Would love a series of these types of videos. Something I can send to friends who want to get into the game. I've noticed that there is tons of content/guides for people who already play smite, but basically nothing for new players. We as a community kind of just shove them in the arena and lock the door until they figure it out, but this doesn't really work when you're a group of friends trying to get another friend to join. A friend in my group never wants to play because he feels so far behind and lost that he just doesn't enjoy the game at all, and having all four of us talking over each other trying to condense our years of experience into a 5 minute crash course for him is frustrating for everyone involved lol
It especially doesn’t help that arena really doesn’t prepare people for the other game modes. Their different mechanics and different build styles etc. you can play plenty of arena and still be spammed to delete the game or go back to arena as soon as you try to branch out into other game modes
Weak3n Has put out many Play by plays on different gods over the years. Most of their kits should be the same if not all. If you go through the videos or the playlist and watch those I believe it will help you out.
An awesome video idea ive been thinking of would be to show new players of conquest what each individual role is meant to do, this would be great for us to show newer friends to conquest and how they handle their role, what camps they need to prioritize during the laning phase, when they need to make rotations, and what their role is during the late game/grouping phase. This could even be a multivideo series which would be great
Notification gang. This vid came at the perfect time. Some of my friends started playing cause of the collab and I've been linking them your season 10 guides. Now this is gonna help them with one of the more overwhelming parts for new people
Good info. Good breakdown of the essential stuff! I'd like to see maybe a deeper dive in the core items for each build per role. Kinda giving an either or approach and why the items related are good.
I also instantly thought of a paradise when I looked at this, it confirmed my suspicions about the traveler being a dyson sphere; and better yet, bungie strikes again, a shield world! How marvelous. How interesting. How wonderful, our boy is back!
I will need a more basic speak I'm lost. I never understood building of this game and I'm revisiting it after a long extended break from it. Trying to play with friends, but I don't even think they themselves know that much about the items and builds either to help me.
For those wondering im pretty sure he keeps refering to spear of desolation as spear of the magus. You can tell because he says spear of the magus has cdr which it obviously doesnt.
Weird idea, but I think it would be doable. You mentioned auto attack vs ability based for hunters and I think it would be a cool idea to break down each class into sub-classes. Like some warriors that play better as an assassin or a guardian that plays better as a mage type of thing. Just a thought
Great vid and great info. I don't think it was mentioned but might be worth noting to new players that Weak3n referred to the old %Pen system of 10, 20, 30, 40 and it was recently changed to 8, 16, 24, 32 (I only bring it up cause a buddy of mine watched and asked) Thanks for the knowledge as always Weak3n 🙏
I agree with you saying I'll never be able to tell you how to build each God. However, I feel like there is/has been BASELINE builds, that for your class, has everything you need " ". Just for a general game. Like for example, coming up with a guardian build that had max ccr, cdr, and high defenses(health usually included among those items averaging 3k health). Those builds imo are what is needed for people looking to pick up a new god/class. Then once you get comfortable enough with it comes the variable changes like counter-building etc. For example, I feel a solid guardian build for ALL guardians is Sentinels, gauntlet, pridwen, spirit robe, spear of deso, and ethereal staff.
Great vid. Clarification for everyone. There's a couple of times when he says Spear of the Magus when talking about flat pen, he means Spear of Desolation for those ones. Spear of the magus give percent pen so is useful for different occasions. Both are still good items though
This is a great jumping off point for not only new players, but everyone to ensure that they haven't fallen into bad practices and tendencies over time. I try to cover the things you mentioned above to people I know that want to jump into any MOBA and believe that they should always develop the habit of asking themselves the following two questions before they build an item (particularly at the start of the game, and in ALL game modes): 1) How many of the enemy gods are physical vs magical damage and does that make it easy to take a single protection item to cripple incoming damage (keeping in mind that Guardians should always account for this answer to determine what protection aura item options they should consider as early item build options). 2) How many of the enemy gods have team healing and how many have self-sustain via healing and/or lifesteal? Since the answer to the second question can change as the enemy builds items to buff/add healing or lifesteal, sanity check the enemy builds everytime you get ready to add a new item to your build and adapt as required. It's always fine to build a Divine Ruin or Brawler's Beat Stick vs ignoring the enemy team's sustain since both of these items are so solid for you againt everyone, and I just suggest them as core items for new players until they gain enough experience to adapt builds on the fly as they gain more gameplay experience. Finally, I remind them that aura items state that they effect "all allies" within range but fail to mention "INCLUDING YOURSELF". Yes, the person who builds an aura item also gains it's rewards. The item builder screen fails to show this treating you like you haven't spawned and are therefore out of play and not within the aura range but you'll see the proper stats in-game as well as within the practice training mode. IOW, aura items are great for everyone, including the person who builds these items.
