51:42 you didn’t done dmg to him because monkey is positioned in front of your Nekhret in the team. So he makes the first hit when ally attack is initiated and that hit is getting the redirect to UDK. You can see that if you slow down the video. So when playing with Nekhreth vs UDK team make sure to position him further in front of the nukers in the pick phase. This way Nekhret will play first his A1 when intimating ally attack and will ignore UDK passive for the nuker’s hits which are gonna follow his attack.
The fight that starts at 15:00 is the most toxic shit ever and sadly it's becoming a trend on LA. They don't wanna win, they just don't want you to win.
Konstatin can block revive all enemies killed when Vlad is on the same team. Without Vlad he can only block revive Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, and Knight's Revenant.
I like the mike the echo u are hearing?? comes across as enhanced ambience. I think it improves your voice dont get me wrong lol. It makes your voice musical let me explain (yes classical musician). The old one caught more of the base lower range of your voice and makes easy listening difficult as the higher words get muffled by the overing bass. This pickx up more of the higher range of your voice smoothing off the bass perfect for easy listening even when u speak softly I can easily hear you.
I wonder how many people who pick Armanz even have him built... I just insta cancel him and never learn to find out xD I think people might pick Armanz just so you cancel him by default and then they have a team they actually really wanted hmm... maybe I do some days leaving Armanz in the opponents team and find out haha
51:42 you didn’t done dmg to him because monkey is positioned in front of your Nekhret in the team. So he makes the first hit when ally attack is initiated and that hit is getting the redirect to UDK. You can see that if you slow down the video. So when playing with Nekhreth vs UDK team make sure to position him further in front of the nukers in the pick phase. This way Nekhret will play first his A1 when intimating ally attack and will ignore UDK passive for the nuker’s hits which are gonna follow his attack.
Man…the amount of times you called your King Narses, “Armanz” 😆🤣😂
Talking is hard sometimes lol
The fight that starts at 15:00 is the most toxic shit ever and sadly it's becoming a trend on LA. They don't wanna win, they just don't want you to win.
The only counter to Galathir, is a faster Galathir.
Horsey is a good counter. Enfeeble on all nukers and they hit like Noodles
There's are counters to Galathir:
- Marius
- 6star polymorph
- Lazarius
Konstatin can block revive all enemies killed when Vlad is on the same team. Without Vlad he can only block revive Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, and Knight's Revenant.
19:46 I thought Harima still affected Narses since she cuts Ignore def, or was that wrong 👀
@llBigSteph Narses A2 ignores ALL passives! i.e. Harima, Rotos, Taras, Goffred, SiegFrund, etc…
@@Aireez24 Cool! Could've sworn i heard otherwise from people.
I love the video not picking Armanz! I hate Armanz but mostly cause I don’t have him haha
I like the mike the echo u are hearing?? comes across as enhanced ambience. I think it improves your voice dont get me wrong lol. It makes your voice musical let me explain (yes classical musician). The old one caught more of the base lower range of your voice and makes easy listening difficult as the higher words get muffled by the overing bass. This pickx up more of the higher range of your voice smoothing off the bass perfect for easy listening even when u speak softly I can easily hear you.
Wound up matched against you in live yesterday. You smacked me down good! GG ❤ edit: there I am at 35:00 lol
This has been done before 😮
king can one shot seig with a2
I wonder how many people who pick Armanz even have him built... I just insta cancel him and never learn to find out xD I think people might pick Armanz just so you cancel him by default and then they have a team they actually really wanted hmm... maybe I do some days leaving Armanz in the opponents team and find out haha
Maybe I should take all the gear off my armanz and test it out 😂
@@TyRaids just do it! 🤣🤣
Can we see some Shazar love please! And your mic is good
I have been testing letting Armanz go through and I have won about 7/10 times. However I am low gold3 so….
See how it worked for Drock, since he did this already
someone used the words you just used, stop copying others brother...
armanz is strong
but people overcomplain about him not because he is the strongest pvp champ but because a lot of players have him