, macht es Sinn ein hydrologisches Gutachten anfertigen zu lassen. Der errechnet dir welche Fäche wie viel Abfluss erzeugt und plant ein Versickerungssystem für dich. In dem Zuge macht auch of eine Brauchwassernutzung mit Zisterne Sinn. Viel Glück!
Danke für den Tipp! Das habe ich tatsächlich schon gemacht und wir brauchen circa 15.000 l Versickerung. Ich denke wir machen da Sickertunnel hin, denn 85T Kieselsteine sind glaube ich teurer, aber bin gespannt wie du das siehst?
@@MaxMakerChannel Ja, Kieselsteine sind teuer. Besonders, wenn man bedenkt, dass man zur Regenwasserrückhaltung nur die Hohlräume und gar nicht die Steine an sich braucht😀 Sickertunnel sind eine Möglichkeit, Sickerblöcke werden auch gerne genutzt. Am besten einfach mal verschiedene Angebote einholen. Zu beachten sind unbedingt die Behandlungsmaßnahmen nach DWA-M 153 vor der Versickerung. Hier kann je nach zu entwässernder Fläche und Gewässer, in das eingeleitet wird, eine Bahandlung notwendig sein (z.B. per Sedimentationsanlage). Das ist im Gutachten aber auf jeden Fall vermerkt.
Danke für den Tipp! Das hat er genau bemessen und auch zwei Möglichkeiten berechnet. Rigole oder Mulde. Ich mache die Rigole um etwas Platz zu sparen. Aber später werden wir voraussichtlich eh Mulden haben wegen fehlendem Material.
It may seem a bit of a silly point, but being near the entrance will save you a tiny bit of time each and every time you or other people do there. Shop looks awesome. Very cool; exciting to see your business advancing! -JC
Yeah, if materials need craning in during construction or later, being near the front of the estate with roads on two sides is going to make that easier.
Looks great. What are you producing that's making so much money? In contrast my garage has no front wall, it's about 4 deg in winter and rain comes in...
I have a specialised on drawer-slides for the caravan industry. Its not making this much money! I can pay the bills, but this workshop is sized to produce a few more products. Something I couldn’t do before without my own facility. Its a risk.
@@MaxMakerChannel Sorry, I think I was just a bit jealous :) All things considered my 'workshop' is not so bad really. Anyway I hope everything works out well for yours, looking forward to seeing it progress.
@@iforce2d I didn’t take it that way. I still consider this my personal workshop. So the size raises questions of course. I started in a one car garage as well. But with 4 walls.
The separation of toilet and sink room is the same in Poland. This is not only for privacy but to restrict the flow of air that might be poluted with germs so it wont spread across the whole thing. It's common practice that you will see in most of working places or public buildings. About all the permit's it's pretty similar in most countries. You have most of those things because most of the times "workshops" are classified as warehouses which then go under the regulations of industrial buildings and there you have to control it influence over the area with noise, polution etc. but it differs a little in between different countries. Rest of the paper work from architects and structural engineers is that someone takes the responsibility if something goes wrong. Review is to minimise the potential error that may lead to structural failure.
Your videos has always been inspiring to me and since watching your videos for more than 5 years, I am very proud of your progress! Cant wait to see the next update done to the site
Love it! I only found your channel this week when your trash train appeared on my feed (brilliant!). I'm half way through my DIY vintage barn build which will also become a workshop (see my channel, we have very similar styles). Hope you get there a bit quicker than me - good luck! Alex Builds
I am very excited for this series! Congratulations on the expansion! After watching all your videos you seem very down to earth and a hard worker. I wish you the very best on your endeavour.
I already wrote a comment, saying where I thought it was, I ended up correct but didn't expect quite as much detail about the location 😂 looking forward to seeing your place grow, as I drive by!
Hi! My family are property developers, potentially a useful tip is to pre-build the internal structure as flat elements while waiting for the main structure to be erected. Not sure about and regulations this may interfere with but practically it saves us a lot of time during these kinds of project. Bear in mind transportation limitations for said elements, but it's often useful to slap 3 or 4 parts together for a wall rather than do everything on site.
Ist bei 6:41 der 10mm Spalt zwischen EPS und XPS bedacht. Da die Dämmungshülle des Gebäudes eine schwachstelle hat. In diesem Bereich könnte es zu einer Wärmebrücke kommen. Dadurch könnte es zu Kondenswasser bildung führen, dadurch könnte es zu Bauschäden kommen.
Happy for you! I am also in the process of building workshop and my friend is planning about building something similar to yours. Can't wait to see whole series! Maybe also current workshop tour with info what worked and what you plan to improve in next location?
This looks like a super cool project and I hope you make lots of in depth videos showing the progress- I know I’d love that. One question: are you building the EV chargers to be publicly accessible as it looks like they face the street? :)
Yes they will be public! We will get a 100kWp solar system. We don’t need that power during the summer, but in winter it could be just enough for the heat pump. So in summer we can sell the excess. Giving it to the government only earns a few cents. But I could sell it for very cheap to the public, so they can charge cheaper than at home.