I liked this vid as well, I never build beads on my tanks I always assumed that if someone like fen or baron for example waste their ultimate on me as ymir then it's a win for my team but it makes sense that me being alive is still probably better then getting a fen ult off the board.
Yeah that the problem with you dying to a engage ult its that your carries will have no support to peel them from the engage of 3 picks, worst if none of them have a good self peel kit, and leaving the team with one member less its a bad decision most if the you are the one that have to deal and work towards the engage and counter engage, supps are devalued in most cases but that doesnt make them one of the best tools in TF
Thanks, this is very helpful. Feeling lost cause I'm always 3 or more level below rest of team at lvl 10. I'll utilize this and hopefully I will stop being a drag.
This is honestly the perfect thing I was looking for in helping friends out who are coming back to the game or just starting. I do have a question though, and that would be about Glyphs. When is the best time to upgrade an item into a Gylph? after you finish the item or when your full build? or is it also situational?
Depends on the god and the upgraded glyph. Some glyphs are core and some it doesn't matter which one you pick up. Like Thanatos wants Jotun's Vigor since the physical lifesteal and movement speed is super helpful on him but Susano just wants to get Jotun's online at all but you could make an argument to build either of the glyph upgrades for it.
I think the biggest problem new players face or people who haven't played in years is the insane 130 god roster, so when it comes to building and counter-building, how do people know what to focus on when they don't even know what their opponents can do, maybe also make a video about all the gods, start with the meta God's (what you'll run into a lot) that would be an awesome guide for newbies
Noob question here: does physical protection defend against auto attacks, minions, and towers, while magical defense protects against abilities? Or does it simply depend on if the god is physical or magical? I can't ever tell during the match if I've built the right kind of defense. For example, if you're playing against a Bacchus, does it even make sense to build physical defense to stop his auto attacks, or does magical defense cover that since he is considered a magical god?
Its god based. Magic gods to magic damage with abilities and autos. Physical gods to physical damage with abilities and autos. Minions/towers do physical damage
Would love to see a video on general smite situations that happen and how to capitalize on them. For example, two man gank in solo happens from their jungle and support, so you can force a gold fury and fight 4v2
@@itzjoshno1bruv552exactly is there any guides that show this cos I get fucking wrecked every game but have to use the auto builder every game cos my brain get fried when I look at it all
Where the counterbuilduing gets confusing to me is when you're trying to figure out which items out of your almost normal kinda rotation, do/can you sacrifice to swap with a counter build item. Like as support...don't want to sacrifice CD or buff auras etc
Nice vid. Unfort that you accidentally mistook spear of magus with deso. In case anyone was confused the 2 times he says magus he actually meant desolation.
I been playing smite for some time now and I just started playing ranked now I am very good in assault and arena game mode which are the easiest I peak, conquest and joust are totally different Builds you need to test every god you play and feel it out and see what’s best You need to over understand the game by getting experience, when you play assault try playing god from every roles maybe 2-3 from each and read what each item does, learning gods allowing you to understand what they do how they play and their builds, example if you know Aphrodite she’s a support healer can do damage to but the healing is known on her you counter her by building an item that decreases healing as a active passive, she’s squishy mostly you can kill her easily by targeting her all together. That’s one example if yoh play smite and ignore what every item can do and stick to one god you will certainly never get better
I’ve been playing for years and it truly feels like if people build defense they’re unkillable but if I build defense I’m still just as squishy, trying really hard to figure this shit out
Can you teach people how to engage in a fight, because I had a game where my Loki got a kill during a team fight then went to mid lane to clear wave with full health while the team was still in there middle of fighting and we lost because of it
I know AMC HAS good ability dmg, but I also thought and considered him as an AA. Feel like he can do both, but I thought AA was where can shine brightest
I played thana back it the day where you could go crit lifesteal and attack speed and trade anyone who didnt watched alot of your videos then figured out why crit on thana was very wrong now i go full cdr and power maybe with bloodfordge a build that lets me ult every squishy i see and make them disappear
Im a bit behind on the meta but I was wondering are crit builds still good for izanami because I saw just a raw auto attack build on prosmite with no crits
question what do i need to do to get you to teach me to play joust and the arena, cause as of now i have no clue i just wing it not sure wth im doing????
