Transport Planes Nerfed - HOI4 BBA

  • Опубліковано 29 жов 2022
  • Transport Planes have undergone some pretty significant changes with BBA now that all air wings are size 100. They are pretty useless now.
  • Ігри


  • @epicninja2378
    @epicninja2378 Рік тому +243

    IDK why they'd nerf them supply wise they weren't very hard to interrupt with fighters if I remember correctly reducing the supply to basically 0.

    • @rabniscraft1804
      @rabniscraft1804 Рік тому +2

      Realism and to make supply harder to maintain

    • @Litterbugtaylor
      @Litterbugtaylor Рік тому +24

      But it takes 20 command power per 100 planes so you can only field 100 or 200 anyway depending on your max cp, so now you just can't supply some places

    • @rabniscraft1804
      @rabniscraft1804 Рік тому +2

      @@Litterbugtaylor Which makes maintaining supply harder and thus more important, people seem to forget that supply is 60% of the war effort, without any supply in real life NOTHING in a army will work so now getting stable supply and targeting supply hubs will be more important for example the asian front where the japan player can deploy transport planes to push in the mountain part

    • @Litterbugtaylor
      @Litterbugtaylor Рік тому +12

      No the counter was long range fighters, if i can't increase the range of the transports, defences, reduce cost, or how much they can carry then eliminate the cp cost because currently we're paying 20ic, 2 aluminium and a rubber for a glorified motorisation supply that can also be easily shot down, sometimes they cannot evenreach the zone they need to supply in places like siberia

    • @rabniscraft1804
      @rabniscraft1804 Рік тому

      @@Litterbugtaylor the entire point of transport planes is to support the supply but if you are able to have a cheap way for supplying entire frontline then that is broken. Yes they can be easily countered but not if used right for example you could use them on D-Day by bombing all the airports and in siberia you can use them by building lvl 2 airports strategically, yeah they are expensive but their main usage is for paratroopers anyway, using them as your only supply source is just broken. For example encircled units could survive forever with supply plane as long as they don't have the encirclment penalty

  • @Litterbugtaylor
    @Litterbugtaylor Рік тому +226

    Pdx: "transports are worthless"
    Pdx: buffs transport supply
    Pdx: "transports are too good"
    Pdx: nerfs transport supply
    Pdx: "transports are useless"
    Pdx: buffs the ic cost
    Pdx: "transports are too good"
    Pdx: nerfs supply
    Playerbase: "just fucking pick one"

    • @OMoanaigh
      @OMoanaigh Рік тому +6

      literally, just make us want to use them or not

    • @TheAdmiraltoby
      @TheAdmiraltoby Рік тому +8

      Well I mean it is the playerbase who cries about them being too good or worthless

    • @Litterbugtaylor
      @Litterbugtaylor Рік тому +23

      @@TheAdmiraltoby no it really isn't, paradox collects data on useage and balances accordingly, when they thought people were really into ships but then they found out they were just using the naval production focus bug, watch the Italian jet focus get nerfed because everyone is using it

    • @TheAdmiraltoby
      @TheAdmiraltoby Рік тому +2

      @@Litterbugtaylor go on any forum and you will see comments complaining about the air supply being OP in NSB. The data collected can't tell if something is immediately OP or such, that's why playtesting is so important. Player experiences fuel that.

    • @Litterbugtaylor
      @Litterbugtaylor Рік тому +5

      @@TheAdmiraltoby if something is OP no one complains because beating up the ai is fun especially in places with no supply, just because the ai doesn't care about supply doesn't mean having supply in siberia is broken, they definitely saw the number of transport planes skyrocket and nerfed it

  • @rabniscraft1804
    @rabniscraft1804 Рік тому +74

    In my opinion they should make transport planes more important by giving players the option to turn airfields into supply hubs but they use transport planes instead of trains to get supply from the capital

    • @SMGJohn
      @SMGJohn Рік тому +8

      That would been great, just like real life, I am not sure any devs working at Paradox realise just how important supply missions by air was during WW2, the Germans dropped God knows how many tonnage of supplies on Stalingrad to relieve their en circled troops.

    • @sapphyrus
      @sapphyrus Рік тому +1

      This is how it should have worked instead of the stupid mission efficiency thing, not like those planes deliver it in the middle of nowhere in the ocean or steppes.

  • @paulbrown7369
    @paulbrown7369 Рік тому +56

    I've struggled with paratroops since BBA released. Now I know why, thanks!!!!

