London walk: Mayfair, New Bond Street, Old Bond Street, Royal Arcade, Oxford Street narrated walk

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @cmaj9256
    @cmaj9256 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you 🙏
    From Thailand 😊

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for your kind comment and you are very welcome 😀👍 Angela

  • @WatchedWalker
    @WatchedWalker 4 роки тому +1

    Lovely tour Angela, really enjoyed the knowledge you brought to these famous streets. I look forward to watching you return here in December!

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much 😊 Hope all is well with you, loving your Christmas lights videos, can’t wait to get out filming again 🎄

  • @smithyPT
    @smithyPT 4 роки тому +1

    I remember when South Moulton Street was the height of chic in the 80s. it feels less exclusive nowadays but still one of the most underrated streets in central London. Thanks for a great walk.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      You are very welcome as always 👍 A reason I wanted to film South Molton Street is it seems an easy one to miss, in fact many of the streets just off Oxford Street offer, in my humble opinion, some lovely spots to enjoy. I've hovered around South Molton Street but never dived in so quite a discovery for me too. All the best, Angela

  • @carlconner1166
    @carlconner1166 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much lovely vid very clear stay super safe and godbless you and all your people x

  • @awesomecontentamazingfood8334
    @awesomecontentamazingfood8334 4 роки тому +1


  • @tinakampouroglou4479
    @tinakampouroglou4479 4 роки тому +1

    Hi Angela.. Thanks for the shout out... definitely gave us the shipping vibe🛍️information impeccable as ALWAYS.. can't wait for your December video with Londons Christmas lights... would love to see Fortum&Mason inside goodies 😋Great video.. Geia sou🙋‍♀️🇬🇷

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому +1

      Kalimera Tina:) Thank you and of course you are welcome as always, glad you could feel that shopping experience. I can't wait to get out filming again especially for Christmas, possibly my favourite time of year. I filmed for 5-minutes in Fortnum & Mason until someone made me stop telling me I'm not allowed:( But I'll post the video next week anyway! All the best, Angela

  • @frankmartin1168
    @frankmartin1168 4 роки тому +1

    Great new walk! Hope your well in lockdown 2.0

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Frank and I hope you are well. Well, it's another lockdown, so, well, yep, that's it really;) Angela

    • @frankmartin1168
      @frankmartin1168 4 роки тому +1

      @@ChattyWalkswithAngela your welcome. Doing good here. Having lovely temperatures in Orlando. Staying safe

  • @ericspaans4008
    @ericspaans4008 4 роки тому

    Thanks again, another gem, please stay safe.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much Eric👍 Lockdown 2 ends this week so I’m looking forward to getting out amongst the Christmas lights🎄

  • @michaelgray3002
    @michaelgray3002 4 роки тому +1

    Hi Angela how are you doing I just finish watching your latest video this time not so late at night as it's 10:53am Saturday morning here in western Canada. I have never been down those streets either but those arcades are absolutely beautiful and I love chocolate .
    Yes I hear you guys are back in lockdown again hopefully for not to long as it's Christmas time and I can't wait to see your Christmas lights video hopefully you will be able to get out and film it shortly.
    Yes I totally agree with everyone you are a essential service as we love our videos from our favorite London walking you tuber ❤️.but I understand you have to keep safe like all of us do.
    As always Angela great filming and Narration as you are the best in doing walking videos and we love hearing from you as well.
    Take care luv and will look forward to the next video
    Michael Gray
    Calgary Alberta Canada.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      Thank you SO much Michael for your supportive words, it's great to hear them:) And I'm very pleased to know you are watching this video at a much more sociable hour! Lockdown mark 2 ends this week and, weather permitting, I plan to be out filming as soon as possible, safely or course. I hope all is well at your end of the planet; are parts of Canada on lockdown too right now? We're just trying to work out Christmas under the new regulations... it ain't easy! Best wishes, Angela

  • @ChrisSmith-ls7mb
    @ChrisSmith-ls7mb 4 роки тому +1

    Hello Angela
    Loved the walk and talk. Haunch of Venison not something you hear every day but it is also a quote from Good Night Sweetheart. Phoebe asked the west end butcher in an upper class voice for the aunch of Venison Voltaire I did try to read one of his books, I learned about him from the Richard Sharpe's TV shows with Sean Bean. We love walking in this area. Love your French accent. Yes Angela you are a essential service but we want you to be safe. In Burlington arcade is Atkinson a British perfume shop and my new favorite, I was so looking forward to buying some more. Love there shaving cream. Take care stay safe. Chris and Sandra of Canada.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      So packed full of great information as always Chris:) I'll write down the perfume shop and try to have a good look when I film in Burlington Arcade (might contact them ahead of time to ask if I can come in, after my experience being told not to film in Fortnum & Mason). I love that haunch of venison thing, can just imagine a posh accent asking for 'an aunch'! The book I couldn't remember the name of when filming was Candide, it's all quite existentialist, not sure I grasped it when I was 16! Thank you as always for your kind works and support, and best wishes to you and Sandra 👍 Angela

  • @shashidharv4382
    @shashidharv4382 3 роки тому

    Loved the, I just need some money for shopping!!!!!!!!!

