ROD BUILDING OVERVIEW; Terry Scroggins Teaches Rod Building Using Mudhole Tackle Components

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @WorldsWorstFishing
    @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +29

    Thank you Mr. Scroggins for showing us the ropes!!

    • @richardpeterson3753
      @richardpeterson3753 3 роки тому +1

      first of all,good stuff right all in on diy fish gear this naturally wound up being on my to-do list.made plenty of cane poles,and nice bank poles,now I'm off to build a nice heavy catfish rod as I am never satisfied with store bought cat rods.where can I get these handle materials? I would like a nice handle on the pair I plan to build,one for me and my wife.rod blank I'm useing should be overkill for any catfish,solid fiberglass one piece 6 foot rods basically.we going for 50 pounder plus catfish lol.and every aspect of this build I have done at some point or another except a nice handle.if it's just me useing it,I tend to not care bout nice appearance and just go for performance but this pair of poles is a bit different.i want em nice,and want em to last year's.and I want nice handles lol.cork,plastic,I'm not terribly picky,just need a reliable supplier and affordable prices.

  • @MyLexie2010
    @MyLexie2010 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Terry, just happened to catch this video today. I have followed your career for some time but wasn't aware you were a rod-builder too. I've been building rods since the 1970's. Never took a class, my father taught me. Three boys in the family that loved to fish. Always had broken rods that needed fix'n. Way before Mudhole and other companies offered all the great equipment of today, I made my own drying machines out of old rotisserie motors and built my cork handles out of pieces of cork.
    Rod building has come a long way. It's a fun hobby and like you say, "the only way to get the type of rod that you want". Great video Terry. I'll be watching for more in the future.

  • @foxyredsheri
    @foxyredsheri Рік тому +45

    Wow just seeing this out of the box recommend I have yet to fish with this set up, but based on the first hands on appeal, I can tell this is going to change the way i pack and carry to a whole new level. If you fish like i do, you know the smaller and less stuff the better. I’ve added a photo of just some of my gear so you can see how serious i am about fishing.

  • @fishingthe262
    @fishingthe262 5 років тому +7

    You got yourself a good teacher, I learned with trial and error, but I can’t imagine walking into a store to buy a rod anymore.

  • @joelee240
    @joelee240 5 років тому +3

    Back in 2017 I broke 2 of my favorite rods. Both were 20 year old St. Croix rods. One was a flipping stick and the other was a cranking rod. I decided to replace them with MHX rods from Mud Hole. Mud Hole has a black Friday sale were you can buy rod build kits and blanks for 50-75% off regular price. I chose to reuse the guides and reel seat off my broken rods so all I need to buy were the 2 blanks, 2 eva butt caps, 2 eva grips, a 100 yard spool of wrapping thread, and epoxy finish (1 oz hardener, 1 oz resin). The hardest part of building the rods was keeping the guides towards tip from moving. The blanks were very thin and the guides were single foot. I paid around $105 to build 2 new rods and I have caught hundreds of bass on both of them.

  • @dlgloege
    @dlgloege 5 років тому +1

    I went to a MudHole class last year. Unfortunately the rod I made in class was found broken on the rod rack (not me lives at our house too). Thankfully I bought several blanks and all the supplies and tools to make some more. I can't wait to see what new techniques you can bring to the channel. Rod building can be as fun as bait making for sure. Thanks Mr. Terry Scroggins for the refresher course. I am pumped to build some rods again!

  • @dojz9u3v
    @dojz9u3v 3 роки тому

    Thank you Chris, I know I repeat myself a lot but you opened up a whole new world for me ! Whish you the best, Lucas

  • @keithknight5973
    @keithknight5973 2 роки тому

    thank you so much for showing me how to build my own rod .I've now got the courage to try .

