Joe - All The Things (instrumental)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ritachrisman8291
    @ritachrisman8291 Рік тому +23

    Absolutely beautiful❤ im almost 70 yrs old. In the 80's swinging in the porch swing with my 5 yr old daughter. So many memories with her listening to R&B while waiting for my husband to get home from work. She is 38 and we talk about that big house and swinging and dancing. Dad is gone now but she loves that music and thanks me for it. We still dance and sing. Im in a wheelchair but i do my best. Thanks to all those who gave us that great music !

  • @anonymuzz99
    @anonymuzz99 2 роки тому +83

    I'm 1999 born so this song is before my time but this kinda makes me realise how much more soulful the 90s musical era was in comparison to the current rinsed music

    • @zomcculloh3749
      @zomcculloh3749 Рік тому +5

      Nobody cares

    • @anonymuzz99
      @anonymuzz99 Рік тому +1

      @@zomcculloh3749 no one cares about seeing your fugly face either "Zo" but you are with it as your display picture, aren't you?gtfo

    • @zLemiWinksz
      @zLemiWinksz Рік тому +9

      Born in 98 and i feel the same

    • @HarlemKay44
      @HarlemKay44 Рік тому

      ​@@zomcculloh3749you. Dont. Lol

    • @BL_NKMIND
      @BL_NKMIND 10 місяців тому

      ​@@zomcculloh3749 nobody cares about your existence. You are nothing but a speck in the vast scheme of things, insignificant and forgettable. Your presence is like a mosquito buzzing in our ears, annoying and unwanted. Your words hold no weight and your opinions hold no value. You are a waste of space and time, a mere nuisance in this world. So save your breath and spare us your meaningless babble, because in the grand scheme of things, you are nothing but a nobody.

  • @bas7es
    @bas7es 14 років тому +45

    Best commercial R&B production of the 90's! Great synth programming and performing, great string arrangement. Just superb! I fear those days never return anymore in commercial music :(

  • @RicardoPunnjo
    @RicardoPunnjo 9 років тому +204

    one of the best R&B track ever made ... gotta love the 90s !!!!!

    • @ogtreyjerome
      @ogtreyjerome 6 років тому +12

      He was like the trey songz back in the day

    • @infamousdeath5480
      @infamousdeath5480 4 роки тому +6


    • @Hi-rd1mu
      @Hi-rd1mu 4 роки тому +4

      The 90s were so real but now we got fake 2020

    • @frematiguarda1033
      @frematiguarda1033 3 роки тому +4


    • @JohnHenryDavisTheThird1987
      @JohnHenryDavisTheThird1987 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Hi-rd1mu The 1990s decade. It was the era of gangster-street fighting. That spiritual era is a long time forever gone now.

  • @StealthSwith19136
    @StealthSwith19136 2 місяці тому +2

    I remember hearing this on the way back home from my grandmas back in Indiana to Chicago. Quiet night storm radio, looking out the window at the evening clouds as time pass by. Miss those days

  • @lalagibson8326
    @lalagibson8326 12 років тому +80

    This instrumental is so beautiful

  • @AaliyahTVMusic
    @AaliyahTVMusic 10 років тому +160

    This song will never get old. It's a classic!

  • @NikPhi
    @NikPhi 12 років тому +77

    God that guitar is so beautiful...

  • @MiahB513
    @MiahB513 3 роки тому +32

    I love the instrumental version just as much as the original version with Joe’s vocals 👏🙌

  • @beemerz3fan
    @beemerz3fan 6 років тому +17

    The best song, and the best instrumental to play with my headphones while walking in the streets of Tokyo. Seriously, you will get that vibrant feel around there during winter!

  • @montezsmith204
    @montezsmith204 6 років тому +30

    My girlfriend Tessa and I love instrumental tunes!!! Especially this one!!! Her and I slow danced to this one like 8 times, and counting!!!

