Thank you for indicating you are being humorous. It's not always so clear. Cheers!
7 місяців тому+1
Thanks for risking tongue twisters on the weekend for us viewers. It would double (or more than) engineering, manufacturing, supply-chain, inventory, maintenance, and training costs. Standardization (on less) is one key to cost efficiency.
AgentJayZ, it's been a while since I watched one of your videos. You gave me a fascination with turbines. So simple, so complex. If only I was younger...
It's very common for marine piston engine application to have clockwise and counter clockwise rotating engines. For a typical carbureted V8 the only thing needed to convert one to the other is a camshaft, distributor, water pump, and starter. On a diesel the injector pump is also different
For a turbine engine to spin the "other" direction from the original, all gas-path airfoils need to be produced in mirror image. This would thousands of pieces and dozens of designs. Making all of the fuel control and other external mechanicals turn the other way would be relatively easy. It's not rare; it is never done.
@@AgentJayZ i was not suggesting they were made or that they would be easy to make, but that may be where some people get the expectation that they would/could.
Great video. Turbine engines just do not work like that, you would need to redesign the entire engine. But as for piston engines just cam and ignition changes is all. Just like boats use counter rotation engines. That is most likely how the question came about.
It's interesting that you've addressed this topic, AgentJayZ, only a matter of days after I read something about the so-called Cobra manoeuvre, which I've only just remembered. It must have been on the internet somewhere, but I can't remember where I came across it and to what aircraft it was referring! My recollection is that article was referring to an aircraft with two engines (F-18 or Su-27?), and it stated that the manoeuvre had to be done with one engine at high or max thrust, with the other engine throttled right back, plus a rudder input, to keep the aircraft straight as it pulled up. This, as I understood it, was to counter the gyroscopic couple effect as the aircraft pulled up to the vertical with a relatively low airspeed, with the nose then dropping rapidly. Since the Pegasus in the Harrier was specifically designed with contra-rotating spools, in order to cancel out any significant gyroscopic couple effect in the hover, it seems credible that it could become significant as an aircraft pulls up in the Cobra, with the nose then dropping rapidly at the top of the manoeuvre. Is there anyone out there who could comment on this with authority?
dont know about the mosquito but the DH Hornet had Merlin 130+131 engines, the only difference being there was an idler gear to allow one propellor to turn in the opposite direction. the tp400 for the A400M Atlas has the same arrangement. RR/Rover Meteor(tank engine version of the merlin) "The major change for tank use was to reverse the direction of engine rotation. Automotive gearboxes ran the opposite way to an aircraft propeller and changing direction required modification of the camshaft lobes (most Merlins were "right-hand tractor", i.e. the propeller rotated clockwise when viewed from the rear)."
The Merlin is ''right hand tractor' in respect of the prop rotation, but the prop is driven by a simple spur reduction gear. This means that the engine is actually rotating in the clockwise direction, viewed from the front. This is the same direction as all the automotive engines driving the rear wheels that I've ever come across. I was brought up in the motor trade near the City of Coventry and had to swing a few starting handles - clockwise. The drive from the rear of the Merlin crankshaft is for the supercharger and various accessories, and I have little doubt that it couldn't transmit the power of the engine. Consequently, to use the end that drove the propeller in the aero engine, the direction of rotation of the Meteor had to be changed to drive into a gearbox designed to automotive conventions.
As a pilot, there's no reason to have turbojet/turbofan engines in counter-rotation. Jet's do not create p-factor and torque issues. Most turboprops are not counter-rotating, so there is a "critical engine" in the event of a single-engine failure. The torque and p-factor can cause a "Vmc rollover" if the critical engine is operating at high power and the aircraft speed is allowed to get too slow. There are a very, very few TP's which AFAIK have engine cores that turn the same direction, but gear reduction drive does the reversal. Counter-rotating props are more common in piston aircraft, where critical engine performance is more important. Many, but not all, light piston twins used for training and private flying have counter-rotating engines to eliminate the critical engine in one-engine-inoperative situations.
@@grahamj9101 Good to know! It likely has all four engines running the same direction, with the prop-reduction gear train handling the direction of rotation. I'd be stunned if they built L&R engine cores!
Interesting topic. I've read various aircraft manuals over the years, and I don't remember any warnings about gyroscopic forces from the jet engine affecting aircraft characteristics. There have to be some gyroscopic effects present, engine and airframe designers probably have to take them into account, but it seems it's not significant enough that would warrant warning the pilots in big bold letters. Now with propeller driven aircraft it's different, but again these are not gyroscopic forces that we are trying to cancel out with contra-rotating props, but rather: - P-Factor which causes yaw as the angle of attack increases and the prop centre of thrust shifts. This is especially dangerous in low&slow or engine-out situations. Not a big problem in ducted jet engines, where the angle of attack of the incoming air is small (and if it isn't, you have more serious problems). - Torque. This is simple, you turn the propeller in one direction, the airframe wants to turn the other direction, so you have to cancel that with ailerons. Interestingly even though jet engines produce much, much more torque to drive the compressor and the fan, there doesn't seem to be a lot of torque transmitted to the airframe. Don't know why, but one explanation I've found is that stators cancel most of it as they "push" the air in the opposite direction than the blades. - Propwash. In most aircraft configurations, the air accelerated by the propeller hits the wings and the empennage. However, the air behind the propeller is not moving straight, but swirling, which causes asymmetric lift on the wings and tail surfaces. Another issue that doesn't affect jet aircraft. So it seems there isn't much need to have contra rotating jet engines. Gyroscopic forces are not significant, and other adverse effects are unique to prop driven aircraft. Or at least not as strong in jet engines.
The torque produced by the compressor rotor on the external cases is in the opposite direction of the torque produced by the turbine rotor on the external cases. The connection between the turbine rotor and the compressor rotor is under a large torqe. The two external cases are also subjected to a large torque against each other.
