DJ Endo's Kontrol F1 Mapping Review and Set Up

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DOPEAmine
    @DOPEAmine 3 роки тому

    Amazing! Can I still get this mapping somewhere?

    • @usdjxavi
      @usdjxavi 3 роки тому +1

      endo is charging 5 bucks for it

  • @aantonis
    @aantonis 11 років тому +1

    Very useful review before I spent $5 on something I didn't even know if it works for me. Awesome track selection by the way!

  • @djreynanconnection
    @djreynanconnection 3 роки тому

    Does this unit mapping to a Serato pro?

  • @traktortips
    @traktortips  11 років тому

    Haha - thanks so much! Hope you enjoy it!

  • @traktortips
    @traktortips  11 років тому

    Lots of fun for Sure!! You're welcome. Thank DJ Endo! ;-)

  • @shayb9424
    @shayb9424 3 роки тому

    Hi great video. I've just purchased the F1 & it's connected to my 64bit Windows 8 laptop. It plays my latest vdj samples but I'm not sure how to load my songs & use the stems on the F1. I'd be so grateful for any advice please. Many thanks.

  • @blackwavenoise
    @blackwavenoise 6 років тому

    whats happened to the Traktor Tips website, I need to know how to set up​ the rotary controls for the volume mapping

    • @traktortips
      @traktortips  6 років тому

      hey man - I just realized it was down - sorry about this... all fixed now! ;-).

  • @CrazedTeenz
    @CrazedTeenz 7 років тому

    Is it possible to slightly modify, Remap this mapping to be ordered by decks CABD instead of ABCD?

    • @traktortips
      @traktortips  7 років тому

      it totally should be - you'll just need to go into it and change all the A's to C's - B's to A's and C's to B's - just be careful to not change the ones you've already changed. Screen-shotting the process might help you keep track of everything.

  • @Complexautist
    @Complexautist 28 днів тому

    Be nice if midimosters sent me the map after payment.

  • @DavevanGorp
    @DavevanGorp 11 років тому

    Cool mapping, thanks!

    @AVANILEKILLER 7 років тому

    hey traktor tips, I have a f1 and x1 currently and I want to use something like this mapping on my f1 but how would i map my x1 to work with the mapping like using the knobs on the x1 as highs lows and mids etc or use some of the f1 mapping on the x1 where it works better?

    • @traktortips
      @traktortips  7 років тому +1

      hey there Ava. You can go into the controller manager, in the preferences and then select X1 mapping. Click edit t and 'duplicate' the mapping. Rename the new duplicate mapping to something you'll remember, go and disable the original mapping and then go in and change the new mappings you created to your preferred controls. (maybe I'll make video) be sure to check my "midi mappings" playlist here on youtube for any other helpful videos.

  • @DowgMusic1
    @DowgMusic1 9 років тому

    can i add effect in this mapping?

    • @sideone42
      @sideone42 8 років тому

      +DOWGMUSIC Have you figured out effects yet?

    • @CrazedTeenz
      @CrazedTeenz 7 років тому

      nah man. not possible. I thought of it too. buttons are lacking. You could however crate your own mapping but, fuck dat right lol

  • @bewhereyouareimhere6425
    @bewhereyouareimhere6425 10 років тому

    Hi Traktor tips hope you can reply to this comment to help me out with your expertise! Basically i have an s4 but my B fader is faulty and my crossfader due to spilt drink so could i have both mappings running but use my s4 for effects and tempo and headphone monitoring uses without anything glitchy happening with both mapping running, thanks for your vids and help your the best:)

    • @traktortips
      @traktortips  10 років тому

      I havent yet tested these two items together - I wonder if DJ Endo at ***** can answer your question.