Ugh.... I can't even.... I'm in love with your voice!! Why are you not famous all over the world?? Incredible! The breathe control... the range... the amazing technical abilities.... Amazing!
kelas hari ni lecturer tunjuk this video sebab artikulasi aina abdul sangat bagus. tak kesemua orang ada kelebihan macam ni. im so proud of you aina. keep it up!!
Power betul la suara dia ni. Malaysian tolong la pandang bakat2 camni. Malaysia dah lama xde penyanyi power camni sejak zaman artis 'segera' ni naik. Station2 tv jemput la Aina perform kat award2 besar. Radio2 pun jemput la time2 ada konsert luar. Beri peluang pada dia berkembang dan tunjuk bakat. Terutama media prima. Aina ni lahir dari program mentor media prima kan. Tv3 up la sikit artis keluaran dia yg berbakat ni. Kalau hauk tu takpe la jugak. Kalau aina ni dapat kat astro mau nya dia up kaw2 artis keluaran dia. Bagi peluang pada Aina macam Ernie Zakri. Ernie ni start naik pun sejak join program duet astro anjur tu.
yup betul! aku sokong.. sepatut nya artist yang ada bakat besar macamni yang patut dinaikkan dalam industri muzik malaysia.. Aina pernah raih award 'VOCALIST OF THE WORL' beb wakil untuk malaysia! hmm tapi tu lah.. malaysia pun tak nampak dia.. kesian aku tengok.. SUMPAH kesian.. apapun goodluck untuk Aina Abdul!.. all the best!
Selain dr Tokti, aku akan beli tiket konsert Aina if dia ada buat konsert.. serius!! aku pantang if ada org vokal power gila2 mcm ni.. dan of course, tak bingit mcm artis2 suara tinggi yg lain.. Love u la Aina!! 😘😘😘
@@jimmyneutron226 ahaha.. skrg ni ada je watch music video Yuna tp less comment.. addicted tengok video2 interview skrg ni.. tgh tnggu lagu2 baru dia after Rouge.. just follow dkat IG Yuna je.. hehe..
aina..saya doakan allah buka mata komposer2 malaysia.. please jgn underrated singer yg sangat talented mcm aina ni. nabila razali?? maybe rezeki dia but you much better than her..push forward your talent aina in any way if possible.. u deserves an applause from music industry. xpenah2 komen di mana2 video youtube. this is my first time.impressed sangat tengok u.. good luck aina
Sebab tuh industri muzik kita tak boleh pergi jauhh, sebab komposer salah nilai bakat yang ada... Jujur cakap aina nie layak duduk sebaris dgn Celine Dion, sam smith senang cakap boleh pergi international... Kalau dia audition AGT, confirm2 dapat gold buzzer..
Saya baru kali ini menemukan suara yg benar benar alami, dan tidak banyak falset nya, 👏 artikulasi nya jelas,, saya sarankan, coba nyari ajang pencarian bakat di eropa ,, seperti sandy sandoro. Semoga berhasil 🙏👍
dia sangat bebas di lagu ini , tak banyak yang dapat membawakan lagu ini se percfect ini. dari semua yang mengcover tak ada yang se perfect Aina Abdul❤️
Kannn...aku byk kali suggest kt lqgu2 die....sekali masok trus 1 dunia kenal....lg2 uk xfqctor....menang mmg xmgkin sbb bias....peserta luar....mcm peserta2 filipina tp yg penting dh dpt tunjuk bakat jt dunia free.....wlpn xmenang tp peserta filipina sgt digemari dan dianggap pemenang sebab keupayaan nyanyian dorg....dorg ln tau peserta luar susqh menang...
Eden Sanchez kalau menang tu bonus sbb diorang undi based on fans. But once you enter that show, the whole world will knew. Glennis walau xmenang tp dia byk dpt jemputan menyanyi sbb org kt sana ramai yg menilai bakat dr paras rupa.
Tahu kenapa di malaysia mereka yg hebat seperti aina byk tggelam? 1. X byk komposer yg hebat 2. Komposer cipta, dia nyanyi sndiri Walaupun x sedap mana... 3. Komposer pilih pnyanyi yg cantik2 je nanyi lagu mereka instead zaman dulu pnyanyi cantik tp suara pun wow mcm aishah!! Skrg mcm vavi pnyanyi cantik tp suara alamak.. Janji leh nyanyi x power pun xpe 4. Kita sndiri netizen x menaikkan or support suara2 yg hebat seperti aina 5. Marketing diri pun x buat betul2.. Zaman you tube mesti kena explore or brani belajar cipta or belajar instrumen music.. Compose lagu sndiri mcm apa yg aina buat lagu sumpah..Queen in making if smua pnyanyi hebat boleh compose lagu sendiri 6. Stesen radio tu sndiri pilih bulu mcm civai... Lagu yg power memilih.... Jarang dgr lagu sumpah aina di mainkan.... Fokus pada lawak2 ntah ape2 dj nye... Apepun hanya pndpt saya.. Harap2 pnyanyi bersuara hebag mcmni jgn sepi.. Terus berkarya... Suara anda suara emas... Show who u are!! Good luck
For the first time saya comment dlm saluran UA-cam ni dan nyanyian Aina sgt cantik dan berbakat besar.. pelik mcm mana x boleh menang AJL hari tu..giler naik pecah kepala pikir yg kamu punya suara sgt padu n penuh dgn jiwa.. Congratulations Aina.. teruskan dan jgn putus asa dan jgn sekali2 selesa dgn apa yg dah kita ada.. terus maju jaya..😊
dunia?? hahaha belum ke tahap itu lgi bro. klau permata di malaysia pun rasanya belum lgi la. saya juga minat Aina Abdul. tapi suara macam Aina ni kat malaysia banyak lagi yg lagi better more than she. but composer dn sponcer di malaysia ni hanya paras rupa saja dan gosip2 liar yg di utamakan. bakat no 2 .