If you’re in the jungle and let’s say they have an aphro support, would you build antiheal early or mid game? I could see both answers as viable I’m just curious as to what is the better route.
if they are having that be a solo lane i would build it mid since you can build whatever early and deal with it. But if u cant handle the healing i would build it early
The anti heal one imo is the better glyph anyways specially post adjustment as while it doesn’t improve your boxing capabilities as much just having the anti heal is too important in matches where it has some applicability.
If you’re against a Geb or Nike or other shield-heavy god, is it always good to get Erosion or Sunder? Also, I have some trouble with choosing a second relic as a support or solo.
this may be a stupid idea but im a cerb support main and id like to be able to play him in a meta that has hachi doing crazy damage and nem being one of the best jungles in the game. i know alot of it is game sense and wards but id like to know if theres any key items to build thatll make my life a little easier
Does this work for joust/duel? cuz even adcs I feel like they need some defense in those modes, maybe not so much joust. Can you make a guide on joust if that's the case?
Can you flesh out your hunter anti heal thoughts? I feel like Envenomed Deathbringer and Toxic Blade are enough to fit most ADC builds. All Crit builds can fit anti heal, attack speed builds with Toxic Blade get so much attack speed I don't see why it's a huge loss for stats? Idk
I’m trying to get some friends into smite but they say it seems daunting. I really enjoy playing support roles of any kind, can you make any suggestions on god pairing for joust for beginners? I want them to have a good first couple of experiences
Alley oops. A cc with damage to follow up really, regardless of which class Slows make it easy for hunters, assassins and mages to hit confirm, hunters always have their damage online since they don't rely on abilities to do damage Hard cc's like stuns, knock-ups pulls etc are stronger cc than slows bs more restrictive on the enemy. Just a 1 sec hard cc let's mages/assassins get their burst damage off and kill or atleast chunk them 60+%
The problem I have as a tank is how do I counter build against penetration? I just get melted Al the time with capped out protections! Do I just build straight up health to counter it or build things that slow the enemy down?
@@avi123abc Well early its easy since prots are very powerfull the early you got them since prots have diminishing returns the more you stack them and pen its only usually on adc´s after full build. For late its mostly utility and having enough cc as supp to do good engages, beign cc´d will get you killed as supp or solo, squishies dies whatever they are or not cc´d since burst its so high. remember you got from 500% to 1000% more uptime or EHP than carries
So, just wondering, what do you do when teammates get upset because you don't copy paste builds that pros do? Example going herc and not getting golden blade. Am I wrong for rushing defense instead of getting GB?
Just tried my first two games of conquest. Kinda guy bullied outa both cause I wasn’t very good. It didn’t really bother me but I prob won’t play again. How else can I learn? I’ll gladly play something else
Someone should get an ai, feed all the in game data values damge, prots attack speed, movement speed ect, and then the items and goods they correlate to, combine that with a text ai and u have a smite ai that optimizes your build so long as all the data values stay updated.
That won't do much because item and god synergy is often subjective. Something like wing blade would most likely be heavily devalued by an AI pulling data as it's utility is felt within the context of a live game rather than in hard data.
I really hate how some tanks just build the same items regardless of team comp. I’ve seen so many buy spectral when facing a guardian, mage and an assassin not even building crit. Like what a wasted item. You also see in non-ranked joust people having all the same damage type (all mag or all physical) and a tank building defence for the wrong type because they always build that item and they have no idea what other item to build instead. Some people are just brain dead
Would love a series of these types of videos. Something I can send to friends who want to get into the game. I've noticed that there is tons of content/guides for people who already play smite, but basically nothing for new players. We as a community kind of just shove them in the arena and lock the door until they figure it out, but this doesn't really work when you're a group of friends trying to get another friend to join. A friend in my group never wants to play because he feels so far behind and lost that he just doesn't enjoy the game at all, and having all four of us talking over each other trying to condense our years of experience into a 5 minute crash course for him is frustrating for everyone involved lol
Why did you just fully explain my whole PlayStation party😂😂😂
It especially doesn’t help that arena really doesn’t prepare people for the other game modes. Their different mechanics and different build styles etc. you can play plenty of arena and still be spammed to delete the game or go back to arena as soon as you try to branch out into other game modes
As the friend who’s trying to play for the first time in my group, yeah this is genuinely frustrating lmao
9:35 Damn, Guan Yu has been letting himself go
All that rice wine really caught up to him
that's coz his team is always 0-10 before his first rotation
Came here looking for this kinda comment
The disrespect to Zhong Kui is real 😅
I know right? Shocking transformation :O
Would love to see a god guide where you take like 10 gods and show their combos and general tactics using their kit
Bad idea, way too bronze.
