The Most Lethal Airplane Hunting the Seas

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • On a stormy night in June 1941, a Bristol Beaufort, the RAF’s first monoplane torpedo bomber, roared through black clouds on the kind of daring mission it was designed for, attacking the German heavy cruiser Lützow, recently spotted off the coast of Norway.
    As it fought against the howling winds and turbulent skies, this Beaufort had somehow separated from the rest of the RAF’s 42 Squadron and was now flying solo. Flight Sergeant Ray Loveitt gripped the controls tightly. The 22-year-old pilot wasn’t normally superstitious, but on this Friday, the 13th, the odds felt particularly grim.
    As the North Sea waves began to shimmer with the first light of dawn, Loveitt’s heart skipped a beat. There, cutting through the horizon, was the unmistakable silhouette of Lützow. This was the moment he had been waiting for.
    But, unlike his Beaufort, the heavy cruiser wasn't alone. Surrounding her were four destroyers, their guns bristling in the dim light, and a swarm of Junkers Ju 88s and Messerschmitt Bf 110s patrolling the skies. Getting the bomber close enough to Lützow to drop its payload would require nerves of steel and a stroke of luck.
    Loveitt’s mind raced as he observed the recognition signals exchanged between the German aircraft and the ships. Mimicking these signals was a long shot, but it was his only chance. He held his breath as he sent the coded blinks. To his amazement, the Germans accepted his Beaufort as one of their own.
    Join Dark Skies as we explore the world of aviation with cinematic short documentaries featuring the biggest and fastest airplanes ever built, top-secret military projects, and classified missions with hidden untold true stories. Including US, German, and Soviet warplanes, along with aircraft developments that took place during World War I, World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and special operations mission in between.
    As images and footage of actual events are not always available, Dark Skies sometimes utilizes similar historical images and footage for dramatic effect and soundtracks for emotional impact. We do our best to keep it as visually accurate as possible.
    All content on Dark Skies is researched, produced, and presented in historical context for educational purposes. We are history enthusiasts and are not always experts in some areas, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with corrections, additional information, or new ideas.


  • @obiemichaels9675
    @obiemichaels9675 3 місяці тому +67

    When I was a kid my old next-door neighbour Claude Pope his name was, had been a navigator on the Bristol Beaufort during World War II. I still have the clock out of one that he gave me when I was a kid. Rest in peace hero.

    • @guaporeturns9472
      @guaporeturns9472 3 місяці тому +5

      That’s very cool. What a great neighbor. Would be kinda cool to find his kids/grandkids and gift it to them… would probably love it

  • @chrisreynolds7164
    @chrisreynolds7164 3 місяці тому +36

    There is a Beaufort being restored in Caloundra Queensland Australia. Impressive progress has been made, but still a long way to go.

    • @Frederick-in2rz
      @Frederick-in2rz 2 місяці тому

      Caaloundra is where I saw my first blue ringed octopus, though I went there many times in my childhood

  • @ianjay5301
    @ianjay5301 3 місяці тому +21

    The one in London is actually a Canadian made plane. After the war, Britain scrapped ALL of their planes for the metal. Canadian planes were also sold off, but a bunch found their way to the western prairies where they were sold off to farmers. One of the things to make them more saleable was that they could be bought with a full load of fuel. When Britain came looking for one, they retrieved some of these surplus planes (trees had been growing around them. There is one being restored at the Canadian Warplane Museum at the Mount Hope airport (Hamilton, Ontario) but they are a long way from completing it. Saw a volunteer riveting a panel for it yesterday. That airport also has an operational Lancaster for which you can purchase flights. (About $4000 cdn per person) I was there to have a flight on their Canso (Consolidated PBY). I flew on their Lancaster last year.

    • @FredScuttle456
      @FredScuttle456 Місяць тому

      Farmers in the UK would buy warplanes in the late 1940s and sell them for scrap. A broomhandle was an essential tool. Farmers would shove the broomhandle into the fuel tanks to guess how much petrol was on board. This was during the era when petrol was strictly rationed. The value of the high-octane aviation fuel exceeded the value of the scrap metal.