  • @Teajam
    @Teajam Рік тому +131

    A typical US Army Airbourne Division during WW2 was 8400 men strong. They C-47 transport plane Carried 28 fully loaded paratroopers. So by the math this is pretty accurate, if not still overpowered compared to real life(but is game and not 1:1). What would be nice is if Airbourne divisons got a massive buff from Air resupply of reinforce rate, supply and such.
    And the Whole US army only had 5 Airbourne divisins in WW2. Speaking of air supply in Band of Brothers during the Battle of The Bulge, it showed it wasn't all that effective even though the US had total air superiority at that point and quite a large area to be able to drop supplys. They especially had difficulty during weather and even had supplys fall in enemy hands, so having a minuscule supply buff to neighboring enemy divisions would be inaccurate.

    • @stavka6923
      @stavka6923 Рік тому +10

      But USA built some 10k C-47 and 3k C-46. Planes are simply more expensive in HOI than in real world.

    • @thehistoryguy4018
      @thehistoryguy4018 Рік тому +30

      Air supply is far more viable if there is an airstrip for planes to take off and land at (irl), though is only sustainable for an appropriately sized force.
      What would be nice is air bases acting as small supply hubs if air supply is being used, and has the amount of supply increase based on the size of the base combined with the amount of transport planes in use

    • @Teajam
      @Teajam Рік тому +5

      @@thehistoryguy4018 yeah airbase could get Supply bonuses as well

    • @Teajam
      @Teajam Рік тому +2

      @Krzysztof Milański yeah, I don't play Hoi4 for absolute historical accuracy. I don't mind what they decide to do as long as it's balanced and I understand some people play different ways and some changes can make people upset.
      I don't want to say anyone is wrong for how they want the game to be just making an observation

    • @thehistoryguy4018
      @thehistoryguy4018 Рік тому

      @@Teajam without at least a runway or landstrip of some sort, it is indeed dropped from the aircraft during this period

  • @red_seven_
    @red_seven_ Рік тому +18

    Obviously the capacity to drop paratroopers is now independent from the weight of the divisions. It simply doesn't matter if you have 2w or 40w divisions, they'll all need 50 transports planes per division.
    I'd bet this was made to prevent mass paradropping with low width units to get lucky on an undefended port e.g. to cap the UK.

  • @billyzm
    @billyzm Рік тому +16

    What's ironic about this nerf is that they made a new career medal for providing "20" air supplies using transport planes... This used to be doable, but now, it is IMPOSSIBLE with the amount of command power each 100-sized air wing costs and the little supply they provide...
    Thanks, Paradox. Gotta pay more attention to the balance...

    • @user-ck8xy2ey3c
      @user-ck8xy2ey3c Рік тому

      I am struggling with this medal, how to do it?

    • @jimenez1421
      @jimenez1421 Рік тому

      Even the Sky supplies bronze medal on the career profile is impossible

    • @guardduck987
      @guardduck987 Рік тому +1

      @@user-ck8xy2ey3c it is impossible, with the 100 CP limit you cant get enough planes to get 20 supply by air

    • @billyzm
      @billyzm Рік тому +1

      They have lowered the CP for each (100-sized) air wing down to "5" from "20" and also changed the gold career medal requirements down to "5" from "20".
      The golden "Sky Supplies" is now doable again, and you would need 25 wings of transports minimum.

    • @dgreene3467
      @dgreene3467 3 місяці тому

      Since when does Paradox give a fuck about balance? Answer Never, they just layer another mechanic on top.

  • @miguelrodriguezcimino1674
    @miguelrodriguezcimino1674 Рік тому +5

    One thing I don't get is why air supply can't support the same number of soldiers it can paradrop. I mean, if an airwing of 100 planes can paradrop 2 20 width divisions, the same airwing should be able to keep those 2 divisons supplied provided air superiority can be maintained.

  • @propagandapanda1210
    @propagandapanda1210 Рік тому +1

    I really like those helpful videos. Keep going !

