Vocal Coach reacts to Marcela Bovio and Stream of Passion performing Out in the Real World

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MarcelaBovio
    @MarcelaBovio Рік тому +162

    Spot on analysis, Bethany! 🔥 Thanks for checking out this song 😊❤

    • @TheSeeking2know
      @TheSeeking2know Рік тому +9

      Great to see you hear Marcela. You have a beautiful and present voice.

    • @ARetiredPirate
      @ARetiredPirate Рік тому +5

      Spot on analysis and a superb performance!

    • @mohammedm4483
      @mohammedm4483 Рік тому +2

      One of the best songs,I remember I used to play it on and on during studying for the final OSCE exam of surgery five years ago and till now it has the same charming melody to my ear

    • @lavir196
      @lavir196 Рік тому +1

      You are a Legend Marcelaaaaaaaaaaa

    • @demianmayer
      @demianmayer Рік тому +2

      I miss Elfonia

  • @jo_g.germany
    @jo_g.germany Рік тому +18

    I loved/love Stream of Passion! Marcela is unfortunately totally underrated outside of the fan communities that already know her. 🤘🖤

  • @evelynmontoya571
    @evelynmontoya571 Рік тому +4

    Just watched your review, Marcela is an amazing singer and she deserves more recognition for her talent. As mexican, I can only say that the metal community adores her, we are very proud of her and hope she keeps ascending in her career. She absolutely deserves the best. Also it’s great they are reuniting again.
    Just to finish, let me suggest you check up “Delirio”, obviously Stream of Passion too. Great review, glad you liked them.

  • @svenjensen9770
    @svenjensen9770 Рік тому +54

    Thank you so much for reacting to this one! Marcela deserves much more recognition. She's so underrated!
    Please do more Marcela Bovio music. Just added your channel! 👍🏼

  • @Green-Lyon
    @Green-Lyon Рік тому +15

    Don't be surprised if Marcela pops in again to say thanks as she did in the "Valley of the Queens" vid! Marcella, like Floor Jansen is a UBER vocal technique geek. She even is a certified "Universal Voice Method" instructor. She was a guest on the 'Mary-Jess Meets...' video podcast (Ep. 20) on UA-cam which you might find a really fascinating watch as she really geeks out about singing technique as well as discussing her life in music.

  • @roykliffen9674
    @roykliffen9674 Рік тому +29

    I love Marcella. She is so much more than just an accomplished vocalist.

  • @jensenmekk
    @jensenmekk Рік тому +7

    Mmmm Marcelas beautiful voice i never get enogh of it

  • @sterketjerke
    @sterketjerke Рік тому +39

    One of my favourite bands in the Netherlands. Such a pity they don't exist anymore, but... they have a reunion concert in September!
    Btw, I was at this concert 😄

    • @svenjensen9770
      @svenjensen9770 Рік тому +2

      I ' m jealous! 🙂 Must have been great!

    • @TheVocalyst
      @TheVocalyst  Рік тому +4

      Ahh that's so cool that you were there!!

  • @goodehands5388
    @goodehands5388 Рік тому +1

    Bethany, just a thank you, Marcela deserves to be recognized for her singing.

  • @timbaker7238
    @timbaker7238 Рік тому +17

    Marcela is one of the greatest vocal talents that I've ever heard 👍

  • @Alvvays667
    @Alvvays667 Рік тому +6

    🙌@Marcela Bovio🙌

  • @PW_Thorn
    @PW_Thorn Рік тому +3

    Stream of Passion is back ❤️‍🔥 they have dropped 2 new songs ('The hunter' and 'the end is the beginning') and... DAMN, THIS IS A COME BACK!!

  • @francescogallina2559
    @francescogallina2559 Рік тому +24

    Marcela is probably the most skilled singer inside metal-rock circus. Another woman inside my book about woman in rock.