@@abbasindang24 actually sekadar level asean saja. Klu dia dapat vocal coach dari luar malaysia boleh pergi jauh ni... Dia pnya vocal banyak onpoint.. Solid voice pun ada... Masih katergori ok.
@@boybhayan3249 ye sya tahu. sya sala 1 peminat beliau. saya follow artis yg betbakat besar macam Aina Abdul. idayu AF. Bob AF. Salma Asis. Ayu Damit.dan Asmidar. dan bnyak lagi la. tapi semua bnyak show luar je kecil2 lan. yg artis xde bakat cuma rupa je yg ada dn gosip2 tu lah yg di utamakan.
@@abbasindang24 Ini tugas kita sebagai orang yang meminati artis yang berbakat besar seperti ini dengan memberi semangat dan motivasi supaya ia mengejar cita2 di tahap yang kita inginkan....
@@abbasindang24 Di dalam industri Malaysia mahupun industri muzik dunia , penghibur tak boleh bersandarkan kepada bakat suara semata-mata ,tapi harus menitik beratkan lagu . Lagu yang akan membawa bakat seseorang artis itu di level yang lain...Lagu adalah nadi seseorang penyanyi di dalam industri muzik..In Shaa Allah..kita doakan agar bakat-bakat seperti ini terus maju dan mengharumkan nama malaysia di mata dunia... :)
This song reminds me of my grandmother. She loved Celine Dion SO much. I was able to see Celine Dion in concert this past February and my grandmother passed away 2 months later. Thank you for this cover! I am moved to tears ❤️
Tolak tepi tntang teknik, range, pithching aina yang dah mmg gempak, apa yg buat dia ni special, intepretasi dan feel dia dlm nyanyian dahsyat. Tak perlu acrobatic lebih2 pun dh rasa. tak sabar AJL!
aina abdul kalau menyanyi tangan dia tuu comel betul...suara da la sedap gileeeeee...kalau diberi peluang nak ada suara sedap,aku nak sangat ada suara macam aina nii so syedappppppppppppp do
Sedap nak mampuss suara ko dikk..International class voice ..power superb ..tak tau nk kata apa laa... mampuss sedapp..semua note ko capaii dikk dari rendah ke tinggi did it Aina ..👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hi.. you can watch a legend from Malaysia and Malaysians Sweetheart Siti Nurhaliza. Ernie Zakri also as talented as Aina Abdul. 👇🏻
OMG Aina... !! I got feeling Celine Dion was one of ur idols, right.? And ur voice really blew me away. Is like blooming flowers in the garden surrounded by butterflies under the Sunshine . U can go high dear.. Please register yourself for America's Got Talent next year.. Show them ur Wonder Woman side.
Antara yg bagus awak ni Aina selain suara yg power dn sedap gila..awak sentiasa tampil dgn pakaian yg x menampak kn susuk tubuh.. terbaik aina..moga awak semakin berjaya dlm bidang ini insyaallah 🤲🤲
Aku suke gile lagu ni. Dalam banyak2 lagu.ini yg paling teruja Dan manusuk jiwa. Patut Aina kene ada lagi seakan Akan macam ni melodi die. Seronok sengar, lagi2 celindion
Pertama kali dalam hidup aku dengar Aina sing. Aku tutup mata sambil dengar guna headphone.....tiba-tiba aku tak sedar menitis air mata jantan....Hebat kamu Aina....Moga Allah bagi Aina rezeki berjaya di peringkat lagi tinggi dan membanggakan Malaysia di persada dunia....Aminnn
@@ernywijayati5382 You boleh tengok dia nyanyi live. Takde beza mcm nyanyi kat studio. In fact tak mcm penyanyi kat tuttttttt... Lipsing all the way 🤣🤣🤣
MasyaAllah, kamu berbakat sekali, jarang ada yg bisa nyanyi lagu ini dengan baik di serantau. Semoga ada rejeki buat go international amin. Dan hadiahnya saya subscribe dan klik lonceng biar tau notif dr kamu. Salam dr indonesia.
@@ijaxrcp18 yup bener, but its ok, lagu ini tuh sama kaya lagu yg ga bisa di apa2in, orang pasti taunya ya si 'artisnya', Misal lagunya siti nurhaliza, KD, agnez mo, celindion, whitney huston. Mau siapapun penyanyinya yg bawain lagunya mereka pasti dibandingin sama penyanyi aslinya mau keluar dari zona itupun susah (mau di ubah aransemen, mau di ubah ini itu, susah) karena lagunya sudah jd otentik
Whaaaaaaaat??? Where did that that HUGE voice come out of??? U r a powerhouse vocalist.....up there with the best in the world. Why are you not famous like them??????????
Next to the Queen I have never heard my favorite song so beautifully. Beautiful voice love it. Stay true to you and please keep singing I look forward to hearing more from you.
yess aina hebat tpi syg bakat mcm ni..susah nk naik..mcm SALMA..pelik laa zaman skrg ni..tapi ap2 pun rezeki tu semua milik allah..tpi apa yg ak suka sekali pasal aina ni..sebutan dia dlm english..walawei klu pejam mata x mcm org melayu..sekian puji..assalamualaikum
amer ahmad each n every singer has their own style and kelebihan. Dont compare. Just enjoy n appreciate music. Spread love n tq for support @ainaabdul ❤️
@@dimasandrean363 sorry if u read my statement properly and understand what meaning form my not comparing aina..with other singer..nowaday u can see right the bbnu always sing like lazy singer not like aina and adore with two of this singer ernie also.. please understand first before your finger shit writing any comments ok..sory if my word. so rude to nob person
I will watch this video millions times.I m just speechless.OMG what a voice and talented singer.I think I prefer your version to be honest.Proud Malaysian.
