  • Опубліковано 12 лют 2023
  • Pyramids are built from the top down. Starting from the foundation is finite. Building down from the top (Christ) is infinite.


  • @ElizabethRussell144
    @ElizabethRussell144 Рік тому

    Love your insights! Thanks for this video!

    @ZUL8R_DAVE Місяць тому

    My Brother, All of Scripture is pointing to THE DAY OF THE L-RD. This apocolyptic mindset is the foundation for all of Biblical Theology and to which Messiah is the Cornerstone. Cavalry was the FIRST FRUITS of the Harvest that is to come. The End. HIS Return. When HE judges the living and the dead. When we who believe and have received HIS gift are SAVED from HIS WRATH. This End that ALL OF CREATION yearns for! For 2000 years church fathers have been playing theological telephone with the phone chord disconnected from the Jewish Expectation and thus fulfillment of Scripture and that is why most christians today have absolutely no idea of what was, what is, and what is to come. The Disciples however had this clarity. In Acts 1:3 we read how the Resurrected Messiah explained to them in FOR 40 DAYS HIS coming Kingdom! Not an hour serman, a 40 day detailed revelation from the mouth of G-D HIMSELF! They had NO QUESTION of WHAT to expect. They had absolute clarity of WHAT to expect. And thus we see in Acts 1:6 their question wasn't WHAT's going to happen, but WHEN. Did they ask, 'Ok, now that you are done with Israel and have now chosen your church, WHAT do we do?' , no... They asked in verse 6 “L-RD, are YOU restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" , and HE responded 'you ignorant jews, don't you know that since you've rejected me, I've rejected you and now you don't have to obey my commandments, you only have to believe in my life, death, and resurrection, because in cavalry I have SPIRITUALLY fulfilled everything that needs to be fulfilled and there is nothing left to hope for because it is finished so the only thing you need now is faith in a alleghorical, metaphysical, metaphorical fulfillment of all of scripture, and because of your blind faith I will bless you beyond measure in this age where you'll have big houses and no problems at all!' responsed "It is not for you to know"....WHY? Why didn't HE answer the question and tell them WHEN? Because if we knew when, we would plan accordingly wouldn't we... The Disciples were not ignorant of WHAT to expect..and that CLARITY of the AGE TO COME, gave them the CERTAINTY in this CURRENT AGE, to FUEL their COMMITMENT to ENDURE to the end. To be beheaded, ripped apart by horses, sawn in half, cruficied upside down, and burned at the stake with unshakeable CERTAINTY...they didn't have to know WHEN...just as we don't know when...but they did know WHAT ALL of creation is groaning for, what no eye has seen, ear had heard, or the heart of man has considered for what HE has in store for us. Aside for it not being taught because it's not understood, another reason THE END isn't taught is because it's not about us, it's all about HIM. HE said in Isaiah 63:3 "The winepress I have trodden ALONE and from the peoples NO MAN with me". We don't get any credit for any of this. HE ALONE gets ALL the glory. The issue of the tower of Babel wasn't it's shape, or size, or height. The issue G-D had with the tower of Babel was in their intention, their cornerstone which was found in verse 4 (Genesis 11:4) "let us make for ourselves a name"... it is all about HIS NAME and HIS KINGDOM!!! FAITH is for today, HOPE is for tomorrow. Just like every house is valued by it's proximity to Jubilee, looking forward. Every day is in context to the coming Sabbath. Every prophecy looks forward to the coming fulfillmenet, we live each day WITH CERTAINTY that HE who raised Messiah from the dead will also raise us from the dead when HIS KINGDOM COMES!!! When you read your Bible, know that the apostles are not speaking through filters of MISUNDERSTANDING given to us by Origen, Marcion, Augustin, Martyr, Luther, Calvin, or Muhammad to name a few who all came much later... the Apostles that wrote our New Testament Scriptures are Jews speaking through the UNDERSTANDING of the Jewish Apocolyptic mindset all throughout scripture that came from THE LIPS OF THE WORD MADE FLESH to them of ONE GOSPEL which is the Gospel that Messiah HIMSELF preached in Matthew 4 before any prophecies were made about Calvary...THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. The distinction between This Current Age and The Age To Come. Please don't misunderstand, the Cross is THE ONLY WAY we may enter and partake...but the climax of HIS story ISN'T the Cross...the climax of HIS story is HIS COMING KINGDOM! His wrath poured out on the proud His mercy poured out on the humble, where HE will judge the living and the dead and where we must give account for every idle word we've spoken and typed, myself included...we can absolutely celebrate and rejoice and be glad and taste and see that these FIRST FRUITS are AMAZING!!! but we can be CERTAIN that if the FIRST FRUITS are AMAZING....THE HARVEST TO COME IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION!!! Blessings and MARANATHA!!! THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY COME!!!