  • @DaLoneGuy
    @DaLoneGuy Рік тому +7

    would have never nticed this change if not for your video

  • @alexmannen1991
    @alexmannen1991 Рік тому +19

    i wish they stopped breaking somethin with each patch

  • @wabuk97
    @wabuk97 Рік тому +5

    Aww… well that’s just no fun. I really enjoyed playing with paratroopers, sure wasn’t the best use of my IC but it was fun. Thanks for your testing it’s very much appreciated

  • @met2002
    @met2002 Рік тому +23

    Something sorely missed by 71Cloak, people, that is paradroping no longer checks division weight. You can have 2 40 width divisions or 2 2width divisions they will both use the same exact # of transports. Also dropped divisions retain 30% of their ORG instead of 10% now which means if you paradrop ontop on a lone port guard your not insta wiped. This means that larger paratrooper divisions got heavily buffed while VP sniping 2 width paratrooper divisions got heavily nerfed.
    You will say "But even if they land they cant even supply due to over nerfed transport supply!" Guess what? Remember those special forces techs at the bottom of the infantry tab? The one you never research? Yea the top path all the way to the end gives you 96 Hour supply grace or 4 days of ignoring 0 supplies. Also remember the Mass Assault doctrine you also never touched? That also got buffed and its one of the strongest Special forces and paratrooper doctrines now in the game. You can get another 48 hours of supply grace and a choice of -20% supplies needed OR -40% Supply Penalties. I dunno about you but 144 hours or almost 1 week of no penalties while behind enemy lines is pretty god damn insane and more doable with a proper paratrooper divisions.

    • @bigdiccmarty9335
      @bigdiccmarty9335 Рік тому +1

      cas go brrrrr

    • @cc0767
      @cc0767 Рік тому +1

      it ignoring weight is peak paradox logic again

    • @Vengir
      @Vengir 11 місяців тому +1

      So you're saying is that it's always 50 planes per division?

  • @brendancourtsal1903
    @brendancourtsal1903 Рік тому +17

    And like that, something I was just beginning to play around with in the barbarrosa patch is something I will likely never touch again.
    Thanks a lot for ruining my fun Paradox :-/

  • @daflea66
    @daflea66 Рік тому +2

    Being stuck with 1939 Transport planes and no means to upgrade range or anything is really annoying.

  • @derwal1543
    @derwal1543 Рік тому +10

    Paradox and this kind of balancing is just f-ing horrible. Something is kind of strong and it gets nerfed so hard that it's not practical anymore. Just like with recon tanks.

    • @SMGJohn
      @SMGJohn Рік тому

      You can get almost 50 soft attack out of a recon attack with SF 50% more soft attack on support companies, I guess if you have excess production, its at least something.

  • @derwohnzimmergeneral2995
    @derwohnzimmergeneral2995 Рік тому +1

    Hello @71Cloak,
    great video, thank you :)
    Supply wise, the last patch Avalanche 1.12.4 screwed the supply planes, they wrote in the patch notes the following:
    Quote: "Updated air supply to use a better calculation for per aircraft supply amount."
    Better calculation? :) before 0,2 per plane now 0,2 per 100 planes.
    From the BBA start 100 supply planes gave 20 Supply, i used in my game severay stacks to support my tank divisions no problem.
    I think that was not intended.
    They had a similar thing after No Step Back, where they screwed the supply planes the opposite way (to much supply) and fixed it later.
    Lets hope they fix it soon. :)
    Der Wohnzimmer General :)

  • @janekk8833
    @janekk8833 Рік тому +1

    From what I've experienced they need 50 planes per paratrooper division (I was sending 2 widths) just to send one of those or start planning paratrooping

  • @Bruh-ff2tw
    @Bruh-ff2tw Рік тому +1

    Ever thought about making a Manchukuo guide? It’s one of my favorite nations but haven’t been able to make it work since NSB

  • @paolowasistlos7693
    @paolowasistlos7693 Рік тому +5

    I really can't understand, why Paradox (- and maybe that is the answer?) nerfes stats on the factor 100 often. They implement something, and with the next change they say, oh, let us divide what we did by 10, 20, or hey - 100. We had this frequently, and every time it makes me feeling crazy
    By the way, the loss of positive relation factors, did anyone notice that they now get deleted conpletely, if you stop your game, after reloading the savegame? Isn't this great? A pitty, if you need good relations with someone and thus can't get to the necessary level anymore

  • @hunter_bird5216
    @hunter_bird5216 Рік тому

    I know you haven’t posted in a little bit. Do you think an updated Siberian Tiger Achievement guide would be feasible?