She is 7 in 1 present hollYwood frmale singer!!!. She has cracked down n blow even soprano's voice! I dunno how mucn or level of her lungs capacity to sing this song , TORMENDOUS GIRL ,U SUCH LIKE GIFTED VOICE FROM HEAVEN ,. ANGELS VOICE AINA,IM HUGE IMPRESSED BY UR VOICE AND ZR VOICE.ZHE U SANG THE SONG MAKE. ALMOST 99.9% THAT THIS IS CELINE DION SONG..PROUD MALAYSIAN AND MALAYSIA BOLE!!! LOVE
This is the combination of Asian Mariah carey and Celine dion , u got the voice range of this song, clear pronounciation , smooth vibra, high voice , skilled breath control, better give more push of breath tone will be awesome
Hi.. you can watch a legend from Malaysia and Malaysians Sweetheart Siti Nurhaliza. Ernie Zakri also as talented as Aina Abdul. 👇🏻
Oh non ,non, non, Je ne suis pas tombée dans le piège, ce n'est pas la chanteuse que vous voyez qui chante, je viens de la démasquer entre 2:56 et 2:57??? le delay de voix est trop flagrant, j'ai beaucoup regarder cette séquence et je me suis que c'est trop osé!!!
There's so much life I've left to live And this fire is burning still When I watch you look at me I think I could find the will To stand for every dream And forsake this solid ground And give up this fear within Of what would happen if they ever knew I'm in love with you 'Cause I'd surrender everything To feel the chance to live again I reach to you I know you can feel it too We'd make it through A thousand dreams I still believe I'd make you give them all to me I'd hold you in my arms and never let go I surrender I know I can't survive Another night away from you You're the reason I go on And now I need to live the truth Right now, there's no better time From this fear I will break free And I'll live again with love And no they can't take that away from me And they will see... I'd surrender everything To feel the chance to live again I reach to you I know you can feel it too We'd make it through A thousand dreams I still believe I'd make you give them all to me I'd hold you in my arms and never let go I surrender Every night's getting longer And this fire is getting stronger, baby I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive Can't you hear my call I surrender all I'd surrender everything To feel the chance to live again I reach to you I know you can feel it too We'll make it through A thousand dreams I still believe I'll make you give them all to me I'll hold you in my arms and never let go I surrender Right here, right now I give my life to live again I'll break free, take me My everything, I surrender all to you Right now I give my life to live again I'll break free, take me My everything, I surrender all to you
Titanic pulakkk .. bakat yg seharusnya dipandang lama dah, tapi sayang, ramai yg masih pilih rupa dari dari bakat ,.... Aina memang terbaik, dari zaman mentor lagi, Insyaallah dengan kuasa AJL Aina boleh pergi jauh lepas ni, sbb suara aina dah setanding Celine dion, jessie j , beyonce , dan semua penyanyi yang terkenal, iloveyou aina. Buat yang terbaik AJL nnti, Bagi bukak mata orang Malaysia yang lama terkurung bawah tempurung, bagi diorang kenal erti ,kualiti bukan kuantiti.. @Aina Abdul you very² awesome
Was searching up for Céline Dion and filtered to sort by upload date, then this came up, just in time for the premier at 12 today. Looking forward! Park dulu
[Verse 1] There's so much life I've left to live And this fire is burning still When I watch you look at me I think I could find the will To stand for every dream And forsake this solid ground And give up this fear within Of what would happen if they ever knew I'm in love with you [Chorus] 'Cause I'd surrender everything To feel the chance to live again I reach to you I know you can feel it too We'd make it through A thousand dreams I still believe I'd make you give them all to me I'd hold you in my arms and never let go I surrender [Verse 2] I know I can't survive Another night away from you You're the reason I go on And now I need to live the truth Right now, there's no better time From this fear I will break free And I'll live again with love And no they can't take that away from me And they will see... [Chorus] I'd surrender everything To feel the chance to live again I reach to you I know you can feel it too We'd make it through A thousand dreams I still believe I'd make you give them all to me I'd hold you in my arms and never let go I surrender [Bridge] Every night's getting longer And this fire is getting stronger, baby I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive Can't you hear my call I surrender all [Chorus] I'd surrender everything To feel the chance to live again I reach to you I know you can feel it too We'll make it through A thousand dreams I still believe I'll make you give them all to me I'll hold you in my arms and never let go I surrender [Outro] Right here, right now I give my life to live again I'll break free, take me My everything, I surrender all to you Right now I give my life to live again I'll break free, take me My everything, I surrender all to you
GIRL, YOUR VOICE GAVE ME THE CHILLS! I love this song, it's one of my favorites and you covered it so well. Thank you so much. Celine Dion would be so proud
* Vocals on point.
* Effortless High Note.
* Solid voice 99.9%
* Superb Dynamic.
* Great Voice Control.
* Better breath support.
* Clear Phrasing.
* Power Chest Voice.
* High Key.
* Nice Vibrato.
* Amazing Belting tho!.
Totally agree❤💓👍👍👍👍
Totally on point bro...
You name it!
💯 agreed
Tuptap yg menang naim daniel sis lol
Aku tak sangka suara sedap camni pun ada orang nak perli. Kalau tak percaya cuba scroll. Orang tu dari Indonesia.
Aina ni kena masuk america got talent.. Talent taraf international ni..
Tue r pasal 💯👍🏻
Ugh.... I can't even.... I'm in love with your voice!! Why are you not famous all over the world?? Incredible! The breathe control... the range... the amazing technical abilities.... Amazing!
