Reaction To German Farmers Protest

  • Опубліковано 10 чер 2024
  • Reaction To German Farmers Protest
    This is my reaction to German Farmers Protest
    In this video I react to the protests and demonstrations carried out by farmers and people from other industries in Germany


  • @m1k3ga
    @m1k3ga 4 місяці тому +20

    The farmer points out its opinion, fair enough. It is not really balanced.
    but the government doesn't want to get rid of the farmers, this is just wrong

  • @jancleve9635
    @jancleve9635 4 місяці тому +51

    1:11 These numbers are correct but a bit missleading. We have a lot of very small farms in the south and he west ; mostly in the mountains; that are smaller than the 61 hectar average. Then there are a few hugh farms that use around 53% of the agricultur space in germany with hundreds of hectars. These are mainly in the east but to some extent there are also found anywhere in germany.
    The Bauernverband (farmers association ) is ; in theory; a lobby for all farmers but in reality they work for the big farms.
    Ruckwied is a crook, his policies are at least partly responsible for this situation.
    The real problem are not the subsidies, it comes out to 25 Euro per hectar less per YEAR... so not a big deal, the problem are Aldi, REWE, Lidel and Edeka, they dictate prices that are shit to keep record profits.These guys are the only game in town if you want to sell industrie level. Some smart , small farmers sell directly to the endconsumer and earn pretty decent but that is not posible for a lot of farms. If the supermarkets would pay decent sums our farmers wouldn´t need that pity money from the gov but nobody wants to touch corporations at the moment because of our "economic crisis"...🤬

    • @tyrson2445
      @tyrson2445 4 місяці тому +1

      So the farmers association (Bauernverband) has to be changed.

    • @jancleve9635
      @jancleve9635 4 місяці тому +1

      @@tyrson2445 That can only work if the small farmers unite and take over the assosiation, or if they leave and found their own assosiation, both not very likely.
      But still good idea.

    • @DJone4one
      @DJone4one 4 місяці тому +1

      So what you say is correct. If the prices were set directly by the farmers, there would be no need for subsidies at all, but unfortunately that would generally lead to more expensive food, which only the German middle class would be able to afford, if at all, if they wanted to.
      I have heard from many colleagues in the past that it is far too expensive, people only buy what is on offer.
      Like the phenomenon of shops dying in the city centre because Amazon is always and everywhere.
      Unfortunately, the vast majority don't care what happens to the farmers as long as they can buy cheaply.
      And yes, the farmers' association should be abolished or reorganised.
      In order to create fair conditions, a representative of the small and large farmers from each federal state should form a farmers' association that only has joint decision-making power. If, for example, 16 of the large farmers' representatives vote in favour of something, they don't necessarily get away with it because they need the votes of the small farmers and vice versa.
      It is also said that many of the large farms are not really farmers at all, but investors. They shouldn't even be given the opportunity to participate in a decision by the farmers' association. Only farmers.

    • @jancleve9635
      @jancleve9635 4 місяці тому +1

      @@DJone4one I didn´t suggest that the farmers dictate the prices instead, there has to be a middle ground.
      Also the argument that food prices would skyrocket is a little bit out of proportion. Yes, prices have to be raised ... a bit. The corporation should be forbidden to relay that price increase directly to the customers. They will find a way to do it indirect but it is worth a try.
      Also, think about every food scandal in the last 20 years.
      10% greedy farmers who played very loose with antibiotcs or some nasty insectkiller stuff.
      90% Corporations like Tönnies who fucked up our food because they were to cheap to clean or pay their staff a living wage.
      Profits above all , that is our problem but germany is thankful not a free market.
      We used to be social capitalists but especially FDP and SPD seem to have forgotten that...

    • @Orkimtor
      @Orkimtor 4 місяці тому

      @@jancleve9635 I don't have too much knowledge about how the prices are determined, so correct me if I am wrong. But isn't one of the big problems that German farmers also have to compete with the international market. At least that is what I heard a few times concerning the low price margin for milk.

  • @thomaswolf8609
    @thomaswolf8609 4 місяці тому +69

    The main problem for decades in Germany are the 4 big enterprises (supermarket chains) who are dictating and dominating the food market. They are monopolist and the farmers have no chance to get more for their products. If you buy a product in the supermarket for e.g. 3€ the farmer might geht max. 0,4€ for his work (and the farmers are the ones who put the most work into any kind of food product). The supermarkets blame the energy crises, the war in Ukraine, etc. for the constant rise of the prices. The farmer but won't get a share of the price increases. But the farmers also have to pay for the rising costs like every consumer too. - The farmers are not demonstrating just for this diesel subsidy. It was just the last straw! They cannot take anymore. Of course there are big farmers who wouldn't be too affected buy the loss of the diesel subsidy. It depends on your kind of farm and what you are producting, how big your farm is, if you are a certified bio farm etc. - The solution in my otion is to break the monopoly of the big consumer markets. (Like during covid - the top 1% of the richest people even got richer than ever) - But this is hard to manage in a capitalistic world and free market. - There won't be an easy solution.
    PS: Germans are also not used like France and others countries where the share of the salary to buy food is much higher than in Germany. - For Germans - if you have a pound of minced meat for 1,99€ and the bio labled and direct marketed one for 7,45€ - most would pick the cheap one.

    • @hschmidt79
      @hschmidt79 4 місяці тому

      No, the real problem is overproduction. Since decades. Don't you remember the "Butterberg"? German farmers produce about 150% of what is needed, so the prices are low. The big chains would not be able to dictate the prices if they wouldn't know that the farmer only has two options: Sell for the price they pay or scrap it, because nobody else will buy. They are just too stupid to survive.

    • @bobolinoarkalius124
      @bobolinoarkalius124 4 місяці тому +3

      Why buy ground meat for 0.99 cents when you can get a bag of dried lentils for the same price? The only crisis veganism faces is the tough decision between soy milk and almond milk at the supermarket. While others lament the price of meat, vegans rejoice in the fact that their meals are not only affordable but also animal-friendly and eco-conscious. Let's turn our supermarket choices into a real "veggie" challenge!
      And remember, when it comes to farmers, I simply don't understand those who contribute to environmental degradation by holding animals. In my book, understanding ends where animal farming begins.

    • @skinless333x2
      @skinless333x2 4 місяці тому +1

      I can see that you have never bought from a farmer directly, guess what the box of eggs goes out for around 4€. A couple years ago, you had to pre-order them, now you can arrive at any given time and there will always have them because people do not buy as much. But you do you and keep blaming supermarket chains meanwhile farmers have raked in record winnings on average across the whole industry.
      Funny you mentioned covid, remember how they raised prices even back then and demand solidarity when they had none in the past.
      In addition to that the protest did not even target the people responsible but instead everybody who has to make their living. I don't know who supports that but I know not all farmers do, nor do I.

    • @flipchartpad
      @flipchartpad 4 місяці тому

      @thomaswolf8609 No. Let's say there really was such a "monopoly" (the correct term would be oligopoly), the farmers could just sell their products to the world market, which btw. most of them do. The problem is, that, because of over-regulation and over-taxation by the government, their prices can't compete on the world market, as farmers from other nations don't have these burdens and therefore can charge less.

    • @thomaswolf8609
      @thomaswolf8609 4 місяці тому

      @@bobolinoarkalius124 As long there is lobbying there will be decisions which won't get along with rational thinking. The margin is the key in this whole market.

  • @enoiladoe
    @enoiladoe 4 місяці тому +81

    I feel like the video you watched is quite leading in the questions asked. 'why do they want to destroy you?' etc. It does not feel like a genuine conversation tbh. I don't deny that farmers are struggling but to frame it like politicians are personally out to get them sounds very off. You mentioned that rising cost of living is a problem around the globe and I think that's more on point. We have a global capitalism problem.

    • @vonBlankenburgLP
      @vonBlankenburgLP 4 місяці тому +17

      Indeed. The questions were mostly suggestive and followed the New Right narrative. The only thing I don't know is if the farmer was part of that stitch-up or if he was abused for it.

    • @DuhastMitgemacht
      @DuhastMitgemacht 4 місяці тому

      @@vonBlankenburgLPNew Right ?? ? Nice Propaganda.....nur blöd das man alles auf Video und Büchern findet und die haben sie selber geschrieben und kein Gemüse Adolf .....lesen hilft und ein Knotenpunkt stellt halt das WEF dar !übrigens in dieser Woche wieder in Davos mit ihren gezüchteten global Young Leaders ....Psychopathen

    • @norbertrottenari4516
      @norbertrottenari4516 4 місяці тому +7

      @@vonBlankenburgLP I agree. the farmers should really demand fair pay for their work and products, on the other hand high productivity led to issues like giant "milk lakes" and "mountains of butter" in the 1980's. it feels they are a tiny bit complaing about luxury problems. i dont think their situation is that dire, and for certain the goverment doesnt want to "destroy them" or "take their land"

    • @Solihull88
      @Solihull88 4 місяці тому

      He did Not mention: The politicians are the puppets or Tools of an ultrarich Elite....😮

    • @woitschcorina
      @woitschcorina 4 місяці тому +2

      I am from germany and I can say you. Before you say this things get Informationen about what shit make our goverment at the moment. And sorry for my bad english

  • @AV-we6wo
    @AV-we6wo 4 місяці тому +36

    Could you please link the source of the video with the farmer and the 'reporter' who said she is or was engaged in Dutch farmer protests? I'd like to look further into that claim that politicians want to get rid of farmers and grab their land, because I never heard that before and, honestly, to me it sounded a little bit weird.

