Critical Acclaim Avenged Sevenfold - Guitar Cover By Cheewa (Instrumental)

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Critical Acclaim Avenged Sevenfold - Guitar Cover By Cheewa (Instrumental)
    Tuning Drop D
    Guitar : Schecter Demon 6 FR
    Amp : YAMAHA THR10
    Edit Vedio : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Auido Sony Vegas Pro 12
    Guitar Lesson Solo Critical Acclaim
    • How to play - Critical...
    / sathaporn.amornsin
    Line ID : Cheewa002
    IG : @cheewa_guitarist


  • @hbinitials7
    @hbinitials7 6 років тому +30

    One of my fav songs. And my fav guitar schecter demon 6 fr.. dang I'm in heaven😍😍

  • @yusarsahyatriindonesia3506
    @yusarsahyatriindonesia3506 3 місяці тому

    Critical Acclaim Karaoke - Lirik Lagu
    Sst, diam, mungkin akan membuat seseorang kesal
    Shh, quiet, might piss somebody off
    Seperti saya, bajingan, Anda sudah melakukannya terlalu lama
    Like me motherfucker, you've been at it for too long
    Sementara Anda memberi makan rasa tidak aman orang lain
    While you feed off others' insecurities
    Anda berdiri di depan saya dan menggigit tangan yang memberi makan
    You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds
    Sikap merasa benar sendiri mulai menipis
    Self-righteousness is wearing thin
    (Terletak di dalam kepalamu, sahabatmu)
    (Lies inside your head, your best friend)
    Hati berdarah tapi tidak untuk sesama pria
    Heart bleeds but not for fellow men
    (Pecahan kaca, bayangan palsumu)
    (Broken glass, your fake reflection)
    saya sudah cukup
    I've had enough
    Sudah waktunya untuk sesuatu yang nyata
    It's time for something real
    Saya tidak menghormati kata-kata yang Anda ucapkan
    I don't respect the words you're speaking
    Sudah terlalu jauh
    Gone too far
    Sebuah klon
    A clone
    Jadi bagaimana rasanya mengetahui anak seseorang
    So how does it feel to know that someone's kid
    Di jantung Amerika, tangan mereka berlumuran darah
    In the heart of America has blood on their hands
    Berjuang untuk membela hak-hak Anda
    Fighting to defend your rights
    Jadi Anda bisa menjaga gaya hidup
    So you can maintain a lifestyle
    Itu menghina keberadaan keluarganya
    That insults his family's existence
    Nah, dari tempat asalku, kami punya acara spesial
    Well, where I'm from we have a special
    Salut karena kita membidik tinggi ke udara
    Salute that we aim high in the air
    Terhadap semua bajingan sombong itu
    Towards all those pompous assholes
    Siapa yang menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan saling menyalahkan
    Who spend their days pointing fingers
    (Persetan denganmu)
    (Fuck you)
    Ssst, diam mungkin membuat seseorang kesal
    Shhh quiet might piss somebody off
    Seperti detak jantung negeri ini jika dimusuhi terlalu lama
    Like the heartbeat of this country when antagonized too long
    Terkutuklah aku jika kamu menganggapku sebagai bagian dari kemunafikanmu yang murah hati
    I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your generous hypocrisy
    Mengumpulkan musuh
    Collecting enemies
    Ratu gosip tabloid pria tak berharga
    Tabloid gossip queen worthless man
    (Kami tidak perlu menguburmu)
    (There's no need for us to bury you)
    Agenda egois sekali lagi
    Selfish agenda once again
    (Dengan cara ini kamu telah menggali kuburmu sendiri)
    (Right this way you've dug your own grave)
    saya sudah cukup
    I've had enough
    Sudah waktunya untuk sesuatu yang nyata
    It's time for something real
    Saya tidak menghormati kata-kata yang Anda ucapkan
    I don't respect the words you're speaking
    Sudah terlalu jauh
    Gone too far
    Sebuah klon
    A clone
    Sepanjang jalan dari timur ke barat kita
    All the way from the east to the west we
    Punya masyarakat kelas atas ini
    Got this high society
    Meremehkan fondasi mereka
    Looking down on their very foundation
    Selalu mengingatkan kita akan tindakan kita
    Constantly reminding us that our actions
    Apakah penyebab semua masalah mereka
    Are the cause of all their problems
    Menunjuk jari mereka ke segala arah
    Pointing their fingers in every
    Mengarahkan dan menyalahkan mereka
    Direction and blaming their
    Negara sendiri bagi siapa yang memenangkan pemilu
    Own nation for who wins the elections
    Mereka tidak pernah menyumbang apa pun kepada mereka
    They've never contributed a fucking thing to the
    Negara yang mereka suka kritik
    Country they love to criticize
    Maafkan yang cabul, abaikan yang tidak benar
    Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue
    Penggambaran yang kita lihat coba lalui
    Depictions we see try and get through
    Mengakui kesalahan bisa menyakitkan
    Admitting mistakes can hurt
    Aku bukan yang terakhir tapi aku yakin bukan yang pertama
    I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first
    Sst, diam, mungkin akan membuat seseorang kesal
    Shh, quiet, might piss somebody off
    Sikap merasa benar sendiri mulai menipis
    Self-righteousness is wearing thin
    (Terletak di dalam kepalamu, sahabatmu)
    (Lies inside your head your best friend)
    Hati berdarah tapi tidak untuk sesama manusia
    Heart bleeds but not for fellow men
    (Pecahan kaca refleksi palsumu)
    (Broken glass your fake reflection)
    Aku sudah muak, ini waktunya untuk sesuatu yang nyata
    I've had enough, it's time for something real
    Saya tidak menghormati kata-kata yang Anda ucapkan
    I don't respect the words you're speaking
    Sudah terlalu jauh
    Gone too far
    Sebuah klon
    A clone
    Sumber: LyricFind
    Penulis lagu: Brian Jr. Haner / James Sullivan / Jonathan Seward / Matthew Sanders / Zachary Baker
    Lirik Critical Acclaim © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

