Matt Ward if your reservist or national guard split option you can go back home to school for your senior year, or for me I got to go home because my being prior service as reserve infantryman we have split option to go to an MOS Training course at a later date.
@Matt Ward I am a senior in HS and I want to enlist in the Army Reserves and go to Basic between HS and College. My question is, what MOS has the Shortest AIT training and is there a different time gap between Basic and AIT for reserves?
victor rodriguez no it’s been full gown adult men. Like in the mall with families. I know it’s supposed to only be on post, that’s why I’m confused. Soldiers in uniform come into the store I work at sometimes just shopping.
Thank you ... my daughter just went into the army. Wow has this been a eye opener. We the family are not welcome or included in any solder activity.. Graduation and family day is canceled coved19. There shipping her directly to ait and so far we are being told no Thanksgiving leave.. so far. We love and support our soldier and her new family the army.. we will catch up soon
Your videos are awesome! Finally enlisted in the army after being discharged from the marine corps for an injury in bootcamp. Your videos have been very motivational for me! Keep up the good work!
kent zheng I did not need a waiver for the injury as it was fully healed after the 6 month wait. I did need a sort of prior service waiver, but is almost always approved and only takes a bout a week. Keep your head up, the wait will be worth it. You never really realize how much you want something until you can’t do it!
@@NIIIOZZ i leave for basic July 27th, its infantry for the army and its 6 months long cause cause we do OSUT at fort Benning at least for infantry so he could be doing the same
Tbh this guy deserves more subscribers he seas so much stuff that's true he gives you a heads up on what is gonna go down I'm currently in processes of being shipped out props to this guy right here give him more income he's serving our country well
My brother graduated from basic at Ft. Jackson on November 1st, 2018. He had to report for AIT at Ft. Lee (can't exactly remember sorry) by the end of the day on the 2nd. Since he was going to be in AIT during Christmas they gave everyone a 15 day holiday, my brother only took 10 days because he was going to come home to get married, and the remaining 5 days were going to be for after AIT to drive him and his wife up to his first duty station from Florida and he didn't want to be super rushed driving to Tennesse.
In process of enlistment, but I am 100% dedicated, however, I’m 245 lbs and 3%over body fat so I am working out everyday with some of the ssg at my recruiters office and it’s helping a lot! But thank you so much for the videos I’ve been watching them nonstop for 4 days!
Believe in your, brother. Keep grinding. Been there. Was a heavily overweight kid at the start of high school, but decided I wanted to join. 275 lbs. Now I'm in great shape and shipping off to boot camp soon. It means so much more when you finally get there for people like us. Kill it.
Hey, Matt! I just recently found your channel after looking about videos about army life and basic training. My fiance is at Fort Benning and he will be going to AIT soon in February. Watching your videos about how everything goes helps me understand it a lot so I myself can know what to expect haha. I support him 100% and am excited to see where our future goes after I graduate college and after he's done with AIT. Keep it up! It really eases tensions with loved ones back home.
You give a lot of good info, when I first came in We didn't have any internet or UA-cam to help out, these Videos are really good for Young Soldiers coming in or new to be informed!
Wuzzup man, I’m currently at Ft. Gordon and went straight here after finishing BCT. Now if you traveled POV then u can go with your family for a day or two but the in processing didn’t start until that following Monday and Tuesday (the briefings sucked) but hope this helps. Ordnance leads the way, Signal 😜
If you’re active do you get to go home after AIT before reporting to your first duty station? I ask because my sister was in the Coast Guard and after her boot camp she got 12 days leave after boot to pack her stuff and see family before reporting to her first duty station. I was wondering if it was the same for the Army.
The only time you get to leave during basic is Christmas exodus where you get a 15 day leave than you go to ait if you’re active you use whatever leave days you earned and go to your duty station if you’re guard or reserves you go home
Typically you do unless your assigned unit on active duty doesnt approves your leave or you MOS is a critical need for the unit. Reserve or national guard typically always do. But PCS from one post to another you typically can take leave before you PCS to another assignment.
My question, after AIT/Tech school does he get to come home before he gets stationed? We planned on getting married after his basic training and tech school. I’ve heard they do not get to come home. But my fiancé before he left said he would get up to 10 days to come home after AIT/Tech school. I’m just starting to get worried he won’t even come back.
My home was the US Army. I graduated from basic at Fort Ord, California in June 1972. I got orders to go on leave for two weeks before reporting to jump school at Fort Benning, Ga. I didn't have anywhere to go so I hung around as a hold over.
Like you said it depends. While my AIT was almost 20 years ago and things change, when I got to my AIT I got the option to go home on leave for up to 2 weeks even if that leave time put me in the negative. But, and I must stress but, that was only because two other soldiers and I arrived between training classes and the next one with openings wasn't set to start for another 3 weeks. And it did not matter if it was within the 150 mile radius or on the other side of the country. If we stayed and one of the other classes that were currently full suddenly had an opening we could take that and start earlyish. My AIT was I think slated for 28 weeks of total training at the time, I arrived in July '97 and left in July of '98, so I stayed and ended up starting the next week. My MOS 35H I don't think is still currently available in the Army and I know the Air Force counterpart went away before I got out in early 2000's. The job was going to civilian contractors. With the training being so long it also meant a longer initial contract with the Army. Training being so long also meant more opportunities during AIT to possibly take a vacation depending on what Phase we were, and since I was a married soldier already and my training was so long I could actually move my family there and live outside of the barracks with my family after getting to a certain phase. Most AIT training is not as long as what I experienced.