    • @marcbaur677
      @marcbaur677 4 місяці тому +2

      Tucker Carlson German Farmer Protest here on YT, the woman is Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      Eva Vlaardingerbroek ist eine rechtsextremistische Influencerin, Vorsicht also!
      Der Bauer Anthony Lee, Sprecher vom LsV-Deutschland, der ist auch nicht ohne (Klimawandelleugnung, liebt die AfD, Viktor Orban etc.)
      Und Tucker Carlson würd ich auch nicht unbedingt empfehlen...

    • @winterlinde5395
      @winterlinde5395 4 місяці тому +1

      @@marcbaur677that explains a lot😂

  • @googlekonto194
    @googlekonto194 4 місяці тому +39

    okay so this is a quite complex topic that neither the supporters, nor the people opposing the farmers seem to fully cover. I'll give it a try to cover it here as condensed as possible.
    First a timeline:
    - For decades, the farmers are one of the most influential group on politics, even mightier than the car lobby. The farmers lobby however supports especially larger farmers, leading to smaller farmers vanishing more and more. In the past 10 years or so, the number or farming companies/farmers has halved, however the amount of farming area hasn't drastically decreased. This has been (and still is) politically wanted and supported by the farmers lobby.
    - Some years ago there was already a farmer protest, where small farmers protested this and the political coalition (led by the conservative party CDU) promised to change something. This however never actually happened
    - 2022: The traffic light coalition rose to power and with that also the plan to build future proof industry and also farming. The goals of the farms was now longer to grow to keep up internationally but to focus more on animal well-being and lower co2 emissions
    - End 2023: The CDU got right in a law fight, creating enormous budget holes in the finance plan of germany (as well as in those of the Bundesländer). As reaction to this, the traffic light coalition has to save money and they had to cut quite a lot of things, one of them being 2 subsidies for farmers
    - Jan 2024 Farmers announced protests. In reaction to that, one of the subsidies will not be taken away, the other will be taken away over the course of 3 years
    Now to the problem:
    Farming in europe is not viable and therefore gets a lot of subsidies. Around one third of the european money goes to different farmers and in germany the government additionally funds a lot of stuff (Insurance premiums for farmers, money for young farmers, money for being "green" etc.). The subsidies that will be taken out only accounts to around 2% of the overall subsidies that farmers receive.
    So why are farmers angry? Because the overall systems aims for smaller farms to die out. As some other comments mentioned, the stores and discounters dictate prices leading to low profits for farmers. The bureaucracy for them is high and the working conditions are hard. As long as this system doesn't change, farmers will have problems.
    Now a remark to the right wing utilizing the protests. For the past 2 years, the AfD collected those who are unhappy with the current situation. They depict themselves as helper to the small man. Therefore they tried to swing the protests in an extreme direction. This was not tolerated by farmers tho and they had to do different demonstrations on the same day. Also even if they tell that they wouldn't support the cancellation of the subsidies (just as the CDU), both parties voted for it. The idea with removing those subsidies is also not created by the current coalition, but was created rather by a committee for the financial audit. They voted for it unanimous, so with votes from every party in the Bundestag.
    So, I tried to keep it short, but it is a pretty big topic. Feel free to add stuff if I missed something :)

    • @magnanilanguages154
      @magnanilanguages154 4 місяці тому +8

      I want to add the fact that tax income is high as never before but yet the government claims that they need more and that people have to accept higher costs as well as less financial help while the people have the impression that the tax money is being wasted in different ways, for example on the government itself and luxurious additions to their work as well as questionable projects world wide as foreign development aids.

    • @googlekonto194
      @googlekonto194 4 місяці тому +6

      @@magnanilanguages154 well technically this government is the first in over 2 decades to actually invest money in infrastructure, they have to pay a lot more than previous coalitions on the bundeswehr and they are spending a lot of money on subsidies for companies to make the transformation process smoother. This is all really expensive and since the opposition (and also the FDP) doesn't want to change the debt brake they need to find other solutions.
      As you just said, some money (11,52 billion, which is less than the year before) goes out as "development help" to third countries (namely south africa, which suffered from a genocide by the hands of the germans). Also a lot goes into the ukrainian war (22 billion). However those are peanuts compared to the big parts. Both together is less than what we spend for the transportation for example.
      The other point you made was the expansion of the Kanzleramt. This was decided under the rule of the great coalition (CDU/CSU and SPD) and has to be finished now, planned to cost 777 million euro.
      So while I understand people being angry about things like this, I also find that a lot of people aren't really informed about the scale of this.
      I would conclude that people are unhappy with the escalating global situation, but this is not really something that is the fault of the coalition.

    • @magnanilanguages154
      @magnanilanguages154 4 місяці тому +3

      @@googlekonto194 Well it's always peanuts when it's not your own money that you spend. The changes to the Kanzleramt is supposed to become much more expensive than planned and there is also new buildings planned as a substitute for the seat of the Bundespräsident as well as new positions as state officials (Beamte) have been introduced by the new government. When it comes to reducing money, they government never cuts their own wages/costs/special rights but always those of the others. A tiny bit of humility is what's needed these days, but unfortunately it's not what the government puts on display.

    • @englyn1
      @englyn1 4 місяці тому +2

      @@googlekonto194 I actually read something very clever about the situation one or two days ago. Somebody said that as long as we were still giving as much as a single Euro to foreign countries or the EU, there was obviously no need to cut funding or raise taxes within Germany as we evidently still had lots of money left to hand out. It's a very simple answer to a complex problem, but one whose truthfulness is impossible to deny.

    • @googlekonto194
      @googlekonto194 4 місяці тому

      @@magnanilanguages154 I agree that they could reduce this spending quite a lot. However they at least managed to cap the number of parlament members. But even so, this isn't the thing that creates the current problems.

  • @natalieziegler
    @natalieziegler 4 місяці тому +18

    I'm so confused by this video to be honest. That gentleman, as well spoken he might be and of good enough command of English to be interviewed, I don't think that the farmers protest are about 'politicians going after their land" (for refugees? wtf?) "and trying to destroy them', I also don't know where this 'for four years we have been trying to talk to them' is coming from. Him talking about 'we need to get rid of those politicians', hm very fishy and hopping on the populist paroles' agenda. OF course the lady who interviewed him led to these kind of questions and answers. My take: This whole situation has been building up for many years. It's way too complex to be fully explained in a short video like this. One of many 'culprits' are the big corporations who sell their produce for a big profit. But then of course it's down to us, the consumers, to help mitigate this problem by buying directly from those farmers. Another thing is meat production in general. Which leads to another completely different discussion addressing our ways of food choices. Do we need to eat that much meat or cheese, drink that much milk, etc. He says he is in the most important business, the business of food production. Yes, but...what is he producing? It's maybe time to rethink the entire industry as a whole. And yes, there might be farmers in the 14th, or 15th generation, but that ist not the norm. And even it they were farmers for that many centuries, does this mean they have a given right so it stays this way? Way too emotional. Then we need to talk about subsidiaries. In the past, many times as soon as a subsidiary came up, let's say for bio fuel, many farmers would hop on that opportunity and start mainly growing crop, almost just for the sake of it. And let's not forget, German/European farming has affected farmers in other countries because of subsidies. No...for me it's a great opportunity to start talking about the big changes that need to be made on all ends. The farmers, us the consumers, the supermarkets, and of course the politicians, the farmer's associations, etc.

  • @fratz3859
    @fratz3859 4 місяці тому +6

    10:23 Everything about the statement that begins here is bullshit. He says that the only people who can get rid of Co2 are farmers and foresters. At the moment, it's not even about getting Co2 out of the atmosphere, but rather about emitting significantly less. And if we are honest, the whole meat production is very counterproductive in this respect. To claim that we are the only ones who can do something about climate change and then label the whole thing a lie anyway is simply wrong.
    Besides, everyone seems to have their own agenda for this protest. Some complain that the cost of living is getting higher and higher, others complain that supermarket chains are driving down prices, others complain that politicians are destroying the economy and others complain about the plan to make the agricultural sector more efficient in order to place the urgently needed people in more economical sectors. In addition, somehow everything is blamed on the Greens and the AFD presents itself as a reasonable supporter of farmers, even though their own party programme states that they want to abolish agricultural subsidies. The protest movements are being infiltrated by right-wing extremists, who at the same time believe that the climate protesters blocking the streets are terrorists.
    And the CDU is now also portraying itself as a farmer's advocate, although it was they who caused the budget shortfall by accusing the government to the Federal Constitutional Court of including debts already incurred during the Corona period in the budget planning, which is why in the end 60 billion was missing for climate protection. The FDP does not want any tax increases, the SPD does not want any cuts in social benefits and the Greens want more climate protection. That is why they have decided to cut climate-damaging subsidies, such as agricultural diesel.
    Somehow everything about this situation is just stupid.

  • @Leofilmperson
    @Leofilmperson 4 місяці тому +4

    Calling it fuel subsidies is already misleading. It's a tax break on fuel. The farmers aren't given money, instead less money is taken from them. Farming is vital for national security, the government can't just treat it like any other industry.

  • @moker52
    @moker52 4 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for your Support. Greetings from Germany . Mfg Moker 🇩🇪

  • @jancleve9635
    @jancleve9635 4 місяці тому +6

    9:15 Not really, sometimes they "grab" land to build roads or windmills (for electricity, not the ones for flour). That`s it.