  • @jackywhite880
    @jackywhite880 3 місяці тому +85

    I had an "uncle" who flew a Beaufighter in WW2. The quotes are because I'm not even sure we were related, though I hope we were.
    In those days you couldn't keep calling someone "Mister" forever, but as a child Christian names weren't polite either, so many people close to the family became uncles.
    He flew just about everything in that war, but he always preferred the Beaufighter. Not an air superiority fighter, he admitted - but 2 seconds in the sights of that impressive weaponry and - as he put it - "Adolf was buggered."
    He flew some kind of stripped down night fighter version. Had a special name, but I can't remember what it was. He survived the war. Not all of an older generation of my family did.
    What amazed me, as a young boy crazy about aircraft, I couldn't understand why he walked away and never wanted to board an aeroplane again. Or why he befriended a German POW he'd shot down (who stayed here because - Germany divided - he had nothing to go home to.)
    I'm 80 - and I understand now.

    • @aussie6910
      @aussie6910 3 місяці тому +6

      My uncle (mum's brother) was an 18yr old gunner in Blenheim's. As a kid I was banned from mentioning WWII around him. Taboo subject. Much later when I found out about their cas. rate I understood.

    • @aussie6910
      @aussie6910 3 місяці тому +3

      @@johnpoulter I was the lucky generation in my family. My 13yrs in Inf. was between wars. Afghanistan changed my son. Not badly, just kicked him up a notch. He has more of a thing for adrenalin now & don't piss him off.

    • @DavidGreenwood-nu6dd
      @DavidGreenwood-nu6dd 2 місяці тому


    • @jackywhite880
      @jackywhite880 2 місяці тому +1


    • @robertcamble3543
      @robertcamble3543 2 місяці тому

      @@johnpoulter The Beaufighter was so feared by the Japs they nicknamed it"Whispering Death" . I'm curious as to why they gave it that name ?.

  • @sunderwood121
    @sunderwood121 3 місяці тому +23

    I lived at 58 BeaufortvCescent, RAF Leuchars from 73 ~76. Leuchars is, by the way, pronounced Lewkars. Great programme. Thanks.

    • @davidmaule3266
      @davidmaule3266 3 місяці тому +2

      Or locally with ch as in loch, not k as in lock.

    • @jackywhite880
      @jackywhite880 3 місяці тому +2

      Just loved those Leuchars air shows years ago. Are they still a thing?
      Kind of academic to me now as my travelling is limited to a trip from recliner to loo.
      I'm not sure if it was Leuchars or another show (memory!) but back in the day of perestroika I watched a Russian bomber and a couple of fighters fly in. Just mind-shakingly marvellous at that time.
      Thing is is - the show was halted at one point to scramble a couple of Phantoms to warn off a Russian bomber getting too close our shores. With an identical machine sitting on our runway! Life can get weird sometimes.
      I got to shake the hand of a Russian pilot - surrounded by another 100 people eager to do the same. He seemed genuinely emotional. He was married with a small boy. I handed him a boxed UK silver Crown in a case to take home to that child.
      Thing is - right now - I'm not sure I'd shake the hand of his successor.
      Why are brave people so misused?

  • @guyh9992
    @guyh9992 3 місяці тому +10

    Lord Beaverbrook persuaded Australia to build the Beaufort primarily because it suited British industry even though it was a terrible bombing platform. It went on to do a lot more bombing over New Guinea and surrounds than launching torpedos.
    Australia learned from this experience. The team subsequently tasked with selecting a fighter and heavy bomber to manufacture undertook its due diligence by touring both the USA and UK. The outcome was the decision to build the P-51 Mustang fighter and Lancaster/Lincoln bomber.
    Production of the Beaufort did however set Australia up to build the Beaufighter.
    RAAF is pronounced R-Double A-F.

    • @amandagordon7932
      @amandagordon7932 3 місяці тому +1

      It's an AI voice, but can probably be trained.

  • @damienmaynard8892
    @damienmaynard8892 3 місяці тому +18

    RAAF Beauforts in the Pacific? Did a lot of damage to the Japanese merchant shipping! Wildebeest in RNZAF service were sacrificed pointlessly at Singapore. RAAF is said "R double-A F" or "Raff" We're bloody picky too! ;)

    • @MaxwellMoore-d1u
      @MaxwellMoore-d1u 3 місяці тому +2

      Hoo Pedantic we Are .

    • @TomLaios
      @TomLaios 3 місяці тому +4

      It is an AI voice.The verbal fuck ups are pretty spectacular

  • @adamwsaxe
    @adamwsaxe 2 місяці тому +4

    The "most lethal airplane hunting the seas" was . . . the PBY Catalina.