No, the props on the 'Mossie' rotated in the same direction, and I believe that, as a result, the aircraft had a bit of reputation for a tendency to 'swing' on take-off. but nothing that a competent pilot couldn't handle. I believe that the Lockheed P-38 had opposite rotation Allison V-1710 engines driving (obviously!) opposite rotation props, rather than using an idler gear to reverse the direction of prop rotation. Like you, AgentJayZ, I am not aware of any gas turbine engine type that has been built in two versions, with opposite direction of rotation of the turbomachinery. Having said this, the Airbus A400M Atlas has opposite rotation props for each pair of TP400 engines. However, the turbomachinery rotates in the same direction in all four engines, with the reduction gearbox reversing the direction of rotation. PS the Merlins for the DH Hornet did have opposite-hand rotation props, but this was done with an idler in the reduction gear.
Gearboxes. Duh. Makes perfect sense. I always thought, "Man, that must be a nightmare for those maintenence guys to keep up with two different engines for planes with counter-rotating props."
4:45 not a turbojet, but the Piaggio P180 has the PT-6 (-66a I think) have counter rotating props from the addition of an extra gear. That’s more for P-factor than gyroscopic forces. Some piston twins have counter rotating piston engines, I thought the difference is the grind of the cam, but now that I think about it, the oil pumps would have to be different also if that was the case..The 737 must have a different gearbox for left vs right for the way the engines appear squished for ground clearance.
Same goes for the majority of multi engine boats. The reverse rotating propellers on a multi engine boat have different gear boxes and the same engines.
The belief that a jet engine has only one moving part comes from a 1950s ad introducing the De Havilland Comet, it was a picture of the Ghost engine centrifugal compressor connected by its shaft to a single stage turbine wheel, showing how simple a jet engine was as compared to a recip. Just marketing nonsense of course but it’s amazing how this misperception persists over half a century later.
I suppose it depends what your comparing too. Yes a modern jet is hilarious complex compared to your car engine, but a piston engine to make the same horsepower? In that case the advert is very much correct, and the last generation of supercharged, multiple bank radial, turbo-compounded piston engines to power large long distance airliners like DC-7 at 400mph+ had notorious reliability issues and long overhaul times compared to the jets that replaced them (turbo-jet in most US designs, and some counter rotating turbo-props on the soviet side, which managed far better economy and thus distance to reach places like cuba, but less speed).
I don't doubt for one second that AgentJayZ knows exactly what he is doing... but did anyone else have their anxiety go through the roof watching that front frame get wheeled around on the cart? The thought of such a beautiful bit of technology hitting the ground made my body instantly prep, ready to catch it (even though it is just a video). I guess I'm a bit of a klutz. If I ever stood in such a shop, I'd act like I was in a high-priced pottery store. Time to move very slowly and thoughtfully.
Wiki is just what most people say. In this case, most people are just guessing. The Wiki page talks about prop drive gearboxes, and then talks about turning the crankshaft around to allow reverse rotation, IF a gear train modification was made for cam drive, starter drive, and rearranging the ignition system for the changed firing order. Either one of the two would work. Which of the two is the simplest? It did have a prop drive reduction gearbox anyways, so A involves a gearbox change made to a standard engine, and B involves a fairly involved conversion of the internals of the entire engine that would not be easily undone. I know what I would choose if I was wanting to win a war...
If gyroscopic effects were problematic, we wouldn't have single-engine aircraft. Think about it...1 engine centrally mounted should be a worst-case scenario for roll stability. If the effects were cumulative for multi-engine aircraft, you would expect a lot of B52 crashes (8 engines), but a quick review of all the crash history I could find did not show any loss-of-control attributed to the engines rotating in the same direction. BTW, there have been a LOT of B52 crashes since the 1950's. So, that myth is busted.
It's more problematic on some aircraft. There was a fashion for rotating piston engines a long time ago; the crank was bolted to the bulkhead, the entire case / pistons of the engine span around it taking the prop with it. With all that spinning weight on light wooden biplanes, they could be tricky to handle! But as you point out, not an insurmountable problem. They had an advantage of being pretty well cooled even when on the ground. With a lot of gas turbine engines having multiple shafts, if those rotate in opposite directions then at least some of the gyroscopic effect is cancelled. I wonder if anyone has managed to achieve "perfect" cancellation, or something close to it? Also, with a turbofan engine it exerts a large torque on the fan, but the fan stator vanes which are usually pitched the other way also impart a torque in the opposite direction because of the airflow past them. I wonder if anyone has managed to get that balance "perfect"?
So basically, internet is full of misinformed idio.. sorry people. Even when it comes to jet engines. I love the things you do and how you do it. Educational, pedagogical and... let's call it humble ;) :*
Thanks for the kind words. I don't think anybody else would call me humble. I appear to be a cranky old curmudgeon, but I edit out most of my laughter.
A bit pedantic but on the note of F-18 vs F-16, they're rather aerodynamically different and the pilots are trained to fight them differently in bfm. TLDR F-18 is about aoa, F-16 is about turn rate. And agree 100% the gyroscopic effects are negligible when compared to the manufacturing considerations.
Rolls Royce Trent turbofans have 3 shafts which turn in opposite directions to i assume counters any gyroscopic forces within the engine, i don't know if GE or PW 2 shaft engines do thesame?
My understanding is that contra-rotation of the HP spool relative to the IP and LP spools was introduced in the Trent 1000 and XWB engines primarily for reasons of performance, not to reduce gyroscopic effects. Being familiar with the turbine of the RB211 years ago, I'm aware that the IP NGVs had wide-chord aerofoils with large internal spaces, as the structural 'spokes' supporting the HP/IP bearing housing passed through every other vane (plus oil feed, scavenge and vent tubes through others). This design feature has, of course, continued into the Trent engine range. I've not been told that this is the case, but contra-rotating the HP spool relative to the IP would significantly reduce the camber of the IP NGVs, resulting in a small but worthwhile improvement in efficiency.
Your comment was specifically described as not wanted. The only reason it is still here is because Graham responded to it. If I erased your comment, his informative reply would be lost.
Hey Agent, I've got a question for you about exhaust ducts. If the exhaust nozzle is already operating in a choked condition, does the addition of more energy result in higher thrust due to the pressure wave formed? Or must a convergent-divergent duct be employed in this circumstance. Sorry if this is a dumb question I'm just having trouble grasping some of these concepts.