  • @NCC1701-D
    @NCC1701-D 4 місяці тому +1

    It is low wages in most jobs in germany. The farmers can’t live with their income (as many others cannot, too) - they already needed to get help from the state. This help was shortcut.
    Cause is low cost food from imports.

  • @pethel5675
    @pethel5675 4 місяці тому +3

    Hm, I appreciate the interest in this topic and that this channel tries to react to/comment on these protests. However, I like to think that this is a very political topic with a very broad/complex (historical) background that can hardly be covered in general or debated in all details on such a platform or in a video, especially if only one side of a medal is being shown in some (video) reactions.
    But as said - I do recognise the interest and appreciate all efforts/comments that come along with this. So, thanks again!

  • @molok1480
    @molok1480 4 місяці тому +4

    now the ther is something important that wasn’t said in the video about the subsidy.
    the gas you buy in germany has a high tax wich is used to found the maintenance of the roads, but because farmers are using there equipment on there farms it was implemented so that you could get the money for that tax back in the form of a subsidy.

    • @evaseifert5671
      @evaseifert5671 4 місяці тому +2

      And this would be a good reason to cut this. As you can see in Germany allover the place, the "farmer" speed around with their HUGE traktor and machinery on the STREETS (and everywhere else) as if there is no tomorrow! No respect, no care....and often the drivers are under 18, because they are allowed to drive this machines so early, just because they are farmers.

    • @Flugkaninchen
      @Flugkaninchen 4 місяці тому

      Oh, the irony! The main road in my village is full of potholes after a week of farmer protests, with hundreds of tractors rolling over it.

  • @HalfEye79
    @HalfEye79 4 місяці тому

    The point, where the plans to save money from the farmers was, when the government had to redo their calculations. But instead to save with the money sending to other countries (development aid to China, India, and others!) they said that they should save money with the farmers.
    Just you know:
    The tax money, the government has is higher than ever. Its about 1 trillion Euros.

  • @DJone4one
    @DJone4one 4 місяці тому +3

    If the prices were set directly by the farmers, there would be no need for subsidies at all, but unfortunately this would generally lead to more expensive food, which only the German middle class would be able to afford, if at all, if they wanted to.
    In the past, I have repeatedly heard from many colleagues that it is far too expensive, people only buy what is on offer at Aldi and the like.
    Like the phenomenon of shops dying in the city centre because Amazon is always and everywhere.
    Unfortunately, the vast majority don't care what happens to the farmers as long as they can buy cheaply.
    And yes, the farmers' association should be abolished or reorganised.
    In order to create fair conditions, a representative of the small and large farmers from each federal state should form a farmers' association. No individual leaders who only have joint decision-making power. If, for example, 16 of the large farmers' representatives vote in favour of something, they don't necessarily get away with it because they need the votes of the small farmers and vice versa.
    It is also said that many of the large farms are not really farmers at all, but investors. They shouldn't even be given the opportunity to participate in a decision by the farmers' association. Only farmers. They know much better what they need. And they are quite willing to produce sustainably. They must be able to finance this either through their own income or through a subsidy or easier loans.

    • @tobyk.4911
      @tobyk.4911 4 місяці тому

      concerning the prices, we have to consider that in Germany most of the food products are sold by four large supermarket companies - Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Edeka - which have a large negotiating power.

  • @tobyk.4911
    @tobyk.4911 4 місяці тому +6

    6:14 "... it's our right - one of our highest rights in Germany - to demonstrate... " - well, yes, but not on the highways, for example. The constitutional right to gather and protest doesn't mean that it's allowed everywhere, and especially not that you are allowed to block roads or disrupt traffic wherever you want. These road closures are not a right, but rather violations of law that are just tolerated and permitted currently.

  • @jochendamm
    @jochendamm 4 місяці тому +1

    The farmers were promised that the subsidies would be maintained, but this was broken. Germany has a debt brake, no new debts may be incurred and old debts must be paid off. The current government was very creative with the budget. So much so that the Federal Constitutional Court put a stop to it after a lawsuit. There were several shadow budgets, so-called "special funds". As a result, the remaining funds had to be redistributed quickly. This meant that the subsidies had to be cut so that the money could be used for other purposes.
    The catering industry, on the other hand, is angry about the tax increase. Taxes were temporarily reduced due to the pandemic. However, there were then drastic price increases due to inflation and political will. This year, VAT in the catering industry is rising to the full rate of 19%. Together with raw materials and energy prices, catering businesses are also threatened by a massive number of insolvencies. Quote: "The ordinary citizen will no longer be able to afford to go out to eat.".

  • @tyrson2445
    @tyrson2445 4 місяці тому +3

    last 2 years farmers earned 45% more then average. Problem is: Most of the money goes to the bigger farms but smaller ones do not get that much. So smaller farms still life on the edge. Opposition Party was very successful, so government had to cut expanses. Government wanted to invest in energytranistion to renewable energies faster and less dependies from other countries like china... but now they had 60 billions less that they planned since those was money for corona that had not been needed. so 2 weeks before end of the year the government has to make up a new plan for this year and first cuts were taxes on fossil fuels and some areas no one has just noticed.

    • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
      @PropperNaughtyGeezer 4 місяці тому

      Earning is relative. You actually only earn money when you have deducted expenses from your income and the amount does not have a minus in front of the number. Maintenance costs, investments in machinery, taxes and duties have also increased, as have the reduced revenue for government-mandated measures, such as leaving some fields fallow or preserving biodiversity.

    • @holger6792
      @holger6792 4 місяці тому

      @@PropperNaughtyGeezer last year the average farm made a profit of 100.000+ €.

    • @Leiseful
      @Leiseful 4 місяці тому

      @@holger6792 Du bist nicht wirklich Informiert. Das kommt daher das viele Ihre Tiere und Gerätschaften verkaufen mussten weil es sich nicht mehr Rentiert hat und Keine Investitionen Mehr betreiben. Und den Durchschnitt zu benutzen ist Sehr unverschämt und Irrefürend.

  • @philippprime6844
    @philippprime6844 4 місяці тому +6

    This topic is not really important. The media only reports on it because a few hundred tractors make nice photos. Basically, this is a fringe topic that almost only interests farmers. Yesterday and today 100 times more people across germany are demonstrating against neo-Nazis like the Afd. A much more important topic because it affects society as a whole.

  • @jancleve9635
    @jancleve9635 4 місяці тому +8

    They have every right to be angry, but i am still vexed that they blame the ampel (3 years in power).
    This shit is an inheritance of the CDU/SPD gov from before and the real culprit is still invisible in this story.
    I repeat REWE, ALDI,LIDEL and EDEKA dictate the prices for the farmers, they never had a bad economic year, the pademic made record profits for these fuckers. Blessed be their profit margin...
    The farmers, complained for the last 40 years, had one good year in the last 10 years, needed always some extra to keep doing; if you listened ; a not very attractiv job, ad so on and on... why would anyone want that for their kids.

  • @Kiyuja
    @Kiyuja 4 місяці тому +1

    the article is kinda misleading, the issue actually isnt the fuel subsidy (tho it helps farmers, no doubt, even medium sized farms can easily chew 60.000 L a year). This just was the spark for ignition. The actual issue that general substitution is "too evenly spread", meaning all farms get the same, even the huge enterprises, this alongside higher costs, increased price of land and fertilizers (the list goes on) means that a good solid 25% of farms cannot sustain their business(tendency rising)
    meanwhile huge conglomerates can easily have monopolies and increased wealth. 3 billion € will still be used for substitution but this is an EU order, its all about Germany's inside handling of money (which used to be 4 or 6 billion, not sure)
    BTW the AfD is against Germanys internal substitution, the ONLY party still wanting to use tax funds for farmers is the pure left party Die Linke. Everybody else wants to get rid of it.

  • @MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl
    @MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl 4 місяці тому +1

    The farmers only dare to protest against the moderate left/middle. Their own lobby organisation and the conservative CDU/CSU has let the smaller farmers down for decades. They were receiving subsidies for decades too, from German government as well as from the EU.
    Agriculture contributes 2.1 percent to our economic output (GDP).
    The war in Ukraine, the aftermath of the pandemic, delays of maintainance of infrastructure, slow and inefficient bureaucracy, lagging behind with digital infrastructure, measures addressing climate change and energy security ... the challenges of the current government aren't exactly small. In the past four years a lot of public money has been spent already and public debt has been rising. A couple of years ago, a majority in parliament approved laws to establish a "budget brake", a ceiling/cap for public spending and increase of public debt.
    At the end of last year, the conservative CDU/CSU has managed to block a federal budget without any sign of compromise, just to make the current government look bad. As a result, the government had to rearrange the budget causing budget cuts in many areas - one of them was agriculture. The conservatives are now revelling in Schadenfreude.
    However, the far right AFD is enjoying the situation even more. Even before the budget coup their approval rates were rising. Now they seem almost unstoppable. And in fact, they're eager to exploit the situation, particularly the farmer protests to their advantage. Meanwhile the national intelligence service "Verfassungsschutz" (lit. protector of constitution) has officially confirmed that parts of the AFD are a danger to our constitutional institutions. Actually the number of politicians demanding to consider declaring the AFD illegal and to start proceedures for such a decision by the federal court of constitution is growing.
    I think a few decisions made by the government have been flawed, but most of what they've done was reasonable and even necessary. I'd even dare to say that they're doing their job better than the UK government. The situation is quite difficult because there will be a couple of elections in a few German countries, most of them in east Germany where approval rates for the AFD are particularly high.
    The economic and political risks are increasing and the mainstream parties of moderate politics don't seem to be really well prepared. Still some of their politicians can't help playing with fire. The number of parallels to the 1920ies is growing. The general and particularly the political mood in German society could be the worst I've seen in my life of almost 60 years.
    As an additional source of information let me recommend the video by @rewboss with the title "Why are German farmers revolting ?" :
    DW has made a report too:

    • @MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl
      @MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl 4 місяці тому

      The war in Ukraine has affected Germany in several ways:
      for decades Germany has been buying gas from the USSR, later from Russia. The idea was partly to establish strong economic ties in order to secure a peaceful development of relations with the USSR/Russia. It has allowed us to decrease dependence on coal and nuclear power. However, it has increased our dependence on Russia as a supplier of energy to Germany.
      The war in Ukraine has forced us to reduce that dependence radically causing enormous costs. Due to massively rising prices public money was spent to dampen the impact on parts of our society and economy.
      At the day of Russia's invasion into Ukraine the armed forces of Germany ("Bundeswehr") was in a rather difficult state of maintainance and equipment. That wasn't really a surprise since reports about a difficult state of supply and maintainance were presented quite regularly, to parliament, to government and to the public. However, hardly anyone in Germany expected Russia to actually start a war like they did with Ukraine - it just didn't make any sense then (nor does it now). As a result the relaxed attitude towards defense spending had to be given up and had to be replaced by a massive effort to get supply and maintainance of equipment of the German armed forces into a much better shape. Chancellor Scholz was announcing a sum 100 bn EURO to be spent particularly to improve our armed forces as soon as possible (which however is a pretty flexible approach).
      Stunned by the new situation Germany was hesitant about providing military support to Ukraine initially. The preceding aspects were the main reasons for that. Another good reason is based on history: the war conducted by Nazi Germany against the USSR as part of WWII had caused massive damage and the loss of millions of lives in the USSR. For decades post-war Germany was putting much effort in improving our relations with the USSR, Russia and the other parts of the former USSR. German weapons being employed on the ground of the former Sovjet Union was just unthinkable - even at the first few days of Russia's invasion. Additionally Germany simply just wasn't prepared for providing any significant supplies at the beginning of the war.
      That has changed quite drastically, and I fully approve that - if I remember properly the majority of German citizens do. However, it's another financial weight to lift.

  • @karl-heinzgrabowski3022
    @karl-heinzgrabowski3022 4 місяці тому

    I do support our farmers, let's get rid of our annoying "traffic light" coalition (:

  • @user-cw6wd2cu9q
    @user-cw6wd2cu9q 4 місяці тому

    The main problem is: The gouverment only support big farmers. It's getting more and more impossible to survive as a small farmer. A small farmers goes down --> A big farmer-company buy the land. Most of the politicians that decide laws for farmers owns a big farm or their family owns a big farm.
    The second thing is: ecological agriculture versus industrial agriculture.
    After the 2. world war a lot of countries have a lot of chemicals for produce bombs but nobody need them anymore. The chemical industries use these chemicals to produce and sell artificial fertilizers and pesticide. The chemical industrie said it is save and the plants grow better.
    But it was not healthy.
    And it takes fossil fuels to produce artificial fertilizers and pesticide - even if the energie comes from alternative energie sources. - And it takes a lot of energie.
    The carbon footprint of artificial fetilizers and pesticides is very high.
    But of course the German chemical industrie don't wanna to lose a billion-market.
    It's living from the wordwide export but especially from the free export of their products in the EU.
    The German armament industry is on the fourth position in the world. The armament industry also depends from the low price the German chemical industrie can make them because of producing in great numbers.
    Without such a big armament industry Germany would lose a lot of impact in the word. It's the feeling: With them we are safer.
    You should know: Germany is a very young european State. This Area is a transit-land. A lot of different groups (demographic, religious) were living here and since the Stone Age a lot of different groups came from all sides. Here, we had a lot of war against invaders and against each others and a lot of suppression before at last we can bild a state.
    Our History tells: If you are weak, sombody will come to dominate you.
    So we don't want to fight in a war. But we want the power, the impact in the world to avoid war in Germany. Our armament industry is one of the keystones, that give German Politics a lot of impact in the world. We don't wanna lose this power.
    Of cource restrictions of artificial fertilizers and pesticides would weak our chemical and our armament industry.
    So in the past the german gouverment blocked many decisions in the EU gouverment that woud do.
    And now, after decades of industrial agriculture the fertility of soil is down.
    In the first years without artificial fertilizers and pesticide barely anything grows.
    The total recovery of the fertility of soil would take 40 years.
    But nobody wants that we can't produce food anymore.
    So we need and we want the ecological chance.
    And the question is: Who should pay for?
    On one hand a lot of people want the change to ecological agriculture. But on the other hand only a few people can and want to pay more for food. On one hand the small farmers want the change too. But on the other hand is there no way/ no financial support for them.
    The EU gouverment or the german gouverment are tainted by lobbyist from industrie and big farmers. So they made many little new laws for the chance to ecological agriculture that only the big players can survive.
    It's a bureaucratically insanity!
    In Germany you can easy find a tax adviser for everything.
    But it is very hard to find a tax adviser for agriculture because it becomes so complicated that it does not even pay for tax advisers.
    If you don't have a lot of time to study, the german tax and the EU-subventions for agriculture are arcane.
    So it takes a very long time until farmers begin to demonstrate.
    The third problem for small farmers is the lack of water because of the climate-change AND the fact, that a lot of once communal waterworks are now (partly) privatised. So in periods of drought the small farmers don't get water for a human price any more.
    The Private Investors are making money with the water. The Small farmers are driven in bankrupt.
    In other parts of politics it's the same: Because of the ecological changes a lot of people lose, but a few rich people making more money then usual.
    So some people in Germany speaks from a "Green Dictatorship".
    The people in Germany want the ecological change. But not this way.

  • @qugart.
    @qugart. 4 місяці тому +8

    The protests are not about the cuts in fuel subsidies. That is only being used as an excuse.
    Incidentally, the cuts were recommended by the AfD and the CDU/CSU in a joint committee and the federal government followed suit. However, there are protests against the Greens, SPD and FDP.
    The cuts also only amount to around 3% of the respective profits. They are therefore anything but a threat to the existence of the farmers.
    On average, this amounts to significantly less than 2,000 euros per year
    The whole thing is being instrumentalised by members of the AfD and CDU/CSU to win the upcoming election.
    Over the past 16 years, the CDU/CSU's policies have placed an extreme burden on small farmers in particular. Now the whole thing is being turned around and they are presenting themselves as saviours of agriculture.
    Overall, subsidies are a problem in agriculture. But now they are just engaging in populism. One issue is emphasised and linked to something completely different, so that a certain opinion is forced. You can compare this quite well with how Brexit came about through targeted propaganda.
    It should also not be forgotten that, although many of the demonstrations are peaceful and reasonable, there are always right-wing extremist and misanthropic activities.

  • @Talkshowhorse_Echna
    @Talkshowhorse_Echna 4 місяці тому

    The video you watched was from a stange source by what they talked about. There is no planned land grab and also the "Co² lie" thing showed a problematic influence.
    But in its core it was already answerd in detail in another command. For decades we had problematic policies benefitting big supermarket chains and big traders pushing espacially smaller farmers into problems. So the protest itself are something to support even though some of the protesters are blinded by popolistic ideas. But most of them are their for the real problem.
    And yes the right wing party AFD tried to take over the protest but was very unhappy when most farmers rejected them.
    Also both the farmers protests and the climet protests have open gaps for emergencies and only block normal people, wich in both cases has resulted in crazy road rage.

  • @Baron_Wurst
    @Baron_Wurst 2 місяці тому

    "In the West we have the freedom to protest."
    And other things you can tell yourself to cope

  • @rokkothehund7402
    @rokkothehund7402 4 місяці тому +1

    Land is probably the most valuable thing to own, think about why McDonald's and co are where they are today, bought a whole lot of it (land) when it was cheap and now thay own this ground of every single branch there is.
    And if you as an "independent" farmer dont want to do this job then some mass produce company will gladly take ur seat_

  • @jonia368
    @jonia368 4 місяці тому

    9:11 Eu-subvention(GAP) pay the farmers for acricultural surface…the more surface the more money.
    The result: around 3,500 businesses close every year. These are mainly small to medium size farms. Large farms (often held by large firms like ALDI and other shareholders/investors… manly in „Eastgermany“, due to the soviet „Kolchos“ which were sold to private investors) that continue to exist, benefit from this -not only from more productive area, but also from more funding. The GAP discriminates small farmers, leads to industrialization of agriculture … knowingly and on purpose.

  • @to.l.2469
    @to.l.2469 4 місяці тому +4

    First of all: In Germany, farmers are traditionally extremely quick (compared to other professional groups) to demonstrate (or even "demonstrate" with traffic routes blocked) with their agricultural equipment.
    One reason is that the income of self-employed farmers (=businesses) is sometimes extremely dependent on subsidies. A mistake which, in my opinion, can be traced back to a failed agricultural policy over the last few decades.
    In my opinion, NOT A SINGLE industry should depend on subsidies. In my opinion, competitiveness must be achieved through other means. After all, the fact that local agriculture can feed people is one of the state's most important interests.
    In my opinion, farmers, like other sectors in Germany, should realize that they are self-employed and that ALSO includes the risk of failure. In my opinion, a false mentality is spreading in Germany that "sacrifices" the real market economy in favor of the "survival" of individual companies!
    There is also relatively broad support among the population for farmers; in my opinion, the naive idea of idyllic small businesses still prevails (not least because of advertising). However, this often does not correspond to the facts and these companies are even more dependent on subsidies. (Since the politics of the past couldn't really decide what they wanted and so, from a market economy perspective, a very unpleasant situation has arisen.)