    • @itstessa2852
      @itstessa2852 Рік тому +3

      Your gf has a beautiful name! 😌😍❤️

    • @acethemain7776
      @acethemain7776 5 місяців тому +1

      that's highly romantic

  • @ayagirlfan91
    @ayagirlfan91 12 років тому +26

    This is kind of beautiful, romantic love R&B & Hip Hop its sad there's no music like this anymore, what happen to all the positive R&B music now thedays?

    • @nevaehlheaven
      @nevaehlheaven Рік тому

      People don't know how to fall in love anymore. They rush and have sex without building an emotional and mental connection and it's like a tower of cards. There's almost no strong foundation and it falls easier than something built brick by brick

  • @dedecreole8315
    @dedecreole8315 6 років тому +20

    The 🎸 made the song. Eargasm afffffff

  • @tartarjynx
    @tartarjynx 8 років тому +47

    This instrumental is everything.. was a little boy when it came out but still knew good music

    • @markroach7225
      @markroach7225 5 років тому +6

      Lit 💥

    • @chrislacy1990
      @chrislacy1990 5 років тому +8

      tartarjynx Same here. I was six years old, living in Guam, and knew good music when I heard it.

    • @Xian127
      @Xian127 9 місяців тому


  • @lonigibson7025
    @lonigibson7025 4 роки тому +14

    Such a beautiful & relaxing instrumental. One of my fav songs of all time ❤️

  • @octopusmime
    @octopusmime 2 роки тому +12

    a masterpiece of the genre for sure. it takes you *right* there every time. its alchemy. 🔥🗝

  • @Incogn3gr0e
    @Incogn3gr0e 6 років тому +18

    I’m gonna make a baby to this song 😭 ah man growing up in the 90s the music was so much better. Still is! ❤️🙂

  • @ashtonbullock
    @ashtonbullock 4 роки тому +7

    This is taking me back to high school. The instrumental sounds even better than w/lyrics.

  • @simplimichael
    @simplimichael 7 місяців тому +1

    More than a song. This is a genuine work of art. A masterpiece! Kudos Joe Thomas! You're a legend.

  • @gabrielleivie4585
    @gabrielleivie4585 3 роки тому +4

    This a good instrumental for driving a long period of time lol float to where ever you have to go 💕🤦🏾‍♀️😂🔥🔥🔥🥴

  • @goMANgo84
    @goMANgo84 11 років тому +71

    This is so nostalgic for me. I remember listening to this song late at night in the summertime. At night it was so hot that I would take long walks and trance out with my headphones on with the Walkman cassette tape. I bought the tape at least 4 times because I would wear it out or snap it rewinding it so much. I was about 18 lonely and at the peak of physical shape. Had the six pack going. It could have been anybody girl or guy, if I had been listening to this song and feeling this way I would have been easy for the picking. (TMI) I know but that is what this song still does to me all these years later. Looking for someone that feels the same way...

    • @traceyq5509
      @traceyq5509 3 роки тому +7

      Hope you have found that special one ☺️

    • @LoShanelle
      @LoShanelle 2 роки тому +3

      I’m here

    • @octopusmime
      @octopusmime 2 роки тому +1

      yes honey 😂

    • @cambria44
      @cambria44 2 роки тому

      😂😂😂 memories

  • @Mike702LV
    @Mike702LV 5 місяців тому +2

    Joe!! This record is a mood-setter.

  • @Wildyoungnsweet
    @Wildyoungnsweet 7 років тому +32

    The part @ 3:21 is so beautiful. I can fall asleep to this.

  • @BluStahh
    @BluStahh 13 років тому +45

    this instrumental is perfect.

  • @michaelcollins237
    @michaelcollins237 5 років тому +1

    I sense some Isley Brothers ..........This young man and this tune?Sublime

  • @music3877
    @music3877 12 років тому +10

    this is real music this is how r&b beats need to sound now

  • @mimi102239
    @mimi102239 12 років тому +21

    I go to sleep to this instrumental :-) luv this song

  • @SHALONyounggoddess
    @SHALONyounggoddess 10 років тому +12

    Out of all the male artist, Joe is one I would love to perform with....just awesome. Love this track as well.