  • @LatinRazcals
    @LatinRazcals 5 місяців тому

    Great content, I'm so ready for the class. Let go Slaying

  • @smeegirl4624
    @smeegirl4624 2 роки тому +1

    Ive had most of my rods made and have been thinking I would like to try build my own
    Thankyou for the very simple very informative and easy video to guide us aspiring rod builders
    Keep em coming mate
    Most of my fishing is beach fishing in western Australia occasionally deep sea fishing love to see a few rods made for these places if possible
    Thanks again mate 👍👍👍

  • @ZeroCool-vn9bd
    @ZeroCool-vn9bd 4 роки тому +4

    Great video! I wish I had a turning rack like that. Just did my first guide replacement last night. I really like how you pointed out finding the spine. I worked in engineering for most of my life and I lover learning simple things like that, they make a big difference, but are over looked so often. Thanks from Denmark, the epoxy is dry and I'm going fishing :D

  • @GopherHayes
    @GopherHayes 5 років тому +3

    I mentioned a few years ago that rod building would be great addition to the channel. It’s going to be fun👍🏻

  • @Darkman-Fishing
    @Darkman-Fishing 5 років тому +4

    Love how he simplified every step, I have a rod I have to put together from mud hole, this helps a ton

  • @basscatlildave
    @basscatlildave 5 років тому +2

    Nice addition to your channel. I’ve been doing rods for a while but always enjoy learning everything I can. You’ve helped me thru plastics holler at me if you need anything in the rod department

  • @johnmichael1220
    @johnmichael1220 2 роки тому

    Wish I had the guts to build my own rods
    Top video fellas Thankyou for the information

  • @dwighthiggins7261
    @dwighthiggins7261 3 роки тому

    thanks this helped me out alot I have a rod kit picked out on mud hole .Now I can order it after I seen you do it Thanks again

  • @rickyreynolds9056
    @rickyreynolds9056 2 роки тому

    Very well made video and rod!! 👌

  • @Tam58851520
    @Tam58851520 5 років тому +1

    Great new twist Chris. Thanks Big Show for making it look easy. I've been thinking about doing this for a long time and I think it's time to start.

  • @randyeggleston7138
    @randyeggleston7138 4 роки тому +1

    I really like the rods being very clean, one color, to me that is so nice. To me to many colors can really mess things up. Nice job.

  • @customrodsandbaits8620
    @customrodsandbaits8620 5 років тому +1

    Nice work! He does make it look easy and it is. I’ve been doing mine for a while and it’s yet another addiction, you will love it!

  • @bayouburner281
    @bayouburner281 5 років тому +3

    Good stuff Chris and Big Show🤙🏻
    Anyone in the SE Texas(Houston/Beaumont)area, Fishing Tackle Unlimited has a rod building class every year. Very good instructors and quality components.I believe they use Mudhole products.

  • @easyaussietarget3355
    @easyaussietarget3355 3 роки тому

    Amazing content mate!
    Thank you for showing the rest of us "fishing mortals" your godly secrets.

  • @eddiehawk8861
    @eddiehawk8861 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome video I truly enjoyed watching. My finesse go to got to be drop shot and shakey head fishing.

  • @FishingLouisiana2020
    @FishingLouisiana2020 Рік тому

    Great video, keep up the good work.

  • @jaredcrist4798
    @jaredcrist4798 3 роки тому

    This video was much better than the actual Mud Hole videos. Very nice

  • @JeffSmith-eq3kc
    @JeffSmith-eq3kc 2 роки тому

    Interesting seeing a bass rod built so quick. Mudhole is a great resource it looks like for you guys. I don't do much freshwater fishing but I build my own rods for the salt. It's definitely much more expensive than this but the basics are the basics! I do like to put more into the aesthetics though. I figure if I'm building a rod that's custom for me I should customize it. Having a perfectly fitted rod makes a huge difference when you're on a big fish.

  • @robertfrance6843
    @robertfrance6843 11 місяців тому

    Great tutorial !!! liked the fact you used a bobbin to wrap your guides instead of a wrapper, liked that tubing for guide placement. Where did you get the tubing ? I may try that approach. Thanks again, great video !!!

  • @lancehenthorn17
    @lancehenthorn17 5 років тому +1

    He made rod building look easy. I know it's not just from repairing broken rods. What gets me is the price of blanks. Not as cheap as I would have thought. Great video.

  • @Suko1983
    @Suko1983 4 роки тому

    Great work! nothing like a personalized rod, it feels way better when you fish.

  • @jeffreylunday928
    @jeffreylunday928 5 років тому

    I have learned a new technique and an easier way to thread the guides. What exactly was the tubing again and where to get it? Instead of using tape for arbors under the reel seat, I use fiberglass mesh, used for sheetrock mud. Epoxy can get down there really good. I personally find the spine first before I put anything on the blank. Great video and I am glad that you are going to be doing more videos about rod building. Never quit learning.