  • @deinauge7894
    @deinauge7894 4 місяці тому +2

    omg would you go as far as watching qanon content? that's not too far from it :/

  • @fex2911
    @fex2911 4 місяці тому +4

    My personal take on this one, after watching this and reading the comments:
    - cutting subsidies affects the small farmers more than the big farming and meat industries, so yes, they definitely feel it and some of them might not be able to go on if the subsidies are taken away.
    - that the government does this to take away the land - please.... sounds like a conspiracy theory. If the government wants the land, there are "legal" ways for expropriation
    - Germany is a country where people are willing to pay for two or more mobile phone contracts, but as soon as the milk costs 10 cents more, they cry about high prices and going bankrupt. As someone mentions, the discounter and supermarkets dictate the prices, because German cheapskates are not willing to pay for good food and provide renumeration for hard work, not to mention the suffering of animals because everything has to be as cheap as possible. I'm not talking about those who are really short of money and need support, I'm talking about the people who fly to the Caribbean and spend money on cocktails, but want to buy produce for cents when they are back home.

    • @wildshiftspictures2607
      @wildshiftspictures2607 4 місяці тому +3

      On your first point I disagree. A lot of the subsidies are calculated by the area the farmers own or the amount of resources they use (like fuel). Thereby the big companies get a lot more of the money than the small ones, which is one of the reasons so many small farms had to be sold in three last 10-20 years. The owners just had to resign to the big companies, that get so much money from the government just by „existing“…
      For your last point: that is actually one of the biggest arguments of the people standing against the farmers protests. Nobody denies the problems the (especially small) farmers have, but they do not see the fault (completely) by the government. They want more responsibility from the people- they should by local, quality food instead of imported food at Lidl, Aldi…. But (from their perspective) it seems a lot easier for farmers and their supporters to demand money from the government than changing their habits

    • @holger6792
      @holger6792 4 місяці тому +1

      @@wildshiftspictures2607 And your first point is actually another proof that the whole protests are led by big companies, because they have much to lose. Small farmers will suffer but the ones that are still around usually have different concepts to tackle those issues (like selling directly to the customers).

  • @philip4588
    @philip4588 4 місяці тому

    Waiting for this to happen in Norway, shortage of eggs, milk, potatos here at the moment

    • @bobolinoarkalius124
      @bobolinoarkalius124 4 місяці тому +1

      Go vegan❣️

    • @philip4588
      @philip4588 4 місяці тому

      @@bobolinoarkalius124 sure, for all greens can grov here in winter. What do you grow in snow and -20?

    • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
      @PropperNaughtyGeezer 4 місяці тому

      @@bobolinoarkalius124 Beer is vegan.

    • @bobolinoarkalius124
      @bobolinoarkalius124 4 місяці тому

      Broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke (Topinambur), Radishes, Spinach, Kale, Carrots, Leeks, Parsnips, Kohlrabi. As a global community, transitioning away from animal products is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, adopting a plant-based diet significantly reduces the environmental impact associated with animal agriculture, mitigating deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and excessive water usage. Moreover, embracing plant-based nutrition promotes ethical considerations by minimizing harm to animals, fostering a more compassionate and sustainable approach to food consumption. This shift towards plant-based eating aligns with both environmental responsibility and ethical consciousness, offering a healthier and more harmonious future for our planet and its inhabitants.
      Take my advice seriously and change your way of life, or wake up in a world warmed by 12 degrees Celsius by 2030.
      Full solidarity with all climate activists from Just Stop Oil and greetings to all people that already living vegan ❤.

    • @bobolinoarkalius124
      @bobolinoarkalius124 4 місяці тому

      Yes, most beers are vegan. Traditionally, beer ingredients like water, malt, hops, and yeast are plant-based. However, it's advisable to check the ingredients on the packaging as some beers may use animal products like gelatin or isinglass for clarification.

  • @binkaitself1736
    @binkaitself1736 4 місяці тому

  • @Torfmoos
    @Torfmoos 4 місяці тому +1

    Und wo sind die Klimakleber wenn man sie mal braucht?

  • @fettendiddi
    @fettendiddi 4 місяці тому +12

    Indeed a very bad choice of Video for this reaction. The Farmer Protests are severely contaminated by right-wing parties with a different agenda, as clearly visible here.
    Farming ist one of the most subsidized industries in Germany, and only a very minor part of these subsidies are currently in question (vehicle taxes and fuel subsidies), partially already taken back by now.
    No "landgrab", no destruction of this industry planned, and the main problem are the price demands of the food discounters that always tryto push the prices.

  • @Rutanachan
    @Rutanachan 4 місяці тому +2

    The kicker is... farmers are rich. They always complain about not getting enough money, but if you look at all the money they have and earn, they're rich. And entitled.
    Not saying that there are farmers that have financial problems, there are always exceptions. But mostly, they're super rich.

    • @Rutanachan
      @Rutanachan 4 місяці тому +1

      Ok, replying to my own comment from the beginning of the video because MAN that guy makes me mad. Everything he says is not true.
      Our Politicians tried to come forth to the farmers to open conversations. They were blocked out.
      Many roads were blocked entirely, no "we leave room for them to pass by".
      Yes, Communes try to buy of land from the farmers for projects - THEY HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. And they OFFER MONEY. Not every commune does so fairly, admittedly (they want to pay the farming-land prices, full knowing that after they purchase the land, they change it and it's worth more), but they don't force the farmers to sell their land either! My neighbourhood has roads leading to no-where because our city isn't offering a fair price for the land, and the farmers don't sell, so they can't complete the roads XD
      Politicians are NOT trying to bankrupt farmers, far from it. Farmers have so many things they don't have to pay for like everyone else.
      This guy is just spouting right-winged reteric and racism. There's a reason why the AFD (our right-winged party) is the only one supporting the protest - despite their politics being even harsher on farmers, if they could reign.

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you for your comment. This video made me mad.

  • @jx4219
    @jx4219 4 місяці тому +3

    Would stay away from current political topics. The farmers protest has good reasons but it is also infiltrated by far right activists. Thing i don't understand for example is how they put all the blame on the current left leaning government (the last 4 years) when the CDU which was in government for like 16 years before that also did nothing for them and is known for sucking up to coorperate interests. On this heap of straws now this last "straw" in the current governments responsibility is about dirty diesel and has to do with their climate pledges which they actually take somewhat seriously in contrast to the center-right CDU. But i guess a lot of those farmers don't even believe in climate change etc..
    tl.dr: Protesting is ok but don't blame everything on the left. From what i read in the comments they should maybe protest against the monopoly of supermarkets in Germany and thus be happy that the workers party is in the government. (They are also corrupt but much less so at least)

  • @Pappa_66
    @Pappa_66 4 місяці тому

    😊😮😢How do you know, that this is much more than just German farmers? If the French farmers, also protesting, say that Jeremy Clarkson is right. It is a part of global issues. It is the American way, big companies owns everything, including the politicians. Letss not take that route, if possible❤😊.

  • @SolideSchlange
    @SolideSchlange 4 місяці тому


  • @ProgazQQ
    @ProgazQQ 4 місяці тому +1

    you will get mixed opinions on this because there is manipulation from the growing right wing afd using the government faults of the last decades to split the society etc

  • @sebastianholstein9909
    @sebastianholstein9909 4 місяці тому

    ...Weaponized Monsanto Farmers

  • @dwin6005
    @dwin6005 4 місяці тому

    Please post the link to that video. Our farmers are very interessted in finding guys like him.

  • @KatjaG-dc4yh
    @KatjaG-dc4yh 4 місяці тому +1

    It is so frustrating to see that the German govermant does NOT want to charge any property, or inheritance or wealth taxes on the rich, but willing to cut subvention or social support for those who then will be destroied because of these cuts. And we are not talking of 50% taxes just 2% would be enough. Think about 2% cut on an income of just 1400€/month or 2% of 2Million a year. who would be "feeling" a 2% cut?

    • @hans471
      @hans471 4 місяці тому

      Only that we already have the highest taxes (Steuern und Abgaben) in Europe (together with Belgium). Hmm, where does all the money go? 🙄
      BTW, companies and entrepenours and highly qualified expert workers calculate and compare taxes very precisely and any change in the tax policy has effects.

    • @augustiner3821
      @augustiner3821 4 місяці тому +2

      @@hans471 infrastructure, defence, transfer payments to the people and companies (like the farmers), international obligations, goverment and adminstration. I guess, there is still some room for cost cutting without compromising social coherence and security. But somebode has to to give an assignment for starting a process for that. And I do not undestand the this fat republic is not able to do that.