  • @richardreynolds6398
    @richardreynolds6398 3 місяці тому +5

    The Dauntless SBD sank 6 carriers, 2 battleships, 3 cruisers, and several other ships. The A-20's in Soviet hands sank over 100,00 tons of Axis shipping and the B-25 gunships in the New Guinea campaign rained hell down on the Japanese coastal and merchant shipping.
    Appreciate the Beaufort launched torpedoes and was very effective but it may not have been the "...most lethal...".

    • @daleirvine7548
      @daleirvine7548 3 місяці тому

      You need to look into and be surprised by the tonnage sunk by th3 Fairy Swordfish. Supposedly > 1 million.

    • @richardreynolds6398
      @richardreynolds6398 3 місяці тому +1

      @@daleirvine7548 Yes - surprising, indeed. Much more than the Beaufort, though, and simply makes my point.
      I was just grabbing a few examples but it is surprising. Thank you.

    • @AndrewGivens
      @AndrewGivens Місяць тому

      @@richardreynolds6398 Different mission profiles though. The RAF Beauforts in Home waters had very slim pickings as far as targets went - mostly coastal convoys moving under cover of darkness where possible. Few and far between for mounting strikes. And then the other stuff was the inevitably heavily-defended occasional battleship or cruiser. This is why set-piece raids and mine-laying were much more successful tactics in the Channel and North Sea. The Med was a bit different; a better theatre for it, with constant crossings by Axis convoys.

  • @Violincase
    @Violincase 2 місяці тому +3

    4:40 - "Despite the Beaufort's flaws, the specter (!) of war was now looming large on the horizon.." Huh?? What's the connection? Who writes this stuff?

  • @drmarkintexas-400
    @drmarkintexas-400 3 місяці тому +6

    Thank you for sharing this

    @COLINJELY 3 місяці тому +1

    At the Airfield just out of Bacchus Marsh in Victoria, Australia was located the Beaufort Gliding Club. I said to one of the members, you're along way from the town of Beaufort. He said, no you fool, we're not from the town. The club was started in WWII by people from the Government Aircraft Factory who worked on the Beaufort Bomber line

  • @Dackah
    @Dackah 3 місяці тому +1

    Good video, but I was perplexed with your pronunciation of the airfiefd in Fife , Scotland that the Beauforts took off from-then I realised you were talking about RAF Leuchars-it's pronounced "Lookers" not Looshars😀

  • @nopelindoputraperkasa5869
    @nopelindoputraperkasa5869 3 місяці тому +1

    Nice sharing Vidio.. very inspiring and informative.. great 🇮🇩😮❤

  • @stephenbesley3177
    @stephenbesley3177 3 місяці тому

    I was born in Filton. Family worked on various planes during the war and I witnessed Concords maiden flight.

  • @geordiedog1749
    @geordiedog1749 Місяць тому

    There’s a very interesting biography about a Beaufort pilot called ‘Torpedo Leader’ (not very imaginative) I actually grew to quite dislike the guy and wasn’t surprised when I spoke with a relative of a gunner in his squadron who described him very unfavourably as a glory seeking careerist madman. He made a big thing about going in first but it was actually safer being first.

  • @richard392
    @richard392 3 місяці тому

    when i watch these videos it reminds me of the quote "Never in the field of human conflict was so much been owed by so many to so few' Winston Churchill. That pilot was 22 guys 22! Kid out of high school.

    • @richard392
      @richard392 2 місяці тому +1

      @Turnipstalk We can only be in awe of such men of character and hope to live up to their legacy now and in time of need. Your father is a hero dude you tell him that for me pls and thank him for his service.

    • @louisavondart9178
      @louisavondart9178 Місяць тому

      In those days, high school finished at 16.

  • @glennsimpson7659
    @glennsimpson7659 3 місяці тому

    The shot of the Prinz Eugen at 10:56 is her in US Navy service post war, on her way to the atomic bomb test sites in the Pacific. You can tell by the US Army radar van welded on top of the conning tower to give her some navigational radar capacity.

  • @mohammedsaysrashid3587
    @mohammedsaysrashid3587 3 місяці тому

    A wonderful historical coverage video about the brustl boffer royal navy and a royal navy airforce

  • @paulkendall6069
    @paulkendall6069 3 місяці тому +1

    I Read it was also a very good Night Fighter, the pub near me was named after an ace who flow the Beaufighter it was called The Cunningham I beleive it had his portrait with the Fighter in the background.
    Sadly the one thing honoring a local born hero was purchased by Lidll and after many failed planning applications mysteriously caught fire and had to be knocked down for a new Lidll store.

    • @aussie6910
      @aussie6910 3 місяці тому

      Cunningham scored 20 victories at night, the top German night fighter ace, Schnaufer, had 121.
      But the Germans flew until they died & had a much more target rich environment.