Weak3n Has put out many Play by plays on different gods over the years. Most of their kits should be the same if not all. If you go through the videos or the playlist and watch those I believe it will help you out.
@@jdturkdrcox yes but its still to help new players learn how to build which most people even if ur somewhat experienced you would now how
An awesome video idea ive been thinking of would be to show new players of conquest what each individual role is meant to do, this would be great for us to show newer friends to conquest and how they handle their role, what camps they need to prioritize during the laning phase, when they need to make rotations, and what their role is during the late game/grouping phase. This could even be a multivideo series which would be great
This I'm always solo lane and sometimes I still get a guardian tryna follow me lmao
Notification gang. This vid came at the perfect time. Some of my friends started playing cause of the collab and I've been linking them your season 10 guides. Now this is gonna help them with one of the more overwhelming parts for new people
I like how when you said Guan Yu you zoomed onto Zhong Kui lmfaoooo
about 1/100 games i would build beads on a tank just so i dont feed. i always got flamed for that. this gave me my confidence back. thx
I feel this
If they all have a cc in there kit yes I’m buying beads and ccr items
Good info. Good breakdown of the essential stuff! I'd like to see maybe a deeper dive in the core items for each build per role. Kinda giving an either or approach and why the items related are good.
This was a fantastic explanation. You did a great job breaking down the early/late game items in terms of what value they give you. 👍
I also instantly thought of a paradise when I looked at this, it confirmed my suspicions about the traveler being a dyson sphere; and better yet, bungie strikes again, a shield world! How marvelous. How interesting. How wonderful, our boy is back!
I'm generally the one who does"homework" in smite and how the build for my squad so this really helps
I will need a more basic speak I'm lost. I never understood building of this game and I'm revisiting it after a long extended break from it. Trying to play with friends, but I don't even think they themselves know that much about the items and builds either to help me.
I've got two hours in this game and I'm so lost when I watch a guide. If you've found anything helpful in the last year lmk 😂
Good video! Might wanna slow down how fast you’re talking however, it makes it a bit difficult to understand sometimes
Man I knew most of this stuff and still came away feeling like this was worth the watch. Very informative.
This is a VERY useful build for a new SMITE player like myself! Explains of lot of what has been a struggle in matches.
I like these videos. After getting to plat
then feeling like I'm complete trash at smite now, these basics and deep dive kinda videos are nice.
Literally the best video yet!! And im Inlove with your Elo Hell series. Building a "player" from the ground up!!
I've come back to this alot
This needs to be a series
For those wondering im pretty sure he keeps refering to spear of desolation as spear of the magus. You can tell because he says spear of the magus has cdr which it obviously doesnt.
Love the "Make sure youre buying wards." just thrown in at the end
Cancel that
Weird idea, but I think it would be doable. You mentioned auto attack vs ability based for hunters and I think it would be a cool idea to break down each class into sub-classes. Like some warriors that play better as an assassin or a guardian that plays better as a mage type of thing. Just a thought
Great vid and great info. I don't think it was mentioned but might be worth noting to new players that Weak3n referred to the old %Pen system of 10, 20, 30, 40 and it was recently changed to 8, 16, 24, 32 (I only bring it up cause a buddy of mine watched and asked) Thanks for the knowledge as always Weak3n 🙏
The math is the same either way -_-
@ChristianON If by math you mean the amount of %pen items to reach cap then yes, if just talking the numbers then not really. It's nbd though.
I agree with you saying I'll never be able to tell you how to build each God. However, I feel like there is/has been BASELINE builds, that for your class, has everything you need " ". Just for a general game. Like for example, coming up with a guardian build that had max ccr, cdr, and high defenses(health usually included among those items averaging 3k health). Those builds imo are what is needed for people looking to pick up a new god/class. Then once you get comfortable enough with it comes the variable changes like counter-building etc. For example, I feel a solid guardian build for ALL guardians is
Sentinels, gauntlet, pridwen, spirit robe, spear of deso, and ethereal staff.