  • @KaktusMeister
    @KaktusMeister 4 місяці тому

    I live in Germany and from my room I heard the farmers honking in their tractors. They also came towards me on my way to work

  • @martinhuhn7813
    @martinhuhn7813 4 місяці тому

    No, of cause the government does not want to land grab bankrupt farms to built stuff there, that would be insane. And suggestions, that it might be for refugees show one example, why the farmers protests can easily be dismissed as some extreme right wing nonsense. Of cause, there are farmers from all political directions and a lot of them just do not have any consitent idea of politics at all (which is not a unique feature of the farmers). The current decision which the farmers was made by the green/social democrat/liberal coalition, in part with pressure by the conservatives as an excuse - and the radical right wing is against subsidies for farmers anyways. So, basically, (as far as parties go) the left is more or less the only side which recognizes the problems of the farmers, but that is not necessarily something, that all the farmers have regognized.
    It is more complicated: Many farmers tend to assoziate the current developments on pro-ecologic positions (partly because of the green party in the government), but the left generally also stands for ecological politics. Also: Most of the farmers problems do not originate from a lack of subsidies, but from the fact, that they are getting paid unfair prices for their products (and the consumers have to pay as unfair prices, when buying the food in the supermarket afterwards as well). So, a real solution would require more than keeping up the currend subsidies (which does not mean, that they can just be taken away without really bad consequences and the money is of better use in the hand of farmers than in the growing military budget). A sustainable solution would also make sure, the farmers get reasonable prices for their products and it would have to especially protect the smaller farms. But currently the farmers protests are only directed against the most recent political decisions and for the most part fail to take the broader picture into account. Well, protests have to start somewhere and I am confident, that a lot of farmers will not stop at being desparate and mad at selected politicians but learn more about solidarity and the root causes of their misery.
    EDIT: Farming equipment runs on Diesel for the most part and that cannot easily replaced in this busines. The deleted subsidies were for for Diesel for the farmers. That´s why it gets confused with ecological issues (which are indeed also used as a lame excuse for the decision).

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      Der hat ein Shirt vom "LsV-Deutschland" an, nicht vom DSV.
      Der LsV-Deutschland wurde immer wieder für ihre AfD-Nähe bzw. Unterwanderung kritisiert, sowie für grenzwertige Protestformen (Galgen etc.)
      Dieser Herr hier hat es sogar auf Wikipedia geschafft:
      _"Im Januar 2024 antwortete Lee bei einer Straßenblockade im Zuge der Bauernproteste auf die Frage der rechtsradikalen Influencerin Eva Vlaardingerbroek, warum "die Politiker" hinter den Landwirten "her" seien und sie "zerstören" möchten: "Ich glaube, es gibt viele Gründe. Der wichtigste: Die wollen unser Land. Die wollen unser Land, um darauf Industrie zu bauen, Häuser. Häuser für Flüchtlinge oder wen auch immer."_
      _Zudem sprach Anthony Lee am 31. März 2023 als Hauptredner bei einer Veranstaltung der AfD in Niedersachsen"_
      Auch diese interviewende "Eva" ist einschlägig bekannt, tritt z.B. immer wieder bei "Achtung! Reichelt" auf.
      Das ist genau jene Unterwanderung, die vielfach in den Medien thematisiert wurde.

  • @spiritofmadikwe
    @spiritofmadikwe 4 місяці тому +3

    Hi Mert, it‘s actually not subsidies in that sense. They want to increase taxes on the fuel for the farmer‘s tractors and other equipment. The farmers also hit a nerve for the silent majority and therefore have a widespread support throughout the country.

    • @MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl
      @MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl 4 місяці тому +2

      Farmers are exempt from paying fuel tax as every other person has to do. The government wanted to change that.

  • @mimmi-und-manni5253
    @mimmi-und-manni5253 4 місяці тому +2

    am one of them, sry can not type, well, my traktor is parked up olaf's a...r$$e :P but yes it is a landgrab, 4% of our land they took by law to "help bees" and etc, no joke sry, now they want more, since we said ok. too much. that is what happens when you promote a philosophy major to be minister of economy- ...just my two cents but I am not rightie leftie winged, am a member of the CDU. love these vids btw, get that out there your way, love ya. µ

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому

      "I am not rightie leftie winged" is the most infamous claim of right wingers and your comment proves this.

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      So do you think farming doesn't need the bees?

  • @rainerbloedsinn182
    @rainerbloedsinn182 4 місяці тому

    Biggest problem for the farmers are the plans to pahse out their tax breaks for agricultural diesel. That would cut into their thin protit margins as they are. And from these profits they still have to pay their own and often their family members salary, since they often work in the farm as well. And they have to put something away for bad times or necessary investments. Like new tractors.
    Speaking of new tractors: The government also wants to incentivise the farmers to switch to more green electric tractors etc. by phasing the tax breaks out. Such a new electric tractor does cost 3 times what an Diesel tractor of the same power costs. And the battery lasts for 4 hours. Which for a farmer is just completely useless.

  • @giffimarauder4528
    @giffimarauder4528 4 місяці тому

    The main issue nowadays generally spoken is that the more property You have the more You get supported by government money instead of support for the little income working class by fair minimum wages, craftsman, little farmers and the little or middle business. The big business gets all the money and the average citizen has to pay for them. Taxes where higher for the big business and the upper incomes even under Helmut Kohl, who once was the german chancellor from the conservative CDU party...
    Wages where relatively going down in Germany since about 20 years now and the Euro isn't worth even not a 1:1 ratio as it was in the beginning. When 10 % of the Germans possess 90 % of the capital something is going totally wrong.
    If that wouldn't be the case the climatic change would be the main subject, everybody would go along with it. But who cares for their children and granchildren and the planet if you don't know if tomorow eveything is still ok or your income when you retire from work will still be enough to pay your living costs....
    Sadly the AfD(Adolf für Deutschland) is trying to infiltrate everywhere by abusing the current situations and a lot of dumb asses are going to sympathize with them (Sympathy for the Devil) ignoring the facts that they will make everything much more worse than it is now.
    Looks like the similar situation we had at the time of the Weimarer Republik, hopefully we will not get the same results!

  • @holger6792
    @holger6792 4 місяці тому +17

    That's probably the worst video you could have chosen on this topic. It's almost like a propaganda video. "The politicians want to take our land"... What a load of bs.

  • @philippprime6844
    @philippprime6844 4 місяці тому +3

    Important information for you: In contrast to other groups like health sector, the farmers are very aggressive when they protest. And what they edistinguishes them from the Last Generation or the train drivers is that many of the farmers have no problem cooperating with right-wing extremist organizations or Neo-Nazis.

    • @englyn1
      @englyn1 4 місяці тому +1

      Main difference between Last Generation and the farmers is that the Last Generation wants to see policies in place that will harm the general public, while the farmers' protest is in essence protecting people from insane price hikes. That's why everybody hates those climate nutjobs and supports the farmers.

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      ​@@englyn1So climate change is gonna harm nobody?
      I tell you here and now: If the decarbonisation oppositionists like the AfD and Donald Trump and some others like that would come into power in several countries, this would (as far as I see it) most likely cause more deaths than both world wars together!

  • @Hailerer2602
    @Hailerer2602 4 місяці тому

    Video number 22 of recomanding "Do they know it's Europe" by Jan Böhmermann and Comedians for World Peace

  • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
    @PropperNaughtyGeezer 4 місяці тому +2

    Grab land - The British should know this very well. Wasn't that the reason why Britons emigrated to America in large numbers? "Highland Clearances" in scotland?

  • @Lachslan
    @Lachslan 4 місяці тому

    I find it hardly wrong and misleading, that at 3:35 the article describes the AfD as a far right political party, which is i think very much wrong, because maybe i won't get support on this comment but it is a political party just as any other and isn't far right but just a conservative party. I think it is very extreme and concerning, that even the foreign media "cancels" the AfD just because they don't agree with or support the increasing left wing politics arounds the world and in Germany. But anyways cool video. I very much enjoy how informed you are and want to stay about what is going on and how well you know the culture and stuff.
    Edit: I very much think, that far right populism is wrong and I don't condone it but the view point of the AfD has nothing to do with "far rights" and it is misleading to state, that it has

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      Of course it's far right. The "Center of Political Beauty" (translate into German to look it up maybe) has collected thousands of citations proving this
      Plus the meeting from November that was uncovered by correctiv (talking deportation of millions to africa)
      Plus climate change and decarbonisation necessity denialism
      Plus all the lies in general
      Plus always complaining, no compromising, no solutions, calling ALL the other parties extremists even the moderate right ones
      Plus faked attacks on their politicians
      Plus all the channels and far right news outlets in the media supporting them with populism, hatred and lies
      Plus connections to Kremlin
      Plus all the bad bad statements from their voters in the chats
      and and and...

  • @NineBerry
    @NineBerry 4 місяці тому +22

    Bad choice of video to react on. The person being interviewed (Anthony Lee) is not a representative of the majority of farmers who are protesting but has a far-right agenda. He is a denier of man-made climate change and regularly presents anti-democratic and far-right talking points.

    • @Leiseful
      @Leiseful 4 місяці тому

      Das ist Falsch Der Bauernverband hat keine Mehrheit. Anthony Lee ist Mit den Freien Bauern da das sind die Mehrheit mal informieren schon alleine Welche Verbindungen Der Bauernverband Vorsitzende hat.

    • @raydafuq3570
      @raydafuq3570 4 місяці тому

      Because climate change isn't man made. You people are literally just brainwashed.