  • @goldie7491
    @goldie7491 4 роки тому

    You are absolutely an essential service! I always anticipate your next video and love all the interesting facts you give us and also your own views on things. The architecture in the area is beautiful. Yes, I remember learning about flying buttresses in school. That one always sticks in my head. The yellow wisteria over Boodles is stunning. Ha, "I know a lot of you appreciate cakes..." Guilty! Always happy to see a display of culinary goodies. Sad that it's lockdown again, however the emptier streets make for good filming. Great video once again. Looking forward to your December Christmas lights video.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      Hey there Mr Goldie, lovely to hear from you - and in the other comment you posted on the other video. I've been so busy with work that it's hard to keep to an upload schedule plus one video was filmed in such low light it was unusable, then my laptop lost its sound and my son had to find a workaround, I've been trying to learn how to edit etc etc etc. So it's very nice to get your positive comments, makes it worthwhile:) And yes, chocolates and cakes are always an excellent point of interest. Once we're 'let out' again next week and if the weather is kind, Christmas lights videos should be on their way soon. All the best, Angela

    • @goldie7491
      @goldie7491 4 роки тому

      “Ms.” Goldie, if you please. I don't know if that's a typo or whether you think I'm male (must be my husky voice), but I'm a girl, just like you!
      I know taking and posting these videos is much more labour intensive than the half hour to hour videos we see. Just put it on the back burner. The next time you’re sitting with your feet up with nothing to do (ha) you can pull out the suggestion box (mine will be top front, of course). ;D

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      @@goldie7491 Lol, that's so funny, sorry about the typo, it amused Mr Let's Walk London anyway! And then we started talking about the singer Goldie who was in a Bond movie and then Strictly.... But supportive comments really do make a difference and yes, I'll head back to that narrow alley to take a look at the mice eating cheese and see if I can locate the hidden garden all under the guise of a 'Christmas lights' walk;)

  • @Sadboy31166
    @Sadboy31166 4 роки тому

    Hi . i like you n your all video. Love you ❤

  • @johnorchin8567
    @johnorchin8567 4 роки тому

    Hi Angela, I was absolutely stunned that while in Old Bond Street you said 'I've never been down here in my life' how could that be?
    Queen Elizabeth 11 was born at 17 Bruton Street, I believe it's a Chinese restaurant now. The house where Handel lived is now open to the public, as the Handel Museum. Hidden in the arches at the entrance to Burlington House are two prototypes of the famous red telephone boxes that adorn our streets.
    Hope viewers maybe interested in these few random facts.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому +1

      Fantastic facts as always John, thank you👍 Re: never having walked along there, I suspect it's the inverted snob in me, which is rather a sad reflection on my character! I did enjoy it immensely although can't ever imagine going into one of the shops other than for interest value. Hope you are well, all the best Angela

  • @FredStam
    @FredStam 4 роки тому

    Thank you, nice walk never been there. The arcades are very nice to see... Again I hope that the Covid stuff will soon be over so we can go to London again. You talk about Voltaire. I know the guy...but thats all... I never came further than Le Petit Prince. French not my favorite language. learned it for 4 years. English for 10 years and Dutch for 14 years and still learning. Now I am learning for my full licence fo Radio Amateur and thats tuff. but I already said...nice walk and not at all crowded. Like it.

    • @ChattyWalkswithAngela
      @ChattyWalkswithAngela  4 роки тому

      Well Mr Stam, you sound like a true polyglot👍 Learning languages is a specific discipline and it's amazing that you have put the time into getting to know so many, your English is certainly very good indeed. I think I studied French for around 10 years but have forgotten so much of it now, also German at school, Russian at school and university, and now I have basic Greek as my husband is from that part of the world. But I am not a master of any of them in particular sadly. Good luck with the Radio Amateur licence, that sounds rather difficult actually. I'm trying to learn more about videography and editing, but my mind is all about big ideas rather than practical skills, so it's a very long learning curve. Of course thank you as always for your kind words and support:) Angela

    • @FredStam
      @FredStam 4 роки тому

      @@ChattyWalkswithAngela I am not a polyglot, you are. Learning Russian and Greek. My learning was only in my schooltime. it was mandatory

  • @maxwellsimoes238
    @maxwellsimoes238 4 роки тому +1

    Good video girl nice speaks english native