    • @Kilian600
      @Kilian600 Рік тому +4

      There's a reason, why Arjen always used her for his guide vocals

    • @francescogallina2559
      @francescogallina2559 Рік тому +2

      Exactly. She is the centre of the vocal lines

    • @ericbraun4652
      @ericbraun4652 Рік тому

      LOVE her... we are so fortunate to be able to hear Marcella, Floor, Simone, Anneke whenever we want.

    • @francescogallina2559
      @francescogallina2559 Рік тому +1

      @@ericbraun4652 all the singers you mentioned are in my book :)

  • @mohammedm4483
    @mohammedm4483 Рік тому +1

    I am also fascinated by symphonic metal the way you are .The band is classified as symphonic progressive metal ,indeed this is one of the best songs I ever listened to and marcela what a beautiful voice. I listen to her almost every day

  • @thomasmikel3566
    @thomasmikel3566 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for reacting to this. Marcela is criminally underrated. When she hits her high notes, all the hair on my body stands on end. "Monster" from this show is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

  • @senacht
    @senacht Рік тому +1

    Marcela gets nowhere’s near the amount of recognition she deserves IMO. She’s a singer who never lets flash or vocal acrobatics get in the way of tone and expressiveness. She has the type of voice it’s extremely easy to fall in love with. Her stage presence is also very ladylike for lack of a better word. There’s a certain natural elegance to her demeanor that many of us find captivating despite her being numbered among a group of other brilliant female vocalists whose style is much more up front and in your face.

  • @doomfable3378
    @doomfable3378 Рік тому +8

    From the interviews and things she shares online, you can just tell how genuine and humble she is. She is such a versatile vocalist.

  • @RolandDeschain1
    @RolandDeschain1 Рік тому +4

    This is one of my all-time favourite songs.
    That album is utter perfection.

    @MCHESTEMM Рік тому +5

    I love Stream of Passion ❤️

  • @luizfernandomilanello452
    @luizfernandomilanello452 Рік тому +9

    Marcela is amazing!!!

  • @carlositurrios
    @carlositurrios Рік тому +1

    Marcela has a chingona voice, a mexican girl that was rejected here in México and had to try luck outside, and she got what she deserved, all success possible

  • @christinaalgate4899
    @christinaalgate4899 Рік тому +3

    I subscribed to Marcela last month. She's an Amazing singer.

  • @Rybore13
    @Rybore13 Рік тому +5

    she had even better performances from this same concert. Her cover of Street Spirit has high belts and some insane Lyric Soprano riffs.

  • @BinahTarot
    @BinahTarot Рік тому

    I highly recommend "My Leader", they have a live recording session which is probably one of her best performances ever.

  • @johan7170
    @johan7170 Рік тому +5

    Oh what a pleasant surprise ! Love SoP and It's not often we have a reaction to them, especialy from a qualified vocal coach. Thank you.
    Marcela is so good yet so underrated. I love SoP but I wish she would have found a spot in a bigger band so that more people would know her and appreciate her singing, like floor did when she joined Nightwish. Plus having met her I can tell she's very sweet, very nice, totally adorable...

    • @TheSeeking2know
      @TheSeeking2know Рік тому

      I agree. Sometimes it's just the roll of the dice. Getting into the top bands opens up massive opportunities for recognition...

    • @johan7170
      @johan7170 Рік тому

      @@TheSeeking2know Exactly. Example : Had they called her a years before, Floor would probably have declined Nightwish's call : She was in the middle of a burn-out that had forced her to cancel all her live shows since August 2011

  • @mkgym
    @mkgym Рік тому +1

    every now and then I hear Anneke van Giersbergen, they both have that nazal sound.🎶🎶🤟🏻🤟🏻

  • @juantimer
    @juantimer Рік тому +2

    Marcela is just wonderful.