Great vid. Clarification for everyone. There's a couple of times when he says Spear of the Magus when talking about flat pen, he means Spear of Desolation for those ones. Spear of the magus give percent pen so is useful for different occasions. Both are still good items though
Played for years still gonna watch
I've been waiting for this video. I've seen others "build videos" but this is the one I wanted.
This is a great jumping off point for not only new players, but everyone to ensure that they haven't fallen into bad practices and tendencies over time.
I try to cover the things you mentioned above to people I know that want to jump into any MOBA and believe that they should always develop the habit of asking themselves the following two questions before they build an item (particularly at the start of the game, and in ALL game modes):
1) How many of the enemy gods are physical vs magical damage and does that make it easy to take a single protection item to cripple incoming damage (keeping in mind that Guardians should always account for this answer to determine what protection aura item options they should consider as early item build options).
2) How many of the enemy gods have team healing and how many have self-sustain via healing and/or lifesteal?
Since the answer to the second question can change as the enemy builds items to buff/add healing or lifesteal, sanity check the enemy builds everytime you get ready to add a new item to your build and adapt as required. It's always fine to build a Divine Ruin or Brawler's Beat Stick vs ignoring the enemy team's sustain since both of these items are so solid for you againt everyone, and I just suggest them as core items for new players until they gain enough experience to adapt builds on the fly as they gain more gameplay experience.
Finally, I remind them that aura items state that they effect "all allies" within range but fail to mention "INCLUDING YOURSELF". Yes, the person who builds an aura item also gains it's rewards. The item builder screen fails to show this treating you like you haven't spawned and are therefore out of play and not within the aura range but you'll see the proper stats in-game as well as within the practice training mode. IOW, aura items are great for everyone, including the person who builds these items.
I've learned a bunch of this just from watching your vids, but I am glad to finally have a good video to send to my friends who are just starting
I liked this vid as well, I never build beads on my tanks I always assumed that if someone like fen or baron for example waste their ultimate on me as ymir then it's a win for my team but it makes sense that me being alive is still probably better then getting a fen ult off the board.
Yeah that the problem with you dying to a engage ult its that your carries will have no support to peel them from the engage of 3 picks, worst if none of them have a good self peel kit, and leaving the team with one member less its a bad decision most if the you are the one that have to deal and work towards the engage and counter engage, supps are devalued in most cases but that doesnt make them one of the best tools in TF
Thanks, this is very helpful. Feeling lost cause I'm always 3 or more level below rest of team at lvl 10. I'll utilize this and hopefully I will stop being a drag.
This is honestly the perfect thing I was looking for in helping friends out who are coming back to the game or just starting. I do have a question though, and that would be about Glyphs. When is the best time to upgrade an item into a Gylph? after you finish the item or when your full build? or is it also situational?
Depends on the god and the upgraded glyph. Some glyphs are core and some it doesn't matter which one you pick up. Like Thanatos wants Jotun's Vigor since the physical lifesteal and movement speed is super helpful on him but Susano just wants to get Jotun's online at all but you could make an argument to build either of the glyph upgrades for it.
Situational, unless you’re solo then upgrade tp glyph asap it’s hyper valuable to be present in team fights / objs
Thank you for the educational content! Helps me improve. Have already gotten to high Platinum watching you. Aiming for Masters.
Love the educational video as i made these many mistakes before this video now this helps me when im off rolling when i aint jungle/carry
Really needed this, thank you so much weaken!
I think the biggest problem new players face or people who haven't played in years is the insane 130 god roster, so when it comes to building and counter-building, how do people know what to focus on when they don't even know what their opponents can do, maybe also make a video about all the gods, start with the meta God's (what you'll run into a lot) that would be an awesome guide for newbies
Love the kingdom hearts background music at the start
Weaken I’ve been playing smite and never used a build guide but I knew what I was expecting . I never knew how to counter build or build properly.
Weak3n been on it with the great content grind lately.
I normally build toward God's passive. the first 2-3 items should be core, and after counter or anti counter.