Thrust nozzles are a difficult thing to understand for all of us Your question is complicated, because pressure times nozzle area is a small contributor to thrust. I suggest you go to the NASA site about the thrust equation.
What about unducted fan engines? Would they need to turn in opposite directions just like propellers do or is there some nature of it being a "fan" that makes that unnecessary?
The gyroscopic effects are much less significant than what interested laypeople might imagine them to be. And "just like props" is not an accurate thing to say.
hi ajent jay z, I'm dean from kenya and i have a high/low bypass turbofans,most of the rain water usually goes around the bypass area due to the centrifugal forces of the fan.but in a pure turbojet, wouldn't the rain water go directly through the compressor and in to the combustors and possibly cause a flameout? I'd really appreciate if you answered this because i cant seem to find the answer on google 😂. thank you
Even the heaviest of rainfall will not have any effect on a healthy running turbojet. All rain entering the compressor will be turned to steam before it gets halfway through all the stages. Then it only adds mass to the gas stream, which is one way to increase engine power. In the J79, which I am familiar with, the air entering the compressor can be at temps as low as -70F, and typically leaves the compressor at over 600F. Since the combustors only use about 15% of the air to burn the fuel, there is always a huge excess of oxygen present. The engine consumes about 150lbs of air per second, so if 10% of that was entering as raindrops, (roughly 2 gallons per second), that would not even come close to displacing enough oxygen to interfere with the burning fuel.
The engineering calculations for a mirror-image engine are identical, so there is little additional expense there. The problems arise in the duplication of the manufacturing tooling, and verifying that everything has been correctly mirrored. Then comes the logistical nightmare - you have to make sure "R" versions of parts are not mixed up with "L" versions, particularly when everybody is in a hurry to get an engine back in service. Consequently, because of the added controls to prevent this, inventory and stock expenses are more than doubled. Either that, or they have to be maintained as completely separate engine types.
Pretty much as I explained it, except nobody is ever in a hurry to "get an engine back in service". Nobody rushes so much that parts would get mixed up. To understand how the work is done, you have to spend time in a turbine engine shop.
@AgentJayZ - "Flight quality" engine. Hypothetical - you get 2 exact same versions of the allison/rr 250 in for rebuild, one for a helicopter and the other for, lets say a powerboat or mtt turbine superbike, what differences would there be between the two in regard to parts qualities etc? :)
The two could not be more different. Like the difference between contamination levels allowed for the tools used by a dentist, and those used by a paving crew. Yeah, you know which is which.
What a great video as usual and it is a good question. At about 5:35 Jay says almost all prop engines have a gearbox - it's curious that everybody hasn't jumped on this one. Most are direct drive in fact. I wonder what that statement applies to nowadays - probably commercial planes and larger ICE engine aircraft? And also maybe variable-pitch propellers?
Makes me think if the workers in the LEFT Twix factory think that there is only one Twix exist? Or do they even know about the RIGHT Twix factory down the street?
Oh, to me... the real magic would happen in the "chapel", where the right Twix and the left Twix are joined into one, forever and ever, in darkness and in light, in foil and red paper, 'til snap do they part... oh, wait.. that's Kit Kat. Oh my God... There's FOUR of them!
Unable to answer. Noticeable compared to what? I would imagine yes, but the weight of the fan and turbine driving it would be a small fraction of the weight of whatever aircraft they are attached to.
I’d suspect that the cost to beef up an engine to deal with whatever gyroscopic forces that would be countered/cancelled by an opposite rotating engine would be less than trivial compared to the cost of developing and certifying that engine… though such a thing would be great for punishing a misbehaving logistics specialist. I think Sisyphus would have an easier time completing his task… If having handed jet engines is truly a concern, perhaps some money could be made selling one variant to northern hemisphere clients and the other to southern hemisphere clients and we just won’t mention equatorial clients as they’re just confused. 🤣
Actually to the topic at hand, I’ve wondered about that myself but I never was bothered by the question enough to look into it! Thanks for answering the question. Your answer just makes sense!
There was an April Fool's joke, in the plant newsletter for the Westinghouse plant in Hamilton that produced industrial gas turbines, from the late 1980s or early 1990s. It announced an order to sell industrial gas turbines to Australia. Due to the change in hemispheres, the turbines had to spin the opposite way. Along with bringing a laugh, it sparked discussions on how you would change a gas turbine to run the opposite way. Except for the first and last stages, you swap the stationary blade profiles with the rotating blade profiles. The only engine family with any components that spin the opposite way is the Trent series. The Trent has three nested spools. The outermost spool is the high pressure section, the next spool in is the intermediate pressure section, and the innermost spool is the low pressure section. They realized that spinning the intermediate spool in the opposite direction of the high and low pressure spools eliminated the stator blading between adjacent sections. Eliminating two rows of stator blades in the compressor makes the engine a little shorter and a little lighter, but eliminating two rows of stator blades in the turbine section also save a lot of money, as hot section blading is costly. A shorter, lighter, and cheaper engine that produced the same power for the same fuel consumption was worth sorting out the teething problems of reversing the direction of the intermediate pressure spool.
Anybody who watches some of my vids knows that stator vaness and rotor blades have completely opposite functions, so swapping the shapes would not work. That joke must have been made by, and for, managers.
Interesting that jets rotate in the opposite direction of piston engines from their respective countries. Most American engines, when viewed from the rear, turn counterclockwise. Whereas the turbines turn clockwise. And exactly the opposite for British engine s
Please see the comment that I've posted elsewhere, in respect of the rotation of jet engines. I had a career lifetime in gas turbine engine design: however, I was brought up in the motor trade (US translation: auto repair business) in the Midlands of England. Thinking back to having to swing a starting handle (and to replace a fanbelt) a far as I can recall, all the motor car engines I came across as a boy rotated clockwise, viewed from the front.
