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"I don't think i will ever get used to that" Its official boys, they are getting married.
Nah... there is chance they might end up together, but from that sentence?? NAH
Damn, you have good ears buddy.. you really have to be an active listener to hear that small things 😅
theoretically she won his car. Now in reality she probably is not going to take it at the end but she still might play into it and refer to the bet for the content
This is actually pretty cool. Nick really trusts Salma.
Not Nora she can't drive
that "dont be a pusseh" tho :D KLAT
@@Unknown44165She already drove it tho.
Nick and miz trusting people to drive their expensive ass cars
@@natusMCMII in a parking lot that's empty. In what world do you think that is comparable?
Nora joygasms every time the throttle goes down.
@@privatecitizen5264 yoooo, you aren’t kidding she legit had a la petite mort.
Nora's "dont be a pussy" on Knuts voice is just the best
This was awesome. I appreciate Nick for letting Salma have this moment with you.
Now this was a W stream!
once you taste that much power in a car it ruins normal cars.
The stocks are going back up
Yeah, but I'm selling right now!
Nora making Salma loving the car so she can driver her in it
Nobody tell Salma about launch control
Great stream, great vibes wish we would get more of this.
If this was Nunu and Soul they’d run from the cops and hold Pyder hostage… it’s your boy Pyder btw
I’m surprised u didn’t glaze nick(Jason) in your comment as well 😂 “omg you’re so cool and handsome Nick, I love you!!”
Hhahaha for real! Also, Pyder, u're the hero Los Santos deserves ngl. :D
Nick take notes. I’m pretty sure we found Nora’s kink 😂😂😂
Little Einstein, a year 6 classic right there.
The sheer terror, isnt escalade also many bhp
The Escalade would be way harder to drive than the GTR lol.
She drove the escalade and was more comfortable with it hence she wanted to take it instead of the gtr
God Salma looks a lot like their brother, she really is his twin. Wonder how he and their other sister think of all of this
Is it me or do they look like twins sisters?
Nora like 26 and she is 21 going on to 22.
No, it is you
They look like sisters, not twins though.
She spoke about it on stream yesterday, she gets it a lot. You are not the only one
Try sending it in someone's Tesla Plaid while you're here. 😐
740 hrp it's not something you call it normal😅
Why is it cranking so much? LOL homie needs spark plugs or some shit
You dont know what you are talking about lil pup
@@Chezzzzy it’s tuned on e85
this is like monkees playing with a gun. Jus a matter of time before somein bad happens.
its not that deep .... im quite sure my Subaru STI could slap that in a drag
You drunk brother. It would slap it in a forest race, but in a drag has no chance.
Brother 6.56 seconds gtr 1/4 mile drag time modded. Stock 10.1STI. . . 13.1 Stock. Modded who cares.Lay off the copium
If salma want to change twitch name do it now ask QTcinderella
"I don't think i will ever get used to that" Its official boys, they are getting married.
Nah... there is chance they might end up together, but from that sentence?? NAH
Damn, you have good ears buddy.. you really have to be an active listener to hear that small things 😅
theoretically she won his car. Now in reality she probably is not going to take it at the end but she still might play into it and refer to the bet for the content
This is actually pretty cool. Nick really trusts Salma.
Not Nora she can't drive
that "dont be a pusseh" tho :D KLAT
@@Unknown44165She already drove it tho.
Nick and miz trusting people to drive their expensive ass cars
@@natusMCMII in a parking lot that's empty. In what world do you think that is comparable?
Nora joygasms every time the throttle goes down.
@@privatecitizen5264 yoooo, you aren’t kidding she legit had a la petite mort.
Nora's "dont be a pussy" on Knuts voice is just the best
This was awesome. I appreciate Nick for letting Salma have this moment with you.
Now this was a W stream!
once you taste that much power in a car it ruins normal cars.
The stocks are going back up
Yeah, but I'm selling right now!
Nora making Salma loving the car so she can driver her in it
Nobody tell Salma about launch control
Great stream, great vibes wish we would get more of this.
If this was Nunu and Soul they’d run from the cops and hold Pyder hostage… it’s your boy Pyder btw
I’m surprised u didn’t glaze nick(Jason) in your comment as well 😂 “omg you’re so cool and handsome Nick, I love you!!”
Hhahaha for real! Also, Pyder, u're the hero Los Santos deserves ngl. :D
Nick take notes. I’m pretty sure we found Nora’s kink 😂😂😂
Little Einstein, a year 6 classic right there.
The sheer terror, isnt escalade also many bhp
The Escalade would be way harder to drive than the GTR lol.
She drove the escalade and was more comfortable with it hence she wanted to take it instead of the gtr
God Salma looks a lot like their brother, she really is his twin. Wonder how he and their other sister think of all of this
Is it me or do they look like twins sisters?
Nora like 26 and she is 21 going on to 22.
No, it is you
They look like sisters, not twins though.
She spoke about it on stream yesterday, she gets it a lot. You are not the only one
Try sending it in someone's Tesla Plaid while you're here. 😐
740 hrp it's not something you call it normal😅
Why is it cranking so much? LOL homie needs spark plugs or some shit
You dont know what you are talking about lil pup
@@Chezzzzy it’s tuned on e85
this is like monkees playing with a gun. Jus a matter of time before somein bad happens.
its not that deep .... im quite sure my Subaru STI could slap that in a drag
You drunk brother. It would slap it in a forest race, but in a drag has no chance.
Brother 6.56 seconds gtr 1/4 mile drag time modded. Stock 10.1
STI. . . 13.1 Stock. Modded who cares.
Lay off the copium
If salma want to change twitch name do it now ask QTcinderella