  • @rnowak85
    @rnowak85 Рік тому +15

    Great reaction and analysis! One of my favorite Marcela/SoP songs. Hadn't seen this performance before but loved the energy. My favorite performance is from the Ayreon Into the Electric Castle live concert 2019. I think her vocals are a little higher in the mix and easier to hear all the details of her voice. I am a huge Marcela fan and think she has all the same wonderful versatility, power , and colors in her voice similar to Floor and Simone. Marcela recently dropped a re-make of her song The Edge of the World, ua-cam.com/video/1sJR5qR26Ow/v-deo.html, from her Through Your Eyes album in French, Jusqu'au bout de l'univers, ua-cam.com/video/3M4kytR00x8/v-deo.html. Both versions are just beautiful and emotional . A love song inspired by one of Marcela's patron's love for his wife. Just purchased her whole solo catalog and can't wait to listen to it all.

    • @rnowak85
      @rnowak85 Рік тому +2

      Some other Stream of Passion recommendations.
      My Leader - Live Acoustic - ua-cam.com/video/flV9xEmHdB0/v-deo.html
      Don't Let Go - Live Acoustic - ua-cam.com/video/oZtDhBh0eps/v-deo.html
      My All time Favorite Marcela song about surviving a cancer scare
      Here to Stay - ua-cam.com/video/joSDTT4ZWYs/v-deo.html

    • @Green-Lyon
      @Green-Lyon Рік тому

      I LOVE that performance! SUPER high energy with the background singing and everything 😊

  • @randalladams7692
    @randalladams7692 Рік тому +2

    Wow what a voice she's up there with floor and the crew they should be bigger love the music too your pretty and look good rocking keep up good work

  • @samyogojhaa2980
    @samyogojhaa2980 Рік тому +11

    Anneke van Giersbergen - Waking hour next please.

    • @MisterJ56
      @MisterJ56 Рік тому +5

      (live at Doornroosje (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) TG25): ua-cam.com/video/pUKBV8M_XXE/v-deo.html

    • @samyogojhaa2980
      @samyogojhaa2980 Рік тому +5

      @@MisterJ56 Yes, this one. Thanks for the link.

  • @Claysers
    @Claysers 2 місяці тому

    Marcela Bovio voice almost like the Gathering vocalist.. Wow so amazing

  • @Rosannasfriend
    @Rosannasfriend Рік тому +4

    Beautiful voice!

  • @methany4404
    @methany4404 Рік тому +1

    Very good voice and song. Thank you for sharing your comment.

  • @loutsont2985
    @loutsont2985 Рік тому

    Hi Bethany, I agree, Marcela is very precise in her vibrato, from none via light to heavy to almost Renaissance!

  • @robertchapman6795
    @robertchapman6795 Рік тому

    Wow. She sings so clearly!
    In Australia, we have the most beautiful, enchanting voice of Katie Noonan. I believe she is classically trained, but she has always been Indi.
    Her voice is incredible!

  • @PleaseExplainMe
    @PleaseExplainMe Рік тому +2

    Symphonic Metal / Prog Metal is the way to go. Marcella is great! Please check out: Ayreon - Intergalactic Space Crusaders (Universe). With the great Damian Wilson and Maggy Luijten! (And Marcella, Lisette, en Irene on the backing)

  • @CumulusBurn
    @CumulusBurn Рік тому +5

    Bethany is easily my favorite channel breaking into songs! Even though she focuses on the vocal performance (obviously) I love that she takes the lyrics/text into account so many times. I’d love to hear more from her regarding lyrics in songs n such, but at same time, I suppose that’s not really the aim of this channel. ReGARDLESS - these breakdowns and reactions from her are absolutely wonderful. 😎

  • @TinusTegenlicht
    @TinusTegenlicht Рік тому

    Check out the acoustic concert of Stream of Passion, you will definately love it and love Marcella in those songs.

  • @quigsthevicious
    @quigsthevicious Рік тому

    The version from the Live in the Real World show is worth a listen. Her sister does the backing vocals and it's pretty much like hearing the overdubbed harmony performed live on stage.

