Te-am auzit intr-un podcast DOR si mi-a ramas in minte ideea asta - ca in animatie poti face orice, poti cuprinde ceva ce nu se poate filma sau de-ar fi desenat doar, n-ar fi suficient de clar. Nu ma gandisem la asta, iar animatia de fata e intruchiparea a ce ai zis, mai ales ca visele au natura asta fabuloasa in care se poate intampla orice. Sunt stiluri superbe de desen, mult mai expresive decat daca te luai doar dupa ce ti se zicea sa faci si-ti pierdeai natura. Felicitari, avem nevoie de asa ceva!
subtitles could be a factor.. i cannot understand the language. i can still see the work is splendid but people probably look for explicit narrative in this format (short film). i find that actually you can often discern meaning or find substance by focussing on the art - in animation like this, there may not be much language anyway, but it could feasibly matter for making better sense of the filmmaker's intent. Also, these days, it seems very predicated on what the algorithm picks up, so this may very well become famous yet. Unfortunately merit is not always connected to popularity.
@@pauual You're welcome, the pleasure is mine! Thanks for sharing your brilliant work! 🙏🐉✍️🎨🖌️🖼️🎞️🎥🎬🤳🍀 Best of luck with your future endeavours and wishing you the best of health and wellbeing! ✌️
Trezește admirație lucrările tale,au mister și culori...Basarabia te cuprinde!
Imi place.
Ador genu asta de animatie, excelenta treaba !
Danke Somnivers!
Incerc sa tot fac nebunii d-astea cand pot
Te-am auzit intr-un podcast DOR si mi-a ramas in minte ideea asta - ca in animatie poti face orice, poti cuprinde ceva ce nu se poate filma sau de-ar fi desenat doar, n-ar fi suficient de clar. Nu ma gandisem la asta, iar animatia de fata e intruchiparea a ce ai zis, mai ales ca visele au natura asta fabuloasa in care se poate intampla orice. Sunt stiluri superbe de desen, mult mai expresive decat daca te luai doar dupa ce ti se zicea sa faci si-ti pierdeai natura. Felicitari, avem nevoie de asa ceva!
Multumesc tare mult!!!!!
imaginatie, munca, arta...
Va multumesc mult!!
bah din partea mea isi spun simplu...genial
orasul dragon e mega tare !!!
Wow!!! Te-ai ales cu inca un abonat.Pacat ca abia acum am dat de tine...unde ai fost pana acum? Esti genial
e interesanta , ciudata si "creepy" intr-un mod placut ... :)
Subscribe! E superb. Imi poti spune te rog, pe scurt, in ce consta intregul proces? Pasii urmati, ce soft folosesti?
Ce trip man!GG
Desi e animatie, partea audio mi-a placut mai mult. ^^
Au caracter animațiile tale, mă mir că nu sunt mai populare pe net...
+Alexandru Mîrza
Multumesc mult! Apreciez!!!
@@pauual Gorgeous. Greetings from Australia! ❤️
subtitles could be a factor.. i cannot understand the language. i can still see the work is splendid but people probably look for explicit narrative in this format (short film). i find that actually you can often discern meaning or find substance by focussing on the art - in animation like this, there may not be much language anyway, but it could feasibly matter for making better sense of the filmmaker's intent. Also, these days, it seems very predicated on what the algorithm picks up, so this may very well become famous yet. Unfortunately merit is not always connected to popularity.
@@mothratemporalradio517 Thanks!! I really appreciate it!
@@pauual You're welcome, the pleasure is mine! Thanks for sharing your brilliant work!
Best of luck with your future endeavours and wishing you the best of health and wellbeing! ✌️
Nu știu dacă ai văzut videoclipul lui deliric "mâine" animațiile tale duc foarte mult cu videoclipul... oricum bafta !
rares398 poate pentru ca eu l-am facut împreună cu un prieten pictor : )
na coincidenta :))
si de la mine ai un "Subscribe" ... astept si alte munci! foarte fain!!