@@grahamj9101 while I do not claim to be an expert on British car engines, what I've seen, their airplane engines rotate clockwise as viewed from the rear. The rear being the flywheel. Which would be the propeller end of an airplane engine. The Merlin engine certainly does. American piston aircraft engines, and most car engines, typically spin counterclockwise as viewed from the flywheel end. Unless of course you're talking about a P38 which had counterrotating engines as well as propellers
@@kevinbarry71 For your information and education, herewith a comment that I've posted elsewhere. Most (but not all) R-R engines rotate anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise is an Americanism), viewed from the rear. I say "most" because those engines originating from De Havilland, which ended up being rebranded as R-R , rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear. Armstrong Siddeley and Bristol engines typically rotated anti-clockwise, viewed from the rear. However, the AS Sapphire, which was originally a Metrovick engine, rotated clockwise, viewed from the rear, as did the DH Goblin and Ghost and (probably) the Gyron. As mentioned by another contributor, the (originally Bristol) Pegasus has contra-rotating spools primarily to cancel out the gyroscopic effect in the hover. Also emanating from Bristol, before becoming collaborative projects, the RB199 and the EJ200 have contra-rotating spools. the latest marks of the Trent engine from Derby, have a contra-rotating HP spool, relative to the LP and IP spools, reportedly for performance reasons. However, the BR700 series of engines from R-R Deutschland, rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear.
@@kevinbarry71 The Merlin engine rotates in the clockwise direction viewed from the front : it drives the prop in the opposite direction via a simple spur reduction gear. As I said, all the motor car engines I've come across in the UK over the years turn clockwise, viewed from the front, ie, anti-clockwise (as we say over here), viewed from the flywheel end. From what you say, this is the same as automotive engines in the USA, which is what I always thought was the case.
So an incredibly silly question of no real importance, if you have a dual spool, or even worse, a triple spool engine, do each of the spools spin in the same direction relative to each other or can/does one spool spin in the opposite direction of the other? ISTM that any argument you could make about it uneconomical for the spool of a particular model of a turbojet engine only being able to spin in one direction, Just Goes Away when you're talking about multiple spools. I mean you could design one spool to rotate in the clockwise direction and another spool spin in the counter clockwise direction and EVERY instance of the engine corresponding spools would spin in the same direct, but that wouldn't affect that one spool in any one engine could be spinning in the opposite direction of the other spool in the same engine. The engine manufacturer would eat the cost of designing different spools spinning in opposite direction only once, and after that, there would be no additional costs relating to the direction of spin of the spools. So what am I missing?
I think AgentJayZ has answered this before a while ago, but generally no, most gas turbine engines have their various spools rotating in the same direction. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule - the Pratt and Whitney F119 comes to mind - but by and large they all turn the same direction; there just isn't any significant benefit to it.
So let me give you a few examples of engines with co- and contra-rotating spools, as there are more than "a couple of exceptions". All marks of the (originally Bristol) Olympus had both spools co-rotating, as did the Tyne, the Spey and the Conway from R-R. However, the (originally Bristol) Pegasus in the Harrier had contra-rotating spools, primarily to cancel out gyroscopic effects in the hover. The RB211 series of engines had all three spools co-rotating, as did the earlier marks of Trent. However, I believe that the Trent 1000 and XWB now have the HP spool contra-rotating relative to the IP and LP spools for performance reasons. Moving on to recent military engines with which I'm familiar, the HP spool of the three-spool RB199 contra-rotates relative to the IP and LP spools, and the two spools of the EJ200 are contra-rotating. Apart from the Pegasus and the gyroscopic effect issue, there can be an advantage in having HP and LP turbines contra-rotating because it is possible to remove the first-stage LP nozzle guide vanes. Of course, this arrangement has to be designed into the engine, it's not just a case of leaving the LP1 NGVs out. I believe that a recent US military engine does have this arrangement.
Hello agentJayzulu, Have you heard of the second death of a Boeing whistle-blower? Do you want to share your thoughts, or is that not in your domain of interest?
Most (but not all) R-R engines rotate anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise is an Americanism), viewed from the rear. I say "most" because those engines originating from De Havilland, which ended up being rebranded as R-R , rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear. Armstrong Siddeley and Bristol engines typically rotated anti-clockwise, viewed from the rear. However, the AS Sapphire, which was originally a Metrovick engine, rotated clockwise, viewed from the rear, as did the DH Goblin and Ghost, but not (correction) the DH Gyron. As mentioned by another contributor, the (originally Bristol) Pegasus has contra-rotating spools primarily to cancel out the gyroscopic effect in the hover. Also emanating from Bristol, before becoming collaborative projects, the RB199 and the EJ200 have contra-rotating spools. All marks of RB211 and the earlier marks of the Trent had co-rotating spools turning anti-clockwise, viewed from the rear. However, the latest marks of the Trent engine from Derby, now have a contra-rotating HP spool, relative to the LP and IP spools, reportedly for performance reasons. In contrast, the BR700 series of engines from R-R Deutschland, rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear, possibly because of their V2500 ancestry.
The only person on youtube who doesn't encourage people to comment gibberish for "engagement".
I thought it was common knowledge that the turbines spin opposite below the equator!
Just kidding, I appreciate your knowledge and explanation skills.
Thank you for indicating you are being humorous.
It's not always so clear. Cheers!
Thanks for risking tongue twisters on the weekend for us viewers.
It would double (or more than) engineering, manufacturing, supply-chain, inventory, maintenance, and training costs. Standardization (on less) is one key to cost efficiency.
Interesting and humorous. Thanks for having me as company. Enjoyed myself. Dan USA
" Closely associated moving parts"...A most eloquent understatement.
AgentJayZ, it's been a while since I watched one of your videos. You gave me a fascination with turbines. So simple, so complex. If only I was younger...
It's very common for marine piston engine application to have clockwise and counter clockwise rotating engines. For a typical carbureted V8 the only thing needed to convert one to the other is a camshaft, distributor, water pump, and starter. On a diesel the injector pump is also different
For a turbine engine to spin the "other" direction from the original, all gas-path airfoils need to be produced in mirror image. This would thousands of pieces and dozens of designs. Making all of the fuel control and other external mechanicals turn the other way would be relatively easy.
It's not rare; it is never done.
@@AgentJayZ i was not suggesting they were made or that they would be easy to make, but that may be where some people get the expectation that they would/could.