Some cases, yes. Some cases, no. It depends on the unit and your rank / position. For some who travel long distance to drill, they initially do so at own expense but can claim tax deduction if over certain distance.
Soldiers are entitled to leave, but the commander is the approving authority. That being said, the commander must have justification for denying your leave (i.e., mission/deployment, major FTX, staffing, etc.). The reason being, the mission comes first, however commanders get in trouble when soldiers have over 60 days of leave saved at the end of the fiscal year. So the best advice is to put in your leave as early as you can so that those days have a much greater chance of being approved.
I graduated Basic at Ft. Benning in 89, and they gave us one day, called family day at the time, before AIT started. Luckily, AIT was at Benning. So it was easy for everyone. You basically got a one day pass to go hang out with your family, or an option to just hang at the barracks and chill. It was a nice break, even if it was just a day.
Yes! There’s a dentist there. But let the drill sergeant know that you want an appointment on a day where you’re not going to miss a lot of training/information, it’ll look good on your part.
Perfect answer…it depends. I was a split - reservist. Did basic at Ft Sill…then the next class for my MOS was 6 months later at Ft Jackson, 71D…so I was home for 6 months then had to go back. This wouldn’t happen with a active duty recruit - but reservists and National Guard soldiers go through the same basic and have different circumstances. I wouldn’t suggest having 6 months - you do lose some military barring being home.
Im planning on joining as an 11x or 31k i have another year to go before i can enlist. Ypur videos have definitely helped me alot and kept me motivated. However im also gaining interest in marines. Who knows guess it all plays out when the time comes
After Air Force basic training in the 70's we were sent to tech school immediately by the Blue Goose (glorified school bus), -- in my case from San Antonio TX to Biloxi MS. Remember not to squander leave time -- you get only 30 days per year. While at Biloxi there were two federal holidays that created two three-day weekends (Memorial Day and July 4). If we could afford travel (I needed to fly to PA), we were permitted to travel. We had to be on base by previous evening to tech school duty day. Neither weekend was considered leave time. I took my first 30 days leave before I left for my overseas assignment in Turkey.
I don't know if they do this any more, but I did my BT at Fort Knox, Kentucky in 1988, which I started in the beginning of November. So, being that BT is at least 8 weeks long and the next month being December, they actually halted my BT and allowed us to go on what they called "Exodus," now that was over 34 yrs ago so I unfortunately don't remember if they paid for it or not, I think they did, by advancing our pay for which we paid back. But not sure. So, they gave us the option to go home or stay in the barracks. They were able to leave that Friday before Christmas and we had to be back that Tuesday after New Years. That was awesome. Now, like I said I have absolutely no idea if any of the BT locations offer this or if they make sure that BT starts or end before or after those particular holidays, so as to not having to split BT.
You should do a video on why so many Soldiers where Affliction cloths. As an officer I always wondered that. As well as why my E4s drove nicer cars than me.... lol jk, I found that last one out when I had to deal with then defaulting on those high interest car loans. God bless the support BN.
I am still a junior in high school student and i am planning to join the military. My recruiter told me that i can do my basic training in my junior summer and AIT training after high school.
Matt, Could you please let me know if my family (spouse and kids) can come live with me while i'm in my AIT portion of OSUT, for lack of better wording? I know the AIT has to be longer than 20 weeks in order for the family to be added to the soldier's orders, and from my research, 31B has exactly 20 weeks of AIT. So I believe they should be added to my orders to come live with me at Fort Leonard Wood. Some one PLEASE answer this for me, i've done countless research with no actual results.
Thinking about joining the army, i live about 10 mins from fort lee which is a huge AIT school is here and a lot of recruits come here, i hope that once i get out of basic ill end up back here
I just joined yesterday, and now I have to leave in 10 days....... everything has been going so quickly; I decided to talk to a recruiter 3 weeks ago and now suddenly I'm leaving for bct not knowing if it is the right decision, and if I can do it. I only plan to serve my contract of 4 years and quit, so I don't know if it is really that bad that I'm doing this. I'm 19 years old, I've been out of high school for 7 months, all the time spent I have been job-less, tried getting into college, tried doing job corps,-and now I'm a 25N, something I'm qualified for but I don't want to do. the main reason for my sudden change of heart to try the Army, is because no matter what other option I have, I will be making money more quickly just at a greater risk and responsibilities. so why am I thinking of not going through with it?? I'm lost
Halauk Halis think about what you want and why you want to join maybe to help your family or to gain more discipline if you feel like it wont benefit do watever you feel is necessary
We all have gone threw that brother. It's that pucker factor of change. When you get to MEPS talk to the final recruiter about other MOS you may like that is the best time to change your MOS OR talk to your current recruiter now and see if you can pick something you'd like better. There are pros and cons of anything you do. We all join for different reasons, some college money, some because of family history, because of desire to be part of something larger than yourself. But whatever it is when you finally complete BCT you become part of the biggest brother hood in the country.
@shadow faze DoD still gets paid, as our fiscal year budget (Oct -Sep) was already allotted before the shutdown, so we still get a paycheck. The reason why the coast guard wasn't getting paid was because the are no longer apart of DoD. they are apart of DOT (Department of Transportation)
While I will never be part of the US Armed forces (due to knee issues), your videos are excellent. The only thing I have a problem with is that your "promotional" music is far too loud for those wearing headphones. If you could equalize that with your speaking volume, all would be golden.