  • @RayfieldA
    @RayfieldA Рік тому +3

    I'm hearing this song in a Mashup with Jon-B "They Don't Know" in my head right now as I listen to this! But I'm not any part of a DJ mixer! 😩

  • @JBtheJMB84
    @JBtheJMB84 14 років тому +10

    If you order the All that I am album that was released in Japan...they have this on there as a bonus track.

  • @michellewatts5145
    @michellewatts5145 2 роки тому +2

    JuST BeaUTiful 💯🔥🔥
    ThankS 🙏🏻 4 The Upload
    HerE☝️17:02/2022 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • @johnnycage435
    @johnnycage435 7 років тому +64

    Joe revived bald heads off this joint

    • @ryanincelowe
      @ryanincelowe 5 років тому +8


    • @GL_FAB
      @GL_FAB 4 роки тому +6

      In the video he had hair lol

  • @AuthentiKsoul95
    @AuthentiKsoul95 Рік тому +7

    I love the instrumental better than lyrics ❤

  • @pdvaughn1415
    @pdvaughn1415 7 років тому +34

    I remember playing this instrumental on repeat while I was on my couch with a glass and bottle of red wine and my lady walked in, she jumped out of her clothes as I suggested and jumped on the couch with me, relaxed and shared my glass of wine with.

  • @beemerz3fan
    @beemerz3fan 6 років тому +26

    Best song to walk in the streets of Tokyo or Osaka at evening or early morning. Imagine that this song had a Japanese version.

  • @LivnNLearnin
    @LivnNLearnin 4 роки тому +3

    @3:22ish WHO is playing that Guitar????? Reminds me of Marc Antoine a bit and has the Latin Guitar sound. (Joe plays guitar was that him???)
    Studio Musicians are AMAZING💫✨⭐️🎼🎶🎼🎵

  • @artistsupportph6717
    @artistsupportph6717 4 роки тому +4

    This is a straight baby maker

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 14 років тому +5

    Great quality. I love this song.

  • @KandiceTetlow
    @KandiceTetlow Рік тому

    I was 14 when this came out here in the UK and I'm now 39 & all I can say it... Wow... This song still is amazing even the beat alone 💕

  • @ddestroybrazy
    @ddestroybrazy 6 місяців тому +2

    10kdunkin this beat is calling your name

  • @rockyjay2448
    @rockyjay2448 7 років тому +53

    Hey love
    You say you need someone
    To be there for you
    To love you all night long
    It's kinda funny but
    I don't think you have to look no further
    Because I'm right here
    And I'm ready
    To do all the things your man won't do
    Tell me what kind of man
    Would treat his woman so cold
    Treat you like you're nothin'
    When you're worth more than gold
    Girl to me you're like a diamond
    I love the way you shine
    A hundred million dollar treasure
    I'll give the world to make you mine
    I'll put a string a pearls right in your hand
    Make love on a beach of jet black sand
    Outside in the rain we can do it all night
    Out to tour the places he would not
    And some you never knew would get you hot
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch
    Baby, I want to do
    All of the things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you (Whoa)
    Baby, I want to do (Hey)
    All of (All of) the things your man won't do (Every little thing)
    I'll do them for you (Yeah)
    I'll take you out on a night cruise
    On a yacht, just can't lose
    'Cause we got a lot to look forward to
    1-2, what ya gonna do
    What good is a diamond nobody can see
    I hear he got you on lock down
    But I got the master key
    I'll light a thousand candles all around
    Show me to the subway, I'll go down
    Nothin' can be sweeter than the sound of makin' love
    Baby, when I start I just can't stop
    I'll love you from the bottom to the top
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch
    Baby (Baby), I want to do (Hey)
    All of the things your man won't do (Every little)
    I'll do them for you (Oh)
    Baby, I want to do (I want to do, yeah)
    All of the things your man won't do (Oh)
    I'll do them for you (Yeah)
    And oh, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah
    I'll light a thousand candles all around
    Show me to the subway, I'll go down
    Nothin' can be sweeter than the sound of makin' love
    Baby, when I start I just can't stop
    I'll love you from the bottom to the top
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch, ooh, yeah
    Baby, I want to do (Oh)
    All of the things your man won't do (I'm gonna, I'm gonna, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
    I'll do them for you (Ho)
    Sweet baby (Baby), I want to do (I want to do)
    All of the things your man won't do (And oh, yeah)
    I'll do them for you
    Ooh, I got a Jones in my bones for you
    There ain't a damn thing that I won't do
    I'll make your body cream with my sex machine
    I won't stop until I hear your mother scream
    Baby, I want to do (I want to do)
    All of the things your man won't do (Whoa, oh, oh, ho, ah, yeah, yeah, hm)
    I'll do them for you
    Baby, I want to do (Wanna do)
    All of the things your man won't do (Yeah, whoa, whoa)
    I'll do them for you (I want to do it for you, baby)
    Sweet baby, I want to do
    All of the (Oh, whoa) things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you
    Baby I want to do (Oh, yeah)
    All of the things your man won't do (Oh, yeah)
    I'll do them for you
    Sweet baby, I want to do
    All of the things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you