@@AgentJayZ and also alluding to your comments on not making reverse rotation piston aircraft engines
Great video. Turbine engines just do not work like that, you would need to redesign the entire engine. But as for piston engines just cam and ignition changes is all. Just like boats use counter rotation engines. That is most likely how the question came about.
It's interesting that you've addressed this topic, AgentJayZ, only a matter of days after I read something about the so-called Cobra manoeuvre, which I've only just remembered. It must have been on the internet somewhere, but I can't remember where I came across it and to what aircraft it was referring!
My recollection is that article was referring to an aircraft with two engines (F-18 or Su-27?), and it stated that the manoeuvre had to be done with one engine at high or max thrust, with the other engine throttled right back, plus a rudder input, to keep the aircraft straight as it pulled up. This, as I understood it, was to counter the gyroscopic couple effect as the aircraft pulled up to the vertical with a relatively low airspeed, with the nose then dropping rapidly.
Since the Pegasus in the Harrier was specifically designed with contra-rotating spools, in order to cancel out any significant gyroscopic couple effect in the hover, it seems credible that it could become significant as an aircraft pulls up in the Cobra, with the nose then dropping rapidly at the top of the manoeuvre.
Is there anyone out there who could comment on this with authority?
dont know about the mosquito but the DH Hornet had Merlin 130+131 engines, the only difference being there was an idler gear to allow one propellor to turn in the opposite direction. the tp400 for the A400M Atlas has the same arrangement.
RR/Rover Meteor(tank engine version of the merlin)
"The major change for tank use was to reverse the direction of engine rotation. Automotive gearboxes ran the opposite way to an aircraft propeller and changing direction required modification of the camshaft lobes (most Merlins were "right-hand tractor", i.e. the propeller rotated clockwise when viewed from the rear)."
The Merlin is ''right hand tractor' in respect of the prop rotation, but the prop is driven by a simple spur reduction gear. This means that the engine is actually rotating in the clockwise direction, viewed from the front. This is the same direction as all the automotive engines driving the rear wheels that I've ever come across. I was brought up in the motor trade near the City of Coventry and had to swing a few starting handles - clockwise.
The drive from the rear of the Merlin crankshaft is for the supercharger and various accessories, and I have little doubt that it couldn't transmit the power of the engine. Consequently, to use the end that drove the propeller in the aero engine, the direction of rotation of the Meteor had to be changed to drive into a gearbox designed to automotive conventions.
As a pilot, there's no reason to have turbojet/turbofan engines in counter-rotation. Jet's do not create p-factor and torque issues. Most turboprops are not counter-rotating, so there is a "critical engine" in the event of a single-engine failure. The torque and p-factor can cause a "Vmc rollover" if the critical engine is operating at high power and the aircraft speed is allowed to get too slow. There are a very, very few TP's which AFAIK have engine cores that turn the same direction, but gear reduction drive does the reversal. Counter-rotating props are more common in piston aircraft, where critical engine performance is more important. Many, but not all, light piston twins used for training and private flying have counter-rotating engines to eliminate the critical engine in one-engine-inoperative situations.
The A400M, with four TP400 engines, has opposite rotation props in pairs.
@@grahamj9101 Good to know! It likely has all four engines running the same direction, with the prop-reduction gear train handling the direction of rotation. I'd be stunned if they built L&R engine cores!
@@NinerFourWhiskey You are correct. The change in direction is done in the reduction gear.
Interesting topic. I've read various aircraft manuals over the years, and I don't remember any warnings about gyroscopic forces from the jet engine affecting aircraft characteristics. There have to be some gyroscopic effects present, engine and airframe designers probably have to take them into account, but it seems it's not significant enough that would warrant warning the pilots in big bold letters.
Now with propeller driven aircraft it's different, but again these are not gyroscopic forces that we are trying to cancel out with contra-rotating props, but rather:
- P-Factor which causes yaw as the angle of attack increases and the prop centre of thrust shifts. This is especially dangerous in low&slow or engine-out situations. Not a big problem in ducted jet engines, where the angle of attack of the incoming air is small (and if it isn't, you have more serious problems).
- Torque. This is simple, you turn the propeller in one direction, the airframe wants to turn the other direction, so you have to cancel that with ailerons. Interestingly even though jet engines produce much, much more torque to drive the compressor and the fan, there doesn't seem to be a lot of torque transmitted to the airframe. Don't know why, but one explanation I've found is that stators cancel most of it as they "push" the air in the opposite direction than the blades.
- Propwash. In most aircraft configurations, the air accelerated by the propeller hits the wings and the empennage. However, the air behind the propeller is not moving straight, but swirling, which causes asymmetric lift on the wings and tail surfaces. Another issue that doesn't affect jet aircraft.
So it seems there isn't much need to have contra rotating jet engines. Gyroscopic forces are not significant, and other adverse effects are unique to prop driven aircraft. Or at least not as strong in jet engines.
Love your videos! Curious if there is any appreciable torque from a static engine running. Is the thrust out the back not linear?
The torque produced by the compressor rotor on the external cases is in the opposite direction of the torque produced by the turbine rotor on the external cases.
The connection between the turbine rotor and the compressor rotor is under a large torqe.
The two external cases are also subjected to a large torque against each other.
No, the props on the 'Mossie' rotated in the same direction, and I believe that, as a result, the aircraft had a bit of reputation for a tendency to 'swing' on take-off. but nothing that a competent pilot couldn't handle.
I believe that the Lockheed P-38 had opposite rotation Allison V-1710 engines driving (obviously!) opposite rotation props, rather than using an idler gear to reverse the direction of prop rotation.
Like you, AgentJayZ, I am not aware of any gas turbine engine type that has been built in two versions, with opposite direction of rotation of the turbomachinery.
Having said this, the Airbus A400M Atlas has opposite rotation props for each pair of TP400 engines. However, the turbomachinery rotates in the same direction in all four engines, with the reduction gearbox reversing the direction of rotation.
PS the Merlins for the DH Hornet did have opposite-hand rotation props, but this was done with an idler in the reduction gear.