    • @swanseajaffa
      @swanseajaffa 3 місяці тому

      I take it he was the famous "Cat eyes Cunningham" who was said to eat carrots to improve his night vision where in reality Britain had just started to fit airborne radar to our night fighters but wanted to keep in secret from the Germans.

    • @harryricochet8134
      @harryricochet8134 3 місяці тому

      'Cats Eyes Cunningham'

    • @paulkendall6069
      @paulkendall6069 3 місяці тому

      @aussie6910 read John Cunningham was promoted to non flying role may have been to protect him, there is a History of British aces being withdrawn from opps to protect them 1st ww two of air cors top aces were with drawn from front line action to train new pilots but both were then killed in accidents. As you say Germans flew till dead or war over.

  • @senianns9522
    @senianns9522 3 місяці тому

    This was certainly lethal this Beaufort! Lethal for the flying crews!

  • @tileux
    @tileux 3 місяці тому

    Lutzow was renamed by hitler but she was renamed Lutzow because the original, uncompleted, Lutzow was sold to the soviet union and the protocol required the same name be used. Lutzow was a real bomb, shell, and torpedo magnet, taking two torpedo hits through her career and being the only german ship I know of to be damaged by norwegians, british, french and soviets. She had a series of ever more hapless captains who managed to get her, variously, run aground and - twice - ambushed by complete surprise. Hitler was so unimpressed with her and her sister ships he actually ordered them all melted down for scrap metal. Ironically, that would have been a good idea because the germans wasted a lot of resources on ships that they could have used on tanks, but the german naval commanders talked hitler out of that.

  • @marioalejandromedina6127
    @marioalejandromedina6127 3 місяці тому +1

    Great machine ¡¡¡

  • @csjrogerson2377
    @csjrogerson2377 3 місяці тому

    "The most lethal", seems to be an unsupported accolade for a disaster of a plane. See the summary at 12:43. "Not particularly effective and often seen as a disappointment". Perhaps the Beaufighter should have the title which "more effective" (13:00)

  • @brianniegemann4788
    @brianniegemann4788 Місяць тому

    The PBY Catalina and Avro Shackleton performed crucial antisubmarine ops protecting the convoys. They didn't sink a lot of tonnage, rather they saved tonnage that was essential to the survival of Britain. Various British bombers were used to escort Allied convoys during WW2, and German sub commanders quickly learned to fear them.

    • @Mossop13
      @Mossop13 Місяць тому

      Ummm . . . . Shackleton didn't fly until 1949 . . . . . just sayin'.

    • @brianniegemann4788
      @brianniegemann4788 Місяць тому

      @@Mossop13 oops, l need one of those plane ID charts.

  • @catandtheostrich
    @catandtheostrich 3 місяці тому

    This has probably been noted before, but Leuchars - the ch is like a k, it's not a soft ch. Try pronouncing it as "Lookars".

    @ROBERTNABORNEY Місяць тому

    The Beaufort led to the immortal Beaufighter

  • @vbprogman
    @vbprogman 3 місяці тому

    Please is there any truth to what l have been told in that the Beaufort simply could not fly on one engine?

  • @GREGLUCAS-u4f
    @GREGLUCAS-u4f 2 місяці тому

    What happened to the crew of the Wreck?

  • @sheilah4525
    @sheilah4525 3 місяці тому

    MY DEARS…. IF the Beaufort, which is now a great Corgi model, BTW, WAS THE ANSWER, why EVER would they have replaced it with the Beaufighter?

  • @jameslimewater9398
    @jameslimewater9398 3 місяці тому

    The Beuafighter was certainly dangerous to it's own crew.

  • @rwm2986
    @rwm2986 2 місяці тому

    RAF Squadron numbers are ordinal, 22 and 42 in this video, not cardinal, 22nd and 42nd, as you used in the commentary.

  • @charlesarmstrong5292
    @charlesarmstrong5292 3 місяці тому

    Sounds like a pretty bad failure until the Beaufighter arrived.

  • @gregmacdonald7710
    @gregmacdonald7710 3 місяці тому

    Named after the Duke of Beaufort 🧐👍

  • @ivanconnolly7332
    @ivanconnolly7332 2 місяці тому +1

    Lethally misleading thumbnail !!!.

  • @michaelwilkinson2928
    @michaelwilkinson2928 Місяць тому

    It was an aircraft or aeroplane, not an airplane.