  • @mobile_plays2853
    @mobile_plays2853 3 роки тому +5

    Extremely underrated cover. Amazing! Also gives me a good idea about the guitar since I plan on buying it possibly

  • @chaynont3014
    @chaynont3014 6 років тому +2

    ช่วยCover เพลง in due time ให้ฟังหน่อยคับ

  • @vie8on126
    @vie8on126 4 місяці тому +1

    Drop C or Drop D ?

  • @hm3426
    @hm3426 5 років тому +4

    Awesome guitar. I should have bought it. Instead, I bought a PRS. Trusting that I would not have any trouble with it. Big mistake. The freaking thing had a bad neck. I tried to lower it to the lowest setting possible and it was a junk. I should have send it back to Sweetwater. Instead I took a change to fix it. Which proved to be a task. I have a Schecter. That one was possible to lower to the lower setting and the neck was perfectly straight. Barely touching the frets and it played awesome. But, I am very tempted to buy this guitar. I can't help myself. And the way it sounds, I might just might order it tomorrow. I owe $100. to synchrony bank. For, that PRS. This guitar was $650 at the time and it has gone down. And I have been waiting for that. The guy plays awesome!

    • @FrankyGotTheBill
      @FrankyGotTheBill Рік тому

      PRS are good guitars too, they have Floyd roses on them, they have 24 frets too. Why not play an A7X song on a PRS instead of a Schecter, why are people so negative over guitars to play a damn A7X song but they want to play it on a Schecter.

  • @riffage1999
    @riffage1999 5 років тому +5

    Do the pickups on that guitar compare to emgs? I’m thinking about getting one

  • @spencerbarbee5027
    @spencerbarbee5027 6 років тому +4

    Damn kid good job

  • @luckyr.a2800
    @luckyr.a2800 4 роки тому +1

    Melodinya cukup keras, tapi bikin tubuh jadi relax, persis anime karya sendiri.

  • @ezzahanam5273
    @ezzahanam5273 6 років тому +2

    youre really good at it..amazing

  • @mridlehands7262
    @mridlehands7262 6 років тому +1

    What amp or equipment are you using besides the guitar to get the perfect tone match?

  • @mirjengrongpi3577
    @mirjengrongpi3577 3 роки тому +1

    While using wammy bar...does the guitar untune?

    • @saiakku3935
      @saiakku3935 3 роки тому +3

      It depand on your guitar locking tune if u have a nice guitar it wont change 👍

    • @BRC21
      @BRC21 Рік тому +1

      This a Floyd rose system so no, they are incredibly stable and easy to use. (If you have any common sense that is)

  • @alimuhammadization
    @alimuhammadization Рік тому

    Ada backaoundnya

  • @KhambuyDotcomChannel
    @KhambuyDotcomChannel 2 роки тому

    What tremolo your using

    • @m.a.r.c.u.s8563
      @m.a.r.c.u.s8563 Рік тому +1

      Floyd rose original

    • @FrankyGotTheBill
      @FrankyGotTheBill Рік тому

      I think some people don't know what Floyd roses are, always using tremolos that Fenders has but they get out of tune real quick.

    • @BRC21
      @BRC21 Рік тому +1

      @@FrankyGotTheBill Floyd roses do not drop tuning and they are incredibly stable

  • @BryanPatrickMusic
    @BryanPatrickMusic 6 років тому +4

    How much years do you have playing?? Very good performance btw 🙌

    • @CheewaGuitarPlayer
      @CheewaGuitarPlayer  6 років тому +3

      Bryan Patrick Music I practice 6 years

    • @Zeqweery
      @Zeqweery 5 років тому

      Cheewa Guitar Player Should also practice English, too.

    • @zhakorino4746
      @zhakorino4746 3 роки тому +1

      @@Zeqweery stfu

    • @captpootis8495
      @captpootis8495 2 роки тому +2

      @@Zeqweery Maybe learn how to name yourself online too, So you don’t pull a Elon musk with your kid my guy.

    • @FrankyGotTheBill
      @FrankyGotTheBill Рік тому +1

      @@captpootis8495 Well i reported his comment, cause he was actually being racist. So you won't see him again.

  • @langgaaldika8182
    @langgaaldika8182 6 місяців тому

    Does it have a sustain pickup?

  • @FrankyGotTheBill
    @FrankyGotTheBill Рік тому

    People are so obsessed with the Demon 6