  • @m4a1JAY
    @m4a1JAY 4 роки тому

    Fuji makes a great winding check that fills in the gap at the reel seat hood threads. it also centers your reel seat to the blank. Try it out.

  • @Wizard010357
    @Wizard010357 5 років тому +1

    Nice overall build video. I build my own rods with Mudhole products and they fish great! I'll never buy a commercial rod again. Once you get your first one built you'll feel the same way, Chris. ;-)

  • @JacobSimpson
    @JacobSimpson 5 років тому +1

    I've been thinking about doing it forever. Now I REALLY want to try building my own rods! Love those punch bugs!

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +1

      yeah its a great hobby and you will build a better rod than anything you are paying $200 for in a store.

  • @newcrankeeworkshop
    @newcrankeeworkshop 5 років тому

    i am so impressed and jealous at the same time. You guys are just awesome.

  • @ErnestColeFishing
    @ErnestColeFishing 5 років тому +1

    Great video. I learned a couple tips for my next build. Looking forward to seeing you build yours.

  • @nadamsga
    @nadamsga 2 роки тому

    Great vid! I'm interested into getting into rod building as well.

  • @adamsfishingchannel514
    @adamsfishingchannel514 5 років тому +1

    U got me making my own bait, now your going to get me making my own rods! Great fun video. Very informative!

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому

      Haha tackle building comes in many forms lol... thanks for watching.

    • @adamsfishingchannel514
      @adamsfishingchannel514 5 років тому

      @@WorldsWorstFishing would be cool to see a price point also on total cost of building the rod? Also do you know what that machine is called? I want to look it up lol.

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +1

      @@adamsfishingchannel514 yeah I'll be driving into those topics for's a automatic wrapper thing they sell...just go to their website.

    • @adamsfishingchannel514
      @adamsfishingchannel514 5 років тому

      @@WorldsWorstFishing cool thanks!

  • @lelandhenryfishing4870
    @lelandhenryfishing4870 5 років тому

    Can’t wait to see. After making my own plastics it makes me want to make all my own stuff Jigs, drop shot weights, and rods so on.

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +1

      yeah there are so many different areas of tackle making to dive into...hard to do them all tho ha

  • @ClickBAITFishing
    @ClickBAITFishing 4 роки тому

    My oldest boy wants to make his own rod, thanks for the great video I am subscribing so we can keep up with your work.

  • @chrismartin500
    @chrismartin500 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much. About to build my first.

  • @michaelschnitzer4054
    @michaelschnitzer4054 3 роки тому

    Well now I gotta get a rod building kit and been watching marling baits might have to try to make a lure too

  • @2d_Uplands
    @2d_Uplands 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome video! Thank you for showing us the ropes!
    Have you tried orthodontic rubber bands to hold the guides instead of the tube?

  • @markpursell8192
    @markpursell8192 5 років тому +9

    That was a great video! Makes me want to look into building my own! Looks really easy, but of course guys like him tend to make look that way...

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +2

      Yeah I'm sure when I try one all on my own that it won't be easy haha...but Terry says after a few rods you'll be able to turn em out no problem.

    • @XschultzieX
      @XschultzieX 5 років тому +2

      I've built four, and if you're just going by what Big Show did, then it really is simple. All the really elaborate decorative wraps are beautiful, and that is where the hobby really becomes art.

  • @anthonyleopper9133
    @anthonyleopper9133 4 роки тому

    Nice video. Any input on size selection/number of guides and glueing the tip?

  • @wrightackle1
    @wrightackle1 5 років тому

    Somewhere down the road I want you to tackle a spiral or acid wrapped rod. I have made a ton of rods but never tried the spriral wrap where the guides start on top but gradually work their way around to the bottom of the rod. That would eliminate that constant tip wrapping you get when you are working a lure at warp speed. If you apply yourself to rod building the way you do your pouring you are going to turn out some pretty rods.

  • @meco72104
    @meco72104 4 роки тому

    Very cool, nice rod.

  • @Official_JokerMan
    @Official_JokerMan 3 роки тому

    GREAT VID, is there a particular laser you use?