  • @kajakvisser
    @kajakvisser Рік тому +1

    Check out the newest release of "dear mother" featuring Marcella Bovio. Marcella's and David Hruska's vocals are incredible together!

  • @PHDarren
    @PHDarren Рік тому +1

    Do check out her youtube channel, lots of things on there full videos and youtube shorts. Ps. In connection with Anneke they were both in The Gentle Storm, another Arjen Anthony Lucasson project.

  • @charlymonky2
    @charlymonky2 Рік тому +2

    Todo listo que hace Marcela es "Sublime"...pero tienes que escuchar como canta desde el coro en "the Ayreon Universe"...sobretodo "Every Body Dies"...en el que Mikel Mills deja un registro muy alto...y dónde Marcela lo supera desde atrás....!!

  • @sophiemislin8284
    @sophiemislin8284 Рік тому

    You should listen to broken, what she does with her voice is mind blowing

  • @tazman66gt18
    @tazman66gt18 Рік тому +3

    you were talking about Anneke Van Giersbergen, Strange Machines by The Gathering, which Anneke was one of the leads, was the song Floor Jansen said on Beste Zangers that made her interested in metal.

  • @TheSeeking2know
    @TheSeeking2know Рік тому

    I am a fan of Marcela's voice!
    The potential was obvious in the "Valley of the Queens" video, but she really shines here!
    I would be very interested to hear her sing something like jazz or Latin, because she can do those warm and glissando (glides) style vocals, as well as the classical style and even some musical theatre and pop.
    A very versatile voice indeed!

  • @papaverweg
    @papaverweg Рік тому +2

    We love Marcela Bovio, she's a little underrated but stands her ground.
    Please note that Stream of Passion is not a 'band' either, but another project (like so many others) by Arjen Lucassen.
    Also watch her perform Deceiver/Sons of the Ocean (live 2006) ua-cam.com/video/SZeilPE9VF0/v-deo.html

  • @Elias.vazquez
    @Elias.vazquez 8 місяців тому

    omfg one reaccion stream of passion!! yes i love the band tys for you review

  • @islgrl292
    @islgrl292 Рік тому +1

    Enjoyed this! Don’t forget Ayreon “The Day the World Breaks Down”. A lot of the Best Metal singers about two minutes each. It’s a masterpiece!

  • @Kilian600
    @Kilian600 Рік тому +5

    Now, I hope, you will discover Anneke van Giersbergen for you, because she's one of the few musicians, which always enchant her listeners, actually she really cast a spell over her listeners, because you just want more Anneke.

  • @aleleeinnaleleeinn9110
    @aleleeinnaleleeinn9110 Рік тому +1

    MARCELA CAN DO IT ALL. From Stream of passion/Ayreon?MaYaN to a solo album with a string quartet. For a lot of her stuff, I get my step ladder so I can coimb up to here all the high notes.
    A few other SoP songs to consider are Haunted and the Endless night (oh the high notes) from Memento. The studio work is also great.
    From the solo Try Powerless or saboteurs.

  • @Nxort
    @Nxort Рік тому +2

    Fun fact: Marcela is from the same city as Paulina Villarreal and her sisters. 😀

  • @stendhalsyn12
    @stendhalsyn12 Рік тому +3

    Marcela is another singer that range from classical vocals to gowls

    • @stendhalsyn12
      @stendhalsyn12 Рік тому

      Marcela has a very cool podcast together with Diane(Ex-Libris, Xandria) www.youtube.com/@arewebetterfriendsyet/videos

  • @patrickvandenberg7700
    @patrickvandenberg7700 Рік тому

    If you are impressed by this song.....try their Street Spirit at the same concert. Unreal notes😊

  • @lynsmith1096
    @lynsmith1096 Рік тому +2

    Another track by Marcela showing different range of her voice check out Mayan with the track Rebirth and Despair live. Here is the link ua-cam.com/video/u5TQqUD74OE/v-deo.html