  • @OtisArcade
    @OtisArcade 5 років тому +13

    I loved the 90’s when they matched the counter melody with the vocals them were the days, btw all my hairs on my body are standing up lol

  • @KnightsOfStGabriel
    @KnightsOfStGabriel 8 років тому +31

    I can sleep to this

  • @brockcureton2989
    @brockcureton2989 6 років тому +6

    The Days The 90's

  • @music1-w7l
    @music1-w7l 6 років тому +8

    Now I see why R.Kelly had true beef with Joe! The beat itself is dope on soo many levels! Joe was killing it in the 90's...

    • @alonzosmith7795
      @alonzosmith7795 3 роки тому

      For Real

    • @benc4968
      @benc4968 2 роки тому +1

      Joe was sanging leagues ahead 😂

    • @mightymikec7
      @mightymikec7 10 місяців тому +1

      IT wAS just an ego thing by R kelly is all.Joe is pun.but R kELLY was on a whole othr level vocally and musically wise.

    • @vocalbooth8585
      @vocalbooth8585 2 місяці тому

      @@mightymikec7If you’re saying R Kelly is technically a ‘better’ vocalist than Joe, then I would disagree.
      Kellz is incredible, but Joe is more in the leagues of people like Brian McKnight and Wanya Morris… and as good as R Kelly is/was, he cannot hang with those type of vocalists.
      If you’re talking as a writer and producer, then I would agree that R Kelly is probably the more gifted one out of the two.

    • @mightymikec7
      @mightymikec7 2 місяці тому

      @@vocalbooth8585 r kelly is a better singer than brian mcknight and joe. Wanya is up there in vocal range with KELZ but KELZ IS A more verstaile singer than Wanya.

  • @sweetie8623
    @sweetie8623 14 років тому +2

    yes ive been looking everywhere 4 dis insturmental thax i luv this song

  • @peterlewis6324
    @peterlewis6324 2 роки тому +3


  • @joelakers410
    @joelakers410 4 місяці тому +1

    That’s take me back I was 12 and 13 years old back in 96-97

  • @DeMatt11370
    @DeMatt11370 14 років тому +1

    Great Sound, Simply Beautiful. God Bless U Bro. and keep doing what U are doing.

  • @harrytee7762
    @harrytee7762 4 роки тому

    LOCKDOWN UK 2020.

  • @soulofachristian8704
    @soulofachristian8704 6 років тому +1

    Super hot beat. True hit

  • @magickal87
    @magickal87 15 років тому +2

    love the sound of the guitar along wi the beat.

  • @melaniemoseley4815
    @melaniemoseley4815 6 років тому +3

    Thank you so much for this.