Kristen vc é linda magnifica maravilhosa uma bela mulher ta de parabéns perfeita 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍
Kristen eu te amo ❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Will be famous 😃
made in Malaysia!!! Malaysia Boleh. Now and forever Famous
I'm a Celine Dion's fan... I must say that you sang the song perfectly! I'm giving you the standing ovation for the perfect cover ever!
Try to look at Tiara Indonesian Idol I surrender
@@jezreelkosasih5566 sure, will check it out.. Thanks!
@Nur Hidayah oh really... Guess I'll need to listen to it soon, thanks for letting me know
@@jezreelkosasih5566 keren3
Ainaa still 10x better than tiara.this my honest opinion.sorry.
kelas hari ni lecturer tunjuk this video sebab artikulasi aina abdul sangat bagus. tak kesemua orang ada kelebihan macam ni. im so proud of you aina. keep it up!!
@@mymd844 artikulasi tu sebutan huruf yg jelas. Contoh huruf, R,H,O
Kalau pelat r tu org pggil ape?
@@matkapak6586 Orang panggil Aikulasi.. Sebab pelat R kan..
Power betul la suara dia ni. Malaysian tolong la pandang bakat2 camni. Malaysia dah lama xde penyanyi power camni sejak zaman artis 'segera' ni naik. Station2 tv jemput la Aina perform kat award2 besar. Radio2 pun jemput la time2 ada konsert luar. Beri peluang pada dia berkembang dan tunjuk bakat. Terutama media prima. Aina ni lahir dari program mentor media prima kan. Tv3 up la sikit artis keluaran dia yg berbakat ni. Kalau hauk tu takpe la jugak. Kalau aina ni dapat kat astro mau nya dia up kaw2 artis keluaran dia. Bagi peluang pada Aina macam Ernie Zakri. Ernie ni start naik pun sejak join program duet astro anjur tu.
Suria Tq support aina #ainations ❤️
yup betul! aku sokong.. sepatut nya artist yang ada bakat besar macamni yang patut dinaikkan dalam industri muzik malaysia.. Aina pernah raih award 'VOCALIST OF THE WORL' beb wakil untuk malaysia! hmm tapi tu lah.. malaysia pun tak nampak dia.. kesian aku tengok.. SUMPAH kesian.. apapun goodluck untuk Aina Abdul!.. all the best!
Percayalah... Kalao aina ni bkn dr mentor...dia dr media sosial...BIG STAGE tu dia tapau hbis.. tv3 xjge.produk...sorry to say
Kannn aina is malaysian talented singer everrrrrr
Salam dr indonesia,, dlm sehari 20 x lebih putar in lagu ini,, 😘😘😘
Sebab tak puas dengar masa Vokal Mania haritu, dtg sni balik. Who's with meeee
PERGHHH.... GEMPAK LAH!!!! Much respect to you!
Nephi Acaling lots of love nephi ❤️❤️❤️
Nephi nice org nya 😁
Hi nephi....
Waw..kamu komen bahasa melayu..
Selain dr Tokti, aku akan beli tiket konsert Aina if dia ada buat konsert.. serius!! aku pantang if ada org vokal power gila2 mcm ni.. dan of course, tak bingit mcm artis2 suara tinggi yg lain.. Love u la Aina!! 😘😘😘
azharkent sis lama tak nampk sis punya komen kat mv yuna
Hi sis lamaaa x nampakkk
@@jimmyneutron226 ahaha.. skrg ni ada je watch music video Yuna tp less comment.. addicted tengok video2 interview skrg ni.. tgh tnggu lagu2 baru dia after Rouge.. just follow dkat IG Yuna je.. hehe..
@@chenab427 ahaha.. busy sket la kak long.. but still follow up dgn local music industry.. hehe.. Tokti & Yuna, still.. dan skrg dgn Aina.. hehe..
Xde upload siti yg Bru ke
Wow! As a fan of Celine Dion, this sister really is what we call talent!
Quilla vc é linda magnifica maravilhosa uma bela mulher ta de parabéns perfeita 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤❤❤😍😍😍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Quilla eu te amo 🇧🇷🇧🇷😍😍😍❤❤❤❤
aina..saya doakan allah buka mata komposer2 malaysia.. please jgn underrated singer yg sangat talented mcm aina ni. nabila razali?? maybe rezeki dia but you much better than her..push forward your talent aina in any way if possible.. u deserves an applause from music industry. xpenah2 komen di mana2 video youtube. this is my first time.impressed sangat tengok u.. good luck aina
100% agree with you.. she's good, her voice gave me goosebumps. Another singer underrated is Ayu Damit.. these powerful voices are simply awesome.
no worries la..aina abdul pn composer, insyaAllah dia blh survive dgn bakat dia ni huhu
Dia buat lagu sendiri babe..
Sebab tuh industri muzik kita tak boleh pergi jauhh, sebab komposer salah nilai bakat yang ada... Jujur cakap aina nie layak duduk sebaris dgn Celine Dion, sam smith senang cakap boleh pergi international... Kalau dia audition AGT, confirm2 dapat gold buzzer..
2:50 goosebumps
Saya baru kali ini menemukan suara yg benar benar alami, dan tidak banyak falset nya, 👏 artikulasi nya jelas,, saya sarankan, coba nyari ajang pencarian bakat di eropa ,, seperti sandy sandoro. Semoga berhasil 🙏👍
She would be famous after this. Her hardworking are paid off.
dia sangat bebas di lagu ini , tak banyak yang dapat membawakan lagu ini se percfect ini. dari semua yang mengcover tak ada yang se perfect Aina Abdul❤️
Aina, masuk lah Asia Got Talent ke, UK xfactor ke. Mana tau ada rezeki kat luar sana
Kannn...aku byk kali suggest kt lqgu2 die....sekali masok trus 1 dunia kenal....lg2 uk xfqctor....menang mmg xmgkin sbb bias....peserta luar....mcm peserta2 filipina tp yg penting dh dpt tunjuk bakat jt dunia free.....wlpn xmenang tp peserta filipina sgt digemari dan dianggap pemenang sebab keupayaan nyanyian dorg....dorg ln tau peserta luar susqh menang...