  • @nightwishlover8913
    @nightwishlover8913 Рік тому +6

    Been hoping....Yay! I don't know if you knew, but SoP was a band formed by Arjen Lucassen in which he used to play guitar, but left. They carried on without him for a while but then broke up. Marcela also formed part of Mayan, a group formed by Mark Jansen of Epica. Check out "Rebirth from Despair Live from "Masters of Rock 2019 to hear her growling and also features Mark's girlfriend, the classical soprano Laura Macri - fabulous voice - definitely worth a listen. Forgive me if I'm gushing...link: ua-cam.com/video/u5TQqUD74OE/v-deo.html

    • @seanmurphy637
      @seanmurphy637 Рік тому +2

      I enthusiastically second the recommendation of Rebirth from Dispair. So many awesome moments in this song and some wonderful surprises.

    • @rnowak85
      @rnowak85 Рік тому +3

      Arjen "discovered" Marcela when he had an open search for a new singer for his Ayreon project. She moved to the Netherlands to work with him. He helped Stream of a Passion get off the ground with the understanding that he would leave the band after the first couple of albums so they could pursue their artistic vision. I love a lot of songs off their last album. I concur on Rebirth from Despair just so you can see her versatility.

    • @TheVocalyst
      @TheVocalyst  Рік тому +2

      I did NOT know so keep on gushing! 😊 I love learning how interconnected these awesome people are!

    • @nightwishlover8913
      @nightwishlover8913 Рік тому

      @@TheVocalyst 🤘

    • @JoaquinMontenegro
      @JoaquinMontenegro Рік тому

      Definitely you should listen Marcela in Mayan "Rebirth from Despair" (ua-cam.com/video/u5TQqUD74OE/v-deo.html)

  • @jeangasp4819
    @jeangasp4819 Рік тому

    You are so sweet bethany

  • @thelordsavior8559
    @thelordsavior8559 Рік тому

    Please listen/react to Elfonia, a mexican band where Marcela sang. They had amazing songs too 👌🏻❤

  • @foxledbyheart7752
    @foxledbyheart7752 11 місяців тому

    She sounds so much like Anneke😱

  • @biglew1161
    @biglew1161 Рік тому +1

    So much GOOD music from across the pond!! makes me hate our crappy American music industry even more. I'd never get to hear about most of these bands if it wasn't for you tube reactors and my Serius subscription.

  • @hypercube33
    @hypercube33 Рік тому

    🤘 You should book 70,000 Tons 2024 :)
    Another one to check out is SCARDUST feat. PATTY GURDY - "CONCRETE CAGES" or Dear Mother (Marcela Bovio is feat on one of their songs)

  • @anthonycragg451
    @anthonycragg451 Рік тому +3

    Here is one of Marcela early tracks from her other band Elfonia

  • @Rosannasfriend
    @Rosannasfriend Рік тому +4

    She sounds a lot like Anneke van Giersbergen here.

  • @madmex2k
    @madmex2k Рік тому

    Thank You for reviewing and all that you do. I would like to see you react to Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" cover by A Capella group VoicePlay. definitely a great song to review.

  • @MatheusSantos-ye5hz
    @MatheusSantos-ye5hz Рік тому

    Please, react to Gabriel Henrique Oh Holy Night, pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!! I love youuuuu
    You'll be so amazeddd!!!

  • @ericsaari2901
    @ericsaari2901 Рік тому +5

    Hi Bethany! I didn't know this band. Thanks for reacting to them. Could I make a suggestion for Lovebites? They're more power metal, but maybe I'll suggest Empty Daydream, live from 2019. Sort of more rock, with 80s overtones. Either that or Swan Song (with the Chopin intro) or Frozen Serenade, also live. Maybe Edge of the World. Just trying to pick things that show Asami's vocals a bit and give you an idea. Curious what you'd say about Asami. They're got quite a range of things, but most of it is very power metal oriented (and awesome - the talent level on stage is amazing) and i aimed here for things just a wee bit slower. It's very hard to pick a song that shows everything, when coming from a vocal perspective too.