  • @lmb4272
    @lmb4272 4 роки тому

    Awesome! Likes and subscribed!👍


    Keren banget caranya ,
    Salam kenal dari Indonesia

  • @billdurham8575
    @billdurham8575 4 роки тому +1

    I enjoyed the video.. but some info would be helpful.. where did you get the rotisserie rod holder? Do you recommend a brand of epoxy? The thread.. what are the specifics on that? Thanks

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  4 роки тому +2

      All of those items come from Mudhole...I will speak more on this as I do more rod content. This is just the first one.

  • @sowhat5939
    @sowhat5939 2 роки тому

    Very Good thank you!!

  • @YOAownageYOA
    @YOAownageYOA 5 років тому +9

    Dude did not ream out his grips nearly enough, you don't want your grip/real seat paste to all be pushed out as it was shown in the video, also he did not score the blank to prevent grip paste failure, also there are seams on those winn grips, so position does matter, also dont use goof off on your blanks, use isopropyl alcohol to clean grease and epoxy. Additionally give your grips an hour plus to set up before messing with them. Other than that he did most everything else correctly, but then again in building rods there are no wrong or right answers, you do it your own way, but those small additions will make a huge difference in durability.

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +2

      I'll be sure and pass your criticisms along lol...but seriously just like you said, the beauty is you can do it however you want. being a touring pro angler he puts his rods through alot more use than most of us do and he gets the performance he wants doing it the way he does.

    • @TheNeverendingProjectsList
      @TheNeverendingProjectsList 5 років тому +2

      Oh man.... I've never built a rod before but I cringed when he used goof off on everything.

    • @fishingthe262
      @fishingthe262 5 років тому +1

      No need to scuff the blank. No need to take out any more material than he did with those Winn style grips.

    • @YOAownageYOA
      @YOAownageYOA 5 років тому +1

      @@fishingthe262 That is simply not true, what you are saying makes no sense. Winn Grips are more or less no different from EVA grips on the inside diameter, the blank is painted with a gloss finish. thread/grip finishing epoxies, be it rod paste, pro koat, flex coat etc, is not going to penetrate this finish, and has nothing to adhere to other than itself. Also the gap is critical , reaming material allows greater area for the epoxy paste to propogate through, be it the pores of the EVA or the scoring marks. Thats why scoring the blank, and reaming the grips is so important, if you dont do these things, then when you hook into an 8lb bass or a 15 lb snakehead, and your rod undergoes torsion, the epoxy will break away from the finish the second it gets the chance to do so. On smaller diameter blanks this becomes super critical, an ultralight for example on average wont last a month without grip/butt/seat torsion failure unless it has been reamed properly and scored to accept the epoxy. You are a 'rod builder' according to your channel, so these are things you should already know..

    • @fishingthe262
      @fishingthe262 5 років тому +1

      YOA Ownage HD you’re 100 percent incorrect. I’ve been building custom rods for quite some time. I’ve never once scuffed a blank and EVA and WINN should fit snug. I’ve never had a handle fail to this day.

  • @MyLexie2010
    @MyLexie2010 4 роки тому

    Hey Terry, quick question. I noticed you didn't use winding checks above the fighting butt, below the handle and above the fore grip? How come?

  • @matthamilton4677
    @matthamilton4677 3 місяці тому

    Question, whdodo you use a long Boaring drill bit for the hand and rear butt pieces, excuse my ignorance as I'm just starting.and notice every builder uses those, wouldn't a drill bit half that size be suffice?

  • @josephbarajas8898
    @josephbarajas8898 4 роки тому

    Love your Channel Bro 😎🤙🎣🔥💥

  • @UncleKrusty68
    @UncleKrusty68 5 років тому +1

    Next time be sure to show how the eye layout works. Another great video guys.

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому

      Yeah I'll have much more content on this stuff going forward.

  • @larrywigmore1243
    @larrywigmore1243 Рік тому

    I have a friend who builds my rods for me, and he uses mud hole rods. Love them. But I think you just made me decide to purchase the kit and start building my own. Would like to know if you could tell me where you get that tubing from. Would really appreciate it. Thanks, Larry

  • @scottsmo7715
    @scottsmo7715 3 роки тому

    Where do you get the decals ?? Been trying to find some. Thanks in advance

  • @thesydneyangler
    @thesydneyangler 4 роки тому

    Awesome video 🤙 greetings from Australia. New sub!