  • @jacquespineault8197
    @jacquespineault8197 3 місяці тому +2

    What? The Bristol Beaufort the most lethal airplane hunting the sea! No way. The most lethal was the B-25 Mitchel equipped with a 75mm canon. One hit and bye-bye U-boat.

  • @sirdudleynightshade8747
    @sirdudleynightshade8747 Місяць тому

    I thought the Lutzow (nee Deutschland) was a "Panzerschiff" (pocket battleship) rather than a heavy cruiser.

  • @amblt1
    @amblt1 3 місяці тому

    Just to add to a previous comment - we DO NOT USE ORDINALS in Commonwealth squadron numbering. Please stop.

  • @genemaster74
    @genemaster74 3 місяці тому

    G'day ....the RAAF and all Australian forces did a lot of upgrades on many platforms during WW2. Because we where more isolated than many other countrys, we had to be more self reliant and innovative. Which helped all the allies in the Pacific theatre, both here in main land Australia and on the Front.
    Well what do ya expect when the Brits sent all their so called "Criminals"🚔 to a big island hidden for millennia🧐 where only the strong survive💀, Let them stew down there for 150yrs, and it sort of builds a small but tenacious innovative society😤. Cheers for the great Docs ya making over at "Dark Media Inc". From a true Blue Aussie, part of 4 generations of family Servicemen, over the last hundred years. Goodonya (Good-on-ya) from A M8 Downunder🙃

    • @ant13665
      @ant13665 3 місяці тому

      as a child i learnt the difference between we're , where, & were.

  • @robshirewood5060
    @robshirewood5060 3 місяці тому


  • @jockster5525
    @jockster5525 3 місяці тому +1

    Awesome..the airfield in fife is pronounced..lookers

  • @thomaslinton5765
    @thomaslinton5765 Місяць тому

    Define "most lethal"?

  • @johntillman6068
    @johntillman6068 2 місяці тому

    The German cruiser is pronounced "Luetsov".

  • @bert2530
    @bert2530 3 місяці тому

    The title of this video is misplaced? Should be for another video?
    Another plane?
    I really hate these clickbait titles.
    While the video isn’t bad, it’s not about what is claimed to be.
    Just stop that.

  • @williamkennedy5492
    @williamkennedy5492 3 місяці тому

    The aircraft shown is not a Beau !!!

  • @typhoon2827
    @typhoon2827 3 місяці тому

    Leuchars is pronounced Loo carz

  • @jill-ti7oe
    @jill-ti7oe 3 місяці тому +1


  • @edcew8236
    @edcew8236 2 місяці тому

    This is so over-written. Can't believe how bad the voice is, too.

  • @simonmason8582
    @simonmason8582 2 місяці тому +1

    Leuchars = LOUKERS

  • @steveshoemaker6347
    @steveshoemaker6347 3 місяці тому +1


  • @tobyrobson2939
    @tobyrobson2939 3 місяці тому +2

    Sadly, this is consistently one of the least pictorially accurate and most title 'click baity' channels. Id dont know if thats deliberate, but its a shame, as the author is clearly spending money on his archive material.

  • @PostalWorker14
    @PostalWorker14 3 місяці тому

    British had better torpedoes than US

  • @ashleymarie7452
    @ashleymarie7452 Місяць тому

    Interesting content, but BOGUS CLICKBAIT title. Thumbs down.

  • @seventhson27
    @seventhson27 2 місяці тому

    I gave it a thumbs down because of the click-bait title.

  • @sheilah4525
    @sheilah4525 2 місяці тому +1

    It would be nice if this video producer would coordinate his video with the text. Too often, he just throws totally mismatched shots of the wrong plane and just seems like he would rather extend the video with”FILLER” because he has not got enough of the subject matter. Wrong planes, wrong ships, wrong theaters of war, and on and on. When, in this video, he displays a flight of BEAUFORTS and each plane has but ONE engine, it’s like “Come ON! Stop BSing me with nonsense! What are you, a leftist?” LOL

    • @wildgoose5964
      @wildgoose5964 2 місяці тому

      Might come as a shock to you Tories but millions of "leftist" served in both world wars.

  • @sunrayisdown1690
    @sunrayisdown1690 3 місяці тому

    These are Bristol Blenheims. More American diahorreah.

  • @jamesmckay9966
    @jamesmckay9966 Місяць тому


  • @clintfalk
    @clintfalk 2 місяці тому

    Dark Skies still sucks.