You always present very informative content, Thank You.
Best Wishes to You and Your Family.
Gearboxes. Duh. Makes perfect sense. I always thought, "Man, that must be a nightmare for those maintenence guys to keep up with two different engines for planes with counter-rotating props."
4:45 not a turbojet, but the Piaggio P180 has the PT-6 (-66a I think) have counter rotating props from the addition of an extra gear. That’s more for P-factor than gyroscopic forces. Some piston twins have counter rotating piston engines, I thought the difference is the grind of the cam, but now that I think about it, the oil pumps would have to be different also if that was the case..The 737 must have a different gearbox for left vs right for the way the engines appear squished for ground clearance.
18:18 the Best Simpson's reference EVAR! Saxa-maphone!
Same goes for the majority of multi engine boats. The reverse rotating propellers on a multi engine boat have different gear boxes and the same engines.
The belief that a jet engine has only one moving part comes from a 1950s ad introducing the De Havilland Comet, it was a picture of the Ghost engine centrifugal compressor connected by its shaft to a single stage turbine wheel, showing how simple a jet engine was as compared to a recip. Just marketing nonsense of course but it’s amazing how this misperception persists over half a century later.
I suppose it depends what your comparing too. Yes a modern jet is hilarious complex compared to your car engine, but a piston engine to make the same horsepower? In that case the advert is very much correct, and the last generation of supercharged, multiple bank radial, turbo-compounded piston engines to power large long distance airliners like DC-7 at 400mph+ had notorious reliability issues and long overhaul times compared to the jets that replaced them (turbo-jet in most US designs, and some counter rotating turbo-props on the soviet side, which managed far better economy and thus distance to reach places like cuba, but less speed).
I don't doubt for one second that AgentJayZ knows exactly what he is doing... but did anyone else have their anxiety go through the roof watching that front frame get wheeled around on the cart? The thought of such a beautiful bit of technology hitting the ground made my body instantly prep, ready to catch it (even though it is just a video). I guess I'm a bit of a klutz. If I ever stood in such a shop, I'd act like I was in a high-priced pottery store. Time to move very slowly and thoughtfully.
I felt that, but my concern was eased by the knowledge it's scrap.
P38 Lightning , Allison V12 piston engines had both a left and right rotation engines ??, or was it just gearboxes ??
I have no personal experience with that great engine, which is why this video is not about it.
Just gearboxs I believe...
Edit. Wiki tells me I'm wrong and it was the engines that turned in opposite directions.
Wiki is just what most people say. In this case, most people are just guessing.
The Wiki page talks about prop drive gearboxes, and then talks about turning the crankshaft around to allow reverse rotation, IF a gear train modification was made for cam drive, starter drive, and rearranging the ignition system for the changed firing order.
Either one of the two would work. Which of the two is the simplest?
It did have a prop drive reduction gearbox anyways, so A involves a gearbox change made to a standard engine, and B involves a fairly involved conversion of the internals of the entire engine that would not be easily undone.
I know what I would choose if I was wanting to win a war...
If gyroscopic effects were problematic, we wouldn't have single-engine aircraft. Think about it...1 engine centrally mounted should be a worst-case scenario for roll stability.
If the effects were cumulative for multi-engine aircraft, you would expect a lot of B52 crashes (8 engines), but a quick review of all the crash history I could find did not show any loss-of-control attributed to the engines rotating in the same direction. BTW, there have been a LOT of B52 crashes since the 1950's.
So, that myth is busted.
It's more problematic on some aircraft. There was a fashion for rotating piston engines a long time ago; the crank was bolted to the bulkhead, the entire case / pistons of the engine span around it taking the prop with it. With all that spinning weight on light wooden biplanes, they could be tricky to handle! But as you point out, not an insurmountable problem. They had an advantage of being pretty well cooled even when on the ground.
With a lot of gas turbine engines having multiple shafts, if those rotate in opposite directions then at least some of the gyroscopic effect is cancelled. I wonder if anyone has managed to achieve "perfect" cancellation, or something close to it?
Also, with a turbofan engine it exerts a large torque on the fan, but the fan stator vanes which are usually pitched the other way also impart a torque in the opposite direction because of the airflow past them. I wonder if anyone has managed to get that balance "perfect"?
So basically, internet is full of misinformed idio.. sorry people. Even when it comes to jet engines.
I love the things you do and how you do it. Educational, pedagogical and... let's call it humble ;) :*
Thanks for the kind words. I don't think anybody else would call me humble.
I appear to be a cranky old curmudgeon, but I edit out most of my laughter.
I think j zed missed the most important thing about anticlockwise engines. Those engines preform better south of the equator...
Just saying 😂
That was very, very good question.
Another Friday AgentJay Rant. superb!
A bit pedantic but on the note of F-18 vs F-16, they're rather aerodynamically different and the pilots are trained to fight them differently in bfm. TLDR F-18 is about aoa, F-16 is about turn rate. And agree 100% the gyroscopic effects are negligible when compared to the manufacturing considerations.
Rolls Royce Trent turbofans have 3 shafts which turn in opposite directions to i assume counters any gyroscopic forces within the engine, i don't know if GE or PW 2 shaft engines do thesame?
My understanding is that contra-rotation of the HP spool relative to the IP and LP spools was introduced in the Trent 1000 and XWB engines primarily for reasons of performance, not to reduce gyroscopic effects.
Being familiar with the turbine of the RB211 years ago, I'm aware that the IP NGVs had wide-chord aerofoils with large internal spaces, as the structural 'spokes' supporting the HP/IP bearing housing passed through every other vane (plus oil feed, scavenge and vent tubes through others). This design feature has, of course, continued into the Trent engine range.
I've not been told that this is the case, but contra-rotating the HP spool relative to the IP would significantly reduce the camber of the IP NGVs, resulting in a small but worthwhile improvement in efficiency.
Your comment was specifically described as not wanted.
The only reason it is still here is because Graham responded to it. If I erased your comment, his informative reply would be lost.
Hey Agent, I've got a question for you about exhaust ducts. If the exhaust nozzle is already operating in a choked condition, does the addition of more energy result in higher thrust due to the pressure wave formed? Or must a convergent-divergent duct be employed in this circumstance. Sorry if this is a dumb question I'm just having trouble grasping some of these concepts.
