Anytime I listen to Buckethead I'm taken to this place where I don't need to worry about emotions or stress. I'm just in a space where nothing else but his music is visible, I can feel it throughout my whole body. I'll always be thankful for this guy with a guitar to have shared some of the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard. Thank you Buckethead, you mean more than you know.
I just spent 12 days in hospital...3 in a coma, and this mans music has helped no end In bringing me back, to grounding myself in the best way. Thanks Brian.
Buckethead would politely thank you Its awfully considerate of you obliged music helped you my tunes, advise might be wise? God first thank him twice'' stand right, God saved your life.. Sometimes we overcome a fight.. bullies are not nice hand cover your face take chance find a place lock your jaw hard let him fight taste flesh rip into a piece torn terror Bite feed life all night Your head can take it Who cares if your dead Fight your right If a finger linger off with it quik loss he's prick Take his chic
Ted Vann . He saves my life everyday. I'm not kidding. I listen to Buckethead and I can go . Take this away. I'm I'm big trouble . Thank you Brian. Gotta go. Tears are flowing.
i love being part of the small percentage of the world that know of and appreciate bucketheads music bieber may have millions of fans but as he gets older less people will forget about him whereas buckethead will never be forgotten.
BUCKETHEAD is... Inspiration. Imagination. Skill, melody & creativity... Ya, it's common you hear these of Brian but - no person could deny consciously. That BUCKETHEAD - amazing.
@@seanevertts2735 I used to be beaten for crying by my evil step mother. I try not to cry, though I often feel like it, especially when listening to Buckethead.
This video, when it was 2 months old, became my favorite piece of music ever. It’s only matched, never outdone. I got through a series of deaths, a breakup, a huge shift in life, and all kinds of things with this as my background music. I remember the day I found this, taking my girl to the park, unable to get the groove out of my mind. Should this video ever be taken down, it would be an offense to humanity itself. Thank you for the decade-plus that it has been here.
I came here again to thank you for recording this very historical moment :). I've been 4 years clicking anything related with Interworld and Animal Behavior, and none of them compares to this version/recording quality.
Not sure if you’ll see this, search when he played it in 2017 in Salt Lake City. In the video he’s wearing the jersey. I’m convinced it’s the best version ever recorded. I’ve listened to it so many times. Absolutely the most emotional version.
You're the man! For posting a video of Buckethead, for having it on HD and for providing us with one of the best live version of these great songs!! Tnx!
If you ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this planet that has ever lived, guitarist or not what buckethead could learn or get better at there wouldn't be anyone to answer. He's mastered that instrument.
After seeing the vid of young Bucket playing Elvis cover songs, I can totally picture him standing there playing this without a mask on. Jeez. It's amazing that through it all, B has been able to keep himself grounded. He's still the exact same person he was before Bucket became a Guitar Hero. How he managed to keep Brian in there through it all is probably his biggest accomplishment, IMO. I know that, no one calls him Brian. But you know what I mean. He's stayed true to himself through it all and hasn't changed one bit. That's just part of why he's my favorite living guitar player and only 0.1mm behind my #1 overall, Duane Allman. TBH, I think they're both my favorites. Co-favorites lol. WE LOVE YOU, BIG B! 🙏❤️🎸
I can say that Buckethead has made me a far better guitar player. Trying to emulate what he does, no matter how difficult, has allowed me to tread, and even conquer, new guitar territory. And I should be clear...Yes, he is a tremendous technical guitarist, but it's not that. It's his ability to transport and transcend through his music; this is what I try to achieve most. No matter how many people on this planet can play guitar, not all of them have the ability to do that. There are only a few special guitarists who can do that, you know the ones...Hendrix, SRV, EVH, Jimmy Page, just to name several. All I know is that Buckethead is easily one of the greatest guitar players of our time.
Hendrix did the same thing in a different way. He would start off with an identifiable melody and take it further and further out. Then bring it back to sanity. See ‘Third Stone From The Sun’
No One Else like this Guy in the world I’ve been playing my whole life EVH revolutionized new style and is in a class by himself I love EVH , But Bucket head is freaking incredible and I hear he is a very humble Guy!
@levlayke you can download this entire show (or just this track if you want) for free at under live performances, search buckethead and then find the show date...otherwise, you can find the official song on the Praxis album "Transmutation (Mutatis Mutandis)"
Beat artist of all time. Berrigan Beethoven Bach Chopin hes hes a way better composer songwriter than any of those dude's and most definitely a better musician. I had a dream i died and went to heaven. So Im standing there talking to Hendrix when I spotted what looked like Buckethead. I ask Jimi hey is that bucket. Jimi says no that's God he just wishes he was Buckethead. Just a joke. Meant to amuse. Jimi is runner up goat.