Back in the day ("69)- basic ended and AIT part 1 was at same base (Ft. Leonard Wood) so no leave. After AIT part 1, next AIT @ Ft. Knox - Do Not Pass GO, Do Not Collect $200, Wait for transportation to next duty station - no leave again
Well if your army & a combat class typically you are doing AIT & Basic at the same time. Even as the Guard you do. So unless your being shipped straight out after, Than probably not. But i imagine after the schools you have some time to get your affairs in order before being moved to your post. At least when i was in the army i did AIT & Basic in one.
My BCT ended about Christmas time, so I got a week at home before AIT (Supply School). After my individual training was done, I shipped out to Germany for 31 months.
I had about a month off between graduation in 1986 at Ft. Benning and my 1st duty station, Schofield Bks, Hi. B Co. 5/14 25th ID. Reason was, they were activating the Battalion and it wasn't quite ready.
My current orders are to go to basic at Fort Sill Oklahoma, then after basic, I have seven days before I go to Fort Huachuca Arizona. Where am I going to go for that seven day period? I can't imagine that they're going to keep me at Fort Sill for seven days while I await my AIT date. I live in Michigan.
Just a note USAF circa 1969 hell no. Basic over though get orders for tech school , they bus or fly you to your tech school base . You report and usually wait for your school to start. In the mean time you are assigned to a squadron flight etc and given duty while waiting in addition to pt etc. usually fatigue duty or KP. Once the school starts (mine was 18 weeks) then you might get to go home for a week prior to reporting to your first PCS assignment.
What I did was do as many push ups as I can in 2 minutes when I woke up and before I went to bed. Throughout the day, here's an example, say you're watching TV and a commercial comes on, just start doing push ups until your show comes back on. Example B, if you're chilling with your friends and you guys aren't doing anything, just get down and do some push ups. Eventually, you'll be able to a lot nonstop.
Our Basic and AIT was put together. It was just like one six month long Basic Training and then we had a two week period between AIT to Recon training in which you could go home but I was like, "Screw that. I'll stay." Then another 6 weeks of training... I went home for ten days and then off to Germany.
I could have gone home after AIT but my new unit was on the same base (in fact my AIT unit was across the street from my new motor pool) so I opted to get settled into my new unit before taking leave. My new squad leader picked me up from AIT in his POV.
So when I left Basic my family picked me up and my report date was 2 days after me leaving basic. So I stayed at home (I live close to fort Gordon). Then once I reported to my company at fort Gordon I was given the chance to leave for the weekend. And report that same Sunday later that night.
If I am joining the Army Reserves, do I go back home after AIT and report to my local army base for drill weekends? Or will I have to report to wherever they send me, making me move from my hometown if it is too far away?
My son leaves for Fort Leonard Wood in a few weeks and we're planning to drive down to family day, which is probably about a 9 hr away. Even though he can't go home between basic and AIT (which is also at FLW) would he be able spend a day or 2 with our family at a hotel or something, or will we only get to see him on the base for family day??
I had a 1 week leave before AIT mostly because my AIT was 46 weeks long. I also got 2 weeks leave for Christmas, then when I graduated AIT I was given another 2 weeks leave. I was being sent to a 1 year hardship tour (Honduras) .
Supreme General it depends on the school and day you check in if it's during the week it might not be possible but for the weekend you will only check and depending if they don't have anything for you they will release to your family.
Typically depends on your BCT post and AIT post. Meaning if you are going to BCT and AIT like Matt did yes but when I left BCT in FT Sill then AIT at Fort SAM Houston. So I saw my mom for pre graduation then after graduation then the next day I was on a flight to Ft Sam
I'm going 11b option 40. So I have OSUT, airborne, then RASP. Do you know if I can come home at any point inbetween those, or even just after RASP? I live in Oklahoma so its VERY far from all the places I'll be training
Wayde Pelsor your basic training and AIT will be one full cycle meaning instead of 10 weeks yours will be about 19 weeks depending on when you go to basic. So with that you will more than likely if they have spot go right to airborne school then to your assigned post then to RASP. But you may be able to take leave after Airborne school
Hey i went into basic 11b opt 40. And no you dont. Right after OSUT you go to to Airborne Hold. Which is really chill all i did was go to the gym which is next to hold and eat pizza. Then you will report to your airborne class. After you get your wings you will report to pre rasp. Then after like 3 or 4 weeks of pre rasp you will go to rasp.
Hey, big fan of your videos. I am enlisted in the army. I go to basic training July 31 at Fort Jackson then to Fort Gordon for AIT then to Fort Benning for BAT. Just wondering what is your MOS? And I live in North Carolina too
My battle buddy went home after basic because he was an 09S OCS Candidate, and had no AIT. I went home for Christmas during AIT and after graduating, went straight to my first duty assignment. The cycle before me said they went on leave before reporting to their first duty assignment.
Hi Matt! What if I rent out a hotel near my husbands AIT unit? Can he still go spend those days there? Thank you for your videos. My husband left today and your videos have been helping me cope.
When I went, My Basic and AIT was on the same post! I got an overnight pass after basic and had to be back to go on the bus to AIT at 0400 the next Morning.. Got super Drunk in a motel.. (Ft. Jackson) But after AIT, 2 weeks leave before reported to duty station. I liked AIT, but it took a while to get an off post pass cause I couldn't shine my Lowquarters too good!! That was a few years ago!