Thrust nozzles are a difficult thing to understand for all of us
Your question is complicated, because pressure times nozzle area is a small contributor to thrust.
I suggest you go to the NASA site about the thrust equation.
@@AgentJayZUnderstood, will do. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.
What about unducted fan engines? Would they need to turn in opposite directions just like propellers do or is there some nature of it being a "fan" that makes that unnecessary?
The gyroscopic effects are much less significant than what interested laypeople might imagine them to be.
And "just like props" is not an accurate thing to say.
thanks for the reply regarding the Canuk Fighter Interceptor developped in the 50's . Is it possible to do a demo on the jet engines it used?
As explained, the type 11and 14 are identical, except in arrangement of external accessories.
Oh ok. thanks for the FYI
Can we get an update on the Iroquois?
It's in covered storage. Sadly, no work has been done on it for years.
hi ajent jay z, I'm dean from kenya and i have a high/low bypass turbofans,most of the rain water usually goes around the bypass area due to the centrifugal forces of the fan.but in a pure turbojet, wouldn't the rain water go directly through the compressor and in to the combustors and possibly cause a flameout? I'd really appreciate if you answered this because i cant seem to find the answer on google 😂. thank you
Even the heaviest of rainfall will not have any effect on a healthy running turbojet. All rain entering the compressor will be turned to steam before it gets halfway through all the stages. Then it only adds mass to the gas stream, which is one way to increase engine power.
In the J79, which I am familiar with, the air entering the compressor can be at temps as low as -70F, and typically leaves the compressor at over 600F.
Since the combustors only use about 15% of the air to burn the fuel, there is always a huge excess of oxygen present. The engine consumes about 150lbs of air per second, so if 10% of that was entering as raindrops, (roughly 2 gallons per second), that would not even come close to displacing enough oxygen to interfere with the burning fuel.
The engineering calculations for a mirror-image engine are identical, so there is little additional expense there. The problems arise in the duplication of the manufacturing tooling, and verifying that everything has been correctly mirrored. Then comes the logistical nightmare - you have to make sure "R" versions of parts are not mixed up with "L" versions, particularly when everybody is in a hurry to get an engine back in service. Consequently, because of the added controls to prevent this, inventory and stock expenses are more than doubled. Either that, or they have to be maintained as completely separate engine types.
Pretty much as I explained it, except nobody is ever in a hurry to "get an engine back in service". Nobody rushes so much that parts would get mixed up. To understand how the work is done, you have to spend time in a turbine engine shop.
That would be the Avro CF-100 Canuk Orenda 11s? (i forgot to mention the type of engine the Canunk used.
@AgentJayZ - "Flight quality" engine.
Hypothetical - you get 2 exact same versions of the allison/rr 250 in for rebuild, one for a helicopter and the other for, lets say a powerboat or mtt turbine superbike, what differences would there be between the two in regard to parts qualities etc?
The two could not be more different.
Like the difference between contamination levels allowed for the tools used by a dentist, and those used by a paving crew.
Yeah, you know which is which.
What a great video as usual and it is a good question. At about 5:35 Jay says almost all prop engines have a gearbox - it's curious that everybody hasn't jumped on this one. Most are direct drive in fact. I wonder what that statement applies to nowadays - probably commercial planes and larger ICE engine aircraft? And also maybe variable-pitch propellers?
I was referring to warbirds. The big stuff. You know, even the almighty R-4360 drove those huge props through a reduction gearbox.
Cool bike❤ the twin 🎉
Working for PW I always thought there were 2x version due to gyroscopic, like ethernet twisted pair. Thank you
Makes me think if the workers in the LEFT Twix factory think that there is only one Twix exist? Or do they even know about the RIGHT Twix factory down the street?
Oh, to me... the real magic would happen in the "chapel", where the right Twix and the left Twix are joined into one, forever and ever, in darkness and in light, in foil and red paper, 'til snap do they part...
oh, wait.. that's Kit Kat.
Oh my God... There's FOUR of them!
Do high bypass fans on the latest jet engines have a noticeable gyroscopic affect?
Unable to answer. Noticeable compared to what?
I would imagine yes, but the weight of the fan and turbine driving it would be a small fraction of the weight of whatever aircraft they are attached to.
@@AgentJayZ Thanks. that was my opinion as well.
I’d suspect that the cost to beef up an engine to deal with whatever gyroscopic forces that would be countered/cancelled by an opposite rotating engine would be less than trivial compared to the cost of developing and certifying that engine… though such a thing would be great for punishing a misbehaving logistics specialist. I think Sisyphus would have an easier time completing his task… If having handed jet engines is truly a concern, perhaps some money could be made selling one variant to northern hemisphere clients and the other to southern hemisphere clients and we just won’t mention equatorial clients as they’re just confused. 🤣
Actually to the topic at hand, I’ve wondered about that myself but I never was bothered by the question enough to look into it! Thanks for answering the question. Your answer just makes sense!
There was an April Fool's joke, in the plant newsletter for the Westinghouse plant in Hamilton that produced industrial gas turbines, from the late 1980s or early 1990s. It announced an order to sell industrial gas turbines to Australia. Due to the change in hemispheres, the turbines had to spin the opposite way. Along with bringing a laugh, it sparked discussions on how you would change a gas turbine to run the opposite way. Except for the first and last stages, you swap the stationary blade profiles with the rotating blade profiles.
The only engine family with any components that spin the opposite way is the Trent series. The Trent has three nested spools. The outermost spool is the high pressure section, the next spool in is the intermediate pressure section, and the innermost spool is the low pressure section. They realized that spinning the intermediate spool in the opposite direction of the high and low pressure spools eliminated the stator blading between adjacent sections. Eliminating two rows of stator blades in the compressor makes the engine a little shorter and a little lighter, but eliminating two rows of stator blades in the turbine section also save a lot of money, as hot section blading is costly. A shorter, lighter, and cheaper engine that produced the same power for the same fuel consumption was worth sorting out the teething problems of reversing the direction of the intermediate pressure spool.
