Mi się podoba taki zestaw, gdy ktoś ma mniejsze kawałki idealne rozwiązanie, a i tylny tuz nie dostaje po dupie od ciężkiego pługa. A co do samej orki, to nie taka prosta sprawa taką łąkę zaorac.
No tak, tylko na małych polach nie wykorzystasz pługu zaczepianego, bo ciężko zawrócić z 8 skibami, mi się wydaje, że takie rozwiązanie jest lepsze dla dużych gospodarstw z małymi działkami.
Jurek G Ciężko uznać, bo jemu to uwrocie też zbyt szybko nie idzie, a czy ciężko z zaczepianym czy nie to kwestia wprawy, poza tym po co komu na krótkich polach 8 skib, za duże uwrocie zostaje.
jonha134 So, how many hours have you been using this? Have you ever even drove a tractor? Don't judge me if you don't know what my RL experiences are . :-)
bartdereu What exactly is wrong with the ploughwork? Overum is considered state of the art where I live. I think it does a good job. But i only have a couple of 1000 hours ploughing experience. With an old Overum plough. There is a reason we have not being using onland technology = better traction in the furrow. This system requires smaller headlands and are by all means easier to handle on small irregular fieilds. I dont know why the headland is big in in this video, but i am sure it is not the system that is wrong. It is not the system that draws the headland
jonha134 I follow you there, but you have to admin that it's never possible to work faster this way ? And indeed, headlands should be smaller but that's not show here .. I stick to my first opinion that the wheel needs to run on top to make it work better. There's way too much grass that's not under the soil to make this nice work. I'd sell that thing if it work this way :)
Mi się podoba taki zestaw, gdy ktoś ma mniejsze kawałki idealne rozwiązanie, a i tylny tuz nie dostaje po dupie od ciężkiego pługa. A co do samej orki, to nie taka prosta sprawa taką łąkę zaorac.
No tak, tylko na małych polach nie wykorzystasz pługu zaczepianego, bo ciężko zawrócić z 8 skibami, mi się wydaje, że takie rozwiązanie jest lepsze dla dużych gospodarstw z małymi działkami.
Jurek G Ciężko uznać, bo jemu to uwrocie też zbyt szybko nie idzie, a czy ciężko z zaczepianym czy nie to kwestia wprawy, poza tym po co komu na krótkich polach 8 skib, za duże uwrocie zostaje.
Lipa Panie:)
jak takie coś sie sprawuje na lekkich zakretach/łukach ???????????
jak dla mnie to szalu nie ma
przerost formy nad treścią :) GPS z pługiem -żadnych oszczędności
òooooooooomfg o.0
Te 3 z przodu biorą co jeden z tyłu i to ledwie idzie ciagnik
on ma źle plug obrócony
Panie a po chuj taką ładną łake orać
+kacpeerAgriculture po czym typoznajasz ladne łaki ?
+Faloner666 po trawie xD nie no tak dla beki napisałem :P
lepiej zaczepić z tyłu 7 skib i śmigać
cos tu nie pasuje
Just get a bigger semi mounted plow and forget that front thing and run. All of that screwing around flipping bottoms over is so stupid.
worthless system !! the front wheel needs to run on top , makes the plough allot more stable. And end turn space is WAY too big this way !
bartdereu Lol. Always fun to read comments from people complaining about stuff they obviously have no clue about
jonha134 So, how many hours have you been using this? Have you ever even drove a tractor? Don't judge me if you don't know what my RL experiences are . :-)
jonha134 And seriously, do you consider this as nice ploughwork ? Show how much YOU know about this
bartdereu What exactly is wrong with the ploughwork? Overum is considered state of the art where I live. I think it does a good job. But i only have a couple of 1000 hours ploughing experience. With an old Overum plough. There is a reason we have not being using onland technology = better traction in the furrow. This system requires smaller headlands and are by all means easier to handle on small irregular fieilds. I dont know why the headland is big in in this video, but i am sure it is not the system that is wrong. It is not the system that draws the headland
jonha134 I follow you there, but you have to admin that it's never possible to work faster this way ? And indeed, headlands should be smaller but that's not show here .. I stick to my first opinion that the wheel needs to run on top to make it work better. There's way too much grass that's not under the soil to make this nice work. I'd sell that thing if it work this way :)