  • @Soilfood365
    @Soilfood365 Рік тому +1

    Not sure if you've landed on them already and I missed it, but my brain always wants to follow up with Lacuna Coil - maybe Swamped - when I hear Stream of Passion. I'd be interested to hear your comparisons and contrasts between the vocal performances.

    • @TheVocalyst
      @TheVocalyst  Рік тому +1

      Not yet... but coming soon!

    • @rnowak85
      @rnowak85 Рік тому +1

      I concur. The live performance from England.

  • @jonathanwatson5818
    @jonathanwatson5818 Рік тому

    Liliac- Not Afraid (Extended Version).
    Raspy/Gritty vocals, Opera, Whistle Notes, Throat singing, plays Bass guitar and Flute too.
    She's also young at just 21 and is Independent.

  • @lartoza1983
    @lartoza1983 Рік тому +1

    Hi Bethany, please react to Gigi de Lana “ UNHOLY”

  • @ARetiredPirate
    @ARetiredPirate Рік тому +1

    Not so good quality, but this is her doing monolith of doubt, from.. after forever, the band floor was in with mark from epica/mayan. There also is a version from a young(er) Floor singing this. ua-cam.com/video/PPxUVzMcZfI/v-deo.html

  • @Carrinthe
    @Carrinthe Рік тому +1

    Really love your reaction to Marcela, she's a great singer and so versitile. I hope you do more reactions of her. May I suggest Loniliness Anthem #2 ua-cam.com/video/1GXNK1aY4dI/v-deo.html and Dark Horse White Horse - Black hole ua-cam.com/video/LSDiFH0Ok1M/v-deo.html

  • @gerrygrouwe70
    @gerrygrouwe70 Рік тому +1

    She is a younger version of anneke van giersbergen

  • @hanielyngalano2518
    @hanielyngalano2518 Рік тому

    Try Gigi de Lana cover of Unholy by Sam Smith and Kim Petras

  • @maartinni
    @maartinni Рік тому +1

    Hola 👋!! Cómo estás !! Te quería pedir si pudieras hacer una reacción latina en tu canal, es sobre el artista argentino Abel Pintos, la canción se llama "El Antigal", sería un honor escuchar tu reacción, saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷

  • @sunset5399
    @sunset5399 Рік тому +1

    Please react more to Diana Ankudinova.
    Folk song "Rechenka" (River) - it's an unreal masterpiece.

  • @crhu319
    @crhu319 Рік тому +1

    This is a great performance but seems to be captured from the audience not from the mixing board, which just isn't suitable for a reaction. Sad that so many fantastic live performances aren't properly recorded.

  • @enchong2593
    @enchong2593 Рік тому

    Can you please react on Gigi De Lana's cover of Unholy? You will be surprised.

  • @minardcaballero5025
    @minardcaballero5025 Рік тому

    Unholy by gigi de lana try to watch new transformation

  • @ragilwibowo4116
    @ragilwibowo4116 Рік тому +1

    Forgive me but seriously i suggest you to react this ua-cam.com/video/9bsiRtOYt2M/v-deo.html roomate project assia keva sing only you.. Thank you 🙏

  • @EZMell
    @EZMell Рік тому

    you are so sweet bethany- can you analyze a turkish song again. sertab
    She is wonderful

  • @skorpionx5153
    @skorpionx5153 Рік тому

    Hi. Can you please react to Can't Get You out of My Head (Cover) - AnnenMayKantereit x Parcels ?

  • @downdemon2378
    @downdemon2378 Рік тому

    As a producer not familiar with this artist, my first impression was her voice is too thin when the band enters fully. It sounds to me like a young girl drowning in a whirlpool and I struggle to hear her over the thick electronics. This is in stark contrast to LFabian's "Adagio", where her exquisite delicateness is preserved over an entire orchestra. Just my 2 cents...