Anybody who watches some of my vids knows that stator vaness and rotor blades have completely opposite functions, so swapping the shapes would not work. That joke must have been made by, and for, managers.
I would have guessed more..
Interesting that jets rotate in the opposite direction of piston engines from their respective countries. Most American engines, when viewed from the rear, turn counterclockwise. Whereas the turbines turn clockwise. And exactly the opposite for British engine s
Please see the comment that I've posted elsewhere, in respect of the rotation of jet engines.
I had a career lifetime in gas turbine engine design: however, I was brought up in the motor trade (US translation: auto repair business) in the Midlands of England. Thinking back to having to swing a starting handle (and to replace a fanbelt) a far as I can recall, all the motor car engines I came across as a boy rotated clockwise, viewed from the front.
@@grahamj9101 while I do not claim to be an expert on British car engines, what I've seen, their airplane engines rotate clockwise as viewed from the rear. The rear being the flywheel. Which would be the propeller end of an airplane engine. The Merlin engine certainly does. American piston aircraft engines, and most car engines, typically spin counterclockwise as viewed from the flywheel end. Unless of course you're talking about a P38 which had counterrotating engines as well as propellers
@@kevinbarry71 For your information and education, herewith a comment that I've posted elsewhere.
Most (but not all) R-R engines rotate anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise is an Americanism), viewed from the rear. I say "most" because those engines originating from De Havilland, which ended up being rebranded as R-R , rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear.
Armstrong Siddeley and Bristol engines typically rotated anti-clockwise, viewed from the rear. However, the AS Sapphire, which was originally a Metrovick engine, rotated clockwise, viewed from the rear, as did the DH Goblin and Ghost and (probably) the Gyron.
As mentioned by another contributor, the (originally Bristol) Pegasus has contra-rotating spools primarily to cancel out the gyroscopic effect in the hover. Also emanating from Bristol, before becoming collaborative projects, the RB199 and the EJ200 have contra-rotating spools.
the latest marks of the Trent engine from Derby, have a contra-rotating HP spool, relative to the LP and IP spools, reportedly for performance reasons. However, the BR700 series of engines from R-R Deutschland, rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear.
@@kevinbarry71 The Merlin engine rotates in the clockwise direction viewed from the front : it drives the prop in the opposite direction via a simple spur reduction gear.
As I said, all the motor car engines I've come across in the UK over the years turn clockwise, viewed from the front, ie, anti-clockwise (as we say over here), viewed from the flywheel end. From what you say, this is the same as automotive engines in the USA, which is what I always thought was the case.
It’s called a $90,000 coffee maker that’s how government contracts work👍🏻
18:19 Samsquantch
So an incredibly silly question of no real importance, if you have a dual spool, or even worse, a triple spool engine, do each of the spools spin in the same direction relative to each other or can/does one spool spin in the opposite direction of the other?
ISTM that any argument you could make about it uneconomical for the spool of a particular model of a turbojet engine only being able to spin in one direction, Just Goes Away when you're talking about multiple spools.
I mean you could design one spool to rotate in the clockwise direction and another spool spin in the counter clockwise direction and EVERY instance of the engine corresponding spools would spin in the same direct, but that wouldn't affect that one spool in any one engine could be spinning in the opposite direction of the other spool in the same engine.
The engine manufacturer would eat the cost of designing different spools spinning in opposite direction only once, and after that, there would be no additional costs relating to the direction of spin of the spools.
So what am I missing?
I think AgentJayZ has answered this before a while ago, but generally no, most gas turbine engines have their various spools rotating in the same direction. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule - the Pratt and Whitney F119 comes to mind - but by and large they all turn the same direction; there just isn't any significant benefit to it.
So let me give you a few examples of engines with co- and contra-rotating spools, as there are more than "a couple of exceptions".
All marks of the (originally Bristol) Olympus had both spools co-rotating, as did the Tyne, the Spey and the Conway from R-R. However, the (originally Bristol) Pegasus in the Harrier had contra-rotating spools, primarily to cancel out gyroscopic effects in the hover.
The RB211 series of engines had all three spools co-rotating, as did the earlier marks of Trent. However, I believe that the Trent 1000 and XWB now have the HP spool contra-rotating relative to the IP and LP spools for performance reasons.
Moving on to recent military engines with which I'm familiar, the HP spool of the three-spool RB199 contra-rotates relative to the IP and LP spools, and the two spools of the EJ200 are contra-rotating.
Apart from the Pegasus and the gyroscopic effect issue, there can be an advantage in having HP and LP turbines contra-rotating because it is possible to remove the first-stage LP nozzle guide vanes. Of course, this arrangement has to be designed into the engine, it's not just a case of leaving the LP1 NGVs out. I believe that a recent US military engine does have this arrangement.
😂I have not laugh like that in about 3 months. Those aren't spokes on the wheel.
Hello agentJayzulu, Have you heard of the second death of a Boeing whistle-blower? Do you want to share your thoughts, or is that not in your domain of interest?
Most (but not all) R-R engines rotate anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise is an Americanism), viewed from the rear. I say "most" because those engines originating from De Havilland, which ended up being rebranded as R-R , rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear.
Armstrong Siddeley and Bristol engines typically rotated anti-clockwise, viewed from the rear. However, the AS Sapphire, which was originally a Metrovick engine, rotated clockwise, viewed from the rear, as did the DH Goblin and Ghost, but not (correction) the DH Gyron.
As mentioned by another contributor, the (originally Bristol) Pegasus has contra-rotating spools primarily to cancel out the gyroscopic effect in the hover. Also emanating from Bristol, before becoming collaborative projects, the RB199 and the EJ200 have contra-rotating spools.
All marks of RB211 and the earlier marks of the Trent had co-rotating spools turning anti-clockwise, viewed from the rear. However, the latest marks of the Trent engine from Derby, now have a contra-rotating HP spool, relative to the LP and IP spools, reportedly for performance reasons. In contrast, the BR700 series of engines from R-R Deutschland, rotate clockwise, viewed from the rear, possibly because of their V2500 ancestry.