  • @stellaercolani3810
    @stellaercolani3810 6 років тому +4

    Love his music♡

  • @pjwilliams3406
    @pjwilliams3406 7 років тому +129

    Sounds so relaxing without the lyrics

  • @MrBIGJ45100
    @MrBIGJ45100 4 роки тому +1

    It sucks I only spent 3 years in the 90s. This instrumental is fire. 🔥🔥🔥

  • @awuahcurtis
    @awuahcurtis 12 років тому +5

    String work is amazin

  • @THutch80
    @THutch80 9 років тому +6

    The only thing that would've made this better would be to add the scream in the bridge. Perfect!

  • @orlandoprude3341
    @orlandoprude3341 11 місяців тому

    Joe the best of all time

  • @Nickstreetworkout
    @Nickstreetworkout 9 років тому +30

    Sounds like Final Fantasy mixed with some love makin music lol

    • @dwelle89
      @dwelle89 6 років тому +7

      after defeating a boss, this song played afterward lmao

  • @joshuatobias8052
    @joshuatobias8052 2 роки тому +3

    This instrumental reminds me of the scene in Don't Be A Menace 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @shyrieburgess6681
    @shyrieburgess6681 5 років тому +1

    Still in my play list 💃 💃💕

  • @yaya850519
    @yaya850519 9 років тому +3

    Very beautiful

  • @terrypower3245
    @terrypower3245 5 років тому

    This is just divine!!!!!

  • @johniarucker8830
    @johniarucker8830 6 років тому +3

    This song was for a movie soundtrack don't be a menace" Movie soundtracks are always the best because they think about the best lead song for the movie that beat

  • @tonivalez4365
    @tonivalez4365 4 роки тому +1

    Discovering in 2020 #eargasm

  • @enriquetheprofessor
    @enriquetheprofessor 11 років тому +4


  • @taramoore949
    @taramoore949 Рік тому

    I love this song beautiful music

  • @MackeyDeez
    @MackeyDeez 11 місяців тому

    This song takes me back when I young and handsome with a head full of hair.

  • @WiliansZL
    @WiliansZL 10 років тому +4

    love this song

  • @CapeVerdeanPrincexx
    @CapeVerdeanPrincexx 13 років тому +1

    My fav part of the whole song begins at 3:21 . Ugh I love that part!!!

  • @CarolinaMartucci
    @CarolinaMartucci 6 років тому


  • @SpecialK771
    @SpecialK771 11 років тому +1


  • @eduardoguimaraes8401
    @eduardoguimaraes8401 4 роки тому +2

    chic essa música é linda instrumental.

  • @alfredbrown7608
    @alfredbrown7608 5 років тому


  • @MarcoLabruna14
    @MarcoLabruna14 13 років тому +2

    Amazing.Someone needs to release the instrumental with the hook!:)

  • @Iron_J
    @Iron_J 5 місяців тому

    Keep grinding for your social social
    Keep grinding for your soul shell

  • @darinsmith3791
    @darinsmith3791 6 років тому +8

    The guitar strings on this is ohh so Spanish,..

  • @scm64entertainment44
    @scm64entertainment44 4 роки тому +1

    i love this song!!!!

  • @knighthonor44
    @knighthonor44 7 років тому

    Nice upload

  • @realruddy7880
    @realruddy7880 3 роки тому +1

    Cold ass beat beat!

  • @chereerichardson5685
    @chereerichardson5685 2 роки тому


  • @lalagibson8326
    @lalagibson8326 12 років тому +1

    So beautiful and romantic

  • @MariusVideoOfficial
    @MariusVideoOfficial 5 років тому


  • @shaneatkinson8933
    @shaneatkinson8933 6 років тому +2

    his soooooo handsome x

  • @YoungST20
    @YoungST20 15 років тому +3

    i fuckin love this song just listen to the beat......WOW

  • @cozene35
    @cozene35 5 років тому


  • @Andy_Hikes
    @Andy_Hikes 2 роки тому +3

    "Show me to the subway, I'll go down" -Joe

    • @1bosstv
      @1bosstv Рік тому +1

      Carry your cell phone cuz when the main dude stops, Subway will be hiring!