  • @NautiFish1
    @NautiFish1 4 роки тому

    Awesome vid & good info 🤙-Nauti Fish

  • @groundedfilms5877
    @groundedfilms5877 5 років тому

    Killer video as always man keep up the good work. Looking forward for the next vid!

  • @nicholascovi-mccarthy4432
    @nicholascovi-mccarthy4432 2 роки тому

    Where can I find those drill attachments you got to hallow the grips?

  • @glenndaugherity6187
    @glenndaugherity6187 3 роки тому

    Where do you find that tubing to slip on the rod blank ? Thanks

  • @eywaeywa162
    @eywaeywa162 4 роки тому

    whats the Brand‘s Name that he recommends at 0:45 ?

  • @toby_terpenstein2533
    @toby_terpenstein2533 Рік тому

    What type and size lathe is he using? I'd sure like to start making my own rods too. What company does he use to order his rods and parts for his builds?

  • @dannyyork3742
    @dannyyork3742 2 роки тому

    Man that is a sweet hammer terry! Think you got me hooked. Does mud hole sell the spinning machine?

  • @itsthatmemegodtp3237
    @itsthatmemegodtp3237 2 роки тому

    hey this is a dumb question but what type of tubing do you use and where can I possibly find it

  • @306ringer4
    @306ringer4 2 роки тому

    Now the tricky part... building the reel!!😂

  • @mychalcummings4140
    @mychalcummings4140 4 роки тому

    Whats is the thread called and where do you get it? Thanks great video very informative.

    • @lordo826
      @lordo826 4 роки тому +1

      it's called prowrap, get it from mudhole!

  • @boognish.
    @boognish. 2 місяці тому

    Great video

  • @DWillerup
    @DWillerup 4 роки тому

    It’s a similar technique gluing brass tubes into pen blanks. I usually scratch the tube up to improve the glue’s grip strength. Is that not necessary for fishing poles?

    • @Backs4more
      @Backs4more 4 роки тому

      Rev. David Willerup if done properly, yes, you rough up the blank to improve adhesion.

  • @todd0585
    @todd0585 5 років тому

    Terry is the man!

  • @umitaksu3442
    @umitaksu3442 10 місяців тому

    Gerçekten çok güzel oldu ❤

  • @jasontedesco3154
    @jasontedesco3154 4 роки тому

    I’ve yet to build a rod that needed the guides in the exact same place on each blank. I get them close and then load test and check for hard transitions. It keeps for a smoother casting and loading rod. Spiral wrapping quizzes is the only way to go anyway.

  • @bobbyf3466
    @bobbyf3466 4 роки тому

    What size and how many guides do you recommend for a 7'0 Medium XF bait caster?

  • @jimjones6657
    @jimjones6657 3 роки тому

    Is there a chart that you use for guide placement?

  • @daveengstrom9250
    @daveengstrom9250 3 роки тому +2

    "In a circular fashion" Translation: smooth.

  • @richardpeterson3753
    @richardpeterson3753 3 роки тому

    can we get details on the jig you used for your rod?

  • @paulschweickert4890
    @paulschweickert4890 5 років тому

    thanks for the video, great to watch terry build a rod, picked up a lot of great tips. what size rubber tube does terry use?

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому

      the rubber tubes come with the set...they are different sizes so they fit the blank all the way down.

  • @gamingaccount9890
    @gamingaccount9890 Рік тому

    I bought the Ugly Stick GX2. It's a 4 piece rod but sometimes when I cast it, it flies to pieces. No matter how hard I push the rods together it still comes apart. I was thinking of taping the sections with Gorilla Glue tape. At least so my rod won't fly into the water.

  • @יקירווטקינז
    @יקירווטקינז 3 роки тому

    i was thinking if its possible to put some epoxy on the threads instead of the tape

  • @60hmariner
    @60hmariner 5 років тому

    Hey chris, 2 questions for you, what colors would u mix to make the strike king blue fleck color? ( kvd fineness worms come in that color, its like a translucent purple, redish) second if you check out the strike king rage swimmer there is a color called pro blue red pearl, how do you get the colors to come out like that if your mold is 2 cavity sharing the sprue? Thanks chris your channel is great

  • @travisstarnes8626
    @travisstarnes8626 4 роки тому

    What is your honest opinion on the quality of the MHX rods? What do they compare to?