What is the dimensions of the footprint of the building? Thanks! This is super exciting! I am building a new workshop space in miami Florida and it’s great to see another creator growing their space!
It will be close to a KFW 40 house which I think can be called a passive house. However I am not trying to get any subsidies because the paperwork is more expensive than the savings for a industrial building. So I am trying my best, but I don’t have the certificates. One thing I noticed with insulation is the diminished return. 12cm of foam means heating will be about 3000€ with a heat pump per year. 14cm of foam could reduce that by 10% so its only 300€ less per year. But the extra insulation costs 5000€ and the heavier steel structure costs 15000€. So you need to find a balance between saving electricity and saving building materials.
Hey Max! You have experience of heavy rain and flooding with your house. Are you taking measures to protect against flooding in this new build? What is the risk of flooding in the area?
The property is close to the top of a hill. So the edge close to the hill will get a ditch for water to divert around. The other 3 sides are not in danger because they will be 20cm above the pavement. So first the entire street would need to flood 20cm. But if that happens it would overflow the lower properties. Since this is a hill, there is only flash flood danger like we had at our house. So as long as that is diverted it should be fine. We are also building a 16m3 large underground rainwater retention reservoir next week.
Hey Max, this look an impressive project, wishing you great success with it :) May I ask if you've thought about suing CLT as a building material? Just a thought here.
Is CLT glue laminated wood? The only advantage that I see is fireproofing. Wood is fireproof for about 30 minutes! For my workshop there is no fire requirement for the steel. But if it was a supermarket or home the beams would have to be fireproof. Then you can only go with wood. I like steel a lot. It’s predictable and lasts forever unless it rusts. Wood is also more expensive and checking its quality is more difficult. With steel there are better regulations. How can I know that the glue doesn’t fail after 10 years? With steel its easier in my opinion.
@@MaxMakerChannel Thanks Max. yes, CLT is the cross-laminated timber with glue. Regarding fireproofing, what Merkwood says on it's site: "Contrary to popular belief, CLT technology has much better properties than steel and concrete. Fire resistance is measured by the degree of penetration, which for spruce is 1mm/min." Just an idea, for future project as it is getting more popularity in Switzerland, Austria and Hungary the past years. Thanks for showcasing your ideas and works in your videos. Cheers.
6:49 - And that's one of the reasons we have a housing issue here in Germany, all that regulations, bureaucracy and associated costs with it are just insane (for big multistory houses this gets even worse).
Stoked to see the progress. The permits are quite costly. I am so glad that I control the votes in my city government. Our government does not require permits.
@@MaxMakerChannel I live in the US, a small city. Our government is 4 elected people. I have 2 of those elected people living in my house and If I wanted the majority I could vote myself in during the next election. I was not able to vote last Nov as I was out of town for the first 2 week of November. Because out city is small we do not require permits or inspections. The county has no say in what we do with in our town. We strive to keep up with the towns requirements as its a way to keep the country out of our town. We elect 4 people every 2 years.
Sau geil! Echt ein Traum. Eine Frage: warum ist es dann doch ein Satteldach geworden? Ist ja für PV nicht so ideal, deshalb hab ich auch immer von einem Dach wie in den ersten beiden Entwürfen geträumt. Gehe davon aus, dass die Standardhallen eben ein Satteldach haben und sonst wesentlich mehr individuell hätte gemacht werden müssen, was erheblich teurer geworden wäre?!
Das Satteldach ist deutlich günstiger. Sagen wir mal 20.000€ gespart. Das würde ich mit PV nie wieder rein holen. Außerdem haben die Module aktuell so gute Leistung, dass sie selbst auf der Nordseite noch Strom produzieren, oder auch wenn sie flach liegen. Außerdem bekommt man auch schon Strom wenn die Sonne morgens auf geht.
@@MaxMakerChannel Danke. Dass sich das andere Dach nicht rechnet macht absolut Sinn. Frage mich ob sich die PV Panele auf der ungünstigsteren Seite trotzdem einigermaßen zügig amortisieren. Vermutlich ist es schon ein großer Unterschied. Wenn es West/Ost ist müsste es schon ok sein.
Es ist SW links und NE zum Nachbarn. Armotisierung ist aktuell sehr lange. Denn wir brauchen den meisten Strom im Winter für die Wärmepumpe. Im Sommer werden wir viel zu viel produzieren, aber da gibt der Staat nur 6 Cent.
@SCHAUDENLUCAS Die Speicher sind leider sehr teuer. 14kWh kosten 10000€. Wenn ich die ein mal pro Nacht leer mache spare ich 4€ am Tag. Das sind 1400€ im Jahr. Also müssten die mind. 7 Jahre durchhalten bevor es sich lohnt. Ob die so lange durchhalten? Fraglich. Wenn ich 10.000€ aber in Aktien investiere mit 5% im Jahr werden daraus in 7 Jahren 14.000€. Das hätte zwar auch Risiken, aber produziert keine Arbeit in Form von Wartung, Fehlermeldungen und Kundenhotlines.