  • @apexhitter4209
    @apexhitter4209 5 років тому +2

    2019 Im finna chop somefn up !

  • @Pharaohleague1
    @Pharaohleague1 5 років тому +1

    Tell me what kind of man
    Would treat his woman so cold
    Treat you like you're nothin'
    When you're worth more than gold
    Girl to me you're like a diamond
    I love the way you shine
    A hundred million dollar treasure
    I'll give the world to make you mine
    I'll put a string a pearls right in your hand
    Make love on a beach of jet black sand
    Outside in the rain we can do it all night
    Out to tour the places he would not
    And some you never knew would get you hot
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch
    Baby, I want to do
    All of the things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you (Whoa)
    Baby, I want to do (Hey)
    All of (All of) the things your man won't do (Every little thing)
    I'll do them for you (Yeah)
    I'll take you out on a night cruise
    On a yacht, just can't lose
    'Cause we got a lot to look forward to
    1-2, what ya gonna do
    What good is a diamond nobody can see
    I hear he got you on lock down
    But I got the master key
    I'll light a thousand candles all around
    Show me to the subway, I'll go down
    Nothin' can be sweeter than the sound of makin' love
    Baby, when I start I just can't stop
    I'll love you from the bottom to the top
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch
    Baby (Baby), I want to do (Hey)
    All of the things your man won't do (Every little)
    I'll do them for you (Oh)
    Baby, I want to do (I want to do, yeah)
    All of the things your man won't do (Oh)
    I'll do them for you (Yeah)
    And oh, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah
    I'll light a thousand candles all around
    Show me to the subway, I'll go down
    Nothin' can be sweeter than the sound of makin' love
    Baby, when I start I just can't stop
    I'll love you from the bottom to the top
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch, ooh, yeah
    Baby, I want to do (Oh)
    All of the things your man won't do (I'm gonna, I'm gonna, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
    I'll do them for you (Ho)
    Sweet baby (Baby), I want to do (I want to do)
    All of the things your man won't do (And oh, yeah)
    I'll do them for you
    Ooh, I got a Jones in my bones for you
    There ain't a damn thing that I won't do
    I'll make your body cream with my sex machine
    I won't stop until I hear your mother scream
    Baby, I want to do (I want to do)
    All of the things your man won't do (Whoa, oh, oh, ho, ah, yeah, yeah, hm)
    I'll do them for you
    Baby, I want to do (Wanna do)
    All of the things your man won't do (Yeah, whoa, whoa)
    I'll do them for you (I want to do it for you, baby)
    Sweet baby, I want to do
    All of the (Oh, whoa) things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you
    Baby I want to do (Oh, yeah)
    All of the things your man won't do (Oh, yeah)
    I'll do them for you
    Sweet baby, I want to do
    All of the things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you

  • @babyusher08
    @babyusher08 15 років тому +1

    love it

  • @jayb8022
    @jayb8022 3 роки тому

    Just a kid when this came out

  • @djhollywoodco
    @djhollywoodco 4 роки тому

    KunTree HuStle Radio has the best playlist for Remixes and MashUps... 2020 Music

  • @FEMI9INEOracle
    @FEMI9INEOracle 6 років тому +2


  • @8355joyce
    @8355joyce 12 років тому +1

    very nice

  • @gabrielleivie4585
    @gabrielleivie4585 3 роки тому +2

    Lol I’m back this would be perfect music for like Valentine’s day no lyrics just the instrumental To walk into a house with rose petals and lit candles everywhere 🕯🥀🥀🥀🥴🔥🤦🏾‍♀️

    @FRANKMWOMBEKI 10 років тому +8

    soul food

  • @MrPearlchild
    @MrPearlchild 12 років тому +3

    Joe is No.1 R&B Singer,Producer !!

  • @larrythompson2492
    @larrythompson2492 3 роки тому

    2o21 March 5 great tune that good

  • @shindukess
    @shindukess 10 місяців тому

    Nuh uh fool! That's the baby's lunch.