  • @rippinlips4543
    @rippinlips4543 5 років тому

    Those are sweet now hook me up with your first rod lol!! Going to be cool watching you build some of those I always thought that would be neat to learn how to do.

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому

      Haha yeah I hope I can get decent at it

    • @rippinlips4543
      @rippinlips4543 5 років тому +1

      I’m sure you will man you’re definitely probably the best custom bait maker I have seen. Watched a lot of videos and you’re legit!!

  • @newgeneration3496
    @newgeneration3496 2 роки тому

    Where do you go for the blanks?

  • @niccolobarbero2812
    @niccolobarbero2812 3 роки тому

    great video

  • @markpoulson7902
    @markpoulson7902 5 років тому

    How do you know how many guides to use, what size, and the right spacing?

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому

      you get to choose...mudhole can probably advise you on it too.

    • @donaldbabbitt9237
      @donaldbabbitt9237 5 років тому

      Mud hole has a guide spacing chart on their website.
      I usually tape on guides and run line through them and give the rod a good bend an adjust the guides so it doesn’t touch the blank.

    • @markpoulson7902
      @markpoulson7902 5 років тому

      @@donaldbabbitt9237 Thanks.

  • @KTMrider33
    @KTMrider33 3 роки тому

    Whats the company you get the rods from?

  • @climbingpoo
    @climbingpoo 4 роки тому

    Pretty cool!! Whats the sensitivity on one of these?

    • @joshlower1
      @joshlower1 3 роки тому

      It depends on the blank used

  • @phunkdatman
    @phunkdatman 4 роки тому

    can you elaborate on the laser use?

  • @manifestgtr
    @manifestgtr Рік тому

    My problem is that I’m not sure where I’d get blanks that would satisfy me after years on the NRX, Conquest and Legend X…I know that NFC sells blanks but I have no idea what’s comparable to the stuff that I’ve grown accustomed to…or if it’s even commercially available as a blank at that caliber. That’s the problem with spoiling yourself for years on end. I could see myself building a fly rod (I don’t rely on sensitivity and pinpoint balancing quite as heavily with my fly rods) but for casting rods…I just don’t know how I could make something that’s BETTER than what I already have.

  • @saltwaterfibbers2477
    @saltwaterfibbers2477 4 роки тому

    Is there a machine I can buy to make my decals? All the machines I can find prints letters but with a clear background I can’t find a small decal machine that doesn’t have a background

  • @DanielleFilanie-l2r
    @DanielleFilanie-l2r 5 днів тому

    .where can i get these items please wanna buil my own fishing rod 🙏❤️

  • @Peps3dcollectibles
    @Peps3dcollectibles 4 роки тому

    Awesome tutorial my brothas!!! A question, where can one get the tubing??

    • @ZeroCool-vn9bd
      @ZeroCool-vn9bd 4 роки тому

      You can usually find it at lowes or home depot, "surgical tubing"

    @RIPPNLPS 5 років тому

    You. Lucky. DOGG!!
    Just before this video came up, I saw where my rod brand/series hit $300. I’m gonna have to dabble at Mudhole 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @WorldsWorstFishing
      @WorldsWorstFishing  5 років тому +1

      yeah you can save alot in the long run doing it yourself.

      @RIPPNLPS 5 років тому

      World's Worst Fishing which blank brand do you and Big Show prefer?

  • @SuperRobertheath
    @SuperRobertheath 5 років тому

    I gotta try this!

  • @toxiic7519
    @toxiic7519 4 роки тому

    Now I do have a question I do build my own rods but I do them quite different because I spiral my guides but if I’m building a rod for a friend and they don want it spiraled I’ll find the spine and line the guides along on the spine but the look of it you put the guides on the other side of the guides why?

  • @pflanagan1
    @pflanagan1 4 роки тому

    Where do you buy your guides?

  • @johnross6805
    @johnross6805 5 років тому +4

    I love building my own rods but don't think you are going to save any money doing it. I spend more on rods now than I ever did before but there is something special when you catch a fish on a rod you've built.

    • @lordo826
      @lordo826 4 роки тому +1

      lol especially when you only use NFC x-ray blanks!

  • @BigCountryKracker
    @BigCountryKracker 3 роки тому

    Where did you get the actual rod/pole?