In case, you might want to expand your workers amount, would you need an (36yrs old) examinated warehouse operator, who´s also into craftsworking? I might apply for a job, if I´d know, what your comapany name is. And also, when I have my bicycle´s maintanance done, I´ll pay the building site some visits at the sidewalk to look at the process of the building-site for a bit ^^
I didn't realize you basically need a warehouse. I thought you were a UA-camr and maybe a engineer or handyman for your day job. What does your company produce?
Maybe do some research before you make a fool of yourself. Steel doesn't burn, is not combustable. But its structural strenght goes down dramatically when exposed to the high temperatures when a building is on fire. That is why it needs to be made fire proof. So the building doesn't collapse. Think please.
I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to see what videos come up next. I REALLY hope you use the soil to make small pounds and wild flowers and maybe some fruit trees.! And then you can save money on NOT mowing a lawn, and get some beautiful and refreshing views and do something good for mother earth. 🎉❤🌏🪱🐛🐝🦗🦋🕷️🌺🌸🌷🏵️🪻
I plan to do exactly that! Since we have a sandy ground, this would be ideal for some dry wildflowers and I only need to mow them twice a year. However, no vegetables here. Its right next to a big street. My wife wouldn´t like that.
@@MaxMakerChannel can't wait to follow the build and the sandy soil. Maybe if you could pick some berries or flowers then it could soften and sweeten her up.? But then again women are Mysterious creators 🤭 looking super forward to This channel and build and hope you get a lot of wind, so we get to see more. Best wishes from your "neighbor" 🇩🇰
Unless you don't want people to just show up at your new place, you might want to reedit the video. :) Either way, I'm looking forward to the next videos.
Glad to hear you wouldn't mind. I might take an unobtrusive look next time I'm in the area. We live in the same city (which I already knew from previous videos) and I also recognized the building side immediately 😅
Are gendered washrooms required? With two individual stalls I don't see why they couldn't just be for anyone (same with the showers) unless there's some legal reason for it.
There is a 20 page guideline that tells you the amount and sizes of sinks, showers and toilets that you need. It is all linked to the number of employees and how dirty the processes are. For up to 9 people you can get away with a single toilet and no shower at all. However I don’t aim for the minimum. I want to make it comfortable and nice to work there. In the past we had one female employee. It would be uncomfortable to share facilities even though its allowed. So we will build two of each. They don’t have to be gendered. We could make them shared. So as long as no female is working there we might have two showers. I think they both won’t be used very often.
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate your reasoning for separation of genders, however I don't think its uncomfortable since they are fully isolated rooms. Almost everyone has shared a washroom with the opposite gender long-term (parents, SO, etc.). Any way, your workshop, your rules just was curious.
A lot of stuff males sense, but I think they could allow easier procedures for small projects. Our sewage application is the same as a chemical plant would fill out. We just have two toilets….
Den gibt es quasi bereits von UA-cam. Du kannst auf CC drücken für Untertitel und diese dann von Englisch auf Deutsch übersetzen lassen. Geht ganz einfach und funktioniert gut!
Not entirely sure about Germany, but I believe that business info like this is public, like in many EU countries. Searching for his name in the national database for companies should reveal the address anyway.
If somebody wants to steel they can pick any workshop in the country. But mine will have a lot of safety features. So thieves will think twice before risking it.
its just that you also showed the rough area where you live + the town + in earlier videos you have images of your home. You arent really a small youtuber, and i can only imagine your channel growing with this project. I just think it would be anoying if fans showed up at your home address. @@MaxMakerChannel
Are you going to install a battery bank, so excess KWh's from the solar system can be stashed away for nighttime or for a rainy day, especially in case the power grid goes down? Throw in the occasional EN-to-DE lesson, bitte e.g. The Workshop = die Werkstatt. Does not have to be anything major, just a little something to help those of us who are learning to spricht Deutsch (speak German). Especially when labeling parts or dimensions on a diagram, such as the 3D model you show in this video. Most resources do not cover stuff relating to making or building stuff. Please, do not forget to apply the lessons you have learned in your last video. A flooded Werkstatt would be totally not good.
@@user-uy8cv6yi3fjaja klar, ich beziehe mich nur auf den Papierkram. Für 25k bekommst vlt. die Fenster :D Ich kenne Leute, die auch bauen wollen. Man bekommt von der Stadt einen Katalog mit Auflagen, der zwei volle Leitzordner umfasst und am Ende sieht es trotzdem aus wie Scheiße im Industriegebiet. Und wirklich nachhaltig gebaut wurde auch nicht, hahaha Schon Standortunfreundlich das ganze, echt schade.
