What is Lone Wolf Terrorism - Radicalization its stages and Challenges

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Whenever there are acts of violence, there is an urgency to label them as acts of terror.
    The basis for categorisation of violent acts as terrorist acts includes the type of weapons used in the killings, the beliefs of the accused, the number of people killed, etc.
    Categorising violence is important, but if it is done without due thought or diligence, it could end up harming the affected state or community and lead to vastly different policy imperatives.
    Three attacks last year, one in the U.K. and two in the U.S.’s military facilities, illustrate this point clearly.
    Lone wolf attack:
    • The attack in the Pearl Harbor military base in Hawaii was also classified as a lone wolf attack, but since the attacker’s motive seemed to have been non-political, it may be classified as a homicide.
    • Mohammad al-shamrani, who was training to be a pilot at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, and carried out the third attack, seems to fit the profile of a lone wolf. Al-shamrani had professed anger towards the U.S. for its policies against Muslims.
    • His family said that he had never shown any inclination towards extremism or violence.
    • And no group claimed responsibility for the attack.
    Mains Questions:
    What is radicalisation?
    Steps to radicalisation?
    Cases in radicalisation ?
    What is Lone Wolf Terrorism, radicalisation?
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