Glennis Grace yg hebat tu pun tak menang.......
Sorry white people mmg bias skit
Eden Sanchez kalau menang tu bonus sbb diorang undi based on fans. But once you enter that show, the whole world will knew. Glennis walau xmenang tp dia byk dpt jemputan menyanyi sbb org kt sana ramai yg menilai bakat dr paras rupa.
Dulu pun dia ada masuk pertandingan internt and juara
Tania Levy- Vocal Studio pls reactions
4.48 to 4.50
As an avid fan of yours, it would be an honour to hear your reactions 'bout this video. Thank you so much!
@Tani Levy- Vocal Studio
She is Malaysian singer very humble and lovely
1M view. Tahniah aina. Harap2 one day nanti teringin nak tgok aina nyanyi lagu ni live d pentas yg besar.. I wish
Ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhh machallah 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ya allah.... Knape aku nangis tgok aina nyanyi... Bkat kurnian allah.... Love u kak aina.. Ainations sentiasa bersama kakak selamanya...
Sangat power la Aina Abdul..kenapa la Malaysia lambat nak sedar kewujudan Aina proud to be one of your #Ainations ❤️❤️
Farhana Dean lgu dia hitz fm da putarkn byk kali 😊. Sume english song dia mmg gempak..
@@yattanwar7160 yess betoi..jum la join fanclub Aina Abdul
Farhana Dean jommmmm
@@yattanwar7160 lagu apa?
Stnding internationa dah dia ni
watching from england all i can say is wow that voice is amazing.
Ramai artis cover lagu Celine Dion - I surrender ni tp bg saya version Aina yg paling best. Love u Aina 😍😍😍😍😍
Artis dari program MENTOR semuanya berkualiti tapi jarang dapat perhatian di Malaysia.
Letak segala kesalahan ini kepada Media Prima penting drama sampah
Betul2...tlg la naikkn artis2 mentor ni...
Biasalah yg auta je pemes,Harap Aina Cari market kat luar negara ikut jejak shila n yuna,sayang suara bagus mcm ni tak kemana
siapa mentor aina dulu?
@@falyneefaha7322 ella
Tahu kenapa di malaysia mereka yg hebat seperti aina byk tggelam?
1. X byk komposer yg hebat
2. Komposer cipta, dia nyanyi sndiri Walaupun x sedap mana...
3. Komposer pilih pnyanyi yg cantik2 je nanyi lagu mereka instead zaman dulu pnyanyi cantik tp suara pun wow mcm aishah!! Skrg mcm vavi pnyanyi cantik tp suara alamak.. Janji leh nyanyi x power pun xpe
4. Kita sndiri netizen x menaikkan or support suara2 yg hebat seperti aina
5. Marketing diri pun x buat betul2.. Zaman you tube mesti kena explore or brani belajar cipta or belajar instrumen music.. Compose lagu sndiri mcm apa yg aina buat lagu sumpah..Queen in making if smua pnyanyi hebat boleh compose lagu sendiri
6. Stesen radio tu sndiri pilih bulu mcm civai... Lagu yg power memilih.... Jarang dgr lagu sumpah aina di mainkan.... Fokus pada lawak2 ntah ape2 dj nye...
Apepun hanya pndpt saya.. Harap2 pnyanyi bersuara hebag mcmni jgn sepi.. Terus berkarya... Suara anda suara emas... Show who u are!! Good luck
Btulll tu... tgk salma punyala power tpi lansung x pedulikn..nnti bila dorang dah cipta nama kat ngra luar mula ckp dorang dah lupa ngara
Btul bro....
Perasan jugak, tak pernah dgr lagu aina kat radio.
G buat lgu dgn composer indon.
Tak baik tau Aina, nyanyi sedap². Dah kali keempat belas ulang ni. Xleh move on ! Vocal control mmg terbaik !
For the first time saya comment dlm saluran UA-cam ni dan nyanyian Aina sgt cantik dan berbakat besar.. pelik mcm mana x boleh menang AJL hari tu..giler naik pecah kepala pikir yg kamu punya suara sgt padu n penuh dgn jiwa.. Congratulations Aina.. teruskan dan jgn putus asa dan jgn sekali2 selesa dgn apa yg dah kita ada.. terus maju jaya..😊
Idola Ainations ! Permata di Malaysia ,Asia dan dunia ! Di mana suaranya peminat Aina abdul ! ayuhh !
dunia?? hahaha belum ke tahap itu lgi bro. klau permata di malaysia pun rasanya belum lgi la. saya juga minat Aina Abdul. tapi suara macam Aina ni kat malaysia banyak lagi yg lagi better more than she. but composer dn sponcer di malaysia ni hanya paras rupa saja dan gosip2 liar yg di utamakan. bakat no 2 .
@@abbasindang24 actually sekadar level asean saja. Klu dia dapat vocal coach dari luar malaysia boleh pergi jauh ni... Dia pnya vocal banyak onpoint.. Solid voice pun ada... Masih katergori ok.
@@boybhayan3249 ye sya tahu. sya sala 1 peminat beliau. saya follow artis yg betbakat besar macam Aina Abdul. idayu AF. Bob AF. Salma Asis. Ayu Damit.dan Asmidar. dan bnyak lagi la. tapi semua bnyak show luar je kecil2 lan. yg artis xde bakat cuma rupa je yg ada dn gosip2 tu lah yg di utamakan.