Der Papierkram tut echt weh. Die Industriebaurichtlinie organisiert den Brandschutz für solche Hallen und soll den Brandschutz eigentlich vereinfachen. Da unsere Halle im vergleich sehr klein ist haben wir so gut wie gar keine Auflagen. Trotzdem 15 teure Seiten in denen immer nur steht “nicht erforderlich”.
As someone who works in environmental protection, I think it's a shame that you had to seal new ground by constructing the building on a previously empty lot. But I also know how bad the real estate market is in Germany right now XD
Soundproof one of the spare rooms you have and put the air compressor inside :D
Good idea!
Looks like a great space.
One thing you should add is a laundry room with a washer/dryer. That way you can wash your work clothes at work and always wear clean clothes back home
That is a great idea!
I can’t tell you how excited the prospect of all these videos makes me. You explain things very well, and your video editing skills are great. Good luck with the build and give yourself a break if things are more complex than you thought… it always is!
Thanks for your kind words! With the building permit the most stressful part is done.
Congrats! I always wondered what something like this would cost. Please keep the figures coming, as it's such a hard thing to find out otherwise. Looking forward to the progress!
It will be about 600,000€ without the property and solar. But that is with a ton of my own labour.
Danke für die Gelegenheit, sich ein solcher Prozess anschauen zu können. Ich finde so was super cool und bin gespannt, wie sich das Projekt entwickeln wird. Alles Gute und viel Erfolg
Danke fürs zuschauen!
I'm happy for your good fortune and that it has allowed you to afford a bigger shop
You can never go wrong getting a bigger shop!
Thank you!
very excited for you!
Don't forget about fall protection on the roof for maintenance (of the solar panels etc) Easy to instal right away, but trickier afterwards.
I have heard of that, but haven´t researched it yet. Have you got suggestions?
@@MaxMakerChannelPerhaps a rail right across the Ridge to attach a harness system to.
Would be fun to include covered e-bike parking, I have a nice Bosch ebike and dreamed of how nice it would be to have covered & charging spot for it.
Mainly a comment for the algorithm and excited for your building this year! I’m also working on a large building project as a construction worker in Canada.
Glad that you enjoy it! We will have some covered bicycle storage for sure. There is a 5m roof overhang. And we get EV charging.
This is very interesting, thank you for sharing your design decisions regarding the regulations, solar, etc.. I am very excited for this series!
Thanks for watching!
Excited to see how this develops, particularly the heating system
Thats one of my favourite aspects as well. I think the radiant heating is the best solution. It doesn’t take up any space and is very efficient. Plus in summer it can cool it down!
What do you make?
How many people are you expecting to work there?
Is it single occupancy just for your company, or are you leasing some of the space out?
Why do you need two full bathrooms and showers, can you not just have one unisex one of each?
I make drawer slides for the caravan industry in Germany which pays the bills. But this workshop is so big that I need to expand my business to new products. Something that I wanted to do for some time, but I lack the facility.
I plan to have at least 3 employees, but if one turns out to be a lady, I want her to have her own changing room. Its not required by law if you have less that 10 employees, but having it will make everything more comfortable. And if I ever sell the place it will be nice to have.
I am not leasing anything. If I wanted to split the building, I would need fireproof walls in between as well. I don’t want to deal with those regulations. But the absurd thing is that my hometown is almost 100% preserved historic buildings. They don’t follow any regulations. Because they look cute…. But no wheelchair can enter the shops.
Electric surfboards! 😊
this looks like a dream my god
I liked building from the scratch rather than refurbing old material. That way each and every thing is personalised according to one’s need
Sehr cool, herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Tipp: Da du viel Fläche versiegeln wirst, und besonders wenn die "Beseitigung" des Regenwassers auf dem eigenen Grundstück stattfinden soll, macht es Sinn ein hydrologisches Gutachten anfertigen zu lassen. Der errechnet dir welche Fäche wie viel Abfluss erzeugt und plant ein Versickerungssystem für dich.
In dem Zuge macht auch of eine Brauchwassernutzung mit Zisterne Sinn.
Viel Glück!
Danke für den Tipp! Das habe ich tatsächlich schon gemacht und wir brauchen circa 15.000 l Versickerung. Ich denke wir machen da Sickertunnel hin, denn 85T Kieselsteine sind glaube ich teurer, aber bin gespannt wie du das siehst?
@@MaxMakerChannel Ja, Kieselsteine sind teuer. Besonders, wenn man bedenkt, dass man zur Regenwasserrückhaltung nur die Hohlräume und gar nicht die Steine an sich braucht😀
Sickertunnel sind eine Möglichkeit, Sickerblöcke werden auch gerne genutzt.
Am besten einfach mal verschiedene Angebote einholen.
Zu beachten sind unbedingt die Behandlungsmaßnahmen nach DWA-M 153 vor der Versickerung. Hier kann je nach zu entwässernder Fläche und Gewässer, in das eingeleitet wird, eine Bahandlung notwendig sein (z.B. per Sedimentationsanlage). Das ist im Gutachten aber auf jeden Fall vermerkt.