I know someone who went to Navy Basic Training in 1978, He was told he could have 2 weeks of leave, then to A School, or straight to A School and do the leave at a latter time. I herd in 2021 that is no longer the case!
Nikiya Woods They have what they called split option training where high school juniors can enlist the summer before senior year go to basic then come home and once u graduate the next year you go to AIT
I'm going to marine corps boot camp in Paris island on the 26th even though u are in a different branch u have answered a lot of my questions and I feel like it is helping me better prepare for what is to come thank u for everything u do and keep making awesome videos
I originally thought i was going to be able to go home because i misread my dates to report. it actually meant the dates my class started. But i was on the first chalk at midnight after graduation so i didn't sleep until i got to Fort Sam Houston. So most of the time, your BCT is not going to be close to home because you're allotted only a certain amount of days of travel between duty stations.
We had a prior service NCO in my AIT who had his wife on post with him but, talking to him it was a long process for him to get that approved because he was in the national guard.
Matt Ward if your reservist or national guard split option you can go back home to school for your senior year, or for me I got to go home because my being prior service as reserve infantryman we have split option to go to an MOS Training course at a later date.
@Matt Ward I am a senior in HS and I want to enlist in the Army Reserves and go to Basic between HS and College. My question is, what MOS has the Shortest AIT training and is there a different time gap between Basic and AIT for reserves?
Hey Matt ward how many weeks is the AIT?
The last day of basic we got Pizza, the first day of AIT was a smoke session for eating pizza the night before lol
Omg 😂
This happened to be on Thanksgiving at basic training
This is sooo funny 😄 lol 😂
@@TheBlubberWhale nope it was the beginning of August lol
Simple answer. If you’re national guard. Yes. Active no.
@@thejoeywalter896 yes
What about reserves?
@@codyfernfan6274 yes National Guard and Reserves both go home after basic and AIT
When does active get at least a week off to leave? I really wanna go to mexico on my first leave :(
Matt, I see people wearing their uniform around town. Can you do a video explaining when and where the uniform is to be worn? Thanks man!
Justin Saunders only supposed to wear it while on post during the duty day, or in the car on the way home and in the home
victor rodriguez no it’s been full gown adult men. Like in the mall with families. I know it’s supposed to only be on post, that’s why I’m confused. Soldiers in uniform come into the store I work at sometimes just shopping.
A lot of them are stolen valor peoples just look at theirs patches
If they have their ldea then they may do what they like why's it a big deal it's clothing
Justin Saunders, recruiters? Reserves? Guard?
Thank you ... my daughter just went into the army. Wow has this been a eye opener. We the family are not welcome or included in any solder activity..
Graduation and family day is canceled coved19. There shipping her directly to ait and so far we are being told no Thanksgiving leave.. so far.
We love and support our soldier and her new family the army.. we will catch up soon
God bless her 🙏 how is it going for her?
Your videos are awesome! Finally enlisted in the army after being discharged from the marine corps for an injury in bootcamp. Your videos have been very motivational for me! Keep up the good work!
Well that sucks but welcome to the Army and thanks!
How did you get hurt at boot camp? I go in 3 weeks and that's my only fear about it.
A pretty severe hernia and related complications, requiring surgery.
Esh, same boat man... still waiting for the six months to be up. Did you need to get a waiver if so, how long did it take you?
kent zheng I did not need a waiver for the injury as it was fully healed after the 6 month wait. I did need a sort of prior service waiver, but is almost always approved and only takes a bout a week. Keep your head up, the wait will be worth it. You never really realize how much you want something until you can’t do it!
Shipping out to basic tomorrow, these videos really helped me out. Thank you so much Matt
How was it
How was it?
How was it man?
@@NIIIOZZ i leave for basic July 27th, its infantry for the army and its 6 months long cause cause we do OSUT at fort Benning at least for infantry so he could be doing the same
Michael Zaccaria so do I man 😂
Tbh this guy deserves more subscribers he seas so much stuff that's true he gives you a heads up on what is gonna go down I'm currently in processes of being shipped out props to this guy right here give him more income he's serving our country well
My brother graduated from basic at Ft. Jackson on November 1st, 2018. He had to report for AIT at Ft. Lee (can't exactly remember sorry) by the end of the day on the 2nd. Since he was going to be in AIT during Christmas they gave everyone a 15 day holiday, my brother only took 10 days because he was going to come home to get married, and the remaining 5 days were going to be for after AIT to drive him and his wife up to his first duty station from Florida and he didn't want to be super rushed driving to Tennesse.
In process of enlistment, but I am 100% dedicated, however, I’m 245 lbs and 3%over body fat so I am working out everyday with some of the ssg at my recruiters office and it’s helping a lot! But thank you so much for the videos I’ve been watching them nonstop for 4 days!
Believe in your, brother. Keep grinding. Been there.
Was a heavily overweight kid at the start of high school, but decided I wanted to join. 275 lbs. Now I'm in great shape and shipping off to boot camp soon. It means so much more when you finally get there for people like us.
Kill it.
Brian Crotts thank you man good luck at basic
Same 230lbs and 1% over... better hit the streets man.
Ice Bane 6’2 I been in for 2 years I’m 190 lbs now
Hey, Matt! I just recently found your channel after looking about videos about army life and basic training. My fiance is at Fort Benning and he will be going to AIT soon in February. Watching your videos about how everything goes helps me understand it a lot so I myself can know what to expect haha. I support him 100% and am excited to see where our future goes after I graduate college and after he's done with AIT. Keep it up! It really eases tensions with loved ones back home.