    • @danieleppinger2686
      @danieleppinger2686 4 місяці тому

      @NineBerry Your comment allone is antidemocratic, it proves you have no understanding of democracy, because in my opinion theres nothing wrong with a right agenda ( and i even dont think he is far right) let my guess you are german, but one of the brainwashed lefties? I think he represents a quite huge amount of still quiet People talking exactly whats in their mind

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      ​​​@@danieleppinger2686He IS far right. For example he likes how Victor Orban controlls the press and the justice system.
      Just read his speeches.
      The LsV Deutschland was seen using Farmers Flags from the "Weimar Time" (Landvolk) that led to you know what, and with gallows for the Ampel of course.
      And also the interviewer here, _Eva Vlaardingerbroek_ is a well known far right extremist.

  • @Wheelchair_Winkler
    @Wheelchair_Winkler 4 місяці тому +1

    Henning Wehn

  • @rickyratte5643
    @rickyratte5643 4 місяці тому +1

    One can sure have different opions on this topic, what baffels me is that the news stations didnt report much on this.

    • @holger6792
      @holger6792 4 місяці тому

      Are you stupid? All news stations reported on this 24/7

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому

      German media is full of it, even if it's a quite small protest in numbers. It's just not an international issue.

  • @username188388293
    @username188388293 4 місяці тому +1

    The video you watched is highly problematic. This is a very special perspective, close to consipration theories. Here's why:
    First fo all, there are several reports of firefighters and ambulances, even with sirens on, who where blocked by farmers. There are also some cases of violence, like an infamous drunken farmer who had do be stopped by force (just google the video). I mention this, because the mentioned protest of climate activists were always peacefull.
    Second, this story of "politicians want our land to build housing for refugees" is completly bs. As some other people here mentioned, the laws strongly favor large farms over small ones. Those large farmers are the main target of the current financial cuts. Those are the ones organising the protests. Many small farmers join them, because there are in a bad financial situation over all. The protests are endorsed by parties who created this situation (CDU) or want to make it worse by cutting all financial aids (AfD). The housing of refugees is just mentioned to give this whole thing an anti migration spin. It's completly bs.
    Third, there are no (or at least very few) farmers from other countries participating in those protests. There are some videos about it, but they are all out of context and got debunked by fact checkers.
    Forth, climate change IS a real thread and so is nitrogen in a different context. Both problems affect farmers direclty by turning farmland into wasteland (and other industries, like fishing). Agriculture has to change.
    There are some comments here giving a great overview over the situation. I just had to mention how biased and, in some cases, simply wrong this video is.
    Congrats to the farmer who told us he is sick of lies in the beginning and started lying right away.

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      You are totally right. Thank you.
      The worst fake I saw was a Swiss guy with a Russian Flag and a Wagner batch immitating a Russian accent in Swiss German, coming here (he says) with all his Russian friends to support overthrowing the government
      (well not 😂)

  • @toolius355
    @toolius355 4 місяці тому

    Farmers are the only people, who don't need other people to survive.
    We should pay them way more attention (and money) than big enterprises - which btw. depend on at least two groups of people, us and the farmers.

  • @mdcuber2152
    @mdcuber2152 4 місяці тому +3

    Im not really affected that much by it but I think the germans can definitely expect food prices to rise again if there's nothing done about this

  • @wildshiftspictures2607
    @wildshiftspictures2607 4 місяці тому +7

    The AfD has the strategy to use every opportunity of peoples distrust or disagreement with any current government to tell them, they are the solution.
    The AfD has written in their election manifesto, that they want to cut EVERY subsidy for everyone and especially for farmers they want to treat them like any other company, that just has to fight on the market, with no governmental support. Politicians of the AfD were also part of the group in the Bundestag, that brought the idea of cutting on the farmers subsidies and in the end they voted for it.
    But now they go to the people and tell them, how evil the government is for destroying the farmers. That sad thing is, that so many people fall for it…

    • @wildshiftspictures2607
      @wildshiftspictures2607 4 місяці тому +2

      The farmer who got interviewed seemed like somebody who just repeats the statements from others… the government for sure does not want the land - there are legal ways to get land for a government… they wanted to cut 2 subsidies: the first one frees farmers from paying taxes on their machines they use on the fields. This comes from the 1950s with the idea, that the tax kn vehicles is used to take care of roads. Farmers then only had „some“ fields around their farm, so they were not really using the roads. Now, the big farmers have fields many many km away, they also transport their gods on many km (like 50,100,150km) on public streets - so the reason to not pay their fair share for the infrastructure is not given anymore (this idea was abandoned after the protests)
      The second one is a subsidy on fuel, which makes 2900€ per year (in average). So anybody who says, 2900€ less subsidy a year will lead into bankruptcy does not really know about the financial status of farmers. For the small farmers this number is even less, so they now tell the people, that for some hundred to a fee thousand EUR a year, the government want to destroy the farmers….(the fuel subsidy is no stretched on 3 years, so the farmers can adapt to it…)

    • @martinloud77
      @martinloud77 4 місяці тому +1

      Schlafschaf. Määääääääääääääähhhh !!! Omg . lol

    • @wildshiftspictures2607
      @wildshiftspictures2607 4 місяці тому

      @@martinloud77 danke für die inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung und das darlegen deiner Argumente. Lernt man aber vielleicht auch nicht beim nachblöken von hirnlosen Aussagen🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      Der Herr hier hat ein Shirt vom "LsV-Deutschland" an, nicht vom DSV.
      Der LsV-Deutschland wurde immer wieder für ihre AfD-Nähe bzw. Unterwanderung kritisiert, sowie für grenzwertige Protestformen (Galgen etc.)
      Ja dieser Herr hat es sogar auf Wikipedia geschafft:
      _"Im Januar 2024 antwortete Lee bei einer Straßenblockade im Zuge der Bauernproteste auf die Frage der rechtsradikalen Influencerin Eva Vlaardingerbroek, warum "die Politiker" hinter den Landwirten "her" seien und sie "zerstören" möchten: "Ich glaube, es gibt viele Gründe. Der wichtigste: Die wollen unser Land. Die wollen unser Land, um darauf Industrie zu bauen, Häuser. Häuser für Flüchtlinge oder wen auch immer."_
      _Zudem sprach Anthony Lee am 31. März 2023 als Hauptredner bei einer Veranstaltung der AfD in Niedersachsen"_
      Auch diese interviewende "Eva" ist einschlägig bekannt, tritt z.B. immer wieder bei "Achtung! Reichelt" auf.
      Das ist genau jene Unterwanderung, die vielfach in den Medien thematisiert wurde.

  • @benjamin2149
    @benjamin2149 4 місяці тому

    Farmers are in Europe and Germany highly subsidsed since dedaceds and have had the luxus of beeing largely excluded in the constant squeeze which has beeen happening to the rest of the working population in germany.
    Now there is a attempt to apply the same taxing for them for fuel as for all others. Which they deem totally inacceptable, which is why they do NOT demonstrate for less taxes for all, but only for themself.
    That's what is happening in a nutshell.

  • @twinmama42
    @twinmama42 4 місяці тому +2

    The core problem is that the government (esp. the Green Party) in agreement with the majority of the population wants to ween Germany from fossil fuels asap. One subsidy the CDU/CSU lead governments never dared to touch was the diesel subsidies for farmers. They started in 1967 as an effort of balancing out the differences in diesel taxation in the ECG while opening up to the single market.
    As farmers are strangled by the bargaining power of the big supermarket chains and high prices for patented seeds by big agricultural companies the loss of subsidies for diesel can make the difference between surviving for the next year or going bankrupt. Consumers don't want to pay more money for food. Supermarkets have to compete with each other by pricing. Margins in Germany are notoriously slim (1%) compared to other countries (e.g. Switzerland 1.7%., USA 3% ). So, they try to cut buying prices. They rather import flowers from Kenya than buy them in Germany because it's cheaper!. They buy cauliflower and Broccoli from Spain because it's cheaper. German farmers have to sell their produce for peanuts - and need the subsidies.

  • @johnveerkamp1501
    @johnveerkamp1501 4 місяці тому +1

    The stink farmers are spoiled.

  • @TheCyberCore
    @TheCyberCore 4 місяці тому +1

    The first thing to understand about german politics is, that all the established parties in the country have left the center of society and steadily moved to the political left since decades. The void that was brought up is now filled by the AfD. The AfD by all means is right of the center, but far away from being far right - but since the left leaning parties show such a high contempt for the average voters, they are now beginning to feel the results of their autocratic behavior.
    The AfD - from the beginning - promised to care for the needs of the people. This is framed as negative "populist" behavior - but in fact populist is the best democratic behavior of a party as it takes care of or at least names the peoples' needs. And standing behind the farmers and the SMEs of the country is therefore an implicitness for the AfD...

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому

      The AfD is confirmed to be a thread to democracy and society. Even the right leaning inland intelligence confirms this. Famous leaders of the party, like Höcke, are confirmed to be Nazis. In november, they even held a conference and discussed the deportation of people who doesn't look or act "german" enough and people who are supportiv on immigration. The AfD speaks like a Nazi party, has the agenda of a Nazi party and is, in fact, a Nazi party.

  • @tobias.f87
    @tobias.f87 4 місяці тому +9

    Anthony Lee is strongly right-wing and he calls scientists who talk about man-made climate change crazy. For him, man-made climate change does not exist
    The woman filming is from Holland and is also a strongly right-wing woman.
    I won't watch the video to the end.
    Still, you always make good videos

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      Yes, I just found those two at Wikipedia under "LsV-Deutschland".
      This extremist interview even got a story there. 😂

  • @GebhardSarpong-vj4mw
    @GebhardSarpong-vj4mw 4 місяці тому

    Dont you have Farmers in the uk? Are they free or is the house the one Who try to take money out of the Farmers Who bringst good for you country?