Danke für den Tipp! Das hat er genau bemessen und auch zwei Möglichkeiten berechnet. Rigole oder Mulde. Ich mache die Rigole um etwas Platz zu sparen. Aber später werden wir voraussichtlich eh Mulden haben wegen fehlendem Material.
It may seem a bit of a silly point, but being near the entrance will save you a tiny bit of time each and every time you or other people do there. Shop looks awesome. Very cool; exciting to see your business advancing! -JC
Thats why I moved the workshop last minute from the back to the very front.
Yeah, if materials need craning in during construction or later, being near the front of the estate with roads on two sides is going to make that easier.
Can’t wait to see the build start
Looks great. What are you producing that's making so much money?
In contrast my garage has no front wall, it's about 4 deg in winter and rain comes in...
I have a specialised on drawer-slides for the caravan industry. Its not making this much money! I can pay the bills, but this workshop is sized to produce a few more products. Something I couldn’t do before without my own facility. Its a risk.
@@MaxMakerChannel Sorry, I think I was just a bit jealous :) All things considered my 'workshop' is not so bad really. Anyway I hope everything works out well for yours, looking forward to seeing it progress.
@@iforce2d I didn’t take it that way. I still consider this my personal workshop. So the size raises questions of course. I started in a one car garage as well. But with 4 walls.
The separation of toilet and sink room is the same in Poland. This is not only for privacy but to restrict the flow of air that might be poluted with germs so it wont spread across the whole thing. It's common practice that you will see in most of working places or public buildings. About all the permit's it's pretty similar in most countries. You have most of those things because most of the times "workshops" are classified as warehouses which then go under the regulations of industrial buildings and there you have to control it influence over the area with noise, polution etc. but it differs a little in between different countries. Rest of the paper work from architects and structural engineers is that someone takes the responsibility if something goes wrong. Review is to minimise the potential error that may lead to structural failure.
Looking forward to this!
I LOVE German Engineering! I LOVE this Channel!
Thanks for watching!
Your videos has always been inspiring to me and since watching your videos for more than 5 years, I am very proud of your progress! Cant wait to see the next update done to the site
Love it! I only found your channel this week when your trash train appeared on my feed (brilliant!). I'm half way through my DIY vintage barn build which will also become a workshop (see my channel, we have very similar styles). Hope you get there a bit quicker than me - good luck! Alex Builds
Congratulation🎉 I'm looking forward to watching all the videos.
I am very excited for this series! Congratulations on the expansion! After watching all your videos you seem very down to earth and a hard worker. I wish you the very best on your endeavour.
Thank you! Down to earth indeed.
Gerade auf dieses Projekt gestoßen durch einen anderen Hallenbau (Holz)...
herrlich so kann man beide Varianten abdecken.
Freut mich!
Really excited for this project! I wouldn't mind longer videos. 😊
Wow, so fun!
I already wrote a comment, saying where I thought it was, I ended up correct but didn't expect quite as much detail about the location 😂 looking forward to seeing your place grow, as I drive by!
Feel free to say hello! I don’t think there is a need to keep it secret. Its out there after all.
Congratulations man! Looking forward to updates.
Hi! My family are property developers, potentially a useful tip is to pre-build the internal structure as flat elements while waiting for the main structure to be erected.
Not sure about and regulations this may interfere with but practically it saves us a lot of time during these kinds of project.
Bear in mind transportation limitations for said elements, but it's often useful to slap 3 or 4 parts together for a wall rather than do everything on site.
Thats a good idea! I just don’t have a off-site to use.
Ist bei 6:41 der 10mm Spalt zwischen EPS und XPS bedacht. Da die Dämmungshülle des Gebäudes eine schwachstelle hat. In diesem Bereich könnte es zu einer Wärmebrücke kommen. Dadurch könnte es zu Kondenswasser bildung führen, dadurch könnte es zu Bauschäden kommen.
Gut aufgepasst! Hab ich auch schon gesehen und da kommen wohl Quellbänder rein. Ich muss nur aufpassen, dass das auch wirklich passiert.
Happy for you! I am also in the process of building workshop and my friend is planning about building something similar to yours. Can't wait to see whole series! Maybe also current workshop tour with info what worked and what you plan to improve in next location?
Very cool! Are you going to use pure solar panels or joint solar and water heaters?
Really cool project, I'd love to work in a place like that!
Awesome Max, look forward to the content.
Very exciting. Interested in hearing about your design thinking for the work space. Good luck!
Thank you!
I'm really stoked! Such a great project!
Congratulations! This is one of my dreams. Keep posting more about the space. This is wonderful content!
Thanks for watching it!
i like the font. is it ISOCPEUR?
Looks fantastic, can't wait to see the progress!
Thats rad
Very exciting 😀
Hey! I was just thinking about your lathe!