Anytime I listen to Buckethead I'm taken to this place where I don't need to worry about emotions or stress. I'm just in a space where nothing else but his music is visible, I can feel it throughout my whole body. I'll always be thankful for this guy with a guitar to have shared some of the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard.
Thank you Buckethead, you mean more than you know.
Yes sir
тоже самое ))👍🏻
у меня те же эмоции что и у тебя
Me too
Welcome to bucketheadland
I just spent 12 days in hospital...3 in a coma, and this mans music has helped no end In bringing me back, to grounding myself in the best way. Thanks Brian.
Buckethead would politely thank you Its awfully considerate of you obliged music helped you my tunes, advise might
be wise? God first thank him twice'' stand right, God saved your life.. Sometimes we overcome a fight.. bullies are not nice hand cover your face take chance find a place lock your jaw hard let him fight taste flesh rip into a piece torn terror Bite feed life all night Your head can take it Who cares if your dead Fight your right If a finger linger off with it quik loss he's prick Take his chic
+Danny Hood drugs are a terrible thing dude... keep licking the batteries man.
Ted Vann . He saves my life everyday. I'm not kidding. I listen to Buckethead and I can go . Take this away. I'm I'm big trouble . Thank you Brian. Gotta go. Tears are flowing.
Ted Vann Bucket is the best therapy money can buy. Everyday ritual.
I think that he is a very good person too :)
I've never heard anyone making better use of the Wah than Bucket.
Everyone is so enamored with his shredding that they often overlook the other nuances Bucket uses.
this guy is just from another planet
Another universe even!
this changed my life
_GCpablex_ Well said. His music enhances everything. All the best!
Me too >>>
Same. Bucket has a way of doing that..
i love being part of the small percentage of the world that know of and appreciate bucketheads music bieber may have millions of fans but as he gets older less people will forget about him whereas buckethead will never be forgotten.
That’s profound Bieber has already largely been forgotten. A small dedicated fan base is better than a fickle large one.
Best 9 minutes of my day.
Yeah Our days suck ass
I wish the whole world could hear this
Wow!!! Slow and melodic, to shredding and back to melodic, this guy is amazing.
Derrick Lane Life is so much better with Buckethead.
BUCKETHEAD is... Inspiration. Imagination. Skill, melody & creativity...
Ya, it's common you hear these of Brian but - no person could deny consciously.
That BUCKETHEAD - amazing.
Buckethead makes me want to cry.
with joy
I know the cry, enjoyable in a messed up way, almost like relief... i feel ya
@@seanevertts2735 I used to be beaten for crying by my evil step mother. I try not to cry, though I often feel like it, especially when listening to Buckethead.
@@laceface I can't help but get misty to a great deal of his work as well
my fav of him, i cant believe this doesnt have more views, its an amazing preformance.
Thank You Sir Buckethead for the album Population Overdrive. Also rocked
my newborn Son to sleep to Planeta. You are appreciated.
this rendition of animal behavior is something else
Bucket you put the "FUN" in
funeral RIP Joseph Willicka I Love you Dad. Thank You Bucket!
I LOVE Buckethead !!!!!! He's SO Awsome !!!!!!!! #1
BUCKETHEAD é único! Incomparável!
The earth just moved!❤
True pure ability and talent the real deal likely the best of all time thank full to get to hear you
This is fkn insane! Respect that man! BH you are a legend...........
I love you buckethead. I hope Bucketheadland becomes a reality someday. :)
That's what Heart and soul means 😊
This video, when it was 2 months old, became my favorite piece of music ever. It’s only matched, never outdone. I got through a series of deaths, a breakup, a huge shift in life, and all kinds of things with this as my background music.
I remember the day I found this, taking my girl to the park, unable to get the groove out of my mind.
Should this video ever be taken down, it would be an offense to humanity itself. Thank you for the decade-plus that it has been here.
What an astonishing guitar player.
Thanks for getting me through the day, BH. And thanks for posting this [DMac604] !
So much SOUL!(:
I came here again to thank you for recording this very historical moment :).
I've been 4 years clicking anything related with Interworld and Animal Behavior, and none of them compares to this version/recording quality.
Hold my 🍺
Not sure if you’ll see this, search when he played it in 2017 in Salt Lake City. In the video he’s wearing the jersey. I’m convinced it’s the best version ever recorded. I’ve listened to it so many times. Absolutely the most emotional version.
The Banksy of the guitarists!!
best lick ever, made my eyes watery
His music is soul
The way he can make the guitar sing is proof he is a out of this world god
Thank you bucket 👏👏👏 bravo
My favorite song!
Everyday in Every way Buckethead MUST PLAY. Christ.
what a combo! three masterpieces!!!