You two still together? Married ? Is he still in the army ?
Well...I live 1,000 miles away from Ft. Sill. Looks like I won’t be going home for a while!
Definitely the most in depth videos on UA-cam. Thanks Matt
You give a lot of good info, when I first came in We didn't have any internet or UA-cam to help out, these Videos are really good for Young Soldiers coming in or new to be informed!
Holy crap your brothers look like mini you' s 😂
Fort Gordon! Used to live right down the road from there. In Evans. They have a badass fireworks show for the 4th.
Johnathan Mccall I live in north augusta small world.
Thank you so much for the information! That was a question I had been wanting answered for a while
Well there you go :)
Marines get a 14 day leave (vacation) after bootcamp
nope. it's 10 days, not 14.
Army get 14
xXSgtWolfXx gay
14 > 10 (Quick Maffs)
Only 10
Am I allowed to leave to someone else’s house that is less than 150 miles if I’m too far from home?
Yes if you know them
It's just best to stay and ride it out.
Hey Matt could you make a video on what happens on family day at basic training?
ohh sneak peak
When you wanna join the army so bad but you gotta graduate first. Me ----> ಥ_ಥ
@@jasontodd1175 oh really?
@@jasontodd1175 And these facts come from?
@@Crappphuiknn in the army, can confirm
Wuzzup man, I’m currently at Ft. Gordon and went straight here after finishing BCT. Now if you traveled POV then u can go with your family for a day or two but the in processing didn’t start until that following Monday and Tuesday (the briefings sucked) but hope this helps. Ordnance leads the way, Signal 😜
Sonny Sirasombath welcome to augusta ga.... avoid going out to the wrong part of Augusta without a weapon.
Hell yeah sonny echos lead the way
Lol, “IT Depends” 😁
If you’re active do you get to go home after AIT before reporting to your first duty station? I ask because my sister was in the Coast Guard and after her boot camp she got 12 days leave after boot to pack her stuff and see family before reporting to her first duty station. I was wondering if it was the same for the Army.
Christian Sams you go home after ait in the Army
The only time you get to leave during basic is Christmas exodus where you get a 15 day leave than you go to ait if you’re active you use whatever leave days you earned and go to your duty station if you’re guard or reserves you go home
I’m shipping off for basic i four months as a 19d i was wondering after ait do we get leave before we ship off to our first active duty station?
Allen Torres you ship in Aug? Like the 4th or 6th?
Typically you do unless your assigned unit on active duty doesnt approves your leave or you MOS is a critical need for the unit. Reserve or national guard typically always do. But PCS from one post to another you typically can take leave before you PCS to another assignment.
No. We ship you straight to your gaining unit.
My question, after AIT/Tech school does he get to come home before he gets stationed? We planned on getting married after his basic training and tech school. I’ve heard they do not get to come home. But my fiancé before he left said he would get up to 10 days to come home after AIT/Tech school.
I’m just starting to get worried he won’t even come back.
Laura Taylor how did this work out for you ??
My home was the US Army. I graduated from basic at Fort Ord, California in June 1972. I got orders to go on leave for two weeks before reporting to jump school at Fort Benning, Ga. I didn't have anywhere to go so I hung around as a hold over.
I live and went to school on the former fort ord they changed it a lot
No I went straight to AIT mid September and had my first leave at Xmas. Thanks for your service.
I leave in a couple days! 12 days left! these videos help , thank you
Thanks so much Matt good information!
Like you said it depends. While my AIT was almost 20 years ago and things change, when I got to my AIT I got the option to go home on leave for up to 2 weeks even if that leave time put me in the negative. But, and I must stress but, that was only because two other soldiers and I arrived between training classes and the next one with openings wasn't set to start for another 3 weeks. And it did not matter if it was within the 150 mile radius or on the other side of the country. If we stayed and one of the other classes that were currently full suddenly had an opening we could take that and start earlyish. My AIT was I think slated for 28 weeks of total training at the time, I arrived in July '97 and left in July of '98, so I stayed and ended up starting the next week.
My MOS 35H I don't think is still currently available in the Army and I know the Air Force counterpart went away before I got out in early 2000's. The job was going to civilian contractors. With the training being so long it also meant a longer initial contract with the Army. Training being so long also meant more opportunities during AIT to possibly take a vacation depending on what Phase we were, and since I was a married soldier already and my training was so long I could actually move my family there and live outside of the barracks with my family after getting to a certain phase.
Most AIT training is not as long as what I experienced.
If you enlist in the reserves do you get to stay in your home town after basic and AIT
Yes in the Reserves you can live wherever you just gotta travel to that unit
Matt Ward would it be near we're u live if not do they pay for a plane ticket for u to go there?
Some cases, yes. Some cases, no.
It depends on the unit and your rank / position. For some who travel long distance to drill, they initially do so at own expense but can claim tax deduction if over certain distance.
@@MattWard89 thanks that respond my question!
@@MattWard89 Is the National gaurd similar to the reserves? My recruiter said that it's a waste of time. Is that true? I need your opinion.
Soldiers are entitled to leave, but the commander is the approving authority. That being said, the commander must have justification for denying your leave (i.e., mission/deployment, major FTX, staffing, etc.). The reason being, the mission comes first, however commanders get in trouble when soldiers have over 60 days of leave saved at the end of the fiscal year. So the best advice is to put in your leave as early as you can so that those days have a much greater chance of being approved.