Awesome, are you going to make a video about total cost in the end? I'd be very interested
Will mention the costs!
This looks like a super cool project and I hope you make lots of in depth videos showing the progress- I know I’d love that. One question: are you building the EV chargers to be publicly accessible as it looks like they face the street? :)
Yes they will be public! We will get a 100kWp solar system. We don’t need that power during the summer, but in winter it could be just enough for the heat pump. So in summer we can sell the excess. Giving it to the government only earns a few cents. But I could sell it for very cheap to the public, so they can charge cheaper than at home.
@@MaxMakerChannel that’s great to hear, and will be a fantastic service for the locals
I am very curious about the total cost this building ends up costing you.
Also I very much want one.
Hello great video... May I know what software you are using for building design 3:00 ? Thanks.
Fusion 360
What is the dimensions of the footprint of the building? Thanks! This is super exciting! I am building a new workshop space in miami Florida and it’s great to see another creator growing their space!
Cool, ill follow you! The inside is 20x30m. The roof overhang is another 5m.
What products do you sell?
Are you planning on reaching PassiveHaus standard? Air tightness and all?
It will be close to a KFW 40 house which I think can be called a passive house. However I am not trying to get any subsidies because the paperwork is more expensive than the savings for a industrial building. So I am trying my best, but I don’t have the certificates.
One thing I noticed with insulation is the diminished return. 12cm of foam means heating will be about 3000€ with a heat pump per year. 14cm of foam could reduce that by 10% so its only 300€ less per year. But the extra insulation costs 5000€ and the heavier steel structure costs 15000€. So you need to find a balance between saving electricity and saving building materials.
Lübecker Qualitätskontent!
It's about time to invent new filling flavor for those candies!
@@MaxMakerChannel Depressant candies? Not bad.
Looking forward for your next video, this looks promising.
Hey Max! You have experience of heavy rain and flooding with your house. Are you taking measures to protect against flooding in this new build? What is the risk of flooding in the area?
The property is close to the top of a hill. So the edge close to the hill will get a ditch for water to divert around. The other 3 sides are not in danger because they will be 20cm above the pavement. So first the entire street would need to flood 20cm. But if that happens it would overflow the lower properties. Since this is a hill, there is only flash flood danger like we had at our house. So as long as that is diverted it should be fine. We are also building a 16m3 large underground rainwater retention reservoir next week.
Very cool - looking forward to the videos!
What is the program used for the computer drawings?
Fusion 360. I did every single plan with that.
Perfect, thanks a lot!@@MaxMakerChannel
Wow, was für ein Projekt! Darf ich fragen was für Produkte zu produzierst / vertreibst? LG
Schubladen für die Wohnmobilbranche, aber in der Werkstatt möchte ich neue Produkte bauen.
Hey Max, this look an impressive project, wishing you great success with it :)
May I ask if you've thought about suing CLT as a building material? Just a thought here.
Is CLT glue laminated wood? The only advantage that I see is fireproofing. Wood is fireproof for about 30 minutes! For my workshop there is no fire requirement for the steel. But if it was a supermarket or home the beams would have to be fireproof. Then you can only go with wood.
I like steel a lot. It’s predictable and lasts forever unless it rusts. Wood is also more expensive and checking its quality is more difficult. With steel there are better regulations. How can I know that the glue doesn’t fail after 10 years? With steel its easier in my opinion.
@@MaxMakerChannel Thanks Max. yes, CLT is the cross-laminated timber with glue. Regarding fireproofing, what Merkwood says on it's site: "Contrary to popular belief, CLT technology has much better properties than steel and concrete. Fire resistance is measured by the degree of penetration, which for spruce is 1mm/min." Just an idea, for future project as it is getting more popularity in Switzerland, Austria and Hungary the past years. Thanks for showcasing your ideas and works in your videos. Cheers.
6:49 - And that's one of the reasons we have a housing issue here in Germany, all that regulations, bureaucracy and associated costs with it are just insane (for big multistory houses this gets even worse).
what kind of software is this ?
and could share project files like structure etc.
Its Fusion 360 and I don’t have the actual design of the steel frame. Just the rough dimensions. Sorry.
BRO this is 100,000 PLN for papers HOLY SHIT in Poland this is like 3-4 years of working
Its 1 year of working in Germany. Building stuff is expensive unfortunately.
I wanted to subscribe but then i realized that I already am! Clever me! One question, what are you manufacturing?
Thanks for watching! I make drawer slides for the caravan industry. It pays the bills, but with the new workshop I want to expand to new products.
Stoked to see the progress.
The permits are quite costly.
I am so glad that I control the votes in my city government. Our government does not require permits.
Where do you live?
@@MaxMakerChannel I live in the US, a small city. Our government is 4 elected people. I have 2 of those elected people living in my house and If I wanted the majority I could vote myself in during the next election. I was not able to vote last Nov as I was out of town for the first 2 week of November.