Kingdom hearts Tarzan theme love it
Thank you, I just got into smite and was always getting my ass kicked and now I have an idea why
Tysm brand new player and this is helpful to me
Noob question here: does physical protection defend against auto attacks, minions, and towers, while magical defense protects against abilities? Or does it simply depend on if the god is physical or magical? I can't ever tell during the match if I've built the right kind of defense. For example, if you're playing against a Bacchus, does it even make sense to build physical defense to stop his auto attacks, or does magical defense cover that since he is considered a magical god?
Its god based. Magic gods to magic damage with abilities and autos. Physical gods to physical damage with abilities and autos. Minions/towers do physical damage
Very insightful, hopefully I can drag myself out of my abysmal MMR soon
Would love to see a video on general smite situations that happen and how to capitalize on them. For example, two man gank in solo happens from their jungle and support, so you can force a gold fury and fight 4v2
I didnt understand a thing :))
Yea bro ik what you mean would help if he actually showed you the build screen and showed where and how many items to put on the build 0_o
@@itzjoshno1bruv552exactly is there any guides that show this cos I get fucking wrecked every game but have to use the auto builder every game cos my brain get fried when I look at it all
Fr like wtf shit got me mad
Where the counterbuilduing gets confusing to me is when you're trying to figure out which items out of your almost normal kinda rotation, do/can you sacrifice to swap with a counter build item. Like as support...don't want to sacrifice CD or buff auras etc
Bruh im over here thinking I got my basics down. Then I hear AMC being an ability hunter just blew my mind lmao
Watching this everyday until I’m good part 2
Nice vid. Unfort that you accidentally mistook spear of magus with deso. In case anyone was confused the 2 times he says magus he actually meant desolation.
I been playing smite for some time now and I just started playing ranked now I am very good in assault and arena game mode which are the easiest I peak, conquest and joust are totally different
Builds you need to test every god you play and feel it out and see what’s best
You need to over understand the game by getting experience, when you play assault try playing god from every roles maybe 2-3 from each and read what each item does, learning gods allowing you to understand what they do how they play and their builds, example if you know Aphrodite she’s a support healer can do damage to but the healing is known on her you counter her by building an item that decreases healing as a active passive, she’s squishy mostly you can kill her easily by targeting her all together. That’s one example if yoh play smite and ignore what every item can do and stick to one god you will certainly never get better
You can have 2 of the final tear for an item, right? Looking all over online but can't find the answer
I have 300 hours on smite and never learned how to build until this 😂
I’ve been playing for years and it truly feels like if people build defense they’re unkillable but if I build defense I’m still just as squishy, trying really hard to figure this shit out
Ok so which boots should I build? Very curious
would like to know that too
Can't wait to see this thanks Kurt 😁
Great concise info 👌🏼
Intro really giving me kingdom hearts vibes. Is the track from KH?
Can you teach people how to engage in a fight, because I had a game where my Loki got a kill during a team fight then went to mid lane to clear wave with full health while the team was still in there middle of fighting and we lost because of it
I know AMC HAS good ability dmg, but I also thought and considered him as an AA. Feel like he can do both, but I thought AA was where can shine brightest
I played thana back it the day where you could go crit lifesteal and attack speed and trade anyone who didnt watched alot of your videos then figured out why crit on thana was very wrong now i go full cdr and power maybe with bloodfordge a build that lets me ult every squishy i see and make them disappear
Good looking for this video 💯
This is prob a noob question but how do you know when to build crit vs damage on hunters? Only if they are alot of squishies?
In general, if the hunter has an attack stim(attack speed buff on skill) build crit. If the hunter has more damaging abilites then don't build crit.
What’s up! Love this kind of content.
Im a bit behind on the meta but I was wondering are crit builds still good for izanami because I saw just a raw auto attack build on prosmite with no crits
Haven’t played in 2 weeks and it’s a completely different game thx hi rez
question what do i need to do to get you to teach me to play joust and the arena, cause as of now i have no clue i just wing it not sure wth im doing????
I watch stuff like this after I take a break from the game. PLEASE make something like this for 2
If you’re in the jungle and let’s say they have an aphro support, would you build antiheal early or mid game? I could see both answers as viable I’m just curious as to what is the better route.
if they are having that be a solo lane i would build it mid since you can build whatever early and deal with it. But if u cant handle the healing i would build it early
Can you mix crit with pen or you have to go one or the other?