  • @getsomeboy321
    @getsomeboy321 Рік тому

    Now I know why my paratroopers didn't drop while I had control of airspace

  • @Monterman
    @Monterman Рік тому +8

    You can also fabricate manpower out of thin air

    • @amvistjackson1163
      @amvistjackson1163 Рік тому

      Still can

    • @cc0767
      @cc0767 Рік тому


    • @SMGJohn
      @SMGJohn Рік тому

      Produce some planes, when you get like 2 or more planes, field both one airwing, then when its got 2 or more planes in it, split it and delete, keep repeating this.

  • @hiruharii
    @hiruharii Рік тому

    thanks for your analysis

  • @tartzmir7934
    @tartzmir7934 Рік тому

    they really make supply planes capable of airlifting infantry from friendly airfield from friendly airfield, airlift completion time will varied depending on the size of the troops that are being airlifted and the size of the transport fleet performing it (edit: maybe add a few research options to obtain better cargo planes which can paradrop or airlift light tanks and mechanised infantry as well as research transport upgrades which improve airlifting efficiency overall as well as improving the max payload of the cargo planes a moderate margin)

  • @RobsRedHotSpot
    @RobsRedHotSpot Рік тому +1

    I actually think they've gotten the transport planes to a roughly realistic level in terms of usefulness and impact. I believe the Normandy landings used something like 3 paratrooper divisions (2 US, 1 UK) with additional brigades supplied by Canada and Free France. Couldn't find a number for how many transport planes/gliders were used but IIRC it was hundreds if not over a thousand. Airborne operations throughout the war were extraordinarily expensive, risky and produced very mixed results. The same goes for air supply. The Luftwaffe's air supply capacity was basically wiped out with Stalingrad and North Africa and was not impactful in either case. So I think these two mechanics should be very situational in-game. Probably paratroopers should be nerfed a bit more and if unsupported by regular forces should be easy to wipe out.

  • @MunchyHam
    @MunchyHam Рік тому +2

    There's no way .2 supply was intentional. Shame cause i think transport planes should have a place given how important supply is. I think tweaking the production cost would be a better solution...

    • @LordSavok
      @LordSavok Рік тому +1

      Best part is it makes that career profile gold medal for supply impossible, you need like 2000 CP for it. Embarrassing company.

  • @IsilionNELE
    @IsilionNELE Рік тому

    Is this still correct?
    I just checked and with 100 planes at 100% mission efficiency the planes' tooltip said 0.2 supplies, but when I checked the supplies map every single province, whether they had troops in them or not, received 0.16 supplies. so it's not 0.2 divided over several provinces.
    Weirdly, when I added a second air wing, it became 0.4 supplies in every province

  • @esteaks2761
    @esteaks2761 Рік тому +6

    Its now better to naval invade Great Britain in solo

  • @Noble9863
    @Noble9863 Рік тому

    I thought that New Horizons tech tree mod just scuffed some numbers in a new run I was doing but it was just paradox as usual.

  • @tavish4699
    @tavish4699 11 місяців тому

    this is why i got so frustrrated last time i played paras
    i was wondering why it didnt drop in waves

  • @nothappening4776
    @nothappening4776 Рік тому +6

    It's a big shame they nerfed the air supply that hard. Having 300 planes on air supply to get green supply in Arctic Siberia was actually fun. Then again, it's Paradox we're talking about, no fun allowed.

    • @honeybadger6275
      @honeybadger6275 Рік тому +1

      Yeah I haven't played since bba came out and i saw how shit it is.

  • @Sopmod-py1ee
    @Sopmod-py1ee Рік тому

    Can you do democratic Germany pact with getting back Danzig? I found it kinda hard to make sizable pact and get Danzig at the same time

  • @ZaiTime
    @ZaiTime Рік тому

    love your videos

  • @michaelmutranowski123
    @michaelmutranowski123 Рік тому +4

    I learned the hard way that Transport Planes got nerfed into the ground when I went for the new Brazilian achievement.
    Question: is putting a Defensive Turret on CAS, Heavy Fighters, Tactical, and Strategic worth it or is spamming Armor Plates the only way to go?

    • @guardduck987
      @guardduck987 Рік тому

      im putting turrets on fighters at the moment, so no

    • @keepsmiling7645
      @keepsmiling7645 Рік тому

      I do the opposite, going for armour plates

  • @zoroasper9759
    @zoroasper9759 Рік тому

    Yeah in my last playthroughs I noticed transport planes basically being almost worthless
    I mean if you want to keeping 1 factory on them throughout the game is not too bad, if you have a large industry, but their supply bonus is minuscule now and generally unnoticeable
    Frankly I'm not opposed to the change, I prefer useless transport planes compared to OP ones, but maybe they'll one day be able to find a sweet spot for them

  • @joneszer1
    @joneszer1 Рік тому +3

    Not sure why it had to nerf paratroopers with this.. already the most under utilized special forces for up.