Because out city is small we do not require permits or inspections. The county has no say in what we do with in our town. We strive to keep up with the towns requirements as its a way to keep the country out of our town. We elect 4 people every 2 years.
Wow. Sounds like a dream if you want to build something!
Max Maker what do you make for your customers?
i love this
Sau geil! Echt ein Traum.
Eine Frage: warum ist es dann doch ein Satteldach geworden?
Ist ja für PV nicht so ideal, deshalb hab ich auch immer von einem Dach wie in den ersten beiden Entwürfen geträumt. Gehe davon aus, dass die Standardhallen eben ein Satteldach haben und sonst wesentlich mehr individuell hätte gemacht werden müssen, was erheblich teurer geworden wäre?!
Das Satteldach ist deutlich günstiger. Sagen wir mal 20.000€ gespart. Das würde ich mit PV nie wieder rein holen. Außerdem haben die Module aktuell so gute Leistung, dass sie selbst auf der Nordseite noch Strom produzieren, oder auch wenn sie flach liegen. Außerdem bekommt man auch schon Strom wenn die Sonne morgens auf geht.
@@MaxMakerChannel Danke. Dass sich das andere Dach nicht rechnet macht absolut Sinn. Frage mich ob sich die PV Panele auf der ungünstigsteren Seite trotzdem einigermaßen zügig amortisieren. Vermutlich ist es schon ein großer Unterschied. Wenn es West/Ost ist müsste es schon ok sein.
Es ist SW links und NE zum Nachbarn. Armotisierung ist aktuell sehr lange. Denn wir brauchen den meisten Strom im Winter für die Wärmepumpe. Im Sommer werden wir viel zu viel produzieren, aber da gibt der Staat nur 6 Cent.
@@MaxMakerChannel Immerhin am Nachmittag gibts dann ordentlich Ertrag! Wirds auch einen Speicher geben? Glaube das würde Sinn machen.
@SCHAUDENLUCAS Die Speicher sind leider sehr teuer. 14kWh kosten 10000€.
Wenn ich die ein mal pro Nacht leer mache spare ich 4€ am Tag. Das sind 1400€ im Jahr. Also müssten die mind. 7 Jahre durchhalten bevor es sich lohnt.
Ob die so lange durchhalten? Fraglich. Wenn ich 10.000€ aber in Aktien investiere mit 5% im Jahr werden daraus in 7 Jahren 14.000€. Das hätte zwar auch Risiken, aber produziert keine Arbeit in Form von Wartung, Fehlermeldungen und Kundenhotlines.
what do you do for living?
I do product design. Engineering and manufacturing.
@@MaxMakerChannel im from turkey so ı know a litle bit abaout germany it must be hard to manufacturing something in germany to much rules
How much the property cost? Is it rent or buy?
The property was €200k.
But will it have a garbage bin train?
Most likely!
In case, you might want to expand your workers amount, would you need an (36yrs old) examinated warehouse operator, who´s also into craftsworking? I might apply for a job, if I´d know, what your comapany name is. And also, when I have my bicycle´s maintanance done, I´ll pay the building site some visits at the sidewalk to look at the process of the building-site for a bit ^^
Good luck mate, hard work and money ahead. Get a drone, make good videos as it's being made. Vlog videos would be good. Much appreciated.
Thank you! Got a drone last week!
@@MaxMakerChannel nice job
I didn't realize you basically need a warehouse. I thought you were a UA-camr and maybe a engineer or handyman for your day job. What does your company produce?
I make drawer slides for the caravan industry. But the new workshop will be for new products.
What do you make in your workshop?
Du kommst aus Lübeck ?! 🫨
"Steel beams are not fire proof"
That's got to be the best joke I've heard in a long time. Kudos.
Maybe do some research before you make a fool of yourself.
Steel doesn't burn, is not combustable. But its structural strenght goes down dramatically when exposed to the high temperatures when a building is on fire. That is why it needs to be made fire proof. So the building doesn't collapse. Think please.
Maybe you're just avoiding self promotion, but what products do you make?
Its just not that interesting. I make a drawer slide product for the caravan industry. Not really fit for youtube.
I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to see what videos come up next. I REALLY hope you use the soil to make small pounds and wild flowers and maybe some fruit trees.! And then you can save money on NOT mowing a lawn, and get some beautiful and refreshing views and do something good for mother earth. 🎉❤🌏🪱🐛🐝🦗🦋🕷️🌺🌸🌷🏵️🪻
I plan to do exactly that! Since we have a sandy ground, this would be ideal for some dry wildflowers and I only need to mow them twice a year. However, no vegetables here. Its right next to a big street. My wife wouldn´t like that.
@@MaxMakerChannel can't wait to follow the build and the sandy soil. Maybe if you could pick some berries or flowers then it could soften and sweeten her up.? But then again women are
Mysterious creators 🤭 looking super forward to
This channel and build and hope you get a lot of wind, so we get to see more. Best wishes from your "neighbor" 🇩🇰
Unless you don't want people to just show up at your new place, you might want to reedit the video. :)
Either way, I'm looking forward to the next videos.