@@abbasindang24 Ini tugas kita sebagai orang yang meminati artis yang berbakat besar seperti ini dengan memberi semangat dan motivasi supaya ia mengejar cita2 di tahap yang kita inginkan....
@@abbasindang24 Di dalam industri Malaysia mahupun industri muzik dunia , penghibur tak boleh bersandarkan kepada bakat suara semata-mata ,tapi harus menitik beratkan lagu . Lagu yang akan membawa bakat seseorang artis itu di level yang lain...Lagu adalah nadi seseorang penyanyi di dalam industri muzik..In Shaa Allah..kita doakan agar bakat-bakat seperti ini terus maju dan mengharumkan nama malaysia di mata dunia... :)
This song reminds me of my grandmother. She loved Celine Dion SO much. I was able to see Celine Dion in concert this past February and my grandmother passed away 2 months later. Thank you for this cover! I am moved to tears ❤️
Keren banget.
Ini termasuk salah satu lagu favoritku, tapi aku ga pernah bisa bawain lagu ini se sempurna ini.
Keren !!!
Tolak tepi tntang teknik, range, pithching aina yang dah mmg gempak, apa yg buat dia ni special, intepretasi dan feel dia dlm nyanyian dahsyat. Tak perlu acrobatic lebih2 pun dh rasa. tak sabar AJL!
Jumpa kat AJL nanti k ?
💯 SETUJU.. One of my favourites singer after Ziana Zain,Liza Hanim,DCT
bang jumpa kat AJL nanti
Steady la q-face
aina abdul kalau menyanyi tangan dia tuu comel betul...suara da la sedap gileeeeee...kalau diberi peluang nak ada suara sedap,aku nak sangat ada suara macam aina nii so syedappppppppppppp do
Sedap nak mampuss suara ko dikk..International class voice ..power superb ..tak tau nk kata apa laa... mampuss sedapp..semua note ko capaii dikk dari rendah ke tinggi did it Aina ..👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥
This girl demonstrates how fickle the music industry is and how much luck plays a part in success. Outstanding voice deserving of world wide fame.
Hi.. you can watch a legend from Malaysia and Malaysians Sweetheart Siti Nurhaliza. Ernie Zakri also as talented as Aina Abdul. 👇🏻
Success is not's work.
She's an Malaysian
Aina Abdul Im going to be honest, you do not sound like my beautiful Celine, but you do have your own tone, WOA AMAZING! Beautiful voice.
Our queen will perform this song tonight live at vokal mania...finally, dream came true 😭😭
OMG Aina... !! I got feeling Celine Dion was one of ur idols, right.? And ur voice really blew me away. Is like blooming flowers in the garden surrounded by butterflies under the Sunshine .
U can go high dear.. Please register yourself for America's Got Talent next year.. Show them ur Wonder Woman side.
Antara yg bagus awak ni Aina selain suara yg power dn sedap gila..awak sentiasa tampil dgn pakaian yg x menampak kn susuk tubuh.. terbaik aina..moga awak semakin berjaya dlm bidang ini insyaallah 🤲🤲
Honestly I don't easily impressed with any cover songs but this girl. Woah, she is something. The vocal truly powerful
Aku suke gile lagu ni. Dalam banyak2 lagu.ini yg paling teruja Dan manusuk jiwa. Patut Aina kene ada lagi seakan Akan macam ni melodi die. Seronok sengar, lagi2 celindion
Artis Malaysia lebih pilih support kak nab yg tak pandai nyanyi tu drpd yg real pandai nyanyi mcm aina ni..
Kebanyakan nya budak belasan tahun yg Blum tau menilai kualiti suara tu janji minat
Sape kak nab😁?
Pertama kali dalam hidup aku dengar Aina sing. Aku tutup mata sambil dengar guna headphone.....tiba-tiba aku tak sedar menitis air mata jantan....Hebat kamu Aina....Moga Allah bagi Aina rezeki berjaya di peringkat lagi tinggi dan membanggakan Malaysia di persada dunia....Aminnn
Kannn ,, dia punya soull tu pergh aku dgr ulang ulang
Beria sgt
100 kali dengar aina nyanyi lagu ni..x rase jemu..go ainaa..terbaik..
Hoping for Celine Dion to watch this cover .. she is so talented. Proud of u gurl ❤️
@@ernywijayati5382 You boleh tengok dia nyanyi live. Takde beza mcm nyanyi kat studio. In fact tak mcm penyanyi kat tuttttttt... Lipsing all the way 🤣🤣🤣
@@lovelyviola103 mantaap
She is good..But Vanny Vabiola from Indonesia alittle bit better... check this :
@@wandi0917 I disagree....
@@mohdafrizal8779 see the live performance of Vanny Vabiola : almost the same..basic voice tones is incredible
Artis generasi baru dgn vokal super wow..Erni Zakri & Aina Abdul
Tak sia-sia saya minat dia ni dari zaman Mentor . Nadeera batch aina pun one of underrated singer sedangkan mempunyai suara yang power .
setuju.. kecewa dia lolos masuk DAA5 Baru2 ni sedangkan dia power keroncong dan dangdut.. ballad pun power.. mana la agaknya dia skg
hanysah Mahmood kita doa kan agar pihak industri memberikan nadeera more of attention . Syg bakat besar macam nadeera tu sian .
Mentor last batch dia jee yg mostly berkualiti !