Dude is from another dimension ❤️
Su música siempre será inspiración total para mi ser.
Buckethead é inspiração!
Cant wait to see him again Saturday in Orlando!!!
You're the man! For posting a video of Buckethead, for having it on HD and for providing us with one of the best live version of these great songs!! Tnx!
If you ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this planet that has ever lived, guitarist or not what buckethead could learn or get better at there wouldn't be anyone to answer. He's mastered that instrument.
These are all amazing!Thanks for the black and white footage
Every time I listen to one of Big B's songs, I hear something new even if it's the same piece.
4:42 feeling amazing
los mejores 9 minutos !!
Thank You Mr. Carrol
After seeing the vid of young Bucket playing Elvis cover songs, I can totally picture him standing there playing this without a mask on. Jeez. It's amazing that through it all, B has been able to keep himself grounded. He's still the exact same person he was before Bucket became a Guitar Hero. How he managed to keep Brian in there through it all is probably his biggest accomplishment, IMO. I know that, no one calls him Brian. But you know what I mean. He's stayed true to himself through it all and hasn't changed one bit. That's just part of why he's my favorite living guitar player and only 0.1mm behind my #1 overall, Duane Allman. TBH, I think they're both my favorites. Co-favorites lol.
Even with a mask on,a bucket over his head and a stiff posture.Emotions can be felt flowing off his guitar playing! How awesome is that shit man!
Beautiful ❤
Judge SoundCloud ✨
Once a day min. Cheers 🪣
The Greatest Guitarist on planet earth .... LIKE NO OTHER
These and Look Up There are my favorite songs!
Give his “Coupon” a listen.
That note fading away at 7:06. I can't stop replaying it
2:45 wow
Seriously Great, Awesome you shared this THANKS!
goddamn that is soooo good!!
Felling extrordinario ,
I can say that Buckethead has made me a far better guitar player. Trying to emulate what he does, no matter how difficult, has allowed me to tread, and even conquer, new guitar territory. And I should be clear...Yes, he is a tremendous technical guitarist, but it's not that. It's his ability to transport and transcend through his music; this is what I try to achieve most. No matter how many people on this planet can play guitar, not all of them have the ability to do that. There are only a few special guitarists who can do that, you know the ones...Hendrix, SRV, EVH, Jimmy Page, just to name several. All I know is that Buckethead is easily one of the greatest guitar players of our time.
very good
That was a long time...
6:51 listen the crowd, that lick is epic..
Population Override still one of my favorties.
Pure Genius
good stuff
So I learned my first piece of music by Bucket. The rhythm part that's he's playing that keeps repeating. 😁 Ya gotta start somewhere lol
Well I thought I did. The tabs online don't exactly match what, he does live. So...yea.
@levlayke Animal Behavior is a track on the Praxis album, Transmutation (Mutatis Mutandis).
Love you buckethead
6:28 to 7:00 is the best thing ive ever witnessed
The solo after this 05:20 made me jizz in my pants! and the rest of it 'till the end is top! This guy is for dure one of the all time best.
Transcending with Buckethead.
the mans only indulgence is his own passion
0:16 - Interworld
2:48 - Animal Behavior
I approve this video >>>
I dont know what to feel
6:50 😯
Hendrix did the same thing in a different way. He would start off with an identifiable melody and take it further and further out. Then bring it back to sanity. See ‘Third Stone From The Sun’
Legend says that if you go to your nearest corn field at exactly midnight, you can see Buckethead playing to grow the corn faster
My bro .....
6:41 is the most insane thing i've seen on a guitar
Ummm.... First Post!!!....?
Great vid
No One Else like this Guy in the world I’ve been playing my whole life EVH revolutionized new style and is in a class by himself I love EVH , But Bucket head is freaking incredible and I hear he is a very humble Guy!
God among Men with a Guitar.
@levlayke you can download this entire show (or just this track if you want) for free at under live performances, search buckethead and then find the show date...otherwise, you can find the official song on the Praxis album "Transmutation (Mutatis Mutandis)"
Brian Patrick Carroll is the baddest most progressive complete guitarist to ever walk this earth.
Beat artist of all time. Berrigan Beethoven Bach Chopin hes hes a way better composer songwriter than any of those dude's and most definitely a better musician. I had a dream i died and went to heaven. So Im standing there talking to Hendrix when I spotted what looked like Buckethead. I ask Jimi hey is that bucket. Jimi says no that's God he just wishes he was Buckethead. Just a joke. Meant to amuse. Jimi is runner up goat.
Song name plz 3:14
Animal Behavior
this was about bucket and the people there. not the camera.
I want those two MESA amps
A view years back (2011 or 2012) he auctioned them. :)
The most famous beer in fresh repis history