  • @CoolChris2080
    @CoolChris2080 Рік тому +8

    The command point maintenance is just awful. Don't know why they felt this was necessary. Maybe to force us to play Railroad tycoon. I miss when this game wasn't about laying railroads.

  • @Coach_Duke
    @Coach_Duke Рік тому

    That Support planes cost CP is still the laziest nerf Paradox ever done. Just make it that they can get shot down!?
    Anyway, good video as always!

  • @maj.kingkong3004
    @maj.kingkong3004 Рік тому +1

    Well, isn’t that special. Explains why my paratroopers weren’t working any more.

  • @suxix7312
    @suxix7312 Рік тому +1

    They shouldn't of nerfed it so much. Half would of been more than sufficient!

  • @BullworthAcademy4
    @BullworthAcademy4 Рік тому

    Is it still worthless?

  • @m.s.cheung8471
    @m.s.cheung8471 Рік тому

    To put the 0.2 supply per 100 planes into perspective, a 9-0 infantry division needs 0.63 supply. So you need 300 planes just to supply one basic division.
    Does PDX have a grudge against mobile warfare players?

  • @Ancient_Hoplite
    @Ancient_Hoplite Рік тому

    I still think paratroopers are worth the IC cost. I paradropped on Greece as Germany while Italy was grinding through the mountains. I capped Athens and surrounding provinces.Then dropped on crete and Greece capitulated. From Crete you can drop on Cyprus and from there into French Syria and push towards Suez from two sides.
    I think the strength of Paratroopers is situational but it works at the strategic level to save you lots of IC by allowing for decisive battles that save IC in the long term by saving on losses and attrition. It's especially useful with mobile warfare and encirclements. Also the fact that they can drop on an occupied tile and actually win is crazy.

  • @MrNicoJac
    @MrNicoJac Рік тому

    Great job PDX, now I'll *never* use transport planes again....!
    Transport planes were what kept you alive as Germany in the USSR, going from one supply depot to the next.
    Otherwise, the distances are just too great, and you need to build extra ones (which takes forever).
    With transports, you still needed to build air bases, so it wasn't an autowin, but at least those build faster than depots.
    But if they offer _this_ little supply, it's really just a waste of CP and air base capacity...
    The supply they gave should've been cut by a factor or 2 or 3 (per IC), not by 10!

  • @The_Hussar
    @The_Hussar Рік тому

    Good luck doing D-Day, I guess... It's not going to be that easy anymore

  • @ImTheCrepe
    @ImTheCrepe Рік тому

    It also feels like their range has gone to shit

  • @jimmcneal5292
    @jimmcneal5292 Рік тому

    So there's no point building them and I should just concentrate on supply hubs, railroads and infrastructure?

  • @jimenez1421
    @jimenez1421 Рік тому

    The Sky supplies medal on the career profile is impossible. Paradox too dumb to fix its errors

  • @stavka6923
    @stavka6923 Рік тому +3

    It's just pure pain again when invading USSR or even USA... Everyone needs a logistics company

    • @stavka6923
      @stavka6923 Рік тому +1

      I'd rather have them have transports at the same ability and x10 production cost

    • @cc0767
      @cc0767 Рік тому

      same, just let me throw IC at the problem to solve it. Having a shitty logistic system is not fun. And some abitrary command power doesnt help either

    • @SMGJohn
      @SMGJohn Рік тому

      Logistics companies do not do much when you run out of supplies, sadly when invading USSR, you will run out of supplies, A LOT.

  • @quoras1887
    @quoras1887 Рік тому

    Is your Video somewhat outdated? I think the new transport planes are even better. Maybe you use them wrong? You should use them in regions where there is no supply and use the transport planes from an airport behind. As far as i understood they now work really as transport planes and transport supply from one region to another. i used them in multiple archievments and supplied whole armies with it. they dont start to work until you have no supply as far as i used them. Maybe do that test again with full strenght divisions and maybe at the german border.

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  Рік тому

      outdated? I recorded it yesterday.

    • @quoras1887
      @quoras1887 Рік тому

      @@71Cloakmh, then something is completly off or you did your testing wrong. I would redoo the test and really look at an heavily undersupplied army and then see how much supply you can get with them, because in your video you show them as quite useless when they are the dealbreaker in every low supply zone.