  • @JeffreyWilliams-dr7qe
    @JeffreyWilliams-dr7qe 3 місяці тому

    Bargain basement avaition airplane channel. Well funded simultaneously.

  • @rafaelclass5744
    @rafaelclass5744 3 місяці тому +2

    I'm the first viewer

    • @JSFGuy
      @JSFGuy 3 місяці тому +1

      No, Besides, BFD.

    • @Area51UFOGynaecology
      @Area51UFOGynaecology 3 місяці тому +1

      i never watched it

    • @JSFGuy
      @JSFGuy 3 місяці тому

      @@Area51UFOGynaecology No doubt, most pick me comments don't watch the video.

    • @paulryan2128
      @paulryan2128 3 місяці тому +1

      Shouldn't you just keep that to yourself? 😊

  • @salvagedb2470
    @salvagedb2470 3 місяці тому

    For Comments seen the Beufighter ranks Higher than the Beaufort , an it should be Given more Credit .

  • @elennapointer701
    @elennapointer701 3 місяці тому +62

    By the way, in RAF parlance, the squadron numbers are prounounced "Twenty-Two Squadron" and "Forty-Two Squadron" if it's a two-digit name. If there's only one digit, it would be, for example, "Number Four Squadron". Should it be a three-number unit, the numbers are pronounced individually again, i.e. "Six One Seven Squadron" or "Two Four Two Squadron"; ditto for maintainance flights, conversion training units, etc, which often had four-digit numbers. If you ever see an RAF squadron's number, this is the rule that's applied.
    We're just funny like that.

    • @christopherrobinson66
      @christopherrobinson66 3 місяці тому +5

      This is correct; British Commonwealth squadrons all use cardinal numbers when referencing their flying units. It is the Americans (USN, USMC, USAF) who use ordinal numbers for their flying units. Cheers!

    • @jameseadie7145
      @jameseadie7145 3 місяці тому +2

      Royal Engineers have squadron s with similar numbering eg 73 sqn would be seven three, however 12 nova scotia squadron is just twelve squadron

    • @longrider42
      @longrider42 3 місяці тому +2

      I don't think who ever puts these video's together cares too much. I've never seen a response to any comment. Plus I think the commentary is AI based.

    • @adamwsaxe
      @adamwsaxe 2 місяці тому +1

      Dark SKies gets a LOT wrong.

    • @tomref4001
      @tomref4001 Місяць тому

      @@longrider42 The pronunciation of RAF Leuchars is a bit of a giveaway-should be 'Lookars' nor leeeuuucheeears or whatever 'he' said. 😎🤠

  • @docersatz5228
    @docersatz5228 3 місяці тому +35

    Somehow doesn't seem to merit the title "The Most Lethal Flying Hunter of the Seas"

    • @tobyrobson2939
      @tobyrobson2939 3 місяці тому +10

      Because it wasn't. But UA-camrs wanting to monetise clicks put hyperbole before accuracy...

    • @gumpyoldbugger6944
      @gumpyoldbugger6944 3 місяці тому +2

      That title could arguable be given to either the Bristol Beaufighter or the de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito, both of which were used in there maritime attack role very successfully. That being said, the Bristol Beaufort was no slouch, though she did quickly become horrible obsolete.

    • @gumpyoldbugger6944
      @gumpyoldbugger6944 3 місяці тому +1

      @@tobyrobson2939 Especially the Dark team......they were good back in the begining with Dark 5, but now.....meh at best.

    • @outinthesticks1035
      @outinthesticks1035 3 місяці тому +3

      Lots of different planes could carry the title , sbd after midway , b-25 at Bismarck sea , hellcat , beaufighter , even the string bag for its role in sinking the Bismarck

    • @longrider42
      @longrider42 3 місяці тому +5

      The old Swordfish, now there was a lethal aircraft. Obsolete from the beginning of the way. But served all the way through to the end.

  • @fedupgamer9075
    @fedupgamer9075 3 місяці тому +125

    That's a Bristol "Beaufighter" in the thumbnail mate.

    • @darrenwilson8042
      @darrenwilson8042 3 місяці тому +8

      all references to Beauforts seem to be supported by images of Beaufighters ......

    • @Chris-mh3vf
      @Chris-mh3vf 3 місяці тому +10

      You are lucky it’s not a flying fortress

    • @IntrospectorGeneral
      @IntrospectorGeneral 3 місяці тому +10

      Swapping images is a 'Dark Skies' tradition. It's done at least once every episode to keep us on our toes.