I graduated Basic at Ft. Benning in 89, and they gave us one day, called family day at the time, before AIT started. Luckily, AIT was at Benning. So it was easy for everyone. You basically got a one day pass to go hang out with your family, or an option to just hang at the barracks and chill. It was a nice break, even if it was just a day.
Hey Matt I leave for basic March 12! Your vids have been helpful thanks for all the info.
Well thanks and good luck!
Howd ya do?
Yo im in your brothers jrotc unit I’m the operations officer for the squadron
if my tooth is hurting at basic can go get it fix up ????????
Yes! There’s a dentist there. But let the drill sergeant know that you want an appointment on a day where you’re not going to miss a lot of training/information, it’ll look good on your part.
How to get free dental care 101
Glad I saw this lol. I have a cavity starting and I ship in 4 weeks lmaooo..
[AOBJ] MrSkittles its already free in the military lol
dude love your videos , keep up the great work :) !!!
I’m going to boot camp on October 28th. First benning then Gordon. Pretty stoked though, I’ve been watching your videos a ton in preparation
Perfect answer…it depends. I was a split - reservist. Did basic at Ft Sill…then the next class for my MOS was 6 months later at Ft Jackson, 71D…so I was home for 6 months then had to go back. This wouldn’t happen with a active duty recruit - but reservists and National Guard soldiers go through the same basic and have different circumstances. I wouldn’t suggest having 6 months - you do lose some military barring being home.
I was a 31J AIT student at Gordon in 1981. It was no different than being in a regular unit. No drills.
After AIT of course that's regular army!! Go home for a couple weeks than it's off to you're first duty station!! Mine was Schwienfurt Germany!!
If it ends as Christmas is about to happen you will go home before AIT.
Chris Saragina how soon before christmas? I was thinking of leaving for basic in September
@@MrSkarbek36 you leave when they get you in fam. Now you can go get enlisted and TRY to get in around then. But usually wont happen
I was 9 months in training before I got to go home for two weeks (working at the recruiter office) and then straight to my permanent duty station
How were you able to get a job at the recruiter officer to come home?
11Bravo- congratulations on graduating basic training “ NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!!”
Im planning on joining as an 11x or 31k i have another year to go before i can enlist. Ypur videos have definitely helped me alot and kept me motivated. However im also gaining interest in marines. Who knows guess it all plays out when the time comes
After Air Force basic training in the 70's we were sent to tech school immediately by the Blue Goose (glorified school bus), -- in my case from San Antonio TX to Biloxi MS. Remember not to squander leave time -- you get only 30 days per year. While at Biloxi there were two federal holidays that created two three-day weekends (Memorial Day and July 4). If we could afford travel (I needed to fly to PA), we were permitted to travel. We had to be on base by previous evening to tech school duty day. Neither weekend was considered leave time. I took my first 30 days leave before I left for my overseas assignment in Turkey.
I don't know if they do this any more, but I did my BT at Fort Knox, Kentucky in 1988, which I started in the beginning of November. So, being that BT is at least 8 weeks long and the next month being December, they actually halted my BT and allowed us to go on what they called "Exodus," now that was over 34 yrs ago so I unfortunately don't remember if they paid for it or not, I think they did, by advancing our pay for which we paid back. But not sure. So, they gave us the option to go home or stay in the barracks. They were able to leave that Friday before Christmas and we had to be back that Tuesday after New Years. That was awesome. Now, like I said I have absolutely no idea if any of the BT locations offer this or if they make sure that BT starts or end before or after those particular holidays, so as to not having to split BT.
Curious? wonder if nobody ate pizza; if it still woulda been a smoke session anyway, Im guessing yeah
Can you explain why you have to use a leave day if you’re already off?
You should do a video on why so many Soldiers where Affliction cloths. As an officer I always wondered that. As well as why my E4s drove nicer cars than me.... lol jk, I found that last one out when I had to deal with then defaulting on those high interest car loans. God bless the support BN.
I am still a junior in high school student and i am planning to join the military. My recruiter told me that i can do my basic training in my junior summer and AIT training after high school.
That's what I'm doing! 😊
Had a classmate that did that he left for ait 2 days after we graduated
Matt, Could you please let me know if my family (spouse and kids) can come live with me while i'm in my AIT portion of OSUT, for lack of better wording? I know the AIT has to be longer than 20 weeks in order for the family to be added to the soldier's orders, and from my research, 31B has exactly 20 weeks of AIT. So I believe they should be added to my orders to come live with me at Fort Leonard Wood. Some one PLEASE answer this for me, i've done countless research with no actual results.
Thinking about joining the army, i live about 10 mins from fort lee which is a huge AIT school is here and a lot of recruits come here, i hope that once i get out of basic ill end up back here
I just joined yesterday, and now I have to leave in 10 days.......
everything has been going so quickly; I decided to talk to a recruiter 3 weeks ago and now suddenly I'm leaving for bct not knowing if it is the right decision, and if I can do it. I only plan to serve my contract of 4 years and quit, so I don't know if it is really that bad that I'm doing this. I'm 19 years old, I've been out of high school for 7 months, all the time spent I have been job-less, tried getting into college, tried doing job corps,-and now I'm a 25N, something I'm qualified for but I don't want to do.
the main reason for my sudden change of heart to try the Army, is because no matter what other option I have, I will be making money more quickly just at a greater risk and responsibilities.
so why am I thinking of not going through with it?? I'm lost
Halauk Halis think about what you want and why you want to join maybe to help your family or to gain more discipline if you feel like it wont benefit do watever you feel is necessary
Sounds like you simply don't have the intestinal fortitude to complete the adventure
We all have gone threw that brother. It's that pucker factor of change. When you get to MEPS talk to the final recruiter about other MOS you may like that is the best time to change your MOS OR talk to your current recruiter now and see if you can pick something you'd like better. There are pros and cons of anything you do. We all join for different reasons, some college money, some because of family history, because of desire to be part of something larger than yourself. But whatever it is when you finally complete BCT you become part of the biggest brother hood in the country.