@weak3n do you think running the anti heal DB glyph is worth on AA characters? In my games people are shitters and won’t build antiheal
The anti heal one imo is the better glyph anyways specially post adjustment as while it doesn’t improve your boxing capabilities as much just having the anti heal is too important in matches where it has some applicability.
If you’re against a Geb or Nike or other shield-heavy god, is it always good to get Erosion or Sunder? Also, I have some trouble with choosing a second relic as a support or solo.
this may be a stupid idea but im a cerb support main and id like to be able to play him in a meta that has hachi doing crazy damage and nem being one of the best jungles in the game. i know alot of it is game sense and wards but id like to know if theres any key items to build thatll make my life a little easier
How do I tell what’s flat pen vs % pen?
@weak3n should I buy spectral into a olorun late game
Would you say that Hou Yi is an AA hunter?
That feels when the enemy has chac Anubis hel afro Apollo and your the only person who has antiheal.
9:37 damn Guan Yu got a make over huh?
Back after 3 yrs so weird to not have boots lol
Does this work for joust/duel? cuz even adcs I feel like they need some defense in those modes, maybe not so much joust. Can you make a guide on joust if that's the case?
joust stats are different then conquest, different from arena, different from clash. so builds will vary
Can you flesh out your hunter anti heal thoughts? I feel like Envenomed Deathbringer and Toxic Blade are enough to fit most ADC builds. All Crit builds can fit anti heal, attack speed builds with Toxic Blade get so much attack speed I don't see why it's a huge loss for stats? Idk
I’m trying to get some friends into smite but they say it seems daunting. I really enjoy playing support roles of any kind, can you make any suggestions on god pairing for joust for beginners? I want them to have a good first couple of experiences
Alley oops.
A cc with damage to follow up really, regardless of which class
Slows make it easy for hunters, assassins and mages to hit confirm, hunters always have their damage online since they don't rely on abilities to do damage
Hard cc's like stuns, knock-ups pulls etc are stronger cc than slows bs more restrictive on the enemy. Just a 1 sec hard cc let's mages/assassins get their burst damage off and kill or atleast chunk them 60+%
Somone needs to go in to detail with the caps. Like Attack spped and power caps from items and buffs, Base etc.
Thanks for the video
what is build like i m new in smite and wondering for a long time what is this thing, it will be a great help for me if someone answers
Thank you for this
The problem I have as a tank is how do I counter build against penetration? I just get melted Al the time with capped out protections! Do I just build straight up health to counter it or build things that slow the enemy down?
Are we talking towards late game or early mid?
@@RECONSIX20 honestly both
@@avi123abc Well early its easy since prots are very powerfull the early you got them since prots have diminishing returns the more you stack them and pen its only usually on adc´s after full build.
For late its mostly utility and having enough cc as supp to do good engages, beign cc´d will get you killed as supp or solo, squishies dies whatever they are or not cc´d since burst its so high. remember you got from 500% to 1000% more uptime or EHP than carries
So, just wondering, what do you do when teammates get upset because you don't copy paste builds that pros do? Example going herc and not getting golden blade. Am I wrong for rushing defense instead of getting GB?
Yea I missed a day but I’m back. Watching this until I’m good day 3
Ok I watched the vid and think I understand now, quick question what’s smite?
Bro is the truth 💯🤝🏾
Is there a cap on anti heal?
Just tried my first two games of conquest. Kinda guy bullied outa both cause I wasn’t very good. It didn’t really bother me but I prob won’t play again. How else can I learn? I’ll gladly play something else
Watching this everyday until I’m good day 1
Can we get the a beginner god tierlist??
“Guan yu” *pans to Zhong* 9:35
Someone should get an ai, feed all the in game data values damge, prots attack speed, movement speed ect, and then the items and goods they correlate to, combine that with a text ai and u have a smite ai that optimizes your build so long as all the data values stay updated.
That won't do much because item and god synergy is often subjective. Something like wing blade would most likely be heavily devalued by an AI pulling data as it's utility is felt within the context of a live game rather than in hard data.
I really hate how some tanks just build the same items regardless of team comp. I’ve seen so many buy spectral when facing a guardian, mage and an assassin not even building crit. Like what a wasted item. You also see in non-ranked joust people having all the same damage type (all mag or all physical) and a tank building defence for the wrong type because they always build that item and they have no idea what other item to build instead. Some people are just brain dead
Some people in “elo hell” need to check this out