    • @gregmacdonald7710
      @gregmacdonald7710 3 місяці тому +9

      Beaufort is correct!...

    • @steverichardson6920
      @steverichardson6920 3 місяці тому +32

      The thumbnail definitely a Beaufort not a Beaufighter….

  • @jagsdomain203
    @jagsdomain203 3 місяці тому +11

    Find saw Beaufort at the United States Air Force museum in Ohio that thing was a lot larger than I had expected

  • @androidemulator6952
    @androidemulator6952 3 місяці тому +9

    So the Aussies fitted American Pratt & Witney Double Wasp radials , in place of the unreliable and underpowered ?? Bristol Taurus ? - would be interesting to see the performance change of the Aussie Beauforts ! :)

  • @robertcamble3543
    @robertcamble3543 3 місяці тому +33

    Beaufighters dont get the respect it deserves . Its overshadowed by the mossie .

    • @carrickrichards2457
      @carrickrichards2457 3 місяці тому +4

      'Beaufighters' are another aircraft altogether. The Japanese confusing the two in the Bismark Sea (1943) was an important error!

    • @UncleJoeLITE
      @UncleJoeLITE 2 місяці тому +2

      Not in Australian history really. We flew Beaufighters in the Pacific to make stuff go away.

    • @robertcamble3543
      @robertcamble3543 28 днів тому

      @@UncleJoeLITE The Armament on the Beaufighter is the same as the Mossie. I love that domineering look the beaufighter 's had .

  • @captaccordion
    @captaccordion 3 місяці тому +10

    Very good information in this one, and much less mismatch of the images and dialogue. Very well done!

  • @richardhindman1855
    @richardhindman1855 2 місяці тому +4

    As someone interested in WW2 aircraft for the majority of my life, I enjoy the effort taken to provide interesting and factual information. However, I don’t know if the narration is computer generated or actual ‘human’ narration, but it is annoying as hell. The rapid, near whisper doesn’t really work for me.

  • @Wideoval73
    @Wideoval73 3 місяці тому +6

    Great video, as usual. Very informative as is the norm. Thanks

  • @zygmuntthecacaokakistocrat6589
    @zygmuntthecacaokakistocrat6589 3 місяці тому +4

    So, not "The Most Lethal Flying Hunter of the Seas" A bit of a disappointment, really. The Beaufighter had a much greater success rate.

  • @seanlander9321
    @seanlander9321 3 місяці тому +4

    The Battle of the Bismarck Sea was the pinnacle of the Australian made version of the Bristol’s, a defeat for the Japanese in the most one sided battle of WWII.

  • @narabdela
    @narabdela 3 місяці тому +1

    More wildly innaccurate Dark Skies nonsense.

  • @jamesragus1577
    @jamesragus1577 3 місяці тому +2

    Complimentary algorithm enhancement comment!😊

  • @kevanhubbard9673
    @kevanhubbard9673 3 місяці тому +1

    The Beaufort is very much in the shadow of the Beaufighter and you don't hear as much about its successes as you do it's closely related sibling.

  • @goldenageofdinosaurs7192
    @goldenageofdinosaurs7192 3 місяці тому +9

    Just wanted to say that I’ve been watching your videos since right near the beginning & your voiceover work has substantially improved. Great work, sir🫡

  • @barbarybar
    @barbarybar 2 місяці тому

    A mediocre bomber. The Beaufort's fuselage and wings helped the quick development of the Beaufighter, a much more effective aeroplane.

  • @SKILLED_two
    @SKILLED_two 3 місяці тому +1

    Make mine a Swordfish

  • @Walter-wo5sz
    @Walter-wo5sz 3 місяці тому +4

    I love the gardening term.

    • @johndoe-so2ef
      @johndoe-so2ef 3 місяці тому

      Except it's totally inaccurate. Gardening was a term Harris used for random terror bombing on land.

    • @bighamster2
      @bighamster2 2 місяці тому

      ​@@johndoe-so2efWhere did you hear that? I've often heard minelaying referred to as "gardening". Harris was generally supportive of it, especially since it was something that could be done during bad weather (which prohibited most conventional bombing).

  • @Twirlyhead
    @Twirlyhead 2 місяці тому +1

    Reliability issues and attacks on merchant shipping aside the main problem with the Beaufort as a torpedo bomber was much the same as all torpedo bombers. They were required to fly low, level and steady into defending warships' withering anti-aircraft fire. The commanders must have expected great results indeed to send good men on such very dangerous missions; where they right to? Some fine and very important results were achieved certainly but does that justify such a very dangerous method.