Khairil Azizi so true . yang skrg ermm susah nak cakap . Thats why kami dah tak layan mentor dah
MasyaAllah, kamu berbakat sekali, jarang ada yg bisa nyanyi lagu ini dengan baik di serantau. Semoga ada rejeki buat go international amin. Dan hadiahnya saya subscribe dan klik lonceng biar tau notif dr kamu. Salam dr indonesia.
menurut aku masih kurang soalnya pengembangan improfnya masih ke penyanyi aslinya
@@ijaxrcp18 yup bener, but its ok, lagu ini tuh sama kaya lagu yg ga bisa di apa2in, orang pasti taunya ya si 'artisnya', Misal lagunya siti nurhaliza, KD, agnez mo, celindion, whitney huston. Mau siapapun penyanyinya yg bawain lagunya mereka pasti dibandingin sama penyanyi aslinya mau keluar dari zona itupun susah (mau di ubah aransemen, mau di ubah ini itu, susah) karena lagunya sudah jd otentik
Punten lyodra
Dier dr secomel anak kucing bila bercakap then bertukar jd singa bila menyanyi..seriously tremendous!!!
Whaaaaaaaat??? Where did that that HUGE voice come out of??? U r a powerhouse vocalist.....up there with the best in the world. Why are you not famous like them??????????
This best cover. will hear later and everyday
Kalau ada beribu-ribu tanda like tu... Saya akan tekan kesemuanya..... Nice voice....
Next to the Queen I have never heard my favorite song so beautifully. Beautiful voice love it. Stay true to you and please keep singing I look forward to hearing more from you.
I wish that Celine Dion will listen to this amazing cover ❤😍 Love from Algeriia 🇩🇿🇩🇿
Akak ni tahap international nii sangat berkualitiii
Dah menang pon international punya competition haritu seblom dia join mentor
Terbaik terus kan perjuangan DLM bidang seni
International darimana nya ya? Jangan mimpi tinggi sangat..suara buruk begini di bilang international..SAMPAH
Dia menang nyanyian peringkat dunia menjadi juara
@@dikakeni589 dtg dah hayun dari indon. dah tenggelam, berasap jerebu semua tak sedar lagi. hahahahah
I see nothing from this girl but the true power of a woman. This is amazing.
I believe one day she will go to internationally........and around the world with the gold voice.....
she become my first favourite singer in malaysia..🤣🤣 really into her soul.into her vibe of it.adore it.
Jennifer vc é linda magnifica maravilhosa uma bela mulher ta de parabéns perfeita 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😍😍😍❤❤❤🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
yess aina hebat tpi syg bakat mcm ni..susah nk naik..mcm SALMA..pelik laa zaman skrg ni..tapi ap2 pun rezeki tu semua milik allah..tpi apa yg ak suka sekali pasal aina ni..sebutan dia dlm english..walawei klu pejam mata x mcm org melayu..sekian puji..assalamualaikum
amer ahmad betul setujuuuu sejuta kali!!!
amer ahmad each n every singer has their own style and kelebihan. Dont compare. Just enjoy n appreciate music. Spread love n tq for support @ainaabdul ❤️
@@dimasandrean363 sorry if u read my statement properly and understand what meaning form my not comparing aina..with other singer..nowaday u can see right the bbnu always sing like lazy singer not like aina and adore with two of this singer ernie also.. please understand first before your finger shit writing any comments ok..sory if my word. so rude to nob person
The best cover of Celine's song I've ever heard in Asia at the present time.
Amazing gaesss 💜...siapa dsini setuju penyanyi UA-cam lebih keren daripada kebanyakan penyanyi artis tanah air..🙄 setuju like
Masya allahhh smpe merinding dngerin mbk aina 👏👏👏👏👏👏
if you sang this in a crowed i can assure you would have a standing ovation! you are INCREDIBLE !!! AMAZING !!! such a beautiful voice
I will watch this video millions times.I m just speechless.OMG what a voice and talented singer.I think I prefer your version to be honest.Proud Malaysian.
She is 7 in 1 present hollYwood frmale singer!!!. She has cracked down n blow even soprano's voice! I dunno how mucn or level of her lungs capacity to sing this song , TORMENDOUS GIRL ,U SUCH LIKE GIFTED VOICE FROM HEAVEN ,. ANGELS VOICE AINA,IM HUGE IMPRESSED BY UR VOICE AND ZR VOICE.ZHE U SANG THE SONG MAKE. ALMOST 99.9% THAT THIS IS CELINE DION SONG..PROUD MALAYSIAN AND MALAYSIA BOLE!!! LOVE
The best Cover Eveeeeeer ... Wowwwww... Congrats!
This is the combination of Asian Mariah carey and Celine dion , u got the voice range of this song, clear pronounciation , smooth vibra, high voice , skilled breath control, better give more push of breath tone will be awesome
That is not an easy song to cover... you absolutely nailed it!!! So gorgeous!!
Yeah she did it
Hi.. you can watch a legend from Malaysia and Malaysians Sweetheart Siti Nurhaliza. Ernie Zakri also as talented as Aina Abdul. 👇🏻
why is lady not famous she sings so well and on point!
Mammamia😮... brividi
Setakat nie versi penyanyi Malaysia yg boleh tapauu habis lagu nie,Salma Asis and Aina Abdul nie je.. Meremanggg wehhhh
zk_ music siti sarah pun power
Budak pompuan tu juga. Lupa nama.
@@edyzeddy2595 dinda? Dia jgk bagus..
@@edyzeddy2595 99
Très très belle interprétation, votre voix est MAGNIFIQUE. ( Very very nice interpretation, your voice is MAGNIFICENT. )
Oh non ,non, non, Je ne suis pas tombée dans le piège, ce n'est pas la chanteuse que vous voyez qui chante, je viens de la démasquer entre 2:56 et 2:57??? le delay de voix est trop flagrant, j'ai beaucoup regarder cette séquence et je me suis que c'est trop osé!!!