I am not worried about that. Its public after all and they have a million other UA-camrs they could visit.
Glad to hear you wouldn't mind. I might take an unobtrusive look next time I'm in the area.
We live in the same city (which I already knew from previous videos) and I also recognized the building side immediately 😅
Decide on a time & place for a meet & greet.
Nice, if you haven't make final decision yet I can give you some Feng Shui tips
Are gendered washrooms required? With two individual stalls I don't see why they couldn't just be for anyone (same with the showers) unless there's some legal reason for it.
There is a 20 page guideline that tells you the amount and sizes of sinks, showers and toilets that you need. It is all linked to the number of employees and how dirty the processes are. For up to 9 people you can get away with a single toilet and no shower at all. However I don’t aim for the minimum. I want to make it comfortable and nice to work there.
In the past we had one female employee. It would be uncomfortable to share facilities even though its allowed. So we will build two of each. They don’t have to be gendered. We could make them shared. So as long as no female is working there we might have two showers. I think they both won’t be used very often.
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate your reasoning for separation of genders, however I don't think its uncomfortable since they are fully isolated rooms. Almost everyone has shared a washroom with the opposite gender long-term (parents, SO, etc.). Any way, your workshop, your rules just was curious.
@VillainOfBrandon I don’t really mind myself. But I don’t know how the employees feel.
Regulations in Germany are absolutely insane
Are you saying Germans don't love unnecessary paperwork??? 🤣🤣🤣
A lot of stuff males sense, but I think they could allow easier procedures for small projects. Our sewage application is the same as a chemical plant would fill out. We just have two toilets….
25k worth of paper work? 🤯
Könntest du in Zukunft einen Deutschen Untertitel hinzufügen?
Den gibt es quasi bereits von UA-cam. Du kannst auf CC drücken für Untertitel und diese dann von Englisch auf Deutsch übersetzen lassen. Geht ganz einfach und funktioniert gut!
wow the first comment was not first
It was about the environment : )
are you sure that you want everyone on the internet to know where your workshop is?
Not entirely sure about Germany, but I believe that business info like this is public, like in many EU countries.
Searching for his name in the national database for companies should reveal the address anyway.
If somebody wants to steel they can pick any workshop in the country. But mine will have a lot of safety features. So thieves will think twice before risking it.
its just that you also showed the rough area where you live + the town + in earlier videos you have images of your home. You arent really a small youtuber, and i can only imagine your channel growing with this project. I just think it would be anoying if fans showed up at your home address. @@MaxMakerChannel
Are you going to install a battery bank, so excess KWh's from the solar system can be stashed away for nighttime or for a rainy day, especially in case the power grid goes down?
Throw in the occasional EN-to-DE lesson, bitte e.g. The Workshop = die Werkstatt. Does not have to be anything major, just a little something to help those of us who are learning to spricht Deutsch (speak German). Especially when labeling parts or dimensions on a diagram, such as the 3D model you show in this video. Most resources do not cover stuff relating to making or building stuff.
Please, do not forget to apply the lessons you have learned in your last video. A flooded Werkstatt would be totally not good.
Is jemand deutsch
25k Alter... und das für ne einfache Halle auf ner Wiese.
@@user-uy8cv6yi3fjaja klar, ich beziehe mich nur auf den Papierkram. Für 25k bekommst vlt. die Fenster :D Ich kenne Leute, die auch bauen wollen. Man bekommt von der Stadt einen Katalog mit Auflagen, der zwei volle Leitzordner umfasst und am Ende sieht es trotzdem aus wie Scheiße im Industriegebiet. Und wirklich nachhaltig gebaut wurde auch nicht, hahaha
Schon Standortunfreundlich das ganze, echt schade.
Der Papierkram tut echt weh. Die Industriebaurichtlinie organisiert den Brandschutz für solche Hallen und soll den Brandschutz eigentlich vereinfachen. Da unsere Halle im vergleich sehr klein ist haben wir so gut wie gar keine Auflagen. Trotzdem 15 teure Seiten in denen immer nur steht “nicht erforderlich”.
@@MaxMakerChannel Ja echt traurig... Viel Erfolg aber mit dem Vorhaben, bin gespannt und hoffe es geht gut über die Bühne!
As someone who works in environmental protection, I think it's a shame that you had to seal new ground by constructing the building on a previously empty lot.
But I also know how bad the real estate market is in Germany right now XD
1:33 There is sooooo much land around it! But we will create a nice garden all the way around it. I want this to be a beautiful place to work.
Bet you're fun at parties.
delusional comment
Nah, you@@chrish247
your twitter link doesnt work
Oh yeah I deleted it a year ago.
@@MaxMakerChannel It's also linked on your channel itself btw