@shadow faze DoD still gets paid, as our fiscal year budget (Oct -Sep) was already allotted before the shutdown, so we still get a paycheck. The reason why the coast guard wasn't getting paid was because the are no longer apart of DoD. they are apart of DOT (Department of Transportation)
While I will never be part of the US Armed forces (due to knee issues), your videos are excellent. The only thing I have a problem with is that your "promotional" music is far too loud for those wearing headphones. If you could equalize that with your speaking volume, all would be golden.
Back in the day ("69)- basic ended and AIT part 1 was at same base (Ft. Leonard Wood) so no leave. After AIT part 1, next AIT @ Ft. Knox - Do Not Pass GO, Do Not Collect $200, Wait for transportation to next duty station - no leave again
And given the year probably hopd it wasn't Vietnam
In 1988 i didn't go home, both basic and AIT were at Fort Dix. I went from one barracks to the other.
Well if your army & a combat class typically you are doing AIT & Basic at the same time. Even as the Guard you do. So unless your being shipped straight out after, Than probably not. But i imagine after the schools you have some time to get your affairs in order before being moved to your post. At least when i was in the army i did AIT & Basic in one.
My BCT ended about Christmas time, so I got a week at home before AIT (Supply School). After my individual training was done, I shipped out to Germany for 31 months.
I had about a month off between graduation in 1986 at Ft. Benning and my 1st duty station, Schofield Bks, Hi. B Co. 5/14 25th ID. Reason was, they were activating the Battalion and it wasn't quite ready.
My current orders are to go to basic at Fort Sill Oklahoma, then after basic, I have seven days before I go to Fort Huachuca Arizona. Where am I going to go for that seven day period? I can't imagine that they're going to keep me at Fort Sill for seven days while I await my AIT date. I live in Michigan.
A dad, a proud dad of a SIT thanks for the info
The votes are 50/50 rn Matt. Hoping for that W
Yepp, we just took the lead! Those initial votes were mainly just Kyles followers so they don't know me therefore were voting for the "underdog"
Just a note USAF circa 1969 hell no. Basic over though get orders for tech school , they bus or fly you to your tech school base . You report and usually wait for your school to start. In the mean time you are assigned to a squadron flight etc and given duty while waiting in addition to pt etc. usually fatigue duty or KP. Once the school starts (mine was 18 weeks) then you might get to go home for a week prior to reporting to your first PCS assignment.
I got to go home for a whooping 2 days after OSUT before I had to report to the 1-15th
Damn man, still hurt?
Hey Matt, I'm actually headed to Benning and then Gordon in February. My mos is 25B
Nice nice nice. Im a 25b as well
Matt please make a video about how to do pushup for beginners because i cant even do 5 pushups.please do
Also i just voted for u
He made a video called stop doing push-ups wrong, that might help you a bit.
He has more videos about push ups. Check it out
I started doing pushups right and now i can do 30 pushups in 1 minute ty matt
What I did was do as many push ups as I can in 2 minutes when I woke up and before I went to bed. Throughout the day, here's an example, say you're watching TV and a commercial comes on, just start doing push ups until your show comes back on. Example B, if you're chilling with your friends and you guys aren't doing anything, just get down and do some push ups. Eventually, you'll be able to a lot nonstop.
Yes u do but only if you are part of the delayed entry program and also if you begin BCT in September you will go home for holidays
Lets say you get done with regular bst in December but have 6 weeks of AIT ? Would they let you go home for Christmas?
Our Basic and AIT was put together. It was just like one six month long Basic Training and then we had a two week period between AIT to Recon training in which you could go home but I was like, "Screw that. I'll stay." Then another 6 weeks of training... I went home for ten days and then off to Germany.
I could have gone home after AIT but my new unit was on the same base (in fact my AIT unit was across the street from my new motor pool) so I opted to get settled into my new unit before taking leave. My new squad leader picked me up from AIT in his POV.
So when I left Basic my family picked me up and my report date was 2 days after me leaving basic. So I stayed at home (I live close to fort Gordon). Then once I reported to my company at fort Gordon I was given the chance to leave for the weekend. And report that same Sunday later that night.
Hi Matt, could you please make a video about the toilet / Latrine facilities at BCT???
If I am joining the Army Reserves, do I go back home after AIT and report to my local army base for drill weekends? Or will I have to report to wherever they send me, making me move from my hometown if it is too far away?
Kevin Marquez they can station you wherever they need you
My son leaves for Fort Leonard Wood in a few weeks and we're planning to drive down to family day, which is probably about a 9 hr away. Even though he can't go home between basic and AIT (which is also at FLW) would he be able spend a day or 2 with our family at a hotel or something, or will we only get to see him on the base for family day??
I had a 1 week leave before AIT mostly because my AIT was 46 weeks long. I also got 2 weeks leave for Christmas, then when I graduated AIT I was given another 2 weeks leave. I was being sent to a 1 year hardship tour (Honduras) .