@@HARDROCKFOREVER1 Désolé de ne pas avoir répondu plus tôt, mais effectivement, je viens de m'en appercevoir également. C'est bel et bien un FAKE. 👍👍👍 nya aina cover lagu I surrender..salute .lontaran suara yg bertenaga ada dinamik..tahniah aina Abdul.saya peminat awak..
the tone….. 1 in a million… u will never mistaken her for anyone else… the one and only.. AINA ABDUL
There's so much life I've left to live
And this fire is burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will
To stand for every dream
And forsake this solid ground
And give up this fear within
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I'm in love with you
'Cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender
I know I can't survive
Another night away from you
You're the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth
Right now, there's no better time
From this fear I will break free
And I'll live again with love
And no they can't take that away from me
And they will see...
I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender
Every night's getting longer
And this fire is getting stronger, baby
I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive
Can't you hear my call
I surrender all
I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'll make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'll make you give them all to me
I'll hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender
Right here, right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything, I surrender all to you
Right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything, I surrender all to you
Thanks for the lyrics practising on the song
Superb..perfecto! May Allah grants me with such a beautiful voice !
Wow just amazingly talented singer,,, love from Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭😍♥️♥️♥️
1.kau dengar lagu ni
2.kau scroll komen
3.kau nampak komen aku
4.kau baca komen aku dalam hati
And I opp-
5. I like your coment
5. Aku abaikan ✅
5. Aku tersnyum 🙂
5. ok then?
3:18 i keep repeating this part over and over like how she effortlessly nailed that high key with the signal of her hand
Tell me I am not the only one who watches/listens to this over and over!!
im with you jane 👍🥰
here I am with you
I went around looking for the same song cover, i came back to say i agree this is the best so far..
Me .....
Over and over and over againnnnnn
I can't stop watching this 😍 😭 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Titanic pulakkk .. bakat yg seharusnya dipandang lama dah, tapi sayang, ramai yg masih pilih rupa dari dari bakat ,.... Aina memang terbaik, dari zaman mentor lagi, Insyaallah dengan kuasa AJL Aina boleh pergi jauh lepas ni, sbb suara aina dah setanding Celine dion, jessie j , beyonce , dan semua penyanyi yang terkenal, iloveyou aina. Buat yang terbaik AJL nnti, Bagi bukak mata orang Malaysia yang lama terkurung bawah tempurung, bagi diorang kenal erti ,kualiti bukan kuantiti.. @Aina Abdul you very² awesome
Akhirnya aina cover jgak lagu celine dion xsbar nk dgr smpai abis..sbb high vokal 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
urrrgghhh... im getting obssess with all your songs. soooooooo coooooolllll........... keep on sharing
Huhu Kak Aina cover lagu I surrender😍😍😍😍😍😍, can’t wait it
Masya Alloh dek suaramu..sumpah keren parah, yg pling keren adalah di lagu ini kmu bisa mnjadi diri sendiri, bukan penyanyi aslinya ♥️👍👍👍
I think This is the BEST cover that ive found on youtube
Lagu ni salah satu lagu kegemaran.. aina bawak dengan baik.. dalam 1 pkataan lain .. dasyat! Teruskan cemerlang..
This was so moving I cried a little 😂 what a big powerful voice I honestly am in awe of this performance.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Suara nya rasa pengen dibawa pulang 😊😍😘
You're not alone, I'm crying the whole song hm
Was searching up for Céline Dion and filtered to sort by upload date, then this came up, just in time for the premier at 12 today. Looking forward! Park dulu
That's it I'm subscribing this gal she's amazing Allahu you're gifted Aina 😍😍
Yes she really talented. Her voice 👍👍👍
Bilalah yg #AinaAbdul nyanyi x sedap..lepas nyanyi dgn penuh perasaan dia blh ketawa pulak..comel sungguh. #Ainations ❤ u
Ntah menurutku i surrender cover kak aina yang paling sempurna ditelingaku 🤗
Iya kan? Pas bgt karna suara dan penghayatannya sampai ke jiwa
@@angie_renn iyaa .. yg lbih tinggi bnyk , tapi yang enak ke telinga sma ke hati cma cover kak aina aja mnrtku 😂
[Verse 1]
There's so much life I've left to live
And this fire is burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will
To stand for every dream
And forsake this solid ground
And give up this fear within
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I'm in love with you
'Cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender
[Verse 2]
I know I can't survive
Another night away from you
You're the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth
Right now, there's no better time
From this fear I will break free
And I'll live again with love
And no they can't take that away from me
And they will see...
I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender
Every night's getting longer
And this fire is getting stronger, baby
I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive
Can't you hear my call
I surrender all
I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'll make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'll make you give them all to me
I'll hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender
Right here, right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything, I surrender all to you
Right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything, I surrender all to you
Dah nyanyi sedap hempas pulas sampai kitorg yg tahan nafas kepenatan, tetiba ending comel je. 👏👏👏
Miming ja dlm vid ni.
I just close my eyes and listen your Voice... And im feeling like on concert... what a wonderful 😇
Vocal aina sgt mnakjubkn
You own the world. I have never heard a voice like this! You need to be found and promoted.
SEDAPNYA AKAK!! Saya follow akak dari dulu ans suka sangat akak dah makin dikenali !!! Tahniah akak
GIRL, YOUR VOICE GAVE ME THE CHILLS! I love this song, it's one of my favorites and you covered it so well. Thank you so much. Celine Dion would be so proud
MashaAllah angelique voice
Gue baru mampir kesini baru tau pas denger vocalnya sumpah ini bergetar pisan.. jatuh cinta pisan gue :(
gua sih b aja lol
@@thevocalist113 wkwkwk
@@adimaulana hehehe...mungkin gua dah byk lihat referensi dilagu ini sih jadi agak b aja liatnya
@@thevocalist113 2:57
I am very impressed by her powerful voice . Jiayou, Aina !