Prof. Lada Kolomiyets: The Bright and Dark Sides of Translating Russian Literature in Soviet Ukraine
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- 17. apríl 2024
Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i. + online
Online hosťovská prednáška
Svetlé a temné stránky prekladu ruskej literatúry v sovietskej Ukrajine
Nahrávané cez platformu Zoom.
Video neobsahuje záznam diskusie po prednáške.
Prednáška je v anglickom jazyku.
Prednáška sa koná v rámci grantu VEGA Preklad a prekladanie v dejinách a súčasnosti slovenského kultúrneho priestoru. Premeny podôb, statusu a funkcií: texty, osobnosti, inštitúcie
Ukrajinsko-ruské prekladové vzťahy v tzv. „spoločnom kultúrnom priestore“ v období od dvadsiatych do päťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia charakterizuje dramatický konflikt. Prekladanie z ruštiny a cez ruštinu v období od polovice tridsiatych až po polovicu päťdesiatych rokov obrazne pripomína zovretie králika veľhadom. Keď v poststalinskom období toto zovretie trochu poľavilo, vznikla nová škola prekladu, ktorá odmietala rusifikáciu. Jej hlavnými teoretikmi boli známi prekladatelia ruskej prózy Olexa Kundzič, Stepan Kovhaniuk, Maxim Rylsky a iní. Prednáška sa sústredí na historiografický opis ruskej literatúry v ukrajinskom preklade. Na základe porovnania reprintov a opakovaných prekladov s pôvodnými prekladmi osvetlí ideologicky podmienený knižný trh a meniaci sa charakter sovietskeho kánonu klasickej ruskej a zahraničnej literatúry.
Lada Kolomiyets získala doktorát z translatológie, je profesorkou na Národnej univerzite Tarasa Ševčenka v Kyjeve a v súčasnosti hosťuje na Dartmouth College, USA. V minulosti bola držiteľkou Fulbrightovho štipendia na University of Iowa (1996/1997) a Pennsylvania State University (2017/2018), ako aj Wenner-Gren Foundation fellowship, Harris Distinguished Professorship Foundation a iných. Venuje sa interdisciplinárnemu výskumu literatúry, folklóru a prekladu. Je autorkou troch monografií, niekoľkých učebníc pre vysoké školy a zostavovateľkou antológií. Monografie: Conceptual and Methodological Grounds of Contemporary Ukrainian Translations of British, Irish, and North American Poetry (2004) a Ukrainian Literary Translation and Translators in the 1920s-30s (2013, 2nd ed. 2015). Kapitoly v knihách: Translating Russian Literature in the Global Context (2024), Translation Studies in Ukraine as an Integral Part of the European Context (2023), Translation under Communism (2022), Translation and Power (2020). Autorka encyklopedických hesiel v The Routledge Handbook of the History of Translation Studies (s Oleksandrom Kalnyčenkom, 2024).
Moderátor: doc. PhDr. Martin Djovčoš, PhD.
17 April 2024
Institute of World Literature SAS + online
Online guest lecture
The Bright and Dark Sides of Translating Russian Literature in Soviet Ukraine
Recorded via the Zoom platform.
The video does not include a recording of the discussion after the lecture.
The lecture is in English.
This lecture will depict the dramatic conflicts of Ukrainian-Russian coexistence in the so-called “common cultural space” from the early 1920s to the early 1950s, which unfolded in the field of translation. Translating from and through Russian, as a mediating language, from the mid-1930s to the mid-1950s, reminded the slow but increasingly deadly compression of a rabbit by a boa constrictor. When in the post-Stalin era, this suffocating grasp partly relaxed, an entire school of translation emerged inflected against Russification. Its chief theorists included well-known translators of Russian prose such as Oleksa Kundzich, Stepan Kovhaniuk, and Maksym Rylsky, among others. As part of the historiographic description of Russian literature in Ukrainian translations, the lecture will examine reprints and retranslations alongside the first translated editions; it will illuminate the ideology-based market and the shifting character of the Soviet canon of classical Russian and foreign literature.
Lada Kolomiyets is a DSc (Philology) in Translation Studies, Professor at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, currently Visiting Professor at Dartmouth College. Fulbright scholar at the University of Iowa (1996/97) and Pennsylvania State University (2017/18). An interdisciplinary researcher in literature, folklore, and translation studies. Her books include monographs Conceptual and Methodological Grounds of Contemporary Ukrainian Translations of British, Irish, and North American Poetry (2004) and Ukrainian Literary Translation and Translators in the 1920s-30s (2013, 2nd ed. 2015), book chapters in Translating Russian Literature in the Global Context (2024), Translation Studies in Ukraine as an Integral Part of the European Context (2023), Translation under Communism (2022), Translation and Power (2020), etc., numerous peer-reviewed articles in the leading journals, as well as encyclopedic articles, in particular, in The Routledge Handbook of the History of Translation Studies (co-authored with Oleksandr Kalnychenko, 2024).
Moderated by doc. PhDr. Martin Djovčoš, PhD.