    • @louisavondart9178
      @louisavondart9178 Місяць тому

      They were expendable. Results would have been nice but weren't expected.

  • @mrjstewart8095
    @mrjstewart8095 Місяць тому

    Please do something about the narrator's voice....overly made in short stabbing splurges. Sounds like a constant drone.

  • @RemusKingOfRome
    @RemusKingOfRome 3 місяці тому +1

    Great video. Wonder if the rear gunner was effective ?

  • @manonthemoon2912
    @manonthemoon2912 21 годину тому

    Production began in Ernest is this place in Bristol

  • @tuesdayjames5470
    @tuesdayjames5470 Місяць тому

    Watch Urlaug on youtube.
    If you are sick and tired of Lancasters and bf109.

  • @GIobeCentral
    @GIobeCentral 3 місяці тому +1

    I'm glad you used subtitles; needless to say why...

  • @billyrock8305
    @billyrock8305 2 місяці тому +1


  • @keithdrower9120
    @keithdrower9120 3 місяці тому +1

    The Australian Beaufighters were named 'the whispering death' by Japanese forces in the Pacific theatre.

    • @louisavondart9178
      @louisavondart9178 Місяць тому

      So were Cosairs. But I've never seen any Japanese people commenting on this....

  • @brianmerz6070
    @brianmerz6070 3 місяці тому +20

    I appreciate that your videos never contain any click bait, and always deliver solid historical information.

    • @johndoe-so2ef
      @johndoe-so2ef 3 місяці тому +3

      Hey, you got jokes....

    • @LeonardMiyata
      @LeonardMiyata 3 місяці тому +3

      At the same time, the video is about the Bristol Beaufort, but the video thumbnail displays the much more powerful Bristol Beaufighter....

    • @obiemichaels9675
      @obiemichaels9675 3 місяці тому +2

      As Sheldon would say ‘sarcasm?’

    • @dukecraig2402
      @dukecraig2402 3 місяці тому


  • @Olleetheowl
    @Olleetheowl 3 місяці тому

    Not only is the thumbnail a Beau Fighter, but It’s Two two and Four Two squadron …not Twenty second and Fourty second. They were R.A.F. squadrons. NOT U.S.A.A.F. R.A.F. LOOSHORE is actually Lucas’s

  • @0ldb1ll
    @0ldb1ll 3 місяці тому

    The 'gardening' operations were often tied in with the Bletchley code breaking operations as they would be reported by Germany using the enigma code.

  • @flogjam
    @flogjam 2 місяці тому

    Beaufighter TF Mk.X was a more legendary plane. Bristling with Cannons and Rockets and a Torpedo....... (The Coastal command variant)

  • @jackinabox8497
    @jackinabox8497 3 місяці тому

    Whispering death is what the Japanese called them.
    They were very well armed and extremely tough and effective.
    My favourite behind the mosquito.
    Bob. Australia.

  • @sunrayisdown1690
    @sunrayisdown1690 2 місяці тому

    Who writes this garbage ?

  • @chaslane7517
    @chaslane7517 2 місяці тому

    The thumbnail is a Bristol Beaufort. Check them out on Wikipedia. The Japanese referred to the Beaufighter as “Whispering Death”, or so my mother told me (Air evac nurse New Guinea 1944-45).

  • @doraexplora9046
    @doraexplora9046 3 місяці тому

    WOW> that Beaufort sounds like a disaster to me. Most of the time it missed. Pilots died easily. Overheating. Slow. Horrible flight characteristics. Sounds and looks to me like a flying Porcupine!

  • @kennethsayce8645
    @kennethsayce8645 3 місяці тому

    My Father George Sayce was a mechanic in the RAAF 100 squadron in Milne bay New Guinea he told me that Australia had built 700 Beaufort's, in Queensland Aust. they are rebuilding a Beaufort to flying condition, it will be the only one flying.

  • @slammerf16
    @slammerf16 2 місяці тому

    For an excellent history of RAF Coastal Command during WW2 I recommend reading "The Cinderella Boys" by Leo McKinstry. It was a long hard fight, both against the German and the Air Ministry.

  • @redtale6527
    @redtale6527 Місяць тому

    Definitely lethal. The Australian built Beaufort's had a problem with the control rod to the elevator trim tab falling off. 90 aircraft were lost before they found the problem.

  • @UncleJoeLITE
    @UncleJoeLITE 2 місяці тому

    Beauforts to deal with bigger things...
    Beaufighters to make smaller things vanish...