Jesus were you 35 series or something? 46 weeks is a damn long time
@@deovolente4622 I was a 33 r, I do not know if it even exists anymore.
Can you please make a informative video about infantry AIT and BMT? Please!
Julio Pardo BMT?
Just another reason ...basic military training
bud8640 sorry, just never heard it referenced as BMT... Usually OSUT or BCT. I guess BMT is new... Must be a non infantry reference.
Just another reason ...I'm not in the military by no means but I've read that. That's the only reason I know that.
My Recruter told me I will have roughly 2 days of family time after basic. I assume this is two days between graduation and AIT.
Supreme General it depends on the school and day you check in if it's during the week it might not be possible but for the weekend you will only check and depending if they don't have anything for you they will release to your family.
Typically depends on your BCT post and AIT post. Meaning if you are going to BCT and AIT like Matt did yes but when I left BCT in FT Sill then AIT at Fort SAM Houston. So I saw my mom for pre graduation then after graduation then the next day I was on a flight to Ft Sam
Anthony Krepps yeah my basic and AIT is both at ft sill
I'm going 11b option 40. So I have OSUT, airborne, then RASP. Do you know if I can come home at any point inbetween those, or even just after RASP? I live in Oklahoma so its VERY far from all the places I'll be training
Wayde Pelsor your basic training and AIT will be one full cycle meaning instead of 10 weeks yours will be about 19 weeks depending on when you go to basic. So with that you will more than likely if they have spot go right to airborne school then to your assigned post then to RASP. But you may be able to take leave after Airborne school
Hey i went into basic 11b opt 40. And no you dont. Right after OSUT you go to to Airborne Hold. Which is really chill all i did was go to the gym which is next to hold and eat pizza. Then you will report to your airborne class. After you get your wings you will report to pre rasp. Then after like 3 or 4 weeks of pre rasp you will go to rasp.
King Simba so did u make ot through rasp?
Anthony B did you make it through I got 11x option 40 also
King Simba did you make it through I got my 11x option 40
Can you drive your recruit to AIT? That’s something that I have been wanting to ask.
Hey, big fan of your videos. I am enlisted in the army. I go to basic training July 31 at Fort Jackson then to Fort Gordon for AIT then to Fort Benning for BAT. Just wondering what is your MOS? And I live in North Carolina too
My battle buddy went home after basic because he was an 09S OCS Candidate, and had no AIT. I went home for Christmas during AIT and after graduating, went straight to my first duty assignment. The cycle before me said they went on leave before reporting to their first duty assignment.
I would like to know if the graduation at the army is with the suits n blue 👖 or combat uniform, I mean the camo ?
Hi Matt! What if I rent out a hotel near my husbands AIT unit? Can he still go spend those days there? Thank you for your videos. My husband left today and your videos have been helping me cope.
When I went, My Basic and AIT was on the same post! I got an overnight pass after basic and had to be back to go on the bus to AIT at 0400 the next Morning.. Got super Drunk in a motel.. (Ft. Jackson) But after AIT, 2 weeks leave before reported to duty station. I liked AIT, but it took a while to get an off post pass cause I couldn't shine my Lowquarters too good!! That was a few years ago!
I know someone who went to Navy Basic Training in 1978, He was told he could have 2 weeks of leave, then to A School, or straight to A School and do the leave at a latter time. I herd in 2021 that is no longer the case!
I go home after basic cause I’m still in high school
Hunt 2x so how do they let you go to Basic your suppose to have your hs diploma first before you can leave off
Nikiya Woods They have what they called split option training where high school juniors can enlist the summer before senior year go to basic then come home and once u graduate the next year you go to AIT
Future U.SAirman That’s Niceeeeeee
Future U.SAirman Yeah, I knew a guy in high school who did that, which made him a great leader during his senior season of track.
Wait is there anyway to do this for the air force?
I left FT Jackson with my son and drove him straight to Newport News VA and dumped him off at FT. Eustis. No time off.
My AIT is at Fort Lee, I graduate BCT on 21st of FEB but my paparerwork days that AIT begins on the 12th of March.
Wolfboy2012 why is there a huge gap to when u start ait ?
I'm going to marine corps boot camp in Paris island on the 26th even though u are in a different branch u have answered a lot of my questions and I feel like it is helping me better prepare for what is to come thank u for everything u do and keep making awesome videos
I originally thought i was going to be able to go home because i misread my dates to report. it actually meant the dates my class started. But i was on the first chalk at midnight after graduation so i didn't sleep until i got to Fort Sam Houston. So most of the time, your BCT is not going to be close to home because you're allotted only a certain amount of days of travel between duty stations.
My basic training and AIT was compiled together. I didn't get to go home till after AIT, right before going to my duty station
Hey Matt I’m going to be a cav scout I heard my AIT is mixed in with my training is true also if it is do I get to go home for a bit or not
Do you come back after staying at home in a couple of years?
The only thing I'm afraid of is not seeing my wife and son after basic. I'm enlisting hopefully next week if all things go according to plan.
How’s it go
I went home for a week after OSUT in Benning
Are you allowed to make phone calls at basic training, AIT, and when you are deployed after?
What if AIT is longer then 20 weeks? I heard my wife and baby could come see me
Yeah family can visit any weekend at AIT after the duty day
We had a prior service NCO in my AIT who had his wife on post with him but, talking to him it was a long process for him to get that approved because he was in the national guard.
It depends if the is time between basic ending and AIT start date. I had one week between for a 28 week AIT.
But I believe 20 weeks is the cut off.