  • @cryptic2121
    @cryptic2121 Рік тому +1

    I was waiting for this video… I tried using transports and all my command power on them just to barely supply 2 divisions lol

  • @Patriot3791
    @Patriot3791 Рік тому +2

    This is sad, but honestly it's more historically accurate, and I'm for it.

  • @cc0767
    @cc0767 Рік тому +1

    so they were nerfed AGAIN? Paradox culling features instead of thinking about the changes they make only to have something to fill the devblog with is just sad.

  • @xdeepxfreezex2621
    @xdeepxfreezex2621 Рік тому

    Makes sense since you can produce a billion transport planes with like 1 mil factory on them. Its just like trains, you only need a couple factories at most

    • @KopiG86
      @KopiG86 Рік тому +4

      No thats the point dude. It is nerfed to the ground and below. You need 20 PP for one squadron of Transport Planes to drop a shitty +0.2 supply each day. At most you can afford 10 of these missions tying up ALL your 200 max PP which would equal to +2.0 supplies per day which is HORRIBLE.

    • @bigdiccmarty9335
      @bigdiccmarty9335 Рік тому

      @@KopiG86 it's 2 supply spread out across a whole air zone, divided by the number of tiles with active units on them..... epic, truly gamer, poggers indeed

    • @cc0767
      @cc0767 Рік тому

      you cant USE them thx to the stupid command power system though

  • @Corium1
    @Corium1 Рік тому

    I never rlly bothered with transport planes and now I care eve less for them

  • @Losowy
    @Losowy Рік тому

    How to convince Paradox to leave it be?
    Say "I'm not buying that dlc"

  • @luizrossetti8698
    @luizrossetti8698 Рік тому

    Really hard to imagine why they would nerf it so hard, like, these are not the funniest to micromanage, less planes being more effective would be so much better

  • @kotwczapce1742
    @kotwczapce1742 Рік тому

    still worth putting one factory on it for the rest of the game

  • @justinchase6666
    @justinchase6666 Рік тому

    ya but you can make infinite manpower with them. like play aussa for example and make 100 transport, q up 100 devisions of whatever press g to split then d to merge do that maybe 40 times and congrats you have more pop then etheopia

    • @thefallen501st9
      @thefallen501st9 Рік тому +1

      Expect this gets you banned from any MP lobby you will ever play in

    • @bigdiccmarty9335
      @bigdiccmarty9335 Рік тому

      @@thefallen501st9 not really, unless they'll let you pause the game for 30 minutes every 5 minutes of play because it gives so little per cycle

    • @justinchase6666
      @justinchase6666 Рік тому

      @@bigdiccmarty9335 trust me it doesn't

    • @bigdiccmarty9335
      @bigdiccmarty9335 Рік тому

      @@justinchase6666 it doesn't what?

  • @rzu1474
    @rzu1474 Рік тому

    Why did they nerf them...
    They were already basically useless. And paratroopers are useless unless AI

    • @met2002
      @met2002 Рік тому

      Right basically useless which is why every HOI4 WC and Speedrun abused them so badly to insta annex every nation in the game VP drops and create mobile supply hubs anywhere. I could not fathom why pdox would ever nerf a useless unit for.

    • @rzu1474
      @rzu1474 Рік тому

      Dumb AI.
      There useless.

    • @bigdiccmarty9335
      @bigdiccmarty9335 Рік тому

      ​@@met2002 they used to be useless, then OP, and now, useless again

  • @Ivane_Maskhulia
    @Ivane_Maskhulia Рік тому +9

    I did not like this change at all. It is not historical, not fun.

    • @Teajam
      @Teajam Рік тому +3

      It might not be fun, but I don't know of you could say it's not historically accurate.

    • @brandonmunson9781
      @brandonmunson9781 Рік тому +3

      I think its pretty historical

    • @Ivane_Maskhulia
      @Ivane_Maskhulia Рік тому +1

      @@brandonmunson9781Well, germans had like 4 transport plane in entire war and they were trying to supply stalingrad. Now transport plane is cheaper than fighter, which does not make any sence and is also useless. Nice fiature is remooved from the game in my opinion.

  • @efeburakkayali3779
    @efeburakkayali3779 Рік тому

    Making game more historical:❌
    Nerfing something nobody using in historical game:✔️