  • @user-ss1sl2dt3u
    @user-ss1sl2dt3u 4 місяці тому +2

    The protest of the farmers is only a small pieces of the bad work of our bad government for decades.
    And yes, they want the land.
    Because, if a farmer can't work anymore, he has to sell his land .
    And guess who is buying.
    Sure not a single middle man, who wants to build a small house.
    They work hard. But they have to produce lots of milk or wheat or meat to sell to have some money left.
    It sounds like much money, they earn, but the price they have to pay for seeds, for veterinarian things and so on, are really high.
    In Germany we have lots of rules for the farmers.
    And this has nothing to do with nostalgic landfarming.
    The people want to by ecologic food. And biologic build food. But it shall be cheap.
    How should that work in our country.
    So most of the products in our supermarkets come from spain.
    And have you ever looked, how andaluz is looking via satelite now?
    This is definetly not biologic and ecologic.
    Lots of people are over with our "payed" government.
    The protest of the farmers is only one symptome.
    Our schools are done. Our elders are left alone.
    There is still a big difference between east and west.
    Our industry is nearly sold out to foreign investors.
    The scissor between poor and rich is becoming more open and open.
    The crime rised in the last years with really bad deeds.
    The unlimited migration became a big problem, although there are still people that say, it is not. But it belongs to if you have to live with that or you have no deals with that.
    In Berlin we have classrooms no child is speaking German.
    And the less of the social money getters are Germans.
    The most are people from other countries, who never put a cent in the bucket before.
    Someone who needs help shall get, but we can't heal the world. There are lots of countries left and lots of governments and rich people.
    U can' t cry for food and have no garden.
    And so u can't invite everyone in your house to have food and stay and party and have no one who fills the fridge.

    • @magnanilanguages154
      @magnanilanguages154 4 місяці тому

      Fully agreed!

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому

      This is bs.
      Who is buying the land of the farmers? Big farmers and farming companies are buying the land. This is exaclty the problem.
      The crime rate is rising, but only because of the record low during the pandemic. Germany is still much more peaceful today than 20 years ago.
      And we don't have unlimited migration, so this simply can't be a problem. None of our problems will disappear if we reduce immigration even further.
      Most "people from others countries" are simply not allowed to work here. Theye were glad if they could and it would solve many problems if the could go to work as soon as they arrive.
      The scissor between poor and rich is becoming more open because we keep electing parties who favor the business owner over the employee and the rich over the poor.
      The party you have in mind will make all those problems worse.

  • @aalaal6098
    @aalaal6098 4 місяці тому +8

    Far right propaganda, great

    • @gytan2221
      @gytan2221 2 місяці тому

      How is it far right propaganda? It’s the truth and you lefties just can’t accept it. Working class is upset now and are you pretending that they don’t exist?

  • @martinloud77
    @martinloud77 4 місяці тому +1

    A croatian wisesaying explains it very well : never wake up a sleeping bear or the german michel , when you both wake up you better run for your Life !!! The german society has slept too long !!! Now its time to wake up !!!!

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      Yes, Germany woke up last weekend: At least 1,3 Millions on the streets against the rise of the right wing populists and fa5c!5t5 😊

  • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
    @PropperNaughtyGeezer 4 місяці тому

    Not much in British media? That's quite strange. Not much was reported here about the protests in France, the Netherlands and India. There is also almost no reporting at all about the international media, most of which speak in favor of the farmers and criticize the German media relatively clearly.
    The right-wing parties thrive on people's fear. Without fear they wouldn't be relevant at all. Of course they try to use this, but that's exactly how the other side uses it to defame any criticism of the government.
    Those who make our media live in big citys. Because their ideas don't work outside. They don't even notice the dissatisfaction with their style of government. Well, in surveys yes, the SPD currently has poll numbers like a small party and the FDP is below 5% and therefore no longer exists. If there were an election today, the SPD, FDP and Greens together would have fewer votes than the CDU alone.
    The people outside Metropolis not in the mood for woke nonsense and have had enough of the government. -0.3% economic growth, 18% less foreign investment, 132 billion dollars more direct investments flowed out of Germany in 2022 than flowed in in the same period.
    They were unable to draw up a constitutional budget with record revenues (€60 billion in lost because their shell game trick was exposed) and want to tell people what they should do with their money. No matter how much taxes they collect, they throw the money out the window more quickly on ideological prestige projects. Bicycle paths in Chile, house insulation in Ulan Bator, green refrigerators in Colombia. And the farmers should pay for it. Not just the farmers. The new CO2 figures have been imposed on the shipping companies and the road toll has increased by over 80%. In addition, in recent years there have been a number of technical requirements and regulations that the layperson has not even noticed, so that transporting goods is no longer worthwhile.
    Plus the costs of excessive bureaucracy. If archaeologists ever dig up a shipping company, they will think it was a paper factory with a surprisingly large fleet of vehicles. If a doctor speaks to a patient for 5 minutes, he then has half an hour of paperwork so that he can bill the health insurance company.

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому +1

      Funny how you correctly name the right wing strategy while citing right wing missinformation.
      Yes, they are fundings for infrastructure projects in chile (and other green projects), because global warming is, surprisingly, a global issue. And it's an infrastructure and public transport project, not only bike lanes. This quote shows how your source wants to manipulate you.
      And ideological is mainly the denial of climate change, not the fight against it.

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      He probably doesn't care if it's true. Will keep on posting that BS. I found it on American reactors channels too, as far as I remember. If you respond, no answer. That is the famous (and so far quite sucessful) right wing media strategy:
      Flood the zone with...

  • @Patrick-on2ty
    @Patrick-on2ty 4 місяці тому +1

    No to WEF, WHO, Farm 2 Fork, Green Deal,Bill Gates 😡

    • @dancooper2023
      @dancooper2023 4 місяці тому +1

      Poor Moskow propaganda victim, get well soon

    • @Patrick-on2ty
      @Patrick-on2ty 4 місяці тому

      @@dancooper2023 have look at the WEF Plan 2030 🤦

  • @Finsternis..
    @Finsternis.. 4 місяці тому +3

    The AfD does not need to entice anyone to get angry, the government and especially the green party can do that all on their own. I still think there is no better advertising professionals for the right wing parties than the Green party already is.
    The farming minister (from the green party) now suggested the people should pay more for the government failings. The co-leader of the green party was just recently asked about the average german pension - she has no idea and throws 2000€ out. It's about 1.5k for someone who worked 45 years, it's about 1k in reality on average. These people are not seated in reality. The finance minister (from the green party) has ruined his reputation long ago by claiming that small businesses that do not produce and sell for 2 or 3 months won't go bankrupt. Around new years he claimed that not the people paid for EEG apportionment but the state - trying of course to obscure that the state gains its money by the people.
    And let's face it: this isn't only about farmers. This was the straw that broke the camels back. In 2 years the social-green-liberal government coalition antagonized the people more than Merkel did in 16 years of her reign. Meanwhile the chancelor (by the social party) can only talk in platitudes because he apparently has no opinion of his own.
    And let's not forget why this is triggered in short scale: the government set up a budget where they mishandled funds and reallocated 60 billion which they weren't allowed to reallocate because it was imaginary money to begin with. And because the opposition - rightly - let the constitutional court fault this, now they are scambling for money in sectors they consider worthless, when instead they could have just used 60 billion less on their cimate protection projects. Or on foreign aid (which is over 60 billion) - the funniest example is Germany paying for bicycle paths in Peru. Meanwhile the government is still promising money to other countries, Ukraine most importantly, and buying new VIP helicopters, while essentially taunting the people will excuses of "no choice" and "new taxes".
    And the funniest part? Whenever confronted with the fact that they are skinning people over their incompetence, they deflect by saying it was the oppositions fault that the budget didn't go through. Because yes... putting up an illegal budget is totally cool in their eyes.

    • @dancooper2023
      @dancooper2023 4 місяці тому +5

      Moskow propaganda victim, get well soon

    • @Finsternis..
      @Finsternis.. 4 місяці тому +2

      @@dancooper2023 What, now statements by directly by green party members are moskow propaganda as well?

    • @TaiBlaine
      @TaiBlaine 4 місяці тому

      The finance minister is from the FDP and not from the Greens. In addition, one should not forget the constant lies from media like “BILD” and parties like the AfD and CDU/CSU, which only aims to badmouth the governing parties. And people like you fall for it.

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому

      So tell me how the problems of the whole last decade are all the fault of a party who wasn't part of the gouvernment in this era.

    • @DalaiDrama-hp6oj
      @DalaiDrama-hp6oj 4 місяці тому

      ​@@TaiBlaineYes, "Bild" is bad, of course, but THIS sounds more like "Vermietertagebruch Alexander Raue", "Aktien im Kopf" or similar sources

  • @lakai2305
    @lakai2305 4 місяці тому

    You could argue that these aren't fuel "subsidies" taken away but simply said tax raises. Farmers before got back the taxes they were paying on fuel. The landgrab idea seems kind of possible.

    • @username188388293
      @username188388293 4 місяці тому

      The landgrap is bs. The main thread to small farmers (and their land) are big farmers and big farmers are in a very stable financial situation.

  • @SweetSchnubbl
    @SweetSchnubbl 4 місяці тому

    They wanna built windcraft of the Farmers ground
    Its rediculous